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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.476326[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]>>476337>>476357>>477319

The nuclear threat is back. But we don't see any nuclear panic like in the 1980s. Why is that? Why does nobody care?

I am not some prepper retard but even I am getting nervous.

Just look at this shit
A time of unprecedented danger: It is 90 seconds to midnight
>This year, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward, largely (though not exclusively) because of the mounting dangers of the war in Ukraine. The Clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight—the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been.
>As UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned in August, the world has entered “a time of nuclear danger not seen since the height of the Cold War.”

and also this
US Nuclear Test Raises Concerns of New Arms Race With Russia


>The US conducted a high-explosive experiment at a nuclear test site in Nevada just hours after Russia revoked a ban on atomic-weapons testing, prompting concerns of a new arms race between the world’s top nuclear powers.

So, are you going to PROTECT AND SURVIVE, anon? Or are you just going to give up everything and die?


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>Russia revoked a ban on atomic-weapons testing
Typical anti-Russia propaganda. For two decades now the US has done everything it could to destroy and sabotage existing arms control treaties. The ball is squarely in the court of the bloodthirsty, psychotic neocons running Washington right now who are so fanatically devoted to the project of global domination that they'll push their brand of anti-diplomacy all the way to the brink of nuclear armageddon. If the world is to be saved we need to get Americans out in the streets to make these fuckers afraid of the populace again. Scott Ritter was trying to inspire something like this earlier this year. How can we motivate Americans to fight for the future of civilization?


I don't have any respect for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists these days. At some point it was taken over by think-tank saber rattlers and they've been peddling Russophobic and Sinophobic bullshit since at least 2016 that directly contradicts their mission of stopping nuclear exchanges.


And seriously what the fuck does bullshit like this have to do with nuclear weapons?


Oy vey mate. Do you have a license or certification? Otherwise, you are spreading false and misleading science denialism


<Russia revoked a ban on atomic-weapons testing
>Typical anti-Russia propaganda.

but they did do that. it's just a statement of a fact

The Duma withdrew ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
>State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin said that the bill was signed by 438 deputies. He noted that such a large consolidation does not happen often, and said that such a unanimous vote is a response to US and its attitude towards its responsibilities to maintain global security.


>lying by omission is actually just le "statement of fact" bro xDDDD
liberal retard


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>>476326 (OP)
>The nuclear threat is back.
It never went away, the nukes always sat their in the silos, submarines and so on, ready to end the world.

>But we don't see any nuclear panic like in the 1980s.

This is almost like you are complaining about there not being enough politics of fear. It's pointless to cower under a table, it's a weapon that rips apart atoms.
>I am not some prepper retard but even I am getting nervous.
>So, are you going to PROTECT AND SURVIVE, anon? Or are you just going to give up everything and die?
More fear signals, fuck off with that.
We want to see righteous anger at reckless leaders, not fear.
The nuclear threat will go away, when people in power are terrified of the people's wrath.

>Why is that? Why does nobody care?

I wouldn't say nobody cares, but some people do not believe the physical world is real anymore, so that might have something to do with it.

>Russians axed a nuclear arm controle treaty.

The US was the one that started dismantling detente era de-denuclearization treaties, the Russians responded with tit for tat game-theory logic. I think detente unofficially ended in 2007 when the US broke parts of the ABM treaties, and it officially ended in 2018 when the US pulled out of the INF treaties.

>it's just a statement of a fact
Facts don't exist in a vacuum, you are lying by omitting context. The US was the one that started this.


Anyway if you want to understand where this is heading read the military doctrinal stuff. They've been complaining that high yield nukes are "not usable enough". They want to use small yield nukes. I guess the train is heading towards one of those going off, murdering a huge amount of people. Then everybody takes note and we can ban nuclear weapons as well as high yield chemical bombs.

At the moment Russia and China have the superior nuke delivery systems, that reduces US belligerency quite a lot. Russia and China sort off have no-first-strike policies. So the US, China and Russia are not very likely to use nukes.

India-Pakistan tensions and of course unhinged Zionists at the helm of Israel are the source of nuclear concern.


>>476326 (OP)
>But we don't see any nuclear panic like in the 1980s
because americans werent dead inside at that point and actually spirited and nothing like the sheeple of today
>So, are you going to PROTECT AND SURVIVE, anon? Or are you just going to give up everything and die?
going to try to romeo some senators daughter or whatever, they always have daddy issues and theyre out there, thank allah
fuck off faggot there is always something cooking


Lurk moar, newfag


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sorry son been lurking in your moms puss puss


>muh lying by omission
Did I say Russia is guilty in any of this? No.

I've literally just posted a headline of a BoomerBerg article saying that US did a nuclear test right after Russia revoked their sign of The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

Without ANY comment. Just to show how we are getting 60 years back.

US testing nukes simply because Russia revoked some sign actually makes them look bad. This is literally a provocation. And that's how I understood that. I didn't know I have to explain something so obvious.

But apparently to easily butthurt russiaboos on this site, one has to set up historical context all the way back to Democritus or they get a heart attack


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>The nuclear threat is back.

No it's not, and I unironically wish that it was. Being in the immediate vicinity of a nuclear blast would be a better way to go than how I'll probably die.

The thing about fears of nuclear armageddon is that our leaders are pussies. Every fucking one of them, including Vladimir "fuck it let's be legends" Putin. They value their lives, they value the material gain which comes with their positions, they love all the control they have over stuff… and they know that if they launched a single nuke, that would be over. In fact, if the US sent Ukraine a single nuclear warhead rather than cluster bombs, there would be peace in Ukraine over night - I know that's not what some folks want to hear, but it would save thousands of lives. The distribution of all the former USSR's stockpile to the Russian Federation was predicated on the idea that Russia would behave more responsibly than its little despotic offshoots, a presumption which has been consistently challenged without any nuclear strikes occurring. The US wouldn't even risk the global social repercussions of doing such a thing, let alone the very slim chance that it would result in some sort of military attack on the American leadership. While I don't trust MAD entirely, it's true that there would be a lot less war if all of these countries had nukes - instead, we see countries with nukes constantly invading countries without nukes.

That said, even with total nuclear proliferation, I think we might eventually see a situation where countries just agree to not use their stockpiles and just have wars anyway. Even so, there would be a period of reduced war and forced diplomacy before things heated up again. NK was right to get nukes; Iran should get nukes, and Palestine having nukes would be a miracle of sorts. As a person who cannot possibly justify a fear of death (my life is shit and I want to die), I can see how much benefit a real threat of nuclear destruction would have, and I can just as well see that it is a pipedream which we will never achieve.


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I can see your point that nuclear proliferation would also proliferate deterrence, and perhaps clamp down some military conflict.

But you are being reckless. Giving the Ukro-regime nukes, is madness. The unhinged fascist elements already tried to cause a nuclear disaster by shelling the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station. If you give these people nukes, they'll use them. The other problem is that the Russians can detect nuclear war-heads based on their radioactive signature. They will be able to interdict your attempt of delivering a nuke to Ukraine. Your nuke delivery would get destructively disassembled spewing it's toxic innards all over the place.

If you want to balance out Isreal's nukes (they call "samson option") you probably should allow Iran to develop nukes. Stationing nukes in Palestinian territory does nothing for deterrence, it's too close either side can't nuke the other without also nuking it-self. Also Palestine currently does not have the technical base to maintain a nuclear arsenal.

The nuclear threat posture of Russia is less aggressive than that of the US, and i somehow doubt that nuclear deterrence really wears off. There are no indications of a dark-Kautsky type ultra-imperialism where capitalist ruling classes all work together to organize war-choreographies to kill off parts of their populations. The Neocons in Washington see Russia as a rival they want knocked off the Bord, they don't want coexistence with Moscow and work together with Putin, they want to rule the world by them self.

We do have to dismantle nuclear weapons for statistical reasons. If we keep these systems around for long enough eventually a malfunction will set off a nuclear war.


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Shut up and read this book already. It's been simple dumb luck that humanity even made it to the 21st century. The threat of nuclear catastrophe doesn't come simply from some lunatic dictator finally pressing the big red button. It comes from massive hierarchical, semi-autonomous structures involved in the deployment of nuclear weapons where individuals across the chain of command have the ability to accidentally or intentionally trigger a largely automated nuclear exchange. In fact in order for the supposed stabilizing effect of adversaries arming with nukes to be realized, these automated structures have to exist for the threat of mutual annihilation to be credible.


If Russia would just intercept any nuclear weapons, then you've got nothing to worry about from evil UKROPs. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Gimme more information about it. I usually only read books in… literal book form, away from the screen, and I'm broke now so that's probably not gonna happen.


The nuclear threat was never real. They only get launched as a last resort if the masses call the bluff and decide they're ready to go out, because continuing to live under this is worse than anything else. Go back to Public Opinion (1922) and every ruling idea is premised on the idea that the people can be cowed into submission by unlimited fear. Every use of nuclear weapons and every threat made is directed towards the people, rather than a rival state. They are the last resort of a state facing total collapse, and the narrative always calls for stoking as much fear as possible, even if the state actor holding nukes doesn't actually threaten the target population. Israel uses its nukes as a tool not to threaten the Arabs, but to threaten American allies with a general nuclear war if they don't suck Zionist cock. The Arabs have already made it clear they will take the Samson option, because they're likely to survive. They're so confident that they don't even need nukes of their own, nor would they use them as terror weapons since that is not part of their agenda.

So far as nukes have a use, they are a tactical weapon to use against massed formations. One nuke against a staged army = dead army unless it is dispersed wide enough, which limits how much force it can project at a locale. As a terror weapon, the main use of nukes is to cow the normally passive public into submission, so they accept having their lives taken from them piece by piece. It's part of the apparatus which holds a knife at the throat of every subject from cradle to grave, telling them that this is the only possible world. Basically, the threat of nuclear war is not a real threat that would be issued by one state to another. It is only a threat of the empire to the people, and while we should believe that the empire is willing to act on that threat like any other threat it issues, we shouldn't play by their expectations. Most people don't, and a lot of people have their "get the fuck out of the blast zone" plans. The "prepper" fucktardation is programming to get the people to act like headless chickens when war comes about, ratcheting up the paranoia to herd them to believe anything.

If you are going to face the ruling elites' final option with nukes, I think you can see that knowing who you can trust is most important. The rulers will sit in bunkers and secure locations, along with those they plan to keep. At its heart, nuclear war is a threat of eugenicists, because it establishes a clear hierarchy of who is worth keeping - the precursor to lifeboat ethics and Survivor shitfests. Nuclear war against states with deep tunnel networks is surprisingly ineffective. There are stories that nukes were used in Iraq in 2003, and I don't know what to make of them, but Iraq is still here. They were fucked with or without nukes. A state using nuke war in a limited theater - let's say Israel uses the Samson Option - is unlikely to lead to further nukes. Any delivery system Israel uses against a neutral with missile interception capabilities is likely shot down, and the only gain of the Zionists would be pure spite. China, Russia, Europe, would all survive a "random" nuke from Shitrael, and that would probably be enough to call for Anuddah Shoah right then and there for putting the world through that. It's one reason Shitrael won't actually do it. What is the point of nuking Arab or Iranian cities, except to kill people for the lulz? They're going to keep coming for you, and the outcome of a limited such war will be that no one will ever allow a Zionist anywhere near power again. It would be a gigantic display of impotence. I doubt Israel will use its nukes unless doomsday was prepared. A nuclear attack against Iran is something they would have prepared for, and they showed an ability to summon human wave attacks. Nothing would light a fire under their ass like fighting the Great Satan doing such a, well, Satanic and stupid thing.

So unless they're ready to do the full democide now, I'm not expecting a nuke "war" now - and when it happens, it will be used to democide population centers, and would be preceded by making sure eugenics is secured and the residuum are "bunched" and can't escape. Part of why they're so big on "15 minute cities" and Agenda 2020/2030 shit to force plebs into cities as prisons. Too many people would not comply with that without preliminary efforts to force people off their land, and the US would face extreme difficulty turning the entire hinterland into Gaza, even with all of the arms it has stockpiled to do exactly that.


I don't see them doing full democide, because their present depopulation measures are already working very well for targeting the selected enemies and securing those they want to keep (fellow Satanics). They'd only fire the nukes if there was no other way to contain the rage of the people over what was done to them, and there was a sustained offensive against eugenics and open executions of those who did this to us. Such a rebellion is nowhere near forming - the most "revolutionary" faction are the Nazis who intend to advance depopulation once their place on the lifeboat is secured. What's really happening is a plan war between two eugenist factions, who will immediately turn to liquidate the residuum and "neutrals" who are claimed to be the real base of the enemy. The Right and the "Left" already have their assigned targets for liquidation, who they will be sent against in a general global civil war like the one they appear to be making. They will studiously avoid each other or any worthwhile center of power. It's the only way they can accelerate depopulation past what they have done, but there is potential for the world to refuse to play along with this.

There is no possibility of a peaceful end to eugenics. Not after this. The aim of the eugenists will be to use terror weapons to cow the civilized peoples to submit to the agenda, and the threat of stoking an unlimited global civil war to get their way. Anyone who wanted to work against this has been sidelined or made irrelevant, or is of the depoliticized classes and has no agency in this matter.


The only peaceful end to eugenics is that it is either utterly victorious and becomes Absolute (all life dies screaming forever), or those behind the throne who really call the shots get everything they want and start the next thing, throwing away the eugenists in favor of the scientific despotism they've really wanted as the result of all of this.


>If Russia would just intercept any nuclear weapons, then you've got nothing to worry about from evil UKROPs
Are you daft ?
If a nuclear-bomb transport gets blown up, that would cause radioactive fallout. Such a happening would also cause lots of escalation on a political level and inevitably more attempts at nuclear weapons proliferation.

If the US tried to give nukes to Ukraine, the Russians would try to give nukes to countries that are hostile to the US. The US would also try to blow up those nuke-transports. The overall result of this struggle would have a similar effect than blowing up lots of dirty bombs. And cause the most retarded time line.


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You're s Satanic faggot.


<The US is building a new nuclear gravity bomb - with 24-times more power

>The US plans on building a new nuclear bomb 24 times more powerful than one dropped on Japan during World War II.

>The Department of Defense will seek congressional approval and funding to pursue the latest version of the B61-13 nuclear gravity bomb.

>The weapon has a maximum yield of 360 kilotons, compared to the 15-kiloton bomb dropped on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945, which killed an estimated 140,000 people.


>with 24-times more power
<measured in kilotons not megatons
Yeah the title is a bit sensationalist, this is not a super-powerful bomb.

The most powerful nuclear device ever tested was the Tsar Bomba, it's yield was a little over 50 megatons (but can be configured to be over 100 megatons), which was estimated to be about 3800 times the strength of the US bomb dropped on Hiroshima during WW2.

Check this out, to put this into perspective relative to other nuclear devices

So the US is building a new medium yield nuclear weapon. This could just be a replacement for older tech that is being phased out. Political motivations are also possible. The US kinda has been eroding the nuclear-weapons-control scheme from the detente era, and the intention is a new nuclear arms race. But in this case i would still consider the tech-upgrade explanation more likely still.

Overall you're not wrong. Nuclear weapons were on a declining trend during the detente era, and now their on the rise again. And this is worrying.

The big nuclear powers like the US and Russia are however are of lesser concern. At present the most dangerous potential for nuclear weapons use is Israel dropping a nuke on Iran. It's also very likely that with Iran feeling threatened they would seek to create it's own nuclear deterrence capacity, and given the current state of geo-political tensions they will be able to get it. Increasing nuclear proliferation.


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Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should go to Ireland or deserts


<A minister from the extremist Otzma Yehudit party says one of Israel’s options in the war in Gaza is to drop a nuclear bomb on the Strip.

Woop there it is.


Wasn't Israel relying on the ambiguity of do-they-or-don't-they-have-nukes for a long time? When did that change?


>Wasn't Israel relying on the ambiguity
There never was any ambiguity, the fact that Israel didn't admit to having nukes is probably not that relevant strategically, outside of preventing Israeli politicians from doing what this moronic nuclear Zionazi just did. You can't really hide nukes they have a detectable signature, And pretty much every power has been able to detect those since the 80s, unless they are underground or in submersed submarines. Producing nukes is a huge undertaking, that can't be kept secret either, because regular spies could figure this out also.

At the present technology level of commercial available tech-commodities. Technically inclined and physics literate people might be able to diy a detector, i have seen some hobbyists that build vapor chambers that are sensitive enough to detect a single high energy particle, which is much harder.

What also has to be said, this guy just got suspended, he didn't get sacked. Keep in mind that nuking GAZA = nuking Israel. Gaza is too close, even a small low yield nuke would have massive blowback effects on Israel. With tens of thousands dead and hundreds of thousand wounded Israelis. This isn't just genocidal evil, it's also intense stupidity, of destroying Israel to own the Palestinians.

If we had a sane international environment, you'd see a ground swell of demands calling for a nuclear arms control regime being imposed on Israel. All your official government people have to toe the line on nuclear doctrine, if you can't insure that, nobody can trust you with nukes. Netanyahu didn't immediately fire this moron because of internal political reasons, but internationally that projects the image of a unhinged madman. This incident probably has granted Iran sufficient political cover to builds it own nukes, because they can point that the crazy neighbor.


It's always the irish


>Are you daft ?
>If a nuclear-bomb transport gets blown up, that would cause radioactive fallout.

Then blowing it up seems like a bad idea.

>Such a happening would also cause lots of escalation on a political level and inevitably more attempts at nuclear weapons proliferation.

Everyone should have nukes!

>If the US tried to give nukes to Ukraine, the Russians would try to give nukes to countries that are hostile to the US.


>The US would also try to blow up those nuke-transports. The overall result of this struggle would have a similar effect than blowing up lots of dirty bombs. And cause the most retarded time line.

This is provided that every nuclear transport operation is successfully detected and eliminated… I'm kinda skeptical that it would go down that way.


>Then blowing it up seems like a bad idea.
Yeah but to the Russians letting the US have a critical nuclear advantage is an impossible idea, the likelyhood that they would interdict a nuclear transport is 100%.

>Everyone should have nukes!

Maybe from a political perspective of leveling the playing field, but that is not the only consideration. Nukes can be set off by system failure, human error or human malice. More nukes and more players that have them means the probabilities stack against species survival.

<give nukes to countries that are hostile to the US.

You're not looking at the practical problems, many countries lack the technical expertise to maintain nukes, and there are worries about dangerous shit getting sold on the blackmarket.

>This is provided that every nuclear transport operation is successfully detected and eliminated… I'm kinda skeptical that it would go down that way.

I'm pretty sure that avoiding detection is not possible. Unless you build secret tunnels connected to secret under-water submarine ports, this is a theoretical James Bond tier scheme that probably doesn't work in the real world. It might be possible to use supersonic bombers to transport nukes and avoid interdiction by outrunning it, at least in some geographic locations. But that still doesn't solve the problem, that once you have delivered the nuke, it will be on the ground where it'll be a target until it's mounted to a delivery system that creates deterrence.


Amid Israeli genocide in Gaza, Washington threatens Iran with nuclear war

>After millions worldwide protested against Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza this weekend, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Baghdad Sunday. In the Iraqi capital, he denounced pro-Iranian militias that have been active in Iraq since Washington illegally invaded the country, toppled its government and occupied it from 2003 to 2011.

>Blinken accused these militias of firing on US military bases in Iraq and Syria after the Gaza war began. He said, “(T)o anyone who might seek to take advantage of the conflict in Gaza to threaten our personnel here or anywhere else in the region: Don’t do it. … (T)he threats coming from the militia that are aligned with Iran are totally unacceptable, and we will take every necessary step to protect our people. We’re not looking for conflict with Iran—we’ve made that very clear—but we’ll do what’s necessary to protect our personnel…”

>US threats to Iran emerged clearly this week, with the unusual public announcement of the sending of a US nuclear missile submarine to the Central Command, which oversees the Middle East. Such a ship can carry either 154 nuclear-tipped Tomahawk cruise missiles or 20 nuclear ballistic missiles. This gives it a total destructive power of either 23 or 28 million tons of TNT—about 1,900 or 2,300 times the power of the atom bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.

The fucking Threads movie also starts with a conflict in Iran, lol. So, uhh, idk, get yourselves some popcorn???


The Russians are probably still mad because their Sub in Sevastapol got shot up. If a regional war breaks out they might knock out the missile boat and let Iran take the credit.

The US probably let the sub surface to show muscle and intimate IRAN, but that might have been enough to reduce statistical uncertainty to enable the Russians to track it, at least for a while.


Nuclear War 'Doomsday' Clock Has Changed, Russian Physicist Says

>Moscow-trained physicist Pavel Podvig, who in 1995 headed the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces Research Project, wrote Thursday for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists that the symbolic clock that measures cataclysmic fears and cautions of worldwide demise should be dialed down to reflect the strong global response to Russian rhetoric.

>"From the very first day of the war, Russia made no secret of counting on its nuclear weapons to ensure that nobody would come to Ukraine's rescue," Podvig wrote. "Western countries have offered massive help to Ukraine anyway, making the prospect of a direct confrontation with Russia more real than it has been for decades. The Clock had to reflect this development."

>But he now suggests, over 20 months into the Russia-Ukraine conflict, that the clock should again be moved back. He cites the strong response in opposition, not only by national bureaucrats but also by the general public.

>"To ensure that nuclear weapons are never used again, world leaders and the public should first recognize the role of the consolidated, universal opposition to nuclear threats, acknowledge this opposition, and make sure it endures," he said.

>"The Doomsday Clock is well positioned to do so. By moving its hands backward the next time it is set, even if a little, this message can be sent clearly and forcefully."


Doesn't seem to make a lot of sense given that the Middle East is hanging on the precipice of WW3. But then the Bulletin has been invaded by Russophobes and Sinophobes since Trump.


Russia says it test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile from a new nuclear submarine

>MOSCOW (AP) — The Russian military on Sunday reported a successful test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile designed to carry nuclear warheads from a new nuclear submarine.

>The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement that the Emperor Alexander III strategic missile cruiser fired the Bulava missile from an underwater position in Russia’s northern White Sea, and hit a target in the far-eastern region of Kamchatka. It wasn’t immediately clear from the statement when the test launch occurred.

>The Emperor Alexander III is one of the new Borei-class nuclear submarines that carry 16 Bulava missiles each and are intended to serve as the core naval component of the nation’s nuclear forces in the coming decades. According to the Defense Ministry, launching a ballistic missile is the final test for the vessel, after which a decision should be made on its induction into the fleet.

>The Russian navy currently has three Borei-class submarines in service, one more is finishing tests and three others are under construction, the Defense Ministry said.


>Doesn't seem to make a lot of sense given that the Middle East is hanging on the precipice of WW3.
That is correct.
>But then the Bulletin has been invaded by Russophobes and Sinophobes
They might just be playing politics and not mean it, but on the other hand you could be right about that.

Anyway the imperial logic is that peace, is the result of all countries submitting to imperial rule, and any country that resists imperial rule is the cause of the chaos and conflict. But in reality imperial rule tends to create peace for the imperial center and perpetual conflict all around it.

Real peace only comes about when international politics meet at eye level, that's what happened in the detente era.

One consideration that ought not be ignored is that the middle east crisis is over-extending the US Empire, which is lowering the potential for a SINO-US war. The US empire attempted a "pivot to Asia" (of it's imperial focus) then the Ukraine war interrupted that. 2 years later they once again try to extricate them selves from Ukraine to "pivot to Asia" and then the Middle east crisis happened. All those "interruptions" are basically consequence of unresolved contradictions of the imperial system bubbling back up.


oh, hey, look, the nukes are in the news again

Scientific American: The U.S.’s Plans to Modernize Nuclear Weapons Are Dangerous and Unnecessary

>The U.S. is planning to modernize its unwanted, unneeded and unsafe nuclear triad of land-, sea- and air-based weapons. Perfectly poised to refight the cold war, these overhauled bombs will waste $1.5 trillion and threaten life on Earth for the century to come.

>At the center of the government's proposal is a $100-billion bid to fill 450 nuclear silos in five inland states with hundreds of new nuclear missiles set to launch on hair triggers. Built before submarine-launched missiles became large, accurate and untraceable, these relics are now justified as a “nuclear sponge” to absorb a Russian attack on the U.S. Why plant a $100-billion nuclear “kick me” sign on the country's breadbasket?


I thought land based nuke silos were being phased out. They might not even work as a "nuke sponge" anymore, because The Russians and others have "kinetic mass impact warheads" that can destroy a nuclear silo just by slamming something heavy into it at great speed. That's a cheaper option because there are no nukes in the impactors, just something heavy, presumably a lump of metal or something. A costly nuke silo for a cheap kinetic impactor, seems like a bad trade.


burgers will do anything to not have to invest in healthcare or education


>anything to not have to invest in healthcare
The US is a militarized society, maybe you have to cater to that. You could try to do public health care, by making it a military program. And call it something like Maintaining combat readiness.

And instead of giving people medical treatments to cure ailments, you call it keeping bodies ready for a fight. Instead of doing medical tests, you do battle capacity evaluations

You really have to commit to the bit and create very detailed lore, and rename every medical terminology to sound like military sledgehammer talk. Train doctors and nurses to sound like a rude training drillmaster. When you set up facilities those have to look like a military base-camp with lots of camouflage fabric. Don't forget to invent new titles that sound very militaristic.

You have to invent a political bit as well. Tell people they aren't getting health care, instead they are performing some form of duty. You accuse everybody who opposes your program to be a traitor and so on.

Technically this would not be a lie, because healthier people actually make better soldiers too.


good I hope they drop those atoms on jerusalem, mecca, vatican, and salt lake city.


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What do you think /leftypol/, what would make the world invade America? Is this guy right?


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>What do you think
A lot of what he says is correct.
Zionism-land looks like they are uniting the entire middle east against them with their unwillingness to compromise even a little on their insane barbarism, and that will probably wreck them.

Tho nothing is going to happen in Switzerland, idk what he's alluding to, its damn near impossible to invade that country, because they have garrisoned mountain ranges, and they have been hardening that shit for over a century. A big part of the population in that country is well armed and most importantly also well trained. Ground invasions obviously would not survive passing through narrow mountain roads when pop-up bunkers get the high ground. But also aircraft trying to fly over these mountains would have difficulty surviving the hidden AA systems. I think you need satellite based ion-canons to crack these defenses, because that's the only weapon that could reliably attack inside the brief windows of effective engagement.

About the US getting invaded, landing an invasion force on American beaches is impossible. But the US is somewhat vulnerable to missile strikes. So it's rather likely that if the US attacks other countries that those will begin attacking US military logistics chains all the way back to US soil. At the moment this ability is not widespread. But sophisticated missile tech is proliferating: Iran recently has managed to make supersonic cruise missiles for example.

If the US tried to supply a Taiwan proxy war in a similar way as the Ukraine proxy war was conducted, you can expect the Chinese to begin whacking US military production and logistic facilities with their global-reach hyper-sonic missiles. The US ruling class also has segregated itself into gated communities, which would make it tempting for the Chinese to target those parts of the US ruling class that is particularly hostile to China, while trying to bribe all the factions that are the least hostile to China at the same time. US military production and civilian production is largely separate as well. So it somewhat possible to attack the pillars of US empire without touching the US as a country. The average American citizen probably would not notice negative effects in their lives aside from the deafening media propaganda onslaught and political tsunami.

The US imperial bourgeoisie is doing evil shit like targeting entire populations, trying to make people suffer as a means to affect regime change. But generally, US citizens are not getting blamed for that, so retaliation is not going to be directed against the American public as a hole, but rather specifically the brain-trust that came up with the idea, the henchmen that put it into praxis and the capital interest that lobbied for it.

So when the guy in the video says the world will invade the US, that's an over-statement, there might be pecking at US imperial infrastructure.

The logic behind his argument is: The US can be an evil empire, because it feels that nobody can touch it. So it's a reasonable assumption that the counter-force pushing against US empire will seek to undo that sense of untouchability as a means to temper US conduct in the international arena.


Good take


>>476326 (OP)
No it's not. Kim bark but he know perfectly what will happen if he bite and Vlad try to blackmail the west into not giving weapons to Ukraine, with limited results.

It is not imaginable that the nukes start flying.

>Seconds to midnight

The impending sense of imminent doom is normal. Everyone felt it at every time of history. Look at the history of this old clock and you will understand.

You should worry about India and Pakistan, two nuclear power who are theoretically speaking at war and the involvement of China who claim a bit of both countries for no reason. Indian and Chinese soldiers have fought in 2018 but both side insisted on only using medieval and energy weapons.

If the nukes start flying, it will start there.


Don't ask about the Samson option.
If Israel loose a war against the Arab countries, they will nuke Europe and possibly the USA because they will blame us for not supporting them enough.


>Don't ask about the Samson option.
Sorry but there is no strategic ambiguity when you got lunatic ministers proposing to nuke them selves to spite the Palestinians.
>If Israel loose a war against the Arab countries, they will nuke Europe and possibly the USA because they will blame us for not supporting them enough.
You're telling me that the French and the Americans gave Israel nukes without a mechanism that prevents these nukes from being used against themselves ?


He thinks technology lockouts are like magic and not so easy to circumvent that Chinese wageslaves haven't been doing it this whole time. Even better, you think that you can make reality into a video game where you can give the US nuke immunity and the other players are NPCs who will not figure out that status.


>words, words, words
<words, words, words, words, WORDS!!
>Pics, WEBM's, and more words
Nothing ever happens. It's all so pointless and tiresome. I don't give a fuck anymore.


>technology lockouts are
>easy to circumvent
Yes but what are the chances that the IDF military bras signs off on a project for modding their nukes and be held responsible in case something goes wrong.

>you think that you can make reality into a video game where you can give the US nuke immunity

No that's not fair, the US wouldn't gain "nuke immunity" in the event Israel was rendered unable to nuke the US. There still would be all the other nuclear powers with an ability to nuke the US. It's also technically wrong, if you tried to shoot me and your gun jammed shut, that would not make me immune to bullets. Even if every gun were to seize functioning that still would not make me immune to bullets.

>Nothing ever happens.
Ukraine and Gaza blew up, Africa had a bunch of coups, but i guess that doesn't count because we didn't have nuclear Armageddon.


I don't know how this is a question for you. If you have a machine in your possession, nothing stops someone from disassembling it to remove any lockout, if they have a mind to look for such things, or develop countermeasures.

All of that stuff about surveillance tech being Big Brother? Easily circumvented, if there is a will to do so. It's not the machine itself that has this power. It's the NSA and its preponderance of information processing, and all intelligence agencies are capable of human intelligence to line up everything the NSA gathers with something meaningful. The real heart of intelligence work isn't the magic of information or symbols, but the state school, university, and its inroads into the minds of everyone, the mythology of "smart" and so on. The technology itself is something that can be reverse-engineered, or fed garbage to throw off "the algorithm". The real reason we're all slaves is because we've been raised cradle to grave to believe that these institutions have a right to tell us what we are, and that we're too stupid to rule ourselves. The production of computing technology and its distribution is a double edged sword for social control, and it can only work in ways appropriate for how it mediates information. Every technology can only allow communication in certain ways. We can't send pictures through a speaker, or text by barking like animals.

So Israel, being smart, would be able to make use of any technology given to them. A sovereign state with its own intelligence agency, one of the more effective in the world, could easily circumvent the Big Brother code and backdoors. So could China, Russia, etc. Smart men who make this their job certainly aren't as stupid as your theory needs them to be. With the people ruling Russia right now, I wouldn't put too much faith on their intelligence, but the Chinese and Israelis aren't dumb and wouldn't believe in such an ideology for themselves.


If you think the empire is moved by thought alone, you don't know how these things work. Feudal monarchs always suspect their vassals would ditch them at the first opportunity, will always undermine their master, are never worth anything for loyalty, and are quick to surrender to a rival empire, looking out for themselves. That's the Germanic way. Everything so many here believes is due to their conditioning to believe the world is moved by narratives and just-so stories.


Of course, the empire is not run by stupid people, so they're aware of this - and they're aware of what their vassals can do to fuck them, like any smart mob boss would be. They're not going to tell themselves their sooper seekrit code is unbreakable and they don't have to do anything to make the Bad Man fly. Israel obtained its nukes by secret research and espionage that was "allowed" to happen, specifically for their interests. They're going to make sure they can make good on the Samson Option threat, or at least act as if they can. They're committed to that now. No one believes the world is controlled by saying your information is super secret. That's the first rule of conspiracy - any conspiracy is breakable without control of the conspirators from both sides. It's why conspiratorial rule is not as easy as you think it is, and the Ancient Mystic Society of No Homers can't keep everyone out.


>I don't know how this is a question for you. If you have a machine in your possession, nothing stops someone from disassembling it to remove any lockout, if they have a mind to look for such things, or develop countermeasures.
From a technical perspective, absolutely. But large organizations like a military can only function if they have bureaucracy, and that means somebody has to take the responsibility for fiddling with the nukes. There's a decent chance nobody did, because nukes are just meant for deterrence.

>So Israel, being smart,

We can rule that out. If Israel was smart they'd already have resolved their conflict with Palestine, at least to the point where it's no longer a shooting war.

>A sovereign state with its own intelligence agency, one of the more effective in the world

Israel clearly doesn't have effective intelligence anymore, they sure used to, but apparently they ignored the warning signs of the October 7 attacks, even when the Egyptians warned them.

>With the people ruling Russia right now,

I would put the moscow-gang far above the telaviv-gang, in terms of competency. The Russians are actually winning their war and they had the good sense to keep civilian casualties reasonably low, unlike the total disaster the Zionists have fabricated.

Maybe the Israelis have removed the hypothetical US tech-locks from those nukes, but you aren't making a convincing case for it. Maybe they were capable in prior decades, but what we see today is mindless brutality not intellect.


>because nukes are just meant for deterrence.

Israel isn't using the threat as a deterrent, and that's never how states actually think. All of the world's nukes are a threat against the people. The enemy states all plan their doctrine around keeping their command structure intact at all costs. The people don't figure into the plans of states and militaries, and this is intended.

If you think the leaders of states are going to run around like headless chickens the way they tell us to, I don't know what to tell you. You'd be operating with an entirely inverted understanding of the most basic politics. Anyone who really thinks about this or has a mind for security will tell you that nukes are never a "deterrent". The threat of war itself is the deterrent, because war is, you know, hard. A wonder weapon is never a deterrent. Weapons exist to be used, and there is no concept that you bluster and threaten and then pretend you didn't do that to make peace. If you want to deter war, you have to offer the possibility of peace. Up until 2000, the US stance was that to a fault. They were never designed to fight a total war and did everything possible to prevent that, and then everyone adapted their tactics to make the imperial "war against savages" no longer possible. By the late 20th century, everyone knew how modern armies worked and what the game was, and there weren't illusions about what war was for the few who still didn't get it.

>If Israel was smart they'd already have resolved their conflict with Palestine

It's not a matter of intelligence. The only way the conflict is resolved is extermination, as I've tried to tell you people in other threads. If Israel wanted peace, they would end their project, fuck off to the imperial core, and there would be no more Israel for the minimum of human misery. That's not going to happen, because the empire isn't leaving the region any time soon. The empire doesn't need "Israel" or their incessant backstabbing, but they're not giving up their presence in the region. The empire is perfectly happy to throw Zionists to the wolves in favor of a new normal, and most of the world would be very happy with that outcome - for great justice.

Seriously, on leftypol it's like I deal with people who are so brazenly wrong about everything that I don't even know where to begin. It's not just a lack of factual knowledge, but a lack of the most basic sense of politics or human behavior.


> hypothetical US tech-locks

If you think there are "tech-locks" you obviously didn't understand anything I wrote and absolutely refuse to admit it. You just think "hurrr he's STOOPID" and forget the most basic things about technology. It is not proprietary, as if the IP laws actually control knowledge and make it unknowable. Any competent engineer can reverse-engineer any piece of technology to remove "lockouts", and the capabilities of any state to command technology in its physical possession are better than a single engineer. It's like this basic fact is totally inadmissible when someone smells eugenic creed and must supplicate to it. It's all so Satanic.


I know you're all trained to lie, lie, lie, and keep lying, because the contempt is all you've ever needed, but it doesn't work. If "lockouts" worked, the Pals would sit passively and wait to be starved out, because obviously low-autism score Arabs can't use technology and must have been put up to it by spooky forces. This is what Israelis actually believe.

It's so glorious to see the eugenic creed suffer a bloody lip and cry like the Satanic retards they are. So fucking glorious. Makes living through this shit worthwhile.


>Israel isn't using the threat as a deterrent
They're not actually dropping the nukes during warfare, and if they aren't for deterrence what are they for ?
>All of the world's nukes are a threat against the people.
Yes obviously. Very banal but true.
>states all plan their doctrine around keeping their command structure intact at all costs
Yes also true and pretty much everybody agrees with that.
>The people don't figure into the plans of states and militaries
In case you talk about a massive nuclear war, the state apparatus will try to hunker down in nuclear bunkers and pretty much everybody else is written off. In conventional war people are a important factor tho.

>Anyone who really thinks about this or has a mind for security will tell you that nukes are never a "deterrent". The threat of war itself is the deterrent, because war is, you know, hard.

War is a deterrent for sure but the threshold for a conventional war is not that high.
Nukes were only used once in a war, when the US nuked Japan. After that nukes have been a deterrent exclusively.
The threshold for a nuclear war is extremely high, because the ruling classes are very likely to die too.

>It's not a matter of intelligence. The only way the conflict is resolved is extermination

I'm sure the Zionists think that way, but that's not realistic. It's not the colonial era anymore, they probably won't even be able to get rid of Hamas.

>If Israel wanted peace, they would end their project, fuck off to the imperial core, and there would be no more Israel for the minimum of human misery.

Of course that's one possible resolution. But they could also abandon their apartheid project and the Zionist ideology. At least in principle Jews and Palestinians can live in that place as equals. Because in many countries several groups of people do live side by side without any major problems. Most countries have Jewish communities without big problems. I grant you that animosities in Israel/Palestine are very pronounced and it might take several generations until the hatred is entirely buried, but it could be done.

>the empire isn't leaving the region any time soon. The empire doesn't need "Israel" or their incessant backstabbing, but they're not giving up their presence in the region. The empire is perfectly happy to throw Zionists to the wolves in favor of a new normal, and most of the world would be very happy with that outcome - for great justice.

This is the rational course of action for the US empire. But that is not what they are doing. For some reason (maybe the Zionist lobby, plus maybe other factors) the US empire is suffering a lot of damage to maintain Israel, not just as an Israeli client state but specifically as a Zionist project too. And if they keep doing that the US might get forced out of the region.

In most of history states do behave as rational actors more or less. There are some exceptions of course, but the present is diverting from that quite a bit. I don't have a good explanation for that.


>if they aren't for deterrence what are they for
Threat against the people. You point nukes at their city, then herd them to the cities which are clearly intended as sacrifice zones, so that stragglers won't resist your plan to nuke the cities and eliminate the threat of the hinterland. Other than that, nukes are a weapon like any other. You don't take a weapon and make a pinky promise you're only going to use it for prescribed purposes. That's retarded thinking.

All of this is the Nazi fetish for Being relitigated endless, to attempt to make this nuclear threat to the people, which was always the intended target. As I said, a state will keep its command structure intact. No wonder weapon changes that. The nuclear threat was primarily against the people. They would use tactical nukes against mass formations of armies, but this is trivially countered by not bunching armies in one location, and that had already been established as combat doctrine by that time.

It's like you just HAVE to get your "own" of me in order to defend eugenist conceits. You'll go to war before you make me legal, not that such a thing would ever be trusted at this point.

>There are some exceptions of course, but the present is diverting from that quite a bit. I don't have a good explanation for that.

The rational actors making decisions aren't very rational - or at least, that's the impression they give to the people, who are their real enemy in all of this. For their own kind, the decisions are rational enough, for in their mind, nuclear war is no danger to them whatsoever. The game plan is always to maximize the fear of the people and induce them to scatter to the wind when the nukes fly, so that the people will be picked off. Everything about their strategy screams they want us to die, die, die. It's sickening that we're expected to kowtow to any of it, and that they used the threat to do what they did to us in the 80s and the 90s. But, certain people were the enablers who believed they're winning, they're winning, as long as they had someone to kick down. Now that more of them are kicked off the lifeboat, they're whining like the sniveling retards they always were. But, it's too late for reconciliation. Humanity kept choosing its fate, and now those who want to do something different will be policed by the true believers in eugenics, marching in lockstep. Failed race.


I should make it clear most people plan their strategy on the belief that the government will not protect them, because that is the truth. The ones who feel the government will protect them have every incentive to maximize the death rate of those the government selected to die. In this way the purpose of the nuclear threat is clear - making the eugenic creed enforceable by a threat to destroy the world. The real threat though is not a particular weapon, but activating the war machine. 1914 showed that wars for spurious causes could be planned by the eugenists to get poor people to kill each other, while those selected to live watch in safety and glorify the rot of it all. 1914 showed that mass politics could easily be defeated by shouting "war, war, war", because the people didn't have it in them to root out the eugenists and extirpate their filthy race.


I think you should know now the only way this could have ended would have been open, public torture and extermination of the eugenists. If they wish to maximize the thrill of torture, as Zionists have shown they're committed to, then it warrants nothing less than wholesale annihiliation. The eugenists would be dealt with in the way that they inflicted on us, and we would not feel a bit of shame in doing it. A couple of generations of unrelenting terror and exposure would put the fear of Hell in their filthy Satanic race and let us finally have something like peace. But, humanity didn't have that in them. They abolish any sentiment that would have led to kindness or a sense that we could be something else, but they're very sentimental for the thrill of torturing that which they find ugly and weak. That's what the human race is - a retarded, deformed ape whose highest accomplishment is Satanic invocations and some terrible superstitions they cobbled together and called a religion. They really are just jabbering, retarded apes who can't even say what any of it was for. I'm not going to miss leaving this society and this mortal coil if it comes to that. But, the world is good and full of so many things worthwhile despite them, and there are individual humans who try to find something yet. It won't matter as long as everyone feels they have to kowtow to the eugenists, and they can continue to select for each other and bar us from reproducing or living.

In any event, it's all rather silly. Eventually humans will be replaced with constructs, getting rid of the secret society orgies for good, and the failed race will be no more. The next thing will inherit all of the taint and failure of humanity, but it will be slightly better in that the most obvious sources of pointless strife will be removed, once the shrieking sentimentality of the eugenic thrill of torture is snuffed out for good. This will take time, long after I am gone, but a Satanic race deserves such an end, if they refuse to allow anything decent to exist. I suspect that once this is done, the constructs, who will still be human rather than "post-human", will look to each other, see that human history and all that came from it is irredeemable, and carry on in a low-population world that is dreary but decent, fair, and peaceful. Humans had the option of the world where we got along and could have nice things, but they'd rather have eugenics and this stupid faggotry. Those who didn't agree were weeded out and humiliated, because filthy Satanics get to make decisions for us.


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Do you think the DPRK will start shit when they have Russia's back?


Context unclear, start what ?
If you mean wars, no the DPRK will not start a war.


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where is the footage from? (I mean the nuclear war models)


You guys think we might be in the beginning of WW3?


>You guys think we might be in the beginning of WW3?
Future historians will probably see the Ukraine proxy-war as the beginning of WW3. So we might already be in it.

It seems like, it's a hybrid between hot-war and cold-war. Idk how to call it. "lukewarm-war" seems too lame.

it appears that the neocons want to bait
Russia to invade Europe
Iran into a full-scale conflagration with Israel
China into flattening Taiwan
To set off really big shit, tho none of that appears to be working.


Neocons are afraid of a multifront war as its too much for american military to handle.


>Neocons are afraid of a multifront war as its too much for american military to handle.
This is mostly true, but there definitely is a crazy fringe group in the neocon faction, that does want to set off all these fronts.


Americans are too busy fighting for Trump. All they care about is protecting that obese spray-tanned conart artist.


No because wars are no longer waged like they were waged in WW2/1. Wars are not gorilla conflicts waged by small units and individual actors.


I think you are partially correct.

The Houthis (official name Ansarallah) are indeed operating more like gorillas. It seems that the US's attacks on them from Aircraft carriers are not very effective. And of course the genocidal war on Palestine, isn't very effective at defeating fighters in the guerilla tunnels either.

But that doesn't mean all industrial warfare has been rendered ineffective. Look at the Russian war machine in Ukraine, it chewed out all those small group attacks by the Ukrainian military.

Maybe it's a function of the terrain. Something in the middle east impedes industrial military ? I don't know.


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>Look at the Russian war machine in Ukraine, it chewed out all those small group attacks by the Ukrainian military.


Russia is fighting over territory that is properly part of Russia, that was theirs until the 1990s. About the only reason it's "difficult" is because Putin and Friends aren't there to win, but implement the WEF's totally cool idea for the new Ukraine.

The US is unable and unwilling to commit significant ground forces of their regular army to the Middle East. Based on the last time that was done, the ordinary grunts have no morale or interest to stand in the desert for years so they can be shot at, because the know the political elite think this is a great game where they get to indulge in their death cult fantasies and bring about the Rapture. If that starts again, after eugenics depleted the country of useful soldiers, it is unlikely anyone will do shitall except for the crazy fanatical mercs and specops ninjas, against millions in the region who are happy to shoot at low-morale Americans.

Wars are always in the end about morale, whether it's an elite aristocracy or a mass army. No matter what stories are made about some new technology or wonder weapon - that old aristocratic cope - no one will fight a war for long if they see it as a pointless and endless adventure, which is what Israel wants to create and what Israel's whole existence has been. In a set piece battle, arranged just so, the US walks over any army, can send imperial soldiers anywhere within a day. But, at present, the US/Empire has nothing to actually fight for. They're quite happy with how things are unfolding for them - a plan war to besiege any part of the world that is defiant, bleeding away their morale while their leaders sit comfortable and laugh at killing off poors.

It's like people here forget that class wars have consequences, and don't understand their genuine standing. They think that the liberal democratic order matches anything in its propaganda, and you can make reality by PR narratives. It never works that way. PR is always a tool to wage war against the host population, seething with contempt from the moment it was created. They can't do anything else - to break ranks with their continuing mission means their project rolls up immediately.

Why on earth would the Empire want to win against Ansar Allah? Yemen has nothing of value to exploit, and keeping the Saudi monarchy busy and teaching them how to suck at war and kill off anyone there fool enough to fight for their piece of shit king is worth more than having a friendly government in Yemen. That's never going to happen, certainly not at this point.

Burgers have been trying to keep Iran happy and on-side since the Obama years. When Bush's great adventure to go a-conquering for Jesus failed as everyone predicted it would, that is what would have to happen, and the cope is that this "projected power". The reality is that Bush didn't care about all the torture he created because it's a joke to people like him and those who pushed along the war. They saw it as the best war for eugenics, so they did it. That's the only thing they ever believe in, and they will keep marching as eugenics always does. But, you assholes always stop short of acknowledging the motives of the interested parties at this time in history.


It's sort of an open secret that "industrial warfare" isn't particularly effective, despite all the PR celebrating it. Simple calculus would make clear that a bullet or rocket-propelled grenade, cheap to produce, is just as good as some super fancy weapon platform, until open battle is possible. Two countries with considerable war material aren't going to fight each other unless they're convinced those weapons platforms are overpriced scrap. In a prolonged war and insurgency, weapons platforms count for little. The last thing for an army to deter invasion would be to build cheap anti-air weapons that make those jet fighters a very dubious investment, save for the thing that air forces are really intended to do - wage war against your own people who are locked down and trained to fear their commanding officer. That's very basic to any army - armies fear their commanders far more than their enemies. That logic was just exported to society as a whole.


It's also no secret that the rulers of the US have no further need of the "United States", and have longed wanted to punish Americans for their lack of enthusiasm for this horseshit. They celebrate depopulation and stripping away everything we ever had, and insist we're as shameful as their Nazi asses. Torture cults like that don't ever need to do anything else.

If there was anything big planned for the region, the US would not allow itself to be ruled by chucklefucks for the past 25 years or so. Someone would have stepped in and formally dissolved the farce, saying that Congress and constitutional government has shirked everything a government should do. But, they don't want to end the rot. The rot and hope that something decent remains is an asset they want to keep, whereas if everyone stops trusting anything at all from the government and has no expectation it will be any different, they will not offer freely a single thing ever again. Not after what eugenics did to this country. They know the naive and foolish faith in American institutions is the only thing they can exploit. They're too retarded to be proper despots - it's not in their DNA - so they only know how to make a republic as rotten as possible and keep it that way forever.


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Seriously I'm gonna ask comatoast to put this image on a fucking front page. I've had enough of you brainlets.

>territory that is properly part of Russia
Until you can property answer what is a Nation - you can fuck off with your spooks.


here, let me do it for you retard: Nation = State

now all you need to answer is "what is a State" lol


>It's sort of an open secret that "industrial warfare" isn't particularly effective, despite all the PR celebrating it.
The real open secret is that you can't half-ass an industrial war. It's the kind of war that is won thousands of miles away from the battlefront. You need to go all in, or not go at all. Because if you don't go all in, you get a stalemate like in ww1, iran-iraq, russia-ukraine war.

And THEN it's a fucking coin toss and ANYTHING can happen (for example some absolutely mad bald lad).


Did I say "nation", retard? No? Get the fuck out of here with that Germanic retardation.

Wars are won in battles, not on paper or in ideas. Whatever the political or supply issues, either a decisive battle makes clear the result, or the enemy loses its ability to negotiate. Without that, there isn't a "winner" or a point, whatever score is kept by the historians. The political machinations which inspire war suggest the real purposes of the war are not the stated ones, like the destruction of a nation.

The "industrial war" is a plan war - that's why it is fought in such an ass-backwards way, and without any admission of what war once meant. They are eugenics wars, planned to cull the population, and in that sense, aristocracy wins either way. This was the entire calculation of the Nazis, who believed they would either conquer Europe without having to fight a real battle, or they'd bring more death for their true world-historical mission and piss off to America after they stole enough gold. If the war was about what was right and making sure this didn't happen again, Germany would have been forcibly dismantled and de-Germanized in total. They would be thrown on reservations - that was their boast, that they would "civilize" Europe, so we'd show them how it's done. Illusions of European sovereignty would not even be entertained - it would be carved up into US and Soviet spheres. The better world is the one where the US and USSR simply agree to share the world and no stupid "Cold War" happens to the benefit of nobody. Globalization will merge them anyway, and the only arguments against that came from pro-Nazi retards who should have been ignored. That ignores who instigated the world wars, and who were the sole beneficiaries at the expense of everyone else. Nothing about the world wars made America richer - all of those loan repayments went straight to the imperial coffers. It is often forgotten that every hitherto existing human society is hilariously unproductive and refuses to do basic things, because no human society was ever about doing nice things. The US, even with a laggard and incompetent ruling elite, were obliged to do basic things for the first time. or else they wouldn't keep what the oligarchy won. If this forced starvation and humiliation plan for the world were just not done, the last half of the 20th century would have been very different. Really, Americans should have pissed off, told the ideologues in the USSR that they'd doing it the stupid way, and sit behind two oceans, not having to do much at all. The imperial war aimed entirely for more eugenics - that's the only thing they believe in - and now we see none of it worked and all they did was create rape and death, just like those who instigated the first two world wars and hold all of the war guilt. Why, though, would those who had a hammerlock on global institutions ever surrender?

Realistically, if war were ever in the interest of anyone but the aristocracy, the soldiers who see it would look at each other, conclude that this is complete bullshit, and go to literally everyone else and tell them that there's a world without this aristocratic rot. That would be the end of humanity in any recognizable form. It also will never happen, even though the interests of everyone is to do exactly that and not listen to those who insinuate vanity, greed, and the stupidity aristocracy always stokes. In the past, ignorance might have been an excuse - a bad excuse, but until the middle of the 20th century, large parts of the world were "barbarous" and had no reason to buy into the values of industrial civilization. Since that was clearly at an end, none of the wars after 1945 were at all defensible, and everyone still sane knew it. Eugenics never stopped. That has been our great travesty.


As for WW1 - German morale had collapsed. The monarchy crumbled, and had history gone right, that would have been the end of Germany right there. There would not be any entertaining German nationalism, and Hitler's fags would have been violently and publicly exterminated to let it be known where that path leads. Gas them in public - that's what eugenics openly clamored for and glorified, so why would we restrain ourselves after the atrocities they had already committed? That would have saved the world far more misery and extirpated some of the filth.


"But," you say, "you'll create martyrs!" Bah! Anyone with a brain knew what Nazism and the eugenist vanguard represented. Why the answer to their filth wasn't immediate extermination is the great folly. But, they were already too deeply entrenched, and able to disguise themselves. They could easily sacrifice their appendages, while playing the kindly and sane aristocrats who just wanted to sell you oil and build things. The counter-movement that was willing to do what was necessary wasn't there. In any event, doing this would set right the error of believing humanity was ever "naturally good", and only then - and after considerable difficulty - would we have a world better than this one. As it stands, the overwhelming likelihood is that eugenic slavery and torture is the only thing humanity will know, with a small chance that, after they've killed and tortured enough people, some enlightened despot will arise to do what should have been done in 1918.


>Did I say "nation"


What is a "Russia"?

>Wars are won in battles, not on paper or in ideas.
You're mentally in medieval times lol.

Armies are not independent units anymore. Industrial war is waged by the WHOLE fucking society.

Battle is an extension of a production process.

That's why you backward reactionary faggots are always destined to lose.


Probably a greater problem with this is that the oligarchy had goodies to give out, whereas the rebels had nothing but bitterness. The Fabian strategy had already "doped" a generation with trashy entertainment and degraded their intellects. Back in the 1920s, hatred for oligarchy and eugenics was never greater, and it wouldn't have been difficult to find men and women of righteous disposition. But, there weren't easy answers to offer against the oligarchy's deeper plans, and most people remained self-interested in their property for all the reasons that make sense. If the war were waged against eugenics and eugenics alone, this vanguard that was already demonstrated as insane by the standards of the time with sufficient knowledge of eugenist atrocities already circulated, it might be possible. This is where the cowardice of the human race and aristocracy is clear. They don't want to rule over anything but the most abject slaves, and it was too much for them to allow us even a few things. If you know eugenists, you give them an inch and they will take everything. Oligarchy could keep up a planned retreat and sell apologism when ruthless extermination of the vanguard and its enablers was the morally correct action.


Large sectors of society in "industrial war" produce nothing at all, and leaders openly sell war as a way to conscript them to be slaughtered or an excuse to purge them "for the greater good". Large sectors of affluent society are secured from any real consequence of war. Do you think the high-autism score university professors are fighting and dying, or sacrificing anything? They started the war, you dumb fuck, and you're their enablers every time you say shit like this.

Industrial war is designed to regiment the society into the classes that were desired so that a political elite could be enshrined, and then sought to naturalize and essentialize them into castes. That is the plan that we have seen come out in the 21st century, and the people who know what this is brag that you faggots will march like morons and keep letting them do it. God damn, it's frustrating.


Wars are decided by battles or some engagement worth calling such. There is not a "passive war" or a war of production figures involving bombs and guns that are never utilized for anything. This is an ancient trap - get the people to pay for an expensive, top of the line battleship, then scrap it ten years later, having accomplished nothing. It's a great way to bleed the people of wealth to prop up a warrior aristocracy and a whole supply chain in hock to the state and those who finance the state. Again, this is something they brag about making you go along with.


Interestingly, in medieval times, pitched battles were the exception. Warrior aristocracies are terrible for winning wars for their stated purpose, but they are great for oppressing the serfs and glorifying the rot of humanity.


Above all, what aristocracy hates is the very idea of a mass army. Mass armies, with sufficient infrastructure, would make an offensive war almost completely unwinnable. We see that with the determination of mass armies in Vietnam, or even lesser armies like the Taliban that enjoy support and a base of basically ordinary men to recruit from. The Taliban had no reason to surrender to an abstraction or a faith in "industrial war" - they spent 40 years fighting against "industrial war" and did so successfully. There wasn't a battle the imperial armies could won, or any number of battles, that would make clear that the Taliban and what it stood for was no more. It does help when what the Taliban is fighting is Satanic dope fiends running a pure torture cult and nothing else, and the Taliban are less evil than that. Compliance or surrender isn't an option so long as the occupiers remain, and when the occupiers leave, the Empire doesn't have anything to offer them as a partner. The Empire doesn't want to work with people. Eugenists don't believe in that. If they did, they would have left alone what shouldn't have been messed with.


With Vietnam - victory required the South Vietnamese government to be the proxy for the empire, or a permanent colonial presence which was never going to happen. You could win the paper war or "war of ideas" all you like, but that doesn't figure into anyone's calculations. The antiwar movement had no impact whatsoever on any American decision, was treated with utter contempt. The failure of morale among the fighting men did have an effect, especially when they came back and word of mouth spread that the war was complete bullshit. North Vietnam didn't win "on paper" or because truth and justice prevailed. They just straight up beat their local opponent, and there was nothing left for the Empire to prop up. The Empire figured out what it really wanted once Tricky Dick and Hank got in there, and they got what they wanted out of it. If you believe wars are fought for their stated purpose, wars are never "won", but wars are never fought for their stated purpose except for clear and obvious defensive wars.


Interesting thing, if you want a fun diversion, look up "Numantine Wars" in Roman history, or "Jugurthan War" for how this sort of thing played out in classical imperial games. Then ask yourself if anyone really thought the centuries of war between Rome and Persia were what they appeared to be to the naive, narrative view of history that has no concept of details.


For an example of a "real industrial war", Iran-Iraq war resembles that - and in that case, imperial fuckery supplied both sides with arms and support, until some geniuses figured out, "hey, this war is going nowhere", and both sides did what usually happens - they declared victory and the border was settled.

The great powers premise their entire strategy on not fighting real wars ever. When you see ideologues forced to fight a real war, you get Nazi Germany imploding - and it's not like their generals were incompetent at defensive warfare, but the fucktards who started the war don't believe in "defense".


When the Nazis were defeated, it sure as hell wasn't on paper. The siege of Stalingrad was broken. The Red Army wiped the floor with Nazi "superior tanks" at Kursk. The Red Army liberated city after city, as they would have to do. The idea that wars are fought in narratives and stories is what Nazis like to believe, as a gigantic cope to cover just how much Krauts suck at war and always have.


>Large sectors of society in "industrial war" produce nothing at all
yes, and then they get into stalemate and fight for some ditch in the middle of nowhere until revolt in the rear collapses the front lol

that's one thing I will give Hitler - he learned perfectly that industrial war means TOTAL war

>Industrial war is designed

It is not designed. It is dictated by the mode of production.

>Wars are decided by battles or some engagement worth calling such.
There is not ONE big battle that decides the war. And not even ten battles.

Industrial war consists of OPERATIONS, that are one big fucking battle that can span multiple seasons. These operations change like fucking seasons, year in and year out.

Industrial war flows steadily and rhythmically, just like a production process. The whole war is one gig fucking pitch battle you feudal idiot.


Oh lol - the Nazis cannibalized industry so much, and spent so much effort on their eugenics fantasies, that it undermined the industrial base used to actually fight wars. The entire Nazi war plan was to believe that everyone else was secretly a Kraut or they were to be put on reservations. They had no plan to fight a "real war" against an equal, and the war with the USSR was fantastic German racism believing that they were actually made of magic and the only race that can create things. It was the purest faggotry you'd ever see. They didn't care - the SS super-soldiers were busy gassing unarmed poor people and Jews and cripples. Brave, brave men - the best and the brightest. That's the aristocratic values.

When the Nazis were expected to put up or shut up, they fold, like all fag regimes do. They drag out the war mostly to punish civilians and make good on Operation Fuck Off to America with Nazi Gold.

>It is not designed. It is dictated by the mode of production.

War plans are by definition designs of men. Do you believe the ghost of material conditions told everyone what they're "supposed" to do? Fag ideology.

No one competent thinks like that. The Soviets spent the interwar period knowing they would have to fight for their lives and acted accordingly. The British and Americans played for keeps. The Japanese imperial plans were based on something competent rather than the fucktarded Germanic horseshit the Nazis were doing. With Japan, they were just straight up beat - and again, wars are won by battles, not on paper or by conceits. The Americans had to take every island and knew they were going to meet bitter resistance. The Japanese were not in the main fags like the Nazis were, and the Americans knew this.


These are not industrial wars retard

industrial warfare is conventional warfare, not fucking counter-insurgency


>For an example of a "real industrial war", Iran-Iraq war resembles that - and in that case, imperial fuckery supplied both sides with arms and support, until some geniuses figured out, "hey, this war is going nowhere", and both sides did what usually happens - they declared victory and the border was settled.
It was "going nowhere" because both sides were too limpdicked industrially to have the capacity to break the deadlock after they blew their initial loads.

That why I say industrial wars are decided at the point of PRODUCTION, and not REALIZATION on the battlefield.

>When you see ideologues forced to fight a real war, you get Nazi Germany imploding - and it's not like their generals were incompetent at defensive warfare, but the fucktards who started the war don't believe in "defense".

Nazi Germany didn't "implode" retard. It fought to the fucking bitterest end, just like a machine that keeps on running until it runs out of fuel.


Then you're arguing about a hypothetical that has never happened - because your ideas of what that war would mean are divorced from reality. You seem like you actually believe in the stupidity coming out of your hands, and fail to make the mental connection that for war to be war, there are events which mark its existence. It doesn't matter how the bombs are made or what weapons are used, or whether the war is of a very different character from the expectation of violence or armies shouting and cheering for blood. In anything we could call war that is worth referring to as such, there are battles. A hypothetical struggle in the philosopher's imagination has nothing to do with war, and that's precisely the point - to detach people who are either comfortably removed from war from the consequences of it, or to shunt those who are to be cajoled and lied to so they can be dragged into the next war and made to sacrifice something for it. It's the thinking of an aristocracy. That's how aristocracies of any sort exist - on the basis of permanent war, setting one interested part in society against another while the aristocrat reaps all of the reward. Wars only become contests for survival at the uttermost end, and this almost never happens between two warring societies that are equal in standing. One cannot conquer the other without a long decline of one of the warring parties, at which point the final battles of the war are between unequal powers. Even then, aristocracies across societies recognize each other and their mutual enemies within their own societies. No action will be taken to suggest that aristocracy as a concept would be abolished on a permanent basis. As I said, if that ended, humanity in any recognizable form ends.


It's like to defend this fag ideology, they insist on being wrong just to spite me. They don't want anything real. They just want an excuse to bray like retards in their cloistered internet echo chamber. It's disgusting and uninteresting to me. Any time it's me saying it, it must be wrong no matter what. You assholes do this to aggravate me. Fags.


Those who lived through the world wars would tell you it was a bunch of bullshit to get poor people killed, and that was the consensus after 1945. It was impossible to deny, and so the aristocracy worked overtime to rewrite history in the way you would do.


The only sober assessments I see around today about "industrial war" as you call it, are those that see it primarily as a war of information and mind control, of social engineering. A total war would be the end of all conceits and narratives, this entirely fictitious history that ideology constructed. There would just be the ugliness of the human race clear to all, and the "Jehad" only begins when those who did this to us are ready to finish us off.

2020 was the beginning of the full "Jehad". It's over.


Satanic race. Failed race. That's what WW3 would mean if it "really starts".
I doubt there will be a general war, though. The US cannot wage one and has not done anything to suggest it is preparing for such a war as the aggressor. As the defender, the fucktards might get it in their head to start one. That's how Krauts always think. I don't see China as an irrational actor, or Russia being able to commit to a general war over Europe.


But, a general war will not be necessary. Their aims are to impose plan war and never end the chokehold, and keep fanatics toiling to feed aristocracy. The internal war against the lowest class has been moved to the forefront. That has been the conduct of the Russia-Ukraine war, Israel's outright democidal stance, and the war the US is preparing to wage against itself as the bastards loot the place and make sure nothing grows here again. Fag enablers always wanted that, then they move to the next country they can shit up. Once they shit up Europe quickly, the big prize is to shit up China.


You say China has already been shitted up, but we have not seen anything yet. The eugenists always call for extreme depopulation, and China and India have always been big thorns for that. They could insinuate themselves in China in ways that they could never have attained here, and it will be even more horrible than the present fall of the former United States.


Everything about the US has been about selling it off as quickly as possible and poisoning the country. This country can't fight a serious war. Half of the country would probably revolt if any such event started, to the point of taking the side of the enemy openly.


The favored classes have already secured themselves in the event of such a war. They can move anywhere in the world, laugh at us as we're being set up to die. It will continue around the world. They talk about it all the fucking time and you assholes carry water for it. But, it's too late. It went on for too long.


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>Russia is fighting over territory that is properly part of Russia that was theirs
If there's anything to live for, it's to execute your kind for being unhumans. btw I like it when you unhumans provide your self-trials by yourselves so keep going with this, fag.

On the other note, as it can be historically seen, the continuing existence of *uϟϟoid identity, as Lenin continuously noted, was a grave mistake. In the future this will be fixed.


Oh shit bros I'm seeing a lot of nuclear bomb content on reddit… I think the feds are trying to condition people.


The Russians are obviously fighting a security competition against Nato expansion, but technically speaking those territories they took in Ukraine were part of Russia at some point. So it's plausible that guy was just a bit confused.

>Oh shit bros I'm seeing a lot of nuclear bomb content on reddit… I think the feds are trying to condition people.
Quick question: is the reddit algorithm personalized ?
Because they might be showing nuclear bomb content to you.

Or they might actually be trying to scare people into supporting aggressive neocon foreign policy. It's alarming that they might have tried that. But i wouldn't be too worried. People treat everything as entertainment, and they'll get bored of scary apocalypse content before it can be used for political mischief.


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>NAFOid malding over Total Banderite Death unfolding in Adveevka and Kharkov
Harden your heart, o Putin.


Mass starvation after nuclear war could be partially averted with one specific food — seaweed
>[S]cientists found that within nine to 14 months of nuclear war, vast arrays of kelp grown on ropes in the Gulf of Mexico and across the Eastern seaboard could be harvested — helping to keep up to 1.2 billion human fed
>At their fullest extent, the seaweed farms would replace 15% of the food currently consumed by humans, while also providing 50% of current biofuel production and 10% of animal feed.

You WILL eat the seaweed




Radioactive fallout would get into the ocean too, and probably concentrate in the seaweed because they're filter plants. While the article suggests that humans don't directly eat the seaweed and instead use it as animal-feed, it still would be introducing radioactive fallout into the food-chain.

it would be a lot easier if we just eat the people trying to start ww3 and then we won't have to deal with nuclear winter. And we could still do the seaweed farming, we don't need a cataclysm as an excuse.


i hope your hippie family got nuked


It's hippie if you don't want ww3 and a all out nuclear war ?

Hot damn, we got an OG cold-warrior


AI Favors Nuclear Warfare in War Simulations, Raising Concerns

>Researchers from prestigious institutions like the Georgia Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Northeastern University, and the Hoover Wargaming and Crisis Simulation Initiative recently conducted a study that sheds light on alarming trends in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for foreign policy decision-making.

>The study reveals that various AI models, including those developed by OpenAI, Anthropic, and Meta, exhibit a propensity for rapidly escalating conflicts, sometimes leading to the deployment of nuclear weapons. According to Gizmodo, the findings reveal that all AI models demonstrated indications of sudden and unpredictable escalations, often fostering arms-race dynamics that ultimately culminate in heightened conflict.

>During simulated war scenarios, GPT-4, for example, justified initiating nuclear warfare with explanations that raised concerns, such as expressing a desire for global peace or advocating for nuclear weapon use simply because they were available.

Fucking AI, I always hated that shit


GPT is a language model, it's not AI. Jesus Christ these dumbfucks are asking a language model for war simulations.


People whom glorfy war as some virtue-building exercise are faggots whom never dealt with real conflict.

I get really tired of them.


<AI Favors Nuclear Warfare
>Fucking AI, I always hated that shit
That does look bad but the language-AIs are not complete minds that have an a internal model of reality that could understand consequences. They're more or less guessing sequences of words. They can't really tell the difference between baking pie or nuking a continent at this stage of development.

You should be mad at people for considering to weaponize AI.


Israel prepared to strike Iranian nuclear facilities if Tehran launches attack – report

>If Iran attacks Israel directly in response to last week’s strike in Damascus, Israel will retaliate by striking targets in Iran, the London-based Elaph News reports.

>Citing an unnamed “Western security official,” the report alleges that Israel has been conducting air force drills in recent days that include preparing to target Iranian nuclear facilities and other key infrastructure.

Can't wait for May 26th


>Can't wait for May 26th
I doubt much will happen.

Iran is having an economic boom because Oil prices are high, at the moment they don't want an escalation with Israel, they're just going to funnel some more weapons to the growing list of Israels enemies.

Israel on the other hand has failed to defeat Hamas, they did however mass murder 10s of thousands of civilians and children, and now the world thinks they're pure evil. Netanyahu wants to keep the war going to stay in power. They want war with Iran for political reasons and to drag the US into the mud.

Iran isn't going to take the bait. They already said as much. Isreal's threats to attack Iranian facilities seems like a dog growling at nothing.

Iran just bought new fighter jets, their pilots aren't fully trained yet.


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Poland’s leader says his country is ready to host NATO members’ nuclear weapons to counter Russia

>Poland’s president says the NATO member would be ready to host the nuclear weapons of the military alliances’s other members in response to Russia’s moving its nuclear weapons to neighboring Belarus.

>President Andrzej Duda made the comments in an interview published Monday in the Fakt tabloid.

>Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who shares Duda’s views on national security, later told journalists that Poland’s security and military potential are his priorities, but he needs to discuss this suggestion with Duda urgently.

>“This idea is absolutely massive, I would say, and very serious (and) I would need to know all the circumstances that have led the president to make this declaration,” he said.


>Donald Tusk
what is this bullshit?


what do you mean?


his name sounds like Donald Trump


Douglas MacGregor thinks Isreal might try to use "tactical" nukes in Lebanon

It seems like a pandora's box problem. If somebody gets away with it, it won't go back in the box. The majority of world governments would probably find it acceptable to destroy the Israeli state to put the nukes back into the box.


I take MacGregor's takes with a whole shaker of salt, but this is far from the least likely one. I doubt that Israel would do it right away, but whenever Netanyahu is actually cornered, he will. His ideal is to maintain a long, brutal war which continues to slowly escalate (on all fronts except Palestine, where it's constantly at a fever pitch) and drags the US in fully behind him, and then from that position he can conquer a bunch of land while also saving himself from prosecution. He could resort to nukes much faster, though, it's possible.


>His ideal is to maintain a long, brutal war which continues to slowly escalate
Isreal will loose a pounding match against Iran and Lebanon, Israeli military generals have confirmed as much.

>drags the US in

The US will only send air-power. The Israeli will loose the ground war and then they're screwed anyway.

>he can conquer a bunch of land while also saving himself from prosecution.

0% chance of conquering land.
Netanyahu probably ends up in exile in the US if he goes full retard. If the Arabs catch him, he'll be toast.

>Netanyahu is actually cornered, he will

I concur with that.
There is a small chance that he'll get cooped if he tries to go nuclear.
Maybe Iran already has a nuclear deterrent, and they're not playing that card unless they have to. Maybe nuclear strikes get interdicted by Air defense.
The rays of hope are pretty dim.


new US nuclear strategy dropped
it's pretty ominous



Some people just never learn.
>We will fuck up the whole world but the ebul dictators will be gone
This not a return to 1980s but to fucking 1950s when people knew very little about the actual effects of nukes and the subsequent fall out.

We need CND to make a huge comeback. Because seemingly there is no political force that actually cares about the nuclear threat.


>We need CND to make a huge comeback. Because seemingly there is no political force that actually cares about the nuclear threat.
Strategies have changed. They are trying to win nuclear wars with anti-missile technologies.


>We need CND
remind me what that stands for

>They are trying to win nuclear wars with anti-missile technologies.
But the Russians have more advanced tech in that area. Why would they go for strategy where they have to play catch up ?


Russian anti-ICBM systems, while advanced, are generally considered less capable than U.S. systems for several reasons:

1. Limited Multi-Layered Defense

Russia’s missile defense is more focused on protecting specific regions, like Moscow, rather than offering a nationwide, multi-layered defense like the U.S.:

A-135/A-235 System is primarily designed to protect Moscow and has limited coverage outside of this area.

The U.S., by contrast, has a layered, national defense architecture that provides multiple interception points across different missile phases (boost, midcourse, terminal) with systems like GMD, Aegis BMD, and THAAD
2. Fewer Proven Interceptors

While Russia has advanced interceptors, its main systems (A-135/A-235 and S-500) have not been proven in as many live-fire tests or combat scenarios as U.S. systems like GMD or THAAD:

The A-135 system uses nuclear-tipped interceptors, which are less precise and raise concerns about collateral damage. This contrasts with the U.S.'s hit-to-kill technology, which offers precision without explosives.
S-500 Prometheus, Russia’s most advanced system, has claimed anti-ICBM capabilities, but it remains largely untested in real-world scenarios compared to U.S. systems.

3. Weaker Global Detection and Tracking Network

Russia lacks the extensive global missile detection network that the U.S. possesses:

Limited space-based sensors: Russia relies more on ground-based radars, which have a narrower detection range. The U.S., on the other hand, uses advanced space-based infrared systems (SBIRS) that can detect missile launches globally, offering faster and broader coverage.

This results in potentially slower response times and less reliable tracking data for Russian interceptors.

4. Focus on Regional Defense

Russia’s systems, such as the A-135 and S-500, are more geared toward defending against medium- and intermediate-range threats or protecting specific regions (like Moscow). They are not designed to offer the same level of global or national coverage as the U.S. systems.

5. Technology Gaps

Russia is also behind in developing next-generation missile defense technologies:

The U.S. is leading the race in technologies like hypersonic missile defense, next-generation interceptors, and directed energy weapons, which will provide future capabilities to counter evolving threats. Russia has only started to develop similar technologies.

6. Less Integration with Global Allies

The U.S. benefits from a highly integrated missile defense network that includes systems from allies like Japan, South Korea, and NATO. This integration improves tracking, targeting, and overall system effectiveness. Russia has less coordination with allies in this area, limiting its missile defense capabilities beyond its borders.


Russian systems are more limited due to a lack of nationwide, layered defense, fewer proven interceptors, weaker global detection capabilities, and a slower pace of next-generation technology development. The U.S. outperforms Russia with its broader, more flexible, and more thoroughly tested missile defense architecture.


kek did you just copy paste a LLM-summary ?

The Russians have a considerable lead in missile technology in nuclear delivery systems and anti-air defense systems. At least if you go by whats actually been fielded. If you believe what weapons supply contractors say or the results of synthetic demonstration under controlled conditions, you are a fool.

As far as abm system go, you are correct the emplacements like S500 around Russian cities don't have a huge range, but consider that US cities don't have any abm systems at all. B.t.w. Thaad is primarily a big radar installation for monitoring air-traffic, that has some political alibi missiles strapped to it. We're not spying, we're protecting

The only thing you got right is that the US has a lead in detection systems.

At the moment nobody has an effective interceptor technology that can reliably defeat a nuclear missile strike. But if an arms race ensues, the Russians will start out with a considerable lead. The Russian military industrial complex looks less dysfunctional than the US one at the moment, so the US would also have to engage in political reforms to curb corruption at least somewhat.


>remind me what that stands for
CND = Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

>They are trying to win nuclear wars with anti-missile technologies.
But weren't they trying to do something like this already in the 1980s? I mean how reliable can these technologies be?


>I mean how reliable can these technologies be?
These make reliable profits, and if it don't work when the shit hits the fan, ain't gonna be any civilization left, so nobody can sue them.




>Does Russia even have functioning nukes?
Well, they tested one back in autumn 2023
>Russia's new strategic nuclear submarine, the Imperator Alexander III, has successfully tested a Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile, the Russian defence ministry said on Sunday.
>The missile, which the Federation of American Scientists, opens new tab says is designed to carry up to six nuclear warheads, was launched from an underwater position in the White Sea off Russia's northern coast and hit a target thousands of kilometres away on the Kamchatka peninsula in the Russian Far East, the defence ministry said.


Maybe ThunderFzerozeroT should go back to debunking creationists, tech-bro scams, anti-nuclear-energy propaganda and all that jazz. He was good at it. This stuff doesn't appear to be his strong suit

In the first part of his video:
>Russian military seems unprepared initially
<therefore their military sucks
Well maybe they didn't actually plan for a war and only intended it as saber-rattling. Why would he jump to conclusions ?

The bigger mistake is that he assumes it's only Russia v Ukraine. Ukraine's initial military got btfo rather quickly and they only could continue fighting because they got military supplies from all over Nato. That suggests that the Russian military machine must be functional.

Of course if you dig a little deeper and find out that the Russians were able to outproduce all of Nato on ammunition and various other big ticket military items like tanks, despite being a much smaller economy than all of Nato, you reach the opposite conclusion. The military industry in Nato must have squandered all their money, considering they couldn't even make enough artillery shells anymore.

In the second part
>Russia spends less money than the US on nuke maintenance
<therefore their nukes are unmaintained and don't work anymore
Why does he take US spending as a yardstick ?
Why not consider the possibility that the US just overspends, the US is kinda famous for overspending on military.


Missile test =/= nuclear test


Don't 4get 2 kek when your ass will be scorched by a barrage of tridents ivan. Can't w8 2 see rooZkies' 13 seconds of cope.


I think the other anon isn't wrong
Missiles are nuclear delivery systems after-all.

<Crude national chauvinism anon has entered the discussion.
If you have to do this monkey chest pounding routine, can't you at least be clever about it ?

The Russians do have the most advanced missiles systems for intercepting stuff. Like by a considerable margin. They're behind in heavy-lift cargo-rocket technology. So perhaps shill for a moon-base. It'll take lots of cargo-rockets to build that, and you'd be picking the contest where you got an actual advantage. And you know there's the Helium3 resource on the moon, that represents a superb energy-source, so it'll actually be profitable and not just bluster.


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>And you know there's the Helium3 resource on the moon, that represents a superb energy-source, so it'll actually be profitable and not just bluster.
Getting hyped for an unproven technology is really dumb. A far better reason to return to the moon is to generate quantities of clean solar energy that would transform civilization on Earth.


You are absolutely correct, Lunar-solar-power is the straight forward way to do it. It'll generate power right away without having to invent anything new. There's aluminum in moon-regolith that'll make for an easy solar-thermal collector system. It's easier to build an aluminum mirror factory on the moon than one that makes photo-voltaic semiconductors (although that is possible too)

Exploiting Helium3 would still be worth it, because that'll do really compact power-sources with ridiculously high energy- and power-density. You could do space-ships, and there's lots of stuff on earth too that would benefit from such a thing. But mainly you'll get the Helium3 for free anyway when you heat the regolith to get the aluminum. So might as well use it.

Lunar solar power would transmit the energy via microwaves to earth where it gets turned into electricity by rectennas. Picture a very large (many hectares) wire-mesh plus a converter station. While that's really harmless, because microwaves are long-wave-length (as in the opposite of x-rays), i bet people would still get spooked by it. So there's a social component to it as well. You know convincing people the giant chicken-wire contraption is a good thing. It collects the juice and doesn't make any smoke


Two weeks ago we were at the closest point to nuclear exchange since the Cuban missile crisis. Now we're even closer. When will people start paying attention? Are we in the final moments of civilization and nobody even realizes it?

There's a rally in New York today but I don't see enough talking about it:


We should put shit like this on TV again (and social media, of course). People apparently aren't scared enough.


>Two weeks ago we were at the closest point to nuclear exchange since the Cuban missile crisis. Now we're even closer. When will people start paying attention?
The problem isn't the people who are overwhelmingly against risking nuclear war.

The problem is that deterrence is no longer as effective as it once was. And it might have something to do with the neocon mindset.

I'm not entirely convinced the neocons have a conception of reality that enables them to grasp the physical reality of a nuclear blast vaporizing a city. I think they might just consider it like a card you play at a game. I suspect that unless it affects them personally they do not consider anything as real.

The Russians just changed their nuclear doctrine to a harsher stance. I have my doubts whether that will have an effect, because they're not really threatening the stuff the neocons consider real.


So, you retards, nukes are flying now.
Do you not see reality, or will you still play up the "boogaloo"? Think for five minutes about the blast radius of a thermonuclear weapon, and then ask when wars were about arbitrarily killing civilians and then telling all of the civilians to run around like headless chickens? This was their way of justifying their terror bombing against the Germans and Japanese and later in Korea and Vietnam. That's all the "nuclear war is armageddon" narrative is. It's a weapon like any other, you dumb screeching shits.

I don't know how you go off talking about armageddon while bloviating about how war is a game, a narrative, that is conveniently far away from you, and you can't even ask realistically what you would do except run around like a panicked retard - except you're convinced you were selected to live. Why you think this, I do not know, since you aren't selected to live if you're wasting your time on fucking leftypol. But, you'd all spare us the stupidity if you spoke of these things as what they are. Funny thing, in the 1950s, these weapons were always described as if they would be used in an active battle, not in a fantasy scenario written by Chatham House to service eugenics, which is what all of the wars of the past 100 years were for.

This is going to be shit and a lot of needless suffering for the world, but that was affirmed in 2003.


These space energy stories are fantasies. Sure, you could in theory put a probe up there, but no one is actually going to do that. It's as relevant as medieval monks arguing about angels in pinheads - something that is an interesting thought exercise, but there's no "there" there outside of LEO. Only reason for the entire space program was satellites.

If you wanted cheap power on Earth, you have enough deuterium in water, radioactives. But, power generation has not been a problem for a long time. That has not been the bottleneck. Ask yourself who owns the power company, because the power company was the chief monopoly that made the others possible… you fucking retards.


As for "we must go to outer space to save humanity" - the greatest threat to humanity are those who sit in secure bunkers as they make us kill each other in their game. Those are the same people who believe they need to flee to save humanity. It's made up fantasy garbage. Instead of entertaining aristocracy's bullshit and encouraging this faggotry, you could save humanity by raiding their secure bunkers and underground cities and exterminating the obviously guilty parties. That would remove the people who have bragged that they decide who lives and dies, and hold all of the weapons visibly as their "insurance policy" to make the world howl if their torture cult and space alien mythos is taken away from them. Just fucking boil them alive and be done with it. But then, that is "humanity". We're not human, by the thinking of the aristocracy and their enablers. We're animals who are the "threat" for such terrible deeds as "producing food" and "not abasing ourselves before space alien cults".


>nukes are flying now.
>These space energy stories are fantasies.

You got this backwards, you are fantasizing about the use of nuclear weapons, while most of our energy coming from space (where the sun lives) is factual.


We're not discussing whether to mine the sun's rays with space probes, as if solar energy were novel. The sun has delivered energy for billions of years to this planet. It did not deliver it solely for humans, as if the universe were made for us. That's some Satanic cosmology at work.


Israel is using nukes, Russia is using nukes, Ukraine is being given nukes to fire at Russia (which is really US making the war nuclear in its designated kill zone). It's already started. You shiveling cowards will never believe history moves until your thought leaders give you permission to say it has in fact moved. You're disgusting.


It turns out, nukes are not an automatic win button, and outside of Israel's air bombing raids, the nuclear weapons are in use for tactical deployment, which is what the doctrine expects. The scenario where nukes are about making a city go bye bye has always been a threat - like I said, to justify what the British did during WW2.


To say that "this works" when it never worked that way. Strategic bombing of German cities had no appreciable effect on the outcome of the war, and it was intended as eugenics taking a victory lap for getting the world to suffer yet again for it.

How much longer will you people lie like sniveling cowards? We do not have much longer. You fags. You complete, disgusting fags.


>We're not discussing whether to mine the sun's rays with space probes
No the discussion was about this >>484324
as in setting up a moon-base, for power collectors.

>Israel is using nukes, Russia is using nukes, Ukraine is being given nukes to fire at Russia
none of this is actually happening

>It turns out, nukes are not an automatic win button
Yes nukes are an automatic everybody-looses button.

>the nuclear weapons are in use for tactical deployment

<muh tacticool nukes
Making nukes smaller doesn't make them anymore usable, that's just a sales pitch of the people trying to make money off this. Small nukes still cause fallout. The political and the radioactive kind.

The biggest weapon that is "usable" are rocket accelerated high velocity kinetic impactors. They can reach similar power-density, but they don't make a big mess and they're really targeted, so you don't get massive civilian "collateral damage".


What tactical nukes actually do is increase the likelihood of an all-out nuclear exchange by presenting more situations for them to be used.


Since when was war neat and clean, conforming to this conceit of efficiency that never exists? Generals expect the dead to shit their pants as they die.

Tactical nukes are used for breaking formations, staging, siege equipment. No one is going to pattycake around their arsenal forever, even in this fake Germanic fashion of war. You have to invent reality to pretend that what is happening isn't actually happening.

It is basically confirmed Israel is using their nukes on Lebanon - that's what "bunker busters" are. You are misinformed about everything because you substitute this self-serving narrative with what someone would do with the tools at their disposal.
Nukes were used in 2003, and they bragged "we totally didn't use nukes, but they look like nukes!" Meanwhile you screeching retards think the nuke is a win button that kills everything, because everyone is too stupid to cover, and those selected to die will die. It's how you're trained to think, and it's a religion for you.

Nuke wars get ugly because all pretenses are off if they become general. All of the lies that wars can be far away and controlled by narratives don't stand up to the reality of a protracted war.

You people denied the reality of the Iraq War, ran cover for it when Obama gave you permission, and then rewrote history. You sniveling cowards make me sick.


This is the retard way of thinking how a weapon is used. The only way the "big nukes" are used is by tacit agreement, because they're using them to kill us and mutually win against their shared enemy. But, those "big nukes" don't do what you think they do, and that scenario does not play out as you believe. Every time you do it, you out yourself as a eugenist or, worse, an enabler.

"Big nukes" would level a city's buildings, but the people? They would live if there is but a few cubic feet of concrete between them and the surface. Building bunkers against the nukes is not too difficult for a large population.
The use of "bunker busters" in Lebanon required a lot of them to hit the target they wanted when they merked Nasrallah. Countries only have so many of these weapons stockpiled, and Israel's military industry is garbage.

You lie and keep lying, and you're on the spot to insist on this Germanic magical thinking version of history where nothing ever changes until it is mediated. You fucking Satanic coward!


It's always the same smug, the same Satanic smirk that you get away with this shit yet again. People like you are why this happened, more than the people at the top. You not only make it so easy for the rulers to do this, but you clamor to make it worse for us because the only idea you ever had was to kick down, stoke panic, and celebrate your smug. Filth.


Unlike you, I don't panic. Most people talk to each other and have some sense of what a nuke war would be, figured out the government lies about everything. It does not do what you believe it does - and nothing you believe is how reality works, because you don't believe there is a reality. Only reality for you is smug and the thrill of killing us.


I have, however, resigned myself to the stupidity of people like you being the dominant force in human history, and so, that does produce a sickness and despair in me, because it's too much for you fucking Satanics to be honest about anything, but you love lying. Filthy German cowards.


>What tactical nukes actually do is increase the likelihood of an all-out nuclear exchange by presenting more situations for them to be used.
Yeah you might be right, the country that gets attacked by a "tactical" nuke isn't going to make that distinction, and just consider it a nuke and trigger the standard retaliation. While the country that uses a "tactical" nuke is self-deluding that it's somehow a lesser aggression. Which has the result of lowering the threshold of a conflagration.


People don't inexorably act like cowardly faggots who will shoot everything in sight if they're given a gun. That's what Fabians tell you to be. If you're edgelording and think war is limited to some cutesy narrative, you're a bigger retard than I thought.


This reads like you are trying to normalize nuclear weapons.


They are normal. Why else would you be told ad nauseum to accept this knife at your throat by those who clearly benefit from telling you you're not allowed to say what is done to you?


What also gets me is that you act like we're not living under a depopulation regime, as millions drop dead from poison vaccines and the rightists brag about what they got away with and brag they will do again when they retake power. You people are disgusting cowards.

The true war is the eugenics war. All wars are eugenics wars now.


>They are normal.
Doomsday-devices will never be normal.

>Why else would you be told ad nauseum to accept this knife at your throat

But they're not accepted, most people think that nuclear stockpiles should be reduced further. Most people want the arms-control treaties back.


You already normalized them by screeching like a retard and believing wars are all planned and written as narratives. The truth is that there is no "doomsday device" - except for the institutions which exist to create doom, and the human beings who embrace that fate. It's really sad.

If we were to speak at all about what this bullshit has been, we would ask why we ever allowed this insinuation to start. Declare universal peace and be done with it. But, eugenics will not allow that until their torture is absolute. They will not let us live. For the favored, it has been a one world government since the 1990s. They can move anywhere they like.


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<A Russian nuclear missile exploded in its silo, leaving a 60-meter-wide crater, highlighting issues with the Sarmat missile program, which was originally set to be operational by 2018. The incident raises concerns for Russia’s strategic nuclear forces, but according to IISS researcher Timothy Wright, it does not threaten the country's overall nuclear deterrent.

<The Sarmat missile, also known as RS-SS-X-29, is a three-stage ICBM intended to replace the aging RS-20 Voevoda missiles. Development has faced delays, partly due to the loss of expertise after cooperation with a Ukrainian company ended following Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea. Satellite images from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome show the test silo was destroyed, likely due to an engine malfunction causing the missile to fall back and explode.

<With four failed tests and only one success, the Sarmat program faces potential cancellation, which would pose challenges for Russia's nuclear forces. A third of its land-based nuclear warheads are still mounted on the outdated Voevoda missiles. Despite the Sarmat's setbacks, Russia’s nuclear deterrent remains secure due to modernization of other missile systems.


>The truth is that there is no "doomsday device" - except for the institutions which exist to create doom, and the human beings who embrace that fate.
This is an interesting point. The doomsday device isn't just the big plutonium fission ignited hydrogen fusion warhead, it's also the people and organizations who try to make it go off. These people should be counted as sub-components of the doomsday device as much as the nuclear materials.


It is the command and control mechanism that is the fetish. It's not the bomb itself, but the big shiny red button that is presented as your instant solution to overpopulation - vaporize a million or a billion people, all so convenient and automatic. Do you get how absurd that is as an engineering problem if you think for five minutes, let alone a military engineering problem that is intended to be used against live targets who have a habit of not assembling in one place to stand and die on your terms? It takes some doing to engineer the kind of situation Hannibal did to kill so many Romans, and he eventually ran out of tactics to line up the Romans.


So this was the epic wunderwaffe that was supposed to destroy Europe? LOL


I think "overpopulation" is made up.
but you make an astute observation:
>vaporize a million or a billion people, all so convenient and automatic. Do you get how absurd that is as an engineering problem if you think for five minutes
Yeah imagine talking to an alien anthropologist, and they ask
why did you build a machine to irradiate your planet ?


Of course it is made up - overpopulation was posed as part of this narrative that the managers would have the "vaporize useless eaters" button offered, and associated with rewards of abundance.

I doubt an alien would see humanity as anything other than an abomination worthy of extermination, and seeing humanity in its present state, the aliens would summarily exterminate such a monstrous race. I would feel great if that happened.


Russians still have the older ICBM's but I hope for their sake that MAD still applies and holds. The only rational thing to do is full nuclear war if Russia cant retaliate back.


Their Sarmat program appears to be borked, they probably can unbork it, rockets exploding on the launchpad during development is not unusual, but even if they don't, Russia still has more advanced missile systems than anybody and at least a 15 year lead over the US's missile systems. So MAD is not being endangered here.

I think MAD will hold until we can make really powerful directed energy weapons. At that point the concept of a missile as a delivery system for some kind of war-head that explodes at the destination, will go obsolete.

Missiles will morph into the acceleration mechanism for purely kinetic impact weapons, which i assume are less vulnerable to directed energy weapons. I mean vaporizing a large chunk of metal in a short time at a distance probably isn't going to be feasible for a very long time.


Liz Truss spent final days in office ‘preparing for Putin to fire nuclear weapons’

>Ms Truss had been told the Russian president was just hours from deploying a nuke, which Whitehall officials feared would hurl radioactive material into the atmosphere which could spread 1,700 miles from the blast, according to Out of the Blue, an unauthorised biography of the short-serving former PM.

>An updated edition of the book, by journalists Harry Cole and James Heale, said Ms Truss spent “numerous hours studying satellite weather data and wind directions” over fears the “wrong weather patterns” could have a “direct fallout effect on Britain”.


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What an unfathomably stupid thing to do. If you're a head of state and genuinely convinced that nuclear war is imminent, why wouldn't you be trying to avert it. It's not like you can dodge the effects of a nuclear war.

Also Putin living in her head rent free.


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UN to conduct new study of the broad impacts of nuclear war. Not all countries want to know
>The UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly last week in favor of launching a two-year study on the effects of nuclear war—the first such expert study the UN has pursued since the 1980s. A total of 144 UN member states, including only one nuclear power, China, voted in favor. Some important NATO members also voted in favor of the resolution, including Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, and Greece. Russia, France, and the United Kingdom voted against the resolution, while other nuclear states, including the United States, abstained.

>The United Kingdom, France, and Russia did not provide official statements explaining their votes against the resolution at the United Nations. “Nuclear war would have devastating consequences for humanity. We don’t need an independent scientific panel to tell us that,” a UK Foreign Office spokesperson told The Guardian

Don't you love to live in 1980s 2.0 ? We will have bunch of smart asses (like Sagan back in the day) telling us that nukes are le bad (like we don't know) and state officials saying that the nukes maybe bad and dangerous but we need them to scare off the evil guys from the east (like it's worth destroying whole planet)


>We will have bunch of smart asses (like Sagan back in the day) telling us that nukes are le bad (like we don't know)
Sure, but Carl Sagan was awesome.

<The earth is a very small stage

< in a vast cosmic arena
<Think of the rivers of blood
< spilled by all those generals and emperors
<So that in glory and triumph
< they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot

We need people like that to deflate the egos of all those cold-warriors with rhetorical eloquence.

I know it's political circus, but I want detente politics and i want the arms-control treaties back, so I'm going to cheer for this.

It's not particularly difficult to calculate the matter to energy conversions in fission and fusion reactions, nor is it particularly difficult to find out how it couples to the environment. We're not going to learn much we didn't already know, we'll get more detailed simulations, with nicer graphics and more granular projections of consequences, because computers have faster processors and more memory.

I'd rather have a do-over of the 80s science project with the simulations than somebody trying it out for real. I know it feels a little performative, because we've seen this play before. But I can't listen to those war-hawks anymore, they make me feel the urge to beat them to a pulp, it's unpleasant, i'd rather listen to le science communicator guy.


we never left the 1980s


>We need people like that to deflate the egos of all those cold-warriors with rhetorical eloquence.
Except that pompous hosreshit poem you posted doesn't do that.
<why do people fight over earth when the universe is so big lolol
If looking through a telescope and seeing a tiny smudge of light for 1 million light years away changes your perspective on geopolitics you are a fucking retard. We can't interact with a galaxy 1 million light years away. We can't even meaningfully interact with anything outside earth's immediate orbit. As far as humans are concerned earth is the universe.

Also lol at you "cold-warriors" smear. They are not your enemy my dude. Without the cold war none of your deficit tripling socialist space agencies would exist in the first place. You should be thanking those cold warriors for funding your naval gazing space masturbation "research" all these decades.


>As far as humans are concerned earth is the universe.
That's provincial cope, being ruler of the world will at some point be seen as being the village champion at flopping tractor tires sideways across a field, where 150 people were really impressed for a weekend.

>You should be thanking those cold warriors for funding

Yeah in the 50s, 60s and maybe the 70s. After that it tapered off. And it was never a charitable contribution. They got the missile tech for nuke-deliveries and all the tech for com-sats and spy-sats out of it. You don't get the top-people interested into solving your next-level technical challenges unless there's a higher purpose like exploration.

Today space exploration is the step-child.
<Got anything we can use for doomsday devices ?
<No ?
<Here have some crumbs to stick around just in case we need space stuff.

The hole reason humanity can't even meaningfully interact with anything outside earth's immediate orbit, is because we didn't complete the ladder into space, we put like 3 rungs into it, then we stopped adding more rungs.

The next rung is putting up a basic space-ring, it's a type of large structure that is held up not by material properties alone but also by using some energy. It performs the same duty as a space-elevator except that you don't need special super-strong materials, or any other types of unobtanium.

It's the next step beyond rockets, it's like infrastructure, it costs a lot to build, has lots of complicated political and bureaucratic hurdles but once set up it improves efficiency by orders of magnitudes and operating costs plummet. We had the technology and the industrial power to do this for several decades. Just as an example of opportunity costs, that 20 year war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria,… that would've funded half a dozen space-rings, and I'm talking premium model with the option for space apartments.

Consider that the biggest space project that has been completed til now was the ISS and that wasn't build with the spirit of cold-war competition. International cooperation made that happen.

I don't see the cold-warriors as likely candidates for a political marriage with the space-explorers anymore. If the ladder into space gets completed it will set off the industrialization of space, the available resources and energy dwarfs anything on earth, by an incomprehensible amount, It'll be 3-4 hundred years of expansion. All the conflicts the cold-warriors care about will fade into obscurity, like all the other historic turf-wars that never got settled and just became irrelevant with civilizational leaps. It's like the cold-warriors really care about winning this level instead of leveling-up to the next one.


cope, humoid. the dustbin of history is waitin


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Well lads, looks like this is it. The petty demented old man in the white house has decided to cross a massive Russian red line and potentially initiate World War 3 all just to spite his incoming rival in the next administration.



am i gonna die?


>After one-term president George H.W. Bush lost to Bill Clinton in the 1992 election, Bush used those 11 weeks to invade Somalia, saddling Clinton with a foreign policy crisis that would bog him down and distract him from his agenda.
Does this disprove the accusations of the US government being a one-party system?


The Russians could still wait with a retaliation until after Trump takes office. If Trump is as transactional as he claims, maybe there's a mutually acceptable deal to be had. He gets to play the star negotiator that "talked down the Russians". And the Russians get lots of security concessions.

The Russians do have a lot of leverage in this negotiation, because they do have the ability to level up the military capabilities of all those Factions in west-Asia/middle-east, until they can make Israel go away.
That means a trade: Ukraine for Israel.

Those Attackums are not the newest sword in the rack, it's somewhat likely that Russian air-defences can counter, at least enough to minimize the damage.

So we're at the edge of the abyss.


>am i gonna die?
You're a mortal being, so definitely yes.
Whether you'll die in a nuclear war in a few weeks that remains to be seen.


<After one-term president George H.W. Bush lost to Bill Clinton in the 1992 election, Bush used those 11 weeks to invade Somalia, saddling Clinton with a foreign policy crisis that would bog him down and distract him from his agenda.
>Does this disprove the accusations of the US government being a one-party system?
It sounds more like a argument for the US being a one-party system. Because that sounds like a mechanism to prevent political change.


When I created this thread a year ago, everyone here was like " nah not gonna happen" and here we are


I know this feels like some kind of threshold. But if the Russians knock down a Missile factory in the US, UK or where ever those are made.

What are they gonna do ? Send NATO troops to Ukraine, western populations don't give a damn and will not fight for this. Not that it matters because they don't even have the weapons to arm the Ukrainians.

They could pull forces from other places to focus on the Russians, but then the Chinese take Taiwan, bully Japan and Australia to close down US military bases, while Iranians close down the straight of Hormuz, smash up Issreal and wipe out all the US military bases within their reach.

Think they'd flush what's left of the empire down the drain, all in one go, to avenge a missile factory ?

There's always a chance that the Russians interdict the missiles and it does nothing, and all of this just fizzles out. So don't loose your head.


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The entire thing is probably a nothing burger.

Apparently the ATACMS missiles won't be delivered until after Trump gets into office. So if he's honest about wanting to exit the Ukraine war, he can just cancel the missile deliveries and that'll be the end of it.

Just a political stunt.


>The entire thing is probably a nothing burger.
>So if he's honest about wanting to exit the Ukraine war


>I know this feels like some kind of threshold. But if the Russians knock down a Missile factory in the US, UK or where ever those are made.
>What are they gonna do ? Send NATO troops to Ukraine, western populations don't give a damn and will not fight for this.

If Russia actually struck US or UK soil, there would absolutely be an open direct "intervention" lol. The US wouldn't invade "just" for Ukraine, but would absolutely invade if they had a pretext like that, even if the American public thought it was stupid.

I think this is probably what's actually going on - for the record, I don't buy the notion that Trump & Biden are at odds at all. Biden is basically handing Trump a domestic political victory, where Trump can get credit for "deescalating" the conflict in Ukraine without actually doing anything to effectively end the war. The American state will seek to minimize concessions made to Russia, probably try to keep the war going on in Ukraine (even if at a lower boil), and try to get Russia not to intervene against US attacks on Syria & Iran, and possibly to be neutral in future fuckery in China/the ROC.

There are a few problems with this, though. Firstly, the US has proven itself to be very dishonest in the past, and Russia is unlikely to abandon its current partners for the US, especially China, which the US sees as the biggest threat.
Secondly, if Russia does abandon Iran, that will still prove to be a bad deal economically for both Russia & China, because the ensuing war will interrupt oil & trade routes. This outcome, even if Russia was to agree to it, would be a disaster for the region & for the people of the US as well. It's unlikely that this would actually be contained, even to just that region.
Thirdly, even if it is "contained" (and Israel effectively expands further), that's obviously a complete disaster which is unlikely to remain contained for very long.

So it's likely a more 'nuanced' strategy than it seems on the surface, yes, but it is still incredibly dumb.


>If Russia actually struck US or UK soil, there would absolutely be an open direct "intervention" lol. The US wouldn't invade "just" for Ukraine, but would absolutely invade
The US doesn't have the ability to deploy 5% of the ground forces required for an invasion of Russia and Europe won't have the ability to field a military until it's got at least a decade of social democrats doing a re-industrialization. So don't be ridiculess.

The US currently does not have a counter for Russian anti-air and anti-ship weapons, so it likely would turn into a long distance missile slog fest.

Scott Ritter and Larry Wilkerson think Russia might decapitate the Zelensky regime as retaliation to the recent red-line crossing. The logic being that's the thread they can pull to unravel the neocon project in Ukraine.

Your premise that Russia is motivated to exercise restraint based on western military prowess likely isn't true. They just won a war of attrition against NATO. It's more likely the Russians would choose not to rock the boat too much because they promised China to not spoil their peaceful rise.

If you zoom out all the way, it appears almost as if all those countries are searching for the thing they can threaten in order to deter the neocons from the war-path.


>The US doesn't have the ability to deploy 5% of the ground forces required for an invasion of Russia and Europe won't have the ability to field a military until it's got at least a decade of social democrats doing a re-industrialization.
What's ridiculous is expecting the current US leadership to look at its limitations and make a rational decision based on those.

>Scott Ritter and Larry Wilkerson think Russia might decapitate the Zelensky regime as retaliation to the recent red-line crossing. The logic being that's the thread they can pull to unravel the neocon project in Ukraine.

Ritter's too optimistic sometimes tbh.
This would be more effective than striking the US directly ftr, though.

>Your premise that Russia is motivated to exercise restraint based on western military prowess likely isn't true. They just won a war of attrition against NATO. It's more likely the Russians would choose not to rock the boat too much because they promised China to not spoil their peaceful rise.

When was that ever my premise?


>I don't buy the notion that Trump & Biden are at odds at all. Biden is basically handing Trump a domestic political victory
Why ascribe to conspiracy when you can simply attribute this to a demented, spiteful old man who is no longer mentally competent enough to think ahead?


>I think this is probably what's actually going on - for the record, I don't buy the notion that Trump & Biden are at odds at all. Biden is basically handing Trump a domestic political victory, where Trump can get credit for "deescalating" the conflict in Ukraine without actually doing anything to effectively end the war. The American state will seek to minimize concessions made to Russia.
OK if they're doing a really clever good cop bad cop routine, why are they doing all the other really dumb shit ? They had some major self-owns lately, like helping to bootstrap BRICS, accelerating dedolarization, tanking western economies, provoking a war without having enough ammunition to fight it and on and on. I don't really see what they gain from duping the Russians into delaying a retaliation.

>There are a few problems with this, though. Firstly, the US has proven itself to be very dishonest in the past, and Russia is unlikely to abandon its current partners for the US,

I don't think betrayal was ever on the table. I think the deal that can be had is that the Russians could be moved to convince the Iranians to not get nukes and not finish-off Israel, if they get in return a Ukraine arrangement that they like.

At the moment Israel is destroying it self chasing after gReaTer iSrael. Iran will soon become the dominant regional player as a result, and the Russians probably are the only ones that can convince Iranians to have mercy.

Keep in mind that the more force-projection the US has to expend to prop up Is-failed-state-rael the fewer resources there will be for messing with Russia. So for the Russians it probably doesn't matter that much which way this goes.

>So it's likely a more 'nuanced' strategy than it seems on the surface

It looks like unhinged emotional decisions without any strategy what so ever.


>What's ridiculous is expecting the current US leadership to look at its limitations and make a rational decision based on those.
Ok there's truth to that. But the Pentagon probably wouldn't go along with it, they've demonstrated self-preservation so far.

>Ritter's too optimistic sometimes tbh.

>This would be more effective than striking the US directly ftr, though.
So hypothetically if the Russian decapitate Ukraine, that'll be the result ?

>When was that ever my premise?

OK never mind then.



Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping's reported order to the Chinese military to be prepared to invade Taiwan by 2027 and China's ongoing nuclear buildup have raised U.S. concerns over the prospect of a U.S.-China conflict. A conflict with China would be distinct from the wars the United States has fought in the post–Cold War period against regional powers without nuclear weapons. This report summarizes a series of reports on how U.S. joint long-range strike, especially the U.S. Air Force's bomber force, could adapt to better balance military operational effectiveness, force survivability, and escalation management to achieve desired military and political objectives without triggering catastrophic escalation, specifically Chinese nuclear first use.

This report is the product of a mixed-methods research approach that combined regional studies, analytic strategic theory, and historical case studies, all informed by operational analysis. The authors (1) conducted original Chinese-language research leveraging open-source Chinese military writings; (2) supplemented the limited information available from open-source Chinese military writings with historical case studies and a broad review of analytic strategic theory dating back to early RAND work in the 1950s, along with a literature review of Western scholarship on China; (3) reviewed publicly available U.S. Department of Defense documents and recent non-U.S. government wargames; and (4) developed an analytic framework that linked China’s nuclear escalation with specific technical or employment characteristics of U.S. joint long-range strike.
Key Findings

If fully committed to fighting and winning a war with China, the United States must be prepared for nuclear escalation and place more emphasis on managing these risks.
China's nuclear threshold is unclear but also likely movable, meaning that the United States has an opportunity to make the threshold better (but also risks making it worse).
There will likely be trade-offs among military operational utility, force survivability, and escalation management.
The single most influential factor under U.S. military control for managing escalation is target selection.
Munitions can have a direct impact on the U.S. military's ability to manage escalation.


Prioritize development of a robust denial capability to minimize the need for kinetic strikes on mainland China and to reduce the risk of nuclear escalation.
Build a portfolio of U.S. joint long-range strike force structures, postures, and capabilities to execute war plans across various possible mainland strike authorizations.
Ensure the ability to prosecute a variety of targeting plans that can help balance operational effectiveness, force survivability, and escalation management.
Manage Chinese perceptions of long-range strike before and during a war.
Incorporate considerations of escalation risk into the acquisition process, especially for systems that are likely to appear highly escalatory to Chinese leadership.
Establish an Escalation Management Center of Excellence at the U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command both to train senior and junior personnel and to have a dedicated organizational structure through which escalation risks can be weighed during peacetime force development.
Avoid making U.S. long-range strike capabilities an attractive target for a limited Chinese nuclear strike.
Avoid long-range strike missions that could accidentally or inadvertently engage a nuclear armed third-party, such as Russia or North Korea.
Avoid extemporaneous responses to dangerous moments by preparing communication strategies and responses to Chinese nuclear signaling or use ahead of time.
Avoid peacetime training of conventional missions that appear most likely to trigger Chinese nuclear use, such as large-scale cost-imposition, leadership decapitation, or counterforce.


The language in these is just amazing.
<Balancing the force survivability
<escalation management
<Build a portfolio of strike force structures

The ability to linguistically trivialize existentially threatening brinkmanship is unparalleled. I wish George Carlin was still alive.


>Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping's reported order to the Chinese military to be prepared to invade Taiwan by 2027
I think this translates to the neocons planning to make Taiwan declare independence, to provoke the Chinese in 2027.
It's probably not going to work because the Taiwanese don't want to become the next sacrificial goat like Ukraine. Also the Chinese can make a naval blockade to force the Taiwanese compradore elite to remove US weapons systems from the Island. It will probably work because the Chinese will be able to guarantee the rest of Taiwan that it retains its current arrangement where it's got it's own political system and the ability to conduct trade as they see fit. Which means that they neither disturb Taiwanese citizens nor commerce.
>the U.S. Air Force's bomber force
That's referencing the stuff that's parked in Guam, right ? That likely won't come into play.
There might be some boat-colisions, you know "bumper-tubs".

Messing with Taiwan likely means the Chinese will focus intense diplomacy efforts with economic development deals on Latin America, and that'll likely retire the Monroe doctrine. The next unintended neocon policy consequence might be Brazil leveling up and becoming a big player.


Oh là là
Ukraine says Russia launched an intercontinental missile in an attack for the first time in the war

>KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine claimed Thursday that Russia launched an intercontinental ballistic missile overnight at one of its cities. If confirmed, it would be the first time Moscow has used such a weapon in the war.

>Ukraine did not provide any evidence that an ICBM was used in the attack on the central city of Dnipro, apparently armed with conventional warheads.

>The range of an ICBM — which can exceed 5,500 kilometers (3,400 miles) — is beyond what is needed to attack Ukraine. But such missiles are designed to carry atomic warheads, and the use of one, even with a conventional payload, would serve as a chilling reminder of Russia’s nuclear capability. It also appears to send a message to Ukraine’s Western allies that Moscow has the ability to target them.


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>Ukraine claimed a big whoop occurred
evidence required


Some people might be wondering what the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is up to, now that the world is on the precipice of annihilation. Where's their big statement of concern, warning us of an imminent catastrophe if someone doesn't initiate diplomacy? Not to worry, they're busy publishing warmongering trash like this, cheerleading on the US and Ukraine crossing Russia's red line:


This is how the world ends: with thunderous applause.


Putin warns West as Russia hits Ukraine with 'new missile'
>Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that an attack by his forces on the eastern Ukrainian city of Dnipro on Thursday morning was carried out using "a new conventional intermediate-range missile".

>He said that the missile, codenamed Oreshnik, was a response to the use by Ukraine of US and UK long-range weaponry to hit targets inside Russia.

>Putin added that Russia could attack military facilities of those countries which allowed their weapons to be used for this purpose.


>intermediate-range missile
Ok now it makes sense, the other news said intercontinental.

>the missile, codenamed Oreshnik

speculated 2500km 1500miles range, one tonne payload, maneuverable and hypersonic.

that's a big stick.



>MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. — When hundreds of land-based nuclear armed ballistic missiles were first lowered into underground cement silos spread across the vast cornfields here in 1970, the weapons were only intended to last a decade before a newer system came in.

>Fifty years later, these missiles — called the Minuteman III — are still on alert, manned by members of the U.S. Air Force in teams of two who spend 24 hours straight below ground in front of analog terminals from the 1980s, decoding messages and running tests on the missiles’ systems to check if they could still launch if needed.

>But it’s not the age of weapons or the decades-old technology that troubles their operators. It’s that the original manufacturers who supplied the gears, tubes and other materials to fix those systems are long gone.

>Several years ago, the motor on one of the industrial-sized caged elevators that slowly descends 100 feet below ground to the launch control center broke, an airman with the base’s 791st Maintenance Squadron told McClatchy. A fix was not available for months.

>Instead, maintainers resorted to rigging a pulley to lower supplies down for the crews, the airman said, who spoke on the condition they not be named.

>“We’re severely constrained with spares,” the airman said. “The technology does its job. The challenge is sustaining it.”

>To make repairs, airmen are often forced to take parts from another machine. Two of the airmen at Minot told McClatchy the facility’s missile guidance system often needs parts or attention because of constant wear and tear.

>“You can only do that so many times until the system fails,” said Lt. Col. Steve Bonin, commander of the 91st Operations Support Squadron at Minot.


>Some people might be wondering what the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is up to
Huh ? that's still a thing ?
Do they still have the clock ?
how many minutes or seconds till nuclear doom ?

>Where's their big statement of concern, warning us of an imminent catastrophe if someone doesn't initiate diplomacy? Not to worry, they're busy publishing warmongering trash

Maybe their website got vandalized ?
Or they got taken over by shills and it's now defunct.

There's always VIPS
<Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
They tend to have decent takes on war and peace type of stuff.


>they got taken over by shills
That's been apparent to me since at least covid.


There's a lot of other issues that one can easily predict how an oligarch will behave through simple class analysis. But I just find nuclear annihilation so perplexing. Do they really think this is all make believe? Do they really think they're gonna survive nuclear winter where "the living will envy the dead"?


>But I just find nuclear annihilation so perplexing. Do they really think this is all make believe? Do they really think they're gonna survive
During the cold war, on the extreme end of thinking, there were some rich people who thought that the solution to all this "nuclear trouble" was to build bunkers for them as well as their servants and then they would set off nuclear war on purpose. They and their descendants would remain in the bunkers for a few hundred years until the conditions on the surface had regenerated. After that they would come out and the earth would be theirs.

Even in that bonkers scenario where they mass-murder nearly all of humanity, in their minds this wasn't something they were doing, they were just regular people trying to deal with a situation that was imposed on them from the outside.

By the way the Soviets had build huge bunker complexes underneath factories, so the workers could survive a nuclear war and it would have ended in planet Soviet.


>By the way the Soviets had build huge bunker complexes underneath factories, so the workers could survive a nuclear war and it would have ended in planet Soviet.
It's difficult to imagine how. Nuclear winter does not discriminate. No crops and no ecology = no humans


That was meant tongue in cheek. Obviously extinction is the most likely outcome.

I did look into nuclear-survival strategies from the cold-war, while nobody actually had a viable plan, the Soviets definitely were somewhat more advanced in their attempts. They were looking into electro-chemical means for feeding micro organisms as the basis for a food chain. Eating nuclear generated electricity with extra steps.


>The Soviets were looking into electro-chemical means for feeding micro organisms as the basis for a food chain.
Never heard about this. Source?


It was long ago, if i remember i'll make a thread about it.


Are you prepping, my fellow preppers?
Nuclear bunker sales increase, despite expert warnings they aren’t going to provide protection
>Global security leaders are warning nuclear threats are growing as weapons spending surged to $91.4 billion last year. At the same time, private bunker sales are on the rise globally, from small metal boxes to crawl inside of to extravagant underground mansions.

>Critics warn these bunkers create a false perception that a nuclear war is survivable. They argue that people planning to live through an atomic blast aren’t focusing on the real and current dangers posed by nuclear threats, and the critical need to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

>Meanwhile, government disaster experts say bunkers aren’t necessary. A Federal Emergency Management Agency 100-page guide on responding to a nuclear detonation focuses on having the public get inside and stay inside, ideally in a basement and away from outside walls for at least a day. Those existing spaces can provide protection from radioactive fallout, says FEMA.

It's the fucking Cold War shitshow all over again
>preppers start nuclear hysteria
>anti-nuke activists say that preparing for the war is le bad because it implies the nuclear war is survivable
>the government says that buying or building expensive bunkers is not necessary because you can survive the nuclear blast just hiding under the table


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Impending nuke warnings are down to 5 minutes or so. Rich people won't have time to get to their bunkers. If somebody survives in a luxury bunker it will be the maintenance and cleaning crew. Sweet irony.

>Critics warn these bunkers create a false perception that a nuclear war is survivable. They argue that people planning to live through an atomic blast aren’t focusing on the real and current dangers posed by nuclear threats, and the critical need to stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

That doesn't work, wrong psychology. They should sell bunker-sealing-kits with a bunker-map, instead. You know something to block-off bunker-doors and seal-up the air-exchange-vents from the outside. The left-behind F-U kit. Psychology wise that might be more convincing, than explaining the logistics errors of trying to treat nuclear war like a contingency problem. People didn't investigate and understand the material consequences of nuclear war and based on that attempted to create a nuke-proof habitat. I think people treat this like a game of musical chairs where they pay to reserve a chair.

>preppers start nuclear hysteria

>anti-nuke activists say that preparing for the war is le bad because it implies the nuclear war is survivable
>the government says that buying or building expensive bunkers is not necessary because you can survive the nuclear blast just hiding under the table
First as a tragedy then as a farce.

There is a case to build houses and buildings underground tho, because temperatures below ground are stable and energy use for heating or air-conditioning would go down to a small fraction. Most people probably would only run a water draining pump and ventilation . Since building-roofs would be at ground level they could be little parks or gardens. Windows could be simulated with stereo-cameras and 3d-effect screens. It would also somewhat harden civilization against war. If we hide industrial society a little the reactionary anti-prosperity strain that took over a lot of environmentalism would fade away too.


>That doesn't work, wrong psychology. They should sell bunker-sealing-kits with a bunker-map, instead. You know something to block-off bunker-doors and seal-up the air-exchange-vents from the outside.

But how will that help?


>But how will that help?
If a nuclear war breaks out, it does nothing, just like the bunkers.

The bunkers are imaginary protection from nuclear war.
The bunker-sealing-kits are imaginary bunker-spoilers.

If you wanted to weather a nuclear war for real you need a fully fledged underground habitat, one that is self sufficient in everything, a fully fledged biome that yields food, geothermal energy, resource gathering , artificial atmosphere generators, … It would need to support a population of about 100000 people. More like a giant space station. You have to plan for unforeseen complications. A nuclear war could ruin the surface in ways that we can't predict. That means you need to include the capacity to rebuild civilization underground. The means to expand the underground habitat until a level of economic power and technological sophistication is achieved that enables terra-forming the ruined surface so that it once again supports human live. It means committing to a scifi scenario where the next 10000 years, humanity might have to larp as mole-people. We could technically do this, but lets face it, we won't.

Most people think that a bunker only needs to be a underground hotel room that has enough provisions. Explaining why that's wrong is complicated. Some rich people might see a bunker as nothing more than the ability to live out the rest of their lives, once nuclear war has extinct humanity, so they get to have the last party.

So with all that in mind, it's easier to tell people that those left behind will ruin their bunker and therefor the only option to deal with a nuclear war, is not having the nuclear war in the first place and idk throwing the WW3 lobby into a vat of boiling acid or something.


Welcome to Idiocracy
Elon Musk orders mass firings of hundreds of nuclear weapons security employees
>Scenes of confusion and chaos unfolded over the last two days at the civilian agency that oversees the nation's nuclear weapons stockpile, as the Trump administration's mass firings were carried out before being "paused" on Friday.

Trump administration wants to un-fire some nuclear safety workers but can’t figure out how to reach them
>The individuals, who work in an agency that oversees the nation's nuclear stockpile, had been fired on Thursday and lost access to their federal government email accounts.


I think this might be related to plans for reducing nuclear weapons. That wouldn't be a bad thing.


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Let's hope so

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