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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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Salty lib white women calling for a sex strike


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 No.177[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

im a comfy NEET, do you like to be A neet anon?
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>"productivity" is a cult and a cucked one at that. You're only "productive" insofar as you're making money for someone else, you haven't actually produced anything.
As long as transactions are voluntary the only way to get something you value is to give somebody else something they value in exchange. Unless you grow your own food and gather your own water and build your own shelter you're going to have to create some kind of value to trade for those things. That's what "productivity" means.

NEETs don't produce anything because the state steals the surplus value of workers through taxation and gives a part of it to NEETs in exchange for supporting the status quo. You rationalize your crime by calling the workers "cucks" for letting themselves get robbed by the state.

>There wouldn't be a need to humiliate yourself if there was a UBI.
You only support UBI because you think somebody else will be paying for it. When it turns out you are the one who has to work for free to pay for other people's free stuff then socialism is suddenly not very fun anymore.

>gets along with minorities BUT
>Bible quote
Christians ARE a minority at this point. They're just not a minority you care about. It turns out your "empathy" and "tolerance" and "diversity" was just a way of cloaking your own bigotry all along.


>Christians ARE a minority at this point. They're just not a minority you care about. It turns out your "empathy" and "tolerance" and "diversity" was just a way of cloaking your own bigotry all along.

Christianity is over-promoted as a minority.
They're a majority with a persecution complex.


work is tedious and being neet is also unfun, what am i supposed to do..?




Im not sure that's really true.
First off, college is expensive and is becoming increasingly misandrist.

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Do they ever work out or do they always devolve into cuckolding?

Post your experiences.
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I hadnt thought of that. Without looking into it I would guess that around that time teenagers became more "kiddified" as life became a little easier and so the process of maturing slowed down.

As for the second point, to me thats just the instant gratification syndrome. People dont wanna work on anything for more than 2 seconds, that includes themselves and relationships. It's not going well? Immediately discard it and replace it with another. Hook up culture likely doesnt help.


Life didnt become "easier" just because cholera and tuberculosis slowed down.

What happened was that society decuded that young people were better suited to concentration camps, I mean, schools.
Why do people comfuse quality of life as metric of maturation?

Most ghettos have people living in etneral adolescence.

Also, "instant gratification" is an overused moralistic meme used for why good things dont last anymore.
The real problem is idealism.

Most people think of themselves as entitles to romance, sex, big money, big houses etc due to pop culture overpromoting dating, marriage, college, entrepreneirship.

Adulthood became reduced to a consumership program.
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I see nothing wrong with feeling entitled to romance, sex or money


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Don't do it. I was in one for years. She fucked all my friends the fucked me and accused me of false rape.


Theb why is it considered a bad thing when teens want it?


Here's the killshot, single mothers predict how bad crime is in an area NOT POVERTY!
>The proportion of single-parent households in a community predicts its rate of violent crime and burglary, but the community’s poverty level does not. Source: D.A. Smith and G.R. Jarjoura, “Social Structure and Criminal Victimization,” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 25. 1988.”
This alone should repudiate feminism in the minds of anyone, left or right. And the high single motherhood rate is the direct result of feminists' sexual revolution that encourages women to be promiscuous which inevitably leads to bastards.
Anyone that's traveled outside of the US can attest to this finding. While no poor area of a city or town is safe. They are not these Falluja style war zones that say Baltimore is.
Eliminating single mothers goes a long long way to eliminating poverty for workers. And it's in the best interest of children, which feminists and women pretend to care about.
These studies were aggregated on https://www.fixfamilycourts.com/single-mother-home-statistics. Here are a few other highlights
>“After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.” Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31
>Effects of Fatherlessness – Teenage Statistics
>63% of all youth suicides,
>70% of all teen pregnancies,
>71% of all adolescent chemical/substance abusers,
>80% of all prison inmates, and
>90% of all homeless and runaway children, came from single mother homes.
>Bob Ray Sanders, “Hey Y’all, Let’s Fill The Hall (Of Fame), Ft. Worth Star Telegram, Oct.28,2007
>Mona Charen, “More Good News Than Bad?”, Washington Times, Mar.16, 2001 (citing Bill Bennett, “The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American society at the end of the 20th Century., New York, Broadway Books, 1994)
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single mothers are proletarian, and children are the bourgeois


Children shpuld not blamed for inconveniences.

Single moms chose that life.

This, with some conditions.
The wife should not have a problem with the man having a roaming eye


a parent can choose to leave, however the chimdren are always the victims. we need a active party for and by children. children rights 2024


the reason chimdren arent takin seriously is because they are treated as though they are underage. people champion and sloganeer about democracy, but they dont include chindren's voices at all. childrem are seen as a nuisance and hindrance to dai to day life, when in fact it is chilrden woh grow up and do the same thing to chikren


wwho should be allowed to vote? chikdren or single mohters?


Jesus fuck. This is painful to watch. How can someone be this pathetic I'm astonished

If he was my son i'd kill him and then commit sui what a disgrace
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random relationship advice (different video)


Nuke america


The only reason this video is considered cringe is because the male fan is overweight, has goofy glasses, and has an unattractive haircut. Conventionally unattractive men are ridiculed and looke ddown upon in society. Meanwhile if it was a good looking fan, people would be saying he's quirky and applaud his confidence for admitting to consuming corn. Society doesn't care about males like in the vidoe because they infantilize youthful males amd have a jealous eugenical stance on them, leading to males to grow up stuntde and undwordly. It is also the fault of the bad side of modernization and modern food that has things like corn syrup in it, leading to unhealthy lifestyles and such bodytypes. If he was a ripped fit healthy virile strong hunter-gatherer/humble farmer boy, people would be gicing him virtual handjobs in the comments. But instead they mock him because in thier eyes because he's a lower status male. The same lwoer status males that can't afford their own home. That's why he goes to nerdy convention with his sisters, the same sisters that apparently knew who Violet Myers is. He probably still lives with his family because of the state of the economy. He probably is underarchieving and then placated himself by consuming corn. Woild he be doing the same if he was sent the countryside to do hard labor? I don't think so.


Society talks about how beauty standards victimise young women but will endorse humiliating or patronising young mn whom are aesthetically "deficient".

Young womn whom are ugly and nasty are given far more sympathy


>My Day in The Life Not Filming on Set
nice pussy

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Imagine how good his personality must have been


They obviously did this to go viral on sites like leftychan


I thought this was an OF promotion

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 No.468[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
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my life has no meaning


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its not even worth trolling here cause the relies come too late or not at all


its over.. my dick soft



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 No.4391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Brvtal I feel bad for this foid.


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why is Chadpreet so much more buff and manly than me?
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>subcontinental men
>rough skin
>gravel looking ahh skin
>gravel texture ahh skin
>not pimple proof
>really visible dots and stain of contracting skin collor
>not smooth face and head shape
>shit body type

>black women

>smooth flat skin
>soft skin
>look good using flash
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this misandro-racism


>workers of the world unite!
>eww subcontinental brown men
make it make sense


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Happy Diwali to those that celebrate it.

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Left Falun Gong Thread

Discuss Leftwing Falun Gongism

- earth got destroyed 81 times with science & technology starting anew each time
- modern science & technology come from aliens
- aliens are already impersonating humans on earth
- aliens abduct & experiment humans bc "humans have a perfect body"
- aliens' ultimate goal is to control & replace humans
- aliens made a 2 billion year old nuclear reactor in Africa
- evolution is a lie & atheists go to hell
- mixed children are "spawn of Dharma-ending period" and go to hell - "Spain was the vanguard for mixing the human races"

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Why are demons real but not aliens?


Why do the aliens only come out at night?
Why do they never show themselves to humans without putting them into a hypnotized state?
Why do they know so much about human history?
Why do they talk in religious language?
Why do they have to ability to communicate telepathically without any technological aid?
Why do they have the ability to neurologically control humans without technological aid?


>Of course there is not just one reason. The biggest cause of society’s change today is that people no longer believe in orthodox religion. They go to church, but they no longer believe in God. They feel free to do anything.

Oh boy another one of those kind of people.
Imo, people always used religion to rationalise doing their wrong.
And people feel less free now than ever.
Also, if I can be honest, most people never really believed in God, they just hoped there was a God
If you rely on religion as a moral compass, then you're not really strong-minded at all


Shoo, homo, shoo!


Falun Gong isn't homophobic. Falun Gong’s views on sexual ethics closely resemble those of other major religions, including Buddhism and Christianity. Essentially, it teaches that sex should be reserved for monogamous, heterosexual marriage.

Homosexual behaviour is therefore discouraged, along with pre-marital and extra-marital sex. These behaviour are essentially considered sinful, they generate negative “karma”.

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