>>6162 (OP)I didn't expect a good take on dialectical materialism when I was a few pages in. After a while, I really liked what he was saying and I think it's a very coherent exposition of the topic.
Internet marxists hyperfocus on geopolitics and economics. But if we are to be a bastion of anti-liberal leftism, a proper revolutionary philosophy of science is needed.
Capitalism has changed a lot since Marx's time, and while the fundamentals of Capital (the book) are crucial to understand modern economics, a good philosophy of science is necessary to navigate the qualitative changes that have occurred since Marx's time. This includes avoiding dogmatism in the interpretation of Marxism as it pertains to contemporary capitalism, which many MLs engage in.
I've said before that I disagree that dialectical materialism and historical materialism were different things. Althusser has changed my mind and I like his interpretation. If I ever get asked what diamat or histmat is, I'll try to incorporate some of his ideas.
Our book club has been somewhat focused on marxist philosophy of science, I'm glad we're back with this text.