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/a/ - Anime

Weeb and Otaku shit.
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File: 1711187624732-0.jpg ( 374.74 KB , 1920x1080 , frieren_flower.jpg )

File: 1711187624732-1.jpg ( 113.85 KB , 1200x675 , frieren-might-be-the-best-….jpg )

File: 1711187624732-2.jpg ( 452.81 KB , 1920x1080 , 5bd2f-16958924083896-1920.jpg )

File: 1711187624732-3.jpg ( 414.65 KB , 1200x675 , Frieren-3.jpg )

File: 1711187624732-4.jpg ( 63.73 KB , 553x680 , Frieren_anime_profile_2.jpg )


Frieren AKA Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.

Why is she so perfect?


File: 1711191343682.jpg ( 335.62 KB , 1400x1000 , frieren_do_it_for_her.jpg )



I don't know why people hate this show so much it's a really good show and it's fun.


Hundreds of years of experience will do that to you…


While the show is great, and the animation is good, it's currently sitting at the top of all time spot on MAL.

I don't think it's got the depth of some of the classics to be at the top like that. It deserves an 8/10 but not a 9 or higher.

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