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 No.457563[View All]

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In recent news: Ukies done a successful counteroffensive in Izium, Z gang now in shambles. Biden promises even more money for Ukraine. Putin meets Xi, Erdogan, Modi and others at the SCO summit.

Pro-Russia sources:

Pro-Ukraine sources:
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>I think one question is whether the Russians will make it a point to specifically target these French foreign legions.

That was the stated response. It sounds like the Russians intensified shelling on sectors with the FL in it.


I guess this is not surprising. One can only hope they're not sending any more sacrifices.




It doesn't look good, but lets not prematurely pronounce him dead, he may yet turn up.


Hilarious that Newsweek feels the need to shove vladimir-putin even in a story that has practically nothing to do with Putin.


Attention economy, more people click on an article if it's got Putin in it.


>What happens if Ukraine loses?
<Russian victory would be debilitating for the West, and especially for Europe
Not looking good bros…


>The Economist
Neocon whine rag, can safely be ignored.


Ukraine is winning, then?


>Neocon whine rag, can safely be ignored.
Agreed. The premise of this particular neocon imperial-grift was Russia being weak. (All that rhetoric about a gas station masquerading as a country). If the Russians win, the neocons won't be able to say that anymore. Getting a new grift going against a strong opponent is much harder, because in the logic of imperial expansion that's a venture with high investment cost and not enough RoI (return on investment).

>Ukraine is winning, then?
Ukraine lost more than an entire generation, from people fleeing from the war or dying because of it. They lost a big chunk of their industrial base and infrastructure too. They already lost, regardless how this ends. A hundred years will pass before they fully recover from this.


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Film dedicated to Russell Bentley. Our Martyrs March On Forever



Last i heard he was missing. Are we not jumping the gun with the assumption that he died.


>Ukraine lost more than an entire generation, from people fleeing from the war or dying because of it.
pot, meet kettle

NATO is winning then?


good riddance, rest in piss retarded redneck faggot


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why do you get a hardon for the destruction of Ukraine?


I have a massive hardon for the destruction of the normie way of life in general

all those normoids getting blown up, running from drones, screaming, begging for their life, crawling like maggots in the dirt, freezing to death.. IT'S FUCKING GLORIOUS

The normie times are ending. It is MY time now.

If I ever get close to state power you faggots will all drown in blood.


>pot, meet kettle
rofl what retarded innuendo are you even trying to make here?


>if i ever get close to state power
can you get close to a woman without having a panic attack?


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this guy should be married with a kid living peacefully. why do ukrops destroy themselves and their progeny? These subhuman comprador fascists will be crushed by a Russian boot



>aid bill slowly makes its way through Congress, but is mostly full of pork and renewing dod stock with only several billion dollars of direct support for Ukraine

<Ukraine passed mobilization bill but demographic problems and attrition likely to bring in less than the desired 400k bodies

>Today Rezident UA channel reported the following:

> #Inside

> MI-6 transferred new intelligence to the Office of the President and the General Staff about the plans of the Russian army to introduce new 10 brigades to Ukraine by the end of May. For these purposes, heavy equipment is also accumulated, and assault groups with new weapons are also being prepared.

<Western anxiety about Russia taking Kharkov growing

>Russia continues to show its massive industrial output. A new T-90M echelon was sent to the front:

>And Shoigu visited Omsktransmash, where Russian T-80BVMs are being manufactured en masse. You can see the sheer scale and vast multitude of tanks being produced:

>Scoffing doubters have brought up the fact that these are not brand new T-80s, as Russia still no longer produces them. These are all old hulls being restored and upgraded to T-80BVM status. However, in the video Shoigu notes that phase 1 of the resumption of a full T-80 production line has been completed, which is that Russia is now producing the turbine engines from scratch—which you can see in the video as well. The final phase will be for Russia to start actually manufacturing the hulls themselves, which is planned.

>Another extremely significant development is that the tanks are now being rolled out with a native anti-drone EW system some are calling the ‘ZIP’:

>This is a major deal, and is a first for the tanks to be equipped at the factory level, rather than with a field upgrade/attachment later on. That means Russia now has the world’s first and only main battle tank with native EW of this kind. That’s a big milestone and a testament to Shoigu’s hard work in pushing the equally hard-working defense industry to their limits.

<CIA director burns openly stated that Ukraine will lose by end of 2024 if aid is not rendered immediately:

<And the topic of speeches by globalist cretins, here’s a remarkable soundbite from Boris Johnson who says the quiet part aloud, that the Ukraine war is actually all about preserving Western Atlanticist hegemony:

>Stoltenburg admits that Ukraine conflict has drastically cut into nato weapon stocks

<drone attacks on Russian oil production troublesome but largely inconsequential

>I'll leave you with a thought-provoking quote I came across from the German philosopher and Russophile Walter Schubart. What do you think, any truth to his generalizations?

< “Western European man views life as a slave whose neck he has stepped on… He does not look with devotion at the sky, but, full of lust for power, looks down at the earth with evil, hostile eyes. Russian people are obsessed not with the will to power, but with a feeling of reconciliation and love. He is filled not with anger and hatred, but with the deepest trust in the essence of the world. He sees in man not an enemy, but a brother.” An Englishman wants to see the world as a factory, a Frenchman as a salon, a German as a barracks, a Russian as a church. The Englishman wants loot, the Frenchman wants glory, the German wants power, the Russian wants sacrifice. The Englishman wants to profit from his neighbor, the Frenchman wants to impress his neighbor, the German wants to command his neighbor, but the Russian doesn’t want anything from him. He does not want to turn his neighbor into his means. This is the brotherhood of the Russian heart and the Russian idea. And this is the Gospel of the future. The Russian all-man is the bearer of a new solidarity. Promethean man is already doomed to death. The era of John's man is coming - a man of love and freedom. This is the future of the Russian people. The West is driven by unbelief, fear and selfishness; The Russian soul is driven by faith, peace and brotherhood. That is why the future belongs to Russia…”


Apparently his wife made a telegram post that he's died, allegedly at the hands of the Guards fifth tank battalion


>Apparently his wife made a telegram post that he's died.
Oh that sucks.

REST in POWER comrade Texas.

>allegedly at the hands of the Guards fifth tank battalion

Tank battalion ? didn't the Ukrainians ran out of tanks months ago ?
So it was friendly fire ?


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So there's something I've noticed recently that I wonder if anyone else has noticed. When I read a lot of English-audience-directed stuff from native Ukrainian propagandists, it always seems like the writing is on a high school level. The way ideas are expressed, the writing style, argumentation… In my experience with teaching, it's exactly like when a student writes an essay for an assignment and they haven't done enough research to support their arguments with examples and evidence, or they simply couldn't find that material but had to commit to the arguments anyway. So, the student tries to bullshit you and make it seem like there's more to their essay than there really is by alluding to arguments but not actually formulating the arguments. So they'll write something like "X is this, because Y reason." and they'll simply leave it at that without doing anything to elaborate on Y. What's interesting is not just how often you come across this writing style in English Ukrainian propaganda, but they'll even talk in a similar manner in spoken interviews.

So I've been wondering: is this a general phenomenon of Ukrainians right now, or is it just the propagandists who've risen to their positions? Could this be the product of an extremely propagandized society where since 2014 the state has taken great measures to control and suppress the media? Have Ukrainians internalized now that this low level of discourse is acceptable in professional conversations?


>Could this be the product of an extremely propagandized society
Could be, but there's an simpler explanation: sourcing your assertions requires effort, and it's easier to be lazy.

>but they'll even talk in a similar manner in spoken interviews.

Listening to that stuff is masochistic.


I guess another possible explanation is that a lot of these spook-funded propaganda outfits aren't actually targeting an English-language audience directly. The professionals employed by them aren't trying to convince laymen, they exist just to put on airs of credibility, to launder a dubious claim to a trusted media outlet. So who cares how good the writing is, the propagandist is just there to churn content. Many people won't bother putting the effort in to track a claim to its original source to read its sophomoric writing. If The Washington Post Said It, that's good enough for them. I guess the mistake is when some media outlets put these professional charlatans in front of a microphone so listeners can heard their lame arguments directly.


The 61bn dollar "aid package" for Ukraine probably is intended as leverage in negotiations between the US and Russia over ending the proxy war in Ukraine.
The Russian foreign minister said they'd be open for negotiations, but they insist on a buffer-zone and a insurance that Ukraine may never enter nato or host nato troops.


There's a not insignificant cohort of Americans that are functionally illiterate so I imagine that's a factor.


They know they can only get the very young and impressionable who are primed to respond to this. The old are receiving the legacy programming and fearporn to convince them there is no war or it's in a galaxy far, far away. The "middle aged" know it's all a bunch of bullshit to kill poor people and make them suffer, or they're part of the group that believes cynical lying and contempt for the people is their path to power and will always push that button.

Ukrops want to recruit gullible kids who don't know anything about anything as soldiers of fortune, so they give them the infantilized version. They roped some Antifa retards to stand and die with Nazis, and the Antifa retards are still marching with it. But, it's Nazi vs. Nazi. The intended losers are the people who were put in a sacrifice zone, or made to abandon whatever they had in Ukraine.

Ask the Ukranian refugees and they will often tell you the entire situation is a travesty, and they hold Putin to be the guilty party - because Putin is the asshole setting up this experiment in stakeholder capitalism they've always wanted to do. But, they're fucked, and they're people whose only crime was being on land that Klaus Schwab and his boys wanted for their pet project, bringing Nazi economics back in.


It's always the honest who get fucked, and the honest are vocal from the moment this starts, and the honest do not shut up. The Germanic story of history is that "war is the death of truth", because that's what their stupid and retarded ideology tells them to believe, to justify their usual faggotry. History, reality, and communication do not work that way. There were people saying from the outset that the Nazis were screaming fags who only wanted to loot the country, and this is exactly what historians who were living in Germany during the period would write - German historians, English-speaking historians living there during the period like Shirer. The Nazis were seen as disgusting cretins by the end and were always grossly unpopular, except with fags and fag enablers.


>"war is the death of truth"
I may heave a better quote:
<If wars are started with lies, maybe peace can be started by truth
Julian Assange


The truth is quite irrelevant to whether wars happen. No one is actually "deceived" into war. The public interest is vociferously against war for any purpose other than self-defense against a legitimate enemy. We all know the fable about the boy who cried wolf, and Krauts, being a retarded race, told us we have to believe them about imagined threats - threats that the Nazis themselves created, and that would have been put down by ruthlessly exterminating the Nazi fags for starting this shit yet again. The truth is that such people must be put down for peace. Letting them live is bad enough. Inviting them into government was wholly unacceptable and unnecessary, except for one thing; enough interests in Germany wanted eugenics, and the Nazis were the only party that put eugenics above everything else.


The Nazis themselves admit that the people are against war, but that this was irrelevant. It was not them saying that they "fooled" people into anything. Once the Nazis seized the state, they can unilaterally declare war and a state of emergency, and then the people have no choice. The war would already start, and they only live here. No one put war up to a democratic vote or anything suggesting that public opinion had anything to do with the decision. Similarly, Americans would never be "fooled" to support any clear war of aggression. The war with Japan came because Japan attacked first, thinking that the US was internally divided and wouldn't hit back, and Germany followed through because they always intended to wage war against anything nominally democratic. Of course, the Germans are the shittiest allies ever, and the Americans are not internally divided where it mattered. Japan was hoping the Krauts would be worth something for once in their sorry existence, and they learned as Europeans always knew that Krauts Always Lie.

Anyway, casual racism aside, the only way to generate any public "support" for war is to convince the people they're under attack, and that the enemy is too scary to contemplate, so the men with the iron fist will make the Bad Man go away. That's always been the story to get the slaves to shut up and go back to work. For a mass army, where the citizens must be motivated to actually fight for this, the propaganda is different, but in all cases, the army needs to believe there is some stake to defend, whereas the propaganda of warrior aristocracies is always fake and gay because aristocracies are always fake and gay. But, the constant is that the only real interest the people have in war is defending their homes. Glory is all faggotry, by fags, of fags, for fags. There are fags who will join for such stories, and those are the most insufferable poison of any nation. Anyone who actually has to die for this shit will quickly see that the fags should have been ignored, but once fags get their way, they have a way of sneaking off and getting the honest to suffer for this faggotry. That's what the Nazis were, and there was certainly a lot of faggotry in their party.

The important thing here is that the decision to initiate war is made in a place far removed from public opinion, and "selling the war" was never necessary. The only thing that has to be sold is the idea that the rulers are invincible. Wars are never popular, and starting a war does not unite a country in the way aristocratic narratives believe. As soon as Germany hit an opponent who would shoot back, they were rolled up like the fags they were, and rolled up they were when the Red Army showed what an actually competent war machine does. War is almost immediately corrosive to all of these efforts to plan the war immaculately. This is what happened to Germany in 1914. When "the big plan", the thing the German general staff spent years preparing and drilling for, failed, the general in charge told the Kaiser that the war was lost then and there, because he knew how this shit really went. Rather than learn from this lesson, the Kraut ideology told them that this general wasn't warlike enough and didn't have the true warrior feel, and so more faggotry would be engineered by the same assholes who instigated the first go-around. Typical.

If you really want peace, there is an obvious but bloody solution - wholesale elimination of aristocracy and its vestiges. After this, the remaining great powers of the world get together, observe correctly that hitherto known human history has been entirely bullshit, and we can finally do something else. But, that would be too decent. That should have happened before 1914 was allowed to happen, but eugenics wanted that war, and so, we have been condemned to this ever since.


The past motives for war were overwhelmingly survival, in a world where warbands could be assembled cheaply. The barbarous peoples of the steppe or barbarian tribal societies think nothing of raising fighting men to make life hell for someone who is seen as soft, because the pleasant and peaceful alternative isn't appealing to them. In their world, the strong humiliate the weak, and there are no pretenses of justice, and this is seen as a condition of survival. The civilized are towards the barbarians nothing better, and often have been worse or far more insidious. It's not that barbarians "love war" in that sense, but that they are very quick to turn to war when it suits them, or launch raids to exhaust an enemy that must defend a line. Those are low cost for them, and high cost for an empire which must defend its network of interests and police its internal affairs. If you're a smart barbarian, you can turn these raids into a protection racket - instead of sending your warriors and horse archers to fuck up an empire's shit indefinitely, the empire can deliver a lot of gold to your warriors, and you become rich for basically nothing. The business model works very well, but it faces crises of stability when one of your warriors is ready to raise his power level and form a rival empire.


The idea that civilized states are moved by propaganda in any significant direction is something PR ghouls want you to believe, when the reality is, PR works to create a chilling effect against anything that would disrupt internal affairs. The armies of modern polities know the news and the shows are all bullshit, and that the politicians lie about even the simplest thing, as does the armed service they are members of.

By now, the US doesn't even pretend to gin up public support for any war. After they got Iraq 2003, they knew that the public were irrelevant, and would only need to be threatened to make them comply. That's how Nazis always roll. Obama promises the men upstairs that his war machine will be smarter and cheaper and give the real power what they want. To the public, Obama didn't give anything except a few platitudes, all of them spoken with the utmost contempt. The liberals knew what they really wanted, and they saw the rest of the world as inferior slave races - they really do, that's the liberal ideology and their love for eugenics. They brag about this and brag that they can make the world accept this and love their slavery. It's always that.


Anyone who is "fooled" is not fooled at all, and won't have to fight anything. They have the smug grin whenever they say this line about how they were "fooled". The Krauts knew what they knew, and knew they were collectively guilty for letting any part of Nazism happen - woe to the conquered, however stupid and pointless the death and slaughter may be. No one believes there is a "nice" way to put down the German menace by 1945. The strategic bombing of the British-led Empire was wholly unnecessary and produced no benefit that accelerated the end of the war, and only served to embolden Nazis and revanchists in the postwar order. It was calculated to produce exactly that, which is why the Soviets did not think about any such campaign, on top of them being fucktarded and evil adventures of a Satanic country. The Soviets were thinking about how to win the war, and yet the Anglo-Americans cry crocodile tears about raped Kraut women who had it coming. Stalin's boys having a little of the old in-out is hardly an atrocity like the bombing of Dresden. As for the post-war internment of German men, that is cruel, but they all knew they lost and this is how they would be made to march under the yoke in the 20th century. I don't weep one bit, considering their stupid country should have been dismantled then and there and not allowed to exist, and the Germanic way of life and its institutions should have been dismantled in total around the world. Hopefully some day, this de-Germanization will succeed, and the failed system will truly be gone.


Likewise, no American seriously believes they are innocent. The rulers want us to live in shame for decisions the rulers made, and we have been made to bear all of the costs of the rulers' freeroll. But, we let it happen, and so, "woe to the conquered" - even when the ocnqueror is our own supposed leaders. That is the prevailing mood in America, rather than any commitment to justice. Wars are as far removed from justice as is possible. It's one reason why promising you will end war is a great way for politicians to gain actual public support, if they want such a thing.


So it seems a whistleblower came out detailing her work at a Ukrainian astroturf firm whose job it was to influence things on social media. Notably she says her directions to change targets from Ukrainian social media to English social media and focus on the subject of US elections probably came from the directive of CIA operatives. I can't seem to find the primary source on this, so I have to post a shitty Jimmy Dore video.





Oh shit, it looks like it's escalating with NATO troops going into Ukraine!



>If the Russians are successful, a bigger war in Europe will be avoided. If not, with the introduction of US forces, Europe will be plunged into World War III.


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>If the Germans are successful, a bigger war in Europe will be avoided.
Social fascists never learn lol.


I'm fucking ready.


How realistic is the worry that the US would deploy troops after the election ?

The logic that such an unpopular move would be postponed until after an election is sound. But there have to be other constraints, like can the US really commit to a hot war with Russia ? That would be the first direct war between big nuclear powers. The US is also engaged in geo-political struggles in the Middle east and Asia. It seems rather unlikely that they can fully commit to any one of these 3 fronts without significantly yielding ground on the other 2.

<If the Russians are successful, a bigger war in Europe will be avoided. If not, with the introduction of US forces, Europe will be plunged into World War III.
The tone in that line is indeed a bit melodramatic, but there seems to be some truth to it. If the US were to send troops that would create a huge escalation. If the Russians win it kinda depends on what you expect the Russians to do after. They have build all those fortifications in East Ukraine, and it looks like that's the line they intend to entrench. So if that's correct the situation probably would settle down. Of course if you expect the Russians to advance westwards and push into Poland or something like that, that would mean a major happening. Tho you'd have to explain what they could gain, what could justify the extraordinary costs of such a move.


Aside from Turkey, the US is the only other nato member with a standing force big enough to oppose Russia. It seems really unlikely they would though because absent conscription it would mean cleaning out every other us base in the world to do it and would require months of ferrying them to Europe. The Russians also have the ability to hit any staging or massing area in the theater, meaning the Americans would be taking casualties before ever even reaching the front line. That's not even taking into account how massively Russia is currently out producing nato on weapons and ammunition. Even if Uncle Sam snapped his fingers and the entire usm appeared on Russia's doorstep, they'd be out of bullets in a matter of days.

That being said, just because it's an incredibly risky and stupid move doesn't mean it's impossible.


>Aside from Turkey, the US is the only other nato member with a standing force big enough to oppose Russia.
If you are talking European security infrastructure, you can't just draw a line on the ground an then mass forces on either side that stare at each other menacingly. Peace is created by making all factions have a vested interest in peace, and military power is just for mitigating the residual risk.

>That being said, just because it's an incredibly risky and stupid move doesn't mean it's impossible.

I guess that's true.


So some fuckers in my tiny mountain town posted a cascade of flyers for "victims of the Russian invasion" at my local civic center, which also serves as a children's school. Hilariously most of the text on them isn't even in English, it's in Cyrillic. As if we're such great allies (Amerifat here) that we should all just presume to be able to decipher Cyrillic and understand a Slavic language now. I'm honestly gobsmacked to still be seeing propaganda of this level at this point, over twos after the proxy war began and when the Ukrainian regime is now facing imminent defeat. Most private citizens have given up their disgusting virtue signaling at this point, leaving only non-profits/NGOs left to peddle their propaganda. My question is this: who the hell is this still working on?


I drove by a marine base building (West European country) and there was a Ukraine flag hanging outside one window


are those thread sliding ?

>Hilariously most of the text on them isn't even in English, it's in Cyrillic.
>we should all just presume to be able to decipher Cyrillic
>I'm honestly gobsmacked to still be seeing propaganda of this level at this point
They did this for the shill money, and don't care that it's ineffective propaganda


The story that begun with the French president floating ideas of sending Nato troops to Ukraine ended with the Russian threatening strikes on Nato countries, doing nuclear drills, and the west backing off. Italy seemed to be pushing really hard against this.

Mercouris was one of the few that covered this development, his take is that it was a failed attempt to create strategic ambiguity. He is deeply pessimistic and thinks this episode isn't really over, just postponed.

I think this isn't coming back, they would have to conscript a lot of people to deploy Nato troops in Ukraine. Arming and training all those young people, who are royally pissed because of the genocide in Gaza, that's probably not very clever.


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Yesterday there was an assassination attempt on the last principled social democrat in Europe. Slovak prime minister Robert Fico is in critical condition after being shot five times. He was the only left-wing European leader, along with right-winger Victor Orban in Hungary, to stand up to NATO and its aggressive warmongering in Ukraine.

Only source I've found so far that doesn't insert a bunch of bullshit propaganda into the story:


<assassinating politicians
what are they trying to achieve with such a stunt ? Are they trying to convince people that pacifism means ruthlessly eliminating all the war-mongerers ?

Maybe it's just panic because the Ukrainian military is crumbling much faster than they planned for. The projections have Russia scoring a decisive win. That makes the neocon NATO expansion project look like an expensive blunder.

US politics are divesting from Ukraine, because they don't want to be left holding the flaming bag of shit. And they're not gonna convince the European population to make sacrifices in quality of life to keep this shit show going. Should have listened to Barack Obama of all people, he warned them not to escalate in Ukraine.

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