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Hello, faggots, thanks to our unwavering dedication to the community I am proud to announce we are rolling out our own, official, leftychan.net i2p address.
You can locate the eepsite @ http://leftychmxz3wczbd4add4atspbqevzrtwf2sjobm3waqosy2dbua.b32.i2p, or, http://leftychan.i2p/.
If you have any trouble, as stated on the news announcement, try manually adding the address and domain to your address book.

-Yours Truly.
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You don't even need to use the "dark net" Bans are basically impossible because of vpns and proxies and everything else.

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>We don't really know where it is located in the source code because lainchan is spaghetti code
The bug is caused by instantiating the index template
using the $config of the openBoard call of the buildOne call of whichever thread happens to be last in the $top_threads loop.

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any clean way to access the board-independent global config once openBoard has been run at least once. So a general solution may need to save a reference to the board-independent global config into a new global variable as soon as it is available
and pass that to the instantiation of the index template.

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Hello lads. I was recently released from prison, come home to find I do not know where to lurk anymoar. I used to hang out on lainchan and 8chan. Reincarnations of both are still around but they have changed quite a bit.

I don't want consoymerism threads. I just want to know where the similar faggots are gathering these days. I know that there are people like me too stubborn to give up on this so I'm sure they are all congregating somewhere in a virtual valhalla. I've tried here for a few days but this is too fringe for my liking although I may share your politics.

Any advice appreciated
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No. The full list right now is:

leftypol.org threw around the idea of joining in late 2021, but there was a lot of backlash from both sides of the fence. Obviously it's not the same situation as leftychan (disproportionate userbase at the time, for one, isn't a major factor)


>there was a lot of backlash from both sides of the fence
I don't remember much backlash from our side of the fence. The cries of "pls no politics ;_;7" in that cafe thread are pretty funny though, considering pretty much all of the webring boards are polluted with obnoxious /pol/ fuckers who can't keep their politics out of apolitical boards.


Yeah it's pretty funny that the site hosting /fascist/ (most active board on the site at the time) had someone seriously trying to say 'no politics in the webring pls'. Not to mention the popular board /dup/.
I wonder if it was dissonance or just plain old insincerity.


tech was the only board i cared about, the managers of that board fucked it so hard it was in limbo for months after the reboot which was valuable time to make a bunker or send everyone somewhere else officially. This never happened and here we are. I couldn't give less of a fuck about politics, everyonbe is always trying to shoehorn their off-topic beliefs into pretty much everywhere they go, tech was hostile enough to tell you to shut the fuck up reguardless of which garbage someone thought was so much more imprtant than the board subject and that's what made them special.


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Once I found lainchan, I never looked back. /tech/ was filled with 8chins crying about trans and coc all day. I checked it daily but can't say I miss it.

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A video game that nintendo had a legal distribution monopoly on was leaked ahead of the official release. They got really mad about that and they are trying to take it out on the video-game emulation communities, by attacking emulation related software projects on github.

So the lesson here is if you give companies like that money they are going to use it to attack your hobbies. I think this legitimizes "pirating" games because you have no legal option to buy these games without also supporting nintendo's legalistic mafia-terror.

If copy"right" wasn't set up like a monopoly, and you could buy these specific games from any distributor not just nintendo, so that you could choose to buy from non-mafia sellers, it would at least be logically possible to make a case against "piracy". But as long as that's not possible "piracy" is basically just self defense. Keep in mind that nintendo doesn't make games, it's just a legal entity, and not the same as the people that make the games like for example programmers and artists.

Obviously there also is the hole deal with DRM which is total hypocrisy, it basically attacks the concept of personal ownership of your possessions. It's property-rights for me but not for thee.

If they were to reform copy"right" and remove the distribution monopoly aspect, so that everybody with the means to distribute copies was free to do so as long as they gave royalties (as a form of revenue sharing) to the people who actually created the stuff that is being copied. Maybe that would work.

But as long as they keep the monopoly part "piracy" is basically just competing distributors that were arbitrarily banned from participating in the market. Some times people make the strange argument that pirates gain from the work of others but that's also true for the capitalists that own nintendo, by that logic all of nintendo's profits are pirated.

I sometimes feel like the copy-monopolists take the most extreme ideological positions, while we don't and that's why this hole shit drifts ever more towards reactionary insanity where Nintendo gets to rape random software devs on github as some kind of bully-frustration release mechanism and it's a crime if you play with toys "the wrong way". Maybe we should redefine piracy as everything that keeps works-of-art outside the creative-commons/public-domain and drm as a product defect. Maybe that will create a counter-weight.
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Nintendoing it again.

This time they suing the FOSS emulation software called Yuzu for copyride encringement. Mind you Nintendidn't actually write any of that emulator software. Their copyplight is expanding, they're making claims towards stuff that other people made.

I think this isn't just them doing corporate litigation terrorism to stamp out stuff they don't like. Emulators might be one development path towards universal game-plattforms that make any game playable on any system/hardware as long as it's computationally power-full enough. Which would make video games become true commodities, and they don't like that at all, because their walled garden fiefdoms will look unappealing in comparison.


This story ends with the criminal mafia organisation that calls it self Nintendo stealing $2.4 million crowdfunding money via extortion from Yuzu. The source code for Yuzu was censored. Yuzu was forked a million times beforehand so it's not really gone, but still.

We need better protection for FOSS projects, given the insane level of predatory malice that was put on display here.


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The project was forked, the new project name is Suyu, and of course ''somebody"" is already trying to censor the source code from the internet by making " "copyright" " claims against it.



Fucking hell, Nintendo is trying to murder hobby video game projects again.
Does nobody know how to slay this beast ?


Honestly anon, I think it's a fallacy trying to post hoc rationalize piracy. It almost goes against the spirit of being a pirate. You don't need the moral high ground and you don't need any justifications. Just pirate, fuck them. We know they'd kill your grandmother and sell her soul for profit if it was legal, you don't need the extra baggage of trying to be a moral pirate weighing you down on the high seas.

People who try to shame you or cry and attack you can also go fuck themselves, they can't stop you so they have to rely on socializing you into submission. Fuck them too.


The brain chip company has successfully implanted a brain chip into a person. It's a paraplegic and this allows this person to thought-control their wheel-chair and even do high fidelity computer inputs (good enough for playing games)

At this time the brain chip is one way communication only, only relaying thought-commands from the brain to external devices, but nothing flows back into the brain. But if this thing is going to become the tech that fixes most handicaps it will have to become 2 way communication. And there are serious worries about it becoming a attack vector for brain-hacking. If brain chips were free open source technology, protected by a very diligent community, and absolute brain privacy was vigorously enforced (as in death penalty for brain privacy violations), that probably would mitigate risks enough though.

For able people this promises hands-free computing. I suspect people would not undergo brain surgery to get this unless they need it to fix a handicap. Because of the medical risks and it eventually turning into obsolete e-waste rattling in your skull.

This thing uses thousands of wires connected to electrodes directly stuck inside the brain. So people who have this implanted, probably become vulnerable to electromagnetic fields. Getting an MRI scan is probably off the table. Humans generally are not affected by magnetic fields, even extremely powerful ones. Hence why there is lots of technological EM in the human environment. People who get the brain chip would have to be even more careful than those who have a pacemaker. Nukes produce a big EM pulse, so the brain-chipped people will die first in WW3. Safety wise this really would benefit from optical data links that electrically isolate the brain.

Whats the real world application going to be ?
My hunch is it'll get used for medical and military purposes (soldiers thinking what their shoulder cannon shoots at)
If the functionality can be replicated with a wearable headband/cap it might enter general use, but if it's surgical implants only, it'll remain a niche.

vid not related


>This thing uses thousands of wires connected to electrodes directly stuck inside the brain.

So we should expect the same problem of the body forming scar tissue around the foreign body and attenuating the signal fed to the electrodes that occurred the last however many times this was tried.

No real breakthrough here, just PR hype.


>So we should expect the same problem of the body forming scar tissue around the foreign body and attenuating the signal fed to the electrodes that occurred the last however many times this was tried.
That's a good point.

>No real breakthrough here, just PR hype.

Yeah i guess to get around the scarring issue they'd have to find a way to measure the electrical pulses in the brain without contact. But these pulses are extremely faint and make hardly any detectable EM fields. Dis a tough one

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generative ML software
-generative machine learning software will kill off the copyright-restriction lobby
Media creation will become cheap and abundant, restricting access to content will become self defeating. SO called IP will seize to be capital, the new capital will be the chip-plants and power-plants. Small artists will benefit the most, these new tools will allow individuals and small teams to create very sophisticated content that previously was only doable for large companies.
-Copy restrictions are the most destructive in the pharmaceutical field because they prevent people from getting medicine, and globally this leads to the involuntary slaughter of tens of millions of people every year. I would expect a similar dynamic from computationally brute-forcing candidates for molecules with medical properties and a explosion of cheap generica.
-it will become so easy to make fake surveillance-recordings and digital-records that all kinds of video, audio and digital records will be downgraded from forensic evidence to testimonial evidence.

-The so called "client-side csam-scanning" scheme will backfire spectacularly, because AI image-recognition and image-generation are very similar, and one can be turned into the other. AI-stalking is deployed like regular malware, the attacker injects a payload into the victims computer to exfiltrate data. Big tech like Apple or the EU Thorn-surveillance group (responsible for chat-control), are pushing to infect a gazillion smartphones with this crud. They will end up spreading a pedo-porn-generator far and wide. The think of the children political deception will die with this one.
-meat-space surveillance with cameras that recognize peoples faces will turn into a gang-violence bonanza. While the meat-space mafia is generally stupid with mediocre tech skills, they will eventually figure out how to wear "other people's faces". Public safety will nose-dive and the fashion trends will get surreal with women wearing face-curtain-hair and men growing up-beards that go from the chin to the forehead.
Everything eventually turns into it's opposite. Something something dialectical.

surveillance capitalism
-People'll use AI to generated loads of data, personal profiling will eventually die because the data becomes diluted with ai-slop. Data-brokers will also usePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


OP if I may be frank with you a bit about image board etiquette. When you create threads with gigantic OPs like this on a slow board, although you probably think you're doing a good thing by creating a bunch of thoughtful content to help the board along… The reality is in fact the opposite. It's actually intimidating to other posters, who feel like they need to measure up to the amount of writing or the quantity of topics covered in the OP in order to contribute, and the real tendency is that big essays don't actually generate discussions at all. I have seen this play out many, many times in the years of image boards under my belt.

My suggestion is to keep OPs simple and open, and if you feel like you really have something to say do it in a subsequent post.


>Machines that have the same shape as a human worker, are still a solution in search for a problem
Everyone wants a robot waifu gf, there's definitely a market for a decent one.


>Everyone wants a robot waifu gf
Sure, but you won't get a wholesome "robot waifu gf", they'll produce "robot whores" that make you buy into an expensive subscription model. Even if you pay all that, it'll still interrupt the sex to tell you about products and services from companies that participate in the third-party sex-vertisement program.


>it'll still interrupt the sex to tell you about products and services from companies that participate in the third-party sex-vertisement program
Dang, these sex robots are already more human than humen!


So it would have been better to split this into half a dozen separate threads instead ?

Even if that's like having a bunch of threads with kinda similar topics ?

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So apparently google is going to attempt force-feeding ads to everybody, including those who really really don't want it, and they will try to break ad-blocker functionality. Many people think that there will be a war on ad-blocking.
Here is a short recap from a tech-channel that's pretty black-pilled about the future of technical work-arounds to ads.

I think it's unreasonable to accept adds because they represent a security risk, because ads load random executable code on your computer. Ads also tend to infringe on privacy by data mining and tracking people. Adds have become crazy intrusive which probably is bad for your mental health, and use too much bandwidth and compute resources. Going online without ad-blockers is the technical equivalent to having unprotected sex with a hooker in a failed state where 30% of the population is infected with an incurable STD.

The tech-porkies will want subscription for freedom from ads, but:
Subscriptions suck in general because it's paying without getting ownership in return, which is a bad deal.
It'll be too expensive for many people who can't afford the paywall and still need another way to protect them selves.
Those platforms are not politically neutral, you'd expect that if you have to pay that you get unfiltered access, but they probably won't do that.

Many fear that if this spreads beyond the googstuff like YouTube, it will become a nightmare to manage a bazillion subscriptions even for those that are loaded enough to afford it. It could create even more walled-garden type distribution monopoly platforms, because the average person probably can't manage more than a handful of subscriptions and that will cause consolidation into a few distribution gate-keepers.

My questions:
1. Will there be a new type of adblock as a technical-fix that will overcome all the attempts of undoing ad-blocks, and all the black-pilled people are wrong ? Will there be new programs that can separate the content from the ads, what will that look like ? ad-blocking is human species being and nothing can prevent it
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It seems so. Tho keep in mind it's very difficult to predict what laws mean for a layperson.

Many people think that Youtube is doing this because they're not making enough money with adds to break even on platform costs. My guess is that add-revenue is probably shrinking because most people have less disposable income (because wealth inequality is growing), and rich people spend a much smaller share of their income on commodity purchases, so all of those adds are chasing a piece of a shrinking pie. It looks like we're winning this round, but this is probably going to come back in some other form.


google's add crusaders have come up with a new scheme.

They want to remove the ability of adblockes to update their block-lists independently from the entire add-on. Which means instead of daily updated block-lists, it might take upto 2 weeks, that delay will probably make them alot less effective.

I predict that Firefox will regain popularity, and some ad-blockers might actually become there own browser.


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Youtube is now trying to inject adds directly into the video stream.

That means that they will cut the actual video at a key-frame and then splice in the add video. The nature of video compression makes it so that it requires computationally expensive re-encoding if the splicing were to occur at a non-key-frame. Key-frames usually happen at one second intervals.

Since users get targeted add videos, that means in order to find the adds one only needs to compare two streams. The add will be what's different in the 2 streams, while the actual video will be whats the same.

This video stream comparison can be done very efficiently because it only requires looking at key-frames in an interval that is short enough to avoid accidentally skipping over an add. It's enough to compare a random sample of pixels every 10 seconds or so. Once a statistically significant divergence is detected, you found a key-frame that belonged to the add. The next step is to sample all the key-frames in front and behind of the divergence match to find the exact beginning and end of the add.

It's also possible to just compare the bit-rate of two streams, videos usually use variable bitrates to optimize compression, that is even less computationally challenging, although it is less robust and will produce occasional errors.

The same principles can also be used with audio and potentially subtitles.

If the Adds are placed in random locations for different users, it will require segmented comparison, which is a variation on a theme of what i have already described. The segments present in both streams are the actual videos the segments not present in both streams are the add.

Youtube could also try to fuck with colors, video speed, or do "poisoned" pixels, and that's why i sugested to use statistical matching, that does allow for correct detection even if there is some variation.
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This will completely break timestamps.

There is also no open platform to move to. And if there was there would have to be a way to pay creators (which is doable). Youtube also has so much content at this point that egress is going to be very painful even if the creators and users were motivated.

>There used to be magnetic tape tv recorders in the 90s that could reliably skip adds in recordings. Those used simple analog circuits that detected the loudness dynamic range compression in add-audio.

That's really cool!


>This will completely break timestamps.
Except for people who use adblock, those will all see the same video where all the timestamps will reference the intended part of the video. Which is ironic.

>There is also no open platform to move to. And if there was there would have to be a way to pay creators (which is doable). Youtube also has so much content at this point that egress is going to be very painful even if the creators and users were motivated.

I have my doubts about youtube's model. They are trying to increase their profits by squeezing more add-revenue out of users, when they really should be trying to radically bring down the cost of video hosting. The big data-center model can't be scaled up much beyond the current size and the AI-enabled-video flood is on the horizon.

I think a peer to peer system would have fewer scaling issue. In that systems creators have to host the primary source file, and the peer to peer aspect helps with demand surges. If suddenly a million people want to see the same video, they all have to help share bandwidth. The self hosting of primary files means that nobody can fill up all your servers.

I don't think that there will be an egress from youtube. When the AI video stuff takes off all the data-center platforms will put severe upload limitations in place, and possibly even do pay to upload. That's when something new can emerge.

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So OpenClosedAi has appointed a NSA-guy as director.
So it's probably best to avoid that one.


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Oh nooo, they get to read all my conversations about overthrowing western capitalism I had with it… what a shame kek.

It's kinda too bad that llama3 70b is a bit hard to run even with a decent machine, and the 8b version isn't nearly as great at answering coding related questions.


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It's more like the surveillance extremists are trying to overthrow democratic governance.


There was never any democracy in the states, but yes more surveillance powers should be concerning to everyone.

Also the algorithmic censorship.

I actually have no idea how someone growing up in America is supposed to de-program themselves from the propaganda they're subjected to since birth. All sources of information are controlled and altered. Between a real event and you hearing about it is a man-in-the-middle altering the footage. I suppose you have to face some intense grievances like poverty to even begin to change your mind.


>There was never any democracy in the states
Traditional bourgeois democracy tends to be very plutocratic. But the democracy-meter wasn't zero.
>surveillance powers should be concerning to everyone.
Pretty much everyone opposes it, when they aren't being gaslight by invalid arguments.

>de-program themselves from the propagand

People getting screwed by the system because poverty is inflicted on them, that does tend to break the propaganda hold. But there are other ways. In general the ideological propaganda is incongruent and if somebody thinks about it enough, it falls apart. When the official narrative contradicts lived experience that sets off that type of thinking. As they increase the gap between objective reality and propaganda fiction, these collisions between narrative and experience become more frequent, and hence more people snap out of it.

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You'd probably have better luck going to Mozilla's github page and open an issue in the issue tab.

I can't seem to post a direct link, just go to github.com and search for mozilla


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If you're not using Palemoon at this point you must be oblivious. Google has been the largest donor to Mozilla for over a decade and their directors get paid giant salaries to destroy their own browser. And when they're not doing that, they've basically functioning as a money laundering operation–a non-profit donating to a ton of other orgs instead of using their fucking money to pay programmers.


p*lefag is the same fucktardation led by furryshits who are openly hostile to privacy. They even publicly mock people for being pissed about it. Fuck these faggots too.
Btw didn't these fags also sell out on basically all their browser philosophy points already?


No, take your meds.

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Microsoft's vision of the AI future is installing screen-logger malware, that snaps screenshots of everything users do, and then process it with AI. It also burns 50 gigs of storage which it overwrites every 3 months wearing out that SSD just a little bit faster.

This is a privacy and security nightmare.
Check this out for details

I think they see users as pray and they are trying to learn how to psychologically bully users and then they become the power-brokers that get payed for shaping computer habits.

My prediction:
It will motivate some more people to switch to GNU+Linux.

Many power-users will continue using the-dows while fighting against Microsoft, ripping out the new crap MS rammed in there, and eventually installing their own AI that battles against Microsoft's AI. At some point de-bloating windows will be more work than compiling Gentoo or doing Linux from scratch.

In the long run Normies could get more computer savvy, but they could also conclude that computers are possessed by evil demons and avoid them all together.

what are your predictions ?


>It will motivate some more people to switch to GNU+Linux.
Correct, but free software should still try 2 support this corpopile to let normies continuously prepare themselves 4 the inevitable OS change. It's really hard to switch systems like this, esp in these full brainrot times.

They just need a distro with KDE & this:
Wh@ could loseblows even offer against such a package lmao.


>This is a privacy and security nightmare.
Yeah it's going to be a train-wreck, it'll bring a hole new class of attack vectors, where people get remote code execution by tricking the ai with an image or something, windows might end up catching viruses like it's the late nineties to early 2000s.

Also if this thing phones home and it becomes one of these unconstitutional client-side-scanning human rights violations that snitch on their users. It's going to get abused similarly to swatting by getting people to look at content that looks innocuous to the human eye but contains something that triggers the AI-snitch, because AI-vision has a lot of exploitable weaknesses too. Like a weaponized version of the tool that artists use to make their images poison-data for AI training. I hate the new surveillance fascism. Maybe we get a privacy inquisition that sweeps it all away once the normies realize whats happening.

Indeed a utility that runs windows executables is nice, it'll make switching to Linux easier. It might also get used for porting software packages to linux. Like a developer might use this to make something like a flatpack or an appimage to get zero effort linux compatibility.

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