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>he who does not work shall not eat


Literally one of the most cringe takes ever.


Niggas who say this need to look up its origins and historical usage.
>He who does not work, neither shall he eat is a New Testament aphorism originally by Paul the Apostle, later cited by John Smith in the early 1600s colony of Jamestown, Virginia

Yeah quoting the fucking Bible and an English settler colonist is a great look for a fucking communist.


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Tankies BTFO


tbf the bible can be based
>"I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
if i was christcom gang i'd have this tattooed on the faces of the former rich.


I mean sure, it can definitely be to some extent, specially liberation theology, but it has limitations given the reactionary character of religious dogma, if anything it should only be approached as a vector for recruitment and radicalization rather than an ideological basis for any movement.


soviet model failed because they tried to give everyone a job. not everyone needs a job for all of us to have our needs met. Working should be a voluntary choice and those who choose to work should be praised as well as given some sort of compensation beyond the basics that everyone gets. Workers should be ranked into categories depending on their efficiency/effort and given bonuses if they are a hard worker. Honestly, just some pride payment would be enough for most people. If youre growing food to feed people and are praised for serving society, thats a lot more satisfying than working way harder for some pointless sales job trying to get people to buy stuff they dont need.


Ideological supermarket, as any supermarket, is only fit for looting


>Working should be a voluntary choice and those who choose to work should be praised as well as given some sort of compensation beyond the basics that everyone gets.
Based, except I disagree with the pride/praise thing, I think if it's an actual job it should have material compensation. But yeah, everyone should get the same basic stuff and then choose how much they want to work.
It's the ideal, anyway. I wouldn't think it's possible in the early stages of socialist society. How do you think the Soviets should have done it?


First half is cringe. We all need work.

The problem is most of our work is based around trivial affairs like bagging groceries and making fast food.

I also think the current system of hiring amd employment should be done away with.

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