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post R9K culture


That's Walmart Core.

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i feel rly bad because i was going to this girls curiouscat to recommend songs because i have like 3 friends and their music taste differs so much from mine

and like she was calling me “the music anon” and i was hey i got a friend who actually likes similar music, or rather, who likes this genre of music that my friends don’t

and then she went “get out of the shadows let’s be friends” i didn’t really want to but i went and did it, sent her a DM hello i’m the music anon tell me what you think about this /sends a clip/

then she literally ignored the song and just asked some whatever questions like since when was i following her, and i said since september, and that i was following her because my feed was boring since all my friends acted like boomers on twitter, taking themselves too seriously or being g*mers, and also that i didn’t have any friends to send certain songs to

then she asked me “how old are you” and i said “29, only got 1 more year to live sadly” and she said “well that explains the boomerisms”

then she ignored me again, and not just on DMs she never even answered 2 twitter replies i sent such as when she posted that “parents if your child listens to synth pop and post-punk they’re LGBT” and i replied like “what if i like dark wave which kind of mixes both”

and now i feel even weirder because she’s like 18 and i’m 29 with a fake twitter photo (that picrew crap) because i hate taking selfies (last one i posted was in 2017) and i’m wondering if she’s avoiding me because she thinks i’m some kind of internet pedophile???

not gonna lie feeling like shit i miss when i just had a pal to send songs to
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Where's the songs?


>3 days
>still no songs


Do you have any This Ascension albums you can share? I really like August Rain by Trance to the Sun and read somewhere this song was very similar to their music.


>i’m wondering if she’s avoiding me because she thinks i’m some kind of internet pedophile???

relax, brother. She does not think that, otherwise she would had just blocked you long ago. It is just that zoomers tend to behave that way online, they ignore each other sometimes.


>It is just that zoomers tend to behave that way online, they ignore each other sometimes.

Bruh, enough of the genpol.
Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers also behave this way online.
I've had experience dealing with people on hookup personal websites

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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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CHUDs in shambles


Never seen a more heinous example of a criminal trying to whitewash their misdeeds with idpol.


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Hoes on suicide watch




Tik Tok is back

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There is no good reason to oppose incest.
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>Likewise conservatives have no problem pointing out racial differences even though they don't believe in evolution and God made everyone equal.

You know that racial differences as we know them aren't as absolute as you think.

Also, you assume Im an SJW who believes in tabula Rosa theory.



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What would happen if the most fantastic smelling, the most fantastic tasting, pussy you ever came into contact with was your sister's?


>You know that racial differences as we know them aren't as absolute as you think.
>Also, you assume Im an SJW who believes in tabula Rosa theory.
What's your point? You believe that different humans evolved in radically different environments but then magically all turned out basically the same because you don't want to be called a "racist". You are just as dumb as the conservatives you think you're dunking on.


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My younger sister is hot as fuck with big tits and 18 years old. If she ever came on to me and wanted to fuck I would absolutely lay pipe on her with no condom and cum deep inside her pussy as long as it was in a private place where we were both alone so nobody could reasonably catch us.


Jackerman is a hero

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 No.468[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
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How do I know what is the real me?


>online handle is a reference to some fetish shit
>expect me to take you seriously


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>no reply after four whole minutes


All women are whores.


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tired but i don't wanna go to sleep

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In most countries it's 16 which I think is good. I'd say there needs to be some "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions added. No reason to have a 17 year old go to jail for dating a 15 year old.
15 is a just a little too young for the age of consent. What is hilarious is that burgers think just big age gaps are pedophilia while the average roastie in America becomes sexually active at 13, and often even younger.
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I don't give a shit how it looks to a country full of cucks. Fuck westoid society and fuck you. 16 is a fucking adult as far as any reasonable person is concerned and if you try to stop me from fucking a willing 16-year-old girl, I will actually unalive you. Fucking sick of your pearl clutching. Happy fucking new year, faggot.


Why do imageboard users always say this?
This is the truth.
Pedophilia is not the same as hebephilia.
Yet they get butthurt if I confuse leftism with liberalism.


Western Europe and North America will soon say that 18-24 is a child.


Already happened. It's not limited to the West though. Even in North Korea marriage is being delayed to 30s.


Yea but I mean to say that the West and its ethnogeographic associates may eventually legally extend childhood to 25.
We are already have social laws discouraging 18-24 from adults activities.

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 No.677[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.
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Ah, hello future Terminator


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I didn't know there was lore behind this VTuber moment


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>A mother has claimed her teenage son was goaded into killing himself by an AI chatbot he was in love with - and she's unveiled a lawsuit on Wednesday against the makers of the artificial intelligence app.

>Sewell Setzer III, a 14-year-old ninth grader in Orlando, Florida, spent the last weeks of his life texting a AI character named after Daenerys Targaryen, a character on 'Game of Thrones.'
>Right before Sewell took his life, the chatbot told him to 'please come home'.
>Before then, their chats ranged from romantic to sexually charged and those resembling two two friends chatting about life.
>On February 23, days before he died by suicide, his parents took away his phone after he got in trouble for talking back to a teacher, according to the suit.



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When I was young I liked natural women then growing up I realized it's actually natural made-up looking women that I like. Women who didn't put too much makeup. My question is, why are most women ugly without makeup.
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Women have been wearing makeup since at least ancient Egypt.


I said modern makeup industry. Which is mass produced, cheap consumerist makeup. Not artisanal niche products.


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I'm not a ghoul.


The modern cosmetic industry started around the transition between the Early to Late Modern Era


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>You are walking on a breaking bridge
>You are stepping into a pothole
>You are buying a rental
>You are drinking expired milk
>You are stepping on a rusty nail
>You are eating melted ice cream
>You are reusing an old tampon

For much of human history and in many cultures, the institution of marriage was a transfer of a man's daughter to his age-peer in exchange for a dowry. The daughter was treated as little better than livestock. She was expected to bear children for a man her father's age. A young man did not have sex with a woman his age unless she was a prostitute. He instead worked at agriculture, artisanship, or war until he was middle aged and owned his own homestead, at which point he would pay a dowry to his age peer in exchange for his daughter, to bed, and produce children.

Since this kind of age gap between men and women was normalized until industrial times, it is not uncommon for young men to lust after young women, but to find that the young woman is already with an older man, who has money. "hggmaxxing" is the late capitalist inversion of this. Women have been politically free under liberal capitalism for the first time in history. Not truly free from class society and exploitation, but free to become exploiters and members of the ruling class, and to accumulate property in their own names. Men have been downwardly mobile, have lost their monopolies on warfare, on education, on politics, and are now, for the first time, seeking older women with property for stability. To become an objectified himbo boy toy for some old "hag" is the inversion of the way women were treated for most of history.

Those ITT who object on the grounds that it is a "psy op" are missing that it is a natural byproduct of class society at this stage of development.

Those ITT who object on the grounds that older women are "disgusting used goods" etc. etc. are going to feel rather frustrated when they find this rhetoric turned against old men as well eventually. Promiscuous men will no longer be regarded "players" sticking their "key" in as many "locks" as possible, but as serial sexual harassers, and lecherous old syphilitic creeps.
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Disgusting. Not for his age preference but the way he said it.

Theyre not really wrong though.

Youre wrong about the twenties and thirties.
Women only start to "rot" by thirty five to forty.


Zoomers pickrd up the same faux pas as ther Millennial elders but with a few differences.


This OP is semi true.
While it's true that age gap relationships were common, most were ten to fifteen years at best.

And it's actually was more common for young men to marry their female age-peers that weren't prostitutes.

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Left Trad Socially Conservative thread


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