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Post about your encounter with sex-havers.

Today at work during break, some sex-havers were talking about swinging and one sex-haver said it's fun to fantasize about it but also that he wouldn't actually do it because of jealousy. What kind of cuckold shit is that? He's currently in a relationship, and knowing sex-havers both parties probably have exes, which adds to the suspiciousness. S*x-havers, smh.
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That's so blackpilling.

Fuck you, you sageing troll. Nice pdf tho, though it is lacking and limited, maybe because bourgeois science and liberalism

Explain? Then why do people get sick or even die?


>I was startled that he was able to get a girlfriend as a 5'5" something low autism score retard. I saw his girlfriend once and she seemed just like fairly a normal anime nerd. That's when I realized that there was something permanently and fundamentally wrong with me.
I know this is a shitpost, but in high school I remember seeing some complete autist who was in my econ class making out with a girl after school. I mean this kid used to even get bullied by the teacher, and you could tell he was on the spectrum after a 0.5 second interaction with him. But at that moment, when I saw him kissing that relatively pretty girl, I was filled with a sort of existential dread. You would think seeing an ugly autist getting the girl would give me some level of hope, but no, it did the opposite.


I cannot believe the toxicity you guys have.
You guys get depressed over some meek invalid male getting a normal nubile maiden?
Do you not undertsand how rare that is?
Most invalid males go throrugh their entire prime not having any romantic attention.

Im convinced most of you imageboard users are more "normie" than you care to admit


>Explain? Then why do people get sick or even die?
They got poisoned somehow, or bad nutrition.


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s*x is the opiate of the people. Bread & circus in one package which also divides the society on the aristocracy who gets everything to get it from their mere conceiving & all der other untermenschen who don't. Whatever the fuck normoids try to do to cope with this contradiction is always a blatant ideological lie, especially usual shit like "not having muh seggz is totabsolutely normal bruh like dude y'know just trust me haha just it's okay haha especially if it's you haha gob dless".
The problem though is the fact that you fags completely buy into this shite & then constantly have bad feefees instead of outright rejecting this normidian animal-tier "culture" they propagate & live by like the good participants of the class society they are.

& yes, the s*xual lelvolution the propagandists & normoids like to mention so much ultimately served only to the aforementioned new s*xistocracy of the pregressive middle classes (= bourgoid cocksuckers) while leaving everybody else behind. Add the vicious cycle of mental issues which creep into the mind of a worseningly s*xless person & you get the typical user of this piece of leftyboard = the s*xed get more s*x, the s*xless get more s*xlessfull.

Stop thinking about s*x, fags. Or @ least stop thinking about it from the perspective of normidian shitfucks who don't know any better & don't even wanna. What an irony, btw, is this paradox of s*xhavers not wanting to know anything & @ the same time knowing how to get into the orifices of each other.

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Imagine being this much of a roastie.




you're correct in that sexing an incredibly ugly woman will usually turn up a troon. Still, it's a gift that autistics like yourself can't tell from facial features. You could pretend that it's a real girl while it gives you AIDS. Pan-autist solidarity when an incel fucks a troon.


Actually, the joke was supposed to be that this was an easy-to-tell fake conversation and that I'm so socially inexperienced that I couldn't tell that messages on the right are the ones you send, instead of the ones you receive. But I guess I screwed it up…


No, me and the other anon are just a bit retarded. You did okay.

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>23-year-old influencer Caryn Marjorie has more than 1.8 million followers on Snapchat. Connecting with that many people can prove to be difficult. So she came up with a way to connect with her followers, especially the lonely ones, and makes some money off them at the same time.

>Marjorie created an AI chatbot designed to be an “AI Girlfriend.” One that her followers would pay $1 per minute to engage with. Thousands of hours were spent getting CarynAI to sound like her and mimic her personality.

Here it is boyos, the beginning of the AI girlfriend revolution.
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>proprietary software has indeed inspired the creation of free software before.
It was the other way around. It was the Gill Bates who looked @ software & came up with an idea of taking someone's code into your private property. The Stallman's Free/Libre shit started only as a reaction to the protective measurements of this private property (= taking away all freedom of owning a thing from the customers who bought it).

But putting a copyright on the thing that was always free to use & recruiting an entire lawyer army on his side wasn't enough for our "philanthropist", as the media calls this progress sabotaging cyberkulak-grade utter fuck. He doesn't want just having the computer code in private property. He also wants to have biological ‒ the genetic code of people to be in the same private property. Hence his interest in biology of all things after creating microsoft.


Idk man. You better eat those words. It might come.back to haunt you.
Remember back in the late 1980s/early 90s when computers were seen as for pathetic virgin nerds?


Getting outcompeted amd cucked by AI… The transhumanists were right, communist transhumanism is the only way out of this future problem.


nah. Embrace the AI. Stop exploiting meatbots for sexual economy. Use cyberbots instead.


>Yeah i highly doubt that if capitalists build this thing, that they're going to spin up a vm for every rent-a-gf-bot.
Yes because AI gfs aren't even on their radar. They're trying to take over entire multi billion dollars industries like transportation and medicine with AI. They don't care if some lonely man repurposes the tech to build a partner.

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why is it socially unacceptable for men to twerk? we also have big asses that we can move. its ridiculous and oppressive
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It is wrong. But most cishet males are too complacent to recognise this.

Theyd rather waste away self-value on serving women in some jocular manner.


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Trooncel anon, what do you think the cumulative probability is of you killing yourself? We can calculate this using double decrement if only we had a life table for pedo internet freaks. My guess is the prob of you attaining life age 50 is near zero.


The strawmen is strong with yall today.
I guess your a typical slave of romantic chivalry.
Good luck on your quests to "save the day" for damsels!


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Good luck sucking "girl" cock. I should seriously construct a joint distro future lifetime for trooncel couples. I wonder if joint life status will be extended from getting head from another troon or decreased from having to deal with each other's autism and suicidal ideation.


Anon, those ethots are not gonna lick your dick no matter you wish or hope.

> I should seriously construct a joint distro future lifetime for trooncel couples. I wonder if joint life status will be extended from getting head from another troon or decreased from having to deal with each other's autism and suicidal ideation.

Idk what youre going on about.
A "joint distro"? Whats that?

But the rest of he post sounds like what you and your fellow incels need.

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>make a song called "I will rape and torture you because I love hitler and worship satan"
>f*mles: how could I have known he would rape and torture me????
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This is the sort of shit punk rock and emo does yet adults are more concerned about rap and pop


Stop trying to lump punk rock in with this shit.


My dad really liked this guy when he was a kid.


He makes good music.


Lump punk rock with what shit?

Punk rock gave us GG Allin and thr likes. Just a bunch of edgelord degenerantes whom wanna scream, dope up, and break things and call it introspective.

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>Blink if you're in danger
It's another case of liberal women viewing non-white thirdies as retards with zero agency who need to be protected.


All that moralism adults shove onto kids about "beauty is skin deep" is nothing more than projection.

Romantic love is for the RICH, HANDSOME, and TALENTED.

Smart, sexy, strong, snazzy wins the race.

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Most child molesters ‘religious,’ often target church members
>In one study, 93 percent of convicted sex offenders described themselves as “religious.” Perhaps surprisingly, many sexual predators consider churches as “safe havens,” Vieth said, with trusting, forgiving adults and easy access to children.
Is the panic from the right about underground Democratic child sex dungeons simply projection?
Should the left draw more attention to the fact that it's actually right wingers that are more likely to rape children by a wide margin. If for no other reason than out of moral obligation to kids' safety?
How should the left tackle this important issue? The right has been more then willingly to smear the left with accusations of being "groomers" so why shouldn't the left counter with actual science showing it's them that actually pose the most danger to the most vulnerable members of society.
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Attachments can't be unspoilered. I'd suggest reporting the issue in /meta/ or on matrix


Attachment? It's a jpeg isn't it?


Bumping for great justice


Adults are pathologically incapable of seeing children as fellow human beings. Irony is, the social assignment of innocence/docility is exactly why kids are easily vulnerable.


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Why doesn't the left use this more against CHUDs that constantly smear them as groomers. Are you all little limp wristed fairies like the right says?

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>references to left-wing politics
I found your account, you sick coomer. Your days are numbered.
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Btw I found it when I searched up "literotica bourgeois proletarian", but I realize now maybe I could've searched construction worker and female businesswoman or something instead…


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>fursuit has red hankerchief neckwear like the leftist mascot Alunya
>animal ears and black colors, like Alunya
Coincidence or caballo exposed?


Furaffinity profile says they are Czech and were born in Czech Republic, but Deviantart profile says they live in Austria. There's a tendency for post-Eastern Bloc citizens to move to wealthier Western Europe. There's also the possibility of opsec covers. But a Czech person being interested in leftism while working abroad is definitely a possibility.


not fat enough. I've heard that caballo is fat when the janny split happened. I'll look for the screencap describing him


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It seems I got too close for comfort.

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Is having an abusive mother at a young age a precursor for inceldom?

It's hard to imagine how the baby in this video will grow up to have generally positive feelings towards women. Similar to how kids with junkie/alcoholic parents are much more likely to become substance abusers, or how boys with physically abusive fathers are prone to end up as wife beaters themselves. Is this another instance of incels being men who were fucked from day one?
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yeah you'll be more fucked up than if it didn't happen but I'd argue that's not your sole problem since people from your situation still fuck and can form relationships with the opposite sex
In this regard you're an outlier. Maybe if you forgive your mom you'd start the healing process so you could be a little less retarded and stop spamming the boards like a nigmonkey about "muh single mothers…. FACTS". Who knows maybe you'll even be able to get a gf.


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>yeah you'll be more fucked up than if it didn't happen but I'd argue that's not your sole problem since people from your situation still fuck and can form relationships with the opposite sex
>It's all projection, muh bootstraps, akshully you're the one with mommy issues. Don't look at the systemic cultural norms that deflect all criticism of mothers' emotional abuse.
Yawm, heard it all before. Wake me up when you can attack my arguments and not just a strawman of me


This sounds like a terrible half baked excuse of an outlier.

Most people raised in religious conservative environments often come out awkward and/or violent.


now you know I feel about society downplaying abusive dads.


No one is doing that, you're just generalizing all dads as being shit because yours was.

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How pervasive do you think it is? Estimates put it anywhere from 3%-30%. 30% may sound ridiculous but it's extrapolated from the fact that half of all fathers that seek a paternity test find out their child is not biologically theirs.
My guess is that it's around 10%. Not some huge plurality but a lot more common then we think now.
If this is true it's among the greatest oppressions perpetrated on prole men. It's 18 years of fraud and debt peonage. What should the left's stand be on this issue. Should the left be more vocal about support for anti paternity fraud policies like mandatory DNA testing at birth?
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Nah, people on Tik Tok really do be sharing things older generations used to take to the grave.


Idk man. Some may be real but I gaurantee alot of it is fake.


This is why single childless men have the last laugh


Most of the stories got way too many details and western roasties are dumb as shit. At the very least they're telling someone else's story


Stories can be embellished

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