This has always been used as a "chilling effect" to justify control of technology, hence why the right wing is really, really into it (beyond their affinity for pederasty which is common for their race and proclivity). Think for five minutes about what it would require to be "doubleplus certain" that there is no CP being delivered, and you would have to process all of the data and its reassembly, if you think of it in this way. Of course, they can find pederasts and pedophiles easily enough. It's not hard to know which people are into that. But, that requires human intelligence which would be contrary to the real purpose of imposing the law, which is to create this chilling effect on all expression.
All of that said, the idea that the state has no right to do this is ludicrous magical thinking. It's their internet, their computer, their society. They have all of the right, the moment it is technologically possible. Whether they would want to, or would gain anything from it, is another matter. If you do anything online, NSA and its counterparts will know about it and link it to permanent records. The inquisition didn't gather all of this knowledge about you for nothing, didn't force you through those Satanic schools because they wanted you to be smart.
There are other reasons for pushing pornography and sexualism and child sacrifice which I don't need to elaborate on too much, but this purpose was especially necessary to create a fear of being seen with the wrong material, and there is a psychological game with sexual ideology played where any display of honesty or kindness is now "pedophilia", especially if you would protect children from this Satanism or so much as warn them about what is happening. That's really how the rightist think. They laugh at the idea that their god-given right to pederasty would be disturbed by those do-gooder leftists. Laugh. But, the idea that you had computer security has always been a fantasy. The use of the pedo excuse is entirely about creating fear in the most important part of the network—the human user, who would access potentially sensitive information that is crimethink.
If you're anyone important by the way, you're going to be psychologically screened over and over, and the moment you don't march in tune with the Nazis, you're out. They throw you out of the service for having an affair. They're going to find out who has any homosexual tendency or thinks it is cute to diddle little girls and
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