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Substituted psychedelia for a doomed planet.
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Top 10 TV performances.


Less gothic rock more psychobilly-inflected post-punk. If you want your goth to sound like Bobby "Boris" Pickett & the Crypt Kickers, this is for you!


Ultra gloomy Birthday Party-esque cabaret-goth.



Dave Sitek has finally managed to disappear after 2 decades of trying.


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 No.694[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

4chan /r9k/ is full of them, why don't we have any?
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>and there are plenty of anons who would happily tell female posters to kill themselves until they kill themselves.
Yes. Only a complete degenerate would state their shitty race of any kind to further their agenda, cuntfaggots with their cultural privilege especially.

>And to borrow from ancaps, there could be a Non Aggression Principle implemented
NAP is the ideology of an individualist who doesn't want to answer for their actions, especially if these actions do harm to the others. kys fag
>Speaking of ancaps, what if the female posters were right-wing, then wouldn't it be okay to bully them?
Ye faggot, go on with th@ lmao & try to bully a rightoid (= individualist (= narcissist)) cunt who was also enabled her whole fucking life, let's see how that would turn out.


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Would Leftism be more popular if egirls promoted it?

What if it does? Remember when Taylor Swift fans registered to vote en masse after Taylor told them to? What about viewers that give their hard-earned money to their favorite Twitch streamers? What about people earning enough from their OnlyFans to buy their first apartment?


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RIP OP (they changed their mind)


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Thoughts on the egirl question?


If you're serious about using webcam whores to get more traffic your movement isn't sincere.


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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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Tbh American roads can be tricky


This is why I hate getting head.
Most guys aren't attractive enough to me to allow their mouth h anywhere near my dick or face.


You do know you can get head from women too…


Maybe they prefer men.


Women wanna charge an army and leg for a slightest bit of skin



Progressive Electronic, Berlin School, etc.
Inspired to make this thread by video related from 1977.



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There is no good reason to oppose incest.
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tfw no one cared about the incest theory


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btw, Russia & Belarus still 2 this day are so on the forefront of this question because of the bols who back then threw away all the czaroid relationship law degeneracy which freed polyamory, nudity, homo side of sexuality, transvestism, stransserism & all such jazz in which even red army men participated, along with sailors. So their revolution wasn't just social but a sexual 1 2.


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Most incest in reality is men raping their daughter.


How do we know that, without official statistics on consensual incest, with all the stigma surrounding it?
We don't know how many unregistered guns there are in the former Eastern Bloc, or how many gay people there were/are in gay unfriendly places/eras.


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 No.1351[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to psychological operations against the leftypol.org administration.

Things to consider:
<The .org mods will read this thread, use this to your advantage
<Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
<Threads created over an IP with no post history are heavily scrutinized
<Post in /meta/ and try to appeal any mod action against you
<Abuse the report feature
<Use a wide variety of proxy services
<Antagonize individual moderators
<Create as many personas as possible, try to have the mods always chasing a previous persona and not your current one
<The less consistency between the ideological beliefs of your personas the better
<Be consciously aware of your writing style
<Fermenting internal conflict among the mod team is of the upmost importance
<Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
<Have fun :)
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That doesn't make any sense because these links change constantly. Also hilariously enough the mods are here lightening fast defending themselves. Bitch what is this shit even.


>This board is supposed to be so devs can use the text of these CSAM posts for auto filtering them
This is retarded reasoning. The CSAM spam changes in form regularly so spam posts from months or years ago wouldn't be of use when making a filter. Even with our filter we have to manually block the first post when they starting spamming a new format of ad every month or so.
>You don't have to take the most malicious explanation for everything.
The .org mod team has earned their reputation for being incredibly shady. It was only recently you admitted to using smurf accounts when moderating to undermine the accuracy of the mod logs, thus misleading your users about mod activity. There is no transparency at all.


kek imagine selling your faggot prolapsed arsehole to multiimperialist nutsoy feds just 2 see them making their own propaganda project. Being an ogroid never felt so cheap ig.

Who the fuck is troonphobic here you fucking faggot uyghur? Instead of looking 4 troonphobes better watch out how your fucktarded identity in being xploited by the bourg ordnung you fucking cuck.

<<other half of the thread

50cents trying 2 start board infighting by claiming bullshit.

The only question ist: why the fuck is this board even here?


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>I discovered that there is a hidden /gulag/ board
LOL, newfag. /gulag/ has been around since the 8ch exodus and even before. There's even a hidden /dead/ board for doomers and shit.

But yeah, I'm grossed out by the fact that they did this to the lolishit threads instead of deleting them like they're supposed to. I was curious why the ban/deletion logs and number of threads disappearing weren't congruent before I left the site.

I've been around for a while (though I haven't posted here in months) and I don't understand why it took so long to kick GETchan out of leftypol circles, at least here if not .ogre
I pointed out many times in years prior about the pedoshit they had, including actual pizza and lolicon fantasies and roleplay they had, as well as an underage userbase of abusive, literal faggot mods. Seriously there's a pdf somewhere listing all the pedos and their conversations on GET.


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Is there any good communists making also good music?? I would like to know thank you
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This was sick!


>uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha
>Why you ain't got no job?
>uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha, uygha
>Seven dollars an hour won't feed my dog
Das right, brotha






For yr sister



This might be a short thread, I don't care.
This is a bop.


Not bad.


what? Nothing old can possibly be good.




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 No.2221[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How do you dress? What are you wearing today? How should you dress, as a Marxist? Which trends are proletarian and which are bourgeois?
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Bump because I bought a suit


How does one pull off wearing a suit all the time? Should one even?


What kind of suit ?

>How does one pull off wearing a suit all the time?
If you pull it off you're not wearing it all the time. Sorry

You probably need a lot of laxatives to make the 100% suit up-time happening. Sorry

Should one even?
Depends on the suit. Suit could also mean like astronaut suit, or a diving suit. Maybe the suit-maxer is referring to a fancy scifi garment that is hyper-practical.


>What kind of suit ?
A formal suit. I wanted to be like my favorite film characters and TheReportOfTheWeek, but I'm afraid what people might think


>A formal suit
I don't get the appeal tbh.
>I'm afraid what people might think
They probably think about the stuff that's going on in their life and barely notice your existence. So if this floats your boat try it out.


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Post and discuss using your imagination/delusion/fantasy.
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I wish to breed these male beauties


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Post Copy pastas, videos and books which debunk common Fascist, Liberal talking points which are repeated often.
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Jesus fuck. This is painful to watch. How can someone be this pathetic I'm astonished

If he was my son i'd kill him and then commit sui what a disgrace
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The only reason this video is considered cringe is because the male fan is overweight, has goofy glasses, and has an unattractive haircut. Conventionally unattractive men are ridiculed and looke ddown upon in society. Meanwhile if it was a good looking fan, people would be saying he's quirky and applaud his confidence for admitting to consuming corn. Society doesn't care about males like in the vidoe because they infantilize youthful males amd have a jealous eugenical stance on them, leading to males to grow up stuntde and undwordly. It is also the fault of the bad side of modernization and modern food that has things like corn syrup in it, leading to unhealthy lifestyles and such bodytypes. If he was a ripped fit healthy virile strong hunter-gatherer/humble farmer boy, people would be gicing him virtual handjobs in the comments. But instead they mock him because in thier eyes because he's a lower status male. The same lwoer status males that can't afford their own home. That's why he goes to nerdy convention with his sisters, the same sisters that apparently knew who Violet Myers is. He probably still lives with his family because of the state of the economy. He probably is underarchieving and then placated himself by consuming corn. Woild he be doing the same if he was sent the countryside to do hard labor? I don't think so.


Society talks about how beauty standards victimise young women but will endorse humiliating or patronising young mn whom are aesthetically "deficient".

Young womn whom are ugly and nasty are given far more sympathy


>My Day in The Life Not Filming on Set
nice pussy


Looks like your average porn addict tbh. Any decent looking man with self respect wouldn't do this.


There's another one.


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Discuss midlife crisis:
What Is a Midlife Crisis?
Signs of a Midlife Crisis
Common Triggers for Midlife Crises
Coping Strategies and Support Systems

What a Midlife Crisis Is and How to Get Through | FHE Health
Millennials Midlife Crisis Statistics - Survey Data

What is it like to experience a mid-life crisis?
What is a mid-life crisis? What are your thoughts on this?
Does almost everyone suffer some form of "mid-life crisis"?
What is the earliest age to have a "mid-life" crisis?
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


I think midlife crisis is mainly a cultural thing.
Quarter life crisis and teen angst is more genuine.

Midlife crisis is just adults who refuse to identify with their role of adulthood and feel entitled to reparations for losing their spark of youth.


Also, Millennials having a midlife crisis is gonna be totally delusional.

They think being in their thirties means it's all over for them.
They get too pissy about new slang and new tech.


Good, poor normieuyghurs shall hang (from their private lamp posts).

fuq328 what the hell's with captcha today?


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 No.5237[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Comrades let's have a thread for martial arts, combat sports and self defense. Striking, grappling, all styles welcome (except fake ass shit). Let's talk about training, techniques, fights, fighters, etc. Here's a fun fact: One of the many achievements of the soviets was founding their own combat system, sambo, which proved to be extremely effective and is still widely practiced today. Also, Judo orange belt here (AMA if you want)
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They feel fucking awful to me. I have no idea how anyone can do high kicks wearing them.


How do I learn to video related?


Watch Naruto.


That guy got knocked out because the lower part of the back of the head is very susceptible. But you can do that with a hook-punch which is less risky.

The second guy in the video used a fancy spin kick, which is very risky. It's easy to block (just keep the elbows up) and usually ends with a knee in your groin and loosing your balance. His legwork was pretty good tho.

The ultimate show-off move that's actually effective is back-flip into cartwheel, where you hit the other guy with both feet in the head. Smacks harder than a heavy-weight boxing champing even if you're a twig. Just gotta train to be a gymnast for about 10 years to pull it off.

Realistic street fighting advice is prioritize not getting hit and watch the other guys feet, if he lifts one foot off the ground just shove/pull him and he'll fall over.


Become a hot-headed youth with an inferiority complex and you too will learn the irresistable urge to "prove" yourself in an idiotic exchange of consensual violence.


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 No.6724[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues(bug reports, suggestions). Otherwise use
Public Repo: https://github.com/towards-a-new-leftypol/leftypol_lainchan
If you have any grievances you can make a PR.

Mobile Support: https://github.com/PietroCarrara/Clover/releases/latest
Thread For Mobile Feedback: >>>/tech/6316

Onion Link: http://wz6bnwwtwckltvkvji6vvgmjrfspr3lstz66rusvtczhsgvwdcixgbyd.onion
Cytube: https://tv.leftychan.net
Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#Leftypol:matrix.org
Once you enter, consider joining the lefty technology room.

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible

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I would be open to changing the main post font for bunker-like (the default theme, or copying it and naming it something else) else but not changing everything at once.



>Popular thyroid medication levothyroxine linked to bone loss
<Second-most commonly prescribed drug for older adults is linked to bone loss
What does this mean?


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So it seems a US court has just ruled that Google monopolized the online search market. Now the Department of Justice is "considering" breaking up Google as a potential option in response.

At long last is there finally some hope for the future of the web?
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Big update: the DOJ is going to ask the judge in this case to force Google to sell off Chrome


Who will be the lucky new owner of the web?


Honestly don't really know.
But does that mean Chrome gets the Manifest V2 extension engine back ?
You know the good one. Not the V3 that got borked.


The way things are looking, it seems like Google has about nine to twelve months left to a final set of "web standards" down everyone's throats that can help them maintain control after divesting from Chrome. What do you think they might try to slip past us? We had better stay vigilant.


M$ would be the amusing outcome.
In reality, some company nobody has heard of, that certainly has zero ties with Google, and which conveniently decides to collaborate with Google to continue developing Chromium.


Online advertisement is broken for a fundamental reason. It's inverted the intended logic of consumer-markets. Which is the customer chooses which product to buy. Online Advertisement is about letting the product(technically the seller) choose its customer.

This inversion has existed in all advertisement long before the internet, but it mostly didn't work with old-school media because those couldn't nail down individual people.

Google and most other online ad business' that operates by tracking people, is driving people to adblocking because they want to be the ones that choose. Forcing the issue by messing the browser will not counteract the online ad-revenue decline.

They have to change their advertisement system from scanning people to scanning the context. Want to display an add on a webpage, read/analyze the page and display an add that's related to the content of that page. That doesn't need any people tracking and it returns choice to consumers.

To answer your question, i don't think that they can do anything that can't be changed or reverted later, because it's software.

I've wondered about such a scheme also, but i do wonder how much controle they would be able to exert once there's those extra steps.


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Well it looks like the United States and NATO finally figured out a way to sabotage the Linux kernel. Several Russian kernel developers have just had their contributions removed and their kernel contributor status revoked due to being on the receiving end of US economic sanctions.


Torvalds himself is playing along with this enthusiastically because of his own moronic Finnish national politics. This is an extremely concerning development that affects all of free software. If this can happen to the Linux kernel it can happen to any other libre software projecting, poisoning the entire concept of international software development.
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In effect that means that copy-"right" doesn't apply to individual people anymore only to companies. All the legal first principles are tied to persons, which means copy-"right" negates it self, because if you take it away from persons, all the other legal stuff that's build on top of it evaporates.

If somebody says that they have invented something in their free time, and you accuse them of having stolen "company-time" to do the inventing, they don't have to prove their innocence. I know that's very inconvenient. However innocent until proven guilty is the bedrock of legal justice. If you turn that off all laws disappear.

Technically copy-"right" isn't a right, it's a state granted monopoly, legalese is difficult to decipher but i think that means companies would be contradicting the state in this case. If you can neutralize copy monopolies with a labor agreement, that means there is a loop-hole in there somewhere that can switch off all copy-"right"

On balance I don't see any practicality in this, if you tell somebody
<All your idea are belong to us
You create a bunch of disgruntled inventors. And it's not like they can't just tell their brilliant ideas to somebody else who then releases it in to the public domain. You know if i can't have exclusivity, nobody can.

From a Marxist perspective, this is not hiring wage-labor, this economic relation is slavery. Because the difference between a slave and wage worker is that the wage-worker sells it's labor power by the hour and the slave's labor-power is purchased hole-sale. The bourgoisie and the slave aristocracy were enemies, and therefor bourgeois law is designed to negate stuff like this. I think in bourgeois parlance this would boil down to infringing on the right of other capitalists to hire anybody they want to invent something for them. There were non-compete clauses in labor-agreements and those were canned for that reason. You know you can't just call dibs on the labor-power.


>license demanding source code with distribution
And what you don't understand is that corops make money from software without distributing it.

>This is why most corporate projects avoid GPL stuff like the plague

Literally every corporate project uses linux. It's always the people who accuse others of not knowing what they're talking about who know the least.

>Because they allow someone to profit off your labor without giving anything back

The GPL also allows someone to profit off your labor without giving anything back. That's why calling BSD a cuck license is stupid, by your logic all open source is cuckery.


More faggotry in the Linux kernel community, this time coming from their Code of Conduct team (CoC, it's as gay as it sounds).


The developer of bcachefs has been banned from contributing to Linux during the 6.3 dev cycle because quite literally said to "get out of here with that shit" when someone told him it's better to crash a program than handle an exception.

I haven't read all the drama. Idk if I want to, I might. But this is clearly a case where "conduct" is being prioritized over real work. And what good conduct is is subjective, always. What good features in the kernel are, are not.

I hope to god it's not some liberals instigating shit and then crying about the CoC when being told to go fuck themselves. God this is so stupid!

I hate that computing is becoming less free, less accessible, and more political.


>I haven't read all the drama
>I hope to god it's not some liberals instigating shit and then crying a
Fuck. That is what this is. Kent was defending his technical opinion against what he thought was a bad idea. They kept pushing idiotic shit, and he shut it down. Instead of self-criticizing they called the CoCs on him.

People that can't take a little banter when doing technical work should absolutely not work in that field. Programming is in reality a very vulgar field. Also no one in that discussion was hating on anyone, just the idea and using colorful language.


The most interesting thing to me about this is they finally used this "opportunity" to remove ReiserFS support from the kernel. RIP wife killer filesystem.


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You know I'm surprised that there hasn't been a thread for this upcoming game yet, but the latest gameplay trailer has came out and good fucking god, it looks fun as fuck

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This is like the only episode I've watched

It looks kinda cool, but I don't really care about graphics. Seems like they focused a lot on that.


The reason I'm really hyped is because of the setting and the entire aesthetic. It really does feel and look like actual futurist soviet silicon valley, and not some boring, westoid culturally appropriated "soviet" aesthetic of dirty brutalist-dieselpunk where everyone wears a shitty ushanka and says "gomrade xDD". Just the little touches like the USSR stamp of quality on machinery, the unique atom-punkish robots, the wast amount of SCP like monsters within the facilities or one of the trailers playing a short tune of techno-remixed Stalker (the movie) theme. Also the gameplay looks fun - apparently they are trying to focus a lot on melee being viable which sounds interesting.


I completely disregarded this game after I learned the devs sabotaged it with assfucking DRM, but it's really interesting reading up about the media reaction to it now in the context of the Ukraine proxy war. NATO-aligned rags have been using this as a target in their propaganda campaigns against Russia, berating the game for "Putin connections" or the devs for not distancing themselves enough against Russia. The devs made the very foolish mistake of responding by placating these jackals with statements of condemnation and such. It's a parade of Russophobic racism and McCarthyite bullying.


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Why Is Most Language Read From Left To Right?
Writing Direction Affects How People Map Space Onto Time - PMC

What are the implications of this? Will stuffism attempt to leverage this?


>Why Is Most Language Read From Left To Right?
The Human field of view is wider than it is tall, so it's definitely more ergonomic to do horizontal than vertical. But which direction, that doesn't matter, just pick a convention and stick with it.

>Writing Direction Affects How People Map Space Onto Time

Yes if we had right to left text strings, we also would make video-scrub-bars, Download progress bars and so on go the the other way. But i doubt it would affect anything.

>Will stuffism attempt to leverage this?

Stuffism ?
Let me guess it doesn't have anything to do with stale air.


>which direction, that doesn't matter
It does matter. Most people are right handed so writing right to left would smudge the ink. That's why high eye. que. asians right top to bottom right to left. By the time you get to the next column the ink is already dry.


I'm not sure the ink smudge theory holds because writing predates ink by millennia. The earliest examples of what we would consider fully formed writing is stone tables (made from stone that naturally splits into flat slabs like shalestone) and clay tables. An the writing was done by scratching the material. Most of the stone and clay table already had the common directional writing conventions that are still in use.

On top of that, abrasion writing instruments using various solid consumable materials that worked like pencils or chalk were more common than liquid ink, because ink was very expensive. Ink used to be based on pigments suspended in oil and solvent, which took hours to dry. So it would smudge no matter what. People that wrote in ink used tables with steeply inclined surfaces to aid in ink-touching-avoidance and they dried the inked paper like laundry.

However you are probably correct that right handedness was the reason for the left-to-right writing direction. Just because that way your hand would not obstruct your view while writing.


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 No.7537[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.
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Another funny thing is that probably the most preeminent American geneticist of the day, Morgan, did not give his full endorsement to eugenics, though this had more to do with his belief that evolution was not possible than any belief that eugenics was evil. Believe it or not, that was a debate still going on; whether life could "evolve" in that way, or if it was proper to speak of such things, and what could be claimed about natural history given the scant evidence available.

One reason DNA was heralded as the victory of eugenics and genetics is because DNA gave much more weight to the "descent from apes" theory, since now you could look at DNA from living animals and find commonalities, in addiction to checking against the fossil record and what survives. It still didn't provide as much proof as the eugenists wanted for the idea they proposed about dogmatic evolution.

The funny thing about the eugenists is that when it suits them, they turn into firebreathing creationists. THEY didn't descend from monkeys—you did, because you're an animal, and they're they only real humans.


Evolution was actually an ancient theory that was popukarised in modern times by Darwin.
Charles Darwin was originally a theologian

Also, evolution was picked up by Protestants as race realism.


Note on Darwin we know exactly how far he got into Capital volume 1 by how many pages he had cut open.

He got to the MCM CMC cycle stopped and wrote in his diary paraphrased; If poverty is due to human action not nature then great are our sins.


"Evolution" in a vague sense was the default "null assumption", but not in the sense that Darwin's theory answered. Darwin wasn't even making a specific revolutionary claim about evolution or creationism. His claim that humans descended from apes was a novel claim, but also one that relied on scant evidence and very spurious claims about natural history and how to detect it.

It is not a great revolution to say "life forms adapt and change over generations" to explain the variety of organisms. It was the eugenists who "taught the controversy" specifically to defend the eugenic creed. I go over this repeatedly in my books though it is never the main point, since I don't believe I need to spell it out for everyone. Instead of attacking Darwin's theory, I work through his assumption that political economy can be placed in nature. That is the basis for everything I write—that history does not work that way, and never did, and that politics and political economy do not work in the way that was mandated. That is not a novel claim from me. But, I hope with my next book I can finally place what I'm writing in a study of history, rather than the trans-historical claims I've made of what it means to speak of the economic or the political.



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Welcome to the work day general.

Tell us about your day anon. Did you have a good day at work? Its OK we know work is horrible.

I work graves at a factory. If you have it shitty at work I can relate.

Tell us about your day under the crushing weight of the profit motive.
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You don't think plebs have revolutionary potential?


not really no. they are mostly fascists. also burger plebs especially have been poisoned and traumatized from birth so they suffer from all sorts of mental and physical ailments (obesity, anorexia, autism, adhd, anxiety, etc) that make many of them incapable of fighting even if they wanted to.


jiggling my mouse and shitposting with the above anon tbh. still one of the few hold outs at my company that refuses to come back into the office. eat shit, i'm riding this gravy train until they fire me.


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I ain't doing no work


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 No.4391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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She will never exist in oure form if shes born



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Metal Church - Psycho


Metal Church - Line of Death


Metal Church - Western Alliance





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Since most anons here seem clueless about what masculinity actually is, and only seem comfortable posturing about what it isn't, I thought I'd help you.

>The Way of Men

>By Jack Donovan

Read this and maybe (no promises) it will help exorcise the faggy zeitgeist from your skinnyfat body.

While most of you probably won't be able to handle this book (due to deeply engrain ego attachment to muhleftism), a small percentage might. This is for that latter minority.
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this book seems to romanticise mascukinity as primal warring.
It makes the classic mistake of equating technology and mechanisarion to castration.

It accuses modern men of being mommas boys simply for not living in primitive times fighting large animals to bring home to the tribe.
The author is a self described "gentleman" growing up in rural Pennsylvania.


>Since most anons here seem clueless about what masculinity actually is
I for one am very sober about what that means to me, you might be projecting your own insecurities.


>accuses modern men of being mommas boys simply for not living in primitive times fighting large animals to bring home to the tribe
It would actually be nice is it were that simple. Even primitive man had the technology to be a threat to any other creature. A man with a stick is at the top of the food chain. I also don't see why women with bows and arrows or spears couldn't help out too, I've seen some big strong chicks IRL that definitely have it in them to kill a mamoth… I also doubt we know the exact relationship between sexes in the time of cavemen, extrapolating from geological evidence wouldn't give you a good picture IMO. Who is to say the men hunted and the women stayed home? Seems like projection of our times onto theirs.

The problem for the men and women of our time is so much more comprehensive in scope it is an intimidating task for us and would be unfathomable to early man in comparison.

We the proletariat, by far the majority of men and women on the planet, have to learn how to fight and win against the ruling class or face complete annihilation. In no uncertain terms, it's either socialism or extinction. And we don't even know what to do exactly.

China has a long term plan to grow their productive forces to the point that a socialist model of production is superior. Even this goal remains to be realized. But even if we in the west are completely fucked, even if we don't know what to do yet, we must struggle. In the words of the witch: there is no alternative.

Ironically I think it's OP that needs to man up and read serious theory and start thinking about actual material issues, not some feels-based creative writing about how to be more of a man based on whatever definition of manliness some other man created.


This. Most discussions about masculinity often delve into the same cartoonish impression of "Conan The Barbarian" against some giants or fighting an epic war.

Gender roles were mainly just about who makes seed and who bleeds every month
All that "women are dainty and must be worshipped" is a modern invention made by Germanics.



A thread for all of your politically incorrect whining and complaining that wouldn't be allowed in leftypol-ORG or left-wing/progressive organizations irl.
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Every human needed to be taught that Dictionary Definitions do not prescribe standards of usage or claim to be the arbiters of what is correct in language.
(I learn this from one of my college classes, I intend to use my own words but I'm to retarted and lazy to make my own. So I use what google AI typed.)


This, holy fuck. I hate when some retarded ass faggot says "SOCIALISM IS 1 BAZZILON DEAD UYGHURS" and points to the dictionary


Politics in our postmodern era is now about generational culture.
And Millennials are the new chauvinistic elders


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Feminazism (also called feminismus) was made up by the chadgeoisie class 2 pull all the high quality breedable cunts to them since their puberty, 4 only the wealthy nobility can provide the little pretty funny quirky princesses the royal lifestyle they always deserved by birth.
The best moment is that all the other writeoff wombs too will have no choice but 2 support their superior sissies in their reproductive struggle against the broke ass proletaryan uyghas, 4 they still inherently share the same race-identity.

Vol. 2 will be about troons who are the most beauty-shaming & sex-race relations policing subhumans there ever were, gayreeks would've collectively drowned themselves in their shitty seas along with their historically not-yet-fully-progressive physiognomy.


Bourgeois feminism is actuallyjust chivalry where women arr allowed to scream and flail arms obnoxiously.

And by women, I mean, only young, light-skinned, slim, Angloid liberal adult females are allowed.


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So I've been seeing alot of news head-lines talking about aliens. Like there is a sustained hype about it. People are putting "evidence" and "revelations" into head-lines. I haven't really engaged with it, because unless there's a alien specimen or some piece of unexplainable technology from a space-probe/vessel, it's not aliens.

Did anybody click the alien-news, is there anything with substance ? or is this just distraction with alien characteristics ?
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no she made a cake based on the Nazca mummies.

Search for "mexican mummy aliens -hoax -fraud" for more info.




You say aliens are not real? But how do you explain pyramids being built all over the world, some with great distance and even oceans in between them?


>aliens are not real?
Aliens almost certainly exist, statistically speaking, because the universe is huge. Even our galaxy is big enough that statistic says we're not the only critters living in it.

>how do you explain pyramids being built all over the world, some with great distance and even oceans in between them?

People figured out how to stack stones real good. You know, use shallow water to get a level foundation, then go for ropes, pulleys, cranes, ramps, rollers and rafts to move or stack big stones. What do aliens got to do with it ?


Honestly I believe the schizos that say alien encounters are demons.

There's no way real, advanced aliens are in our solar system and we have no definitive proof. The ones that exist are probably too far away for us to ever make contact.


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While Trump promised he would veto a federal abortion ban liberal women are already assuming he'll renege.
With Nick Fuentes' "Your body my choice" taunt going vital I'm seeing way more violent radical rhetoric from lib women then ever before.
But will they really go to the mat for this. Especially considering how many birth control options there are? I don't.


Listen if this is what pushes libs further left then that is a great thing. The left desperately needs women on board. I actually heard that Nick Fuentes had his house burnt down, so that's a start I guess.


I had heard he got doxxed but not his house burnt down. Nick said there was an attempt in his life and he has video of it but hasn't released it yet


Tbh he deserves it.


>The left desperately needs lib women on board.
kek it's so over 4 nutsoys


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If you're not using Palemoon at this point you must be oblivious. Google has been the largest donor to Mozilla for over a decade and their directors get paid giant salaries to destroy their own browser. And when they're not doing that, they've basically functioning as a money laundering operation–a non-profit donating to a ton of other orgs instead of using their fucking money to pay programmers.


p*lefag is the same fucktardation led by furryshits who are openly hostile to privacy. They even publicly mock people for being pissed about it. Fuck these faggots too.
Btw didn't these fags also sell out on basically all their browser philosophy points already?


No, take your meds.


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ok honestly FF is the best browser but only if you put in the legwork. You're gonna need to do >>13059 then setup a custom css file to remove horizontal tabs, you can also use this to change anything else you want including colors, then install a user.js file to completely de-cuck firefox from all it's garbage google spy pocket shit.(betterfox, narsil, arkenfox, etc) You can make it perfect but you have to kind of work for it. You have to remember google pays them millions of dollars to self sabotage themselves so it's an uphill battle using them.



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