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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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*LO.LANADA.P.T.C.H.&.P.T.S.C..Unlimited-VIDEO **

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These mother fuckers want to fuck children so bad.



If it is possible to get a stream of the trial that would be tight. I know his first court date is set for march 21st 2025


idk where to get a stream of the trial but 100% update us with a URL if you find it OP, it's been a fucking shitty horrible year and next year looks like it'll be bad too, I need a laugh


A lot of the times these local counties stream court cases to youtube but refuse to record so I will keep a look out on youtube. It happened in aberdeen washington, as stated in the article. I'll let you know what's up.


Hell yeah ty


"pedophile is when i dont like y


>Literally caught fucking children

<You leftoids will call anyone a pedofile!

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 No.146463[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post monsters.
Das it.
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crazy demon guy painted by Psycho author Robert Bloch


some doodles Robert Bloch did for Lovecraft in 1933


More Robert Bloch doodles for Lovecraft, including one of The Mad Arab Abdul Alhazred hisself.


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Thinking of starting a thread just for golden age comics/golden age comic covers… but for now, they're all monsters, so this'll go here. Wonderful, isn't it?


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Virgil Finlay illustration for Lovecraft's The Shunned House in Weird Tales, about a big giant fungus man who sleeps under a house and does reality altering weird stuff.

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This will be a dedicated thread for sharing and showcasing and reaching out to other, smaller, communities and chans so that we can all help and boost one another.
Imageboards and imageboard culture is important we like to believe. Anonymous culture on the internet allows for the, more or less, free flow of ideas in the general public and for beliefs and those ideas to be challenged.

We hold these values closely here at leftychan. We also have noticed an uptick in spam, so, to anyone looking to advertise your board this is a space to do so. The only thing we would ask is the same privilege from you in return! Thank you! Enjoy~
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There is this IB I visited in the past. Unlike other IB, the UI/menu/way of browsing there is different. There is a starting page. But you can't just browse the board/thread you want. When you want to go to a specific thread/board you have to scour by following links after links until you find it. Somewhere at the corner there are a web map to help you and report on the most active place. I forgot why I leave the link unsaved and I also forgot the name, but I think It's because it's down/404'ed. Can somebody help me rember?


Wow that sounds like absolute garbage uyghur


was it 4-ch.net




what is the benefit or interesting thing/s about JPEG-XL?


This is the stupidest fucking shit I've ever heard.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




I love that one. RIP Trevor Moore.




Watched both of these. My reaction: Damn…


>Why don't they close down the airspace?
>Yes it's inconvenient, yes it's the holidays.
lmao. leave it to burgoid journalshits to become riled up (or pretend to do so for clout) about transparently nonsense issues

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I'm the old BO from original /leftypol/.

My contributions:
>I was right
>Banned thousands of Roj*va anarkiddies (CIA assets)
>Promoted tankyism to the internet for years
>Made a shitload of the OC lefty memes that are still reposted by anons to this day (made the original Porky png, among other things)
>Quit when I realized it (class consciousness on anonymous imageboards) was hopeless

I am still a Stalinist/Maoist Marxist communist. I hate Ogre and what it's become. I am not trans and do not support trans ideology nor feminism. I'm an antivaxist. I support Assad, Hamas, PFLP, Donbas, Cockshottism… I'm sadly not part of any organization or party because there is no legitimate party where I live. I carry out lone wolf guerilla actions in a limited capacity.

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>"Morality is a spook" is a cancerous Stirnerite meme. If morality is a spook then it should be OK to brutally murder all Stirnerites with no consequences.
It is not immoral to murder me brutally. The concept of "OK" is idealist nonsense. There will be consequences but that's got nothing to do with morality.


>Literal idealism to think that my schism somehow created other schisms. Splits are inevitable.
… Said the splitter.

>I wish I could have done more than just ban the anti-Assad fags, if I could I would have visited them personally and killed them. Dead imperialists > """community""".


>I don't recall ever banning her but she is a filthy socdem last I checked

The horror!!!

>I just accept the fact that organizing in this shithole is not a real thing at the moment

What obstacles are you up against?


What do you think of a possible rectification of Kant and Non-Euclidean geometry by looking at CH Hinton's The Fourth Dimension as well as Ouspensk's Tertium Organon?


What do you think of muhdickinsideyourass?


Never heard of it.

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 No.149523[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We have lots of newfriends and oldfags who want to discuss topics revolving around .org which is all fine and good there's no issue with that, but, one of the major issues is that posts are begging to flood the overboard and catalogue in general, thus, we have decided to create a general thread for .org discussion. This is not, necessarily, a hard rule that must be followed, but, we do implore you all to attempt to keep discussion about .org in this thread and we will prune what we feel is necessary.

We also have merged some related threads into the general, fyi.


Thread related to split itself for those curious:

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Problem is this board is dead aside from a incel circlejerks. Last time i made a thread here was years ago with like 2 replies each time. There isn't even a late-bunkerchan athmosphere of the 'anything goes' kind, just a looming sense of emptiness like on a dead lainchan clone.

I only see two possible solution: .org must die or this board must proactively attract literally any kind of leftist imageboard demographic. Sorry /leftcel/ but incels aren't going to do it. Maybe a /lounge/-type board with a compelling theme will do the trick, not like creating one more dead board would do any harm.


>say something about LGBT/gay/trans
>get banned

<say something about Indians/Asians

>not banned

Putting the /pol/ in Leftypol, I see…


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Most of the posts on this board aren't incel rn and /leftypol/ has gotten more active over the past year compared to /b/.
Also, not to be rude, but getting the board active is the point. If we weren't a slow board I wouldn't be saying we need to make appeals; if we were as active as we should be, it wouldn't even matter to me that people are going to .org and getting abused by those stupid NPD mods.

And we don't need to wait for .org to die. They fuck shit up constantly. They're assholes, but they're also just kind of bad at running that site, and they're coasting entirely on having come out on top in couping Bunkerchan years ago. If/when .org dies or they fuck up and we spent the entire lead-up to that doing fuck-all to raise awareness about .net, we will not have the momentum necessary to rescue /leftypol/ers. There is no future point at which everything will magically be ripe to act, we get ready now, gain momentum, and then take advantage of circumstances when we already have stuff in the works.

Also, adding more boards is a dumb idea. We have enough.


>Altough, people are still sharing shitpost about how the USA's police is mostly racist, and also about USA's school shootings, and how most of the school shootings come from the US, so that gives me kind of a relief.
That's just people looking down on USA while giving a handjob to the Nordic countries and the Netherlands / baby's first general cynicism/doomerism


they shut down the onion site again after some stray /pol/ack posted about the transgender question

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God I would still give anything to get a big handfull of that ass though.




this uygha horny


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Anti-psychiatry thread.

Down with psychiatry!
Down with psychology!
Down with therapy!
Down with forced care-authorization signed off by arrogant judges!
Down with ambulances and their steep bills!
Down with phony lawyers who are on the side of psychiatry!
Down with the pharmaceutical industry!


I'm neutral on the shrinks question, but I do think people have a good point when they question why it is that autism was invented by a Nazi.


constant gooning is a symptom of psychiatry, it's almost impossible to do without psych drugs or a history of taking them, particularly ADHD drugs

also kill yourself


>constant gooning is a symptom of psychiatry
More reasons to be against psychiatry


nobody was forced to goon


Not true your mom forced me 2 goon once

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