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Lol. North Korea can't stand faggot western 'dissidents' either


You couldn't find a tweet that spelled soldier correctly?
Fuckin do better.

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ITT we laugh at this loser vaxx cattle with an opinion

>Hello [Ghey] Wolves,

>This is definitely the most difficult thing we’ve ever had to put out through the show. Last Tuesday morning, Matt Christman suffered a sudden, severe medical emergency that will require a significant period of recovery. He is currently in the hospital in stable condition. We are trying very hard to be optimistic, but there’s no easy way to say that he will be out of commission for the indefinite future.

>As many of you are aware, Matt and his wife Amber Rollo are also expecting their first child, a daughter, and her delivery is scheduled this Sunday as well. We are all so, so excited and happy to welcome a new little Christman into the world, and we were looking forward to announcing this under better circumstances. But this situation is obviously drastically complicated by Matt’s medical emergency.

No refunds
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Hasna needs to fix his gyno


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Wtf. I love Fauci now


Why did so many leftists fall for the scamedemic? Your whole thing is fighting against billionaires and corporations. But then billionaires and corporations tell you to take an experimental gene therapy for a virus with a 99% survival rate you all line up like sheep.


because they're libs pretending to be leftists. genuine communist marxists saw through the bullshit


To be fair, 2/3 to 3/4 of self proclaimed Marxists were so psyoped by the coof. Only a small minority actually saw through the bullshit, and they were most smaller micro sects

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Be honest

How many of you will vote for this drag queen is 'she' becomes the Dem nominee?
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How can people be interested in women in politics when they're not attractive? She's ugly, end of story.



not voting for any of these fascist freaks


Your parties are dogshit.


There is one one party with two wings - the fake wing and the ghey wing


Voting for the party pushing for war with Russia. Smart move

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was my bait too weak? did I not inflamate enough? is communism irrelevant in /pol/? they archived the thread right when I was going to respond to that last schizopost with a similar schizopost(bait).

(I'm the guy with the hammer/sickle flag) https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/442215179

should I make better bait? if yes, then how?
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Real communist drive black Mercedes or Land rovers and stash gold bars in the walls of their homes.
You will never be a real communist.


this. a good minority are already strasserist which is already DSA tier with the added bonus they don't shy away from controversial historical figures. so actually probably significantly better then your average DSA libtard faggot.


See you really need to lurk more to be effective. it's the comfy happening in Ukraine general on pol. It's actually sometimes a pretty nice place. Reminds me of the old Syrian threads /sg/.


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OP here!

369 replies, I suppose it's possible to convert /pol/ to communism, ehh kinda. was surprised that dialog was possible tbh.
I didn't even lurked that much, but I guess saying radical stuff works
strasserist? I supposed they agree with us at least economically then idk(have no idea)
…and CPC unsurprisingly severely punished him and sacked him of his position as secretary.


but holy shit they lie too fucking much. it's like they don't even know reality and keep spewing propaganda fiction like holy shiittt

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Why is .ogre so triggered by frogs and jaks
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> think both these sites have been sabotaged
This site was sabotaged by the glowfags over at .org when they ripped off our domain and DDOSed us during the split.


This is just unchecked rightoids posting about transhumanists and "degeneracy", like any other imageboard
There's no equilibrium between it and the over zealous moderation of ogre


4chan memes tend to present trans people in horrible ways. That's why


not even remotely true



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Reminder that its ok to misgender Chris Chan because its done heinous shit.
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Yeah I can't find a single flaw with this take.


>and he started ""transitioning"" at about the same time that his abusers became /pol/fags who wanted to use him as a way to attack transgender people.
I think it was just an extension of his "tomgirl" escapades, he didn't need /pol/fags to convince him into it.
But the /pol/fag influence and reaction to Chris is pretty overlooked if you ask me. Most of his trolls used to claim he was racist and use his homophobia as excuses for why he was acceptable target. He's the literal byproduct of two ancient old school southerners who refused to accept him into education systems more fitting with an autist like him.
Then the online culture shifted and after several years, him saying Pmurt bad was a seen as a reason to dislike him. The CWCki talks about teen troons but they really understate how the people that manipulated him into punching himself, extorted money from him, and gave him multidimensional psychosis were all /pol/fags who made him talk about concentration camps and Nazi references. Even the glowie-spawn Isabella was a /pol/ shitstain.


kys transhumanist. this bump was as necro as your axe wound




It's okay I'm sorry too. I posted this in the wrong thread

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What are the political implications of Biden importing dispossessed Venezuelan kulaks?


Haven't we been doing this? Would legit be surprised if we haven't. What's the difference between these Venezuelan immigrants and all the previous Venezuelan immigrants?


Venezuelans are given asylum here and classified as political refugees because vuvuzeula commies bad, and they overwhelmingly vote Republican. They're like Cubans.
Meanwhile right wingers still engage in racial agitation and ell about how every single brown person is a communist democrat import, and engage in literal fraud and kidnapping to get them deported.
I fucking hate right wingers I fucking hate whatever rightoid is reading this, the fucking retarded black and white view of the world.


I've worked with some if the people coming over. They're not rightoids for the most part, just poor and desperate. Stop vilifying people just because they escaped from a country you like. They all have their reasons. If you want to keep a close eye on anyone, maybe keep an eye on the ones getting here by plane, not the ones spending months walking to the US.


>vuvuzeula commies bad
UwUzela commies were getting shot by the local anti-imperialist (= pro-imperialist) government for years already. In response, the local cummy party already stated that they're gonna start dealing with the corporatist state & their local magnate sponsors due to this schizoid crap.

Leftardofuckos on the other hand still keep choking on corporate balls whenever the propaganda departments throw a red rag & say some shit about competing imperialism while their buddies in death squads physically cleanse their private territory from any competing imperialist-backed opposition.
But what else can you expect from lefchuds?


How does it make you feel that a REAL autistic man just went on The Adam Friedland show and called Nick Mullen out for stealing autistic clout? Will the DSA ever recover?

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Here's the man the media and psuedoleft is gunning for now.

I wonder why?
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>drugged-out hippie fanatic

I absolutely kek.


>Typical drugged-out hippie fanatic.
So Russell Brand?


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How is he leftist
Why are the only people you think are leftists are hippie coded freaks loved by the right and who only talk about vaccines and shit and barely anything else left wing. You're gonna bring up that one quote about inequality he did years ago?

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Holy kek. I love the great replacement now
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Nope. troons insert themselves into places they're not wanted, like lesbian dating apps and women's sports.

Drag was an occasional fun passtime for gay men. Troons ruined that do by turning it into a means the creep on children

You guys stink up everything with your crusty axe holes.


<shit that never happened
Let's play a game. I'll list a few scenarios and you put them in order from most to least likely to be true

A) A guy man in the 90s thought that mentally ill dudes in women's clothes were mentally ill dudes in women's clothes. He also voices the opinion to those close to him
B) You'll pass after you're 24
C) After you kys, your parents put your real name on your tombstone


lmao imagine being so obsessed with trans people that you save pictures of them just to attach to whining posts
critical support for online containment spaces


You will never have sex with a real woman


Most people don't care about gay people I'm sorry to inform you.

I'm pretty sure this is literally just one guy spamming this bullshit.

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