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 No.10197[Watch Thread]>>10202>>10394>>10420>>11680

Anyone else play CRPGs because they don't have any IRL friends to play tabletop with?


I play RPGs because "CRPG" isn't a real genre. Also tabletop roleplaying can barely even be considered games because the inconsistency makes it so difficulty to hone and test skills. Video game RPGs that crib too much from tabletop activities, which aren't attempting to be games in the first place, tend to have the shittiest game design among other RPGs.


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>>10197 (OP)
Finally a CRPG thread. I'm a big autist for anything isometric. Been playing a meme build for underrail for a while.
Kinda hype for some thing new like Olympus 2249.
>other RPGs


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Now that we have the advantage of retrospection, I think it's safe to say that isometric perspectives are the worst mistake ever made in the genre. They only took away information from the player by covering shit up and they had a tendency to encourage really bad controls.


Then what's the best perspective then?


what kind of meme build? need inspiration for my next playthrough


>can barely even be considered games
> which aren't attempting to be games in the first place
Not this shit about "real games" again


>Anyone else play CRPGs because they don't have any friends


Gonna pout in a corner because you can't produce any arguments of substance to disagree with it again?


How are tabletop RPGs not real games and why is your definition of "game" the most correct one?


What is the definition of hte game that you are using?


Games are a test of skill for entertainment. Tabletop role-playing can be considered games, some of them anyway, but are often very weak as games because the dungeon master type can change the scenario so radically and subvert expectations all the time. The thrill in tabletop role-playing is usually not in testing one's skill, because there is so little consistency across one scenario to another (important for honing one's skill meaningfully). Rather, the thrill in tabletop role-playing comes in the form of surprise fooling around with your friends. It's a bit like a more elaborate, scenario-bound version of playing as superheroes on the school playground. Nothing wrong with that. But they are not high quality game experiences. The really big problem is when you translate rules and ideas from tabletop role-playing, where the major source of thrills comes in unexpected happenings created by friends, into a singleplayer experience attempting to be a game.

Why is my definition of a game a good one? Because it's the most consistent one that clearly delineates games from other activities.


>It's a bit like a more elaborate, scenario-bound version of playing as superheroes on the school playground.
So a game, then.
>The really big problem is when you translate rules and ideas from tabletop role-playing, where the major source of thrills comes in unexpected happenings created by friends, into a singleplayer experience attempting to be a game.
JRPGs are probably the worst, least fun role-playing games. But even they require some amount of skill, unlike, say, a visual novel, so they're still actual games.


>So a game, then.
lol, no? Freeze tag is a playground game. It has clear rules, goals, and winner. Playing make-believe has no rules, no goals, nor skill being tested, it's just a way to flex your imagination.

Friendly reminder "JRPG" isn't a coherent genre descriptor, it's just lazy racist bullshit invented by /v/irgins.


Constitution main + Demo belt + Throwing
For real, couldn't they just call it stat based adventure games or something? Because that's what it is. You essentially have no choice in your player character. There's no role to play. There's plenty of actual RPGs from Japan.


omg can you shut the fuck up, nobody cares what you think a game is, you've been on this shit for multiple threads, just go away


They clearly do care, since I was asked.


>because the dungeon master type can change the scenario so radically and subvert expectations all the time
Yes, and that is the truest test of skills. Even a computer can play chess, but you can't make a computer that would play dnd.
You are either trolling or incredibly stupid. Or both.


But you play against people so every time a scenario changes, so you can't perfect doing same thing over and over again just a little bit better each time (which seems to be your definition of the skill). It is just a surprise fooling with your friends. Clealry not a game.


So is football not a game because it isn't the exact same every time?


By your definition, yes, it is not a game. Even minesweeper is not.

>Why is my definition of a game a good one?

It isn't.


Makes sense.
The dungeon master can instakill you at any point for no reason at all. Where's the skill test in that?


If you have a shitty DM maybe, by that logic videogames aren't games either because the power company can just shut you down.


Every game's rules can be broken at any moment, that does not make it "not a game". You can cheat at video games. At any moment i can punch you and take your wallet while we are playing football, so what? There are rules for tabletop games, there are rules for games like football. While playing some rules can be broken or ignored, which doesn't make it something else rather than a game, and also doesn't mean you don't need skills to play it.


I actually only play CRPG's because people who play TTG are literally subhuman imbeciles who cannot conceive a grand enough plot to satisfy my intellectual needs


Nah, it's because no one wants to play with you.


Hey ya! It's me, Imoen.


For that analogy to work out requires that the electricity company is analogous to the dungeon master. Do you actually believe that?


Overhead or full 3D. Weird perspectives in 2D just present annoying obstacles to navigation or control.


I can tell by these posts that you definitively have assburgers


I can tell by this post that you have an indefensible position and you have to resort to name calling to cope with it.


Tabletop isn't real gaming. Games are supposed to be puzzles, and in tabletop you just fool around without any real rules. Mind you, there's a lot of games with puzzles being other people, but this just looks collective simultaneous fanfiction writing with a support of "rule systems" because there won't be a game at all if anyone can just say "lol I murder them" and be done with it.


>Weird perspectives in 2D just present annoying obstacles to navigation or control.
At the time decision was made it made sense. You wouldn't be able to make anything decent with 3D back then. Now it's just nostalgia fuel.


You are just salty that you couldn't learn all the rules needed to play DnD. Seethe, brainlet.


More like he couldn't learn the rules for social interaction and thinking on his feet, I'm sure he's fine with mechanistic maths and so on.


I highly doubt that since he is claiming that tabletop rpgs (which he confuses with tabletop games in general) is about " fool around without any real rules"


The DM can be a good or bad one. There’s incredible people doing that sort of stuff but most of them are fucking retards that either railroad you into one of his gay boring scenarios or just an asshole that insert his biases everywhere. Similar to good games and bad games.
Not that anon but DnD is one of the most simple rulesets to learn. Fuck off dude.


>Not that anon but DnD is one of the most simple rulesets to learn. Fuck off dude.
5ed? Perhaps, though there are much simpler rulesets anyway. 3.5? No fucking way. Fuck off, casual.

>The DM can be a good or bad one.

And that doesn't matter to my argument. First of all, there are still rules that you follow or at least work around. Second, any game can have it's rules broken. And that wouldn't change it to anything else, it would still be a game.


That's like saying life is a game because you have a set of arbitrary rules that you care about but everyone else breaks constantly. Are rules meaningful if people don't follow them? And merely having a ruleset doesn't make something a game. Rather, rule sets facilitate skill testing, the true defining feature of a game.


I am using the definition posted by a complete retard (was that you) and showing how it's not a very good definition and even using that definition he can't declare TRPG non-game without throwing away almost every other game.

Well, by your definition when i learn to shoot on live targets, i play a game. Wanna play a game?


>>10233 said nothing explicitly about rules in its definition, you don't appear to have actually read it or you're desperate to construct a straw man that can easily be knocked down. I'll highlight it for you so you get the whole thing:
>Games are a test of skill for entertainment.

Is your activity a test of skill? Getting close but it could still be something else. Is it for entertainment? Bingo, you have a game.


How about you rread the whole thread or at least a couple of posts after the one you linked and learn what he defines as skill and why it is not a skill when you play TRPG (hint, it relates to having rules).

Highlight your ass, illiterate faggot.

>Is your activity a test of skill? Getting close but it could still be something else. Is it for entertainment? Bingo, you have a game.

So practicing your marksman skills on live people is a game if i am being entertained?

if you definition can't separate game and war crime, it may not be a very good one.


Doesn’t isometric also includes a shit ton of 3D games? The term “isometric” literally means having equal dimensions. On the other hand, top down is so shit at conveying information that you’re better off playing a tabletop game.
>And that doesn't matter to my argument.
It pretty much does. The quality of a play session is what you use to measure quality of a game.
>First of all, there are still rules that you follow or at least work around.
>Second, any game can have it's rules broken.
You’re contradicting yourself in these two points. How is it anyway different then computer games then? How are home brewing and munchkin if any different than using mods or exploits?
>And that wouldn't change it to anything else, it would still be a game.
Again. I’m not that anon.


>It pretty much does. The quality of a play session is what you use to measure quality of a game.
Retard, read the whole fucking argument before butting in. We were not talking about quality, we were talking about wherever it can be considered a game or not. Bad game is still a game.

Where the fuck illiterate faggots like you are even made?

>You’re contradicting yourself in these two points.

Read, you stupid motherfucker, read.

>Again. I’m not that anon.

You are just as stupid then.


Top down conveys exactly the information you need in a 2D overworld: where objects are and how to navigate to them. Isometric is the opposite of good at conveying information, it constantly hides shit behind walls, buildings, even barrels. It makes navigation extra difficult and it either a) allows bad developers to hide shit out of sight of the player or b) dramatically constrains the potential level design for responsible developers. What isometric does is let artists jerk themselves off over how good they are at details, it doesn't promote good gameplay.


Did you consider that maybe people want to look at something nice instead of utter shit like this? >>10210


NTA, but you don't really need isometric perspective ot even 3d for picture to look nice. He is right that pure 2d gives better information, but on the other hand it allows you less room for immersion.


>less information than a spreadsheet
>uglier than isometric
It’s like the worst of both worlds.


>Games are supposed to be puzzles
If anything, puzzles are just one kind of game.


What separates real life from games is that the situations in a game are meant to be fictional and for entertainment purposes. Not this "skill testing" thing you insist so much on pushing down our throats. Games have rules (which may be broken), are played for entertainment/fun, have fictional scenarios/don't affect real life, and may involve puzzles and/or luck and/or skill testing.


So fictional literature and movies are games too then? Your definition is terrible anon.


Nice reading comprehension, read again
>Games have rules (which may be broken)
>may involve puzzles and/or luck and/or skill testing.


>may involve…
The other guy is right.


Somebody shoot over a recommendation of a CRPG for someone new to the genre and that the graphics are not too outdated, I have zoomer brain.


>>10197 (OP)
No anon, I play CRPG cause I'm a really well-adjusted, high-functioning person with a great social life…




>>10197 (OP)
>Anyone else play CRPGs because they don't have any IRL friends to play tabletop with?
pretty much what the whole genre is all about


he said not too outdated graphics.
Divinity Original Sin,one or two,doesn't matter that much (two if you value graphics that badly,I played the first one near the release so I don't remember the graphics),story is meh but gameplay is great,mods are pretty good too and it's much less mechanics heavy than most others CRPG based around already existing tabletop rules,so it's good for begginers. (inb4 noooooo it's overrated !!!!)


>another tedious isometric click-to-movefest
>gameplay is great
"CRPG" fan standards as high as ever I see.


Do /v/ermin really?


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>>10197 (OP)
>Anyone else play CRPGs because they don't have any IRL friends to play tabletop with?
That's how I started out, but eventually I made friends with other people who also played cRPGs so we ended up trying out tabletop stuff too. I soon found out that it's a different beast entirely, with it's own pros (absolute freedom of choice, you're having fun with friends, makes you work your creative muscles) and cons (unless your GM is a savant, the story/characters can't really compare to something like PS:T or VTM:B).
Don't feel bad about playing cRPGs OP, as long as they're good ones. I'd much rather spend an afternoon playing decent vidya than being in the same room with grog autists who take all the fun out of tabletop roleplaying.


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imma be honest wit u guiz i just liek sea-ing cute characters doing cute stuff in RPGs :D


What game is this?


Baldur's Gate 3, currently in Early Access.


>unless your GM is a savant, the story/characters can't really compare to something like PS:T or VTM:B
That's your problem right there. The creativity should be collective, if only GM is in charge of your story and worldbuilding then all you get is either railroading or boring slog of sameness. Often both.

In my experience players aren't really trained to actually contribute anything to the story and instead trained by shitty GMs to just react. This is one of the reason why i dropped trpg, after experiencing the best, they ordinary was conpletely unacceptable.

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