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Any oldcels here? What's dating like for you?
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ruh, this is how dating is for any male, regardless of age.
Stop treating age thirty as a paradigm shift.
Its a sign youve been living as an extended child.


Romantic love is idealist.
Dating originated as a marketing scheme to find rich suitors for debutantes.


Nah, women can make their own money and can have careers so it's not so important, if anything those material assets are for younger women who want a sugar daddy and females who lack a sense of self who cannot judge a mans personality to distinguish their worth other than superficially


If you're having issues with that, just fake being poor or pretend to be thrifty on the first dates. Weeds em right out


After high school it's all down hill
. 30 is just an arbitrary age.

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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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Any place that obsesses over borthrates is the least concerned abouth the individual welfare of lonely adult males.
It only shows that they see young men as convenient seed banks to make more babies to fuel the war machine.


It's statistically proven that women get much lighter sentences for the same crimes. And the media doesn't even report on female child predators regardless of looks.


Again,the peferential treatment is based on her youth, physique, and skin tone.


A lot of old hags get thrown in jail though.


thats what i was saying in the first place.
Chivalry doesnt equalise all women.
Only the young, lightskinned, curvy ones.

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Yaoi and non-straight shipping - women would rather think about two handsome men being gay than anything to do with an *ncel


As a cishet male we do the same with yuri.


as a cishet male myself Id rather wush I was a shonen-ai character surrounded by the most beautiful men to drain my balls


I hate the word cishet, it makes "leftists" look retarded


Now you know how I feel about people using the term "cringe" for anything slightly awkward.

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>Sharing space with others to watch porn, giving ourselves entirely into something beyond ourselves, a crowd as one entity made only possible through the shared passion of individuals coming together. Are goon group sessions not innately communist?
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Youre the moralising gooning.

Also, by patronising, I mean how society mocks/guilt-trips ypung men for having sexual sesires.

You know how society always says "horny teens" or "hormonal" whenever they talk about male yputh.

Or anytime they psychoanalyse a sexual fetish and it has a high fanboy count skewing young, they mock it?

Males under thirty are not allowed to be respected as human beings.
Theyre only seen as comic relief.
Thats the reason why we have reactionary phenomenom.

Society keeps punching down on male youth while glorifying female youth and male elders.



Society is hebegynophilic while also being hebeandrophobic


>Youre the moralising gooning.
Lol, you're the one trying to impose your weird fundamentalist Christian and lesbian man hating ideology on the last place where people can still hookup.


>Also, by patronising, I mean how society mocks/guilt-trips ypung men for having sexual sesires.
That's exactly what you're doing with you're puritanical "no hitting on women" rule.
It's funny because if you really were able to impose this on clubs they'd all go out of business.No one is going to spend hundreds on drinks just to hear women yap.


I would support a "no flirting with women" because alot of nightclub patronesses are underage or gold diggers or are taken.
Young women live for attention. They like the idea of thirsty ugly betas ruining themselves for a piece of them.
Also, people go to clubs to get high and dance to EDM.
Sex is just a lucky bonus.

Besides, people have been hitting the club less since the mid/late 2000s.
Again, if you have to have women present for a platonic recreational activity to be fun, thats a you problem.

>last place where people still hook up

You mean gooning sessions?


Agree or disagree


You could tell this bot that 2+2=5 and it'll go "what an astute observation!"


The AI is just picking up what normies are putting down.

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Post the wildest shit you see feminists saying here.
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Woman's Hating
>The misdirected passion of Andrea Dworkin

>To put it plainly: Dworkin was a preacher of hate. Her books are full of such declarations as, "Under patriarchy, every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman." ("Patriarchy," of course, covers contemporary Western societies.) "Male sexuality, drunk on its intrinsic contempt for all life, but especially for women's lives, can run wild." "Hatred of women is a source of sexual pleasure for men in its own right."



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Male sexuality shouldnt be tied to economic status.
Also I think girls shoyld be hysterectomised as well until they hit stability.

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 No.4391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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if you're going to throw your life away, it'd be justified to do so by attacking the bourgeoisie or the police in minecraft


Get off image boards asap


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that wasnt funny

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Post and discuss using your imagination/delusion/fantasy.
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>have no gf
>search up 'aesthetic gf' pictures
>put them as my lockscreens and pretend i took the pictures


>didn't find new imagination posts
>just imagine that I did
>imagine posting them


>don't have anything going in life
>watch isekai manga/anime and live vicariously through it


kys faggot


Of all the things that have happened in my life 99% of them I just imagined.

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Who is your rightoid crush?

For me, it's definitely Candace Owens. I often fantasize about how our relationship would progress. In the beginning, she is aggressive and beastly, desperate to get my progressive white seed inside her. After some time, she comes to learn that being soft and supple (like a white belle) is the way to my heart. Eventually, I start letting her sleep inside, and we begin fighting for an anti-racist future together.
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There aren't really any physically attractive TV female pundits outside Abby Martin 10 years go, who was not right-wing and is still not


carnivore obsessed women are not attractive sorry


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Why is she so perfect?

I want to marry her.


Carla Zambell, a white gunnut instable middle age women drive me crazy for some reason.
yeah you step on my tralala mommy.

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 No.177[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

im a comfy NEET, do you like to be A neet anon?
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what do neets do all day?


>claim to be based comfy neets
>website still inactive for hours
glowing fed posters confirmed


guys im bored


NEETs live on money the government extracted from workers through taxes. How are NEETs not just another parasitic class living from the surplus value of workers?


The US is a country of overproduction and over-importing not the opposite.

It's not the early 20th century, productive people are more often than not causing actual harm in the USA.

Why all these worker obsessed ideologies miss the mark.

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