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 No.2[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I see no hentai thread
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Coal on the darkweb

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Discuss the Manga Dub genre as seen on Youtube


[Manga Dub] I fell in love with the girl on the train at first sight but she rejected me immediately


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Why does the pervert have to look like m̶e̶ that? So stereotypical..


You look like a manga character ?
With giant eye-balls ?


No, I'm talking about the pervert with glasses and slight facial hair


You can self-identify with manga characters ?

I get the impression like it's an alien species similar to humans, or maybe some alternate reality evolution on earth.

It's not just the giant eyes, instead of hair they have some kind of flaps, like a cleaning mob. And their heads are sometime 3 to 4 times the size of a regular human head.

In the picture in >>1027 the glasses are opaque, so he clearly is blind or something. If those crinkly lines represent facial hair, he's growing a beard on his forehead ? Maybe it represent some kind of bumps or maybe water droplets ?

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Is anime for losers?

Discuss this sociological question. Maybe there's a class-based explanation?
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>But what about artistic integrity?
Don't know an answer to that, not many artists figure out how to make money without compromising.

>What about the youth that consumes this anime?

What about them ?

Young Children copy their parents, if the parents go for intelligent media, their children will too. Teenagers copy their slightly older peers, same dynamic.

So … try to figure out how to make a good community where the good role-models catch on.


the correlation is spurious. Anime attracts autists and autists are losers. Anime is really for children. It's the same way communism is for losers or incelism is for ugly people or transgenderism is for perverts. Autists are everywhere and they stain everything they touch with their ugly retarded perverted self obsession. Autists are a blight on men like bpd is a blight on women.


why areyoy guys so obsesses about sex all the time?
Yes anime has pervy elements but so what?
So does western media.

Why arent you guys concerned about the violence in anime?


>OMG think about the children.

Im so tired of this shallow reacrion towards anything slightly sexual or surreal.
Yet meamwhile, actual violence and euphemistic idealism are oversold.

Moral obsession about the youth is a sign of arrested development.


If anime is for losers, so is western cartoons and live action sitcoms

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I've noticed a severe lack of touhou-related threads. Here, let me fix this problem
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These games look like they would probably run on linux via wine


This is surprisingly good (well… it's about as good as ZUN's lousy games):


Would eat


You can run them in wine, and somebody made a good pack last year for PC98 that runs well on both Linux and Windows out of the box.


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Are you referring to the Touhou98 Experience?

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Most discussion about anime characters focus too much on the spry nubile females.

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Is Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya's onsen O.V.A. officially licensed? I ask because I found two stores which sell a BluRay of part of the Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya series and the back of the BluRay has a picture of a frame from the onsen O.V.A. https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/fatekaleid-liner-prisma-illya-2wei-complete-collection-blu-ray-816726025155.html https://www.sentaifilmworks.com/products/816726025155-fate-kaleid-liner-prisma-illya-2wei-seasons-2-and-3-complete-collection-blu-ray


ah, finally, lolicon made it to the united states.



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Boku No Pico


Josef Dzhugashvili - Character
Youjo Senki (2019) - Anime


Thank you for taking the time to do this.


no problem

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I want anime focused on siblings being in love and entering a happy romantic relationship. I don't want a lust filled relationship; if there is any lust between the siblings I want the lust involved to be very small. I don't care about blood relation but I want the couple to have lived as siblings before they entered a relationship.
I saw Oreimo, Candy Boy, Eromanga Sensei (though it had much fanservice, the siblings had little to no sexual activity or thoughts; though I'd prefer anime without much fanservice) and Boku wa Imouto ni Koi o Suru (though there was some lust, it was a small part of the O.V.A.). Is there anything more?
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Well to be fair while homozygous allele pairs will be present, it isn't likely to be a significant issue unless inbreeding continues down the line. This is just from a factual angle. I'll leave the morality and shit up to whoever, it's not my business.


Yes. It was awful. They didn't live as siblings beforehand so the whole idea of incest as an idealization of romance in that the person you love was always with you didn't apply. The male lead spent the majority of the series being a jerk to his sister (with no reasoning given for why he did this) and he lusted over her, even though there was no sexual element to their relationship beforehand. He just happens to see her bra in the bathroom and he sniffs it, prior to this their interactions were a sweet talk on the Ferris wheel in episode one and then him being a jerk to her later on; nothing sexual. He then spends the next episode getting paranoid that his sister knows about it (she walked into the bathroom while he was sniffing, although his body was so big that she shouldn't have been able to see it); when interacting with his sister he deludes himself into thinking she knows he sniffed her bra even though his sister treats him normally which made it an incredibly frustrating and cringe worthy episode as the viewer could see his sister treated him normally so it is easy to figure out that she either didn't know or didn't care that he sniffed her bra, which was made even more outrageous given that he works at a marriage agency (to be fair, the way his boss treats him means he's not regarded highly at his job but he should be able to read basic social situations). Thinking back on it, the episode feels like a bad and unfunny parody of crime thrillers which focus on a criminal becoming paranoid that everybody knows about his or her crime. The male lead continues to be a jerk to her and lust over her, masturbating to her and reflecting on his lust, ruining the concept of incest being a wholesome extension of close siblings and of childhood feelings between siblings continuing into adulthood. When his sister confessed her love for her brother I didn't understand why since he was frequently a jerk to her (maybe he a jerk to her to stop her from falling in love with him but if so, why this didn't work is never answered) and his good deeds normally came from cleaning up his mistakes; after they have sex, they do romantic things together and the brother is actually nice to her but it feels like such a huge change in their interactions from just a couple of episodes ago that it felt like a sudden change with no good reason so the only emotion is provoked in me was confusion. Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>>950 Typo correction and a missing word is added.
*(maybe he WAS a jerk …
*the only emotion is it provoked in me…


I finished a show which didn't reveal the incestuous element until later, Hensuki, two weeks and four days ago and although it wasn't quite what I was looking for I quite liked it. While the ecchi wasn't for me, Keiki's (Keiki is the protagonist) interactions with his sister were really sweet and her love for him came from how nice he was to her and from the time they spent living together; his sister didn't attempt to seduce him or do anything sexual but instead wanted a sweet romantic relationship. The lewdest thing she did was kiss him, and the lewdest thing she said was that her breasts were "unexpectedly large," knowing he likes large breasts, and nothing comes of it. The reason it isn't exactly what I was looking for was due to the majority of the run time being focused on other characters' perversions and the fact that they don't enter a romantic relationship so the concept of sibling romance can't be explored, with Keiki resolving to be her brother for now, although agreeing to his sister's request to go on a date with her for one day as her boyfriend, which I thought was quite sweet.


When will Hano Haruka's wedding chapter of her brocon-siscon series be translated? The links to it are https://xcancel.com/hanoharu/status/1739229172914946367#m and https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/114632136 and from what I saw, it has never been translated.

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What's the deal with this shit? Is this what Japan's communist party has the time to do when they barely have any elected officials? I fully expect parties that use the word "socialist" to bend a knee to divisive social issues at times as membership ebbs and flows, but usually when a party has the word "communist" in its name I expect them to have a higher standard against any sort of issue that would be used to attack workers or divide the working class.


holy based faggot incels on suicide watch


Japan's Communist Party is generally cucked. They oppose China, want to maintain the monarchy and advocate for Japan taking in refugees.


>when a party has the word "communist" in its name I expect
Maybe we have to name things the opposite of what they are. So if you call it the "hyper capitalist party" it might actually represent prole interests.


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eh, who cares, parties are cucked anyway

also, in 2024 some femoid became the party's first female chair in history

coincidence? don't think so



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Frieren AKA Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.

Why is she so perfect?


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I don't know why people hate this show so much it's a really good show and it's fun.


Hundreds of years of experience will do that to you…


While the show is great, and the animation is good, it's currently sitting at the top of all time spot on MAL.

I don't think it's got the depth of some of the classics to be at the top like that. It deserves an 8/10 but not a 9 or higher.

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