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So here's a torrent full of torrents for the 9/11 Data set. Includes lots of videos, documents, audio recordings, animations, diagrams, etc revolving around the 9/11 attacks. The torrent here is about 100mb of torrent files only. Downloading all the data from the included torrents will net you over 3 TB of data. Feel free to pick and choose.

Would hate to see this data lost forever. Included a list of the torrents here.

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This is a subject I'm not sure if its worth bringing up or not but given the makeup of the Bunker's userbase I figure at least a few other people here are engaged with following various lolcows

The main one I'm following at the minute is an American kid called KingCobraJFS, and watching his stuff is like slowly sliding into a bath full of human waste, its utterly fascinating watching the real time decline of another human being without the constant stress of experiencing that kind of thing IRL, I've been following M'lord Cobes for a year and a bit now and his slow deathspiral is really accelerating, watching his latest saga I started to think about how large an impact people like CWC and other lolcows had on chan culture and how this kind of mass insight into a stranger's long running nightmare was basically impossible before the internet, it feels like an extension of professional celebrity culture, but more pathetic and grimmer, a uniquely late capitalist experience

Am I a terrible person for watching this kid fall apart from afar, even though I don't interact with him at all, don't tap the glass etc.?

What lolcows do you follow?
Do you empathise with them or is it purely a hate watch for you?

I feel bad for Cobes, I really do, he obviously has a number of serious mental health issues, but he's so fucking obnoxius, unpleasant and spiteful its hard to feel it sometimes, and he's too funny to stop watching

I'm not sure how the fuck to introduce someone to Josh, but here's some classics, condensed and cut to be more tolerable, and a couple videos from other creators on Josh giving more of an overview

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The only IRL person i know who watches lolcows is actually autistic themself. Make of that what you may


You guys should visit sonichu.com


Interesting, thanks. That was very clear.


I am literally autistic as admitted earlier yes, but I don't think that has anything in particular to do with it, Cobes isn't one of my special interests or anything like that, I'm not fixated on him or even follow him consistently

Autistic people tend to spend a lot of time online for a variety of reasons, we're definitely overrepresented on image boards for example,and you have to be pretty online to ever find out about most lolcows in the first place


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He gives trainposters a bad name


Why doesn't anybody live in places like hashima island or western american gold towns? It seems like a waste of pre-fabricated infrastructure, doesn't it?
Would having a dedicated supply chain such as a food distribution center on its own work to incentivize colonist introduction to a place like hashima, or would more be necessary to utilize such spaces for human development?
Also, does anybody else think living in abandoned buildings would be kinda awesome?


The average person will only stick around where they can make a living. You might be able to have a few people who have the means to survive out there regardless do it but for most people so long as industry and commerce doesn't go there they will not go there. This would be potentially less of a concern in a socialist society though.

Theres also the fact that these places will have structural issues and be lacking most of the creature comforts that people are used to like clean potable running water and electricity.


Those places have been badly polluted by reckless development.

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Hello everyone. I was just wondering if anyone has any helpful resources for improving your life but from a left wing perspective? I find all the vacuous and trite content of the 'self help' industry where it's basically just con artists pretending to be rich and successful so they can scam other people for the secrets to be rich and successful, and I can't engage with absurd alienated advice about 'being an entrepreneur', 'marketting myself', 'just visualise your BMW until you have it' and so on.

I'm very depressed and I find it hard to do anything. I don't have a job either and I live in my parents place. So any steps forward would be helpful. But for whatever reason I find it really hard to 'just do X' to improve my life. I feel like everything is fucked so what's the point in doing anything. Whilst I might understand that capitalism is a cause for many of the problems in the world including the ones that affect me, it doesn't really help me deal with it or find a way to make my life tolerable. So, is there anything that has helped you?
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Limpdick asceticism can genuinely help you maintain some semblance of discipline in an environment that constantly insists on you giving into your impulses and wasting your life away wageslaving and then consuming services. It's obviously not at all the magic pill to making you happy and complacent that shitty grifters make you believe it is, and self-help ideology is constantly used to basically shame people for not being rich, but i think the fair thing to do here is to just scavenge what can be useful to you instead of just decrying it. Self-hatred is just another spook after all


because it's moronic to let libs keep everything they touch to themselves. they touch a lot of good things too.

if you can't be happy with mediocrity, then you can't be happy. most people are thoroughly ordinary and there's nothing wrong with that.


>most people are thoroughly ordinary and there's nothing wrong with that.

Cringe. This disgusting bourgeois complacency is everything wrong with the left. Even if you are average you should not be content with being so.


Based. People should strive to do more than to just be average.


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Did you give up?

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Just got forklift certified. 😎 AMA.
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Lmao, no, I am not that much of a faggot, though, I am proud to have a card that says I am certified, yes.
Thanks, anon.

However, if I joined a union I would, deff, do what >>9446 said, lol. I ordered a bunch of IWW gear that i'm gonna be flaunting anyways.


No, lol. I take the safety pretty seriously. I have seen some bad wrecks and people getting mangled really bad by forklifts.




>Then they taught me the basic functionality of the forklife
Did you choose the forklife, or did the forklife choose you?


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OP is German clearly

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Does anybody remember something like "The Last Internationale" or "The Final Internationale" being posted here? If so, can you post a link to it. I think it was some kind of book made on bunkerchan. The cover looked like pic above. I also posted this on leftypol. If that makes this considered spam I'll delete it.


I recall it. I made some posts in the thread as suggestions for the backstory, but don't know what happened to the project. I think the first thread died and at some point the OP made another one saying that work was still going.


Do you have the link to the new one by any chance?


I think that anon is gone. The project was damn fun though. Wish there was any archive of the thread.

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play will resume in exactly 20 minutes


Islanders look more dymanic at the moment


apparently 8 - 0 in shots for the flyers
very different 2nd period


nice positioning for pageou


holy shit that pass to the score

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general lego tread
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there are actually some pretty good knockoffs out there too if you look


How active is the Bunkerchan Lego community?

im trying to get away from 4chan as the constant /pol/ism there is getting tired, never got into using reddit, so im trying to find new communities for my hobbies.

This seems to have a post every few weeks.


We're a slow board but if you post enough questions and other posts, you'll get people replying more actively.


have you checked out /lg/ on /toy/ lately? The super mario sets have caused a wage of /v/ shitposters that spam the threads non stop and have made them totally unusable


motherfucker build me right here and now a 5 stud wide car that resembles an actual car with steering and opening doors that also fits a minifig or two if you're so cool
i take 6 studs if you can fit the minifigs side by side

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What do they do?


shitpost and dab on christoids by behaving like the ideal of what a christoid should be, but claiming that God is anticonducive to being kind and caring while that is instead what Satan espouses.


Satanism is Bourgeoisie


Satanism is a dumb meme. Communism is against religious tripe. Judeo-christian religion is impossible to quash, but we should not encourage new religions.

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So Jamie Peck recently joked that aliens are watching us and they were going to give us space communism, but then they decided we weren't ready. Because we can't even overcome racism within our own species.

Do you think aliens are among us?
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>Don't abductees universally say they're brutal rapists?
I don't trust the abductees


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I wish anime girls were aliens then at least we would know that they exist


>The aliens that are all peace and love and are like "We come in peace plz stop fighting yourselves so you can join the intergalactic federation :)" Or whatever are almost always described as being Nordics and / or Pleiadeans.

Yes, because these memes come from a literal, Falungong/White brotherhood-esque racist cult, and further on from the also racist theosophic society.

>Grey's are the ones that want to shove probes up your ass and Reptiles are just assholes that literally feed off of your bad vibes and vices

What the FUCK would an interstellar civilization possibly need from Earth monkeys, aside, perhaps, doing a footage for the space discovery channel?


Space porn

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