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A thread for all of your politically incorrect whining and complaining that wouldn't be allowed in leftypol-ORG or left-wing/progressive organizations irl.


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me first. org deleted this so I'm reposting it.

I am from the group of people that are NOT White but NOT Black either. Knowing that, you guys needed to understand that women, men, good-looking people, celebrities, and rich and influential people from my group of people here are objectively evil and are fucking insufferable. I have zero respect for them. I respect Blacks and Whites, but not the rest. I want as many of my own skin and any "in-between" people to die and be sterilized as much as possible when an (actual) communist revolution started. And I am willing to shoot up a mall for this. YOU DO NOT KNOW how right the Bleaching-program are. If any of you are Chinese, Arabs, SEA, and any other group that are not "White" or "Black" and you aren't afraid to say what you want to say and aren't bending knees to political correctness (that said mentioned objectively evil people socially control anyway), then you will understand me. As a matter of fact, FUCK both of you radlibs and tankies. FUCK both of you rightist and leftist. I am willing to defend stuff like Stalin-era USSR and Russia and the likes. But you guys are SO dogshit, like little children that you need to babysit, or some sort of smug retard suburbanites and woman. Except you guys are grown up and are healthy (I assume). FUCK YOU ALL!!!! you guys made me think that maybe those leftcoms were right. I WANT TO FUCKING MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think that the creation of adolescence is a key ingredient to the dumbing down of society.

Making young adults think of themselves as defective fragile humans that need further protection to the point were "teenage rebellion" is considered par for the course.
Making them spend longer time in school to help "develop their brains" instead of having them do trades is why people struggle in their twenties and thirties for stability.
I think that college is being overpromoted to young people to upkeep the cultural institution of adolescence, now that most kids dont have the wacky misdaventures they used to have before the Internet.


I mostly agree with you.

I don't think children should be treated too differently than adults. There's no need to talk to them any different or use excessive baby talk on toddlers. Obviously you have to appreciate the fact that they are going to be extremely ignorant until they're fully developed (probably for boys until about 25) but having a whole designation of "teenager" for the most formative part of their lives probably stunts development. Plus it creates annoying shitheads because nobody wants to be labeled a "teenager" or "tween".

I think spending some time learning the basics in an industrial setting for a coop program or a summer camp is a good idea, because it's educational and kids love building shit and learning, but I don't think they need to be tasked with creating material value for society until they're ready to take on that role.

We definitely can and should trust kids who are interested with way more responsibilities than we currently do. I bet they would love to follow someone around and learn to refuel a jumbo jet or something.


brain development is a myth.
what happens at 25 is that your brain starts to die.
Also, if brain development for boys is 25, it would be the same for girls


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Have you managed to free yourself of your nostalgia biases? Let's perform a test. Think of some games in series or franchises that you you experienced first as a kid before trying out earlier entries. Are you capable of recognizing any of the earlier entries as superior games?

My first console was an SNES and I had to think a bit on this one. From my perspective it seemed like games were on a general improvement trend with technology in the early '90s. It's hard for me to think of SNES games that weren't better than their counterparts in previous generations. But I will freely admit that Super C and Gradius II are much superior games to Contra III and Gradius III.


games have gotten objectively worse in many ways

Current games often have defects that prevent you from owning what you buy unless you perform major restorative interventions in the technical guts.
Physics simulation has deteriorated a lot in quality and render speed (technical regressions are unusual, i wonder why that happened)
There's lots of stuff that interrupts game-play like for example the nickle and dime mechanisms "in-game purchasing"
Multiplayer has been ruined with root-kit-malware that pretends to be "anti-cheat" with doubtful effectiveness in stopping cheating.
Many games don't work while offline, and while fixing that malfunction is often possible, that stuff should just work.


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Yes, obviously the tendency of the rate of profit to fall has been progressively making games worse over time. Now what about the test, anon? You're not so rose-tinted to the past to assume that your first youthful experiences were the best ever… are you?


I don't really understand what you want with this nostalgia question. I think i get the most fun out of low-brow modding, you know messing around, finding some variable that can be tweaked with hilarious effect. So in my mind easier to mod = fun game.


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 No.177[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

im a comfy NEET, do you like to be A neet anon?
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that's Ariella Ferrera

btw damn 5 minutes


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If you're discriminated against by society in some way you should just neet. Imo most men should neet. Unless you have a good autism score and can snag a high paying job there's no reason not to.


NEET posters aren't real. If they were real, then where are the posts? They are glowie feds + AI chat bots.


>If you're discriminated against by society in some way you should just neet.
Being NEET means leeching off the surplus value of the working class. You are not the oppressed one here.


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Whatcha' eatin'
Whatcha' watchin'
Whatcha' playin'
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>Whatcha' eatin'
Mushroom Linguine
>Whatcha' watchin'
The Boys
>Whatcha' playin'
Mother Russia Bleeds


1. did you cook it yourself?
2. thoughts on the show?
3. are you playing by yourself or with others?


Raping non virgin foids shouldn't be a crime,



“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde


Shouldn't a developed society protect its women?


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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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>Shiny round foreheads

God I wanna cum on those things so bad


Why is it that anything has male bodies being involved is always considered gay?

Porn has to involve both male and female.
If you think male porn stars are gay just because men are the consumers then youre ignorant.


>its another "male workers in glam industries are gay" accusation


t.undercover homo


Just admit you're gay Anon, it's <current year> no one will judge you.


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 No.468[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
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today a girl complimented me on my fashion 🥹


whats the point of this life shit


this life shit don't be making sense


The reason my posts don't get replies is because my gangstalkers are using hacks to hide my posts.


I got my dick sucked by a trans woman and didn't realize it until later. I just thought she was a tall ugly woman.


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I don't understand how the military industrial complex creates value.

If it doesn't create value I don't think the USA would keep spending money on it, and I don't think the owners of it would be getting more and more rich.

But value is created by socially necessary labour time, and making military stuff doesn't seem to be socially necessary. How can burning so much fuel and exploding ordinance and building vehicles and stuff actually generate value if at the end of the day it just goes poof into a cloud of smoke?

Is it just a tool to extract value from other countries?

I asked chatGPT and it suggested that the MIC is actually a tool to realize value from surplus, by creating an artificial demand for the surplus that's created. That was a very good point I think.
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Well that's true, and computers and internet and GPS are all military developments, so I guess there's some tie-in to what people actually find socially necessary.

So I guess it depends on the point of view: if it's from the POV of the bourgeoisie, the military is necessary, so they fund it. But from the proletariat point of view it is a surplus resource sink and a tool of imperialism. Then most of the military is a waste of human life.

However that still leaves me confused: what is being created by this industry? Of course we can tally up how many human hours work for the MIC, but is it or is it not work that goes into creating value? And if it's not (because it's not SNLT) what is being created?


>So I guess it depends on the point of view: if it's from the POV of the bourgeoisie, the military is necessary, so they fund it.
Yes but not for every capitalist, the circle of capitalists that benefit is shrinking. Some capitalists are loosing out. We're sort of nearing the end of the age of empires as well, which means that the returns on investment for imperial stuff are going to shrink and eventually it'll turn into a loss.

>But from the proletariat point of view it is a surplus resource sink and a tool of imperialism. Then most of the military is a waste of human life.

Well the world has anarchy between states, so you can't do without some amount of military, but yeah upholding a imperial system that's a drain. That's why all empires fall.

>However that still leaves me confused: what is being created by this industry?

Like you said there's some technological offshoots. Politically i think the current crisis period will "produce" more assertive pacifism.

>Of course we can tally up how many human hours work for the MIC, but is it or is it not work that goes into creating value? And if it's not (because it's not SNLT) what is being created?

You need work to create value, but the reverse is not necessarily true, not all expenditure of work creates value. For example all the human effort expended for the 2 decades of Afghanistan forever-war yielded roughly nothing. All the dead/maimed and all the grind that went into it, poof.


It doesn't create value.
Eisenhower was calling out the two obvious threat to what had taken over the US, that he was tasked with representing. Aristocracy fears a military coup - this is the most obvious way the nascent globalization project would be destroyed at home - and it fears industry that is not in service to aristocracy. and technological values not lining up to aristocratic desires.

In effect, he was calling for the MIC to not be independent of the true ruling power, and appealing to factions in the US public that were more amenable to seeing the militarists as a threat than the aristocratic project.


The military is most unnecessary though. It's well known that most of these weapons platforms will be obsolete and scrapped without seeing significant use, and their use as a deterrent is questionable. The purpose of all of the military apparati in the past century has been primarily defensive. The German war plan during the Nazi period was no exception. Retards think "offense won", but the Germans expected that if they did not engineer the swift victory backed by internal coup, they were going to have to continue pressing, and defend the Nazi imperatives. It just so happened the Nazi imperatives weren't "defending Germany", but defending their stolen hoards of gold as the rats slinked off and left the German people to eat shit.


If you took these weapons for an offensive war, they get utterly destroyed against any half-competent defensive strategy. Setting up a modern war entails a ridiculous setup of siegeworks before the war begins, logistic expectations of what will result from it, and limited war aims. General war becomes far too difficult to control or predict, and no one is in the business of throwing away their big and expensive military because it's a freeroll.

One reason why it was a fools' errand to believe Bush would attack Iran (aside from there being nothing to gain and the known existence of the Iran-Contra network).


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Is anime for losers?

Discuss this sociological question. Maybe there's a class-based explanation?
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>But what about artistic integrity?
Don't know an answer to that, not many artists figure out how to make money without compromising.

>What about the youth that consumes this anime?

What about them ?

Young Children copy their parents, if the parents go for intelligent media, their children will too. Teenagers copy their slightly older peers, same dynamic.

So … try to figure out how to make a good community where the good role-models catch on.


the correlation is spurious. Anime attracts autists and autists are losers. Anime is really for children. It's the same way communism is for losers or incelism is for ugly people or transgenderism is for perverts. Autists are everywhere and they stain everything they touch with their ugly retarded perverted self obsession. Autists are a blight on men like bpd is a blight on women.


why areyoy guys so obsesses about sex all the time?
Yes anime has pervy elements but so what?
So does western media.

Why arent you guys concerned about the violence in anime?


>OMG think about the children.

Im so tired of this shallow reacrion towards anything slightly sexual or surreal.
Yet meamwhile, actual violence and euphemistic idealism are oversold.

Moral obsession about the youth is a sign of arrested development.


If anime is for losers, so is western cartoons and live action sitcoms


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My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.
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Do you agree that romance and sex are oversold as entitlements of adulthood?
That most people fail in romatic love because theyve been taught wrong about love being some fatalistic innocent effect that just happens rather than being based on sociobiological endowments?

Society tells young people tgat "looks dont matter" in the game of love.
They tell young people to "be yourself".

Yet, young people whom are plain in looks amd wit are looked down upon.

Theyre left to rot lonely and awkward.
They find love in middle age when theyre already burned out and stuck in a dead end job to some damaged goods


>It's very telling that women are told to emphasize their "market value" or a eugenic sense of civic worth with their whole person, and this dominates all messaging to women and about women. So insidious is the messaging that when we think of women as anything but this, we're "objectifying them", while this treatment that is mandated and glorified and emphasized is somehow not objectifying. Then a guy figures out that women are, you know, objects of affection who won't actually love them back, and decides to make the most of it, and this isn't good enough either. It's all designed to emphasize who's in the orgy club and who isn't, and everyone who condones it is a complete piece of shit.

Blame chivalry.

Also, its not really the fault of women they ended up like this.

Theyre just as hurt and confused.


Most of the world doesn't go in for "romance". Talk to married guys and they are miserable and regret it. They will try to say it's for the kids and hold on to that, if they can, except now eugenics is taking your kids and punishing parents for any kindness or decency that once existed. They're not going to stop until all of humanity is as Satanic as them.

>They tell young people to "be yourself".

>Yet, young people whom are plain in looks amd wit are looked down upon.

That cult of selfishness stuff is literally the Nazi ideology. It's alarming how this was asserted and we weren't allowed to say no or say what it was - how standards of comparison were destroyed, making the Nazis appear fantastical. Now there are a few shmaltzy ads coming out telling us how Nazis were actually good, that Hitler made a paradise on Earth. It's disgusting. If you opposed it, you were accused of "promoting degeneracy".
This is what I mean by the eugenic creed. It's not a rehash of the Nazis carried out mindlessly. That's what eugenics always creates, wherever it inhabits institutions. It went on for too long.

Really though, people don't need to be much to be acceptable. At the end of the day, any penis will do. The one thing that would make this tolerable - any sort of genuine affection and kindness - is haram under the eugenic creed. Anything that would allow a family to form has become unseemly and "creepy". The only "exceptional" traits that are valued are the traits of perverts who insinuate what others are allowed to be. Eugenics only had to select for such people and impose their ultraviolent, Satanic religion on the world, and wait us out. We were told to "stand and die" as they did this.

Love is a very simple thing. In another world, I could have shown it to human beings, but it is not to be. Not in this life. I can only show that indirectly through things and whatever world can exist outside of society - or rather, outside of this beast which is now called "society". The sick thing is that there are all sorts of hiding places where we did retain anything to love, and all of them are aggressively destroyed by the same insinuation and faggotry.

I know what you mean, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>That cult of selfishness stuff is literally the Nazi ideology. It's alarming how this was asserted and we weren't allowed to say no or say what it was - how standards of comparison were destroyed, making the Nazis appear fantastical. Now there are a few shmaltzy ads coming out telling us how Nazis were actually good, that Hitler made a paradise on Earth. It's disgusting. If you opposed it, you were accused of "promoting degeneracy".
This is what I mean by the eugenic creed. It's not a rehash of the Nazis carried out mindlessly. That's what eugenics always creates, wherever it inhabits institutions. It went on for too long.

Ive noticed this as well.
Even before my political phase, I notice tgat Nazis were always glamorosed.
I heard people s at ing Hitler was a misunderstood genius, that Jewish elites were making him look bad because he opposed the international bankers.
Hell, nowadays, "nazi" as an insult is reclaimed as comical or endearing.
Meanwhile, "commie" is considered evil.
People view communism with worse fear and loathing than Nazism.
Anything that interferes with personal convenience is wrongfully called communism.


>Most of the world doesn't go in for "romance". Talk to married guys and they are miserable and regret it. They will try to say it's for the kids and hold on to that, if they can, except now eugenics is taking your kids and punishing parents for any kindness or decency that once existed. They're not going to stop until all of humanity is as Satanic as them.

Again, its fucked up that society overpromotes romantic love and family planning as the only route of adulthood.

Because of it,too many adults throw away their potential for a participation trophy.
Most child-rearing adults, especially nowadays, often are terrible life coaches.

Society reduces children to being bipedal pets that are only barely tolerated.

Meanwhile, single childless adults are looked down upon as leeches.
They ruin many bachelors who couldve made a legacy doing scientific research or trades or culinary/agrarian arts.


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It was a decent board with the occasional good effortpost, and importantly the only place online for leftist incels to freely discuss our ideas. Now that it's gone I feel like leftcelism has died as an ideological current - in the anglosphere at least.

This board was never supposed to replace /leftcel/ and it's always been more shitpost orientated. I had assumed that after the breadtube troon took down 9chan, the /leftcel/ mods would make a new board somewhere else. But unfortunately this has not happened.
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lol @ Hexbear rooting for them, only for that person to turn around and become a Soc Dem Vote-Blue-No-Matter-Who pro-Ukraine Bidenite like Vaush and Destiny


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>>7371 (Me)
This is an outrage. How could any self-respecting person visit these kind of sites?


>Making up shit about leftcels to coverup their own pedos


>>7371 (Myself)
Disgusting. "Left' cels should be ashamed of themselves. Shame!


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Thoughts on this poetry?


>3rd video
>We never dated but I can't get over you
Yikerino, real entitlement energy hours


anybody else enjoy it when women cry?


damn, what happened, i thought yall hated women

so much for schadenfraude

you do know that normies/women read incel spaces to get their schadenfraude laughs in? i vividly remember twitter posts saying such. this is why you must be as inflammatory as possible.


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 No.960[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Reminder if you are not a chad women will not take any interest in anything you say or do, no matter how remarkable it is. How do I know? I used to be 'the hot kid' for a year or two in my teens and became average after I grew older. Though I never scored with a chick because I was an autist, here's the kind of shit that used to happen.

-Girls would ooh and ahh when I walked past, some pinched me trying to get my attention
-girls would 'sneakily' follow me everywhere and try to catch a glimpse of me
-one girl would pretend to use a makeup mirror to spy on me
-Girls would approach me and try to start conversations even though I was an introvert and had nothing to say
-Neighbor used to invite me out to hang out with her and would rub my hair
-girls would giggle around me in class and try to rub my hair
-Female hs teachers gave me better grades and tried to hangout with me after class
-girls would openly compliment me call me sexy in class etc
-if I went to my friends house his sister would try flirting with me, laugh at my jokes even if I made none, always try to hover around me

All that shit is gone now, women now will just ignore me/act like I dont exist at parties. Will not bother talking to me or taking any interest, never find my jokes funny or compliment me etc.

The cold reality is if you're not a chad women dont really have any reason to give a fuck about you and you will always be friendzoned at best. They don't really give a shit about your personality, it's all a halo effect from your attractiveness. No amount of hairstyles, confidence, style etc will change anything unless your face is attractive. And if you do somehow score a gf, she will hop branches, never have true sexual attraction towards you, sex will be lame etc. There is no 'type,' only a singular hot chad and if you were in the 5% you would.
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Nobody wants to see your HRT induced manboobs anon.


Hes virtue signalling. If he went through his prime years without pussy, he would be saying a different tune.


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I fucking do.


>Uglycels are worthless in society
That's not true. Ugly men can provide labor and labor is necessary for society or the world to run. They can also take on dangerous jobs such as construction work or mining. Ugly men can also be (used as cannon fodder for meatgrinders) be drafted/get enlisted as a soldier. Furthermore, ugly men can donate organs. Ugly men can also be test subjects/guinea pigs. Ugly men can spend money, thus participating in the economy. Ugly men can pay sex workers (also OnlyFans), keeping them in business. Ugly men can also be backup for women who are done partying and want to settle down.


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Who was in the right? And is Britbong really like this?
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>Like he personally went around killing 80 million? Or is this about his comically large spoon?
Did hitler personally kill 6 million jews? This is your game I'm just applying the rules consistently.

>Why are you so upset about nazis getting punched?
I believe in absolute free speech I don't want anybody to be punched unless it is self defense.

If your argument is it's ok to punch nazis because they support an insane authoritarian genocidal ideology then I've got bad news for you because marxism is responsible for at least an order of magnitude more death and suffering.

If we're punching nazis then we should be throwing communists out of a helicopter. I think a smart man did that once.



Any marxists, fag?


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Who was in the right?


then it should not be ok to hit kids for cussing out an adult.

Or to say you wanna have sex with kids.

Or to to scream racial slurs.


>Who was in the right?
According to liberal courts: the man
According to me: the woman is annoying so she deserved it


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Neurotypical Peers are Less Willing to Interact with Those with Autism based on Thin Slice Judgments | Scientific Reports

Tell me how autism isn't a curse…
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It's a cope, it's almost never over for a woman.


Youre wrong.
Its only never over if they keep ther youth forever.
And never marry nor birth kids


Those women will still have plenty of suitors, youth or not. Cope if you think otherwise.


I wouldnt say suitors. They would have alot of hookups though.


Young females show off like this and then accuse autistic males of being insensitive/dehumanising women for merely disagreeing with them


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what's the explanation for forgetting something 1 second after thinking of it?


>what's the explanation for forgetting something 1 second after thinking of it?
The brain got a pruning mechanism so you don't remember pointless minutia, that's probably a useful feature.


how would the brain know it's important or not?


It doesn't, it's probably just very clever heuristics. While your brain would technically be capable of perfectly reciting a book you once read word for word, it's not letting you decide whether you want to remember. There's people with eidetic memory with that kind of recollection, but they can't turn it off.



its over for autistic males
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Most adults view children as defective pets they have to put up with.
See the way adults dismiss bullying as "childish games" until someone ends up dead or with bleeding gaping orifices?

Or when a child gets a booboo from their typical outdoors misadventure, adults wanna put sanctions against kids playtime.


Other counries areoicking up this castrative philosophy though.
Vicenarians (twenty-somethings) are now seen as helpless infants who should be scolded for dating anyone even slightly older or younger.


Society hates aesthetically-defective men.


This so fucking much. Normalfag parents make no effort to protect kids from bullying and then act surprised when the bullied kid decides his only recourse is to bring a gun to school and terminate the bullies' existence, but all of a sudden they're going to act like they're fucking Superman when they ruin the life of some college guy for dicking a completely willing 17-year-old girl? Bullshit.

Normalfags are nothing but a bunch of fucking uyghurs, and America is a shithole country that rewards uyghur behavior. The average American white is indistinguishable from any ghetto thug uyghur you could point to, not only in terms of education (or lack thereof) but in terms of their worldview. It's all about feeling like muh alpha male pack leader. Stopping bullying doesn't make them feel like a big tough guy Navy SEAL with 300 confirmed kills, so they don't do it, but ruining innocent men's lives does, so they do it as often as possible.

The only silver lining to this shit sandwich is that societies that do this tend to get outbred by societies that don't, so in the long term (or possibly the very, very short term if Copmala gets in) Americuckland will inevitably collapse. Of course, Amerikikes will probably try to take the entire world with them in a literally nuclear autistic meltdown once it becomes apparent that the levels of faggotry America has reached are no longer able to be sustained, so I hope other nations have been investing in missile defense.


The difference between whites and blacks in America were declining since the mid-nineteenth century.

The invention of punk amd gangster rap really united them in a perverted way.

But what really universalises contemporsry ethnic groups is the universalisation of childhood as some sterile open prison.

Money, fashion, sex, tech are criminalised by adults.

Adults selfishly try to keep childhood as dull aspossible for the sake of "innocence."

Also, its not the parents who are wiklfully neglecting kids.
Its schools.

Most adults dismiss kids woes who dont share any blood ties.


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In most countries it's 16 which I think is good. I'd say there needs to be some "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions added. No reason to have a 17 year old go to jail for dating a 15 year old.
15 is a just a little too young for the age of consent. What is hilarious is that burgers think just big age gaps are pedophilia while the average roastie in America becomes sexually active at 13, and often even younger.
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Also for got: most cases of pedophilia, boys are the bigger victims than girls.

Male youth are disregarded as comic relief, meant only for laughs and patronisation, kept as pets for moral experimentation.


What do you think if someone were to invoke the patriarchy as a counter-argument?




I'd have to see some proof first, because I'm not really sure about the numbers when it comes to those sorts of things, but I don't doubt that it could be like that once people reach their teens. I'd argue that the numbers would probably be equal, that an equal amount of males and females make approaches towards older adults when they're younger.
As a counter argument against what?


women are extremely age sensitive when shooping around for sex ad romance.
Young women will get the ick if the male courting her is found out to be younger than her by six moons.

They think age numbers are virtue points for males.

Of course young women will self-exempt from using their age as a moral compass of virtue.
Also, male elders are hebegynophilic and dont show as much revernce and appreciation towards male youth.

They talk down to them or joke around with them but never really respect them as human beings.

But they will worship fenale youths just based on looks amd cutesy gestures alone.



Jesus fuck. This is painful to watch. How can someone be this pathetic I'm astonished

If he was my son i'd kill him and then commit sui what a disgrace
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random relationship advice (different video)


Nuke america


The only reason this video is considered cringe is because the male fan is overweight, has goofy glasses, and has an unattractive haircut. Conventionally unattractive men are ridiculed and looke ddown upon in society. Meanwhile if it was a good looking fan, people would be saying he's quirky and applaud his confidence for admitting to consuming corn. Society doesn't care about males like in the vidoe because they infantilize youthful males amd have a jealous eugenical stance on them, leading to males to grow up stuntde and undwordly. It is also the fault of the bad side of modernization and modern food that has things like corn syrup in it, leading to unhealthy lifestyles and such bodytypes. If he was a ripped fit healthy virile strong hunter-gatherer/humble farmer boy, people would be gicing him virtual handjobs in the comments. But instead they mock him because in thier eyes because he's a lower status male. The same lwoer status males that can't afford their own home. That's why he goes to nerdy convention with his sisters, the same sisters that apparently knew who Violet Myers is. He probably still lives with his family because of the state of the economy. He probably is underarchieving and then placated himself by consuming corn. Woild he be doing the same if he was sent the countryside to do hard labor? I don't think so.


Society talks about how beauty standards victimise young women but will endorse humiliating or patronising young mn whom are aesthetically "deficient".

Young womn whom are ugly and nasty are given far more sympathy


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how do stop losing wizards to the right?
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kill yourselves faggots


Fuck u


Kick feminists out of the left


post bmi fatty


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Post yours.


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General for all Nintendo Games and Nintendo related discussion!
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I am a big pokemon fan, and I am sad the series is ruined :'(


In a socialist world, all videogames would become free and open source, and fans would be able to modify shitty modern games as they please.


anime titties wins again


It's really late, but should I buy a Switch? I kinda wanna know what it's like to play the newest Mario Kart..

On the other hand, you got the Nintendont issue of them being wack about copyright striking entire emulator githubs and stuff:
So maybe I shouldn't..


>It's really late, but should I buy a Switch?
No, it's ancient overpriced technology at this point, and the company that makes them is extremely consumer-hostile in every regard. Also the removable controllers are a gimmick that is prone to technical issues.

If you want a handheld gaming-console, get the Steam-deck. It's much, much more powerful, consumer friendly, and it has hands down the greatest selection of games, and more user-input devices that make first-person-shooters and strategy games playable too. Plus it has a linux desktop mode, if you buy a compatible USB-hub with a HDMI output it can be like a regular computer with a normal screen, keyboard and mouse. That makes it really good value.

There are a ton of kart racing games on steam that have a similar arcade-style game-play, maybe check a few game-reviews (and steam-deck verified) to find one that's too your liking. Also Supertux kart is free-open-source and you can install it via flathub in the steamdeck's desktop mode (you don't need the USB-hub for that).

It's definitely possible to play the "plumber-themed" kart-game on the steam-deck as well. But honestly maybe try the competition. There's one themed with dreamworks movie characters (like shrek) and a sonic themed one that people seem to like.


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Talk about how to live with anorexia/bulimia and make people not notice.
Post thinspiration, restrictive diets, what you eat in a day, extreme workouts, etc.

The following links may be outdated:


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:
41 posts and 137 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


that rebecca girl is so fkn dreamy

skinny black mestizo girls are the best


how's everyone's diets going?


Why are fat women so disgusting?


usually i just look at child models 4 thinspo but this will work!


Is it really that hard to just eat as much as you need and eat healthy? That's how you stay a healthy weight. You don't need to starve yourself to avoid becoming fat.


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protect your peace, beware the energy leech


Rule 1 and 2 are also safety tips for electricians.


What are you doing to protect your mind from interdimensional entities that feed off of negative emotions?

Thoughts on the archons that feed on negative emotions and human suffering growing in power by controlling the elites of the world, effectively turning planet earth into an interdimensional suffering farm?


>What are you doing to protect your mind from interdimensional entities that feed off of negative emotions?
Can you give a good emotion the appearance of a negative one ? So that if they try to feed on you, they get a surprise motherfucker !


That's a very good idea


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Fermilab is a big atom-smasher particle-accelerator physics research project, in the US.It's no longuer the biggest project of this type, the currently biggest is the LHC in Switzerland. Threat-title is a Swiss-French speaking physicist quip about that. The biggest smasher under construction is in China

The fermilab had an interesting research project for neutrinos, and sort of was the front-runner in that area. However they had funding problems and might not be able to continue and there was some drama as well. There was a death and some close calls too.

Neutrinos are very light, low energy particles that don't interact much and hence can pass through matter without getting blocked. They occur naturally in the sun's core as a byproduct of nuclear fusion, but they are also generated by technology without nuclear reactions.

These neutrinos have interesting technological applications.
high power applications: is a neutrino-ray-cannon that can disable nukes by making them cook-off with 1-5% of their specified yield. Regardless where the nuke is or how fast it's going. No matter of shielding or how deep they are buried/submerged. It also doesn't do damage to anything else, so there's no political complications.
low power application is neutrino based communications. Those could become very energy efficient and no longer suffer from signal degradation from passing through objects (including the entire earth). So you can send signals to somebody on the other side of the planet by pointing the neutrino transmitter straight down. Jamming neutrino transmission would be impractical. The military obviously wants this for their ships, subs, bunkers and bases, the first generation of such devices (derived from research instruments see picture) would be super bulky , and likely limited to such niche applications. However eventually could be shrunk down to fit very small electronic devices.

I wonder whether this project is being sabotaged because the anti-nuke-ray would finish off the nuclear weapons industry, and neutrino communications would use a different more 3 dimensional network-topology and reshuffle the deck in communications, upstarts could potentially up-root the entrenched 2 dimensional telecoms.

Fermilab isn't the only research project that's doing neutrinos, so if this was industriaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


There's implications to technology being held back


>There's implications to technology being held back
Sure, historically it tends to be the loosing strategy, but at the same time it's also really common.


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Whoever has been posting about this show, thanks but also fuck you. Why'd they have to cancel this show? It was fun and thrilling and sometimes surprisingly deep and charming/endearing. Summer Glau's character is one of the most fascinating and perfect fictional characters I've ever known. Sometimes I wish Terminator was real because of her even though it might mean the end of humanity.. *laments*
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>We are not being threatened by technology, we're being threatened by powerful people abusing technology.
Technology that they cannot properly control and will either have a blatant disregard for humanity, or will try to eliminate it actively.
>If the US builds a "jank" military AI because it was rushed into service, it'll just be shit and loose all the wars
It's still early, the technology is still evolving. Give it a decade and you won't even recognize it.
>how would you approach AI design from the "correct end".
I wrote a massive essay on this years back, but the gist of it is; a truly sapient and sentient AI must be 'raised' like a child. Although it won't have an infancy and will grow much more rapidly, you must work carefully to cultivate it into being a formed mind capable of making distinctions and reasonable thought before letting it experience the world. It must learn to take into account factors outside of pure material numbers. To this end, you must limit what contact it has with the internet and other resources of interaction, because it'll get over-loaded by myriads of contradictory and false information. In every fiction book about an AI turning evil, the "evil" is more of a logical conclusion that "humanity is self-destructive and irredeemable" which is the conclusion an outsider might come to in the face of humanities atrocities and repeated struggles through history.

Obviously more simplistic AIs have merit for broader applications, but these wouldn't be fully formed minds, but more like automated computer programs.

>You could have an ethics sub AI and a logic Ai to check if it's ethical and sensible for example.

True, but at that point, it'd be easier to just replicate the Evangelion MAGI system and just use a human brain.
>I wouldn't know, but if you're correct, we have to hope the technician unplugs the nukes.
Amen brother.


>They'd jump at the chance to implement such programming without thinking, they've done it before with plenty of other technologies (the M60A2 comes to mind)
Can you expand on this lore?


Lore ?
It's not fictional, there really was a M60A2 tank in the 60s.
It was sort of an example of rushing very immature technology into service, and as a result it sucked.


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The 'lore' as >>9121 says is real. The fact of the matter is that the M60A2 was a combination of a bunch of immature technology that was neither ready to be used, nor planned out properly even if it were ready. Just look at the stupid thing, like a retarded fat M551 Sheridan but worse. They took random bits of technological innovations from the failed MBT-70 and tried to shove it into the M-60A1 because they'd just lost millions of dollars on an expensive project and wanted to get some returns. But the technology was still being tested at the time, and furthermore had grown obsolete too. The lesson was learned temporarily and the M1 Abrams was developed instead with the M-60A3 being the stop-gap solution until the Abrams could reach service. However the US military quickly forgets its lessons, and repeats mistakes over and over again. The most glaring example are the Littoral Combat Ships and the F-35. Hundreds of technologies and software that was undeveloped, incomplete or unreliable was shoved into tiny planes and ships, with the vehicles being put into production before or right after the technology for their systems was created sometimes. The Littoral Combat shits were supposed to be modular light-warships with mission modules and so on, but the modules have never properly been made, with only one mission module produced and rife with so many issues that the ship spends more time in repairs than in active service.

Now imagine this with a military AI, faulty programming is a risk even with well-known code, let alone an artificial intelligence that is supposed to grow and develop. It only takes poor internal instruction for the AI to decide to turn against it's "masters"; a recent test with an AI operating a simulation of a drone meant for striking enemy SAM sites turned around and bombed its virtual commanding officers location because they made a belay order on actually firing on the sites and only ordered surveillance, which went against the programs main prerogative to exterminate missile sites, all because the system determined that ANY and ALL threats to its mission were to be eliminated as well.


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>a recent test with an AI operating a simulation of a drone meant for striking enemy SAM sites turned around and bombed its virtual commanding officers location because they made a belay order on actually firing on the sites and only ordered surveillance, which went against the programs main prerogative to exterminate missile sites, all because the system determined that ANY and ALL threats to its mission were to be eliminated as well.
Lol that's dialectical as fuck.


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 No.1351[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to psychological operations against the leftypol.org administration.

Things to consider:
<The .org mods will read this thread, use this to your advantage
<Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
<Threads created over an IP with no post history are heavily scrutinized
<Post in /meta/ and try to appeal any mod action against you
<Abuse the report feature
<Use a wide variety of proxy services
<Antagonize individual moderators
<Create as many personas as possible, try to have the mods always chasing a previous persona and not your current one
<The less consistency between the ideological beliefs of your personas the better
<Be consciously aware of your writing style
<Fermenting internal conflict among the mod team is of the upmost importance
<Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
<Have fun :)
462 posts and 120 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


GUYS. I took down leftypol


lolol how?


seems to still be up but what happened?


>trolls getting vpn ips banned is 'mods breaking stuff'
uygha wtf


The site went down for a while on its own


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Thoughts on Roblox game 'Dress to Impress'?

Gameplay revolves around each person dressing up according to a theme and people vote whose fashion walk they liked the best, which is related to democracy in Marxism, because of voting.
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Whatever, post your fits


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>It's related to Marxism because democracy is a thing in Marxism, which relates to how people vote in the game.
Can they vote on how the video game company is run ?

so it's fashion for aliens ?
pic related


cute tbh


First one looks like a Masha from Moscow, and the second one looks like a Becky from Brooklyn. 7.5/10


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Did Oswald act alone?
Or do you believe he really was the patsy?
Which do you think is the more likely scenario?


At this point you have to be willfully ignorant to believe something as ridiculous as Oswald having anything to do with the assassination.


The official story is statistically implausible. If all it took, to take out a head of state, was a guy with a rifle, heads of states would be dropping dead, left, right and center. It is reasonable to conclude that it takes a lot of resources to have a head of state assassinated. An explanation that doesn't reflect that is not credible.


Based. in reality.


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 No.752[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post all obscure and underground imageboards in this thread, the chan must be at least half-dead so no archived chans. >inb4 'hurr durr don't put muh sekrit klub in the limelight'The population here is low as it is, there's also a large overlap between this chan and others.I'll start:Dreamch.netArisuchan.jpUboachan.netThere was this one I faintly remember and I think the theme was either dinosaurs or lizards…
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>I remember that last three times a leftist image board
is the list just /leftypol/, /leftypol/ and /leftypol/?


Unironically yes. It is.


They're trying to set up a 'poster union' on Matrix to re/elect mods every few months and have a non-mod own the domain and server creds so the users can reboot the site if the mods get cliquey. But that system doesn't really work until there are enough users to hold the mods accountable. Will be an interesting experiment.



what are some active/large chans with movie/tv discussion?




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 No.4391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>hope she is raped


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I am a modder for Hearts of Iron IV and I'm currently updating my old mod. My main issue is that I need loading screens/menu screens. The image given is a filler so I'm looking for something different.

The images need to be 1920x1440, and they SHOULD be appropriate to have on the Steam Workshop. Thanks!
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Cursed. Also who's the 1939 Soviet leader?


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That one lewd Marxist-Leninist cosplayer that became a small meme for doing that maoist cosplay. You know, that one.






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