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File: 1721331696059.jpg ( 58.71 KB , 1082x568 , GUY EATS A POOP SANDWICH F….JPG )


I was thinking on how I have a secret degen side which reminded me of this video comment.

Do you think girls would rather date a regular looking dude who eats poop sandwiches and dead rats or an ugly dude who eats normal things?


Whyte girls fuck dogs
Dogs eat poop
Therefore women like things that eat poop


Damn are you saying I should start eating poop?




>uyghur denigrates himself 2 a dog just 2 have a bigger (= same) chance @ getting pussy

captcha: mmm3zm

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Sorry for the trans people reading this, but what if I identified as GigaChad? Can I then get model tier grills?


Nobody cared about this post. It's over..


Your post is a logical fallacy.


Confidence gets you chicks but it helps to be fit and have a good personality too.

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What do you think of pornography or sex work?
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That isn't what socialism is


Granny, it's not your '60s anymore. Here, you forgot your meds 💊💊💊

>[*nlyPhags] is a very safe space for me
Oh fuck, this is gut. Bitch's selling her sissies out for a quick buck so they won't even think about it being the same fucking prostitution (since your body is still economically alienated from you) except you do it on distance. With all the same fallout attached & even multiplied due to your potential popularity on this widely known virtual red light district.

>What to think of pornography or sex work?

Considering that pornography is just a genre of media it will still persist as long as there is demand for it in the human society. This demand will end with the destruction of human division by sex as a phenomenon when people won't anymore have any connection to, & dependence on this historical artifact of their animal era.
It's non-pro-capitalist production should be tightly controlled with trivial death penalties for the usual shit of our days in the likes of coercion, human trafficking, blackmail, extortion etc.

Sex work is the same crap. Simply slap the scandinavian model of persecution of horny on it & move your focus to something else.


>A gamergirl can sell her bathwater for hundreds of dollars and it required zero labor to create
but sex work is work though


>That isn't what socialism is
Socialism is when government does stuff. I know you guys are dumb but you should know that at least.

>Granny, it's not your '60s anymore. Here, you forgot your meds 💊💊💊
When the cops arrest you for seeing a hooker, that's a government intervention. Government intervention artificially limits supply and increases costs and that's why hookers are expensive.

Thankyou for bumping an ancient thread I forgot about with nonsense.


>sex work

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Any oldcels here? What's dating like for you?
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Sure it's not as smooth as people romanticize it to be, but it beats adult life for the majority of people


Yet still, people hate children, pathologising them as cringe and dumb.
Any sort of positive public attention given to kids is automayically criticised.

Most of our metaphorical terms for faux pas uses children.
"childish", "infantile", "adolescent"


Also, if you adult life sucks more than your teenage life, something is wrong with you.
You either have no life skills or you got into a serious accident which left you physically, financially, and psychologically dismembered.

Gen X and Millennials have normalised nihilistic sentiment about work too much.
Knowing the average postmodern person, its more likely they have no life skills.


And they always say that high school/college are the best years…
This is a cope, modern adult life is terrible, with or without life skills.


If high school/collefe are thebes years, why the pathological hatred for teenagers then?

Also, modern adult life is much smoother than adult life even tow centiroes ago where ypu had to go work in a factory for pennies a day or be a peasant-farmer harrassed by prospectors and interlopers.

Again, Generation X and Millennials are too averse to basic responsibility.

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Yaoi and non-straight shipping - women would rather think about two handsome men being gay than anything to do with an *ncel


As a cishet male we do the same with yuri.


as a cishet male myself Id rather wush I was a shonen-ai character surrounded by the most beautiful men to drain my balls


I hate the word cishet, it makes "leftists" look retarded


Now you know how I feel about people using the term "cringe" for anything slightly awkward.

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>Sharing space with others to watch porn, giving ourselves entirely into something beyond ourselves, a crowd as one entity made only possible through the shared passion of individuals coming together. Are goon group sessions not innately communist?
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Youre the moralising gooning.

Also, by patronising, I mean how society mocks/guilt-trips ypung men for having sexual sesires.

You know how society always says "horny teens" or "hormonal" whenever they talk about male yputh.

Or anytime they psychoanalyse a sexual fetish and it has a high fanboy count skewing young, they mock it?

Males under thirty are not allowed to be respected as human beings.
Theyre only seen as comic relief.
Thats the reason why we have reactionary phenomenom.

Society keeps punching down on male youth while glorifying female youth and male elders.



Society is hebegynophilic while also being hebeandrophobic


>Youre the moralising gooning.
Lol, you're the one trying to impose your weird fundamentalist Christian and lesbian man hating ideology on the last place where people can still hookup.


>Also, by patronising, I mean how society mocks/guilt-trips ypung men for having sexual sesires.
That's exactly what you're doing with you're puritanical "no hitting on women" rule.
It's funny because if you really were able to impose this on clubs they'd all go out of business.No one is going to spend hundreds on drinks just to hear women yap.


I would support a "no flirting with women" because alot of nightclub patronesses are underage or gold diggers or are taken.
Young women live for attention. They like the idea of thirsty ugly betas ruining themselves for a piece of them.
Also, people go to clubs to get high and dance to EDM.
Sex is just a lucky bonus.

Besides, people have been hitting the club less since the mid/late 2000s.
Again, if you have to have women present for a platonic recreational activity to be fun, thats a you problem.

>last place where people still hook up

You mean gooning sessions?


Agree or disagree


You could tell this bot that 2+2=5 and it'll go "what an astute observation!"


The AI is just picking up what normies are putting down.


This video makes me wanna give up on relationships


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lookism's connection to skull measuring

is it real?


Skull measuring? Sure, but not racism.


I pass all the ratios that's meant to make you objectively good-looking but I still look average and ugly in pictures because of lens distortion, I guess it's because I don't have much dimorphism, people always say I look like a teenager even though I'm mid twenties


Teens and twenties aren't that different in terms of physiognomy.

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>Is consuming bourgeois poison with others communist


Jim Jones would agree


Who are you quoting?



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