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If I have a specific way of opening a given application on Linux, namely via Terminal, is there a way to make this specific terminal command into a desktop icon so that I don't accidentally click the normal icon by accident and fuck everything up like I just did?
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Based retard


Different anon. Here's the spec:

Example Desktop Entry File:

Add your
[Desktop Action …]
and put what you need into


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Start with making a directory and empty, executable shell script
mkdir Application
cd Application
cat > application.sh
chmod u+x application.sh
Now open the executable shell script in a text editor and add:
whatever bash line you wanted to have as an executable script to begin with

Go to a search engine and find the icon you want to have, in line with this general-purpose guide we'll name it application-icon.png

Now finally we make the .desktop icon:
cat > application.desktop
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congrats on figuring it out on your own! in linux, most of the quality of life additions should be able to be implemented in simple shell scripts.

That being said, why are you using per application vpn? does your plan require you to throttle it?


>That being said, why are you using per application vpn? does your plan require you to throttle it?
No, no. It's just the addition of a missing infosec feature. It's a specific type of proxy.

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What do you think about BMIs and relatively recent advancements by companies such as Neuralink? For those of you who don't know what BMIs are, it's a technology that implants electrodes from a chip inside your brain to read neurological activity and possibly send electric signals to your brain in an attempt to interface with computers.

Here is Neuralink's white paper in case you are curious

And a popsci video of it, if that's more your thing
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I doubt that even among fanboys, you'll get many people that'll go through with it. Tattoos and piercings are fringe in every modern society.
You are framing injecting implants as futuristic and people avoiding this as anachronistic. That is sort of a dishonest way of distorting my argument, I'm not saying that there is a cultural momentum preventing this, I'm saying that people will not adopt this because it hasn't got enough advantages to outweigh the downsides. Opening a car or paying with your hand is just a novelty, it's not substantially different from having that functionality in a separate item. Do you understand it's not a new ability it's just a different package.

I clearly stated that the calculator-chip had to have the feature set of a scientific calculator, not just a basic one, you would benefit from this too, I sincerely doubt you can do very advanced maths entirely in your head. The main point is about reducing the mental effort as well as improving accuracy, it's not really about speed. I'm not sure how to convey this: consider that you could in principle look for mathematical patterns in every object you look at, but usually you don't because that would be very exhausting, and that's the bottleneck this would solve. Just consider that people could have accurate intuition for stuff that involves large numbers because they could calculate probabilities in their heads, with such low effort that it would feel like "intuitive knowing". You can't really dismiss ho much benefit this would bring.


Sounds boring, we'd start acting more and more similarly.


It's a meme. The technology isn't there. Just another adolescent science fiction fantasy of Musk

this anon has some good points too

implants wont happen because the immune system will reject them unless you have people on cancer drugs or w/e to prevent that and even so there will be problems with infections and shit. The most I believe will happen is one time implants of brain surgery to solve severe seizures or neurological disorders, maybe in 30+ years at best but as we all know Musk will probably run out of steam by then

We don't have anything even remotely close to understand the human brain on its own, let alone interface it with a computer.

All of these "meme projects" like immortality, neural interfaces, floating ancapistan on a oil rig, etc. should really be looked more like shit for an eccentric billionaire to waste money on than anything that will meaningfully advance humanity, just the modern version of a Qin dynasty Chinese emperor trying to find immortality


It's called a keyboard and mouse.


>We don't have anything even remotely close to understand the human brain on its own, let alone interface it with a computer.
Yep, we've been literally probing brains for quite a while and we still have no fucking idea what to do with that data.

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VIchan was forked from tinyboard, the earliest commits I can find from it are from 2011 or 2012. Laravel's first release was in 2011, Codeigniter was in 2006, Symfony came out in '05, Zend came out in '06, CakePHP in '05.

Literally any of these frameworks (even CI), and plenty not named, would have been better than the structureless, hand coded ball of spaghetti code that tinyboard/Vichan/lainchan ended up becoming, with its handcoded crappy ORM and barebones html templating, not to mention lack of a router.

Imposing some basic, even minimal MVC type architecture on tinyboard at the beginning would have made things a HELL of a lot better for all future maintainers even 10+ years later.

At this point coding a new imageboard from scratch is a huge task and few have attempted it successfully (lynx being one).
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tinyboard/vichan develoeprs were evidently self taught.
php has been the "self-taught" language for a lot of years, so it's no surprise that it was done on PHP. also using frameworks wasn't really popular until after ~2008 afaik.



yeah but that was still 3-4 years before they made tinyboard, even as self taught guys i wish they had done a bit of research :(

Anyway the enterprise world had frameworks (albeit terrible, bloated ones) like JSF and Spring MVC for years, since like the early 2000s.


Frameworks suck ass.


Maybe in Goloang or something, but PHP devs should probably use a framework which forces them to use something closer to best practices.


Because STI was a fucking retard.


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>Looking at stolen code is no reversing, it's called stealing!
>And as last fact. Stealing != Science. Stealing is a crime and I am very happy that it is. If you wanna steal, then do so, but. Not. HERE!

Jesus, what a cuck.
I get they want to keep the project untainted of any possible copyright issues, but damn he sounds like that kid who bragged bought all of their textbooks new in school.


Of course it's a G*rman


> cant reverse
> can barely code
> forum moderator
Yup its an IT midwit


> he doesnt understand that free software project is basically communist in intent


>My reply was not militant. It was a FACT.

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Holy shit what the fuck. Github in its new form; following the Microsoft purchase, I can see.


Novel neuroevolution btfo's every deep learning meme


Eh. So?
It makes total sense that you can make a machine that uses machine learning to get better making machine learning settings?

Now do it one layer deeper using the machine learned program itself and see if we get a singularity.


Well yes given enough time it makes sense it would be better but deep learning is much faster for a specific subset using current technology.


so? There are plenty of times that engineering leapfrogs science and ML is one of them.

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Some anon here earlier was talking about making a standard API for chans/imageboards?

I assume the format will be REST using JSON as a serialization/marshaling format?

This would be great, if all standard chan software could implement this, possibly in addition to server side rendered HTML(optional) for the NO-JS /g/entoo-fags and torfags, people could easily write their own clients, maybe even a desktop app
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I tried reading what NNTP was about, but quit because there is very little info on the topic. I assumed it was a protocol that was built on top of TCP, like an alternative version of zeronet.

Unless you're doing something highly specialized AND have institutional backing, there is no reason not to use HTTP over TCP.


NNTP was an internet protocol used for usenet articles before the world wide web was invented in the early 90s. Its basically dead but theres one anon here who keeps autistically focusing on it, same as /g/entoofags talk about disabling javascript in browser because Stallman told them to like 10 years ago


Vichan's code is littered with nntp protocol autism. It was never completed, afaik.


My assumption was, that NNTP articles were close to a drop-in replacement for IB messages.
After reading the RFC, I must admit NNTP's retrieval of articles by traversing a GROUP is less than optimal for throughput and the structure of NNTP is inherently incompatible with the notion of threads, unless the server automatically moved articles to a new "subGROUP".

However I believe we should think about adopting some NNTP concepts such as:
board hierarchies (perhaps with their own overboards)
ability to retrieve resources through WILDMAT

Observing NNTP also gives us the chance to avoid its shortcomings.
Being able to retrieve messages by their ID is undoubtedly a good thing, but you could implement a request for threads or even boards.

Are operations on threads and boards (and/or matching against messages by date) sufficient to negate the cost of linear traversal, or are there more elaborate data structures, that curb the overhead of common usage.


>Are operations on threads and boards (and/or matching against messages by date) sufficient to negate the cost of linear traversal, or are there more elaborate data structures, that curb the overhead of common usage.

Assuming the threads/posts are stored in a database, aren't most relational and even some non relational dbs based on B/B+ or modified B+ trees? If so average search complexity is O(log n), same for insert and delete.

Thinking about shit on the data structure level is a little too low level for web dev anyway since you would most likely be using a database/store someone else developed and its their job to make it efficient.

>board hierarchies (perhaps with their own overboards)

interesting, would the only point be for overboards?

>ability to retrieve resources through WILDMAT

is that some sort of regex search? Modern intelligent information retrieval techniques have probably obviated the need for that. Most likely using some sort of search engine thats already built although basic search functionality can be built pretty easily in a normal program.

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Many features are exclusive to synapse since they haven't been actually implemented into the matrix protocol yet or are undocumented.
>What element calls "communities" is actually an undocumented matrix feature called "groups".


Why would you say that blindly? Other clients have had e2e for years now.
>visit https://matrix.org/clients-matrix/
>check E2E row
- Element
- weechat-matrix
- gomuks
- nheko Reborn
- DittoChat
- Mirage
- FluffyChat
- Seaglass
- matrix-commander
There is also pantalaimon, a proxy dameon that can encrypt and decrypt E2EE for arbitrary clients.

Disclaimer: I haven't used any of them except for Element, and some like Nheko have disclaimers about their E2EE being 'proof-of-concept'. Read before you rely on it. I recommend Element for E2EE because at least it's been externally audited; I don't know if others have (only because I haven't checked).


Is there a client that supports proxying through Tor?


Good question

You're right, I apologize.

Reposting features from the feature-list that I think are critical for leftypol:
>E2E: weechat-matrix, Element Web/Desktop, gomuks, nheko Reborn, Mirage, FluffyChat, matrix-commander
>MMA*: weechat-matrix, Spectral, Quaternion, Mirage, matrix-commander
>VoIP: Element Web/Desktop, nheko Reborn,
>*: Multiple Matrix Accounts**
>**: Because it's pretty wise to compartmentalize online commie terrist activity like this from let's say your legal name or other uniquely compromising information (we're an open target of both state actors and nazis).

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We need a port of the soyjak script for this website
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Why not both?


>socdem lacks a heart
>sabocat lacks courage
>trotsky can't go home
>ML lacks a brain
wow it's perfect


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Looks like wojak is back on the menu, boys.


>do you even need a calculator when you can just crunch numbers with a pencil and paper?
>using calculator for arithmetic with numbers of less than 4 digits
do americans really?


I legit met american girl who couldn't multiply 9 by 7 so anything is possible with them

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will Desktop PCs ever switch to RISC processing, or is it time to take the bluepill and switch to Apple?
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so why does x86 still have so much power draw?


idk, not an expert on the power side. Ask a semiconductor engineer. Intel's chips are mainly used in desktop/server environments anyway so its possible using less power isn't a design priority for them anyway, or at least as much of one
open hardware implies open architecture


roughly speaking, more transistors generally implies higher power consumption.


>No RISC processors are up to performance level with AMD let alone intel


the process of decoding x86 into a risc-like language is extremely complex

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There's various sites/programs that do this but I haven't really found a good one yet.

Features I would like:
- 320kbps
- Capture of a still of the video as song art
- Download whole playlists automatically
- No daily limit or whatever

As a bonus, are there any applications that automatically convert a folder full of mp3s into versions of those mp3s with levelled audio? IE, all the songs will become roughly the same volume.

I know there might be better ways to organise your music but I like to do it like this. Thanks in advance people. Currently I use 4K Youtube to MP3 but it has a daily limit and no automatic playlist support (without a paid license).
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This is doing nothing but downloading jpegs of the thumbnails.


Download a program called "Freezer". It takes directly from Deezer and you can download in whatever audio quality you want (if storage space is a concern). Simple as searching for a song/album/artist then hitting the big blue download button.


Okay never mind, I did get it to work, thanks! It is missing volume control which is unfortunate, does anyone know a tool that automatically fixes sound levels in folders of songs to equalise the volume?

I appreciate that but I was asking about YT because not all songs I wanna download are gonna be on spotify or whatever.




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This is the kinda crap I wanna download so you see why I can't use spotify or whatever (I'm sure some of this is on there OFC but not all)

I am having a problem now though, how do I clear my 'unsorted videos' folder? It doesn't seem to do anything no matter what deletion method I try. I tried 'empty folder' and 'tidy all' and it deletes the files but not the videos from Tartube itself so I can't refill the folder with new stuff

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