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betabux male feminist training general


What Is a Cuckold Relationship and Ways to Try It

Cuckolding 101 Guide: Why Men Like It & How To Cuckold A Man

Cuckolding: What Is It, Why Men Love It & 5 Beginner Tips

Cuckolding: 10 FAQs About What It Means, Ways to Play, and More

A Guide To Cuckolding: The Fetish When You Enjoy Watching Your Partner Have Sex With Someone Else

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lol wtf is this




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just go on dating apps bro, there's plenty fish in the sea

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how do stop losing wizards to the right?
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Kick feminists out of the left


post bmi fatty


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Post yours.


you don't. it's almost like Marx was right about lumpens huh?


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Is the bottom finally starting to fall out from 3rd and 4th wave feminism? Right now bimbos are trending on tik tok and the fully embracing the male gaze growing popular among zoomer women. Along with divine feminism, which is almost an anti-feminism ideology that encourages women to become stay-at-home moms and obedient housewives if they wish to, and assuages their fears about it being demeaning to themselves and women as 3rd and 4th wave feminists are so keen on proselytizing.

One prominent bimbo tiktoker describes the bimbo lifestyle as an "ego death". Where women stop trying to foster masculine traits in themselves and instead cultivate their natural vulnerability, gentleness, and hunger for the sexual desire of men. Bimbos claim these innate traits of most straight women have wrongly been maligned by feminist as naivete, weakness, and subjugation by the patriarchy.

I think women gravitating to the antithesis of feminism is primarily due to the deteriorating economy, having a committed husband or boyfriend is quickly becoming a necessity as it has been throughout most of captialism. And bimbos encapsulate in a extreme manner, the things women have always known men want. I think there's also other converging trends at work.

Millennial women are now hitting middle age in earnest, and zoomer generations are seeing the poisoned harvest of feminism. Many millennial women are alone and miserable as either single mothers, divorcees, or spinsters that were never wed and face a future devoid of companionship.

Women have also gotten to experience capitalist alienation first hand for 60 years and are realizing that as much as a eunuch a housewife can be, it's still far better than being a prole. Zoomer women are realizing what men have always known, that only a small percentage of workers ever find a fulfilling career, everyone else just works to make money until they die.

I think this bimbo trend is the beginning of a wider revolt among zoomer women against feminism. Feminism can no longer hide its failures, and zoomer women cannot be spooked by horror stories of past female oppression like not being able to open checking accounts, since they have no living memory of it. And even if rights like abortion are taken away, modern technology, like the nearly dozen birth control methods that are available now, will mitigate much of the harm and keep zoomer women from reradicalizing. What do you guys think?
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>Hard disagree with the last couple sentences.


Case in point: >>7509


Explain how bimboification is antithetical/novelty to feminism.
Because I dont see how its any idfferent.


Feminism posits male sexuality is oppressive to women. Bimbos cater to male sexuality at the expense of social norms.
Bimbos are differential to men, which again feminism says is patriarchal oppression.
Bimbos celebrate male sexuality for it's own sake and do not require any prerequisites like looks, money or status before having intercourse with men which feminism says is debasing since men subjugate women.
The supporting arguments are in the OP


Again, bimbos were a thing in the bourgeois feminist denomination.

Yes its objectifying women, but bourgeois feminism used it as andrological bait.
Alot of the bimbos were either portrayed as doms or power bottoms.

The submission was a lie.

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Do they ever work out or do they always devolve into cuckolding?

Post your experiences.
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It was mostly age, though being a teenager also means you dont have as much freedom


If it was purely age, how do ypu explain that teenagers had lifelong relationships back in the old days whereas since the twentieth century, those relationships are fleeting?

How do you also explain that postpubescent folks have a hard time holding down relationships


western women may be entitled but its not like theyre all idle dolls.


I hadnt thought of that. Without looking into it I would guess that around that time teenagers became more "kiddified" as life became a little easier and so the process of maturing slowed down.

As for the second point, to me thats just the instant gratification syndrome. People dont wanna work on anything for more than 2 seconds, that includes themselves and relationships. It's not going well? Immediately discard it and replace it with another. Hook up culture likely doesnt help.


Life didnt become "easier" just because cholera and tuberculosis slowed down.

What happened was that society decuded that young people were better suited to concentration camps, I mean, schools.
Why do people comfuse quality of life as metric of maturation?

Most ghettos have people living in etneral adolescence.

Also, "instant gratification" is an overused moralistic meme used for why good things dont last anymore.
The real problem is idealism.

Most people think of themselves as entitles to romance, sex, big money, big houses etc due to pop culture overpromoting dating, marriage, college, entrepreneirship.

Adulthood became reduced to a consumership program.
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In most countries it's 16 which I think is good. I'd say there needs to be some "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions added. No reason to have a 17 year old go to jail for dating a 15 year old.
15 is a just a little too young for the age of consent. What is hilarious is that burgers think just big age gaps are pedophilia while the average roastie in America becomes sexually active at 13, and often even younger.
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I'd have to see some proof first, because I'm not really sure about the numbers when it comes to those sorts of things, but I don't doubt that it could be like that once people reach their teens. I'd argue that the numbers would probably be equal, that an equal amount of males and females make approaches towards older adults when they're younger.
As a counter argument against what?


women are extremely age sensitive when shooping around for sex ad romance.
Young women will get the ick if the male courting her is found out to be younger than her by six moons.

They think age numbers are virtue points for males.

Of course young women will self-exempt from using their age as a moral compass of virtue.
Also, male elders are hebegynophilic and dont show as much revernce and appreciation towards male youth.

They talk down to them or joke around with them but never really respect them as human beings.

But they will worship fenale youths just based on looks amd cutesy gestures alone.


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Only men can be pedophiles


>17 is too young for 22

>but 22 is too young for thirty

>but 17 is old enough to go to prison for crime

The creation of adolescence has caused a behavioral sink


A thread for all of your politically incorrect whining and complaining that wouldn't be allowed in leftypol-ORG or left-wing/progressive organizations irl.
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I mostly agree with you.

I don't think children should be treated too differently than adults. There's no need to talk to them any different or use excessive baby talk on toddlers. Obviously you have to appreciate the fact that they are going to be extremely ignorant until they're fully developed (probably for boys until about 25) but having a whole designation of "teenager" for the most formative part of their lives probably stunts development. Plus it creates annoying shitheads because nobody wants to be labeled a "teenager" or "tween".

I think spending some time learning the basics in an industrial setting for a coop program or a summer camp is a good idea, because it's educational and kids love building shit and learning, but I don't think they need to be tasked with creating material value for society until they're ready to take on that role.

We definitely can and should trust kids who are interested with way more responsibilities than we currently do. I bet they would love to follow someone around and learn to refuel a jumbo jet or something.


brain development is a myth.
what happens at 25 is that your brain starts to die.
Also, if brain development for boys is 25, it would be the same for girls


Leftism and rightism are gradually being diluted by liberalism.

Any true rightism was back in the eighteenth century or esrlier.

Leftism died around the 1970s in the west.


Retarded buzzwords


When people speak about "women", they usually refer to cishet females under thirty-five.
Feminism/chivalry doesn't treat all women equally sympathetically

It only protects the young, slim, light-skinned, docile, exuberant girly women.

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This experimental new thread is intended to stimulate the growth of female posters posting on this site.


No bullying (unless they are right wing, then an exception may possibly be made)

This themed thread could be similar to the Grace-chan poster's Royal Colony threads.
Perhaps one could also see it as a containment thread, but only for now, with possibility of expanding with other kind of threads in the future.

<In small type at top of this dual poster is the caption: "Women have the right to vote and be elected equally with men section 137 of the Constitution of the USSR."

<Below is the slogan: "Hail the equality of Soviet women."
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just type the word "beg" into the fbi.gov invite bar and you'll find the server


all fagcord troons must hang
all fagcord troons will hang


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one of the mods said this site has a fbi.gov to stimulate growth, so..


bumping now that Leftypol is down (lol)

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It was a decent board with the occasional good effortpost, and importantly the only place online for leftist incels to freely discuss our ideas. Now that it's gone I feel like leftcelism has died as an ideological current - in the anglosphere at least.

This board was never supposed to replace /leftcel/ and it's always been more shitpost orientated. I had assumed that after the breadtube troon took down 9chan, the /leftcel/ mods would make a new board somewhere else. But unfortunately this has not happened.
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>>7371 (Me)
This is an outrage. How could any self-respecting person visit these kind of sites?


>Making up shit about leftcels to coverup their own pedos


>>7371 (Myself)
Disgusting. "Left' cels should be ashamed of themselves. Shame!


>leftist incels
eldritch spacelizardcels

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Thoughts on this poetry?


>3rd video
>We never dated but I can't get over you
Yikerino, real entitlement energy hours


anybody else enjoy it when women cry?


damn, what happened, i thought yall hated women

so much for schadenfraude

you do know that normies/women read incel spaces to get their schadenfraude laughs in? i vividly remember twitter posts saying such. this is why you must be as inflammatory as possible.

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 No.960[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Reminder if you are not a chad women will not take any interest in anything you say or do, no matter how remarkable it is. How do I know? I used to be 'the hot kid' for a year or two in my teens and became average after I grew older. Though I never scored with a chick because I was an autist, here's the kind of shit that used to happen.

-Girls would ooh and ahh when I walked past, some pinched me trying to get my attention
-girls would 'sneakily' follow me everywhere and try to catch a glimpse of me
-one girl would pretend to use a makeup mirror to spy on me
-Girls would approach me and try to start conversations even though I was an introvert and had nothing to say
-Neighbor used to invite me out to hang out with her and would rub my hair
-girls would giggle around me in class and try to rub my hair
-Female hs teachers gave me better grades and tried to hangout with me after class
-girls would openly compliment me call me sexy in class etc
-if I went to my friends house his sister would try flirting with me, laugh at my jokes even if I made none, always try to hover around me

All that shit is gone now, women now will just ignore me/act like I dont exist at parties. Will not bother talking to me or taking any interest, never find my jokes funny or compliment me etc.

The cold reality is if you're not a chad women dont really have any reason to give a fuck about you and you will always be friendzoned at best. They don't really give a shit about your personality, it's all a halo effect from your attractiveness. No amount of hairstyles, confidence, style etc will change anything unless your face is attractive. And if you do somehow score a gf, she will hop branches, never have true sexual attraction towards you, sex will be lame etc. There is no 'type,' only a singular hot chad and if you were in the 5% you would.
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Nobody wants to see your HRT induced manboobs anon.


Hes virtue signalling. If he went through his prime years without pussy, he would be saying a different tune.


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I fucking do.


>Uglycels are worthless in society
That's not true. Ugly men can provide labor and labor is necessary for society or the world to run. They can also take on dangerous jobs such as construction work or mining. Ugly men can also be (used as cannon fodder for meatgrinders) be drafted/get enlisted as a soldier. Furthermore, ugly men can donate organs. Ugly men can also be test subjects/guinea pigs. Ugly men can spend money, thus participating in the economy. Ugly men can pay sex workers (also OnlyFans), keeping them in business. Ugly men can also be backup for women who are done partying and want to settle down.

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