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Hello. I want some anime that have people attempting to outsmart each other as a major part of the show. I already watched Death Note, Code Geass, Hyouka, Classroom of the Elite, Kaiji, Akagi, No Game No Life (some of it was nonsense, but some of it was really impressive), The Promised Neverland, Legend of the Galactic Heroes (I am mentioning this one even though it wasn't mainly focused on mind games so nobody suggests it anyway), One Outs, Talentless Nana, Kakegurui and Zankyou no Terror (it focused on mind games at the start). Please tell me of more mind game anime.
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I finished Spiral: The Bonds Of Reasoning manga around a week ago and found it quite good. I am watching Summertime Rendering, I watched up to and including episode 11; there are not as many clever schemes as Sagrada Reset during that time but information crucial to the plot and starting a cat and mouse game was dropped so I will continue watching.


Gods' Games We Play's synopsis mentions it focuses on brain games so I will watch it. https://anidb.net/anime/17146


I heard that World Trigger has very strategic fights, so I intend to watch it; can anybody confirm or deny the strategic fighting? I will watch Gods' Games We Play (as I wrote in >>9030 ) when it is finished airing, so I haven't seen any of it and so can't comment on it.


I finished watching Gods' Games We Play a day or two ago and thought it was quite good. The games maintained consistent quality and clever twists. They never reached No Game No Life's materilization shirtori game's quality (episode six) but neither were any games disappointing (like they were in No Game No Life, where a 'B' in a differential equation the viewer was never shown stood for 'brother' and a chess game where the pieces have wills of their own is won through a speech about cuteness instead of anything resembling a strategy).


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I spotted this dark web game specially titled "ABOMELOK0408" the creator is apparently some snapchatter that goes by zoeeeeeeeee89 it has been hard trying to find full info about this game can someone analyze it in a VM?

game link: http://bcloudwenjxgcxjh6uheyt72a5isimzgg4kv5u74jb2s22y3hzpwh6id.onion/dl/URI:CHK:57kkwph323dehuofosu372t6qm:hvwwogggspuldbreeubbl6jdm4ym5nrw2muq2hdu2opzqpthr4kq:3:5:77544807/ABOMELOK0408.exe.zip


In your screenshot the executable file got the godot-game-engine icon. So it may be a game, although it's not hard to stick that icon on pretty much any file.

If you want to be sure it's safe to run this, it would have to be fuzzed for known security threats or better yet de-compiled and reverse engineered. Analyzing the behavior in a VM brings limited protection because clever malware can tell if it's run inside a VM, and to choose to only behave nicely while being analyzed inside the vm.

Try to get the creator to release the source code, that makes it a hole lot easier and faster to check.


If leftists could /tech/ then you would have money and if you had money you wouldn't be a leftist.


>muh true leftist
nice sectarianism


The creators name was zoeeeeeeeeee89 it was 10 e instead of 9 my mistake sorry.


new link because OP's link don't work I tried it analyze this weird shit and tell us what you find!

new link: https://file.io/BHECQI74URP5


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Post 'em
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Dropping this here.


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>aeromorph 112


Those boobers are ridiculous in size.


God they look like they're wearing rubber masks.


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Hello lads. I was recently released from prison, come home to find I do not know where to lurk anymoar. I used to hang out on lainchan and 8chan. Reincarnations of both are still around but they have changed quite a bit.

I don't want consoymerism threads. I just want to know where the similar faggots are gathering these days. I know that there are people like me too stubborn to give up on this so I'm sure they are all congregating somewhere in a virtual valhalla. I've tried here for a few days but this is too fringe for my liking although I may share your politics.

Any advice appreciated
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No. The full list right now is:

leftypol.org threw around the idea of joining in late 2021, but there was a lot of backlash from both sides of the fence. Obviously it's not the same situation as leftychan (disproportionate userbase at the time, for one, isn't a major factor)


>there was a lot of backlash from both sides of the fence
I don't remember much backlash from our side of the fence. The cries of "pls no politics ;_;7" in that cafe thread are pretty funny though, considering pretty much all of the webring boards are polluted with obnoxious /pol/ fuckers who can't keep their politics out of apolitical boards.


Yeah it's pretty funny that the site hosting /fascist/ (most active board on the site at the time) had someone seriously trying to say 'no politics in the webring pls'. Not to mention the popular board /dup/.
I wonder if it was dissonance or just plain old insincerity.


tech was the only board i cared about, the managers of that board fucked it so hard it was in limbo for months after the reboot which was valuable time to make a bunker or send everyone somewhere else officially. This never happened and here we are. I couldn't give less of a fuck about politics, everyonbe is always trying to shoehorn their off-topic beliefs into pretty much everywhere they go, tech was hostile enough to tell you to shut the fuck up reguardless of which garbage someone thought was so much more imprtant than the board subject and that's what made them special.


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Once I found lainchan, I never looked back. /tech/ was filled with 8chins crying about trans and coc all day. I checked it daily but can't say I miss it.


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jucika thread pls
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What the fuck even is this?


What the fuck even is this? Is it porn or is it garfield for soviets?


it was during Hungarian socialism, the porn is fanart I think


It's the product of severe and long-term mental illness.


lmfao, I can tell.

ngl the comic makes me horny but I am also a mentally ill autistic.
I am interested in actually reading the comic now tho.


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Who is your rightoid crush?

For me, it's definitely Candace Owens. I often fantasize about how our relationship would progress. In the beginning, she is aggressive and beastly, desperate to get my progressive white seed inside her. After some time, she comes to learn that being soft and supple (like a white belle) is the way to my heart. Eventually, I start letting her sleep inside, and we begin fighting for an anti-racist future together.
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leftist girl here, of course you moids all pine after rightwing girls, fucking typical moid shit


>leftist girl here
Trans or cis?


lmao as if that changes anything


It does. Trans girls who use the word moid are the gender equivalent of those neo-nazi Mexicans who post on /pol/.


Ah, trans it is.


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anyone want to talk about the new Watchmen? I've been pleasantly surprised so far by lindelof. The recurring motifs are translated well into a series, its already a better adaptation of the original work than snyders.


No, it's radical-liberal idpol garbage of the worst kind.


I'm super triggered about what these butchers are gonna do to sandman


I didn't like how they turned the imperfect socially-conservative mislead but fundamentally working-class hero Rorschach into a symbol of the alt-right. It is a shortsighted and Anglo-Saxon liberal glassed interpretation that I don't like. I will give it credit for featuring the squid stuff and Looking Glass is interesting.


>socially-conservative mislead but fundamentally working-class
The working class are socially conservative. Being a non-binary bisexual two spirit polyamorous depressive with blue hair and half a dozen prescription drugs in xis/xer purse is spoilt suburban middle class brat bullshit.


>non-binary bisexual two spirit polyamorous depressive with blue hair and half a dozen prescription drugs in xis/xer purse
You're saying none of these types work in farms or factories?


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In most countries it's 16 which I think is good. I'd say there needs to be some "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions added. No reason to have a 17 year old go to jail for dating a 15 year old.
15 is a just a little too young for the age of consent. What is hilarious is that burgers think just big age gaps are pedophilia while the average roastie in America becomes sexually active at 13, and often even younger.
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i wanted to post something but i forgot


For vagene, puberty. Before that, only oral and manual should be allowed


between who?


what about peen?


What's manual?


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Neurotypical Peers are Less Willing to Interact with Those with Autism based on Thin Slice Judgments | Scientific Reports

Tell me how autism isn't a curse…
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Thats because theyre young and habe vaginas.
But it also has to do with physiognomy.
And how severe their autism is.

Autistic girls whom look like Sasquatch probably would self-delete as well.

Or, even if theyre young, physiognomically blessed, when they hit their thirties, its over.


>when they hit their thirties, its over
damn whats the point anymore


It's a cope, it's almost never over for a woman.


Youre wrong.
Its only never over if they keep ther youth forever.
And never marry nor birth kids


Those women will still have plenty of suitors, youth or not. Cope if you think otherwise.


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 No.677[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.
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Okay, that sounds and looks spooky, but - I want to put my penis in something comfy, so yeah..


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btw how do you cucks think ye'r gonna buy these things on neetbux, huh? Oh w8, what's dat? >>6303
>They gon' be walking around with they sex dolls. (…) Ooh man, that's gon' be creepy. I'mma slap a uygha' sex doll, he walking down, got it on a date

Based. Let biocucks be terrified of their shitty understanding of themselves as some sacks with shit inside. Stupid fucking retards rope their asses even whenever their sack loses an extremity or something, imagine being so fucking stupid holy shit, worse than fucking animals ffs.

>sounds and looks spooky
>but - I want to put my penis in
Certified human behavior right here. Really makes you think why did they use "to know someone" as an alternate wording for fucking with another fag.


Ah, hello future Terminator


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 No.4391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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this asswiping bitch I hope she is raped in prison for defaming based NoWipe Hindi gods. Death to asswipers and their apologists


I hated tatted foids so much, literal trash.


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- Guns You Can Buy General -
Post guns that you want to buy or have already. Eurocucks welcome as is discussion of regulation.
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I like how they make AR-15s that look like this. No idea how reliable they are though.


The saber is a great starter rifle that enables you to practice on the platform while also having enough for ammo. If you're super budget though I'd recommend a pistol caliber carbine in 9mm that's not an ar9. Don't buy a .22lr because those are just toys or for niche small game like squirrels and shit. Buy a real gun then if you are too poor keep 200rds of ammo for your real gun then buy a 22 for practice. There's some 22lr bolt carrier groups you can get to practice on an ar platform too. There's almost no reason to buy a 22


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Nice get lol. Anyways these look cool but lack modern amenities. You'll end up replacing the carry handle anyways so just get something like picrel so you can get a red dot later. Good starter red dot like holosun or sig romeo for about 100-150. Red dots are more user friendly than irons and even the cheap ones are good enough to make it inexcusable to not have one. PSA runs good deals on full guns with red dots and magazines that I'd jump on if I were you. You need at least four magazines to be 'ready'.


Appreciate the advice, anon :]


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I want this bullpup conversion for the ruger 10/22. The original is one of the best 22 rifles on the market, and cutting the length down by almost a 3rd makes it a good option for a trail rifle.


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A video game that nintendo had a legal distribution monopoly on was leaked ahead of the official release. They got really mad about that and they are trying to take it out on the video-game emulation communities, by attacking emulation related software projects on github.

So the lesson here is if you give companies like that money they are going to use it to attack your hobbies. I think this legitimizes "pirating" games because you have no legal option to buy these games without also supporting nintendo's legalistic mafia-terror.

If copy"right" wasn't set up like a monopoly, and you could buy these specific games from any distributor not just nintendo, so that you could choose to buy from non-mafia sellers, it would at least be logically possible to make a case against "piracy". But as long as that's not possible "piracy" is basically just self defense. Keep in mind that nintendo doesn't make games, it's just a legal entity, and not the same as the people that make the games like for example programmers and artists.

Obviously there also is the hole deal with DRM which is total hypocrisy, it basically attacks the concept of personal ownership of your possessions. It's property-rights for me but not for thee.

If they were to reform copy"right" and remove the distribution monopoly aspect, so that everybody with the means to distribute copies was free to do so as long as they gave royalties (as a form of revenue sharing) to the people who actually created the stuff that is being copied. Maybe that would work.

But as long as they keep the monopoly part "piracy" is basically just competing distributors that were arbitrarily banned from participating in the market. Some times people make the strange argument that pirates gain from the work of others but that's also true for the capitalists that own nintendo, by that logic all of nintendo's profits are pirated.

I sometimes feel like the copy-monopolists take the most extreme ideological positions, while we don't and that's why this hole shit drifts ever more towards reactionary insanity where Nintendo gets to rape random software devs on github as some kind of bully-frustration release mechanism and it's a crime if you play with toys "the wrong way". Maybe we should redefine piracy as everything that keeps works-of-art outside the creative-commons/public-domain and drm as a product defect. Maybe that will create a counter-weight.
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Nintendoing it again.

This time they suing the FOSS emulation software called Yuzu for copyride encringement. Mind you Nintendidn't actually write any of that emulator software. Their copyplight is expanding, they're making claims towards stuff that other people made.

I think this isn't just them doing corporate litigation terrorism to stamp out stuff they don't like. Emulators might be one development path towards universal game-plattforms that make any game playable on any system/hardware as long as it's computationally power-full enough. Which would make video games become true commodities, and they don't like that at all, because their walled garden fiefdoms will look unappealing in comparison.


This story ends with the criminal mafia organisation that calls it self Nintendo stealing $2.4 million crowdfunding money via extortion from Yuzu. The source code for Yuzu was censored. Yuzu was forked a million times beforehand so it's not really gone, but still.

We need better protection for FOSS projects, given the insane level of predatory malice that was put on display here.


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The project was forked, the new project name is Suyu, and of course ''somebody"" is already trying to censor the source code from the internet by making " "copyright" " claims against it.



Fucking hell, Nintendo is trying to murder hobby video game projects again.
Does nobody know how to slay this beast ?


Honestly anon, I think it's a fallacy trying to post hoc rationalize piracy. It almost goes against the spirit of being a pirate. You don't need the moral high ground and you don't need any justifications. Just pirate, fuck them. We know they'd kill your grandmother and sell her soul for profit if it was legal, you don't need the extra baggage of trying to be a moral pirate weighing you down on the high seas.

People who try to shame you or cry and attack you can also go fuck themselves, they can't stop you so they have to rely on socializing you into submission. Fuck them too.


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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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he had a sense of humor




what internet search history of men doesnt have porn?
Even guys whom get pussy watch porn.


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think this guy is a sex haver or not?


are normies copying our culture?



female celibacy thread

Dear Abby: Hubby's been saying 'not tonight' for years


Femcels don't exist.


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It literally says right there that she has a kid. She's not celibate.


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It would never cease 2 amaze me how normiggers are pathologically uncapable of being in relationship with someone without routinely degenerating 2 animal behaviour. Unlimited AIDS on these petbourg ape faggots marxallah.


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>says who?
>all trolling and raiding should be for the purposes of spreading socialist propaganda in one way or another, or, have some type of relevancy to leftism in some tangible way. Trolling for the lulz is all well and good, but, let's try to keep from that being the primary objective to our threads.


>Trolling for the lulz is all well and good, but, let's try to keep from that being the primary objective to our threads.
imagine having a malcompliance over something that was intended for raiding purposes, kek. You see you can actually go try ahead of that, the point is just that obvious of course you let your ego get in the way, it's obviously meant for propaganda purposes I suppose you didn't take ur meds well.


>muh fags
Off 2 the wall you go, uyghur.


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this seems interesting who could've guess that we have a new bozo in the town



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Would you fuck an old hag to ascend? Has anyone here ever been a sugar baby to a sugar mama? Or dated a cougar? What was that like?

What being a male striper or gigalo? Share your experiences here.
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My uygha, just find photos of hers that are already online and link them. Also wouldn't she like the popularity?


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I'll look but I've never seen any pictures of her online. You don't understand, she's 60, old school. Where working as a striper meant you were uber discrete.
She said she was in a hair band music video. I'll have to ask again which one it was.
Bro she's like a dude trapped in a woman's body too. Her favorite thing is to watch me jack off. She has all these stories from her time in New York of catching guys touching themselves leering at her then going over and watching.


>Also wouldn't she like the popularity?
No, she has a long list of wealthy regulars. Some of the stories she repeats to me are crazy.


housing lifehack


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why is Chadpreet so much more buff and manly than me?
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>subcontinental men
>rough skin
>gravel looking ahh skin
>gravel texture ahh skin
>not pimple proof
>really visible dots and stain of contracting skin collor
>not smooth face and head shape
>shit body type

>black women

>smooth flat skin
>soft skin
>look good using flash
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


this misandro-racism


>workers of the world unite!
>eww subcontinental brown men
make it make sense


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 No.177[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

im a comfy NEET, do you like to be A neet anon?
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source? and by that logic people fund wars by paying taxes


Idk man. I think its more to do with rising costs for college and lack of available unskilled labor.

I dont trust any article talking about specific generational cohorts about fashion stuff or whatnot.


The fact th@ all wh@ I would be doing would be systematically stolen by some glorified mafia instead of being eternally public, or just working as a side-tool 4 this same mafia if you apply 4 de '"public"' gubbermint job.
Also brain damage due to neverending narzi torture.


>if you dont give more capital to your local bitch boss then its u who hurt wonkahs! think about the proles, libbies!
Stupid fucking uyghur either kys 4 being a feddo or learn about private property's property.
& stop idolizing wonkahs you christcuck essentialist idealist identarian classist fuckwit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_Hat_Riot


Where do you think the money is comping from. Workers are forced to pay taxes and those taxes pay for your NEET lifestyle. Did you think Joe Biden was paying your unemployment checks out of his own bank account or something.


no, because businesses also pay taxes. further more, there's money from state owned enterprises and natural resource extraction


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Post the wildest shit you see feminists saying here.
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>hard timesmakes strong men

Only the most sheltered superhero fan would agree to this


then women should all start out in the kitchen and prive themselves out




>hey guys there's another mass movement built on an identity supremacy & it is even named as such, let's "'`xpose`'" their nazi behaviour!
"Crazy feminazi" implies th@ feminazis are sensible in the 1st place you degenerate libshit. kys fag
Or instead, you could make a plugin 4 translating the "%cunt-haver" pool of terms into "%Aryan" & "%dick-haver" into "%kike". Literally the most stupid heteronormativeforward way to kick these subhumans in the nuts.

P.S. All their MENstruation libel is full projection btw, just like with all their reactard brethren. Pedos always screech about pedos, nothing new here.


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I was thinking on how I have a secret degen side which reminded me of this video comment.

Do you think girls would rather date a regular looking dude who eats poop sandwiches and dead rats or an ugly dude who eats normal things?


Whyte girls fuck dogs
Dogs eat poop
Therefore women like things that eat poop


Damn are you saying I should start eating poop?




>uyghur denigrates himself 2 a dog just 2 have a bigger (= same) chance @ getting pussy

captcha: mmm3zm


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 No.1351[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to psychological operations against the leftypol.org administration.

Things to consider:
<The .org mods will read this thread, use this to your advantage
<Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
<Threads created over an IP with no post history are heavily scrutinized
<Post in /meta/ and try to appeal any mod action against you
<Abuse the report feature
<Use a wide variety of proxy services
<Antagonize individual moderators
<Create as many personas as possible, try to have the mods always chasing a previous persona and not your current one
<The less consistency between the ideological beliefs of your personas the better
<Be consciously aware of your writing style
<Fermenting internal conflict among the mod team is of the upmost importance
<Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
<Have fun :)
452 posts and 119 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The left's passion for sodomy and the anus long predates leftychan.


>there's one fag here who spends hours a week making dozens of copypaste flood posts
>any of the mods click one button and delete them
>any users who see the flood posts learn its from this site and dont come here
i dont get it :/


Shut the fuck up you Ogre cuck


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We got spammed by those posts too once (it's a script that gets used against many imageboards) but within a few hours we added the tor captcha and haven't had the problem since. Don't blame your dev team's inability to implement basic features on us. Picrel.


lol man


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Sorry for the trans people reading this, but what if I identified as GigaChad? Can I then get model tier grills?


Nobody cared about this post. It's over..


Your post is a logical fallacy.


Confidence gets you chicks but it helps to be fit and have a good personality too.


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I love John Lennon edition.


>understanding the only communist rebellion in history as another local capital-liberating event


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why is she so perfect?
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Why is she so perfect?


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>tfw no rat-like gf


Why was she so perfect? Well, Lucille Ball (later of I Love Lucy) was a communist. One of the pics shows her CPUSA voter's registration from the 1930s.


>why is she so perfect?
She has food, the thing communists need more than anything.


duno who she is but she will be a perfect secretary general if the USA goes through a communist take over, because everybody know that secretary-general are just event oraganizer and mascot !


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Thoughts on 'bad manners' in videogames? Is it accelerationist to be bad mannered or is it neo-feudalist supestructure pathology manifested?


How do you draw the line between bad manners and "being an asshole"?


There is no line. I only do things I can be proud of in non-hentai games. In hentai games open season.
This isn't for some moral reason, but rather because I feel too guilty to have fun being bad in normal games, but being bad makes me cum harder than I feel guilty.

Guilt is probably good, it's extremely limiting and conservative, but I don't see a better way not to hurt people.


As long as directed towards the other team it's OK by me.


>Thoughts on 'bad manners' in videogames?
Not sure what you mean with this, but manners only exist in relation to sentient people. You can't be rude to a program. At least not yet.

>Is it accelerationist to be bad mannered or is it neo-feudalist supestructure pathology manifested?

This is intriguing, were feudalists bad mannered ?


>Is it accelerationist
Not quite. Even if you'll manage 2 bully some fag out of this particular game xir could just move 2 1other.
Also, as any m*rxist you should always remember th@ actively being a fucking retard shapes you into a fucking retard, so don't be just a stupid uyghur faggot without any purpose 2 it. It's ok to be against the cuckitalist society, it's not ok to be antisocial in general either you slid into tranarchism.


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What do you think of pornography or sex work?
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That isn't what socialism is


Granny, it's not your '60s anymore. Here, you forgot your meds 💊💊💊

>[*nlyPhags] is a very safe space for me
Oh fuck, this is gut. Bitch's selling her sissies out for a quick buck so they won't even think about it being the same fucking prostitution (since your body is still economically alienated from you) except you do it on distance. With all the same fallout attached & even multiplied due to your potential popularity on this widely known virtual red light district.

>What to think of pornography or sex work?

Considering that pornography is just a genre of media it will still persist as long as there is demand for it in the human society. This demand will end with the destruction of human division by sex as a phenomenon when people won't anymore have any connection to, & dependence on this historical artifact of their animal era.
It's non-pro-capitalist production should be tightly controlled with trivial death penalties for the usual shit of our days in the likes of coercion, human trafficking, blackmail, extortion etc.

Sex work is the same crap. Simply slap the scandinavian model of persecution of horny on it & move your focus to something else.


>A gamergirl can sell her bathwater for hundreds of dollars and it required zero labor to create
but sex work is work though


>That isn't what socialism is
Socialism is when government does stuff. I know you guys are dumb but you should know that at least.

>Granny, it's not your '60s anymore. Here, you forgot your meds 💊💊💊
When the cops arrest you for seeing a hooker, that's a government intervention. Government intervention artificially limits supply and increases costs and that's why hookers are expensive.

Thankyou for bumping an ancient thread I forgot about with nonsense.


>sex work


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All right can someone explain why the hell there aren't more death race games? I've never been able to understand this. Why would I want to settle for kiddie kart racing where no one ever dies when I could strap guns to my vehicle and kill everyone in front of me?

It's always baffled me why there's a whole bunch of car combat games taking place in an arena, but nobody wants to combine the idea with racing. What gives?


>why the hell there aren't more death race games?
Are you sure ? Have you checked all the indie game makers ?

>Why would I want to settle for kiddie kart racing

It's the same game mechanic though.

There's a spaceship racing game which is somewhat popular. It has interesting maps that blend atmospheric and space obstacle courses. It also has various game modes with "strapon guns". I think it's open source and has fancy graphics as well. But i can't remember the name, sorry.


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Just remembered I played this like a billion years ago.

Also do kart racing games count? I guess that's where the genre went.


>I played this
what game is that ?


didn't see the game title was in the image file name


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 No.18210[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

transfer window edition
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sportsbay dot dk
sporttuna dot com


the reason the irish lost is to show their dedication to anti-angloism and their anti-colonial cause


you mean the scottish? doesnt matter anglos will always be incapable of doing shit in the euros


no i was referring to when ireland lost vs portugal


thoughts on the eurocup?



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Probably same shit for electronic viewfinders on digital cameras, but it's not as intense and constant.


LMAO imagine SAO-players waking up from their shit to have literal blindness


They spy on you AND they ruin your eyes.


NOOO, this can't be happening! What about my escapism and virtual companionship?!


[it's been] 4 fucking years, you massive autistiche faggot

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