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>Do the masses reject Marxism and leftism because we aren't chad?

We can know that women don't really want to fuck anyone but chad, but sometimes they'll settle. Is it like that with the masses as well. For example, the won't put they're neck on the line to organize and fight for revolution unless there is a chad leader (think Mao or Fidel)?
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>Yeah bro I know they literally controlled an entire economy democratically and unionized millions of workers into syndicates but this just isn't "successful" base don my arbitrary metrics.

>Muh millions were lifted out of poverty

So what you are saying is that the end justify the means?
I am a socialist and my metrics for success as a socialist include a raise in the standards of living and more freedom for the people who live in that society. That is and always was the point of socialism until retards like stalin and Mao revised the words of Marx to include violating human rights and pogroms.

>Freedom doesn't mean shit when you're living on a diet of rats and get shelled every morning.

I can literally smell the vanilla late coming from your iced coffe while you type this on a macbook pro and your local starbucks. What do you do for a living?

People would rather have less economic freedom under capitalism and eat the soylent than have less freedom under socialism and a higher standard of living because of retards like you. Socialism is about a better life in totality for the proletariat of which you are not part of I am willing to be. I am certain I have pegged your typing habits on the board too and I am familiar with your posts. You are literally the biggest far huffing retard on the board and you need to fuck off and pull your head out of your own ass.


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>I am a socialist and my metrics for success as a socialist include a raise in the standards of living and more freedom for the people who live in that society
The latter is impossible without the former. In Stalin's words:
<"We did not build this society in order to restrict personal liberty but in order that the human individual may feel really free. We built it for the sake of real personal liberty, liberty without quotation marks. It is difficult for me to imagine what "personal liberty" is enjoyed by an unemployed person, who goes about hungry, and cannot find employment."

<"Real liberty can exist only where exploitation has been abolished, where there is no oppression of some by others, where there is no unemployment and poverty, where a man is not haunted by the fear of being tomorrow deprived of work, of home and of bread. Only in such a society is real, and not paper, personal and every other liberty possible."

>That is and always was the point of socialism until retards like stalin and Mao revised the words of Marx to include violating human rights and pogroms.

Socialism is about ending the class oppression of proletariat by the bourgeoisie. It is impossible to carry out a revolution in full, and defend it from outside reactionary forces, while playing by the rules of the bourgeoisie. What do you envision your politically correct revolution to look like, you vote in AOC and she expropriates the capitalists wealth with no resistance? Marx and Engles absolutely condoned the use of authoritarian by the proletariat during a revolution, it's called a 'dictatorship of the proletariat' for a reason!
>I can literally smell the vanilla late coming from your iced coffe while you type this on a macbook pro and your local starbucks. What do you do for a living?
I make minimum wage, hate coffee and Mac OS is shit. Stop strawmanning because you're losing the arguement.
>People would rather have less economic freedom under capitalism and eat the soylent than have less freedom under socialism and a higher standard of living because of retards like you.
Unfortunately my leftychan posts don't hav what much influence anon, I wish theyPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I know what Stalin said. Again, you are not as smart as you think you are. Stalin was a revisionist megalomaniac. Nore do I really see why this is relevant because the two are not mutually exclusive. You are sitting there acting like you just can't hve freedom while you raise people standards of living when you absolutely can. Even if the USSR did good things it also failed in other ways and we should learn from them.
Ways like having centralized governmental bodies control the lives and choices of what ultimately belong to the will of the masses themselves. Unless your "socialist" movement involves that I do not want to be a part of it.

>Socialism is about ending the class oppression of proletariat by the bourgeoisie.

You're saying the exact same thing I am just in a different way. Obviously that is what it is about and what that is about itself is better lives for the people exploited by the hand of capitalism. Nore does democratic association mean "politically correct" you have to resort to these rhetorical tricks because you know you are on the loosing end of this argument because no one in modern times is willing to subjugate themselves to pogroms and authoritarianism under socialist movments. They only way to gain relevancy is to appeal to peoples sense of freedom in the modern era. You've clearly never done any actual organizing which is why you probably cannot seem to understand how unions and syndicates function, or, even soviets.

>I make minimum wage, hate coffee and Mac OS is shit. Stop strawmanning because you're losing the arguement.


>Unfortunately my leftychan posts don't hav what much influence anon, I wish they did…

But it is the monopoly the capitalists have on media and academia which has tricked masses into thinking that "freedom and democracy" is being able to choose from 800 brands of bottled water, and vote for one of two identical parties which despise them every 5 years. The reason the ruling class don't demonise Catalonia and Paris is not because they were perfect revolutions, but because they're so irrelevant. In fact, at the time the bourgeois media did point to the mass executions of priests and forced labour camps in Catalonia as proof of their evil. The difference is that socialistsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>balding fat sack of shit


>Yeah dude. The Paris commune is what right wingers point to all the time when they want to complain about how much of a failure socialism has been.
Tankies eternally BTFO'd.

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>Roasties fend for Chad's seed so bad they're literally resurrecting it from the dead.
It's over.


Companies like this will literally slap any thing ontop of a stock picture and call it "breaking news"

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A popular british soap opera has recently introduced an incel storyline and it's the funniest shit I have seen in a while.

Is this seriously what normies think incels and the 'community' are like lmao


are there any examples of more accurate depictions of incels?


>It's posts on the internet that make incels believe the blackpill and not their shitty love lives.
Now this is idealism!


None, they've become liberals' new punching bag since you can't make fun of fags, retards or blacks anymore.


>Dark Web Search
Are there any incel forums even on the dark web?

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Incels don't deserve rights.

Here's what I mean. Banging a few chicks isn't very impressive. It's a rather low bar. But what does that say about a guy who can't even do that? It means they are a low quality man.
It's like being able to do one pull up. It's not very impressive. But if you can't do that, it means you are weak and have neglected to train your body.

A lot of incels run their mouths, thinking that they're offering insightful knowledge.
<You're not.

Listening to an incel talk about women is like listening to a homeless person talk about financial planning, or listening to a guy who can't do a pull up talk about fitness. In short, you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about, but have convinced yourself you do as some ghey coping mechanism.

Obviously, there is a grain of truth to incel screeds, in a hermetic philosophical sense. The problem is, it's the most disempowering truth available, framed in the worst way possible.

'Girls don't fuck average guys,' you say.

Ok, don't be average. Find a way to leverage aspects yourself to rise above your own stale faggotry. It's not that hard. And if it is too hard for you, then I guess you get exactly what you deserve considering you claim to know the consequences of being average.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>centrists are chads

That's it.


>plurality of incele are left-wing
it's happening bros


99% of the internet is bots, post-ironic trolling, astroturfing or mindless normies.


It's always been like that. The idea that incels were right wing was always a liberal cope.


All the virtue signal maxxxing to no avail

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Fuck rosties.

That is all.
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Dude isn't even ugly just looksmaxxed it's fucking over


Dudes a faggy simp and gets treated appropriately


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>Fuck rosties.


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What do you think leftychan, is it based or cringe?

The way I see it both sides seem to be benefitting, but at what point is one partner taking advantage of the other? Some would argue that this the next stage of economic imperialism from racially european men, as poor asian women are pressured into relationships for a chance to get a visa and a new life in the richer west. But if that's the case why does the trend continue for the richer asian diaspora living in the west? Or is the whole thing is based upon outdated racial stereotypes, which can be very damaging to the psyche of asian men (looking at you /r/aznidentity).
Or maybe white men and asian women just made for each other, and it's all harmless.

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I'm not sure why they haven't, especially in Japan where their population is crashing. I suspect it's because the booj can move capital so easily internationally now that they really aren't concerned with nationality anymore. Or that to enforce a brutal child support system like the US you need a sprawling police apparatus which isn't possible with states with smaller governments.


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Asian women are better partners because their native country governments have banned single mothers, so they date with intention.

In Asian countries women cannot turn men into their personal debt slaves via child support so they are forced to date men that will actually stick around and raise any child they give birth to, so their standards are way way lower because no one is stupid enough to think Chad will raise any of his bastards.

If Asian countries ever adopted the similar child support laws, Asian women would go right back to being as scornful of low status men as Western women are now.

The spectacle of attractive Asian women jumping into relationships with loser Western men lays this misandrist scam bare. Which is why feminists try to make it out to be about racism or Orientalism which it's not.

Slim, young women with clear skin and symmetrical features will always be desired by men.

What's funny is that Asian women are not even particularly feminine. It's just that Western women have gotten drunk off the tremendous power they have over men and long ago stopped trying to take care of their appearance and instead started demanding men find them attractive no matter how sloven they let themselves be. See the "fat acceptance movement" for an example, acceptance that is never extended to men.

The brutal child support and anti-male family court system keeps western women pumping out babies, but at the expense of ugly poor men who lose the chance to have their own children without at least raising one of Chad's children.

Asian countries could boost their population numbers by copying the US and EU misandrist system. I'm not sure why they haven't, especially in Japan where their population is crashing. I suspect it's because the booj can move capital so easily internationally now that they really aren't concerned with their own nations issues anymore. Or that to enforce a brutal child support system like the US you need a sprawling police apparatus which isn't possible with states with smaller governments.


No one going to comment on my bomb ass thesis.


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Anon there's no need to respond when you have those numbers… but yeah you're correct.
Foids demand abortion rights to "give women a choice" but then support turning men into their serfs with child support payments. The state should cover all costs of raising a child, but in absence of this women should take more things than just looks into account when looking for a partner to have a family with.



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Wtf bros women have feelings too, why has nobody told me this?


WTF bros


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This bitch could literally go find any dick to fuck her. Men die alone and clod fuck her feelings.


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>he's friendly and handsome
say no more
another case of the so-called """femcel""" thirsting for chad

"waaah! why doesn't chad notice me!!"
because he's a chad, and you're beccy, you stupid bitch

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Holy shit those poor desi


Very bad bob to benus ratio


brittons wtf


If I was a currycel I would probably just rope tbh

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reminder that if your penis isn't 6 inches (15 cm) long at the absolute least you're a waste of meat in the eyes of a woman. don't even bother
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I legit don't undertanx what you are saying.

I would have segg with you now qween.
Do you like anime perhaps?


also regular deep penetration by large cocks makes childbirth easier


Big dicks are uncomfortable to some women though.


People are getting taller each generation, pussy depth is related to torso/hip size so soon it won't be a much of a problem


Evolution takes millions of years and there's actually no data that says that is happening anyway

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Same thing is happening with Chinese men in Africa I bet.


currycels just can't catch a break


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Absolutely brutal

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