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Weeb and Otaku shit.
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File: 1729171779756.jpg ( 225.95 KB , 961x944 , manga dub romcom.jpg )


Discuss the Manga Dub genre as seen on Youtube


[Manga Dub] I fell in love with the girl on the train at first sight but she rejected me immediately


File: 1729172613442.jpg ( 113.49 KB , 1001x734 , pervert_stereotype.jpg )

Why does the pervert have to look like m̶e̶ that? So stereotypical..


You look like a manga character ?
With giant eye-balls ?


No, I'm talking about the pervert with glasses and slight facial hair


You can self-identify with manga characters ?

I get the impression like it's an alien species similar to humans, or maybe some alternate reality evolution on earth.

It's not just the giant eyes, instead of hair they have some kind of flaps, like a cleaning mob. And their heads are sometime 3 to 4 times the size of a regular human head.

In the picture in >>1027 the glasses are opaque, so he clearly is blind or something. If those crinkly lines represent facial hair, he's growing a beard on his forehead ? Maybe it represent some kind of bumps or maybe water droplets ?

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