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File: 1711807790145.png ( 193.86 KB , 900x672 , sadlain.png )



What's the deal with this shit? Is this what Japan's communist party has the time to do when they barely have any elected officials? I fully expect parties that use the word "socialist" to bend a knee to divisive social issues at times as membership ebbs and flows, but usually when a party has the word "communist" in its name I expect them to have a higher standard against any sort of issue that would be used to attack workers or divide the working class.


holy based faggot incels on suicide watch


Japan's Communist Party is generally cucked. They oppose China, want to maintain the monarchy and advocate for Japan taking in refugees.


>when a party has the word "communist" in its name I expect
Maybe we have to name things the opposite of what they are. So if you call it the "hyper capitalist party" it might actually represent prole interests.


File: 1712442728161.jpg ( 14.59 KB , 220x293 , Tomoko_Tamura_20230320teig….jpg )

eh, who cares, parties are cucked anyway

also, in 2024 some femoid became the party's first female chair in history

coincidence? don't think so



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