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Just 9-10 years ago Reddit was campaign central for Bernie Sanders. Now if you advocate for a left-wing presidential candidate they'll downvote you so much that Reddit's algorithm bans you from the platform.

And not just Reddit, Jill Stein and Cornel West have *terrible* net favorability polling (-16), in every single net favorability poll. The only candidate who ever had worse net favorability was Trump after J6.

I don't really buy the spoiler argument either, the left-wing candidates positions are very far from Harris. Sometimes Democrats will claim they are the last defenders of the American welfare state, but I can't see any of it left, public housing is only open in my area 2 hours per decade.
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>the bourgeois response to that was to purge Bernie supporters and leftists in general from reddit
All alive and kicking. The only people where ever a real threat to the reddit shareholders and were actually purged from the platform were Trump supporters and /r/The_Donald


>communist central bank
Oh it's retarded.


>That's not what's happening. Prices go up because the government is spending way more money than it has and the deficit is filled in by creating new money out of nothing. Anybody with a brain trades their government tokens for hard assets like real estate to avoid getting fucked by inflation. If the value of money was stable then owning property for no reason would be nothing but a liability and supply would open up to people who actually use the property.
Kek. Libertarians are smarter than basically anything this sub produces and they're kooky. You know the government can just allow more housing and those investments are poof and those investment aren't as reliable as it would seem and a cursory search and first gen immigrants have not been more likely to be imprisoned since 1880. Word salad =/= rational argument.
Then left wingers saying increase in immigration (supply) decreases wages (price) ignoring the ceteris paribus part of the law. I guess I can also be a billionaire if I'm the only one on say one of the military bases China is building in the Spratlys but it's not looking like any of the soldiers there are millionaires. Left wing and right wing horseshoe turds on the internet sure are interesting.


I sure do hope that the leftwingers engage smartly (doubt) with the guy who think all sources are propaganda outside "obvious" "sources" like peeing on the public toilet floor is more popular than at home in an obvious case of projection. I'd just be disappointed. This mistaken perception of a source, I wouldn't brand you as having understood basic economics and history. The peeing in a public bathroom guy would just be branded wrong as seen from his lack of basic understanding of immigration economics. (which isn't an argument btw and something you like to do.)


It's as if I can live in la la land and pretend ceteris paribus doesn't exist. Ha! I can't let go. Maybe I'm part of the brainrot system. Replace capitalist with brainrot, maybe a more passable view.


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Anyone here whom is in the minority that prefers work over school?
Work may suck but at least you dont have to deal with bullies and being broke or absurd rules from teachers.
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>The principles apply as before, we have to assume nothing is for granted and then build in mechanisms that prevent this from being turned into child-labor even if other parts of society go to shit.
The first thing is children who perform this have to be payed a regular wage. And each activity has to be limited to the time-span it takes for learning a skill. And we're giving children the power to declare the work as exploitative and quit without consequences.

Thepoint of community service is both learning and child labor.
And yes, kids will be paid a reasonable wage and nothing beyond their means.
Again, It will only be for twelve to fourteen weeks (first week of March thru the second week of June) with Friday off.

Child labor within itself isnt bad.
Ironically, the view of children as invakids that need protection and representation from parents is what makes them vulnerable.

Most child abuse is due to family dysfunction.
The way society views kids as biological property of parents and criminlise childrens social autonomy is why we have delayed maturity.

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>private companies will only pay the smartest and hardworking
>the ones most likely to get a return on investment
The premise in this argument is that returns on investment depend on how "smart and hardworking" the workers are.
That conveniently leaves out the capitalist or the managerial cast as a factor in failure or success.

The thing is if you are skilled at organizing a work-place, you'll be able to get good results with actually existing people. Not some kind of hypothetical ideal unicorn worker. This is like an architect that complains that steel and cement are not infinitely strong building materials. Or a farmer that says he needs magic multiplication beans to get a good harvest.

Companies that complain about their workers, suck at business and they are deflecting blame.

>>inb4 add diversity quotas

Socialists only ever used proletarian-quotas to make sure most political positions got staffed by actual workers.


If your argument is that making children partake in regular work activities because you think that is a learning experience that modern schools lack, i can see your point. Keep in mind that i want to pay children for learning stuff or gaining skills, not for doing labor.

However if your argument is that people have to give more time to the economy, by making them work during childhood. You loose me completely.

The only way an economy grows is because better technology enables better tools that allows people to do more in less time.

Making people work longer is not a valid strategy. Human labor has to be a scarce resource in order to make the system adopt new tools. If people work longer that means human labor becomes less scarce, and the pressure to get better tools goes down. That's how you get a shitty stagnating economy.

We have seen this happening, the neo-liberals drove down wages, labor power got a lot cheaper, and investment into productivity enhancing tools went down, it became possible to just hire more people instead of figuring out new and better tools to get more work done within less time.


Why not both?
Children will be paid for learning on the job while also contributing to the economy.

Also, neoliberalism works by overselling loans.
People are entering the workforce at a much later age than historically possible, and we have more advanced tech compared to a few centuries ago amd wages are still nil relative to quality to life. And people are expected to do more stuff in a smaller unit of time thanks to he hype about automation.

Irony is, the onl way for one to survive their twenties economically is to start work at age thirteen.

But thats not what Im really aiming for.


It doesn't make economic sense to make children work, capitalists only want that because they think it will increase labor competition and lower wages.

It's likely that birth-rates would go down even more if parents see that the economy tries to eat their children. So it's also demographically risky.

Lastly the experience of child-labor in the past was really bad, like absolutely atrocious. That alone is reason enough to never try that again. We got burned too bad.

IMHO currently automation is done wrong. The goal usually is to use technology to replace workers. Economically it would work out a lot better if we tried to use technology to augment workers. The latter is easier from a technical perspective, because it's easier to make a tool to be wielded by a person than make a machine that does everything the person previously did.

Basically automation by augmentation represent smaller technological steps and you reach productivity benefits sooner. It has the same destination so that eventually most or all work is done by machines, but the path for getting there is less steep.

The capitalists buy automation because they want to save on labor costs. That's why they want replacement-automation. The augmenting-automation has as goal to make the workers you have more productive. Capitalists could also benefit from that, but i don't know if you can convince them to change their perspective.

So automation has the potential to be great.


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the holodohoax did not happen. it's a complete lie. it have vague description and changes description every time.

give me things that help me get the message to people that it have vague description and that it changes description every time. post copypasta, papers, books, your own writings, websites, videos, debunks, and etc.
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A lot didn't and you can probably go find a different URL if you were so inclined.


>some of the website linked can't be opened or is no longer there


< The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933 by Mark Tauger
< Natural Disaster and Human Actions in the Soviet Famine of 1931-1933 by Mark Tauger
where is the links for these?


Just checked my files, those links are missing there too. My guess would be linkrot.


I can't archive anything because of OCD symptoms. Can anybody do the archiving for the pages? Or put links directing to an already existing archive of the unavailable pages? And the likes?


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 No.457563[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last one is full and the worst thread on leftychan must be contained.

In recent news: Ukies done a successful counteroffensive in Izium, Z gang now in shambles. Biden promises even more money for Ukraine. Putin meets Xi, Erdogan, Modi and others at the SCO summit.

Pro-Russia sources:

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>What terrible thing do they think is going to happen if the war ends with Putin controlling all of Ukraine?
For the proles in the west it might be beneficial, because it would mean the fighting ends and there's one less battle to burn public funding on.
For the small and medium capitalists it might also have an upside because they realize their profits in the consumer commodity market. Which always shrinks when military spending goes up.
For the big imperial capitalists it's obviously going to be a loss because they could not expand into Ukraine to loot resources and super-exploit the population.

>From a Ukrainian POV, it would still be bad though. It would end the war as we know it, but it would also result in decades of permanent low-intensity conflict.
This has always happened during the various US occupations, but i'm not sure if that logic applies here.

The US primarily bombs from the air, and that means all the fighters can hide in holes, and wait out the air-campaign, and then make an insurgency afterwards.

The Russians fought an attrition ground war, that is a different beast. I don't think there would be many "ukro-rebel-fighters" left over to make an insurgency, when this is done. The Russians will probably go after the Bandera types, because they consider that as unfinished business from WW2.

In case you meant it as a power-vacuum causing a struggle for power and a civil war. That can happen, but Ukraine likely isn't going to go that way. It's located in a strategic position between big power blocks, so it's very likely that as soon as one government falls another one gets installed right away. Ukraine might get carved up and then there could be multiple new governments.


>For the big imperial capitalists it's obviously going to be a loss because they could not expand into Ukraine to loot resources and super-exploit the population.
Why didn't they loot and "super-exploit" Ukraine before the war started then? They are never going to take back the lost land it is obvious they want to war to continue because the war itself is where the profit is.


>Why didn't they loot and "super-exploit" Ukraine before the war started then?
Imperial capital isn't actually that potent by it self, if they have to compete with other capitalists they're not getting imperial super-profits, only regular profits. They needed the Ukrainian state to enforce imperial monopolies and repress the population. The Ukrainian state didn't go for that, they tried to make economic deals with Russian capitalists and a bunch of others who would settle for regular profits.

That's when the regime change program started. Bandera-fascism was basically attempting to become a comprador-elite with enforcer-goons that would divide the population into a small-ish section of people who would be exempt from super-exploitation in exchange for repressing the rest of the population. That's the purpose of all the discrimination shit along religious and ethnic lines. All the shelling of residential areas and so on. That's why you get parts in Eastern Ukraine splitting off like Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk. That's them saying fuck that we're not yours to sell out.

>They are never going to take back the lost land it is obvious they want to war to continue because the war itself is where the profit is.

They probably genuinely thought that the sanctions-squeeze plus the military-expenses would force Russia to yield Ukraine and eventually cause Russia to balkanize. That's why they did provoke a major escalation into the realm of big military hard-power, because they thought they were going to force another neo-liberal shock-doctrine on Russia and make bank like in the 1990s.
The war-profits they are making now is just an internal wealth transfer in the west, they're not bringing in any new wealth from the outside. They are not just harming western workers with that, they're also killing the majority of small and medium capitalists. That's not a viable system, that's the system eating it self.


>That's when the regime change program started. Bandera-fascism was basically attempting to become a comprador-elite with enforcer-goons that would divide the population into a small-ish section of people who would be exempt from super-exploitation in exchange for repressing the rest of the population. That's the purpose of all the discrimination shit along religious and ethnic lines. All the shelling of residential areas and so on. That's why you get parts in Eastern Ukraine splitting off like Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk. That's them saying fuck that we're not yours to sell out.
You're just making things up. The east broke away after the president they voted for was overthrown and replaced with a pro-NATO/pro-EU alternative in 2014.

>That's not a viable system, that's the system eating it self.

They've been doing it since WW2. Clearly the system is working for someone.


>The east broke away after the president they voted for was overthrown and replaced with a pro-NATO/pro-EU alternative in 2014.
Yes the guy that was overthrown tried to make trade agreements with Russia and others. Which meant that Ukraine was trying to play investors from all sides against each other to get a good deal, hence negating the potential for locking in an imperial monopoly. That's why he was overthrown.

>You're just making things up.

Dude we mostly agree.

>They've been doing it since WW2. Clearly the system is working for someone.

Yeah but it seems different now.

They made bad imperial bets before, but on the hole imperialism always payed off, mind you not for the working class, but for the capitalists. I don't think that's the case anymore. I think they made an imperial deficit because of the Ukraine quagmire. All the imperial stuff they did before never had a clear and direct negative impact on the domestic economy in the west, there only were minor disturbances. This time it clearly did. You can clearly see it, they activated the sanctions against Russia and with some delay as the effects work their way through the economic networks, it impacts on the western domestic economy with significant damage. I think they planned that looting Ukraine's resources would more than offset this. Some of the strategy papers i've seen even planned for a broken up Russia being forced into selling off assets for cheap. And that clearly never happened.


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nofap is controlled opposition. it conflates fapping with porn consumption, thus making it harder for horny men to quit porn.

if you're a horny man, there is nothing wrong with having a fap. it's harmless and even may have some health benefits as long as you don't do it too much. if you fap without porn it will exercise your imagination and cause you to think more about your sexual goals in life (hot women you've met).

porn is sick, brainrotting, exploitive trash that causes mental illness. it causes you to be compromised and sell your soul to porky. that includes hentai. literary porn might be OK in moderation.

noporn is the way.
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Are imageboards inherently reactionary?
Classic Caleb City lol


>waaahhhh muh ebil pedos muh ebil porn muh reactionaries
>t. reactionary defender of the feminist sexual bourgeoisie
It's obvious that there are many men who are economically proletarian who don't want feminist cancer. I bet half the people talking about how agecuckery is good are richer than the people saying it needs to be done away with. You faggots defend the social values of the capitalist bourgeoisie and go around calling other people reactionaries. I've even seen some leftists going as far as saying they would ally with capitalists to defeat age of consent reductionists or incels if these groups ever got serious traction. Modern leftists are fucking pathetic.


Imageboards are reactionary. Nothing but socially deprived failsons whom are butthurt about missing out in life.

You forget that its projection of ones inefficient maturation.
Most peoole whom morally obsess over age numbers are often victims of age segregation.
North America and its cultural colonies are poisoned by the Victorian philosophy that "youth is innocence."

The modern culture segregates young people in a purgatory.


I like CalebCitys skit videos where he satirises anime tropes.



One Year of Genocide

Continued from >>483169

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 42,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll, and excess deaths have been estimated by The Lancet to plausibly be upwards of 186,000.

Hamas political leader and negotiator Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Tehran by an Israeli bombing.

Israel sabotaged the international supply chain to put bombs in 3,000 pagers and other electronic devices in Lebanon, resulting in thousands of injuries and several deaths, in a major blow to both Hezbollah and the Lebanese civilian population.

Israel launched an ongoing series of carpet bombings of the Lebanese capital of Beirut, killing several high-ranking Hezbollah commanders. A strike dubbed "Operation New Order" which used 80 2,000 lb bombs took out several blocks of apartment buildings and killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on September 27, and also killed an IRGC commander.

In early October, Israel began launching ground invasions of south Lebanon, which are ongoing and have met resistance. Thousands have been killed, and over a million displaced.

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Israeli army demolished UNIFIL observation tower in southern Lebanon

An Israeli army bulldozer “deliberately” demolished an observation tower and perimeter fence of a UN position in Marwahin, southern Lebanon, UN peacekeeping mission UNIFIL said in a statement.

“Yet again, we note that breaching a UN position and damaging UN assets is a flagrant violation of international law and Security Council resolution 1701,” read a statement. “It also endangers the safety and security of our peacekeepers in violation of international humanitarian law.”

The incident is the latest in a series of attacks against UN bases in southern Lebanon as the Israeli army is pressuring the peacekeepers to leave their positions.

“Despite the pressure being exerted on the mission and our troop-contributing countries, peacekeepers remain in all positions. We will continue to undertake our mandated tasks to monitor and report,” UNIFIL said.

In Jabalia, Israeli forces ‘detained all men and warned women to leave’

The Israeli military siege of northern Gaza, now in its 16th day, continues with access to food, water, medicine and vital services cut off for an estimated 400,000 trapped residents.

Some of them say they have been separated from their families after Israeli soldiers stormed their shelters and detained dozens of men.
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87 people killed or missing in Beit Lahiya: Health Ministry

A total of 87 people have been killed or are missing under debris after an Israeli attack on the town in northern Gaza, according to the Palestinian enclave’s Health Ministry.

More than 40 others were injured, it added. The Israeli military said it is checking on the report.

Israeli forces have conducted a large-scale incursion in northern Gaza as they also destroy residential buildings in air and artillery attacks and carry out mass arrests, with tens of thousands of people stuck there.

Fatah says far-right Israeli government ‘fully responsible’ for Beit Lahiya ‘massacre’

Fatah has issued a statement saying it holds “the Israeli occupation government fully responsible for the bloody massacre” in northern Gaza’s Beit Lahiya, Wafa reports.

Fatah, which controls the Palestinian Authority and has partial administrative power in the occupied West Bank, called on “the world” to help “stop the systematic Israeli war of extermination” in Gaza, Wafa reported, adding it was a Zionist conspiracy to displace Palestinians from their land.

“Palestinian people are being subjected to an organised war of extermination led by the far-right government in Israel with the utmost criminality and hatred,” Fatah added.
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HAPPENING NOW: Kamala Harris Jazz Fundraiser in NYC disrupted by Artists Against Apartheid!

We are outraged at the use of the revolutionary tradition of jazz to fundraise for Kamala Harris, who has continued to fund genocide in Palestine.


>Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz says he ordered legal proceedings against French President Emmanuel Macron after France banned Israeli firms from participating in an upcoming naval trade show.
seething Zionists
small amount of surplus enjoyment

>“[These] are undemocratic steps

I somehow always expect Netanyahu to burst into flames when he says words like "democracy".


Suspected hack at Haifa’s port database

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority is reporting that port workers in the northern Israeli city of Haifa have received messages that the port’s computer systems have been hacked and that it will be subjected to a missile attack.

Port officials estimated that workers’ phones were located in an external database that was hacked a few years ago.

“We know you work at the port. It will be one of our targets” was the message that was reported to have been sent.

Haifa has been the target of several attacks by Hezbollah in recent weeks, with some rockets evading air defences.

Israeli strikes target three locations in Beirut

As we’ve reported, Israeli air strikes have targeted southern Beirut yet again.

According to reports, the strikes hit Dahiyeh in three locations: Ozai, Jinah and Haret Hreik.
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pro-NEETing and anti-work memes. Infographics are also welcome.


forgoing work in this political climate is suicide

unless you have a huge inheritance or something


Neets and anti-labor folks should become compost or be rejected from civilisation.


case in point


We should all be working much less for a lot more pay, but being a NEET implies someone else covering your cost of living. Usually parents I guess?

So what I fail to understand is why the pro-NEET people think that being NEET is a choice? And let's be clear here no one is calling homeless people NEETs, that's different. So if I decided to become a NEET, it's not like I can just do that without becoming homeless as well.


>being a NEET implies someone else covering your cost of living. Usually parents I guess?
And workers who have their surplus labor stolen by the state through taxes.


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Interesting new article from DropSite. Here are some selected sections:

Yarvin and Land’s New Right ideas have taken a central place among Trump’s intellectual support structure. Within a month of Trump’s 2017 inauguration, Politico reported that Yarvin “had opened up a line to the Trump White House, communicating with [Trump advisor] Steve Bannon and his aides through an intermediary.” (Yarvin denied reports of speaking with Steve Bannon.) Peter Thiel—described as a friend of Yarvin, who invested in Yarvin’s startup in 2013 and hosted Yarvin at an election night party in 2016—reportedly became disillusioned with the Trump White House for not taking Yarvin-like ideas far enough. “Thiel fantasized that Trump’s election would somehow force a national reckoning,” according to Barton Gellman, who published a wide-ranging interview with Thiel in 2023. “He believed somebody needed to tear things down—slash regulations, crush the administrative state—before the country could rebuild.”

VP nominee J.D. Vance, a former employee in one of Thiel’s firms, has discussed similar ideas, citing Yarvin. In a 2021 podcast appearance, Vance was prompted to give his advice for Trump in a possible second administration. Name-dropping Yarvin, Vance advised: “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, and replace them with our people.” As Gaby Del Valle at The Verge pointed out, the advice Vance offered is Yarvin’s proposal “Retire All Government Employees” (RAGE)—intended to “‘reboot’ the government under an all-powerful executive.”

We can see the osmosis of these ideas into mainstream Republican politics with “Schedule F”: an executive order that would eliminate employment protections for federal workers, and allow the Trump administration to retire all government employees and crush the administrative state. Trump signed this executive order in 2020 — and had Biden not been elected that year, it would have gone into effect.

Vance finished his statements by adding: “We are in a late republican period. If we’re going to push back against it, we’re going to have to get pretty wild, and pretty far out there, and go in directions that a lot of conservatives right now are uncomfortable with.” James Pogue at Vanity Fair notes this language also comes from Yarvin’s New Right ideology: evoking America as Rome in its “late republican period,” waiting for its Caesar to come anPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>an executive order that would eliminate employment protections for federal workers, and allow the administration to retire all government employees and crush the administrative state.
This is very strange. You can't order the state apparatus to abolish it self, they're just not going to do that.

>“Department of Government Efficiency” (DOGE)

Seriously ? like that joke-crypto-coin with the dog logo ?

> that the entire social landscape of political bribery (‘lobbying’) is exactly mapped, and the administrative, legislative, judicial, media, and academic privileges accessed by such bribes are converted into fungible shares.

>At that point, the people who hold true political power can be identified.
>The conclusion of this exercise is the mapping of a ruling entity that is the truly dominant instance of the democratic polity.
>If anyone were in position to see that “the entire social landscape of political [lobbying] is exactly mapped, and the administrative, legislative, judicial, media, and academic privileges accessed by such bribes are converted into fungible shares,” it would be person in charge
and would be called Grand Nagus or Ferenginar

Lol they copied the Ferengi from Star Trek Deep Space 9.


>Seriously ? like that joke-crypto-coin with the dog logo ?

Yes. Musk is a boomerfaggot in desperate need for validation and to look kewl


>“Retire All Government Employees” (RAGE)—intended to “‘reboot’ the government under an all-powerful executive.”
Funny way of saying get rid of all the unelected bureaucrats and return power to the people via democracy.


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discuss best korea
slava comrade kim jong un
hope he nukes ROK– the peninsula of plastic surgery, violent incels, toilet cameras, and soulless pop music

>North Korea confirmed Thursday that its recently revised constitution defines South Korea as “a hostile state” for the first time, two days after it blew up front-line road and rail links that once connected the country with the South

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>Pop music is inherently universal and is more sincere.
Corporate approved slop that peaked in the 80s.
>edgelords and delinquents whom suffer from main character syndrome.
You sound like a retarded boomer, hard to take you seriously.


>You sound like a retarded boomer, hard to take you seriously.



>Corporate approved slop that peaked in the 80s.

Nah. Of any era.




All mainstream music is shit and Americans are the worst offenders


Koreans are right behind them


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Because they are vaginocapitalists. They use their vagina to extract resources from men. Leftism is antithetical to this. The only reason women join leftist politics are if they are true tomboy leftists or are just riding some trend just to depart at their usual station later on.

Right-wingism is also repulsive to many women but some women *do* find it sexually appealing, at least in my experience.


Thats. Because rightism appeals to chivalric impressions.
Women are told to shut up and be daddy's little princesses.


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 No.2[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I see no hentai thread
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Coal on the darkweb


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 No.154243[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>IOF soldiers when they see a Hamas tunnel rigged with explosives
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book written by the most based man in this century


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more sinwar clips




damn was he actually based?


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Sinister communist thread


sinister is keyed for any newgens


for any newgens in the chat sinister means keyed just so you know


What is this O9A Nazi bullshit lmao


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Soviet power, comrade.



A biolab exploded in Conyers, Georgia the other day. According to Jordan Chariton, it's now leaving 90,000 Georgia residents sheltering in place. Chlorine gas going into the air, 32 miles from Atlanta. This is after hurricane Helene just came just came through, and damage and flooding from Helene is still terrible in the southeastern states of Tennessee and North Carolina.

Earlier this year, Atlanta's neglected water infrastructure broke, leaving a huge part of the city without water for days. A lot of commentators are contrasting the dangerous deregulation of industry and middling response to Helene with the eagerness of the Biden admin to send billions to support the genocide in Palestine and brutal war in Ukraine.
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This is fucking crazy


You have to conclude that this is a cover-up for a murder, because otherwise it causes a loop-hole for murder, based on not investigating suspicious deaths.


Based on that + >>485061, it's totally possible that the guy just straight up dropped dead from exposure to the fumes, which would also be something they'd want to cover up.


>it's totally possible that the guy just straight up dropped dead from exposure to the fumes
And an autopsy performed by somebody without links to that town or that chemical company could have answered those questions, since that hasn't happened, it's reasonable to assume the worst. If politicians in opposition to powerful interests drop dead, that is very suspicious, and it requires investigation.

>which would also be something they'd want to cover up.

Yeah but the death-fumes probably un-alived several people and lots more animals, so a cover-up seems unlikely. Also the massive billowing smoke plumes were on the news everywhere. I don't see how they sweep that under the rug.


>Yeah but the death-fumes probably un-alived several people and lots more animals, so a cover-up seems unlikely.
I mean, that's totally contradictory to what they're saying publicly, so why would it seem unlikely that they'd cover it up? They've absolutely been downplaying it at the EPA and in the media.
Like, the incident in >>485061 hasn't been mentioned at all afaik.


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petite-bourgeois who must pay their way in thanks to public debt at the proletariat's expense. Proletarians, who have high autism score, get in for mostly for free in America. College is the only hope, otherwise the proletarian must work and die at backbreaking and subsistence wage construction, Mcdonald, or walmart.

The problem is all of these petite-bourgeois failsons speculate both in regards to their ability and the value of the degree, not that it is hard to access. These failures cannot get scholarships. Even under socialism, the petite-bourgeois will be price gouged by state monopoly to make way for the proletariat.


This has been studied a great deal, people who have extra ordinary high intelligence, rarely turn up in positions of academic prestige or high posts in organizations. The people with genius level brains mostly end up in relatively mundane professions. Maybe our present societies lacs the appropriate interface for highly intelligent brains or something.

You're out of your mind if you think we'd paywall knowledge or learning in socialism. Quite the opposite we'd pay people to learn shit or get skills.

Scholarships are not an excuse to exclude the masses from knowledge or learning. It doesn't count as empowering the proletariat unless it's available to the entire proletariat.


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Most of mankind's problems are solved only after leaving the confines of schooling


>Most of mankind's problems are solved only after
the proletariat takes over the reigns ?


The real problem is that college is over-promoted as the golden ticket to the good life.

.Most people think college is gonna save them from doing elbow grease hence why college expenses are so high.


>The real problem is that college is over-promoted as the golden ticket to the good life.
This is inherently a left-wing problem. The leftist myth that all humans are born as blank slates with equal potential means there is no reason why everyone should not go to college and become brain surgeons. If they fail it must be some environmental cause like systemic-racism or not enough socialism.

>Most people think college is gonna save them from doing elbow grease hence why college expenses are so high.

College fees are high in western countries because the government guarantees the loans and the government has infinite money. Do you really think that greedy capitalist investors would give out $200,000 loans to 18 year olds to study gender theory otherwise? If you're smart you'll ask the real question which is what is the government getting from the universities in exchange for propping up their insanely high tuition fees.


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Fuck imageboards. I want text. And if you do too, then hoo boy do I have the thread for you!
This thread is for sharing textboard links. Hard mode - No Clearnet.

(Yes, I'm begging. But come on, my mouth is open and the spoon is right there…)


Same here! Text is based!


That's so 1990.






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I never liked waging but I did wage for a good 4 years of my life and invested in crypto. which went relatively well. although i should have been a multimillionaire already. I fucked up many trades. But I'm still relatively well off and have 5 bitcoins and another 1 bitcoins in shitcoin. i also sold off a bitcoin between 60/70k. I have not really worked a job the past years and idk what the fuck is going on but I'm just not motivated anymore. for anything. especially not a job. I actually have a super wagie wojack factory job interview today but I think I am not going to go. the NPC interview is going to go full retard. Any job really. the entire B.S Human resources… the… slavery. the people talking to you like you are some retard ( I have a degree but do do low jobs now cause i gave up my IT carreer many years ago when my folio was big). I'm stuck bro's. my CV/RESUME is completely fucked with a 3 year gap and a 1 year gap. I could explain the one year gap saying I'm traevlling … but now i also have a 3 year gap (I was just enjoying my life and travelling). so when the HR Roasters see that they probably never want to hire me cause I am not a good wage slaves.

I also lived outside of the country for more than a year with my new foreign gf. but even that doesn't really scratch my itch right now. it feels over. is it normal that it feels over at 33?


>I never liked waging
You and everybody else.
>I'm just not motivated anymore.
Might not be you, neo-liberalism seems to have brought on a general feeling of malaise.

>I'm stuck bro's. my CV/RESUME

Playing the paper-stack lottery probably isn't your best bet, corporate bureaucracies run on nepotism and connections. You have to do "people-networking"

Maybe find a worker-coop or people to start one with, or look for a gig in an NGO that lobbies for peace. You know these places usually aren't filled with as much dread. If you know IT maybe join an org that lobbies for digital liberties.


Just lie about the gap, say you ran your own stuff


Methinks you're lazy and disillusioned with the idea that get rich quick is not eternal.


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 No.481775[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Who are you voting for, anon?

So far, the top candidates are:
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Independent)
Claudia De la Cruz (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
Joseph Kishore (Socialist Equality Party)
and now "Based Chase" Oliver (Libertarian)

and then there are some unserious candidates nobody likes.
107 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Stein is actually the least liked candidate according to polling (ignoring the Libertarians, who somehow score worse).

If there was instant runoff or whatever Stein would not benefit from it. Most people don't like her. Could be because most never saw her in a debate scenario (and she is good at debating) and most Americans are dumb as a box of rocks about political policy


I'm voting Jill for the 3rd time. :)


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Reminder that "the average American appear to have
only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant
impact upon public policy"


Reminder that this study's data was from 1981 to 2002. This was well before the McCutcheon v FEC and Citizens United v FEC cases that blew open the floodgates for dark money in elections.

Reminder that for two thousand years after the death of Aristotle the word "democracy" was defined in opposition to elections, and that it was figures from the American and French revolutions that redefined the word to describe one of the historic rivals to democracies.


I love this lady's voice. It's like if Dakooters was a political wonk.


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>stephen hawking is on the epstein list
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epstein was paying hawking to develop top secret military technology for him/israel.

I wish i was kidding but I suspect it really was something along those lines.


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kubrick knew


More females rotting in sweatshops but you're right about jails/warzones.


It depends on the kind of sweatshops tbh. If it's clothes and shoes, it's more females. But machinery, it's more males.


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Just remember your taxes are paying his salary.


This is an outlier case.


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Gaddafi - Green Book and Mao - Red book (Turkish edition)


Which of these actually deals with socialism?






Gaddafi was a racist islamist and Mao was an anti working class counterrevolutionary.


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Because freedom matters.

If your computer still is running a proprietary prison.
And every time it fails you, your frustration grows.
When the system's not free, you will always be hosed.
Put a GNU system on and reboot it
Put it in your horn and toot it!
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>Whats really fucked up is that people ationalise it.
>"Thats the price you gotta pay for greatness."
To some extend it's true tho, the time and effort expended on learning how to act "normal" isn't available for obsessing about philosophy, science and technology.

There are other factors.

Science for example has always been opposed by something like religion applying the label of bad person to anybody who believed things that contradict holy doctrine. Theocracy has been defeated, and scientific discovery doesn't lead to people being burned to death or drowned for sorcery. But there still are powerful forces leaning against scientific discovery. Not giving a shit what others think is very helpful in overcoming that, but it also comes with the downside that you're more likely to act like an asshole.

Stallman was able to endure all the abuse he was subjected to because he cared about being correct a lot more than how others viewed him. The flip-side of that is he also would go on stage and do things like remove his socks to clip his toenails while he waited for his turn to give a speech, because he couldn't give a shit.

FOSS is still being attacked by the monopoly-mafia that wants to suffocate all technological innovation with patents and so called copy"rights". FOSS is necessary to maintain a technology stack that is open and accessible in order to prevent total technological stagnation. Otherwise you get the situation where you can't build a machine without having to wait for a 1000 IP-lawyers to bless your design. In that situation you can't build new stuff because by the time you have overcome all the IP-obstacles, it's obsolete tech that was rendered too expensive by IP-overhead costs, to be worthwhile anymore.

Unless we have political progress that liberates people from the reign of terror that is copy"right", patents and so on, we're going to need callous assholes that can build a FOSS technology stack while not giving a shit about all the crap that gets hurled at them.

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Drew is a scheming bastard that wants Stallman and most of the FSF gone so him and his friends can install themselves. You don't want people like Drew leading FSF because these scheming ambitious types don't give a shit about ideals or principles and will 100% sell out.

Drew already has a bad track record. He used to be a huge fascist then suddenly flipped to being a progressive trans ally. Not a trustworthy man.

Also he's a huge hypocrite accusing Stallman of being a pedophile while being an avid browser of /u/ and /c/.


I wonder if this is one of those cases where an accusation is a confession. The most self-righteous always seem to have skeletons in their closet.


I do not care about attention seekers with nothing interesting to say.

I do not care about hating on them. I do not care about their opinions.


>he bookmarked /c/
>1 of the 200 threads on /c/ is a loli thread
This is just as retarded and dishonest as the attacks on RMS you're complaining about.


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Post lyrics you like or find memorable or funny.


I was born without a soul inside
So I'm gonna tear out your heart
And try it on for size
You gotta have a soul to get to go to hell
That's where I wanna go to ring the demon bell




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dance music thread




Demagoguery of the Obscurants by Xenomorph is all bangers all the way through.







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>No animal crossing thread for 10 pages
Absolutely disgusting you uncultured plebs.
Post friend codes and Island codes, or just screenshots in general.
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Wow thank you. I really didn't expect a positive reply.


animal crossing won’t help you have sex. you might as well play a real video game, creeps.


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Is Tom Nook a real uygha for letting you pay off your debt or is he still a jerk?


bump for answers on the Tom Nook question


Haven't played that game and don't know the Nook character, so i'm just saying something about debt.
From a materialist perspective debt is not a reasonable idea. It's a negative quantity and that makes no sense. You can't have less than zero of something.

Many people are being tricked to accept the concept of debt because they are being deceived by ideology that conflates the organic social relation-ship of owing somebody a favor with debt.

The system however is not operating like a human and it does treat debt like a negative quantity, which contradicts the very fabric of reality. This contradiction is cumulative and eventually it leads to a crisis, where the system either chooses a debt-jubilee. Or it goes to war to expand the system in order to find new means to paper over this contradiction. That is what the Roman empire did. But eventually it couldn't expand anymore, after that debt became one of the factors that lead to the collapse of the Roman empire.

One of the reasons why many Marxists want to create an economic system with labor-time and resource accounting instead of money is because that won't let you do negative quantities and then this problem never arises.

In theory you could do capitalism without debt too. You just have to gift people money to enable the creation of new capitalist companies. I guess you'd create multiple organizations that can gift money for this purpose and then you periodically cull the worst performing one that doesn't fund enough companies that become viable according to capitalist criteria (capital accumulation). Once you culled one, a new org gets chosen at random. I imagine you would not lack for applicants that want to have a go at shaking the magic money tree.

If you think this is retarded, keep in mind the limited goals of this thought experiment. Now lets look at the pitfalls. There would be fewer reasons for banks to lend money and big capital investors would be less attractive than free money from the magic money tree. Banks will be opposed to that because having a lot of debtors on a leash is a form of power, and big capital will be opposed because they want to be able to buy into new companies when they are still small. So making this politically viable in a bourgeois political system would be tricky.


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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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Australia's birth rate hits rock bottom with severe consequences for economic future




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 No.604[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Whatcha' eatin'
Whatcha' watchin'
Whatcha' playin'
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(Posting here because Ogre banned me)
So you refrain from using alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs? What's it like?


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>>7651 (Me) (Myself)
>0 replies on Net
>9 replies on Ogre in the FIRST TWO HOURS


Im suffering


What's going on?


>Whatcha' eatin'
>Whatcha' watchin'
Geopolitical Economy Report YouTube video on neoliberalism
>Whatcha' playin'


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 No.149523[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We have lots of newfriends and oldfags who want to discuss topics revolving around .org which is all fine and good there's no issue with that, but, one of the major issues is that posts are begging to flood the overboard and catalogue in general, thus, we have decided to create a general thread for .org discussion. This is not, necessarily, a hard rule that must be followed, but, we do implore you all to attempt to keep discussion about .org in this thread and we will prune what we feel is necessary.

We also have merged some related threads into the general, fyi.


Thread related to split itself for those curious:

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Reading this entire thread made me laugh like a motherfucker, retarded ass cyberfeud metadrama, love it


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i cant even Ogre-post in peace cause i will get gangstalked by mods


Same here


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Why are millennials and especially zoomers so obsessed with gender?
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because the cia is gay


Yep it explains why they decry anime porn and age gap relationships as "pedophilia".

It also explains why they want people to settle down after 25.


>Why are millennials and especially zoomers so obsessed with gender?
Because the media they consume is obsessed with gender. The real question is why do the billionaires who own the mainstream media want millennials and zoomers to sterilize themselves with surgeries and cross-sex hormones.


The amount of young people whom transition are a minority.

The whole trans thing is hype made to incentivise adults to further disenfranchise the youth

Meanwhile, bullying and depression are dismissed or blamed on social media.


who knows who cares


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Welcome to the work day general.

Tell us about your day anon. Did you have a good day at work? Its OK we know work is horrible.

I work graves at a factory. If you have it shitty at work I can relate.

Tell us about your day under the crushing weight of the profit motive.
22 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Curious, what do you think your class is?


clerk like from Gogol stories. not really a prole, moreso a pleb. am a class traitor though– i deeply loathe plebs and can't stand the people at my job. would support a revolution even if it led to a liquidation of my "class," would rather be executed by the proletarian revolution than continue living in this shitscape.


You don't think plebs have revolutionary potential?


not really no. they are mostly fascists. also burger plebs especially have been poisoned and traumatized from birth so they suffer from all sorts of mental and physical ailments (obesity, anorexia, autism, adhd, anxiety, etc) that make many of them incapable of fighting even if they wanted to.


jiggling my mouse and shitposting with the above anon tbh. still one of the few hold outs at my company that refuses to come back into the office. eat shit, i'm riding this gravy train until they fire me.

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