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Would you make a good parent?


I think I would try incredibly hard to not make all the mistakes my parents made while raising me, but probably end up overcorrecting and fuck them up in an entirely different way.


Man I'm an alcoholic that works a lot that hates life under capitalism and wants to die in a revolution. I'm borderline depressed all of the time. I don't think I'm good around kids. So probably not. That being said I think I could still raise a kid to not be a fucktard and I could potentially even be a cool enough dad to not cringe at myself.

But I'm not sure I want to bring kids into this world, it's about to get a whole lot more stressful.


No,I'll mess them up like my parents did me maybe worse.


Why? Also how did your parents mess up?

My mom is a narcissist, and my dad was basically the enabler/turning a blind eye.


Never had a proper maternal/paternal figure as a model. My mom is overbearing/ a helicopter parent and my dad is emotionally distant/callous.Both are fairly religious as well.


That will definitely fuck you up but you can make a commitment to doing better, no?


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I'd make an excellent father. Patenting is challenging but this idea that it's all consuming besides the time when the child is an infant is a boomer thing they came up with to cope with the fact that they never wanted kids but like sheep went along and had them anyway.


I think ypure right in a way.
I think the real reason why parenting is such a drag is bcause people think of kids like property.

Humans are the only species that infantilise their young.


Threads like these make me wish that people would seriously consider preliminary trainimg for potential parenta.


should be a public institution in any new socialist republic


Born & raised to the fucking ground & beyond by two ardent fascists, one of which is a violent feminazi with turbo-narcissism characteristics while the other cunt has absolutely never gave a fuck about anything in the slightest (fucked alotta bitches tho while totally not being chad in any fucking way so you incelfags are in deep theoretical shit kek).
Their spawners too, are fucked in the head: one pair consisting of a noble bastard who was also a hardline commie party follower & their ultra-ϟtaliniϟt spouse who bashed them for destroying the historical aristocratique family inheritance & even called them out by a purely fascist local whistle for this & who also fucking hates that kike lenin for destroying one of the greatest empires the world has ever known (they were even employed as a political commissar precisely for this LMAO, checkmate ml aes cucks); another pair is made up of two prol'd peasant middle class educados who lost all the shite they've hoarded after the '80s hit.
All 4 of these fully supported their little shits in pursuing their political choices. None of these bitches bear any genetic makeup of the local nation they "love" so much. None of the other fascos they know from their org bear any semblance to the local master race either. As any true fascist, they don't even uphold the lifestyle they preach, being junkies of every kind & homos @ that too.

The fact that surprisingly I turned out to be their total antithesis only supports that, if anything, I was born to end their degenerate line on me, not breed it further. Even psychologically they fucked me up so much that I cannot interact with other children, I'm too schizoretard for them.

Oh yeah, these faggots love sleazing out from all blame by claiming that "nobody taught them how to be parents". Fucking infinitely unaccountable cunts.


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>wants to die in a revolution. I'm borderline depressed all of the time.
>I think the real reason why parenting is such a drag is bcause people think of kids like property.
>I'd make an excellent father.
>idea that it's all consuming besides the time when the child is an infant is a boomer


At least you have the decency to admit youre not good enough to be procreating.

Most afults feel entitled to procreate just because of their age and when their kids turn out fucked up they wanna blame the pop culture or teachers rather than themselves.

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