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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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 No.149523[View All]

We have lots of newfriends and oldfags who want to discuss topics revolving around .org which is all fine and good there's no issue with that, but, one of the major issues is that posts are begging to flood the overboard and catalogue in general, thus, we have decided to create a general thread for .org discussion. This is not, necessarily, a hard rule that must be followed, but, we do implore you all to attempt to keep discussion about .org in this thread and we will prune what we feel is necessary.

We also have merged some related threads into the general, fyi.


Thread related to split itself for those curious:

205 posts and 63 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Read marx. The daywalking capitalist parasites (petite-bourgeois non-producers) gapekeep themselves because they are bourgeois


I'm not convinced you've read Marx frankly.


Read the goxddamn sign. , >>155093
that is marx's word and conclusion. You deny scientifiv socialist analsis. Read the sign; read marx


<recently blocked yt-dlp by generally forcing login to download vids
<very recently allowed yt-dlp by allowing guest tokens to download vids of broadcasts
media magnetic pole shift happening around us


>leftychan status: up
>getchan status: up
>nukechan status: up
I see no problem here. It was bound to die, hacks upon hacks.


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inb4 a second plane hits the .org server

wasdat? some posadism site?


shut up you lil twerp you fucking annoying as shit go do your hw dickhead


agree with most of it.
Lol at all the naysayers.


>wasdat? some posadism site?
Socialism imageboard. Like /leftypol/ without the /pol/. Just search it up, it's slow like here but less shitposty and more discussion.


>go to the getchan leftypol refugee thread
>they're still defending pedophilia
Also i noticed they perma'd my IP even though I never posted there, the ban was from the same date I got banned on leftypol for saying getchan is a pedo site. Seems like they're IP sharing and datamining accusations from the sharty is right.


if youre not a pedophile then why are your roleplaying as a fuckin baby?


that post makes no sense


Getchan is trying to convince posters it's just about the loli thread. Does anyone still have the screencap of yugo saying they were a pedophile?


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>get banned from /GET/ (heh) for 1 post saying loli is pedo shit (pic 1) after reading a post defending it
>try to post on tor to ask why i was banned (pic 2)
>all tor nodes are banned
>there's no onion either
bizarre behavior
i just want /dprk/, /prc/ and /ukr/ back, i don't like hanging around pedophiles on /GET/ and gooncave.net (lol) is dead
same here


holy shit one of the GET pedos seriously tried to say that loli is a victimless crime and 'whining' about it is 'immaterial idpol'. what the fuck is wrong with them? death to chan fags.


banning anime would legitimately ssve civilization


>Lolicon is pedophilia

>Anime is le bad

You postboomer puritans are too morally obsessed over sexuality


Not everything fictional involves fictional kids is muh pedophilia


I don't care about the lolicon/pedo debate or whatever but anime is brain rot


this site is so scary, cant wait for ogre to come back


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>this site is so scary, cant wait for ogre to come back


What isn't brain rot these days? Name one thing? At least anime gives me a well rounded appreciations of the arts and also teaches me interesting moral and ethical lessons. These same people are the people who will spend 24hrs a day doom scrolling tictok.


Brain rot is an overused buzzword.
Anime is an overused punching bag.
Anime as it's flaw but it not that bad.
I'm tired of the pathologisation of it just because obits cutesy nuances.

But, TikTok is not as bad as you think.
It's just Vine 2.0


>Our backups are too secure, we're currently waiting on the keys.
Does that mean the reason they restored an outdated and incomplete backup for now is, because they fucked up their opsec in some convoluted way on august 1st and only noticed after the hdd failure?


ATTENTION! AS OF NOW (13/09/2024 computer clock) ORG IS UP!!!!!! I REPEAT! ORG IS UP!!!!!!!!!!!


>this Marxforsaken site is the only one with a .onion at the moment


What is the explanation for people going back to Ogre when it's mistreating them? Is Ogre like an abusive partner?


Yeah but it's missing all their images…

>incomplete backup for now

So they're going to nuke all the new posts and do another restore? Okay… whatever. Not losing your users content is like your only job as an admin.

I think nuclearchange has an onion?

I don't get this either, but I guess lots of people browse once every couple of days and just go back to check without knowing what's going on.


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>calling out arguably the biggest problem facing leftism today is "blatant idpol baiting"
Never change, ogre


It seems that ogre intentionally twisted the definition of idpol.


The truth is that Ogre mods excuse ideology as a substitute for not taking care of problems in their personal life.


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who the hell is cyberbarbarian




>try to post on .org
>get hit with 'you look like a bot' every time
>can't even ask why in the mod thread
they've continually been making things worse and worse for tor posters and it's been pissing me off
like why even have an onion site at all if you can't fucking use it?


Yea, I said that.
You got beef?


I got banned and the mod thing said I'm a fucking porn addict. It's Ogre..


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Org just casually promoting violence (it never got removed)


Is splitting fascist's heads wide fucking open with an axe praxis? Don't pretend you have principles, you're just angry a group you like is the target.


But, if you critique LGBT ideology slightly you're gone. I personally don't care if reactionary radfems get killed though.


holy shit you're not real leftists, no wonder leftypol banned you


what are you bitching about? TERFs definitely deserve that kind of treatment. Not because of the TE but because of the F


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LeftyPol has a serious problem with the way they romanticize lumpens


But its so fun i can't stop


Reading this entire thread made me laugh like a motherfucker, retarded ass cyberfeud metadrama, love it


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i cant even Ogre-post in peace cause i will get gangstalked by mods


Same here


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Unique IPs: 27

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