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/a/ - Anime

Weeb and Otaku shit.
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File: 1725554312556.jpg ( 65.14 KB , 668x426 , is anime for losers.jpg )


Is anime for losers?

Discuss this sociological question. Maybe there's a class-based explanation?


File: 1725554718411.jpg ( 69.03 KB , 654x430 , why are anime fans ugly.jpg )

Why are anime fans ugly? Is there a materialist/psychoanalytical explanation?


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Why are people who visit /pol/ often anime fans? What is the explanation for this?

>democracy versus dictatorship XD im so smart


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Is it the correct stance to be glad when an anime studio burns down, killing and injuring many people who worked there?


Is anime for perverts?

There are many sexual elements in anime, for example:
- The up-skirt shot where you can see the underwear
- The breasts bouncing as the female character runs or jumps
- Skimpy clothing

What is the Freudian explanation for this?


Anime is mostly meh, there's a few gems. Not sure if you can draw conclusions about people based on the kind of entertainment they like, tho.

>Is anime for perverts?
ur right it kinda seems pervy

>the Freudian explanation

Sometimes a cigar is just cigar
Sex sells


Sex sells? But what about artistic integrity? What about the youth that consumes this anime?


>But what about artistic integrity?
Don't know an answer to that, not many artists figure out how to make money without compromising.

>What about the youth that consumes this anime?

What about them ?

Young Children copy their parents, if the parents go for intelligent media, their children will too. Teenagers copy their slightly older peers, same dynamic.

So … try to figure out how to make a good community where the good role-models catch on.


the correlation is spurious. Anime attracts autists and autists are losers. Anime is really for children. It's the same way communism is for losers or incelism is for ugly people or transgenderism is for perverts. Autists are everywhere and they stain everything they touch with their ugly retarded perverted self obsession. Autists are a blight on men like bpd is a blight on women.


why areyoy guys so obsesses about sex all the time?
Yes anime has pervy elements but so what?
So does western media.

Why arent you guys concerned about the violence in anime?


>OMG think about the children.

Im so tired of this shallow reacrion towards anything slightly sexual or surreal.
Yet meamwhile, actual violence and euphemistic idealism are oversold.

Moral obsession about the youth is a sign of arrested development.


If anime is for losers, so is western cartoons and live action sitcoms

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