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Redhat is going closed source for Redhat enterprise linux (RHEL).

Jeff Geerling the guru for Ansible server deploy scripts is already jumping ship

Behind the scenes this is probably something that resulted from IBM buying Redhat. They're probably going to wreck the RHEL ecosystem with this move. It seems like a short-term cash-grab.

I don't quite understand the legal stuff how they can close off gpl software. It's probably not a big deal given that there are many other enterprise Linux distros, but it's still kinda fucked up to burn such a big project.
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>maybe there will be blue-hat enterprise Linux
horrible name

black hat is much better

>It could also just kill the red-hat ecosystem.

I don't think they care. Red Hat has big contracts with DOD.


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So apparently Open Suse is going to fork RHEL,

<SUSE declared it would invest more than $10 million toward the development and maintenance of a RHEL-compatible distribution available to all without restrictions.



but susa has its own enterprise linux that is not RHEL-compatible.. so what's the fucking point?


tho I'm all for susa rolling in. Their Open Build System is awesome


>what's the point?
ibm/redhat has alienated a sizeable chunck of their customer base with their recent moves and most of the free code contributors. SUSE is capitalizing on that.

>susa has its own enterprise linux

A RHEL-compatible is complementary to their own offering.

If you have a company network that runs on rhel, switching over to suse enterprise linux is a lot of effort, but if Suse can offer you a RHEL-compatible, it's basically zero effort for you to switch over to their services.

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anyone know how to edit/add leftychan to to 4chan x


There is a kuroba download with leftychan added. I don't think you can do it with 4chan X though, although I have never tried.


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Thanks Leftnon


You can benefit from using userscripts for particular stuff. I stopped using 4chanX and benefit from userscripts across other websites too. The only thing I missed was the image preview but there is an addon called "Image Max URL" that I tweaked and is amazing.

Bookmark Dupes: Remove duplicate bookmarks
Context Search Origin: context search using your bookmarks
Drop Feeds: RSS reader using bookmarks
Image Max URL: image options, can make a catalog of pictures in tab
Image Search Options: reverse image search
Motherfucking beautify: motherfucking debloat the page
Panorama Tab Groups: manage tabs as a tiling window manager
Save In…: save stuff by folder
Speed Reading Mode: pro reader and trainer
Text MultiCopy: copy text from multiple sources into a single paste
Tridactyl: vi keys
uBlock Origin: use the filters
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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scripts are masterrace, wish i could learn em
Copy All Tab Urls
Channel Blocker
Copy Selected Links
Order Tabs by Domain
Snap Links
YouTube Auto-Liker
Youtube shorts redirect
Reddit Overwrite
Better Reddit Delete

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I'm dropping this thing because I thought it was going to be a one weekend project but ended up taking me an entire week and I have to ditch like half of the features I had in mind when I began. Maybe someone here can use it as inspiration for something better.

The idea was basically to have a base program that runs a simulation and can execute arbitrary planning algorithms, which are isolated from the simulation code. In this case I decided to use Zig for the base program and Lua-JIT for the planning scripts because it is easy to embed. Maybe Julia or Python would have been better choices, but I didn't want additional dependencies.


dude you are awesome, looking forward to see a gui if possible but now I have a program to show fellow lefties


I can't believe leftychad can be this based, tbh.

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I think I'm reaching unhealthy levels of being unable to cope with surveillance capitalism. Some random person caught my face for a few seconds during a whatsapp video chat and my day was fucking ruined, seriously.
63 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I didn't mention freenet or any other overlay network anywhere

>Gnunet.. build on top of TCP-IP

"Addressing" section..
read it..

>Technically you don't have to assign any network addresses to computers.

I've never seen any routing protocol that doesn't use some addressing scheme..

>You could base it on a system that puts the addresses on files rather than computers.

>In that system you can't directly connect to another computer, the internet would be a distributed database, and you can upload a file to it and request a file from it. What currently are network switches would become memory-nodes that temporarily hold files. Servers would hold permanent files. Your home router would also be a memory-node too, and it would be connected to your Internet-service-provider and also your direct neighbors.
I don't get it.
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>I didn't mention freenet
Sorry that was an error on my part


>"Addressing" section..
>read it..
will do

>I've never seen any routing protocol that doesn't use some addressing scheme..

Because it's not a routing protocol, it's just a distributed database with a self generating data manifest.
Imagine treating the entire internet like a usb-stick with a wacky file-system.

If a node gets a request for a file it doesn't have, it forwards the file-requests to its neighboring nodes. Once the file request lands on a node that has the file. It get send back the path the file-request took. Every node is only aware of direct neighbors connected to it. Every node just exchanges files and file-requests with it's neighbor nodes. If a node gets a file, it looks up which of it's neighbor node gave it the corresponding file-request and sends it that way.

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the surveillance state is the end of humanity, and this is not an overstatement, it's leading us to new dark ages.


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how will it end? how long will it last?


In a way we already entered a little dark age, we certainly aren't doing much enlightenment these days. But i think this is too much doomerism. Surveillance repression can be overcome like every other type of repression. You just have to figure out the exploitable weakness.

When it comes to surveillance-repression we can't just single out the state, we also have to point the finger at surveillance capitalists.

Lets look at the opposing tendencies:

The privacy community seeks technical defenses and legal restraints through political advocacy. I'm unsure but that might eventually work. So that's definitely worth while doing. The only criticism that one might be able to put towards the privacy community, they only consider strategies of preventing data collection, but ignore data dilution strategies. Surveillance can also be rendered inert by feeding it bogus data.

However that might not be the only path. Consider the systemic view from high above. All those surveillance systems gather data and eventually that informs actions. If somebody can feed the system manipulated data it might be able to manipulate the actions too and that would make it exploitable. Even with the limited capitalist logic, eventually capitalists will start eating surveillance systems because they feed it manipulated information to game it for money.

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Prove me wrong.


<A top secret military acoustic detection system designed to spot enemy submarines first heard what the U.S. Navy suspected was the Titan submersible implosion hours after the submersible began its voyage," and that "the U.S. system detected what it suspected was the sound of an implosion near the debris site discovered Thursday."
They probably knew these people were dead all along, but for several days after they lead everybody to believe they might still be rescued. And that might have been to distract from a tax-scandal.

Yeah remote controlled drone submarines have existed for decades. Of course 3d-goggles are much nicer than a closed-circuit-camera feed on a 480-lines cathode-ray-tube screen from the 80s but it's essentially the same thing.

The next technical evolution of this is going to be swarms of AI controlled drone subs that use cameras and a bunch of other sensors to do a volumetric scan of an entire area and then you get like a detailed 3d render with a video game interface.

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    mkdir tmp out
    for i in {1..16}
      p=`hexdump -n 3 -v -e ' 3/1 "%02X"' /dev/urandom`
      convert -size 32x32 xc:#$p tmp/${p}.png
      ffmpeg -loop 1 -i tmp/${p}.png -c:v libx264 -t 0.1 -pix_fmt yuv420p tmp/${p}_1.mp4
      ffmpeg -loop 1 -i tmp/${p}.png -c:v libx264 -t 0.01 -pix_fmt yuv444p -vf scale=15000:15000 tmp/${p}_2.mp4
      echo -e "file ${p}_1.mp4" "\n" "file ${p}_2.mp4" &gt; tmp/${p}.txt
      ffmpeg -f concat -i tmp/${p}.txt -codec copy out/${p}.mp4
      rm tmp/*
    rmdir tmp

Batch upload the content of ./out on gfycat.com, and paste the URLs in 4 lines (Discord will only display 4 images per line). In case your victim's client can handle the cursed video format change, each animation will consume around 2Gb of RAM and you have 16 of them.

Adapt the script to suit your needs. Enjoy the termination of your account and your newfound freedom!
17 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>explain this nerd shit
It's making a 15000x15000 resolution video from random data (so it can't be compressed) which will consume tons of CPU and RAM to play. And apparently fbi.gov autoplays videos without checking for stuff like this. Or used to. This is a 2 year old thread your dumbass comrade necroed. fbi.gov probably fixed this by now.


A thread so old it predates the wordfilter.


you're the tard for thinking trotfag was doing anything other than a test post


Two years and nobody could explain what OP's code did. The absolute state of leftist /tech/ boards.


it appears to be the same as a "zip-bomb" except it's not using archive compression it's using video compression.

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It's potentially possible to use modified low-yield fusion bombs for power generation.

It's definitely not the first choice for generating fusion energy, but since the technology has already been developed, and the production-facilities are build, one might as well repurpose military tech for civilian use. Weaponized bombs and energy-generating-bombs are similar but not the same, so the currently existing low yield bombs aren't directly usable for this but they could be modified or recycled for raw materials. Existing weapons-stock can be burned up in power generation.

The technical principle is that you put a low-yield thermonuclear device into the center of a giant hollow vacuum "filled" metal-sphere that is lined with led, and by detonating the fusion bomb, the big metal ball gets really hot, and you can use that as a high-grade heat-source for power-generation.

It might be useful to do this as a power-satellite in earth orbit, because space already has a gratis vacuum and you can use a mirror array to send infrared heat-energy to many different power-receiver stations which reduces the load on electrical grids. It can also be used to power container ships and huge water desalination plants.

This would use mostly off-the-shelf parts which would greatly reduce the engineering requirements, and could be build very quickly. As a parallel development high priority project, this could go online in a few years.

The economics on this are pretty good, even capitalism might be able to pull this off, because this is not a long term project and upfront capital costs aren't that high. The political aspect might be harder however, because mass-producing tiny h-bombs might ruffle some feathers.


okay, suppose I want to build one of your engines in my backyard, how thick should the metal-sphere be? can I use recycled steel cans?


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>okay, suppose I want to build one of your engines in my backyard, how thick should the metal-sphere be?
It just has to be strong enough to hold a vacuum inside, while being really hot.
>can I use recycled steel cans?
In principle yes, just consider that most cans are made from aluminum these days.

I'm not sure if you meant this request in earnest, but in principle this can be miniaturized, and build like a steampunk fusion reactor. Except for the small fusion bombs that essentially are the fuel, those get more complicated to make the smaller the reactor gets.
The fusion reaction is set off by a fission reaction that needs a critical mass of fissionable materials. You would need exotic materials to make that happen in a small size. For example Californium-252 reaches critical mass at 1.8 grams, and that would allow you to make a really tiny fusion bomblet for a small reactor. You have to store it in cold conditions below -15°C / 5°F to keep stable. So a really reliable freezer is a must-have to store your fuel igniter-caps.

You would place the ball into a tank filled with salt. Purge the tank with nitrogen gas before adding salt to avoid corrosion problems. You run radiator pipes through the salt and if you put water into one end of the pipe it will come out as steam on the other end. The salt is a cheap way of storing lots of heat energy in a smallish space, it's not critical and you can also use something else like quarts-sand or graphite-powder.

Even if you could manage to get Californium, i don't recommend building this as the most ambitious diy project in history, because if your vacuum seal fails it will vaporize your yard and a bunch more.


nukes aren't real


This is why I come to leftypol.

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Samsung is lobbying to get a general exclusion order against phone-screen imports in the US.
They claim it's because screens that are imported by the phone repair-shops do a muh-patent-infringerino.

The real reasons is because Apple wants to switch their screen supplier to BOE, and Samsung wants a monopoly on screens.
Samsung can't go after Apple directly because Apple has enough money to wage patent-warfare until the end of time.
Samsung can't go after BOE because that's a Chinese company, and patent-trolling doesn't fly in China.

The result is going to be the destruction of the repair industry, and a precedent for banning technology parts as a means for installing a monopoly. If you aren't allowed to get parts for fixing your stuff, it's more corporate shit encroaching on personal possessions.

here is a video from Rossmann going into more details
His take is to make Samsung a dirty word.

My questions:
Would it not be a better strategy to bypass this by (legally grey) relabeling tech parts and importing them anyway. So that Samsung gets cut out completely ?
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intellectual property must be destroyed


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>Would it not be a better strategy to bypass this by (legally grey) relabeling tech parts and importing them anyway. So that Samsung gets cut out completely ?
Based accelerationChads on leftychan identifying lines of flight and creating Zones of Offensive Opacity against the monopolization of capital. Remember, Marx voted for free trade specifically for it's accelerating, destabilizing effects against the companies.


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EU right to repair legislation has dropped

the official document says:
<1 - A right for consumers to claim repair to producers, for products that are technically repairable under EU law, like a washing machine or a TV. This will ensure that consumers always have someone to turn to when they opt to repair their products, as well as encourage producers to develop more sustainable business models.
<2 - A producers' obligation to inform consumers about the products that they are obliged to repair themselves.
<3 - An online matchmaking repair platform to connect consumers with repairers and sellers of refurbished goods in their area. The platform will enable searches by location and quality standards, helping consumers find attractive offers, and boosting visibility for repairers.
<4 - A European Repair Information Form which consumers will be able to request from any repairer, bringing to repair conditions and price, and make it easier for consumers to compare repair offers.
<5 - A European quality standard for repair services will be developed to help consumers identify repairers who commit to a higher quality. This ‘easy repair' standard will be open to all repairers across the EU willing to commit to minimum quality standards, for example based on duration, or availability of products.

I don't know if those rules are any good because you usually have to be a level 12 legal wizard to understand what it really means, so I'm deferring to somebody else for that judgement.

here is a video of Louis Rossmann ranting about the centralized database (point 4) where repair services have to compete on price
The reason he's upset is because if all repair shops have to compete in a central market place their margins will be razor thin and won't be able to accumulatePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Did Marx actually do this though? I've never seen any proof of this but I've heard it said.


Marx scarcely took direct positions on policy.
However Marx seems to lean towards unrestricted commodity exchange with strong capital controls. So free-flow of goods but not free flow of capital. But i'm not entirely sure that Marx would be happy if you turned this into a generality, he'd probably tell you that everything depends on the material conditions.

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What's your take on linux software distribution ?

There's a lot of buzz around flat-pack and flat-hub atm, they are currently implementing a monetization feature. And for some reason Eric Schmidt the google-guy is involved somehow.
flathub isn't calld flub
I'm worried that once money is involved it will attract scammers and litigation for a payout type people. Also the payment processor they want to use is stripe, that's probably not anonymous

Ubuntu has removed flat-pack from it's official releases, to push it's snap package manager instead, i wonder if they have other reasons than "we're going to make our own pack-manager with blackjack and hookers" to yeet flat-pack from their system.

I think the best package manager in the end might be NIX

Is going from distro repositories to this type of stuff going to improve software distribution on linux ?
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I think the main problem is that there should be a clear delimitation between gnu/linux as a tool (gentoo, nix, guix, etc.) and gnu/linux as a consumer OS

I use gentoo as my daily driver because I like foss and programming (as a hobby) and portage is more or less what I would do if I decided to write a personal package manager. if I also wanted reproducibility, the end result would be very similar to guix. these package managers are just what a programmer would expect, the intuitive approach to the problem so to speak

I have no idea what people who want to use linux as a consumer OS to do office work or play windows games need, but I'm sure their requirements are not the same as mine. I don't want them to modify my tools to accommodate for their needs, and the feeling is probably mutual

so that's my take I guess. I had to program on windows at work some years ago and it was terrible. the one size fits most approach is a waste of time

>unneccesarily convoluted build system
you probably use shit like autotools and cmake already. meson is way less convoluted than the alternatives


>I think the main problem is that there should be a clear delimitation between gnu/linux as a tool (gentoo, nix, guix, etc.) and gnu/linux as a consumer OS

I think if you do this and appeal to normies by making gimped distros like silverblue to more easily facilitate browsing facebook, you get hordes of screeching uneducated retards like the userbase of /r/linux going WHY DOESN'T THE DOLBY ATMOS FOR MY NETFLIX WORK, WHY DOES THE SETTINGS MENU HAVE SO MANY BUTTONS, IT'S CONFUSING, LINUX IS SHIT!!!

and in response to that you have huge developers like redhat pandering to them by writing software like GNOME that is intentionally gimped in functionality yet at the same time crowds out all other alternatives from the ecosystem because it has such institutional force behind it, and shit like baked-in DRM, TPM attestation (to enforce the DRM), immutable root (to keep the retards from breaking their distro and whining about it), wayland shit which screenrecording and keybinding doesn't work half the time (because some retard might download malware which will keylog them), ad nauseam.

linux should always remain a tool. if the tool can be made easier to use without compromising on functionality, then fine. but it should always remain a tool.


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>I think if you do this
do what? keep a delimitation? do you think there should be no difference between gentoo and ubuntu?
from the rest of your message I can see that you are not as retarded as to suggest that. in principle we agree, but it is not like you can stop ibm and redhat from doing what they are doing. the best and only realistic alternative is to try to keep the tool separate from the consumer environment - this is what I call delimitation


the problem is it's difficult to keep "linux the tool" and "linux the consumption device" segregated so that the latter doesn't crush the former


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Isn't that what computers and technology fundementally are? I guess phones are probably a more extreme example because computers you can program on and create with, but, I would say that computers are, to some degree, inherently consumption devices.


Recommend a virtual phone number, to register on Telegram


register at a gym namefag

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