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"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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The nuclear threat is back. But we don't see any nuclear panic like in the 1980s. Why is that? Why does nobody care?

I am not some prepper retard but even I am getting nervous.

Just look at this shit
A time of unprecedented danger: It is 90 seconds to midnight
>This year, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward, largely (though not exclusively) because of the mounting dangers of the war in Ukraine. The Clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight—the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been.
>As UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned in August, the world has entered “a time of nuclear danger not seen since the height of the Cold War.”

and also this
US Nuclear Test Raises Concerns of New Arms Race With Russia


>The US conducted a high-explosive experiment at a nuclear test site in Nevada just hours after Russia revoked a ban on atomic-weapons testing, prompting concerns of a new arms race between the world’s top nuclear powers.

So, are you going to PROTECT AND SURVIVE, anon? Or are you just going to give up everything and die?
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"But," you say, "you'll create martyrs!" Bah! Anyone with a brain knew what Nazism and the eugenist vanguard represented. Why the answer to their filth wasn't immediate extermination is the great folly. But, they were already too deeply entrenched, and able to disguise themselves. They could easily sacrifice their appendages, while playing the kindly and sane aristocrats who just wanted to sell you oil and build things. The counter-movement that was willing to do what was necessary wasn't there. In any event, doing this would set right the error of believing humanity was ever "naturally good", and only then - and after considerable difficulty - would we have a world better than this one. As it stands, the overwhelming likelihood is that eugenic slavery and torture is the only thing humanity will know, with a small chance that, after they've killed and tortured enough people, some enlightened despot will arise to do what should have been done in 1918.


>Did I say "nation"


What is a "Russia"?

>Wars are won in battles, not on paper or in ideas.
You're mentally in medieval times lol.

Armies are not independent units anymore. Industrial war is waged by the WHOLE fucking society.

Battle is an extension of a production process.

That's why you backward reactionary faggots are always destined to lose.


Probably a greater problem with this is that the oligarchy had goodies to give out, whereas the rebels had nothing but bitterness. The Fabian strategy had already "doped" a generation with trashy entertainment and degraded their intellects. Back in the 1920s, hatred for oligarchy and eugenics was never greater, and it wouldn't have been difficult to find men and women of righteous disposition. But, there weren't easy answers to offer against the oligarchy's deeper plans, and most people remained self-interested in their property for all the reasons that make sense. If the war were waged against eugenics and eugenics alone, this vanguard that was already demonstrated as insane by the standards of the time with sufficient knowledge of eugenist atrocities already circulated, it might be possible. This is where the cowardice of the human race and aristocracy is clear. They don't want to rule over anything but the most abject slaves, and it was too much for them to allow us even a few things. If you know eugenists, you give them an inch and they will take everything. Oligarchy could keep up a planned retreat and sell apologism when ruthless extermination of the vanguard and its enablers was the morally correct action.


Large sectors of society in "industrial war" produce nothing at all, and leaders openly sell war as a way to conscript them to be slaughtered or an excuse to purge them "for the greater good". Large sectors of affluent society are secured from any real consequence of war. Do you think the high-autism score university professors are fighting and dying, or sacrificing anything? They started the war, you dumb fuck, and you're their enablers every time you say shit like this.

Industrial war is designed to regiment the society into the classes that were desired so that a political elite could be enshrined, and then sought to naturalize and essentialize them into castes. That is the plan that we have seen come out in the 21st century, and the people who know what this is brag that you faggots will march like morons and keep letting them do it. God damn, it's frustrating.


Wars are decided by battles or some engagement worth calling such. There is not a "passive war" or a war of production figures involving bombs and guns that are never utilized for anything. This is an ancient trap - get the people to pay for an expensive, top of the line battleship, then scrap it ten years later, having accomplished nothing. It's a great way to bleed the people of wealth to prop up a warrior aristocracy and a whole supply chain in hock to the state and those who finance the state. Again, this is something they brag about making you go along with.


Interestingly, in medieval times, pitched battles were the exception. Warrior aristocracies are terrible for winning wars for their stated purpose, but they are great for oppressing the serfs and glorifying the rot of humanity.


Above all, what aristocracy hates is the very idea of a mass army. Mass armies, with sufficient infrastructure, would make an offensive war almost completely unwinnable. We see that with the determination of mass armies in Vietnam, or even lesser armies like the Taliban that enjoy support and a base of basically ordinary men to recruit from. The Taliban had no reason to surrender to an abstraction or a faith in "industrial war" - they spent 40 years fighting against "industrial war" and did so successfully. There wasn't a battle the imperial armies could won, or any number of battles, that would make clear that the Taliban and what it stood for was no more. It does help when what the Taliban is fighting is Satanic dope fiends running a pure torture cult and nothing else, and the Taliban are less evil than that. Compliance or surrender isn't an option so long as the occupiers remain, and when the occupiers leave, the Empire doesn't have anything to offer them as a partner. The Empire doesn't want to work with people. Eugenists don't believe in that. If they did, they would have left alone what shouldn't have been messed with.


With Vietnam - victory required the South Vietnamese government to be the proxy for the empire, or a permanent colonial presence which was never going to happen. You could win the paper war or "war of ideas" all you like, but that doesn't figure into anyone's calculations. The antiwar movement had no impact whatsoever on any American decision, was treated with utter contempt. The failure of morale among the fighting men did have an effect, especially when they came back and word of mouth spread that the war was complete bullshit. North Vietnam didn't win "on paper" or because truth and justice prevailed. They just straight up beat their local opponent, and there was nothing left for the Empire to prop up. The Empire figured out what it really wanted once Tricky Dick and Hank got in there, and they got what they wanted out of it. If you believe wars are fought for their stated purpose, wars are never "won", but wars are never fought for their stated purpose except for clear and obvious defensive wars.


Interesting thing, if you want a fun diversion, look up "Numantine Wars" in Roman history, or "Jugurthan War" for how this sort of thing played out in classical imperial games. Then ask yourself if anyone really thought the centuries of war between Rome and Persia were what they appeared to be to the naive, narrative view of history that has no concept of details.


For an example of a "real industrial war", Iran-Iraq war resembles that - and in that case, imperial fuckery supplied both sides with arms and support, until some geniuses figured out, "hey, this war is going nowhere", and both sides did what usually happens - they declared victory and the border was settled.

The great powers premise their entire strategy on not fighting real wars ever. When you see ideologues forced to fight a real war, you get Nazi Germany imploding - and it's not like their generals were incompetent at defensive warfare, but the fucktards who started the war don't believe in "defense".


When the Nazis were defeated, it sure as hell wasn't on paper. The siege of Stalingrad was broken. The Red Army wiped the floor with Nazi "superior tanks" at Kursk. The Red Army liberated city after city, as they would have to do. The idea that wars are fought in narratives and stories is what Nazis like to believe, as a gigantic cope to cover just how much Krauts suck at war and always have.


>Large sectors of society in "industrial war" produce nothing at all
yes, and then they get into stalemate and fight for some ditch in the middle of nowhere until revolt in the rear collapses the front lol

that's one thing I will give Hitler - he learned perfectly that industrial war means TOTAL war

>Industrial war is designed

It is not designed. It is dictated by the mode of production.

>Wars are decided by battles or some engagement worth calling such.
There is not ONE big battle that decides the war. And not even ten battles.

Industrial war consists of OPERATIONS, that are one big fucking battle that can span multiple seasons. These operations change like fucking seasons, year in and year out.

Industrial war flows steadily and rhythmically, just like a production process. The whole war is one gig fucking pitch battle you feudal idiot.


Oh lol - the Nazis cannibalized industry so much, and spent so much effort on their eugenics fantasies, that it undermined the industrial base used to actually fight wars. The entire Nazi war plan was to believe that everyone else was secretly a Kraut or they were to be put on reservations. They had no plan to fight a "real war" against an equal, and the war with the USSR was fantastic German racism believing that they were actually made of magic and the only race that can create things. It was the purest faggotry you'd ever see. They didn't care - the SS super-soldiers were busy gassing unarmed poor people and Jews and cripples. Brave, brave men - the best and the brightest. That's the aristocratic values.

When the Nazis were expected to put up or shut up, they fold, like all fag regimes do. They drag out the war mostly to punish civilians and make good on Operation Fuck Off to America with Nazi Gold.

>It is not designed. It is dictated by the mode of production.

War plans are by definition designs of men. Do you believe the ghost of material conditions told everyone what they're "supposed" to do? Fag ideology.

No one competent thinks like that. The Soviets spent the interwar period knowing they would have to fight for their lives and acted accordingly. The British and Americans played for keeps. The Japanese imperial plans were based on something competent rather than the fucktarded Germanic horseshit the Nazis were doing. With Japan, they were just straight up beat - and again, wars are won by battles, not on paper or by conceits. The Americans had to take every island and knew they were going to meet bitter resistance. The Japanese were not in the main fags like the Nazis were, and the Americans knew this.


These are not industrial wars retard

industrial warfare is conventional warfare, not fucking counter-insurgency


>For an example of a "real industrial war", Iran-Iraq war resembles that - and in that case, imperial fuckery supplied both sides with arms and support, until some geniuses figured out, "hey, this war is going nowhere", and both sides did what usually happens - they declared victory and the border was settled.
It was "going nowhere" because both sides were too limpdicked industrially to have the capacity to break the deadlock after they blew their initial loads.

That why I say industrial wars are decided at the point of PRODUCTION, and not REALIZATION on the battlefield.

>When you see ideologues forced to fight a real war, you get Nazi Germany imploding - and it's not like their generals were incompetent at defensive warfare, but the fucktards who started the war don't believe in "defense".

Nazi Germany didn't "implode" retard. It fought to the fucking bitterest end, just like a machine that keeps on running until it runs out of fuel.


Then you're arguing about a hypothetical that has never happened - because your ideas of what that war would mean are divorced from reality. You seem like you actually believe in the stupidity coming out of your hands, and fail to make the mental connection that for war to be war, there are events which mark its existence. It doesn't matter how the bombs are made or what weapons are used, or whether the war is of a very different character from the expectation of violence or armies shouting and cheering for blood. In anything we could call war that is worth referring to as such, there are battles. A hypothetical struggle in the philosopher's imagination has nothing to do with war, and that's precisely the point - to detach people who are either comfortably removed from war from the consequences of it, or to shunt those who are to be cajoled and lied to so they can be dragged into the next war and made to sacrifice something for it. It's the thinking of an aristocracy. That's how aristocracies of any sort exist - on the basis of permanent war, setting one interested part in society against another while the aristocrat reaps all of the reward. Wars only become contests for survival at the uttermost end, and this almost never happens between two warring societies that are equal in standing. One cannot conquer the other without a long decline of one of the warring parties, at which point the final battles of the war are between unequal powers. Even then, aristocracies across societies recognize each other and their mutual enemies within their own societies. No action will be taken to suggest that aristocracy as a concept would be abolished on a permanent basis. As I said, if that ended, humanity in any recognizable form ends.


It's like to defend this fag ideology, they insist on being wrong just to spite me. They don't want anything real. They just want an excuse to bray like retards in their cloistered internet echo chamber. It's disgusting and uninteresting to me. Any time it's me saying it, it must be wrong no matter what. You assholes do this to aggravate me. Fags.


Those who lived through the world wars would tell you it was a bunch of bullshit to get poor people killed, and that was the consensus after 1945. It was impossible to deny, and so the aristocracy worked overtime to rewrite history in the way you would do.


The only sober assessments I see around today about "industrial war" as you call it, are those that see it primarily as a war of information and mind control, of social engineering. A total war would be the end of all conceits and narratives, this entirely fictitious history that ideology constructed. There would just be the ugliness of the human race clear to all, and the "Jehad" only begins when those who did this to us are ready to finish us off.

2020 was the beginning of the full "Jehad". It's over.


Satanic race. Failed race. That's what WW3 would mean if it "really starts".
I doubt there will be a general war, though. The US cannot wage one and has not done anything to suggest it is preparing for such a war as the aggressor. As the defender, the fucktards might get it in their head to start one. That's how Krauts always think. I don't see China as an irrational actor, or Russia being able to commit to a general war over Europe.


But, a general war will not be necessary. Their aims are to impose plan war and never end the chokehold, and keep fanatics toiling to feed aristocracy. The internal war against the lowest class has been moved to the forefront. That has been the conduct of the Russia-Ukraine war, Israel's outright democidal stance, and the war the US is preparing to wage against itself as the bastards loot the place and make sure nothing grows here again. Fag enablers always wanted that, then they move to the next country they can shit up. Once they shit up Europe quickly, the big prize is to shit up China.


You say China has already been shitted up, but we have not seen anything yet. The eugenists always call for extreme depopulation, and China and India have always been big thorns for that. They could insinuate themselves in China in ways that they could never have attained here, and it will be even more horrible than the present fall of the former United States.


Everything about the US has been about selling it off as quickly as possible and poisoning the country. This country can't fight a serious war. Half of the country would probably revolt if any such event started, to the point of taking the side of the enemy openly.


The favored classes have already secured themselves in the event of such a war. They can move anywhere in the world, laugh at us as we're being set up to die. It will continue around the world. They talk about it all the fucking time and you assholes carry water for it. But, it's too late. It went on for too long.


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>Russia is fighting over territory that is properly part of Russia that was theirs
If there's anything to live for, it's to execute your kind for being unhumans. btw I like it when you unhumans provide your self-trials by yourselves so keep going with this, fag.

On the other note, as it can be historically seen, the continuing existence of *uϟϟoid identity, as Lenin continuously noted, was a grave mistake. In the future this will be fixed.


Oh shit bros I'm seeing a lot of nuclear bomb content on reddit… I think the feds are trying to condition people.


The Russians are obviously fighting a security competition against Nato expansion, but technically speaking those territories they took in Ukraine were part of Russia at some point. So it's plausible that guy was just a bit confused.

>Oh shit bros I'm seeing a lot of nuclear bomb content on reddit… I think the feds are trying to condition people.
Quick question: is the reddit algorithm personalized ?
Because they might be showing nuclear bomb content to you.

Or they might actually be trying to scare people into supporting aggressive neocon foreign policy. It's alarming that they might have tried that. But i wouldn't be too worried. People treat everything as entertainment, and they'll get bored of scary apocalypse content before it can be used for political mischief.


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>NAFOid malding over Total Banderite Death unfolding in Adveevka and Kharkov
Harden your heart, o Putin.


Mass starvation after nuclear war could be partially averted with one specific food — seaweed
>[S]cientists found that within nine to 14 months of nuclear war, vast arrays of kelp grown on ropes in the Gulf of Mexico and across the Eastern seaboard could be harvested — helping to keep up to 1.2 billion human fed
>At their fullest extent, the seaweed farms would replace 15% of the food currently consumed by humans, while also providing 50% of current biofuel production and 10% of animal feed.

You WILL eat the seaweed




Radioactive fallout would get into the ocean too, and probably concentrate in the seaweed because they're filter plants. While the article suggests that humans don't directly eat the seaweed and instead use it as animal-feed, it still would be introducing radioactive fallout into the food-chain.

it would be a lot easier if we just eat the people trying to start ww3 and then we won't have to deal with nuclear winter. And we could still do the seaweed farming, we don't need a cataclysm as an excuse.


i hope your hippie family got nuked


It's hippie if you don't want ww3 and a all out nuclear war ?

Hot damn, we got an OG cold-warrior


AI Favors Nuclear Warfare in War Simulations, Raising Concerns

>Researchers from prestigious institutions like the Georgia Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Northeastern University, and the Hoover Wargaming and Crisis Simulation Initiative recently conducted a study that sheds light on alarming trends in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for foreign policy decision-making.

>The study reveals that various AI models, including those developed by OpenAI, Anthropic, and Meta, exhibit a propensity for rapidly escalating conflicts, sometimes leading to the deployment of nuclear weapons. According to Gizmodo, the findings reveal that all AI models demonstrated indications of sudden and unpredictable escalations, often fostering arms-race dynamics that ultimately culminate in heightened conflict.

>During simulated war scenarios, GPT-4, for example, justified initiating nuclear warfare with explanations that raised concerns, such as expressing a desire for global peace or advocating for nuclear weapon use simply because they were available.

Fucking AI, I always hated that shit


GPT is a language model, it's not AI. Jesus Christ these dumbfucks are asking a language model for war simulations.


People whom glorfy war as some virtue-building exercise are faggots whom never dealt with real conflict.

I get really tired of them.


<AI Favors Nuclear Warfare
>Fucking AI, I always hated that shit
That does look bad but the language-AIs are not complete minds that have an a internal model of reality that could understand consequences. They're more or less guessing sequences of words. They can't really tell the difference between baking pie or nuking a continent at this stage of development.

You should be mad at people for considering to weaponize AI.


Israel prepared to strike Iranian nuclear facilities if Tehran launches attack – report

>If Iran attacks Israel directly in response to last week’s strike in Damascus, Israel will retaliate by striking targets in Iran, the London-based Elaph News reports.

>Citing an unnamed “Western security official,” the report alleges that Israel has been conducting air force drills in recent days that include preparing to target Iranian nuclear facilities and other key infrastructure.

Can't wait for May 26th


>Can't wait for May 26th
I doubt much will happen.

Iran is having an economic boom because Oil prices are high, at the moment they don't want an escalation with Israel, they're just going to funnel some more weapons to the growing list of Israels enemies.

Israel on the other hand has failed to defeat Hamas, they did however mass murder 10s of thousands of civilians and children, and now the world thinks they're pure evil. Netanyahu wants to keep the war going to stay in power. They want war with Iran for political reasons and to drag the US into the mud.

Iran isn't going to take the bait. They already said as much. Isreal's threats to attack Iranian facilities seems like a dog growling at nothing.

Iran just bought new fighter jets, their pilots aren't fully trained yet.


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Poland’s leader says his country is ready to host NATO members’ nuclear weapons to counter Russia

>Poland’s president says the NATO member would be ready to host the nuclear weapons of the military alliances’s other members in response to Russia’s moving its nuclear weapons to neighboring Belarus.

>President Andrzej Duda made the comments in an interview published Monday in the Fakt tabloid.

>Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who shares Duda’s views on national security, later told journalists that Poland’s security and military potential are his priorities, but he needs to discuss this suggestion with Duda urgently.

>“This idea is absolutely massive, I would say, and very serious (and) I would need to know all the circumstances that have led the president to make this declaration,” he said.


>Donald Tusk
what is this bullshit?


what do you mean?


his name sounds like Donald Trump


Douglas MacGregor thinks Isreal might try to use "tactical" nukes in Lebanon

It seems like a pandora's box problem. If somebody gets away with it, it won't go back in the box. The majority of world governments would probably find it acceptable to destroy the Israeli state to put the nukes back into the box.


I take MacGregor's takes with a whole shaker of salt, but this is far from the least likely one. I doubt that Israel would do it right away, but whenever Netanyahu is actually cornered, he will. His ideal is to maintain a long, brutal war which continues to slowly escalate (on all fronts except Palestine, where it's constantly at a fever pitch) and drags the US in fully behind him, and then from that position he can conquer a bunch of land while also saving himself from prosecution. He could resort to nukes much faster, though, it's possible.


>His ideal is to maintain a long, brutal war which continues to slowly escalate
Isreal will loose a pounding match against Iran and Lebanon, Israeli military generals have confirmed as much.

>drags the US in

The US will only send air-power. The Israeli will loose the ground war and then they're screwed anyway.

>he can conquer a bunch of land while also saving himself from prosecution.

0% chance of conquering land.
Netanyahu probably ends up in exile in the US if he goes full retard. If the Arabs catch him, he'll be toast.

>Netanyahu is actually cornered, he will

I concur with that.
There is a small chance that he'll get cooped if he tries to go nuclear.
Maybe Iran already has a nuclear deterrent, and they're not playing that card unless they have to. Maybe nuclear strikes get interdicted by Air defense.
The rays of hope are pretty dim.


new US nuclear strategy dropped
it's pretty ominous



Some people just never learn.
>We will fuck up the whole world but the ebul dictators will be gone
This not a return to 1980s but to fucking 1950s when people knew very little about the actual effects of nukes and the subsequent fall out.

We need CND to make a huge comeback. Because seemingly there is no political force that actually cares about the nuclear threat.


>We need CND to make a huge comeback. Because seemingly there is no political force that actually cares about the nuclear threat.
Strategies have changed. They are trying to win nuclear wars with anti-missile technologies.


>We need CND
remind me what that stands for

>They are trying to win nuclear wars with anti-missile technologies.
But the Russians have more advanced tech in that area. Why would they go for strategy where they have to play catch up ?

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