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Why did the Western far-left become the 2SLGBTQRPGMMO+++ rainbow mafia?
It genuinely is perplexing to me that Western leftists seem to hold even the most absurd AGP sex fetish shit and BPD tumblr furry xenogender larping as the most ultimate leftist purity test, yet then will accept literal fucking Capitalists into the movement wihtout hesitation.
I used to think this shit was exaggerated, but it's honestly not, most western leftist spaces are just rainbow mafia/idpol obsessed and you can't push back on even the most absurd, eye rolling narratives, without getting asked to leave, or if online, copping a ban, this includes communities like leftypol(dot)org.
Even holding the same policy positions, as most Communist Parties in the Global South, will get you banned from basically any Westoid "Leftist" space. Leftypol lets you claim Xi is based or whatever, but if you actually espouse his policies, enjoy your ban because it doesn't align with Western Idpol shit.
Why is the Western left like this? Don't they realise that this shit makes them look like absolute pozzed student larping retards to the majority of the working class?
Would most Western "leftists" even want to live in a Working Class led society? They do realise the Working Class is largely soft-Socially Conservative right?
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>But also I would add on top of this, the Left has a major issue where much of the mainstream left will actively sacrifice real material progress, for handwringing over fringe social "Woke" issues. Why in fuck IS the left tied to LGBT, Ethnoracial, immigrant etc politics?
Exactly. This should have never been tied to us in the first place. I suspect it was done on purpose in order to discredit the left like what happened to Occupy Wall Street, but people should have been smart enough not to fall for it.


what the fuck am i even looking at?


i can't unsee the cat with the Nazi-collar


>I suspect it was done on purpose

Oh for sure


imo this isn't a conspiracy, it's an authentic expression of the failure of the left, if it looks like a conspiracy its because opportunists and grifters took advantage of this like they always do with everything
the 21st century left is an exaggerated reprisal of the 20th century left, with all the same failings pushed to excess, the same split between old left workerism and new left idpol hysterics
a simpler way to explain this is by calling it 'capitalist realism', politics is dominated by the perception that there is no alternative to capitalism, leftists are paralyzed by this lack and end up regressing into reactionary politics, we're chained by the weight of our history, its no coincidence that the decline and degeneration of socdem parties preceded the collapse of the USSR
ultimately socialists desperately need a serious and innovative 21st century political economy to move beyond this retarded memelarp politics, they should start critically analyzing flawed or abortive attempts at an alternative like cybersyn or rojava for inspiration instead of just dismissing everything like cynical faggets (a.k.a. last men, nietzsche was right)


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Mankind now wrestles between the dogma of tradition and the techno-feudalist dominance of the modern age, and now our very struggles; wars are capitalized and induced by seemingly ordinary men with dead eyes and a forced grim.

Widespread industrialism annihilating millions in the courses of history, our planet seethes with unrest, the frames of reel the ordinary man is too familiar with: the skeletonization of cities and the tons of broken bottles and used tissues that bob on the surface of our freshwater—a mirroring of a larger vision; a grand flock of black swans, that of gas masks and pale steeds.

The metropolis and its machines have no match against primal wrath, the supreme weapon—an envoy of writhing hurricanes, and volcanic spew, forging the soil we march over. From magma; the father of structure, new life and order arises, a testament to the transformative qualities of fury.

The world is constantly in a state of instability, although It may predictably orbit, our world is in a constant state of adaptable chaos and the only way to destabilize our current systems global is to induce them in speeds that rival our orbit.
The difficult task is crafting the metaphorical bolt of lighting needed to disorientate and what exactly will induce the most change, societal arrest, a global—screeching halt to industrialism and the rapidly consuming forces of which make up techno-feudalism, allowing us to return to a more simpler age.

Unpredictability and uncertainty is the very essence of systemic collapse, and such we must embrace these forces as they carry us onto a new age, where only the most sinister survive, this will only purge the most useless breeds; allowing for the ones who tend towards savagery to thrive in their newer existence. Misanthropy often arises and is bred out of the weakest aspects of human nature, the anti-human sentiments of the modern age arise out of the frustrations of how members of our species could be so underwhelming or horrid beyond our wildest fantasies; however, it is crucial to note that the strong reactions that we give to those who tend towards savagery such as mercenaries and serial killers are almost entirely crafted by dogmatic institutions such as the church and the state, and inflicted onto us on very young ages to pressure us into following orders.

Even some of the wildest and chaotic of our species can become like second brothers and sisters to you, if you gave them a chPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>You don't think it's just oil companies spreading FUD and lobbying?
There has been a lot of FUD, for example the TV show about the Chernobyl accident made the ludicrous claim that nuclear power-plants could explode like atomic warheads. And then it won awards for scientific accuracy. That had to be a conspiracy, nobody with an even superficial understanding how fission reactors work thinks that's possible, because none of the fuels in reactors have anywhere near weapons grade enrichment.

It was also a bad PR strategy by the nuclear power sector, they should have retaliated by launching their own fearmongering campaign.

Then there is the historic development, that could have gone better, instead of building like 50000 nukes, it could have been loads of power reactors, and then everybody would be associating the word nuclear with free electricity rather than destroyed Japanese cities.

>There was no need for Germany to shut down it's nuclear power for one.

Yeah in retrospect that one was a blunder.


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>And then it won awards for scientific accuracy.
lol, source? The stupidest thing by far in that show was how it treated radiation victims. It acted like you had to bury their bodies in a ton of concrete, just in case they try to come back to life and crave human flesh.

If we're talking real historical PR problems, the real issue is that an inherently safe technology that was demonstrated to work was sidelined in favor of inherently dangerous pressurized water reactors because their industrial processes are more favorable to weapons production.


many of early reactors were experiment sl I eavtprs that could be used for weapons too


*we're experimental reactors that could be used for weapons too


>The stupidest thing by far in that show was how it treated radiation victims. It acted like you had to bury their bodies in a ton of concrete, just in case they try to come back to life and crave human flesh.
I didn't watch the show, but lol at the nuclear zombies.

>If we're talking real historical PR problems, the real issue is that an inherently safe technology that was demonstrated to work was sidelined in favor of inherently dangerous pressurized water reactors because their industrial processes are more favorable to weapons production.

You are correct molten salt reactors are inherently safe because they can't have a core-meltdown. On account of already having a molten core and a system designed for that. However it's not like the light water reactors with solid fuel pellets were particularly unsafe, they are less safe than molten salt, but we're comparing really good with excellent at this point. The biggest downside with the power generation reactors derived from the nuclear weapon program was the cost, molten salt reactors can do a lot cheaper electricity.

There definitely are 2 tracks, some reactors designs are more favorable for weapons production while others are more favorable for energy generation.

Some reactors, like the thorium ones, make it virtually impossible to produce weapons. Those are very desirable because you can do these without the "military security monkey" on your back. It's also super economical, and very scalable, you can do a tiny SMR or a ginormous mega plant.

To be fair, I think the Russians recently build a plutonium reactor that is both very economical while still being reasonable effective for weapons production, but that one definitely comes with the "military security monkey" on your back keeping tabs on what you do with the fuel. It's a long time that i looked into that, but i think plutonium reactors are like a higher difficulty setting, not suitable for newbies in the nuclear power game.



when it will be over for eu

what do you think on european union in general


Hopefully soon.
I'd be neutral on the EU if they weren't functionally acting as America's bitch now and Germany's bitch before that. It's actually embarrassing how much it seems to serve the US agenda at this point, and the US is itself run by Zionist psychos. It's really difficult to believe that the EU would behave the way that it does if it wasn't controlled by the US.


The same time the US implodes and the next thing, whatever it is, is ready for all of the core "white" countries.

I give it maybe a year at the rate we're going, plus whatever time is necessary to finalize the "confused fighting". But, just like with the fall of the US, the fall of the EU won't really be "collapse", but elimination of the last remaining democratic pretenses of the states. That was guaranteed by the Ukraine War, where the last legitimacy of the nation-state was obliterated by decree, now that it can be done. It was really funny how that happened and the idiots doubled down on "nation-state essences" as a talking point, because they didn't know what any of it meant or had any idea what a "law" was.


i think people overestimate usa influence

i think people in modern world can live without usa


Euroscepticism is about Euros hating the EU because it's not Nazi enough, has to be nice to the US and liberalism. The moment they can, they're going to make something like the EU, but entirely free of democracy and with no US influence since the US no longer exists. It could inherit the EU structure, but it would no longer be "the EU" in this supposed rules-based order they want to insist is a thing. What they want is the Fourth Reich. It would always be centered where the first three were, which makes "US is literally Fourth Reich" a little annoying to me. I would go on rants about it, if not for the reality that the US is entirely owned by those who want a Nazified world, who want the former US to be a hellish slave plantation.

You can tell the elites of Europe are beyond done with the EU. But, I'll tell you right now, they're not interested in "closed borders" or any of the faggotry they're selling to promote the Fourth Reich to retards who don't know anything about anything. You already see the "nationalist" leaders promoting European integration harder than the liberals ever did.


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 No.7537[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.
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I'm getting 404 on a lot of those pages, is something wrong with the server?

re: engaging with your writing. tbh I have downloaded the books but mainly just check these threads and your twitter on twitter proxies. have you considered compiling some of your tweets into a separate easier to read book? it'd be like the little red book or society of the spectacle.


I only uploaded up to chapter 18.

There's too many tweets and I pop off whenever I feel like it. I might write a collection of one-off essays. This was originally what I was going to spend the majority of my time doing, but the book got bigger and more involved and I wanted to do it right. Eighth book (if i get to it) is all "disorganized" since the first thing I say, after all I wrote, is that there really is nothing to make of humanity and no "goal" as such other than to survive in a world gone horribly wrong. That would be the "Quotations from Chairman Eugene". Society of the Spectacle is shit btw. Nothing about this is about a "spectacle" or "display". That's always been an ideological grift. The real game is eugenics all of the way through, and Debord wants you to class that as "spectacle" rather than the death cult and torture being the point and the supposed "material interests" are only there to feed the ritual sacrifice. It was an insult to us who had to be humiliated, whose families were put through the wringer, while these grifters collected their increasingly meager paychecks for writing that shit.


I'm not that anon and too retarded to do it myself, but can't you use a web crawler to get your tweets on your site in an automated fashion?
Also do you care about bluesky at all? It seems like a less shitty version of twitter to me, but I get that your social circle is still on twitter so you might not want to migrate.


Idk, I'd have to manually look through the twitter log or find some program to do it. Would do it from the archive Twitter lets you download.

I don't feel like doing it though. Twitter schizo energy is not what I want for my website. I'd probably take a Twitter thread and use it as the base for an article, since I often repeat myself needlessly. The format of Twitter encourages this sort of repetition, and I've learned to adapt to it.


As for bluesky, it's the same format but heavily censored to be Democrat Land (what's left of it. I haven't been there much but I've engaged with zero people on Bluesky, and if I did, I'd probably just get nuked due to linking my doubleplusungood website. I don't feel like testing the waters, and since the engagement is all libcore people, it wouldn't be possible to say much. Either they're going to shout me down, or they would silently agree with me and there wouldn't be much to say.
So much of my Twitter ranting is about saying rightoids are dogshit, and it baits them into doing more faggy shit because they're used to their talking points, and they definitely don't like it when we call them homosexuals. (I mean, come on, that shit is gayer than Batman and Robin!)


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What can be done to advertise leftychan and get more users? I'm sick of all new users being sent to .orge and thinking Leftypol is a bunch of histeronic hyper-authoritarian BPD troons.
Leftychan in it's current state is functionally dead. We get maybe like 5-10 unique posts in a day.
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>Maybe push leftychan to the Haz/ACP types on Haz's Kick
I do like this idea though.


Server link to Haz, Hinkle and a bunch of the Infra/Midwestern Marx people hangout. You could try get them to promote the site if anyone cares enough.


Share the site with your orgs, show it to your comrades!


>Muh Identity politics


what do you mean


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Big massive thread for American politics.
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TND when? is trump still only deporting ppl?


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USAID shutdown causing "entire global ecosystem" of anti-China media to collapse

I stole this from /r/sino


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This is actually really good news, and a blow to the propaganda machine.

>USAID was funding over 6,200 journalists across 707 media outlets and 279 "media" NGOs, including nine out of ten media outlets in Ukraine.



So does that mean all the yt videos that are perpetually predicting China's immanent collapse, are going away ?
Do you think that one Ukraine-anon that posted here was one of those ?


Idk about youtube specifically but I hope so!
Also that Ukrainian guy was maybe just a guy, hard to say. Do they have enough man power to really get all the corners of the internet like that?


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One Year of Genocide

Continued from >>484995

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 61,000. Excess deaths have been estimated by The Lancet to plausibly be upwards of 186,000.

In early January 2025, Israel agreed to a ceasefire in Gaza and a prisoner exchange. Despite all of the killing, Hamas's military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, appears to have largely replenished its numbers, and threw parades celebrating the exchange. The ceasefire is on terms Hamas had already agreed to in May 2024.

Following Hezbollah strikes on Tel Aviv, a ceasefire in Lebanon was agreed to on November 27th. Israel proceeded to violate this ceasefire more than 600 times, and has refused to leave the country at the agreed-upon 60 day deadline, prompting unarmed civilians to stage protests and drive them out of parts of south Lebanon.

Lebanese Army leader Joseph Aoun was elected president of Lebanon.

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad was overthrown by US-backed al-Qaeda operatives. Israel proceeded to steal more land from Syria and launched a massive bombing campaign on Syria and Syria's arsenal without any resistance.

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Brussels parliament adopts resolution to recognise the genocide in Gaza… and calls for sanctions against Israel…


Violent Israeli raids forcibly displace 26,000 Palestinians in West Bank

Thousands of Palestinians have been displaced and dozens of homes have been demolished after more than two weeks of deadly Israeli siege and raids in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, including Jenin refugee camp.

“The Israeli army says they have launched a ‘counterterrorism’ operation to combat armed Palestinian fighters. But if you look at what is going on, you have 26,000 Palestinians who have been forcibly displaced, forced to leave their homes,” said Al Jazeera’s Hamdah Salhut, reporting from Amman, Jordan.

“The Israeli army has detonated homes in Jenin, Tulkarem and now Nablus. The army says some of these homes were used for military infrastructure but did not provide any sort of evidence to prove those claims.”

Israeli launches air raids on southern and eastern Lebanon

Al Jazeera Arabic has reported that Israeli forces targeted the autism scorelim al-Tuffah region in southern Lebanon with two air attacks, and have also carried out air raids in the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon near the border with Syria.

No casualties have been reported in the air attacks.

A source told Israel’s Army Radio that the air strikes targeted Hezbollah weapons depots and the smuggling of arms, including from Syria.
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kek the weather is anti-Zionist


>Brussels parliament adopts resolution to recognise the genocide in Gaza… and calls for sanctions against Israel…
Belgium switches to the right side of history. It's a fairly small country so it probably won't have a grand material effect, but politically that has to bug the Zionists.


Brussels is the heart of the EU banker class, so this actually might have an effect.



Post 'em if you got 'em
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 No.483853[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Party declaration:

The American Communist Party (ACP) is an organization which aims to reconstitute the historic Communist Party USA, which has become corrupted by federal agents and liberal forces. Look no further than Joe Sims, who supports the genocidal Democratic Party. It was launched in July of 2024, in response to the events of the 32nd Convention of the CPUSA. At this convention, party leadership subverted and betrayed democratic centralism and the freedom of critique which is supposed to follow from it. They claimed to be a genuine Marxist-Leninist party, but the leadership doesn't even follow their own rules. The CPUSA delayed all elections and without a vote made a resolution that they’d basically just campaign for Democrats. Just a bunch of boomers sitting around and writing articles about identity politics rather than organizing.

Already the ACP is far more successful than anyone would have expected from a brand new baby party. They are building reputation locally, taking care of their own communities and making areas safe for children and families to enjoy. Diplomatic ties on the international level have already been established. ACP has garnered more attention in the past couple months than the corrupt, decadent CPUSA leadership has in decades. A huge number of the CPUSA clubs across the entire country had a huge part in making this happen. Will you join up?

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ACP does public service, which is pretty cool.


ACP actually had some momentum to begin with. Slick as hell marketing, Hinkle being involved made it reach a far larger audience, membership actually made up of people that look like they could lift more than 15kg, actually won a small political office, rejects all the Lumpen worship and Idpol shit the US Left absolutely can't help but deepthroat.
My issue is Haz and Hinkle aren't trustworthy at all. Both have bizarre ties to Russian oligarchs, Haz is completely unstable. Every time I've intereacted with ACP peeps in a seemingly constructive way they've been insuferable, caring more about Twitter/streamer beefs than actual serious campaigning, policy etc.
Also not a fan of the Dugin shit at all.
I'm still confused why Hinkle is involved at all. Why has he embedded himself with such a fringe group?


I find the impression you have of Hinkle clout fascinating.
He always seemed like a nothing-and-nobody who gets invited to major shit where nobody is actually there to see him. Like, he seems astroturfed as fuck to me even if he's not. He's obviously more famous than Haz (after years of Hinkle getting invited to appear places alongside people more famous than he is), but Haz seems like a more compelling character to me. Like, I was always (ALWAYS!) skeptical of Haz and ACP and Maga Communism, it seemed like a completely fake bullshit thing for edgy internet guys to me, but then I saw some of Haz's posts and he's actually a good writer. Posts, let alone tweets, don't normally make me take anybody more seriously but guy is more intelligent and has a better grip on theory than I expected.


What I find bizarre is Hinkle COULD have been a right wing grifter and raking in the cash. He's good looking, looks professional, has seemingly lots of nepobaby connections. Perfect rightoid grifter material.
But instead he chose a fringe Communist party and stands with what at the moment is a completely fringe political represntation (Socially Conservative/Economically Far-Left).
If Hinkle was truly just a grifter, he would have instantly become right wing culture warrior, but he didn't and that means something.
>t seemed like a completely fake bullshit thing for edgy internet guys to me, but then I saw some of Haz's posts and he's actually a good writer. Posts, let alone tweets, don't normally make me take anybody more seriously but guy is more intelligent and has a better grip on theory than I expected.
Like I said, Haz is incredibly intelligent, but he's drowning in machismo meathead muslim culture and if you believe the defectors from the ACP, he's incredibly unstable and probably has some sort of mood disorder which you can see often at how quickly he explodes at people. Though probably I think he's likely just juicing and that's effecting his personality. Everyone in gym culture is these days.


>if you believe the defectors from the ACP,
I don't lol


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This thread will detail some of the changes made to the site in the past year, as well as our plans for the future.

New i2p Address
As requested by several users, and in accordance with our general ethos of encouraging online anonymity, leftychan now has an i2p address which can be found here:
http://leftychmxz3wczbd4add4atspbqevzrtwf2sjobm3waqosy2dbua.b32.i2p or http://leftychan.i2p/

Moderation Changes
* New spam filter - Thanks to the hard work of our dev and admin Zer0-, leftychan now has an effective countermeasure against the automatic bot spam that plagues alt-chans. Dubbed as the 'spam noticer', the implementation of this system has led to a dramatic fall in malicious advertisement threads being posted to the site.
* New mods & dev - In order to better cover european and asian timezones, two more mods have been voted onto the team. These are sindikat, who has previous moderation experience, and jon, who is also acting as a dev and has made many valuable contributions in this capacity.
* Removal of Zul - In line with the rule that if a mod is inactive for over 15 weeks their status as a mod is called into question, Zul was voted off the mod team.

New Roulette Board
After some discussion, we decided on /k/ as the new roulette board theme, replacing /CHAD/. Archived threads from previous roulette cycles can still be viewed here >>>/roulette_archive/
Any suggestions for future roulette board rotations are welcome.
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 No.10032[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Site-Wide Feedback Thread
Complain about bans and other meta related things

Board Logs
View different board logs by changing the end of the url
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 No.462013[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a general thread for all China-related news.

Gusano fuckers can die. Westoid """maoists""" can sudoku.

We are going to analyize ITT every move by China in their road to a socialist economy.
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i calculated and it was like few gigsvats ithink (in total power)

like on each you have about 180-200 peak power in m2
then, if it's like stated 10 times powerful, it's then 2000 watt per m2
but now 24h

then you can calculate 1km2 is 1000x1000 m2
and then it's 1000*1000*2000 watt = 2,000,000,000 or about 2 giga watt constant power (therretical)

from 1kmx1km array


>but now 24h
This isn't an enormous orbital battery we're talking about here. In order to actually utilize that power is needs to be both a) out of the Earth's shadow to collect solar power and b) at an unobscured location to transmit microwaves back to a rectenna site in China. It's a safe bet that both of these factors converge less than 50% of any given 24-hour period, probably something closer to 30-40%.


in article it sort of said it will be only temporary shadowed by solar eclipses (it is on very far orbit)


The Moon is on a very far orbit and it's only above the horizon for 12 hours of every day. You can't reconcile both of these needs at once more than 50% of the time.


This is nice, however the absolute power generation capacity is less important than the following 2 metrics:

1 how long until net power

2 what is the net power gain

What this comes down to is how fast can this be expanded. If it takes a long time to recoup the initial energy for building it, than it will take a long time until you can build another in a self-powered expansion.

Maintenance will use up energy too, like sending repair parts into space, and obviously the ground stations will use power as well. All of that diminishes the net power gain. That is important for knowing how big of an economy can be powered off the back of this thing.


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Idk wtf this is or how it's "not a strike," but I'm all for it

inb4 le cringe democrats! - don't know or care who's behind it, this is good, everyone is invited to shut down the American state, even if they're cringe


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China counters with tariffs on US products. It will also investigate Google.
“The U.S.’s unilateral tariff increase seriously violates the rules of the World Trade Organization,” China’s State Council Tariff Commission said in a statement. “It is not only unhelpful in solving its own problems, but also damages normal economic and trade cooperation between China and the U.S.”

Amid Environmental Concerns, Hong Kong’s ‘Silicon Valley’ Project Presses Ahead
A massive new development project, centered around the San Tin Technopole, will transform farm and village land – including manmade wetlands crucial for regional wildlife.

Private schools’ withdrawal from NTF-ELCAC welcomed by student leaders
The decision is welcomed by youth leaders, who have noted how NTF-ELCAC’s activities in schools turned into red-tagging and harassment of legitimate student organizations and leaders, which has endangered lives.

Panama court is asked to cancel Hong Kong firm’s contract to run canal ports
A subsidiary of CK Hutchison Holdings – owned by the Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing – has operated two of the canal’s five ports since it won the tender in 1997. “After a detailed analysis of the contract … we decided that an action for unconstitutionality was the appropriate means” to challenge the concession, Julio Macías, one of the lawyers behind the suit, told AFP.
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>It will also investigate Google.
I hope this doesn't boomerang and cause US officials to chicken out on the current Google anti-trust lawsuit.


'We'll Own It': Trump Floats US Takeover of Gaza—After Ethnically Cleansing Palestinians
"We'll own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site, level the site, and get rid of the destroyed buildings—level it out and create an economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area," Trump continued.

State Dept orders shutdown of USAID overseas missions, recalls staff, sources say
The U.S. State Department has ordered the shutdown of overseas missions of U.S. Agency for International Development and is working to recall thousands of staff worldwide, two sources familiar with the discussions said on Tuesday.

Trump administration will consider redrawing boundaries of national monuments as part of energy push
Among the sites most at risk are Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments in Utah, where state officials fought against their creation. Grand Staircase-Escalante holds large coal reserves, and the Bears Ears area has uranium. Trump reduced the size of the two monuments during his first term, calling them a “massive land grab.” He also lifted fishing restrictions within a sprawling marine monument off the New England Coast.

Trump advisers weigh actions to dismantle education department – report
US officials have discussed an executive order that would shut down all functions of the education department that are not written explicitly into statute, or move certain functions to other departments, according to the paper, citing sources.
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Saudi Arabia: 20,000 killed in vanity construction project
Recent reports into NEOM – an impossibly ambitious series of megaprojects being constructed by the Saudi Arabian monarchy in the desert – have revealed the slave-like conditions of the workers, which have already led to 20,000 deaths. NEOM – “the city of the future”, a “new world wonder”, and a “revolution in urban living”, according to its website – is a collection of sci-fi megaprojects dreamt up by absolutist Saudi crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) and his well-paid contractors. They are currently under construction in a largely barren desert region of Saudi Arabia, the driest and hottest part of the whole country. Among its plans are: the only ski resort in the Middle East; an island retreat with glow-in-the-dark, marble beaches; a floating, octagonal industrial complex; and an upside-down underwater skyscraper that can only be accessed by submarine. In other words, a playground for the rich.

V. I. Lenin: Principles Involved in the War Issue
Let us carefully consider what rejection of fatherland defence implies, if we approach it as a serious political slogan that must really be carried out. First. We call on the proletarians and the exploited of all the belligerent countries, and of all countries faced with the danger of war, to reject defence of the fatherland. We definitely know now, from the experience of several of the warring countries, what this actually implies in the present war. It implies rejection of all the foundations of modern bourgeois society, the undermining of the very roots of the modern social system, and not only in theory, not only “in general”, but in practice, directly and immediately. Is it not clear that this can be accomplished only if we go beyond the firm theoretical conviction that capitalism has fully matured for its transformation into socialism and accept the practical, direct and immediate carrying out of such transformation, i.e., the socialist revolution? Yet that is nearly always lost sight of in discussing refusal to defend the fatherland. At best there is “theoretical” acceptance of the fact that capitalism is ripe for transformation into socialism. But imPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Holy shit BASED news anon


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I come to you today to convey what I deem an urgent message regarding the tumultuous times that lie ahead. In brief, I have substantial reasons to believe that we are on the precipice of a significant escalation in censorship on a global scale. Indeed, I regret to inform you that this troubling trend seems to have already commenced. For those seeking to bypass these oppressive measures, I encourage you to focus on the tools and guides that follow.

For various reasons—some of which must remain undisclosed—I urge all to swiftly acquire fundamental skills to counter what I categorize as mid-level censorship tactics. Below are some points I can share to underscore the gravity of this situation.

Firstly, the United States made a genuine attempt to ban TikTok, an app that, while initially intended for lighthearted dance videos, has now evolved into one of the fastest avenues for disseminating information. It is worth noting that despite the attempted ban, my investigations (details withheld for security) have revealed a marked increase in censorship compared to the period prior to this initiative.

Moreover, I suspect that the Tor Project anticipates a rise in global censorship, which may jeopardize the Tor network's capacity to circumvent these mechanisms. However, I am constrained from disclosing further information on this matter.

Additionally, it has come to my attention that several social networks are actively suppressing links and discussions surrounding tools designed to combat censorship, such as Linux and Distrowatch.

Here is a concise list of essential tools, predominantly free software, that I recommend:

1. An affordable laptop or desktop.
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Comrades, let it be known that I do not wish to overwhelm you, as I recognize that such tactics are part of the broader fascist agenda. However, I feel a deep obligation to inform you that the first flight has departed for the inaugural fully fascist prison camp! I urge you to read the accompanying article, as it appears the information is being suppressed. It is imperative that we disseminate this knowledge—do so with caution! Here is the link: https://www.newsweek.com/us-sends-first-deportation-flights-guantanamo-bay .

Comrades, let us remember that in this crucial moment, it is the quantity of our voices that matters more than the quality! I encourage you to share my email with others who wish to communicate information anonymously: [email protected]. For the sake of our safety, please ensure that correspondence is conducted solely through another proton.me account. Refer to my previous post on /edu/ for guidance on the safest methods for registration. Rest assured, I will meticulously scrub all metadata unless instructed otherwise!


Briar sounds cool but I literally won't be able to convince anyone to download yet another chat app. Unfortunately I already made my friends get Element, and for a few years I had hope that they would iron out the kinks but eventually we all agreed that it was shit and gave up using it. Now we're all stuck with WhatsApp. However where I live there's no ICE agents.

I'll recommend Briar if we ever need secure communications.


That newsweek article is already 404'd


 No.484995[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

One Year of Genocide

Continued from >>483169

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 42,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll, and excess deaths have been estimated by The Lancet to plausibly be upwards of 186,000.

Hamas political leader and negotiator Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Tehran by an Israeli bombing.

Israel sabotaged the international supply chain to put bombs in 3,000 pagers and other electronic devices in Lebanon, resulting in thousands of injuries and several deaths, in a major blow to both Hezbollah and the Lebanese civilian population.

Israel launched an ongoing series of carpet bombings of the Lebanese capital of Beirut, killing several high-ranking Hezbollah commanders. A strike dubbed "Operation New Order" which used 80 2,000 lb bombs took out several blocks of apartment buildings and killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on September 27, and also killed an IRGC commander.

In early October, Israel began launching ground invasions of south Lebanon, which are ongoing and have met resistance. Thousands have been killed, and over a million displaced.

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The Gaza death toll is now at 61,709.




Netanyahu prepares to fly to meet Trump at White House

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will depart on Sunday for the United States to meet President Donald Trump, his office says.

Netanyahu has been invited to visit Trump at the White House on Tuesday and they will discuss the situation in Gaza, captives held in the Palestinian territory, and dealings with Iran and its regional allies.

Deadly Israeli attack on home in besieged Jenin camp

Smoke is rising from a destroyed home as a result of the Israeli military incursion into Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, local news reports say.

One person was killed and several wounded after the bombing of “a group of young men” inside an eastern neighbourhood in Jenin, the Shehab news agency said. The Israeli attack on the home came on the 12th day of raids on the camp.

Israeli public being told ceasefire deal unlikely to succeed

Former Israeli Ambassador Alon Pinkas says the Israeli public is being exposed to “a new narrative” in the past 24 hours.
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As Netanyahu Visits U.S., Palestinian Americans Call on DOJ to Enforce ICC Arrest Warrant for Crimes in Gaza
Justice sought by five U.S. citizens who collectively lost hundreds of family members during Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza

February 4, 2025, New York – Today, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with President Trump in Washington, Palestinian Americans are calling on the Department of Justice to investigate Netanyahu for genocide, torture, and war crimes, and to enforce the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant for his leading role in war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza. A submission sent on their behalf by the Center for Constitutional Rights urges the DOJ’s Human Rights and Special Prosecution Section to proceed with investigations and prosecution, and to immediately effectuate Netanyahu’s surrender to the court in The Hague for further proceedings.

“The person who is responsible for the killing and displacement of my entire family in Gaza, and who has an outstanding ICC warrant for his arrest, is being greeted with a red carpet at the White House. This is shameful, and sends the world a message that there is no accountability for genocide,” said Basim Elkarra.

read more: https://ccrjustice.org/home/press-center/press-releases/netanyahu-visits-us-palestinian-americans-call-doj-enforce-icc



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this fuckin piece of shit this no good fuckin walking genocidal goiter with hair & teeth
if this piece of shit showed up in my neighborhood I'd shove him in a garbage pail and throw it off the nearest cliff
I'm embarrassed to have even saved his pic for this thread I'm gonna immediately delete it after I post this

What do you think of him, /leftypol/?
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actually its more about ppl than countries (but you cant say that, since it mention countries too…)


*you can

>not a flood *though*



Looks like Starmer might get backstabbed by the Labour Right according to Owen Jones and the Times. Starmer also apparently hates the job as well.
Could be PM Streeting or Reeves soon. The PM revolving door continues.


Still not sure why the Brits don't just throw these guys into a bog or something and be done with it


>Still not sure why the Brits don't just throw these guys into a bog
I don't know what to think about Starmer. Alexander Mercouris, a political commentator that lives in London, said he thinks Starmer is a true believer that genuinely believes all these insane things he says.

I always pegged Starmer for a plant by the "deep-state spy blob" or what ever you want to call it. As such i imagined him to be in power because of blackmail and bribes. It certainly can't be his charm or charisma, because good grief that guy is creepy. Every time I see/hear him talk i expect Will Smith to pop out and splatter him with an anti-alien ray-gun, and then we all learn MIB was a documentary film.

The ruling class in the UK is still in the mindset of "temporarily embarrassed imperial overlord" looking for a scheme to restore the British empire. As a result they try (and mostly succeed) in purging every decent politician that wants to divert resources to restore the UK economy. In their minds the purpose of the UK is managing a global empire, producing stuff that's something that gets off-shored to the colonies. So repairing the UKs industrial system, would mean giving up on imperial ambitions.


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Trump suspends tariffs on Mexico for a month after talks with Claudia Sheinbaum
Sheinbaum announced that her government will deploy 10,000 National Guard troops immediately to curb drug trafficking, particularly that of fentanyl, while Washington has committed to combating illegal firearms trafficking. “Our teams will start working today on two aspects: security and trade,” the Mexican president added.

‘Hope has returned’: tribe hails Lula’s fight against illegal mining in Amazon
Now, however, the 38-year-old Yanomami leader believed things were looking up. Two years after Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva became president and launched an emergency operation to rescue inhabitants of Brazil’s largest Indigenous territory, hunger and infant mortality rates were falling and many miners had been expelled.

Argentines protest President Milei’s diatribe against ‘wokeism’ at Davos
Protesters were clad in rainbow-colored flags and bore banners that read “rights are not negotiable.” Dubbed the “Federal March of Anti-Fascist and Anti-Racist Pride,” the LGBTQ+ community called the protest after the speech on Jan. 23 to combat “the economic violence, political persecution and sexual repression of Javier Milei’s government.” Rights’ groups, unions and political parties also joined the protest.

Modi government rolls out tax cuts in effort to stimulate growth
The sweeteners for middle-income Indians, as well as small and mid-size businessePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


US Judge Delivers Another Blow to 'Harmful' Trump Funding Freeze
District Judge Loren AliKhan issued a temporary restraining order following her administrative stay last week. While her initial block on the policy prompted the Trump administration to rescind the relevant memo from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), both AliKhan and District Judge John J. McConnell Jr. of Rhode Island determined that further action was needed, citing White House messaging.

Trump administration opens antisemitism inquiries at 5 colleges including Columbia and Berkeley
Along with Columbia and Berkeley, the department is now investigating the University of Minnesota, Northwestern University and Portland State University. The cases were opened using the department’s power to launch its own civil rights reviews, unlike the majority of investigations, which stem from complaints.

US Senate confirms fracking CEO Chris Wright to be Trump’s energy secretary
He wrote in a Liberty report last year that he believes human-caused climate change is real, but that its hazards are “distant and uncertain”. He has also said that top-down governmental policies to curb it are destined to fail. However, Wright has called climate change activists alarmist and has likened efforts by Democrats to combat global warming to Soviet-style communism.

Trump's Billionaire Appointee Targets Consumer Protections by Halting All CFPB Operations
Soon after taking charge of the CFPB, Bessent ordered the bureau to "stop all rulemaking, communications, litigation, and other activities," Bloomberg Lawreported Monday, citing an email to agency staff.
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CP of Kurdistan-Iraq, Banning the Activities of Syrian Communists is a Gross Violation of Basic Human Rights
In a predictable move that exposes the political approach of the new Syrian government, which replaced the former dictatorial regime, the new political leadership decided in its meeting on January 29 to ban the activities of Syrian communists and their parties. These parties have been active for over a hundred years, during which the communists engaged in a difficult struggle for the people's livelihood and the freedom of the homeland. They consistently took a clear stance against all forms of oppression, the confiscation of fundamental rights, and the dictatorial practices of the previous regime, working openly in politics without resorting to violence or seeking the support of regional or foreign powers.

Class Struggle and the Relation of Forces Under Trump 2.0: Three Counter-Tendencies to the Rightward Shift
The victory of Donald Trump in late 2024 no doubt marked a shift to the right in the political situation. Not because Harris and the Democrats offered any valid working-class alternative — they did not. But Trump’s victory set in motion a right-wing agenda that, altogether, amounts to a bold attempt to redefine the balance of class forces in the United States, instrumentally couched in a vociferous, nationalist cry for reclaiming and fortifying the country’s hegemonic role in the world. Yet we would be remiss if we understood current changes as an unequivocal shift to the right. Trump 2.0 represents an emboldened pro-capitalist, imperialist agenda. But his election was also the rightward expression of a widespread discontent with a dysfunctional economic and political system: a rejection of the status quo by increasing sectors of American society, particularly among the working class. Trump’s agenda is simultaneously an attack on workers’ rights and a catalyst for class struggle, and thus an opportunity for forces on the Left to organize collective actions, lead efforts to defend or expand our rights, and advance a working-class program. TherPost too long. Click here to view the full text.




>Trump suspends tariffs on Mexico for a month after talks with Claudia Sheinbaum
>Sheinbaum announced that her government will deploy 10,000 National Guard troops immediately to curb drug trafficking,
The cynic in me thinks that this was Trump asking Mexico to give him a PR-win

>particularly that of fentanyl

Fentanyl-flows into the US does have a bit of an Opium-war vibe, and Trump going after that has Maoist clean society energy, but wouldn't he have to spank Pharma companies too ? It sounds like a synthetic compound that would be produced in a big chemical factory, not something that's grown in fields by a cartel in Mexico.


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The US Supreme court has decided to hear the case, fueling speculation they will side with those wanting to criminalize public homelessness.

With the approval of the California governor as well.

This recently came to a head in Grants Pass Oregon, a small Republican county with almost 2% homelessness. Their approach so far was over 500 criminal citations being given to their homeless for sleeping in parks until a circuit court stopped Grants Pass from issuing further citations. Now Grants Pass is asking the supreme court to give explicit permission to all states to criminalize public homelessness.

The DOJ disagrees however, stating “Regardless of any future Supreme Court ruling, the law” is clear that “officers lack reasonable suspicion to stop people for merely sleeping on public property when they have nowhere else to sleep,” in a criminal complaint against Phoenix Arizona's treatment of the homeless. https://prospect.org/justice/2024-06-20-scotus-homelessness-doj-war-on-poor-phoenix/

The subreddit r/SanFrancisco is also celebrating the possibility of public homelessness being illegal.

What is your take on this /leftypol/? The war on the homeless is in full swing.
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Made a thread for raiding the liberal r/SanFrancisco forum who have been calling for the arrest of their homeless there in massively upvoted threads for weeks, join me in the raid



>Homelessness is caused mainly by land speculation
Long term homelessness is almost entirely caused by antisocial personality disorders and severe mental illness. You could literally built a brand new city for Homeless people with free housing, and the place would be trashed within a month with most of the copper ripped from the walls and people stabbing eachother and dying in the gutter from Fent.
Yes, Short term homelessness, or "invisible homelessness" is caused entirely by landlords, I've actually been in this situation several times having to live in hostels for months on end, and all of this due to asshole landlords, but due to this I spent a whole lot of time around the long term homeless, and most of them were complete fucking, hyper-manipulative psychopathic shitheads who are so predatory they end up stabbing in the back and burning bridges with people even trying to help them.
Look at Rajneeshpuram in Oregon, Homeless were literally put in a utopian society, free housing, good jobs, free education, hundreds of hippie girls personally looking after them, and what did the Homeless do? trash the place, assault and rape people. It got so bad the Rajneshee's literally had to secretly drug their food with sleeping pills and quite literally pile them into buses while unconscious and dump them in the closest city.
You are not going to solve homelessness through just housing. Doing this just leads to at best, entire slum areas of high crime and trap houses, Public Housing is obviously the socialist solution to general housing, but majority of long term homeless should unironically be put into Asylum camps.


Long term homeless in the USSR were literally mass institutionalized. Police would also often just turn up, beat the shit out of them, drag them to get a haircut and shave and shove them in some shitty mining job or whatever.
Socialist socities were not kind to visible Lumpen. Being labelled a Lumpen was pretty much the worst of worst insults and social status in the USSR. (and is even a venomous insult across Eastern Europe/Russia today)


>Long term homelessness is almost entirely caused by antisocial personality disorders and severe mental illness.
<Don't blame the people in charge
<blame their victims
Will you look at that juicy bit of ruling ideology.

The existence of homelessness is 100% a political choice. You really could simply have a public housing program that grants everybody a house. Also you are incorrect we have never tested anything like this because, such a program would need to run for a very long time until you could draw any conclusions. And you also need some kind of protection system because obviously public housing would impact the bottom line of powerful capitalists who would try to sabotage this project. So be mindful when find allegedly failed public housing programs. Realestate hedge-funds are really powerful and they do try to sabotage public housing programs.

Further more threatening people with homelessness probably causes a bunch of mental illness. So lets not invert cause and effect.


>Long term homeless in the USSR were literally mass institutionalized.
But the Soviets had very few mental hospitals and not many people were institutionalized. So that certainly can't account for the almost none existent level of homelessness in the USSR.
Just give up, the Soviets did pretty OK, in terms of providing housing for their people. At least for that time-period and conditions. A commie-block apartment like a Khrushovka (spelling is definitely wrong), which was the most common type, would still be better housing compared to what the bottom 2 billion people have today. Because it had plumbing, fresh-water, stable electricity and central heating.

>Police would also often just turn up, beat the shit out of them,

This sounds like made up rhetoric from cold war propaganda.

>Socialist socities were not kind to visible Lumpen. Being labelled a Lumpen was pretty much the worst of worst insults and social status in the USSR.

Now i know you are making this shit up. The worst insult in the USSR was being called a "Kulak" (spelling might be wrong). Kulaks owned large swaths of farmland and during the early Soviet period they set grain on fire to drive up prices, during a period of severe food shortage no less. You can imagine how that would piss people off and turn their title into an insult.


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Well it looks like the United States and NATO finally figured out a way to sabotage the Linux kernel. Several Russian kernel developers have just had their contributions removed and their kernel contributor status revoked due to being on the receiving end of US economic sanctions.


Torvalds himself is playing along with this enthusiastically because of his own moronic Finnish national politics. This is an extremely concerning development that affects all of free software. If this can happen to the Linux kernel it can happen to any other libre software projecting, poisoning the entire concept of international software development.
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<3. Avoid Two-Way Engagement
<Reviewing an unsolicited patch from a contributor in a sanctioned region should generally be fine, but actively engaging them to better understand their issue, diagnose the problem, or help improve a patch or modify code would likely cross the line. If the contributor is linked to a sanctioned entity or region, in general, it is best to keep communications strictly one-way. If a patch is received and you improve it and submit it upstream, that should be fine, but going back and forth in communications with the SDN developer likely would not.
<4. Avoid Contributions Enabling SDNs
<Accepting unsolicited patches that fix general issues in your open source project should be okay. However, if the changes directly benefit a restricted party’s products or services, it could be a problem. For example, if a developer from AcmeSDN (and AcmeSDN is an SDN subject to OFAC sanctions) contributes a driver that enables the AcmeSDN processor to work in your software, that contribution would likely be an issue. Think carefully not just about the source code, but the impact of these unsolicited patches.
<5. Avoid Indirect Contributions
<Sanctioned entities might try to contribute indirectly through third parties or developers acting "individually." Developers should understand other contributors' affiliations and raise any concerns with their community and legal counsel. For example, if in the prior example, AcmeSDN paid a developer in a country not subject to sanctions to make the driver contribution enabling AcmeSDN’s processor, that would still likely be an issue. A common pattern is that an SDN’s developer is blocked from making a contribution, but then a very similar (or the same) patch is submitted to the project from another account or email address. It could be an anonymous email account. Just because the contributor has been obfuscated does not change an assessment of the situation.
So basically the sanctions are placing an enormous burden on libre projects to both a) keep extreme track of the identity and national origin of contributors in order to avoid the wrongPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


been reading this, it seems that the "OhFuck" sanctions, mean that everybody can use each others code, but devs aren't allowed to talk directly to each other anymore, they have to talk past each other. Bunch of confusing shit.


I don't see why this is such a big deal. Can't we just move to an open source repo or something?


>keep extreme track of the identity and national origin of contributors in order to avoid the wrong ones, making software projects about people instead of the software
Yeah that's the difference between technical people and non-technical people.
Technical people absolutely despise this kind of "personality drama", the reaction to this will be: there are no people, there's only code


I'm so angry at how little attention this controversy is getting in other places of libre software enthusiasm.


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 No.457563[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last one is full and the worst thread on leftychan must be contained.

In recent news: Ukies done a successful counteroffensive in Izium, Z gang now in shambles. Biden promises even more money for Ukraine. Putin meets Xi, Erdogan, Modi and others at the SCO summit.

Pro-Russia sources:

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Don't forget the union members the neo-nazis burned alive in Odessa while the Ukrainian police stood and watched.


I think I got Kiev and Odessa confused. The attack on the historic Odessa trade union building was the big one everyone talks about. The bus massacre in Crimea nobody remembers.


Now that Trump has cut off the USAID gravy train, is the rest of Europe about to very quickly realize that the emperor has no clothes?


Hopefully! No, it won't happen in time.


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In time for what, anon?


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 No.1351[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to psychological operations against the leftypol.org administration.

Things to consider:
<The .org mods will read this thread, use this to your advantage
<Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
<Threads created over an IP with no post history are heavily scrutinized
<Post in /meta/ and try to appeal any mod action against you
<Abuse the report feature
<Use a wide variety of proxy services
<Antagonize individual moderators
<Create as many personas as possible, try to have the mods always chasing a previous persona and not your current one
<The less consistency between the ideological beliefs of your personas the better
<Be consciously aware of your writing style
<Fermenting internal conflict among the mod team is of the upmost importance
<Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
<Have fun :)
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Opps miss spelling i mean im new to it and i didn't now :(


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The ogre mods move a pedophile thread to siberia instead of deleting it.


Tbf that's an extremely obvious troll thread.


Can someone explain why .org became such Reddit tier shitlib /tttt/ central?
Like, literally being against Open Borders under Capitalism is enough to get banned and all your posts deleted lmfao. Holding the most basic, common, leftist/labour views, that go against whatever Shitlib shibboleth, will instantly get you banned and all your posts deleted.
8ch Leftypol was not like this AT ALL and neither was Bunkerchan so what the fuck happened?
Another case of Troons getting into mod positions and suddenly becoming power hungry Chinese Court Eunich tier?


Feds or liberalism. .org is ultra organized when curbing certain trends.


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Thread for psychedelic rock









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What's the deal with the degrowthists ?

For example this perspective from An Independent Socialist Magazine
<The Chinese government has promised to reduce the emission intensity of GDP so that China’s carbon dioxide emissions will peak before 2030.27 However, economic growth remains the Chinese government’s top priority. At the Twentieth National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping reconfirmed the objective to raise China’s per capita GDP to the level of “medium-level developed countries” by 2035 and to make China a leading global power by 2050. What will be the impact on ecological sustainability if China continues pursuing economic growth in the next several decades?
I suspect that the monthlyreview might have a anti-China bias based on their recent articles, which is tangential to the threat topic

Why are they seething that China wants to thrive economically while at the same time improving their ecological foot-print. Why would any socialist want to degrow ? If you read Marx he celebrates advancing the productive forces as something that will make socialism possible. To me de-growth sounds like people looking to go back to feudal agrarianism, rather than forward to socialism. They appear to be looking to undo the advances in productive capacity of industrial society. Like what used to be right-wing anti-capitalism 200 years ago, basically affluent people that were mad that industrial society could produce enough to end poverty. Why are there self proclaimed socialists pushing this ? Do they not realize that it would dramatically worsen living conditions for proles ? Is that the goal ? wrecking living standards of people while appearing to be a champion for noble causes ?

To me degrowth appears as a deception because it will not improve environmental conditions. More advanced technology is enabled by more potent productive forces, and those generally are less polluting. Like nuclear fission and fusion make much more energy while polluting significantly less than chemical fuel based power-generation. If you "de-grow" the economy you will also regress in technology. All the advanced tech stuff we can Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>degrowth is etheir more about `low metabolism`
yeah don't do bio-politics, it will lead you towards reactionary positions.

We probably should build 5000 nuclear reactors (for the entire world) and lots of trains.

I think degrowth is just a veil for neo-liberal austerity and the failed policy of de-industrialization. There is no reason to think it will improve repairability of consumer goods. And scaling down industrial production will likely cause an increase in work.

>Pro-growth seems harder to defend,

That's clearly wrong. If you have economic growth in the productive sectors, and technological advancement you can produce more with less labor and as a result it becomes possible to improve living conditions for people, and reduce the amount of time people have to work.

During the social democratic period after WW2 when industrial productivism was the guiding principle, Living conditions improved, work-time reduced, and labor conditions also improved. So it's not only easy to defend, it's easy to prove.

>I think it only makes sense if robot productivity is measured instead of human productivity

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>Why does it need to "grow", like capitalism?
Material conditions need to continue to improve. Every worker should be more powerful the next year than the previous year. After all the more free-time, materials and energy you have the more you can self-actualize.

You only need to be as sustainable as to optimally grow.

tl;dr socialism is about getting rich


> That's clearly wrong. If you have economic growth in the productive sectors, and technological advancement you can produce more with less labor and as a result it becomes possible to improve living conditions for people, and reduce the amount of time people have to work.

Technological advancement doesn't require overall economic growth. You're just assuming it does, when it doesn't.




>Technological advancement doesn't require overall economic growth. You're just assuming it does, when it doesn't.
There are incremental technological advances that require nothing more than brain effort.

But all the big tech advances only happened once the economy grew large enough to support it. Like for example a lot of tech was made possible by experimental research. There are a lot of scientific experiments that require a lot of energy and exotic materials, it would not have been possible to do these without a big and sophisticated industrial base.

But it's not just research. There is a very strong trend where more advanced materials cost more energy to make. Arranging molecules in more complex ways usually comes with more energy costs and a larger number of resource-inputs, that's the direction of a growing economy. If you are looking at synthesis of fancy super-materials like graphene, there actually are physical barriers that make it impossible to do this at low energy levels.

Microchip fabs that produce smaller chip-structures consume more energy, even bio-tech consumers a lot of embodied energy. Meaning going smaller equals using more energy/resources.

In general
bigger economy equals better tech.
growing economy equals improving tech.

Some technologies aren't doable on earth at all, and you need to establish a large industrial base in space to make it happen. I'm thinking about micro black holes, those have a few interesting applications, but if you produce a micro black hole on earth it'll just fall towards the center of the earth, and then pass through it, and then oscillate through the planet back and forth. Yes i said through, micro black holes are so small that they're not likely to interact even if they pass through a planet. To use something like that you need to be able to put a very large machine into planetary orbit. The economic power of humanity currently is probably 100 times to small to make something like this happen.
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Tell you some fact about me.
1.I love nature and want to protect it
2. I think capitalism was horrific mistake.
3. Love my mother and family.


are you an eco-fascist? otherwise, what does fascism mean to you?


>I think capitalism was horrific mistake
So you're not a fascist.


>Nu communists finding out about falangism straserism etc etc


I just love nature its not same directly same as fascism.


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Friends, let's unite again to fight the evil of this world. Anyone interested in fighting with me against the rot in the world, contact this email [email protected].


Friend? Moar like Fed.


postin' in a fed thread
we all glowna make it


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kys leftyuyghur, cobson won


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Has propaganda changed in the last decade? The sheer audacity of the mass media over the past few years on any subject of American imperialism has seemed to be a never-ending rollercoaster of escalations. Every time you think they've made the most stupifying, incredulous assertion you've ever heard, a month later they've moved onto something even dumber. I thought the level of propaganda around the Syrian war was unprecedented, but then the Ukraine proxy war happened. I thought, then, that the Ukraine proxy war has never seen a more extreme demonstration of endless lies. Lies about how it started, lies about how it's going, lies about where it's headed. An endless stream of brazen lies, it's been truly shocking just how much bullshit they expect the public to swallow without question. And then the Palestinian genocide began. Now Israeli fascists will post videos on social media of themselves committing barbaric massacres that everyone in the world can view, yet the mass media still wants us to believe the fiction of them being some kind of humanistic, moral democracy.

Is there a trend here? Does it seem like there's been a real change in the audacity of the empire's propaganda machines? Were previous imperial ventures this extreme in their attempts to deceive the public? Is it just the benefit of hindsight? I really feel like previous imperial ventures didn't have this level of Orwellian spin peddled on a daily basis.


The Bush era was worse imo than Syria and Ukraine - the height of the "war on terror" was completely insane. Imo it's not until the past couple years that it's really topped that.

The thing with the Bush era was that there really seemed to be an American base for it. Like, there were really lots of people who believed it, until the Abu Ghraib stuff most people in America actually weren't seeing that much of what was being done in Iraq, a crazy amount of people fell for Bush's "they hate our freedoms" bullshit.
What's crazy is watching them try the same shit now when most of the public sees right through it. The American political and media establishment very obviously wants the public to still be in "war on terror" mode, and it's really jarring watching them use the same insane language and talking points and lies from the Bush era when the average person knows they're lying and hears this stuff and is repulsed by it.
It is definitely more brazen in my view, and people should be very worried about that. The suppression has been incredibly aggressive, and it's not going to stop. Europeans desperately need to take the reigns of their own countries so that they collapse with the US, and Americans desperately need to seize the organs of state before they are wholly destroyed. America should abolish Zionism, end all colonial endeavors, and use its natural and human wealth to build a great nation for all which will no longer invade anyone but still have nukes.


>Now Israeli fascists will post videos on social media of themselves committing barbaric massacres
Please stop disparaging the Barbarians by comparing them to the Zionists. You know the Barbarians probably were the victims of propaganda too.

>Were previous imperial ventures this extreme in their attempts to deceive the public?

No, no, no, that's not how this type of propaganda works. People understand that these propaganda claims are bullshitt, deception only works when it's very subtle propaganda, that falsifies details.

The goal of asinine lunatic propaganda claims is to peer pressure people into repeating the nonsense, and then make people feel they have to defend it because they invested their own reputation in those claims. The goal is to create a situation where everybody pretends to believe it, and shape their own actions to maintain the pretense. The goal of propaganda is to shape behavior, not believes.

Propaganda almost never is capable of defeating reason with deception, even very stupid people usually can reason well enough to see through propaganda. The goal of propaganda is psychological hacks that circumvent reasoning. Maybe revisit the children's story of the emperor with no clothes to get an idea.

>Is there a trend here? Does it seem like there's been a real change in the audacity of the empire's propaganda machines?

>Were previous imperial ventures this extreme in their attempts to deceive the public?
It's still not as bad as the historic propaganda the British colonial empire did on "the savages" or the stuff the Fascists put out during WW2 on the Soviets. I would say the current setting in propaganda is like medium insanity

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I think part of it might be the higher degree of internet connectedness now, which is enabling people to very quickly confront extraordinary claims with actual reality in a way that wasn't possible in the past.


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"A primitive; radical cell is best organized in a militaristic, wrathful and amoral way in order to erode the tyranny of the industrial age which continues to consume humanity, internally and externally, leaving a path of ecological sorrow wherever a factory may dump its waste." — @ChimeraMidnight


Tell us more


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Are there any radical environmentalist anti capitalist forums, threads, or private chats you know of?


no, i'm not a member of the communist party, officer


Radical as in?
Terrorism is bad pr.


>Terrorism is bad pr.
So is socialism.


Anons, are my twitter views politically incorrect enough?



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Can you guys read crimethink: days of war, nights of love it’s gemmy


Maybe. Tell me more about it!


it’s a keyed Anarchist book made like 20 years ago it has a bunch of memorable quotes and it’s kinda like a manual for your own freedom and stuff


Gimme some quotes!

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