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 No.2[Last 50 Posts]

I see no hentai thread


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I want to fuck an anime




>Zero 2 shit, the OP
Shit thread


I don't know what I expected… it did say Tick Mastley


How can someone have such shit taste? I get Faye Valentine, but goddamn.


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the love between an imouto and her oni-chan is the purest form of love


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>When your favorite trashy hentai manga series gets adapted into an anime out of nowhere


I think I finally realized why Fat Ugly Bastard is so common in hentai works; it's the projection of both the person who drew the doujin and is also a message, "most people reading hentai are fat ugly bastards with no real sexlife"


No it's because they're into women being humiliated. It's not that deep.


There should be more ikemen in hentai doujinshi.


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Analyze the role of race in hentai.


This should be on /GET/


Why only pictures I need videos


LOL that would be a 'good' use of time.


NSFW =/= /GET/ automatically


videos generally exceed posting limit.


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The best childhood friends are the ones who changed your diapers tbh.

Also, not winning mc bowl simply means one can move on to the better thing: mc no otouto bowl.


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Hol up, first image got eaten.


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Laughing Counselor by Namboku




Hentai is racist towards PoC.


>No posting loli allowed.


Ok liberal




If you mean it's racist whenever a non-Japanese/non-white character appears, I totally agree, although I would say it's the artists who are racist, not the genre/medium. But most of the time it's Japanese characters, so it's rare to come across racism in hentai.


True, they straight up imported all the racist tropes from American cuckold porn. Even that one doujin where they have a black guy with a good heart who isn't a thug he's jacked, has a huge dick, and cucks somebody.


There has to be some hentai doujinshi that have decent portrayals of black characters, men or women, in them.


How does one access sad panda these days?


File: 1608519292599.png ( 104.88 KB , 1216x201 , dealing with sadpanda.png )

I don't remember BUT I know an alt
e-hentai is exhentai excluding restricted content. Pic related is for content on exhentai that you don;t want to wait for sadpanda for.


The same as before except make sure you type https instead of http.


The same as before except make sure you type https instead of http.


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Hentai Captions; What are you opinions?


but I guess let people do whatever they want with random hentai pics


I agree most are cringe, but occasionally some are pretty decent.


Isn't this like erotica, but with an image attached next to it


In essence yes


post the image itself you dolt, the url is not eternal


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Looking for Sauce on these doujins… as in where I can read them outside of pixiv. Made by gucchi (yes that's what their username is)


Does anyone even self insert into the creepy rapist bastard?


What's the name of this?


>What's the name of this?
wild-shiki nihonjin tsuma no netorikata sono ni


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This doujinshi is exceedingly memeable.




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I don't know, he seems like a good person :)




The Racism and sexism aside, NTR that features black netori are quite hilarious.

The chad muscled black is the antithesis of the fat ugly rapist otakus.

The femboys succumb to the powerful African chief.


The black guy's hand flipped.


There might be a rare few with a decent portrayal of a black girl, but for the most part the male MC of a hentai is expected to either be relatable to the presumably Japanese audience or be a total scumbag (if not both), so there isn't much room for a black guy who isn't just there for the purposes of NTR or humiliation.


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NTR is the best fetish.


Where can I find twink femboy or just young boy hentai? It seems wherever I'm looking it's either shota or strong muscular huge dudes. How do I search for young adult hentai?


NTRfags are a disease


You stop being a pedo


it didn't, that's the girl's fist in that panel


I think your best bet is to just read regular yaoi.


Ughhhh Yaoi sucks.


I mean, I know it sucks but what is it specifically that you don't like about it? Just skip the romance fluffy ones and go directly for the porn.


Dark skin tag is definitely a crazy space.


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Post some good funny JAV videos if not offtopic.




Normally I'd hate you for bumping a necro thread but in this case I love it.




Holy shit I wrote that saiyan caption years ago back on 8ch /d/ before the Board Owner went full schizo and locked the board because 8ch banned loli.


>caption porn makers visit leftychan


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I mean I'm an oldfag from /leftypol/ before the /leftpol/ split and when Aidan/Chaya was a shitter. I used other boards too. I preferred /chaos/ tbh but /d/ had some stuff I preferred, though I'm pretty damn vanilla by /d/-standards. I did a whole series of Saiyan caps.


Admittedly it's pretty cringe now that I look back on it, but to be fair I was a hormonal young adult having fun shit-posting and writing smut.


Did you retire from it?


Yeah I haven't made captions in years, though I still have some old folders. I really gotta clean up my hard drive lol.


why is it so cringe when professional entertainers make shit like that daily?


They're even more cringe for it. At least I was anonymous about it.


again what is so bad about it?


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If you don't see how such cartoon power-fantasy porn isn't so, then I can't help ya.


One: its a cartoon

two: its fiction.

Idk why people call anyting slightly weord amd zesty from their childhood "cringe".

Everything thats not "stoic/realistic" is "cringe".

Maybe society is too obsessed with aesthetic maturity as usual.


>Reddit-fag spacing
>coping this hard with "muh fiction" deflection
<Everything thats not "stoic/realistic" is "cringe".
At no point did I state any of this, you faggot. Stop being a spaghetti-dropping retard and go touch grass.


Are you having a man-period?


this. Ikemen are only used in non-hentai manga


youre onto something


fuck this page gave me an erection






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Coal on the darkweb

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