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File: 1677992533041.jpg ( 215.75 KB , 535x554 , gogola1966.jpg )

 No.146463[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post monsters.
Das it.
125 posts and 212 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Michael Bukowski also did an illustration of this particular creature as described by Wellman.


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Michael Bukowski's unflattering, but arguably accurate, illustration of another of Wellman's monsters, a "Golgotha Dancer." Great title, but the story is, frankly, pretty mediocre, and Bukowski's illustration honestly makes the monster look cooler than they sound in the story.


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A Yakubian


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An illustration for Robert E. Howard's Pigeons From Hell, about a zuvembie, an even worse kind of zombie because it has a vagina.


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Another Manly Wade Wellman illustration

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Honestly? Just quit this place.

I'm serious. Just quit this place. /leftypol/ is basically a board for ideologically incoherent incels and schizos who take pride in how abrasive and alienating they are. Most of the userbase here aren't really communists, socialists or anarchists in any meaningful sense, they're just illiterate losers who wanna LARP on the internet as Tim Curry in Command and Conquer while wondering while they aren't getting sex.

So, give 'em what they want, and leave them with a dead board because nobody wants to talk to them. I went nearly a month without posting here, and when I came back, the quality of posting managed to get even worse.

Rest of you wanna know why this place is dying? Look in them mirror. Nobody wants to put up with abrasive schizoposters when they can have an actual conversation somewhere else.
15 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


OP may have been right.. it's obah…




what models did you use to make this


The IRL left doesn't even surpass 40 people most states. I'm appreciative there's at least a nominal safe haven for us to chat. That said, this board is braindead, but it's more tolerable than others.


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About quit this place, thanks OP.

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Use of free and open source text-to-image models to generate communist AI slop/AI art

See OP copypasta here bc """url shortners""" aren't allowed here whatever the fuck that means:

Starting this thread off with some Stalin OC.
23 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



Luddites oppposed new ways of working. AI could replace all work. The opponents are basically just workerists and or market proponent freaks.


No, I just think it's soulless, joyless, boring dogshit as expressed clearly here: >>155886. Your "explanation" of why anyone wouldn't like this is, ironically, more creative than the generated art itself is.


One could say the same about most manual-digital art styles


AI is hype and is not gonna replace all work. All it's gonna do is reallocate humans to worse job positions in the unskilled labor market.


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Talk about universal values and a value system that defies time and space, transcends nation and class, and applies to all humanity.
Discuss Western freedom, democracy, and that human rights are universal and eternal.
26 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Latvia, a disappearing nation
January 5, 2018

Since it joined the EU, the country has lost one-fifth of its population.

To be sure, economic migration is not the only reason for the country’s declining population. The small Baltic republic’s comparatively low birth rate and high mortality rate are also contributing factors.

“Borders are open, information about life in other EU states is available and everyone is doing it. So, off our young people go to England or Ireland or Germany” — Aleksandr Rube, journalist


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So many to Germany, why?


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>Dignity: The Last Bastion of Liberalism – Humanity Journal
<"WHEREAS recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world ."

>Remembering Hong Kong Now That Its Long Good-bye as a Bastion of Liberalism Has Accelerated | American Enterprise Institute - AEI
<For classical liberals, Hong Kong had been a beacon of hope for half a century. Peter the Great is said to have built St Petersburg to be “Russia’s window to the west.” Hong Kong was supposed to be liberalism’s window to the future. The city’s fabled wealth was built on four pillars of classical liberalism: limited government, rule of law, free trade, and fiscal probity. And, it worked! We hoped that the rest of the world would follow a similar path.

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What I love about Marxism is it's need to do something. Corruption exists in many world nations. The corruption of Capitalism too is arguably bad too in certain countries.

What I love about Marxism is its empowerment that only the people can make change.

What I also love about it too is that it gives those unemployed people a chance to use their skills to contribute to society.

I hope someone agrees to these points, and replies.


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In esoteric Christianity, there is a concept that the second coming of Christ will be in an etheric form rather than in the form of an individual man, that Christ will return as an awakening force rising in humanity as a whole. There is an emphasis which can be made on the concept of Christ as something transcendent, and this is present even in more ordinary strains of Christianity even if it is often obscured by sectarian pissing; by the doctrine of the universal church, the love of God touches everything, and the power of this is such to transcend all race, sex, and belief to move all towards a shared divine ideal which is personified in Christianity by Christ, but which is true in its meaning regardless of what name is attached to it. In essence, from this perspective, the truth of the universal church, in its message of peace, justice, and good will, and of good deeds and works overcoming death as man's only gateway to eternal peace, is so all-encompassing that it offers collective salvation to all in accordance with the actions they take even if they nominally differ in religious belief. It is thus like the northern star, a fixed light to which all people have turned for guidance, though they called it by many names.

You may be asking me, now, "ok, anon, what does all this religious wank have to do with communism?"
I'm glad you asked!

The philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth was built upon a mixture of pre-Talmudic Judaism and Hellenic eschatology, and it was defined, in large part, around a sense of imminent demise. It rejected usury, rejected the commodification of religion, rejected the deification of commerce & wealth & greed, and embraced communal living and universal collective good will, all inspired in large part by understandings attained through deep contemplation of death by those who believed doom was near. Jesus himself, by focusing on good deeds, becomes a symbol of how mankind can surpass death, a carpenter born in severe poverty who, without ever becoming rich, set a course for the enrichment of humankind by example. The collective realization of Christ-Consciousness could be argued to be a moral & spiritual mirror to the realization of class consciousness, as it essentially necessitates a spiritual rejection of capitalism in favor of collective wellbeing, a rejection of the transient values of capitalist materialism in favor of the immortal values of socialist materialism, an embrace of tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.



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>match with a guy on tinder
>start talking about the financial crash of '08
>he blocks me
why are men like this smh


I don't even


I don't get why boys don't like my sexy economic populism ;_;


He's probably a homosexual.
I jest, but, he probably is some lolbert retard type.


You were prolly right the first time

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sex is procreation, not degeneracy or sodomy. The concept of "born this way" at least in its modern form was always more of a identity politics stance than anything else. Many of the people pushing it didn’t actually beleive it themselfs, but it was beleived that by presenting degenerate, lumpen behaviour as an inherent characteristic, rather than as a freely made choice, people would be more likely to soften up towards it.
A reflection of this is sometimes seen today with the category of "BDSM" or "queer" in which sexual fluidity (the idea that sexuality isn’t set in stone) is taken for granted most of the time, and its only when people criticise the parts of this ideology that haven’t been fully normalised yet that they retreat to "born this way" as a safer position which it is harder to attack.
BDSM and other forms of degeneracy in relationships aren’t reproductive and aren’t typically accepted by the masses due to this reason, outside of the parasitic west
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Now this is just dumb.


I am gay and I have never been molested and I liked boys before watching porn…


iys funny how alot of peoole who oush this theory are often then caught with prettyboys in ther bed


Visiting from .org, glad to see I'm not missing out on much.


>visiting from .org
>immediately bump Lain thread

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 No.154243[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>IOF soldiers when they see a Hamas tunnel rigged with explosives
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Lol are you a really a jew or just trolling?


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fine, I give up, I support jew hate.


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firing squad

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Allahu Akbar


All I get from this is that you like gay porn featuring prominent slavic figures. OP is literally a faggot (and that's fine bro it's 2025).

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