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What can we do to overcome male loneliness in the modern era?
Is pic related the solution?


why does society always wanna resort to martial recreation for young men?


Professional managerial class
Private military company

Is it connected?


Lonliness will always exist as long as humans are treated like commodities. It's a fundamental reality of capitalism.

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✨💖 Femcel Humor Thread ✨💖
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Women like this should be burned at the stake.


Female youth has a massive goddess complex.

Theres nothing more satisfying to a young woman than humiliating a man, especially a man that is in love/awe of them.


>femcel humor
>look inside
>no humor

<just like with 'femcels'


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This guy argues that polyamory is the hallmark of failed states and instable societies while monogamy is the signature of stable and safe liberal societies.
He also argues that sub Sahara Africa's political instability is fueled by a large pool of incels that warlords draw from for campaigns.
What are your thoughts?
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>Just read Engels.
Hello, 19th century is calling. It wants its books back..


More relevant now than ever…


Not really, the anthropology it's draws from is laughable outdated




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Submit your nominations.
I'll start, I present to you:
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Nice try Xiaomi


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Kek i didn't know even it was from Xiaomi.
I just image-searched for "marxist mascot" and then modified what came up.

Tho I wonder why the image search associated Xiaomi with "Marxist".


I like to dance. I'm taking break dancing classes right now.


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The diary/manifesto of the femcel who shot up the Covenant elementary school in Nashville has been leaked by Steven Crowder.
It's pretty much what we all expected.
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Show me where the transhumanists touched you, anon.


Isnt Steven Crowder a toxic combination of the transhumanist mass shooter and a prep school kid?

The guy was cussing out his pregant wife for not giving medicine to their pet dog and wanting to go buy groceries.

He also tried to frame Bem Shapiro as a bad guy for pre-official contract that would pay twenty five million US dollaes for four years of content to Crowder.


I could've saved her/him.


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lol is this a joke or something?


This thread is just altright culturewar agitprop.
crowder, like his friends, just blends the truth until it becomes unrecognizable

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>Wom*n are chadsexu—ACK!


Will Smith got a hood rat.
Carlton got a "southern belle".

But for all we know, the white lady is probably running around but shes keeping it under wraps.


This, he could have literally married Margo Robbie and be as happy as Carlton is now. Out of some stupid sense of loyalty to the hood married that balding bitch instead.


this is why I tire of people sympathising the Black American "old school" ghettofab culture.

Ya know those obnoxious oldheads whom talk about "OG shit" and preaching about "keeping it real/telling it loke it is."

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Interesting video on people falling in love with Replika, an A.I. girlfriend. I think this will be the future for many incels, and many near-cels i.e. men that occasionally get sex and affirmations from the opposite sex.
It really seems like it's ready for prime time now. Where someone can and has convincingly fallen in love with a computer program.
It's going to be funny to see the simp market crash and all these thots suddenly with not betas to fall back on when Chad inevitably dumps them when they hit the wall.
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public intoxication is so based


>Men and boys want sex because of media. It's not women being predatory bastards.
You're going to have your screen name called out TWO times in tonights stream babe.


That's hype tho. What's wrong with that?


Predatory thots are part of the media that exploits male sexuality.

Again, society overseels sex and romance but then punishes cishet males for wanting it.


Based on cringe.

Protestantism is tolerant of alcoholism but shuns masturbation.

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Ive got a proposal for yall.

If had a choice between option A or B for romantic/sexual prospect which one sould you take?

Option A:
>youre stuck in this reality

>you get upgrades on wealth and physique

>you become another plastic e-celeb but now you get alot of bitches

>these bitches only care about your status tho but hey the sex is astronomical

Option B:
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Option A because I am not a closeted homosexual and schizophreniac like you OP


Is this a question for bi people specifically or what? Why is the choice between a straight fantasy and a gay one?

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What's the deal with this guy and why am I seeing his name everywhere?

I've noticed normies are talking about how much of an evil misogynist he is and keep giving him free publicity, hell even my sister was asking me what I think of him. Is he just another clout chasing grifter taking advantage of desperate incels or does he make some good points?
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This is like reading a 2000's livejournal blog.




Anything on Reddit that talks about the yputh is to be taken with a huge grain of salt.

Again, society pathologizes male youth.


Andrew Tate is another umpteenth grifter.

I wouldnt be surprised if was found out to be a mediocre junior educated rich kid whom failed at real work.


lumpenbourgeois grifter #9001
every single "influencer" and "thought leader" should be the first to the guillotines

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What do you think of pornography or sex work?
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porn (especially hentai) + internet = best thing for low status men since sliced bread

as for the prostitution, I have only one question: "Why the fuck so expensive?"
I'm not paying a quarter of my wage so that I would do all the work you lazy fucking cunt! especially when I can have far more fun with my chinese cartoons and eroges

do we have any anons from countries where prostitution is legal? is it that expensive too? fucking monopolist hoes man

tho I do quite enjoy a local vietnamese "massage" parlor, if you know what I mean


this. porn is a savior.

Why do people waste their sexual/romanticurges on trying to impose themselves on another living being you can do so with fictional people?

Why is wreatling allowed to be a vicarious spectative outlet for violence but porn isnt allowed to be the same for sex?


>as for the prostitution, I have only one question: "Why the fuck so expensive?"
The same reason drugs are so expensive: government intervention (socialism).


That isn't what socialism is


Granny, it's not your '60s anymore. Here, you forgot your meds 💊💊💊

>[*nlyPhags] is a very safe space for me
Oh fuck, this is gut. Bitch's selling her sissies out for a quick buck so they won't even think about it being the same fucking prostitution (since your body is still economically alienated from you) except you do it on distance. With all the same fallout attached & even multiplied due to your potential popularity on this widely known virtual red light district.

>What to think of pornography or sex work?

Considering that pornography is just a genre of media it will still persist as long as there is demand for it in the human society. This demand will end with the destruction of human division by sex as a phenomenon when people won't anymore have any connection to, & dependence on this historical artifact of their animal era.
It's non-pro-capitalist production should be tightly controlled with trivial death penalties for the usual shit of our days in the likes of coercion, human trafficking, blackmail, extortion etc.

Sex work is the same crap. Simply slap the scandinavian model of persecution of horny on it & move your focus to something else.

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