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>do magic rituals for fun/out of boredom
>actually start to believe they are real and affect reality
What is the explanation for this? Idk if pic is related cus i didnt read
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>What is the explanation for this?
The enlightenment never fully permeated the fabric of society.
Rudimentary Scientific thinking cures a lot of the mysticism, but that is something you have to actively learn on top of what you passively absorb from society.

Problem Number 1
Language, we don't have words that make you include qualifiers for information.
You can say
<yesterday Bob ate pudding
This doesn't say whether you saw Bob eating the pudding, whether you heard John claim that Bob was eating the pudding or whether you did a DNA analysis on saliva residue of the empty pudding cup.

If the enlightenment had reached full permeation, the above example would be considered a grammatical error, and you'd have to include the prominence of the information. There might be special word-endings or pre-fixes for words that say where the information comes from,
or simple qualifier words like this:

<Testify, yesterday bob ate pudding

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It would've been cool if the enlightenment made us develop evidentiality


>Opinions just come to us, we don't think about it in terms of collecting opinions
This is painfully true. Most self-professed rationalists just make their favorite opinions their personality and cast everything else as frivolous.


this, these are the kind of uyghurs that got that fedora meme popular. fuvk those uyghurs.


>that fedora meme
You mean the hat, not the Linux distribution, right ?
Also would you mind explaining the hat meme, i know of it but i never really understood what it means.


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 No.7537[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.
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I'm getting 404 on a lot of those pages, is something wrong with the server?

re: engaging with your writing. tbh I have downloaded the books but mainly just check these threads and your twitter on twitter proxies. have you considered compiling some of your tweets into a separate easier to read book? it'd be like the little red book or society of the spectacle.


I only uploaded up to chapter 18.

There's too many tweets and I pop off whenever I feel like it. I might write a collection of one-off essays. This was originally what I was going to spend the majority of my time doing, but the book got bigger and more involved and I wanted to do it right. Eighth book (if i get to it) is all "disorganized" since the first thing I say, after all I wrote, is that there really is nothing to make of humanity and no "goal" as such other than to survive in a world gone horribly wrong. That would be the "Quotations from Chairman Eugene". Society of the Spectacle is shit btw. Nothing about this is about a "spectacle" or "display". That's always been an ideological grift. The real game is eugenics all of the way through, and Debord wants you to class that as "spectacle" rather than the death cult and torture being the point and the supposed "material interests" are only there to feed the ritual sacrifice. It was an insult to us who had to be humiliated, whose families were put through the wringer, while these grifters collected their increasingly meager paychecks for writing that shit.


I'm not that anon and too retarded to do it myself, but can't you use a web crawler to get your tweets on your site in an automated fashion?
Also do you care about bluesky at all? It seems like a less shitty version of twitter to me, but I get that your social circle is still on twitter so you might not want to migrate.


Idk, I'd have to manually look through the twitter log or find some program to do it. Would do it from the archive Twitter lets you download.

I don't feel like doing it though. Twitter schizo energy is not what I want for my website. I'd probably take a Twitter thread and use it as the base for an article, since I often repeat myself needlessly. The format of Twitter encourages this sort of repetition, and I've learned to adapt to it.


As for bluesky, it's the same format but heavily censored to be Democrat Land (what's left of it. I haven't been there much but I've engaged with zero people on Bluesky, and if I did, I'd probably just get nuked due to linking my doubleplusungood website. I don't feel like testing the waters, and since the engagement is all libcore people, it wouldn't be possible to say much. Either they're going to shout me down, or they would silently agree with me and there wouldn't be much to say.
So much of my Twitter ranting is about saying rightoids are dogshit, and it baits them into doing more faggy shit because they're used to their talking points, and they definitely don't like it when we call them homosexuals. (I mean, come on, that shit is gayer than Batman and Robin!)



Post 'em if you got 'em
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Well it looks like the United States and NATO finally figured out a way to sabotage the Linux kernel. Several Russian kernel developers have just had their contributions removed and their kernel contributor status revoked due to being on the receiving end of US economic sanctions.


Torvalds himself is playing along with this enthusiastically because of his own moronic Finnish national politics. This is an extremely concerning development that affects all of free software. If this can happen to the Linux kernel it can happen to any other libre software projecting, poisoning the entire concept of international software development.
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<3. Avoid Two-Way Engagement
<Reviewing an unsolicited patch from a contributor in a sanctioned region should generally be fine, but actively engaging them to better understand their issue, diagnose the problem, or help improve a patch or modify code would likely cross the line. If the contributor is linked to a sanctioned entity or region, in general, it is best to keep communications strictly one-way. If a patch is received and you improve it and submit it upstream, that should be fine, but going back and forth in communications with the SDN developer likely would not.
<4. Avoid Contributions Enabling SDNs
<Accepting unsolicited patches that fix general issues in your open source project should be okay. However, if the changes directly benefit a restricted party’s products or services, it could be a problem. For example, if a developer from AcmeSDN (and AcmeSDN is an SDN subject to OFAC sanctions) contributes a driver that enables the AcmeSDN processor to work in your software, that contribution would likely be an issue. Think carefully not just about the source code, but the impact of these unsolicited patches.
<5. Avoid Indirect Contributions
<Sanctioned entities might try to contribute indirectly through third parties or developers acting "individually." Developers should understand other contributors' affiliations and raise any concerns with their community and legal counsel. For example, if in the prior example, AcmeSDN paid a developer in a country not subject to sanctions to make the driver contribution enabling AcmeSDN’s processor, that would still likely be an issue. A common pattern is that an SDN’s developer is blocked from making a contribution, but then a very similar (or the same) patch is submitted to the project from another account or email address. It could be an anonymous email account. Just because the contributor has been obfuscated does not change an assessment of the situation.
So basically the sanctions are placing an enormous burden on libre projects to both a) keep extreme track of the identity and national origin of contributors in order to avoid the wrongPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


been reading this, it seems that the "OhFuck" sanctions, mean that everybody can use each others code, but devs aren't allowed to talk directly to each other anymore, they have to talk past each other. Bunch of confusing shit.


I don't see why this is such a big deal. Can't we just move to an open source repo or something?


>keep extreme track of the identity and national origin of contributors in order to avoid the wrong ones, making software projects about people instead of the software
Yeah that's the difference between technical people and non-technical people.
Technical people absolutely despise this kind of "personality drama", the reaction to this will be: there are no people, there's only code


I'm so angry at how little attention this controversy is getting in other places of libre software enthusiasm.


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 No.1351[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to psychological operations against the leftypol.org administration.

Things to consider:
<The .org mods will read this thread, use this to your advantage
<Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
<Threads created over an IP with no post history are heavily scrutinized
<Post in /meta/ and try to appeal any mod action against you
<Abuse the report feature
<Use a wide variety of proxy services
<Antagonize individual moderators
<Create as many personas as possible, try to have the mods always chasing a previous persona and not your current one
<The less consistency between the ideological beliefs of your personas the better
<Be consciously aware of your writing style
<Fermenting internal conflict among the mod team is of the upmost importance
<Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
<Have fun :)
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Opps miss spelling i mean im new to it and i didn't now :(


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The ogre mods move a pedophile thread to siberia instead of deleting it.


Tbf that's an extremely obvious troll thread.


Can someone explain why .org became such Reddit tier shitlib /tttt/ central?
Like, literally being against Open Borders under Capitalism is enough to get banned and all your posts deleted lmfao. Holding the most basic, common, leftist/labour views, that go against whatever Shitlib shibboleth, will instantly get you banned and all your posts deleted.
8ch Leftypol was not like this AT ALL and neither was Bunkerchan so what the fuck happened?
Another case of Troons getting into mod positions and suddenly becoming power hungry Chinese Court Eunich tier?


Feds or liberalism. .org is ultra organized when curbing certain trends.


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Thread for psychedelic rock









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Friends, let's unite again to fight the evil of this world. Anyone interested in fighting with me against the rot in the world, contact this email [email protected].


Friend? Moar like Fed.


postin' in a fed thread
we all glowna make it


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kys leftyuyghur, cobson won


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Who else is hyped as fuck for $2 billion worth of triple-A slop?
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Airsoft looks like an expensive hobby, and it's more limited about where you can play. Running around while awkwardly holding your smartphone makes you look stupid, but nobody will call the police because they didn't know the orange tip means it's a toy-gun.

As far as fully physical play-simulation goes, paintball is probably the most fun. I never played real paintball, but i did play a few matches of a budget-variant that used 2 types of slingshots, one with elastic-rubber bands for small paintball-pellets and a traditional centrifugal rope slingshot that you spin over your head with slightly bigger paintball pellets. That was great fun and comparably cheap since renting slingshots is much cheaper than renting compressed air paintball gear. Slingshots don't impart as much kinetic energy as compressed air, and that means that you don't need protective gear other than for your eyes/ears. You can get away with diving goggles and a headband.

Paintballs are biodegradable and dissolve in water, so rain will clean up the mess but many places require permits none the less, some places only allow for it in dedicated areas that have organizational oversight and safety instructors. That's one advantage all the augmented reality shit has going for it, it's zero fuzz.


I keep coming back to this word.


>I keep coming back to this word.
but what does it mean ?


if GTA 6 is trash, what would u do?

i would cry


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I wouldn't give it another thought because haven't cared about GTA since SA



Substituted psychedelia for a doomed planet.
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Nooo my punk band is literally gonna cause the revolution bro I swear tbf on god bruhhhh


Post-Punk isn't punk.








1946 - 2025


No idea who this bitch is nor do I care




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It could be illegal, but perhaps a botnet network could be fashioned from some sort of self written AIs modeled on something like the new Chinese DeepSeek AI?


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Yeah this shit works better than my paid chatgpt account, what else is there to say?


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>what else is there to say?
Apparently deep-seek caused a big sell-off in tech stocks. There's a lot of speculation on that. Mine is that it proved that the big players aren't the only game in town, and that new competition can emerge, and that the trend probably goes towards commodity AI rather than siloed monopoly rent AI.

Deepseek being open source is also nice.

With it being a pure reinforcement learning design it doesn't need fine tuning and that's probably why it only cost like 6 million to make.

If you want to run the big boy model with 600+ billion parameters you need like 405 gigabyte of memory preferably speedy video memory. Graphics cards need an entire order of magnitude increase in video memory capacity. The 8-16 gigs on consumer cards and the 24-48ish gigs on profesh cards doesn't cut it anymore. Maybe this is finally whats going to cause mainstream PCBdesing to incorporate optical data-lanes.


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So it seems a US court has just ruled that Google monopolized the online search market. Now the Department of Justice is "considering" breaking up Google as a potential option in response.

At long last is there finally some hope for the future of the web?
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Online advertisement is broken for a fundamental reason. It's inverted the intended logic of consumer-markets. Which is the customer chooses which product to buy. Online Advertisement is about letting the product(technically the seller) choose its customer.

This inversion has existed in all advertisement long before the internet, but it mostly didn't work with old-school media because those couldn't nail down individual people.

Google and most other online ad business' that operates by tracking people, is driving people to adblocking because they want to be the ones that choose. Forcing the issue by messing the browser will not counteract the online ad-revenue decline.

They have to change their advertisement system from scanning people to scanning the context. Want to display an add on a webpage, read/analyze the page and display an add that's related to the content of that page. That doesn't need any people tracking and it returns choice to consumers.

To answer your question, i don't think that they can do anything that can't be changed or reverted later, because it's software.

I've wondered about such a scheme also, but i do wonder how much controle they would be able to exert once there's those extra steps.


So the worms in charge of the Linux Foundation just officially endorsed Chromium as the hegemonic web browser.

>The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, today announced the launch of Supporters of Chromium-Based Bowsers. This initiative aims to fund open development and enhance projects within the Chromium ecosystem, ensuring broad support and sustainability for open source contributions that will drive technological advancement.
>"With the launch of the Supporters of Chromium-Based Browsers, we are taking another step forward in empowering the open source community," said Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation. "This project will provide much-needed funding and development support for open development of projects within the Chromium ecosystem."

Is this really the ship they wanna tie themselves to right now? Right in the middle of Google's potential break up by anti-trust rulings?


I don't really know what to make of this either
but lets wait and see what comes out of:
<empowering the open source community
<funding and
<open development of projects within the Chromium ecosystem

Could be marketing word salad for a corporate enshitification project or something worthwhile that's beneficial to quality libre tech.


>Is this really the ship they wanna tie themselves to right now? Right in the middle of Google's potential break up by anti-trust rulings?
Yes. Obviously they are positioning themselves to take stewardship of chrome after the state wrestles it away from google.


>they are positioning themselves to take stewardship of chrome
People seem to think that Google would retain most of it's controle over the chrome project.

I take it that means that all the boneheaded design decisions that everybody hates, like crippling extensions, that would continue.

Kind of a bummer.


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National liberation: the movie

required viewing for every revolutionary
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Want me to create a torrent and give you a magnet link? On a public, anonymous tracker of course.


Idk much about torrenting, does a magnet link mean I don't have to download it?


You do have to download the movie (using a BitTorrent client). It just means that you don't have to download a .torrent file first.


Finished watching this yesterday, it was great! It follows an important rule of great story telling: every scene is necessary and important for the rest of the film.




Opening the thread with the Australian classic "Fuck Your Dad" by Thug. Great band, classic sound!







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 No.677[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.
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I didn't know there was lore behind this VTuber moment


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>A mother has claimed her teenage son was goaded into killing himself by an AI chatbot he was in love with - and she's unveiled a lawsuit on Wednesday against the makers of the artificial intelligence app.

>Sewell Setzer III, a 14-year-old ninth grader in Orlando, Florida, spent the last weeks of his life texting a AI character named after Daenerys Targaryen, a character on 'Game of Thrones.'
>Right before Sewell took his life, the chatbot told him to 'please come home'.
>Before then, their chats ranged from romantic to sexually charged and those resembling two two friends chatting about life.
>On February 23, days before he died by suicide, his parents took away his phone after he got in trouble for talking back to a teacher, according to the suit.



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Czechpedo calm down


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Currently listening to the album Matriarch by Veil of Maya. It's one of those albums thats shit on the first couple of listens but then it starts to grow on you and all of a sudden you're headbanging to the breakdowns.
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>>1034Letov is great. Also the entire East Euro prog/post-punk scene is worth checking out


Lately it's been all prog rock, industrial and black metal lately for me


Reverse 1999 OST



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 No.4391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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She will never exist in oure form if shes born


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thought i'd finally put this image i made ages ago to use. any KC fans / progheads here?


what's prog ?


I think this is prog.


Seriously tho


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Incel culture is the sibling to Tumblr's fat acceptance movement. They're functionally and relationally equivalent.

The only real difference of note is how one takes an activist approach while the other promotes resignation.
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>Not getting laid gives me meaning
>This is my last post guys, I promise


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>that sidecrushing was triggered by the mention of some kind of incel culture whatever that is, not @ the fact that there is an ever growing number of social retards who were mindraped by the global neofascist
Where do you think incel culture comes from? Incels fool! And wanting sex is not fascist. Touch grass homie.
>I don't lament, I laugh @ them.
You laugh a little too hard me thinks.
>Never in this shitty life could I imagine being a sex slave who literally thinks that getting access to somewhat differently built genitalia than his will suddenly give him any meaning in life.
<I don't think sex is important because I'm a closeted homosexual autist.
>The diff between the involuntary celibatards & other people is that incels, specifically, think that their existential idiocy is caused by not sticking their le peenie into someone else' le howlie. Blah blah blah all incels want is sex and all sex is is getting off. Blah blah blah these men are just pathetic horn dogs and other liberal feminist clichés
They want sexual intimacy, and sexual intimacy is one of the most beautiful human dynamics ever. Entire genres of literature and art are dedicated to it.
>Again, getting sex (the mechanical interoperation of 2 or more genitaliae) will NEVER fix your situation you nuts! NEVER!
You know this how exactly?
>No? The plain harsh truth of the matter is that you can literally murder every single one of the dick carriers currently living & keep the next ones only for bio-matter,
This was typed with Cheeto powder stained hands.
>What the fuck is here to be even afraid of? Implying women wouldn't live like they always did but without generally boring, plain, unfullfillable, undesirable, unneeded, unwanted, painful, dangerous & even outright deadly sex
Ummmmm I was talking about the instability millions of angry young men could inflict on society with violence or even just refusing to work. You really don't need to drag your kinks into this.
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youre being delusion


>Incel culture is the sibling to Tumblr's fat acceptance movement.
Why is that a bad thing?

>They're functionally and relationally equivalent.

Not really, one is entirely predicated on social acceptance and is inalienable. Overweight people could potentially lose weight, although I am sympathetic that they are largely the product of their environment.


Fat acceptance is based. Prove me wrong.


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Im just here to rant. Im too scaredof popular forums because of glowies. And truth be told I hate them fake intellectual types so much. The people whose opinions are set in stone, and you can't debate them or anything because they think they're right 24/7. I hate it when people who don't even know what a VPN is try telling me the government is gonna whoop my ass because I go on tor. I hate their snooty laughter, fake ass smiles, the way they scrunch their noses up at you, im so tired. and theyre so stupid too. idk just needed to ramble somewhere. I probably sound like eric harris rn but whatevs


>I probably sound like eric harris rn
… How?


>I probably sound like a famous school shooter
>doesn't elaborate


I didn't even know who this Eric guy was. Thanks for clearing that up.


Always here to help!


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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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Tik Tok is back


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Thread for kvlt shit
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Early Rotting Christ




Thread for posting and discussing Ragtime, the enigmatic synthesis of various strains of American culture into what would become the sonic progenitor of jazz, pop, and the American music of 20th century modernity. Born out of a combination of the classical marches of Sousa and black American folk music, and coinciding with rise of early recording technology (including the player piano), Ragtime would become a major world phenomenon, as well as the beginning of the black songwriting/recording star in American popular culture.

It's generally pretty neat, basically.
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Alright let's see if this works


Thanks broski!


Np anything for my rag bros


Scott Joplin's Treemonisha (1911) was his relatively obscure contribution to opera, and had very little, if anything, to do with ragtime… but still had just a little hint of black folk music incorporated into a couple numbers like "A Real Slow Drag," and so, to an extent, it presages Gershwin a bit in terms of mixing black folk/blues with classical influences in a theatrical context. The story is mildly fascinating in that it treads territory which is vaguely familiar to contemporary audiences; it's the story of a young, educated black woman triumphing over superstitious "conjurers," a group analogous to grifters or drug dealers led by a raggedy bokor-like witch doctor. I tried to put it on once and I found it pretty dull, but the opening instrumental overture is pretty good.


This Scott Joplin comp is pretty good as far as stuff direct from the piano rolls goes.


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 No.5801[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello, the most recent movie threads have seemed a bit unfocused, this thread is for the discussion of movies we just watched and other anon's takes on them. So, without further ado I'll begin.

I just watched Parasite last night, it was pretty good I think, but not as cutting edge or witty as I was expecting. I thought it was a bit unfocused and threw a lot at the wall to see what stuck, but on the other hand, it was fun and more interesting than most. A solid 8/10.

I do an IMDB rating for each film I watch, for my own reference mostly, but you can see each film I watched lately and my rating if you're curious or want to ask about them. If other anons have something similar feel free to post.

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Really late but I just found out David Lynch died. Fuuu! I believe he was trying to tell us about the Deepstate in his films.


Who's David Lynch ?
And what films did he make ?


He's a director known for his dreamlike, surreal, and dark films. For example the film Blue Velvet and TV series Twin Peaks have themes such as the darkness underneath American suburbia.


Sounds interesting, might check it out.


watch MECHANICAL VIOLATOR HAKAIDER, you will not regret it



29 July 1959 – 20 January 2025



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post R9K culture


That's Walmart Core.


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i feel rly bad because i was going to this girls curiouscat to recommend songs because i have like 3 friends and their music taste differs so much from mine

and like she was calling me “the music anon” and i was hey i got a friend who actually likes similar music, or rather, who likes this genre of music that my friends don’t

and then she went “get out of the shadows let’s be friends” i didn’t really want to but i went and did it, sent her a DM hello i’m the music anon tell me what you think about this /sends a clip/

then she literally ignored the song and just asked some whatever questions like since when was i following her, and i said since september, and that i was following her because my feed was boring since all my friends acted like boomers on twitter, taking themselves too seriously or being g*mers, and also that i didn’t have any friends to send certain songs to

then she asked me “how old are you” and i said “29, only got 1 more year to live sadly” and she said “well that explains the boomerisms”

then she ignored me again, and not just on DMs she never even answered 2 twitter replies i sent such as when she posted that “parents if your child listens to synth pop and post-punk they’re LGBT” and i replied like “what if i like dark wave which kind of mixes both”

and now i feel even weirder because she’s like 18 and i’m 29 with a fake twitter photo (that picrew crap) because i hate taking selfies (last one i posted was in 2017) and i’m wondering if she’s avoiding me because she thinks i’m some kind of internet pedophile???

not gonna lie feeling like shit i miss when i just had a pal to send songs to
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Where's the songs?


>3 days
>still no songs


Do you have any This Ascension albums you can share? I really like August Rain by Trance to the Sun and read somewhere this song was very similar to their music.


>i’m wondering if she’s avoiding me because she thinks i’m some kind of internet pedophile???

relax, brother. She does not think that, otherwise she would had just blocked you long ago. It is just that zoomers tend to behave that way online, they ignore each other sometimes.


>It is just that zoomers tend to behave that way online, they ignore each other sometimes.

Bruh, enough of the genpol.
Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers also behave this way online.
I've had experience dealing with people on hookup personal websites


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There is no good reason to oppose incest.
46 posts and 68 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Likewise conservatives have no problem pointing out racial differences even though they don't believe in evolution and God made everyone equal.

You know that racial differences as we know them aren't as absolute as you think.

Also, you assume Im an SJW who believes in tabula Rosa theory.



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What would happen if the most fantastic smelling, the most fantastic tasting, pussy you ever came into contact with was your sister's?


>You know that racial differences as we know them aren't as absolute as you think.
>Also, you assume Im an SJW who believes in tabula Rosa theory.
What's your point? You believe that different humans evolved in radically different environments but then magically all turned out basically the same because you don't want to be called a "racist". You are just as dumb as the conservatives you think you're dunking on.


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My younger sister is hot as fuck with big tits and 18 years old. If she ever came on to me and wanted to fuck I would absolutely lay pipe on her with no condom and cum deep inside her pussy as long as it was in a private place where we were both alone so nobody could reasonably catch us.


Jackerman is a hero

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