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When does post modernity end


It doesn't

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January Eleventh Twenty Hundred Twenty Three Anno Domini

November First Twenty Hundred Twenty Three Anno Domini



Meds. Meds right fucking now.




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What the fuck am I looking at am I stupid some one explain?


I think OP is just tripping about the dates, I wouldn't worry about it

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what's their ideology?



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I am an aspiring lumpenprole. I do not respect fast food employees (proletarians) any more than i respect lumpens.
Being lumpen fucking sucks, although, contrary to popular belief here, they tend to be more aware of the contradictions of society than workers. At least in my experience.
my comrade who is definitely not me kind of gets off to the idea of being like a Stasi agent and torturing reactionaries. anyone else feel this
I fantasize about assraping fascists of all genders even though I'm not gay.

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Numbah 10
madeo bordiga
At number 10, we ain’t got a gangesta, we got dat quiet dood from school , now mb over here, dude's Italian, But he ain’t a wiseguy like Them dawgs from The movies, he ain’t The godfather or capone The cat, he likes To waltz in, say Shit And Eat spaguet And fuck The goomah, real homie knows What it’s like to sit back And enjoy the ride.

Numbah 9
Bad Vlad Lennon
Made some dope beats and led the gang war against Makhnovshchina hoods, dat was some blood n crips shiet fo real, red shootin’ on black, black shootin’ on red, homie shootin’ on homie, families killin’ old families in drive byes, people cappin’ each other in tha hood for bustin’ dangerous gang signs all while dem Czech dudes steal gold from the damn train CJ.

Numbah 8
Stalina “uncle joey” batina
Startin’ as a Caucasian thief from the sweet state of Georgia, He got dem slavic ice cold killa skills, he ain’t a bureaucrat fakie, he keepin’ it real, knows what its like to live da struggle, to steal from dem Czar Nicholas cats to help his homie lennon with the revolution.
many men, many many many many men, wish death upon him, blood in his red eyes as dat gay ass cracker adolf tryna put his life away. And then lifted many men outta the german ghettos.

Numbah 7
Muh main man stirner
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>no hoxha
at least honorable mention


This is part of a wider Indian government attack against services that provide end to end encryption
I don't know how the teacher thought this was going to play out. Did she think that the students would shrug off getting cut to ribbons like a call of duty character?


OP, what does this have to do with the Indian government or e2e encryption? Are you a bot or did you just screw up copy-pasting?

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it's sad that the nurnberg trials were a one time thing rather than a continuous process that would only stop once the last nazi has been cleansed off the earth
stalin was a pussy


huh? Nuremberg was a program to primarily reform and forgive Nazis on the West side. Based Stalin liquidated the Nazis in the East and sent them to camps


glowops9000 level post


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>hunt fascists

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<Managers often favor physical presence, disadvantaging remote workers.
<Remote workers are 13% more productive with lower attrition.
<Remote workers receive fewer promotions due to underestimated productivity.
<Hybrid workers are 4.4% more productive and show 33% increased retention.
<Managerial satisfaction remains lower for hybrid workers.
<Both remote and hybrid workers face undervaluation in performance reviews.
<Organizations need targeted training to address bias and set clear goals.
<Regular check-ins provide ongoing feedback and support.
<Technology aids remote work but must be used judiciously.
<Cultural shift toward valuing remote and hybrid workers fosters innovation and diversity.


wanna post the sauce?

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How well do you treat your wife, /b/?
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I would suggest straping her down in a chair and fooling her with kinky sex when in reality you are just brainwashing her like something out of a clock work orange, but, for pro-feminist talkin point. Good luck comrade.


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interesting. I'll talk to her about this as a compromise during our next struggle session. She has a self criticism coming up for yesterday so I'll bring it up after that. Maybe I should run it by my party chairman and see what he thinks first.


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This thread is not very wholesome


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wholesome really is wholesome, my dear orb…

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explain why I am so refined and handsome is it because I wear a frockcoatevery day\?

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