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What do you think of 9/11?


>thinking about 9/11


I think 9/11 was an inside job. Our own government planned it so they could have a reason to invade Pakistan/middle-east and cause havoc. People said they heard booms and those who made it out alive and were there the day before said there were two large trucks outside the
world trade center that were importing unknown items within the building. There's no way people actually believe a plane that hit the top of the towers is capable of making a building made up of thousands of heavy set steel, collapse.


I don't think 9/11 was an inside job. In fact I think saying that diminishes the effort and determination of the 19 HEROES that terrorized the united states, leading to mass hysteria and restricted freedom. Such a blow to the world's most dangerous and evil empire is an amazing feat. It should be celebrated, it should be modeled after, and it should be expanded on year over year until the American mutt is too scared to leave their home even for groceries.


I think the pilots who crashed into the Pentagon did some implausibly slick maneuvers, and the tower which nothing flew into and had a CIA office and SEC office in it was obviously a controlled demolition.


You are correct that Sep11 attacks created the pretext for a police-state and the attacks on freedoms and civil liberties. All the money, talent and resources that were spend on surveillance and security theater, are a massive opportunity cost at the expense of the productive economy.

You are also correct that the US currently houses the world's most dangerous and evil empire. Sep11 served as a pretext for the various neocon wars in the middle east during the 2000s and 2010s. And these wars did represent a massive opportunity cost at the expense of the productive economy too.

However Millions of people died because of this shit. Inducing the empire to chose inefficient allocation of labor and resources to erode it's structural power, is not worth sacrificing that many lives. Keep in mind that none of the evil-empire-people actually died or experience terror. They didn't experience the slightest inconvenience. On the contrary they thrived, they got rich off this, because they owned stocks in weapons companies and surveillance tech. Terrorism harms innocent people and benefits the baddies.

It seems somewhat likely the US security apparatus knew about Sep11 attacks beforehand and let it happen because they wanted it as a pretext to start a bunch of wars. The propaganda machine that pushed the "War on Terror" narrative was ready and ramped up very quickly, that suggested they were prepared for it. Not to mention all the various inconsistencies in the official story, which make it very unlikely to be truthful.


"Project For A New American Century"
"Peal habour event"




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I'm becoming increasingly convinced that the WTC buildings were not destroyed in a conventional controlled demolition. Rather, they were disintegrated by a Directed Energy Weapon. Specifically, it was probably high tech, Reduced Residual Radiation nuclear bombs with shaped charges designed to "fizzle" instead of producing a shockwave.

See attached.


So I guess nano-thermite was found at the scene of the catastrophe because, actually, it was a scifi weapon that knocked the towers over.


Nuclear bombs that give off most of their energy in one direction conceptually similar to a shaped charge, are indeed plausible. Usually they are suggested as a method of space-ship propulsion in realistic scifi, rather than as a weapon. It has to be said such devices would be anything but subtle.

I think it's possible to make nukes that "fizzle", but it would have to be a pure fission device and would produce enormous amounts of radioactive contamination. If you want a "clean nuke" with low radiation you want one that's mostly fusion. However those only work as a pulse and would always produce a big shock-wave.

Energy weapons of any type are not stealthy, they tend to excite all kinds of particles that are easily detected. An energy weapon so powerfull that it can destroy a building probably would be very noticeable.

TLDR, this is technically plausible, except for the stealthy nukes part.


It's possible thermite may have also played a part in 9/11, but it alone can't explain the fact that the towers literally disintegrated and turned into dust. A next gen nuke would explain that, however.


>TLDR, this is technically plausible
I appreciate that you're being open-minded, however,

>except for the stealthy nukes part.

>If you want a "clean nuke" with low radiation you want one that's mostly fusion. However those only work as a pulse and would always produce a big shock-wave.
>Energy weapons of any type are not stealthy, they tend to excite all kinds of particles that are easily detected. An energy weapon so powerfull that it can destroy a building probably would be very noticeable.
Are these limitations not just solvable engineering problems which could have easily been fixed in top-secret nuclear R&D by now? It seems to me that you are basically assuming that highly advanced secret technology has to conform to our current conception of physics. It's much more realistic to concede that there must be at least some secret tech that "breaks the rules."


>Are these limitations not just solvable engineering problems which could have easily been fixed in top-secret nuclear R&D by now?
<Fusion "Fizzle" bomb
For fusion to occur the nuclei of the elements you're intending to fuse have to overcome the coulomb barrier. This is a extremely powerful electrostatic force (because positively charged protons) that prevents them from touching. The type of atomic bombs that use fusion, go the thermonuclear route. Which means adding insane amounts of heat-energy under conditions of insane pressure, and then atoms bump into each other so hard that they overcome the coulomb barrier and their nuclei fuse. In practical terms a chemical explosive sets of a little fission-bomb that sets of a big fusion bomb. The "detonator cap" is a little nuke all by it self. That's how hard it is to set of a Fusion bomb. I don't see a practicle way where you can maintain these extreme conditions for long enough to make fusion "fizzel". At least not in a form factor that fits into a bomb.

There are however theoretical ways, like for example muon catalyzed fusion or antimatter induced fusion.
If muon particles participate in the fusion reaction the temperature requirements for fusion goes down dramatically. To the extend that you could make it happen in a combustion engine. However, practicle muon generators that make "long-lived" (a few milliseconds) muon particles is the realm of science fiction as far as i know. If anybody is hording knowledge of such a device, they would be crazy evil, because it's also one of the key components for building something like a "healing ray" that can cure a thousand diseases, with zero negative side effects.
We can make antimatter, but it would be ludicrously expensive (orders of magnitudes more than any military could afford), and anti-matter storage tanks can only store it for a short time. Nobody is hiding anti-matter reactions, those generate particles that you can detect while on the other side of the planet.

<stealthy beam weapons

In the vacuum of space, sure, inside an atmosphere, no way. No matter what type of energy you choose, if you have enough of it, you will disturb the molecules in the air enough to make them emit some kind of radiation. Air is mostly nitrogen and most energy types will cause it to ionize and emit loads of UV and shortwave blue light.

You're intuition about powerful nuclear beam weapons based on a cartridge that is conceptually related to nukes is correct, that is doable and likely being researched. However that is something you put on a rocket to shoot it into space, where you use it to deflect asteroids on a collision course with earth. Aim the giant atomic space ray at the asteroid to vaporize a part of it, and the evaporates/ejecta act like a rocket booster to make it change course.

I guess you could make nuclear pumped x-ray lasers and then frequency shift it down to a more useful and less nasty wavelength. It's not really stealthy by any means but less in your face obvious as the other ones.


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>No matter what type of energy you choose, if you have enough of it, you will disturb the molecules in the air enough to make them emit some kind of radiation. Air is mostly nitrogen and most energy types will cause it to ionize and emit loads of UV and shortwave blue light.
This is exactly what that PDF is arguing occurred, though.

>emit some kind of radiation

EMPs and radiation were caught on multiple camera feeds via distortion and scintillation.
Cars randomly burst into flames, because they were hit by a blast of radiation.
People caught various kinds of radiation-associated cancers.
There were hot spots in ground zero for months.

>and emit loads of UV and shortwave blue light

This could be concealed inside/under the towers though, no? Also, look at the "Tribute in Light" 9/11 memorial. It seems to be a symbolic representation of this very thing.


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More on the Tribute in Light:
>It has 88 spotlights
>It is a visual reference to the use of spotlights in Nazi rallies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_of_Light
>It is a visual reference to various films that depict blue lasers or beams of light destroying buildings


I have to be honest i don't know how to evaluate that evidence. The EM interference with technology is indeed very strange.

But consider the ramifications, the US would have been in possession of an extremely powerful directed energy weapon for over 2 decades, and seemly not use it to fight wars.

This would make for a very effective anti missile shield as well. How do you explain the US foregoing such a strategic advantage ?

By the way i want to point out that "radiation" doesn't just refer to radioactive rays. It also refers to radio-waves, microwaves, infrared/radiant-heat and visible light.

I'm not very good with symbolism, why are vertical search lights associated with the Nazis ? What is the symbolic meaning of the number 88 ?


>why are vertical search lights associated with the Nazis
It's the way they are all lined up. IDK why it's so exclusive to Nazis. If I had to guess, it's probably similar to how the Nazis ruined toothbrush mustaches and swastikas for westerners. They just used this imagery so prominently in their campaigning that most sane people didn't want to reproduce it. However, there is some symbolic meaning of the light columns in Nazism I think. It is a reference to their Romaboo delusions (looks kind of like roman pillars), and also fits in with their "people of light" vs "people of darkness" rhetoric I think.

>What is the symbolic meaning of the number 88 ?

88 stands for "HH," IE "Heil Hitler," H being the 8th letter of the alphabet. Used prominently in "1488."


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Also, wasn't there a separate "attack" on the wh*te house which gone unnoticed?

decades of cooperation between bin ladens & bushes shouldn't be 4gotten too.


> wasn't there a separate
I never heard anything specific about this. But it's unlikely that any of this shit went unnoticed. The 9/11 attackers were hardly subtle, many of them were under investigation before shit went down.

The thing with anti-terror organizations is that they don't have a strong incentive to prevent this stuff. If attacks occur they get an excuse to get more funding. If you combine that with neo-cons needing a pretext to start wars in the middle east, you get a recipe for letting the 9/11 attacks happen.

The hole concept of creating an organization to solve a problem is absurd, no organization will do something that would jeopardize its reason to exist, because this stuff represent lucrative careers, and hence it will do everything to preserve the problem it's supposed to solve.

If you wanted to make sure airplanes can't be abused like in 9/11 you'd design planes that make it impossible for anybody in the passenger cabin to get access to the cockpit. Like make it holey separate compartments without any go-in-between.

If you wanted to stop other types of attacks like when happened in the London tube, you need chemical detectors that can sniff out explosives.

This is physical hardening of civilization, but there also is psychological hardening. Acts of terror are about exploiting fear to make civilization behave foolishly. You need to have a media culture that doesn't relay the message of fear. And you need a political culture that would consider anybody trying to exploit fear as terrorist collaborators.

>decades of cooperation between bin ladens & bushes shouldn't be 4gotten

True the neocon modus operandy was to fund "moderate rebels" and later they recycle them as enemy terrorists.
Osama was touted a "heroic freedom(TM) fighter" in the 80s


>Also, wasn't there a separate "attack" on the wh*te house which gone unnoticed?
There was a 4th hijacked plane believed to be heading towards the whitehouse but crashed in the middle of nowhere. The official story was that the passengers rebelled against the hijackers but an alternative theory is that it was shot down by fighter jets.


bump for israel did 9/11 and they used nukes to do it

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