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Post Copy pastas, videos and books which debunk common Fascist, Liberal talking points which are repeated often.
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A list of reading groups and their schedules that have chosen to advertise themselves here. Take a minute to check them out. If you would like to promote your reading group, feel free to leave a comment telling people where they can go.

>>5912 /read/

>>6162 Continental Floppa
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I really like the picture in OP. More like it plz.


Excellent documentary on how one man recreated a Vermeer painting. A medieval artist renowned for creating paintings that appear to be taken by a photograph.
We built what he believes is an optical machine using only technology of the time, that allowed Vermeer to create his seemingly inhuman masterpieces.
What do you anons think?

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 No.2940[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello comrades. I propose a general thread in an attempt to get the /edu/ ball rolling again. Everytime you visit /edu/, post in this thread. Tell us about what you're thinking about, what you're reading, an interesting thing you have learned today, anything! Just be sure to pop in and say hi.
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Aaron Swartz day two days ago


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They murdered(driving into suicide) that guy for releasing scientific papers.

He is the hero of intellectual liberty.


Given the fact that Reddit is glowie operated, has a mostly bot userbase and exists to manipulate public opinion, I think they got rid of the guy because he was going to get in the way of this happening. They cannot allow free and open public discourse.

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 No.7537[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.
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Another funny thing is that probably the most preeminent American geneticist of the day, Morgan, did not give his full endorsement to eugenics, though this had more to do with his belief that evolution was not possible than any belief that eugenics was evil. Believe it or not, that was a debate still going on; whether life could "evolve" in that way, or if it was proper to speak of such things, and what could be claimed about natural history given the scant evidence available.

One reason DNA was heralded as the victory of eugenics and genetics is because DNA gave much more weight to the "descent from apes" theory, since now you could look at DNA from living animals and find commonalities, in addiction to checking against the fossil record and what survives. It still didn't provide as much proof as the eugenists wanted for the idea they proposed about dogmatic evolution.

The funny thing about the eugenists is that when it suits them, they turn into firebreathing creationists. THEY didn't descend from monkeys—you did, because you're an animal, and they're they only real humans.


Evolution was actually an ancient theory that was popukarised in modern times by Darwin.
Charles Darwin was originally a theologian

Also, evolution was picked up by Protestants as race realism.


Note on Darwin we know exactly how far he got into Capital volume 1 by how many pages he had cut open.

He got to the MCM CMC cycle stopped and wrote in his diary paraphrased; If poverty is due to human action not nature then great are our sins.


"Evolution" in a vague sense was the default "null assumption", but not in the sense that Darwin's theory answered. Darwin wasn't even making a specific revolutionary claim about evolution or creationism. His claim that humans descended from apes was a novel claim, but also one that relied on scant evidence and very spurious claims about natural history and how to detect it.

It is not a great revolution to say "life forms adapt and change over generations" to explain the variety of organisms. It was the eugenists who "taught the controversy" specifically to defend the eugenic creed. I go over this repeatedly in my books though it is never the main point, since I don't believe I need to spell it out for everyone. Instead of attacking Darwin's theory, I work through his assumption that political economy can be placed in nature. That is the basis for everything I write—that history does not work that way, and never did, and that politics and political economy do not work in the way that was mandated. That is not a novel claim from me. But, I hope with my next book I can finally place what I'm writing in a study of history, rather than the trans-historical claims I've made of what it means to speak of the economic or the political.


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Since most anons here seem clueless about what masculinity actually is, and only seem comfortable posturing about what it isn't, I thought I'd help you.

>The Way of Men

>By Jack Donovan

Read this and maybe (no promises) it will help exorcise the faggy zeitgeist from your skinnyfat body.

While most of you probably won't be able to handle this book (due to deeply engrain ego attachment to muhleftism), a small percentage might. This is for that latter minority.
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this book seems to romanticise mascukinity as primal warring.
It makes the classic mistake of equating technology and mechanisarion to castration.

It accuses modern men of being mommas boys simply for not living in primitive times fighting large animals to bring home to the tribe.
The author is a self described "gentleman" growing up in rural Pennsylvania.


>Since most anons here seem clueless about what masculinity actually is
I for one am very sober about what that means to me, you might be projecting your own insecurities.


>accuses modern men of being mommas boys simply for not living in primitive times fighting large animals to bring home to the tribe
It would actually be nice is it were that simple. Even primitive man had the technology to be a threat to any other creature. A man with a stick is at the top of the food chain. I also don't see why women with bows and arrows or spears couldn't help out too, I've seen some big strong chicks IRL that definitely have it in them to kill a mamoth… I also doubt we know the exact relationship between sexes in the time of cavemen, extrapolating from geological evidence wouldn't give you a good picture IMO. Who is to say the men hunted and the women stayed home? Seems like projection of our times onto theirs.

The problem for the men and women of our time is so much more comprehensive in scope it is an intimidating task for us and would be unfathomable to early man in comparison.

We the proletariat, by far the majority of men and women on the planet, have to learn how to fight and win against the ruling class or face complete annihilation. In no uncertain terms, it's either socialism or extinction. And we don't even know what to do exactly.

China has a long term plan to grow their productive forces to the point that a socialist model of production is superior. Even this goal remains to be realized. But even if we in the west are completely fucked, even if we don't know what to do yet, we must struggle. In the words of the witch: there is no alternative.

Ironically I think it's OP that needs to man up and read serious theory and start thinking about actual material issues, not some feels-based creative writing about how to be more of a man based on whatever definition of manliness some other man created.


This. Most discussions about masculinity often delve into the same cartoonish impression of "Conan The Barbarian" against some giants or fighting an epic war.

Gender roles were mainly just about who makes seed and who bleeds every month
All that "women are dainty and must be worshipped" is a modern invention made by Germanics.

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In light of the rapidly changing political landscape globally, I’ve decided to dedicate some of my time to assisting activists in securing their digital safety. While there’s plenty of free advice available online, I’ll be offering personalized guidance through email. (Please exercise caution regarding where and how you seek such advice.)
To receive the free advice, it’s crucial that you send your email from a privacy-focused provider. I recommend creating an account with one of the following services if you don’t already have one:
• ProtonMail (mail.proton.me): During sign-up, you will need to provide a current email. Use an address you fully control—not a work email—and ideally, one that’s not associated with any other accounts. This is also preferred to contact me as its more secure in this case.
• Tutanota (mail.tutanota.com): Offers an easy signup process with no need for a phone number or additional email.
For emails that are not private, I can only provide basic assistance in setting up a more secure email address. This is crucial for both your safety and mine.
Please note that any advice I share is for educational purposes only. I am not a lawyer, and I will not assist in any illegal activities. However, I am willing to support individuals seeking medical treatment (e.g., ab0rt1ons, tr@nsgender care), legal protesters, whistleblowers, and social activists.
I will also be checking in on this thread often.
It is worth noting however since this is as anonymous posting site please use caution in taking advice. As you have no way of knowing its me or some one else.
at proton(dot)me

"Catch a man a fish, and you can sell it to him. Teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity." ~ Karl Marx


Sounds like you genuinely want to help people. Based as fuck.


This isn't a bad thing, per se, but, this seems like it was written by AI. Does using AI to draft your paragraphs make it harder for the glow uyghurs to track you?


Yes, using AI in some cases can help protect your privacy. As to if this was writen by AI, no it was edited by AI.


I want to do my best to help. I am qualified to help so their for I must to help better society.

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Hey Leftychads
Whatcha readin?
Pic related is the import shipment I just received. Probably going to read the Greene book first since I'm in a springtime lull before I start summer projects. What about u.
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Which ones in particular?


What's it to you? mind your own business.


No need to be upset anon, I was just curious. After all, this thread is about what books we're reading.


The three body problem is amazing! Best scifi series I've read. I just finished the second book in the series, The Dark Forest and it was great. I can highly recommend this, I couldn't put it down.


Yeah such a wild ride.
I want to second this epic book recommendation.

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What does it say?
Anyone else?
More words
Anyone want a clue?

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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at least one


I see what looks like a vocabulary translation table in the pictures. It has what appears to be simplified Chinese characters with English translations. And some other stuff that appears to lack context.

When you ask
>What does it say?
I find my self confused.


The characters have pronunciations its a dictionary entry so even if it's AI slop it still can be read out loud.

It's an interesting puzzle.


Answer The first character is obviously huang or hong depending on the accent.


unless you want to read it di which some people will

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the holodohoax did not happen. it's a complete lie. it have vague description and changes description every time.

give me things that help me get the message to people that it have vague description and that it changes description every time. post copypasta, papers, books, your own writings, websites, videos, debunks, and etc.
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What do you want to know ?
Are you the OCD guy that asked for archiving ? I didn't know what to reply because i didn't really understand the request.


I'm here but I'm very tired.
I'll see if I can help tomorrow.


>Are you the OCD guy that asked for archiving ?


guys, I overcome my OCD symptoms for today!



As to your request
Straight from Stalin's pen The Falsificators of History

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