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R: 37 / I: 12

Why did the Western far-left become the 2SLGBTQRPGMMO+++ rainbow mafia?
It genuinely is perplexing to me that Western leftists seem to hold even the most absurd AGP sex fetish shit and BPD tumblr furry xenogender larping as the most ultimate leftist purity test, yet then will accept literal fucking Capitalists into the movement wihtout hesitation.
I used to think this shit was exaggerated, but it's honestly not, most western leftist spaces are just rainbow mafia/idpol obsessed and you can't push back on even the most absurd, eye rolling narratives, without getting asked to leave, or if online, copping a ban, this includes communities like leftypol(dot)org.
Even holding the same policy positions, as most Communist Parties in the Global South, will get you banned from basically any Westoid "Leftist" space. Leftypol lets you claim Xi is based or whatever, but if you actually espouse his policies, enjoy your ban because it doesn't align with Western Idpol shit.
Why is the Western left like this? Don't they realise that this shit makes them look like absolute pozzed student larping retards to the majority of the working class?
Would most Western "leftists" even want to live in a Working Class led society? They do realise the Working Class is largely soft-Socially Conservative right?
R: 13 / I: 2

Our Savage Roots: An analysis on the modern world; or, on tending to the wild.

Mankind now wrestles between the dogma of tradition and the techno-feudalist dominance of the modern age, and now our very struggles; wars are capitalized and induced by seemingly ordinary men with dead eyes and a forced grim.

Widespread industrialism annihilating millions in the courses of history, our planet seethes with unrest, the frames of reel the ordinary man is too familiar with: the skeletonization of cities and the tons of broken bottles and used tissues that bob on the surface of our freshwater—a mirroring of a larger vision; a grand flock of black swans, that of gas masks and pale steeds.

The metropolis and its machines have no match against primal wrath, the supreme weapon—an envoy of writhing hurricanes, and volcanic spew, forging the soil we march over. From magma; the father of structure, new life and order arises, a testament to the transformative qualities of fury.

The world is constantly in a state of instability, although It may predictably orbit, our world is in a constant state of adaptable chaos and the only way to destabilize our current systems global is to induce them in speeds that rival our orbit.
The difficult task is crafting the metaphorical bolt of lighting needed to disorientate and what exactly will induce the most change, societal arrest, a global—screeching halt to industrialism and the rapidly consuming forces of which make up techno-feudalism, allowing us to return to a more simpler age.

Unpredictability and uncertainty is the very essence of systemic collapse, and such we must embrace these forces as they carry us onto a new age, where only the most sinister survive, this will only purge the most useless breeds; allowing for the ones who tend towards savagery to thrive in their newer existence. Misanthropy often arises and is bred out of the weakest aspects of human nature, the anti-human sentiments of the modern age arise out of the frustrations of how members of our species could be so underwhelming or horrid beyond our wildest fantasies; however, it is crucial to note that the strong reactions that we give to those who tend towards savagery such as mercenaries and serial killers are almost entirely crafted by dogmatic institutions such as the church and the state, and inflicted onto us on very young ages to pressure us into following orders.

Even some of the wildest and chaotic of our species can become like second brothers and sisters to you, if you gave them a chance, they could even become like a mentor or a teacher if you hop over the barbed wires of morality and they could even condition you into the radical warrior you ought to be in order to enact vicious change to rival the tyranny of this age. By taking undercover roles of insight, by immersing yourself in intellectual catacombs and tunnels that lead you towards unexpected wisdom and resilience, you can become a force to be reckoned with, a child of kali, an ubermensch.

Even to those who rise to the ceilings of capitalism, or to the elites of the greater movement will face hardship and even succumb to the effects of it all, embracing the sinister makes no animal invincible, it grants them the power needed to embrace their demons and make a legacy that survives longer than their short life, it inspires others to commit and embrace acts of terror, or the propaganda of the deed to induce radical change.

History may be written by the victor, but often times, the radical are sensationalized, examined and questioned, leaving those who didn't have the strength to survive in the distant dustbins and sands of time. The violated are forgotten with no memorials to call their own, but the hatred that may be directed towards you is the flame that'll keep the fire going within the radical environmentalist or accelerationist scene. You'll become the saint who bit down on the petals of the datura, the one who tended towards savagery and embraced a stronger more ambitious self who climbed over slothfulness and became a beacon on their own. True victims are only confined to a sheet of data, martyrs live forever. Our victory lies within the praxis of radical istishhad-esque eco-defenders, and such they must be trained or bred, they must confront their darker selves, they must tend to the wild, embracing savagery in the process.
R: 4 / I: 0

when it will be over for eu

what do you think on european union in general
R: 224 / I: 22

Eugene-lit 2.0

My website has been recently updated:

Book 3 is out:

Following Book 2:

And Book 1 (which was originally meant for something else but made the perfect introduction):

Consider this the "Eugene general" where you can ask me random questions or bitch at me.
R: 12 / I: 0

What can be done to advertise leftychan and get more users? I'm sick of all new users being sent to .orge and thinking Leftypol is a bunch of histeronic hyper-authoritarian BPD troons.
Leftychan in it's current state is functionally dead. We get maybe like 5-10 unique posts in a day.
R: 73 / I: 24

USApol Thread

Big massive thread for American politics.
R: 160 / I: 114

>IOF soldiers when they see a Hamas tunnel rigged with explosives
R: 28 / I: 7

Palestine Thread Pt. VII

One Year of Genocide

Continued from >>484995

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 61,000. Excess deaths have been estimated by The Lancet to plausibly be upwards of 186,000.

In early January 2025, Israel agreed to a ceasefire in Gaza and a prisoner exchange. Despite all of the killing, Hamas's military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, appears to have largely replenished its numbers, and threw parades celebrating the exchange. The ceasefire is on terms Hamas had already agreed to in May 2024.

Following Hezbollah strikes on Tel Aviv, a ceasefire in Lebanon was agreed to on November 27th. Israel proceeded to violate this ceasefire more than 600 times, and has refused to leave the country at the agreed-upon 60 day deadline, prompting unarmed civilians to stage protests and drive them out of parts of south Lebanon.

Lebanese Army leader Joseph Aoun was elected president of Lebanon.

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad was overthrown by US-backed al-Qaeda operatives. Israel proceeded to steal more land from Syria and launched a massive bombing campaign on Syria and Syria's arsenal without any resistance.

Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar was killed while fighting in Gaza. Mohammed Deif later confirmed dead.

The International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netnayahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The ICC also issued warrants against Hamas leaders.

Following the warrants, the Biden administration invited Yoav Gallant to the White House.

Benjamin Netanyahu was invited back to the White House for February 4th, 2025.

Israel has launched more attacks on the West Bank, and reportedly violated the ceasefire in Gaza some 80 times.

More countries have joined South Africa's legal case at the International Court of Justice against Israel for the crime of genocide. Cuba, Ireland, Belize, Nicaragua, Palestine, Turkey, Spain, Mexico, Libya, Chile, and Colombia have joined the South African case against Israel. Egypt, Belgium, and Maldives have also declared their intention to join.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on international shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have stopped in accordance with the ceasefire, following multiple successful Yemeni strikes on targets in Israel.

Demonstrators have continued to blockade and damage arms factories manufacturing weapons for Israel in the UK.

The US gov't continued shipping weapons to Israel, in violation of US law.

The new US administration threatened to deport foreign students speaking out against the US-backed Palestinian genocide.

A group of states from the global south formed the Hague Group as a way of reinforcing the rulings of the International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court. The founding states are Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Honduras, Malaysia, Namibia, Senegal and South Africa.

And much, much more!
R: 9 / I: 0

Animated Music Videos

Post 'em if you got 'em
R: 118 / I: 25

American Communist Party /ACP/ General

Party declaration:

The American Communist Party (ACP) is an organization which aims to reconstitute the historic Communist Party USA, which has become corrupted by federal agents and liberal forces. Look no further than Joe Sims, who supports the genocidal Democratic Party. It was launched in July of 2024, in response to the events of the 32nd Convention of the CPUSA. At this convention, party leadership subverted and betrayed democratic centralism and the freedom of critique which is supposed to follow from it. They claimed to be a genuine Marxist-Leninist party, but the leadership doesn't even follow their own rules. The CPUSA delayed all elections and without a vote made a resolution that they’d basically just campaign for Democrats. Just a bunch of boomers sitting around and writing articles about identity politics rather than organizing.

Already the ACP is far more successful than anyone would have expected from a brand new baby party. They are building reputation locally, taking care of their own communities and making areas safe for children and families to enjoy. Diplomatic ties on the international level have already been established. ACP has garnered more attention in the past couple months than the corrupt, decadent CPUSA leadership has in decades. A huge number of the CPUSA clubs across the entire country had a huge part in making this happen. Will you join up?

R: 11 / I: 6


a thread for happenings in covasna county/sfântu gheorghe

website of the sfântu gheorghe city council: http://sfantugheorgheinfo.ro/

recent happenings:



discussion of neighboring countys and szekely related topics is encouraged.
R: 21 / I: 3 (sticky)

Site Updates: i2p, Moderation changes, /k/ board & More

This thread will detail some of the changes made to the site in the past year, as well as our plans for the future.

New i2p Address
As requested by several users, and in accordance with our general ethos of encouraging online anonymity, leftychan now has an i2p address which can be found here:
http://leftychmxz3wczbd4add4atspbqevzrtwf2sjobm3waqosy2dbua.b32.i2p or http://leftychan.i2p/

Moderation Changes
* New spam filter - Thanks to the hard work of our dev and admin Zer0-, leftychan now has an effective countermeasure against the automatic bot spam that plagues alt-chans. Dubbed as the 'spam noticer', the implementation of this system has led to a dramatic fall in malicious advertisement threads being posted to the site.
* New mods & dev - In order to better cover european and asian timezones, two more mods have been voted onto the team. These are sindikat, who has previous moderation experience, and jon, who is also acting as a dev and has made many valuable contributions in this capacity.
* Removal of Zul - In line with the rule that if a mod is inactive for over 15 weeks their status as a mod is called into question, Zul was voted off the mod team.

New Roulette Board
After some discussion, we decided on /k/ as the new roulette board theme, replacing /CHAD/. Archived threads from previous roulette cycles can still be viewed here >>>/roulette_archive/
Any suggestions for future roulette board rotations are welcome.

Other Updates
* Removal of the post counter - This has been hotly debated for a while, but after several failed votes the motion has finally passed.
* Dealing with AI - In light of the recent spam of AI generated prompts and images, we have voted to formally declare AI content exempt from normal moderation procedures. If you believe your post has been misidentified as AI by a mod, please let us know in /meta/.
* IRC now fully functional & bridged with other chats - ircs://irc.leftychan.net:6697/#leftychan
* Creation of a Telegram chat - https://t.me/+RegtyzzrE0M1NDMx

Plans for the coming year
* Continue to encourage freedom of discussion - We have no intention of clamping down on the ability of users to share their personal opinions and views on this site, despite repeated requests to do so. In fact, we plan on widening the variety of topics that can be discussed by unpinning the 'Right wing blood sport' thread (which we have already done) and having conversations about the status of wordfilters.
* The 2024 US election - We believe the upcoming US election will be an excellent opportunity to grow the userbase of the site. We hope for anons with a wide variety of views on the candidates to share their opinions, fostering a culture of debate online that is absent from many other more partisan platforms.
* Maintain our independence from leftypol.org - As predicted, our sister site has continued to go down the path of censorship, adherence to political correctness and moderator tyranny. For these reasons, any kind of reconciliation between the two sites seems impossible for the foreseeable future. Leftychan continues to welcome anons from .org who seek a more enlightened /leftypol/ experience.
R: 254 / I: 50 (sticky)

Site-Wide Feedback Thread
Complain about bans and other meta related things

Board Logs
View different board logs by changing the end of the url
R: 314 / I: 100

Chinese Century Thread /CCT/

This is a general thread for all China-related news.

Gusano fuckers can die. Westoid """maoists""" can sudoku.

We are going to analyize ITT every move by China in their road to a socialist economy.
R: 12 / I: 5

this is who you are obsessing over by the way
R: 0 / I: 0

March 15

Idk wtf this is or how it's "not a strike," but I'm all for it

inb4 le cringe democrats! - don't know or care who's behind it, this is good, everyone is invited to shut down the American state, even if they're cringe
R: 9 / I: 3

why are these gay pedophiles so mad at the leftychan twitter account?
R: 4 / I: 0

News 2/4/25

China counters with tariffs on US products. It will also investigate Google.
“The U.S.’s unilateral tariff increase seriously violates the rules of the World Trade Organization,” China’s State Council Tariff Commission said in a statement. “It is not only unhelpful in solving its own problems, but also damages normal economic and trade cooperation between China and the U.S.”

Amid Environmental Concerns, Hong Kong’s ‘Silicon Valley’ Project Presses Ahead
A massive new development project, centered around the San Tin Technopole, will transform farm and village land – including manmade wetlands crucial for regional wildlife.

Private schools’ withdrawal from NTF-ELCAC welcomed by student leaders
The decision is welcomed by youth leaders, who have noted how NTF-ELCAC’s activities in schools turned into red-tagging and harassment of legitimate student organizations and leaders, which has endangered lives.

Panama court is asked to cancel Hong Kong firm’s contract to run canal ports
A subsidiary of CK Hutchison Holdings – owned by the Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing – has operated two of the canal’s five ports since it won the tender in 1997. “After a detailed analysis of the contract … we decided that an action for unconstitutionality was the appropriate means” to challenge the concession, Julio Macías, one of the lawyers behind the suit, told AFP.

Rubio escalates hardline policy toward Cuba, while Havana fails to honor prisoner release pledge
Among these is the reactivation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, also known as the LIBERTAD Act, which opens the way for Americans to take legal action against companies or people who handle “assets confiscated by the Cuban regime” after 1959.

Bardella hints French far right won’t topple PM in multiple no-confidence votes
Bayrou is expected put his job on the line four times this week by using Article 49.3 of the French Constitution, which allows the government to enact legislation without a vote, but in turn gives lawmakers the ability to put forward no-confidence motions. Bayrou has already triggered the measure twice to pass parts of the budget for 2025, and a vote on the first no-confidence motion is expected Wednesday.

Greenland plans to ban foreign political funding over Trump-led election fears
It is scheduled be considered on Tuesday and if it becomes law, which it is likely to do because the government holds a majority in parliament, it could come into force straight away.Despite Greenland and Denmark saying the Arctic island is not for sale, Trump has repeatedly said he plans to acquire it and has threatened to use tariffs and military force to get his way.

Israeli far right MK Ben-Gvir introduces Gaza 'voluntary' ethnic cleansing bill echoing Trump's clean-out plan
The proposed aid would be available only to Gazans who have not been convicted or suspected of involvement in armed activities. Those who receive the aid but later seek to return to Gaza would be required to repay twice the amount received, adjusted for cost-of-living increases and interest.

Protests continue in Siirt against the usurpation of municipality
On Saturday, hundreds of people took part in a demonstration organized by the DEM Party (Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party), the DBP (Democratic Regions Party) and TJA (Free Women’s Movement), demanding that the government reverse the decision to remove the elected co-mayors from office. Mustafa Dayanan, co-chair of the provincial association of the DEM Party, said that with this step, Ankara is once again disregarding the will of the people.

Rwandan-backed M23 rebels declare ceasefire in DRC
The AFC/M23 rebel coalition announced late on Monday that it would implement a unilateral ceasefire starting on Tuesday. The group, backed by thousands of troops from neighbouring Rwanda, seized Goma, the main city in eastern DRC, last week, with the United Nations estimating 900 people were killed, while hundreds of thousands have been displaced.
R: 7 / I: 0

Comrades Unit To Fight Fascism Censorship


I come to you today to convey what I deem an urgent message regarding the tumultuous times that lie ahead. In brief, I have substantial reasons to believe that we are on the precipice of a significant escalation in censorship on a global scale. Indeed, I regret to inform you that this troubling trend seems to have already commenced. For those seeking to bypass these oppressive measures, I encourage you to focus on the tools and guides that follow.

For various reasons—some of which must remain undisclosed—I urge all to swiftly acquire fundamental skills to counter what I categorize as mid-level censorship tactics. Below are some points I can share to underscore the gravity of this situation.

Firstly, the United States made a genuine attempt to ban TikTok, an app that, while initially intended for lighthearted dance videos, has now evolved into one of the fastest avenues for disseminating information. It is worth noting that despite the attempted ban, my investigations (details withheld for security) have revealed a marked increase in censorship compared to the period prior to this initiative.

Moreover, I suspect that the Tor Project anticipates a rise in global censorship, which may jeopardize the Tor network's capacity to circumvent these mechanisms. However, I am constrained from disclosing further information on this matter.

Additionally, it has come to my attention that several social networks are actively suppressing links and discussions surrounding tools designed to combat censorship, such as Linux and Distrowatch.

Here is a concise list of essential tools, predominantly free software, that I recommend:

1. An affordable laptop or desktop.
2. A fully installed Tor-focused Linux distribution (TAILS OS, WHONIX, or QUBES OS); refer to their respective project sites for installation guides.
3. A Wi-Fi dongle capable of establishing a hotspot.
4. A standard Linux installation.
5. A trustworthy VPN, preferably not based in your country of residence, ideally paid for with cryptocurrency, cash, gift cards, or in some cases, free (e.g., Proton VPN).
6. Extra copies of all the above tools.
7. A de-Googled Android device (to be used solely for routine communications, except in extreme situations).
8. As many how-to materials as you can gather—books, videos, PDFs, or even a static copy of this message.
9. If possible, procure a non-publicly listed Tor bridge, keep it confidential, and request only a minimal quantity.

Short guides follow:

Bypassing TikTok Bans and Other Application Restrictions:

Required Tools: VPN, Android cellphone or tablet (preferably de-Googled Android)

To obtain applications that have been banned:
1. Remove the SIM card or disable e-SIM.
2. Install and/or enable a VPN.
3. Set the VPN to a country where the app is not banned.
4. Download the Aurora Store from https://aurorastore.org/.
5. Enable APK installation, then open the Aurora Store.
6. Search for and install the application.
7. Create a new account.

*Note:* Many apps impose bans based on SIM card country codes. To bypass this, remove or disable the SIM or use a tablet. Some apps may also restrict accounts based on physical location.

Creating a VPN Hotspot with PC or Cellphone:

Method 1: PC (recommended)
Required Tools: Wi-Fi dongle or card capable of creating a hotspot, a desktop or laptop (standard Linux distro instructions work best with Debian), an internet connection (via another Wi-Fi card, dongle, or Ethernet), a VPN.

1. Install and enable the VPN of your choice, enable network sharing, and activate the kill switch.
2. Use the command line to execute the following command:
nmcli dev wifi hotspot ifname wlp4s0 ssid test password "test1234"
*Replace `wlp4s0` with your desired Wi-Fi device, `test` with your chosen name, and `test1234` with a significantly stronger password.*
3. Check your IP and run a DNS leak test on another device.

Method 2: Cellphone (not recommended)
Required Devices: Cellphone, cellular service, a VPN.
Certain custom ROMs allow you to route your Wi-Fi hotspot through a VPN. For instance, in Lineage OS, you can enable this by installing and activating a VPN before creating a hotspot, checking the option to allow the hotspot to connect to the VPN.

How You Can Help:
For our tech-savvy comrades, it is our duty to assist in overcoming the forces of fascist censorship. Educate others on the proper use of the dark web and VPNs. For those less skilled in technology, you can help maintain the free flow of information by disseminating any news you believe may be of benefit to others. I stand ready to assist you! (email me [email protected] )

Let there be no illusion, comrades—the United States has succumbed to fascism, revoking and denying passports to trans individuals, restricting the free flow of information, and, most alarmingly, building camps. We must anticipate that other nations will follow suit. Do not hesitate to reach out to me with any information you wish to share privately. (email me [email protected] )

“One cannot live in society and be free from society.” - Vladimir Lenin
Comrades, I do not wish for anyone to live under the yoke of fascism. It is incumbent upon us all to resist this encroachment on our freedoms. Together, we must stand firm against censorship.

Comrades, as we march resolutely forward on the path of progress, I shall provide you with weekly updates to keep you informed of our collective triumphs and challenges. Together, we shall forge a brighter future!
R: 602 / I: 193 (full)

Israel 'at war' as Hamas gunmen launch surprise attack from Gaza Thread Pt. VI

One Year of Genocide

Continued from >>483169

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 42,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll, and excess deaths have been estimated by The Lancet to plausibly be upwards of 186,000.

Hamas political leader and negotiator Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Tehran by an Israeli bombing.

Israel sabotaged the international supply chain to put bombs in 3,000 pagers and other electronic devices in Lebanon, resulting in thousands of injuries and several deaths, in a major blow to both Hezbollah and the Lebanese civilian population.

Israel launched an ongoing series of carpet bombings of the Lebanese capital of Beirut, killing several high-ranking Hezbollah commanders. A strike dubbed "Operation New Order" which used 80 2,000 lb bombs took out several blocks of apartment buildings and killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on September 27, and also killed an IRGC commander.

In early October, Israel began launching ground invasions of south Lebanon, which are ongoing and have met resistance. Thousands have been killed, and over a million displaced.

On October 1st, in retaliation for the bombing of Tehran which killed Haniyeh, as well as for the killings of Nasrallah and IRGC commanders, and for the attacks on Gaza and Lebanon, Iran launched a missile strike on several Israeli airbases and Mossad headquarters.

Israel launched multiple attacks on UN peacekeepers at the southern border of Lebanon, including with chemical weapons.

The Israeli gov't declared the UN agency UNRWA a terrorist organization. Several settler groups launched attacks on the UNRWA headquarters in Jerusalem before the Israeli gov't decided to seize the building. Israel also banned UN secretary general António Guterres from entering the country.

Israel is alleged to have used depleted uranium munitions in its attacks on Beirut.

Netanyahu visited the US again to speak at the UN in New York, and was met with protests.

More countries have joined South Africa's legal case at the International Court of Justice against Israel for the crime of genocide. Nicaragua, Palestine, Turkey, Spain, Mexico, Libya, Chile, and Colombia have joined the South African case against Israel. Ireland, Egypt, Cuba, Belgium, and Maldives have also declared their intention to join.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have continued, effectively shutting down the Israeli port of Eilat, which has not seen activity in months.

Demonstrators have continued to blockade and damage arms factories manufacturing weapons for Israel in the UK.

On August 29, 2024, the Center for Constitutional Rights urged the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to review its lawsuit against Biden for genocide complicity, arguing that the courts have a constitutional duty to assess the legality of the Biden administration's actions. On October 2, 2024, the 9th Circuit denied the petition and refused to intervene as a check on abusive executive power.

Starvation deaths have continued to increase in Gaza amid Israel's imposed famine.

The US gov't continued shipping weapons to Israel, in violation of US law.

A fourth self-immolation occurred in the US over the genocide when a journalist lit himself on fire in protest of how the media he worked with had spread lies to cover up US-backed Israeli war crimes.

And much, much more!
R: 23 / I: 4

Keir Starmer

this fuckin piece of shit this no good fuckin walking genocidal goiter with hair & teeth
if this piece of shit showed up in my neighborhood I'd shove him in a garbage pail and throw it off the nearest cliff
I'm embarrassed to have even saved his pic for this thread I'm gonna immediately delete it after I post this

What do you think of him, /leftypol/?
R: 4 / I: 0

News 2/3/25

Trump suspends tariffs on Mexico for a month after talks with Claudia Sheinbaum
Sheinbaum announced that her government will deploy 10,000 National Guard troops immediately to curb drug trafficking, particularly that of fentanyl, while Washington has committed to combating illegal firearms trafficking. “Our teams will start working today on two aspects: security and trade,” the Mexican president added.

‘Hope has returned’: tribe hails Lula’s fight against illegal mining in Amazon
Now, however, the 38-year-old Yanomami leader believed things were looking up. Two years after Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva became president and launched an emergency operation to rescue inhabitants of Brazil’s largest Indigenous territory, hunger and infant mortality rates were falling and many miners had been expelled.

Argentines protest President Milei’s diatribe against ‘wokeism’ at Davos
Protesters were clad in rainbow-colored flags and bore banners that read “rights are not negotiable.” Dubbed the “Federal March of Anti-Fascist and Anti-Racist Pride,” the LGBTQ+ community called the protest after the speech on Jan. 23 to combat “the economic violence, political persecution and sexual repression of Javier Milei’s government.” Rights’ groups, unions and political parties also joined the protest.

Modi government rolls out tax cuts in effort to stimulate growth
The sweeteners for middle-income Indians, as well as small and mid-size businesses, came alongside steps aimed at reinvigorating the world’s fifth-biggest economy and reviving demand among urban consumers, a core political base for Modi’s Bharatiya Janata party.

Taiwan’s feuding political parties raise the stakes with rival recall bids
Despite Taiwanese leader William Lai Ching-te’s calls for political harmony, civic groups backed by the DPP and the opposition coalition of the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) have been gathering signatures for recall petitions during the Lunar New Year holiday.

Trump says 'no guarantees' Gaza truce will hold ahead of Netanyahu visit
Trump, who has claimed credit for sealing the ceasefire deal after 15 months of war, said Sunday negotiations with Israel and other countries in the Middle East were "progressing". The president later told reporters that he has "no guarantees that the peace is going to hold".

Tunisian state involved in sale of migrant people to Libya, report finds
RR[X], the network of anonymous researchers who worked on the report, found that migrating people would first be arrested in Tunisia, then taken to the border with Libya where they are put in a detention camp run by Tunisian authorities, before being sold off to armed Libyan groups and the Libyan army.

Neoliberalism responsible for devastating Johannesburg fires, says union
“For the working class, these policies have made ownership of housing” next to impossible “as every cruel cycle of interest rate hikes brutally strips them of houses, cars and other assets they are forced to sell.” In the absence of an emergency public housing program, masses of the working class are crammed into slums, sheltering in shacks built of easily inflammable materials. Lacking electricity supply, candle lamps are often used for lighting in these settlements.

Italy PM named in complaint over freed Libya police head
"The Italian government has made me a victim twice, nullifying the possibility of obtaining justice… for all the people, like me, who survived his violence," said Magok in the statement. Meloni's government did not immediately reply to a request for comment or confirmation.

Nigel Farage’s right-wing Reform Party leads in UK poll for first time
Reform’s one-point lead over Labour in the poll – which surveyed 2,465 people on February 2 and 3 – is within the margin of error, YouGov said. Labour, which won the national election in July last year by a landslide, dropped three points compared with the last survey conducted on January 26-27, while Reform gained two points.

Tory bid to derail worker rights bill ‘ignoring the evidence’, new TUC analysis shows
Tory leader Kemi Badenoch has claimed the landmark workers’ rights Bill is “destroying growth” and will cost businesses £5 billion a year. But new TUC analysis reveals that hundreds of thousands of workers are stuck on zero-hours contracts for years on end, with warnings that this is “holding workers and the economy back.”

Belgium’s Arizona coalition threatens more austerity and attacks on civil rights
Trade unions and left movements are also raising concerns over proposed changes to labor laws, including liberalizing regulation on weekly mandatory rest and night work. Wages will be frozen until at least 2027. Beyond economic and social rights, Hedebouw warned that the new government, anticipating backlash against its austerity policies, is also preparing to clamp down on civil rights. “Leaks about the government agreement reveal numerous attacks on our democratic rights, particularly against trade unions and movements,” he stated.
R: 31 / I: 0

War on the homeless: Red states asking daddy Supreme Court to help criminalize public homelessness

The US Supreme court has decided to hear the case, fueling speculation they will side with those wanting to criminalize public homelessness.

With the approval of the California governor as well.

This recently came to a head in Grants Pass Oregon, a small Republican county with almost 2% homelessness. Their approach so far was over 500 criminal citations being given to their homeless for sleeping in parks until a circuit court stopped Grants Pass from issuing further citations. Now Grants Pass is asking the supreme court to give explicit permission to all states to criminalize public homelessness.

The DOJ disagrees however, stating “Regardless of any future Supreme Court ruling, the law” is clear that “officers lack reasonable suspicion to stop people for merely sleeping on public property when they have nowhere else to sleep,” in a criminal complaint against Phoenix Arizona's treatment of the homeless. https://prospect.org/justice/2024-06-20-scotus-homelessness-doj-war-on-poor-phoenix/

The subreddit r/SanFrancisco is also celebrating the possibility of public homelessness being illegal.

What is your take on this /leftypol/? The war on the homeless is in full swing.
R: 58 / I: 2

Geopolitics in the Linux Kernel

Well it looks like the United States and NATO finally figured out a way to sabotage the Linux kernel. Several Russian kernel developers have just had their contributions removed and their kernel contributor status revoked due to being on the receiving end of US economic sanctions.


Torvalds himself is playing along with this enthusiastically because of his own moronic Finnish national politics. This is an extremely concerning development that affects all of free software. If this can happen to the Linux kernel it can happen to any other libre software projecting, poisoning the entire concept of international software development.
R: 499 / I: 70

Ukraine 3.0

Last one is full and the worst thread on leftychan must be contained.

In recent news: Ukies done a successful counteroffensive in Izium, Z gang now in shambles. Biden promises even more money for Ukraine. Putin meets Xi, Erdogan, Modi and others at the SCO summit.

Pro-Russia sources:

Pro-Ukraine sources:
Everywhere else
R: 7 / I: 5

Yemen rocks

I have no idea what's being said here and it's still funny as fuck
R: 535 / I: 144

leftypol.org psyop general

Thread dedicated to psychological operations against the leftypol.org administration.

Things to consider:
<The .org mods will read this thread, use this to your advantage
<Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
<Threads created over an IP with no post history are heavily scrutinized
<Post in /meta/ and try to appeal any mod action against you
<Abuse the report feature
<Use a wide variety of proxy services
<Antagonize individual moderators
<Create as many personas as possible, try to have the mods always chasing a previous persona and not your current one
<The less consistency between the ideological beliefs of your personas the better
<Be consciously aware of your writing style
<Fermenting internal conflict among the mod team is of the upmost importance
<Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
<Have fun :)
R: 1 / I: 0

I drew this diagram to explain the revelation I had while I was tripping on Methoxetamine

What did she mean by this
R: 4 / I: 0

Psychedelic Rock

Thread for psychedelic rock
R: 1 / I: 0

R: 37 / I: 13

Liberalism thread

Talk about universal values and a value system that defies time and space, transcends nation and class, and applies to all humanity.
Discuss Western freedom, democracy, and that human rights are universal and eternal.
R: 32 / I: 5 (sticky)

stirner on the 'log to kill shemmyfags
R: 1 / I: 0

does this happen to anyone else???
R: 14 / I: 4

eternal shemmy culture thread
also what's the page limit so we don't wipe 3 year old threads off the catty with our shitty posts
R: 7 / I: 3

Can we get a femboy stallion thread goin on?
R: 131 / I: 217


Post monsters.
Das it.
R: 3 / I: 1

what the fuck is a shemmy
R: 37 / I: 7


What's the deal with the degrowthists ?

For example this perspective from An Independent Socialist Magazine
<The Chinese government has promised to reduce the emission intensity of GDP so that China’s carbon dioxide emissions will peak before 2030.27 However, economic growth remains the Chinese government’s top priority. At the Twentieth National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping reconfirmed the objective to raise China’s per capita GDP to the level of “medium-level developed countries” by 2035 and to make China a leading global power by 2050. What will be the impact on ecological sustainability if China continues pursuing economic growth in the next several decades?
I suspect that the monthlyreview might have a anti-China bias based on their recent articles, which is tangential to the threat topic

Why are they seething that China wants to thrive economically while at the same time improving their ecological foot-print. Why would any socialist want to degrow ? If you read Marx he celebrates advancing the productive forces as something that will make socialism possible. To me de-growth sounds like people looking to go back to feudal agrarianism, rather than forward to socialism. They appear to be looking to undo the advances in productive capacity of industrial society. Like what used to be right-wing anti-capitalism 200 years ago, basically affluent people that were mad that industrial society could produce enough to end poverty. Why are there self proclaimed socialists pushing this ? Do they not realize that it would dramatically worsen living conditions for proles ? Is that the goal ? wrecking living standards of people while appearing to be a champion for noble causes ?

To me degrowth appears as a deception because it will not improve environmental conditions. More advanced technology is enabled by more potent productive forces, and those generally are less polluting. Like nuclear fission and fusion make much more energy while polluting significantly less than chemical fuel based power-generation. If you "de-grow" the economy you will also regress in technology. All the advanced tech stuff we can do now, is based on converting vast quantities of material using massive amounts of energy. So if industrial output is reduced we could not maintain our technology stack and go back to more primitive technology, which is much dirtier.

Am i unfair to suspect this is malice ? Are they just too ignorant to realize that if you remove the primary sector of an economy, all the other sectors will fall on their nose because they lack those primary sector inputs ? Have they never looked at statistics, economies that de-industrialize do not improve their ecological impact, they just stagnate.

Here is another de-growth rebuttable:
The degrowth delusion
<To abandon growth is to declare an end to progress. Socialists must reject the politics of eco-Thatcherism.
R: 0 / I: 0

>waaaaa kids ruin everything

>I'm an adult and I should have everything catered to me because I'm superior in intellect

>Nvm that I was a kid who indulged in the same thing and I'm butthurt about growing up

It's another case of failed adults blaming kids for everything wrong in society.
It's ironic that most of the slop they complain about was the result of adults hijacking it, not kids.
Also ironically, kids were part of the "old web" as well. In fact, they were the previous generation of kids who were pandered to and they're now butthurt that they're no longer young and hip.
R: 4 / I: 0

I am a Fascist Ask me anything?

Tell you some fact about me.
1.I love nature and want to protect it
2. I think capitalism was horrific mistake.
3. Love my mother and family.
R: 3 / I: 1

Friends, let's unite again to fight the evil of this world. Anyone interested in fighting with me against the rot in the world, contact this email [email protected].
R: 3 / I: 0


Has propaganda changed in the last decade? The sheer audacity of the mass media over the past few years on any subject of American imperialism has seemed to be a never-ending rollercoaster of escalations. Every time you think they've made the most stupifying, incredulous assertion you've ever heard, a month later they've moved onto something even dumber. I thought the level of propaganda around the Syrian war was unprecedented, but then the Ukraine proxy war happened. I thought, then, that the Ukraine proxy war has never seen a more extreme demonstration of endless lies. Lies about how it started, lies about how it's going, lies about where it's headed. An endless stream of brazen lies, it's been truly shocking just how much bullshit they expect the public to swallow without question. And then the Palestinian genocide began. Now Israeli fascists will post videos on social media of themselves committing barbaric massacres that everyone in the world can view, yet the mass media still wants us to believe the fiction of them being some kind of humanistic, moral democracy.

Is there a trend here? Does it seem like there's been a real change in the audacity of the empire's propaganda machines? Were previous imperial ventures this extreme in their attempts to deceive the public? Is it just the benefit of hindsight? I really feel like previous imperial ventures didn't have this level of Orwellian spin peddled on a daily basis.
R: 1 / I: 0

Stone-Axed Rebellion: my views on environmentalism

"A primitive; radical cell is best organized in a militaristic, wrathful and amoral way in order to erode the tyranny of the industrial age which continues to consume humanity, internally and externally, leaving a path of ecological sorrow wherever a factory may dump its waste." — @ChimeraMidnight
R: 4 / I: 1

Radical environmentalism

Are there any radical environmentalist anti capitalist forums, threads, or private chats you know of?
R: 3 / I: 0

Can you guys read crimethink: days of war, nights of love it’s gemmy
R: 22 / I: 4

GTA VI trailer has leaked

Who else is hyped as fuck for $2 billion worth of triple-A slop?
R: 1 / I: 1

>tfw you will never drink mate with J. Posadas while UFO-spotting in the 1980s argentinian countryside
R: 1 / I: 0

>turks weren't homo-sexuals
R: 8 / I: 1

I think Antarctica should be annexed to Russia, China or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
R: 1 / I: 0

Kill wmaftards
R: 4 / I: 0

hi im from the shemmy thats gonna shut down, i have a question though

why do you have a fbi.gov while your an imageboard, people can talk on the imageboard fine plus ib's are better than fbi.gov
R: 10 / I: 2

Chinese New Year 2025

How are you celebrating?
Post your food and your fireworks uyghurs.
R: 6 / I: 1

well fuck.
R: 4 / I: 0

why can't we as common chuds get along with valid socialist transhumanisters?
R: 0 / I: 0

we're so back
R: 1 / I: 0


Apparently Romania and the US knew, at the time they accused Russia & China of interference, that the social media campaign for Călin Georgescu which preceded his electoral victory was actually funded primarily by one of the major established Romanian parties. Ryan Grim compares it to all the times the DNC has funded far-right Republicans, ostensibly to have an easier candidate to beat, although some would say that if that was, in fact, the DNC's goal then their results have been very questionable. In Romania's case, the gov't just overturned the election entirely and falsely blamed Russia.
R: 4 / I: 0

>north korea bad
R: 1 / I: 0

R: 0 / I: 0

>Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
^Israeli Defense Forces
R: 4 / I: 1

why did shemmycucks decide to come here?
R: 43 / I: 1

Gothic Rock & Post-Punk

Substituted psychedelia for a doomed planet.
R: 3 / I: 1

>do magic rituals for fun/out of boredom
>actually start to believe they are real and affect reality
What is the explanation for this? Idk if pic is related cus i didnt read
R: 2 / I: 0

RIP Marianne Faithfull

1946 - 2025
R: 90 / I: 5

the world run on looks. everybody listen to me, i swear it's important

the world works on looks. looks are important. we human will always fully think and associate people with lighter skin color as looking better, better to look at, and is more beautiful/pretty/handsome.
we all also associate lighter skin color with being more feminine for women consider feminine. we can never change this. not a single thing anyone do and say will ever change this. you can never change how people think like this. man or women everybody think like this.

now then have and obvious answer. for the sake of use call it the “Blond Path". we need to produce white people with blue eyes and green eyes and blond hair and ginger hair. the quota would be 10 times the world population including the world population of whites with natural color hair and eyes. To do this we ignore or erase things that are a hindrance such as marriage, monogamy, family unit, relationship, and romance. Production does not stop there, we also need to group ethnic whites together with the same ethnic whites (Ex: Scotts with Scotts, serbs with serbs, and etc). Although this one is of a different program. This program also require us to get rid of the same hindrance the former program have. Both program do not see heigh, body or looks. As long as your face are not horrendous you are good, so even if your not handsome and beautiful you will still be in the program.

As part of the Blond path and to prevent dehumanization and other such unwanted idea,we will educate people. Specifically we will tell them about that one zoning infrastructure real-estate thing (I forgot the name of it) that put black and brown people in place were the chemicals,paint ,water ,walls and environment in general are doing things to their head (mind and brain) and body. In general everybody need to be educated about racist laws and myth and other such things. Other then that we need to eliminate race science and race bias in science.

In short. The world need to have industry level production of ethnic whites and more importantly whites with blue eyes, green eyes, blond hair and red hair because the world work on looks. But we also educate people so they don’t believe in race science and race biased science.

we must advertise this to every rightoid, boomers, and whites.

I am speaking as a brown.
R: 7 / I: 0

>trump HATES trans peo-
R: 6 / I: 3

leftypol.org is the more superior site btw
R: 2 / I: 0

I got rizz
R: 21 / I: 12

Tattoos Are for Stupid People

But keep getting them.
R: 0 / I: 0

its over

transhumanists won
R: 3 / I: 1

>trotskyists are bigoted chuds unlike us anarcho-bbc-marxist-queers
oh no no no…….
R: 31 / I: 49

/ldg/ - Lefty Diffusion General

Use of free and open source text-to-image models to generate communist AI slop/AI art

See OP copypasta here bc """url shortners""" aren't allowed here whatever the fuck that means:

Starting this thread off with some Stalin OC.
R: 2 / I: 1

soytan epi thread
R: 1 / I: 1

Hitler was a homosexual anarchist, here's why that's a good thing
R: 4 / I: 0


R: 0 / I: 0

>my fursona has been a Typholsion for years of my life, and I've spent around thousands of dollars on furry commissions of my stoner typhlosion character. I am going to fucking kill myself. All a waste. The escapist passion of my life is now associated with this shitty story. All down the drain. I am going to shoot myself in the head. Been looking for a reason lately and this blow came out of nowhere stripping me of my last little hobby that's been keeping me going. The leaker will have at least this furfag's blood on his hands.
R: 0 / I: 0

supercomputer projects

It could be illegal, but perhaps a botnet network could be fashioned from some sort of self written AIs modeled on something like the new Chinese DeepSeek AI?
R: 1 / I: 1

R: 83 / I: 38

hello it is me, the esoteric natsoc literally who shemmy avatarGOD
R: 3 / I: 0


R: 1 / I: 1


Yeah this shit works better than my paid chatgpt account, what else is there to say?
R: 12 / I: 0

can we move here since soygem.party is shutting down
R: 90 / I: 77

TikTok Kino Thread

Post tiktok gems you find, can be screenshots or full videos
R: 3 / I: 2

>NOOOOOOO!!!! you cant possibly defeat an advanced modern military with air superiority using small ar-
R: 0 / I: 0

>stirner on the 'log to kill shemmyfags
R: 12 / I: 1

Google Antitrust

So it seems a US court has just ruled that Google monopolized the online search market. Now the Department of Justice is "considering" breaking up Google as a potential option in response.

At long last is there finally some hope for the future of the web?
R: 61 / I: 19

Imageboard and Chan General

This will be a dedicated thread for sharing and showcasing and reaching out to other, smaller, communities and chans so that we can all help and boost one another.
Imageboards and imageboard culture is important we like to believe. Anonymous culture on the internet allows for the, more or less, free flow of ideas in the general public and for beliefs and those ideas to be challenged.

We hold these values closely here at leftychan. We also have noticed an uptick in spam, so, to anyone looking to advertise your board this is a space to do so. The only thing we would ask is the same privilege from you in return! Thank you! Enjoy~
R: 6 / I: 0

National liberation: the movie

required viewing for every revolutionary
R: 5 / I: 1

word filter from ohio :skull:
R: 5 / I: 0

DNB of site shut it down
R: 3 / I: 0

Cumtown-core Music

Opening the thread with the Australian classic "Fuck Your Dad" by Thug. Great band, classic sound!
R: 17 / I: 7

Whats DNB of board kek
R: 162 / I: 71

Sex Robot General

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.
R: 0 / I: 0

R: 7 / I: 0

Were the LaRouchies right about this one?

I haven't researched it yet, but I just saw this excerpt from a 1978 piece by Paul Goldstein for the LaRouchite Executive Intelligence Report which claims that Jewish Confederate Judah P. Benjamin and B'Nai Brith member Kuttner Baruch were crucial to the formation of the Ku Klux Klan.

There's a Dr. Simon Baruch who apparently was later revealed to be a Klan member, but I haven't delved deep enough to learn much about Kuttner Baruch and what the sources for the claim that he financed it are. Has anyone delved deeper?
R: 17 / I: 3

old Soviet weapons programs

Before their mysterious disappearance the Soviets were working on at least similiar to these weapons programs. We know tht at least the U.S. military had much more advanced programs than Timothy Tobiason's books.
R: 315 / I: 102

.ogre discussion general.

We have lots of newfriends and oldfags who want to discuss topics revolving around .org which is all fine and good there's no issue with that, but, one of the major issues is that posts are begging to flood the overboard and catalogue in general, thus, we have decided to create a general thread for .org discussion. This is not, necessarily, a hard rule that must be followed, but, we do implore you all to attempt to keep discussion about .org in this thread and we will prune what we feel is necessary.

We also have merged some related threads into the general, fyi.


Thread related to split itself for those curious:

R: 155 / I: 60

/soy/ - soyjak general

non coal edition

Previous thread: https://archive.ph/pDgN6

Soycraft 1.16.5
R: 4 / I: 0

Why can't America be like this?
R: 4 / I: 1

Alex Jones Halloween 1997

no comment
R: 20 / I: 2

California declares state of emergency over bird flu (H5N1)

R: 23 / I: 2

What are you listening to atm, /hobby/?

Currently listening to the album Matriarch by Veil of Maya. It's one of those albums thats shit on the first couple of listens but then it starts to grow on you and all of a sudden you're headbanging to the breakdowns.
R: 361 / I: 225

Incel Humor Thread II: Electric Boogaloo

Archive of first Incel Humor Thread:
R: 3 / I: 0

king crimson / prog

thought i'd finally put this image i made ages ago to use. any KC fans / progheads here?
R: 39 / I: 29

Incel culture is the sibling to Tumblr's fat acceptance movement. They're functionally and relationally equivalent.

The only real difference of note is how one takes an activist approach while the other promotes resignation.
R: 10 / I: 5

Sick of Trump.

Honestly, I'm sick of Trump already. He's just been going around, ordering the drilling of oil (aka destroying the fucking planet) and making a bunch of useless changes – none of which make America better. I'm a democratic socialist, and I believe that Trump needs to be IMPEACHED. Except that would leave Vance, who I'm not too fond of either. Trump has been ABUSING EXECUTIVE POWER, and I just wish he would fucking stop. What do you think about this?
R: 4 / I: 0

Im just here to rant. Im too scaredof popular forums because of glowies. And truth be told I hate them fake intellectual types so much. The people whose opinions are set in stone, and you can't debate them or anything because they think they're right 24/7. I hate it when people who don't even know what a VPN is try telling me the government is gonna whoop my ass because I go on tor. I hate their snooty laughter, fake ass smiles, the way they scrunch their noses up at you, im so tired. and theyre so stupid too. idk just needed to ramble somewhere. I probably sound like eric harris rn but whatevs
R: 277 / I: 112

Incel News II: Return of the Ugly

First Incel News General archived here:
R: 8 / I: 1

Black Metal thread

Thread for kvlt shit
R: 20 / I: 4

Honestly? Just quit this place.

I'm serious. Just quit this place. /leftypol/ is basically a board for ideologically incoherent incels and schizos who take pride in how abrasive and alienating they are. Most of the userbase here aren't really communists, socialists or anarchists in any meaningful sense, they're just illiterate losers who wanna LARP on the internet as Tim Curry in Command and Conquer while wondering while they aren't getting sex.

So, give 'em what they want, and leave them with a dead board because nobody wants to talk to them. I went nearly a month without posting here, and when I came back, the quality of posting managed to get even worse.

Rest of you wanna know why this place is dying? Look in them mirror. Nobody wants to put up with abrasive schizoposters when they can have an actual conversation somewhere else.
R: 16 / I: 3

Ragtime Thread

Thread for posting and discussing Ragtime, the enigmatic synthesis of various strains of American culture into what would become the sonic progenitor of jazz, pop, and the American music of 20th century modernity. Born out of a combination of the classical marches of Sousa and black American folk music, and coinciding with rise of early recording technology (including the player piano), Ragtime would become a major world phenomenon, as well as the beginning of the black songwriting/recording star in American popular culture.

It's generally pretty neat, basically.
R: 44 / I: 12

Chinese and Americans are becoming friends on Xiaohongshu

TikTok refugees are migrating to RedNote

There are a lot of cute interactions happening on RedNote aka Xiaohongshu between americans and native chinese users as tiktok faces am imminent ban in the US.

The devs there are working hard to get the app translated for english speakers.

Go on RedNote and repost some positive interactions.

keep the comments positive
R: 339 / I: 85

Films You Just Watched Thread

Hello, the most recent movie threads have seemed a bit unfocused, this thread is for the discussion of movies we just watched and other anon's takes on them. So, without further ado I'll begin.

I just watched Parasite last night, it was pretty good I think, but not as cutting edge or witty as I was expecting. I thought it was a bit unfocused and threw a lot at the wall to see what stuck, but on the other hand, it was fun and more interesting than most. A solid 8/10.

I do an IMDB rating for each film I watch, for my own reference mostly, but you can see each film I watched lately and my rating if you're curious or want to ask about them. If other anons have something similar feel free to post.

R: 1 / I: 0

RIP John Sykes

29 July 1959 – 20 January 2025
R: 1 / I: 0

post R9K culture
R: 8 / I: 0

i feel rly bad because i was going to this girls curiouscat to recommend songs because i have like 3 friends and their music taste differs so much from mine

and like she was calling me “the music anon” and i was hey i got a friend who actually likes similar music, or rather, who likes this genre of music that my friends don’t

and then she went “get out of the shadows let’s be friends” i didn’t really want to but i went and did it, sent her a DM hello i’m the music anon tell me what you think about this /sends a clip/

then she literally ignored the song and just asked some whatever questions like since when was i following her, and i said since september, and that i was following her because my feed was boring since all my friends acted like boomers on twitter, taking themselves too seriously or being g*mers, and also that i didn’t have any friends to send certain songs to

then she asked me “how old are you” and i said “29, only got 1 more year to live sadly” and she said “well that explains the boomerisms”

then she ignored me again, and not just on DMs she never even answered 2 twitter replies i sent such as when she posted that “parents if your child listens to synth pop and post-punk they’re LGBT” and i replied like “what if i like dark wave which kind of mixes both”

and now i feel even weirder because she’s like 18 and i’m 29 with a fake twitter photo (that picrew crap) because i hate taking selfies (last one i posted was in 2017) and i’m wondering if she’s avoiding me because she thinks i’m some kind of internet pedophile???

not gonna lie feeling like shit i miss when i just had a pal to send songs to

R: 51 / I: 70

Incest general

There is no good reason to oppose incest.
R: 4 / I: 6

alien attack?

Aliens or AI robots could read stuff like this, it could be dangerous.
R: 5 / I: 0


R: 305 / I: 60

/fit/ general - Builtfat Edition

Ask your /fit/ related questions here.

Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky"

<Previous Thread

R: 105 / I: 17

"Moderate rebels" retake Aleppo

Syrian rebels enter Aleppo three days into surprise offensive
Insurgents had recaptured territory around Syria’s second city with civilians including children killed in fighting

Islamist insurgents have entered Syria’s second city of Aleppo in a shock assault, eight years after forces loyal to Damascus seized control of the city.

Fighters from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) began a major offensive earlier this week from their base in the Idlib countryside, a slim strip of land in Syria’s north-west. It took only three days for the fighting to reach Aleppo, with insurgents capturing territory around the city’s outskirts for the first time in four years as Syrian government forces pummelled rebel-held areas.

Turkey’s Anadolu state news agency reported on Friday afternoon that the insurgents had entered Aleppo, while unverified images and video circulating online showed armoured vehicles and armed uniformed militants on its streets. The Associated Press said residents reported hearing missiles striking its outskirts.

The fighting over the last three days had killed 27 civilians, including eight children, David Carden, the UN deputy regional humanitarian coordinator for the Syria crisis, told Reuters.

The rebels have rapidly recaptured dozens of towns and villages in the Aleppo countryside, seizing a military base, weaponry and tanks from Syrian government forces, while some Turkish-backed Syrian rebel groups based elsewhere in north-west Syria joined the fighting.

The UN said Syrian government forces based in Damascus carried out at least 125 airstrikes and shelled areas across Idlib and western Aleppo controlled by the rebels in response to the offensive, killing at least 12 civilians and wounding 46 others, and displacing 14,000 people.

Syria has been promised extra Russian military aid to help the army thwart the assault, two Syrian military sources told Reuters on Saturday. Damascus expects new Russian military hardware to start arriving at Russia’s Hmeimim airbase near Syria’s coastal city of Latakia in the next 72 hours, the sources added.

HTS said on Friday that it had captured four more towns including Mansoura, five miles from the centre of Aleppo. Syria’s state news agency said four civilians were killed inside student accommodation in the city when it was struck by projectiles from insurgent forces.

“The regime’s lines of defence have crumbled, I think they were taken aback. No one anticipated how fast the rebels would reach towards the edge of Aleppo,” said Dareen Khalifa, of the nonprofit International Crisis Group.

She added that it remained unclear whether the rebel forces would be able to hold the swath of captured territory, or how Russian forces backing the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Damascus may respond.

Turkey’s foreign ministry called for calm in the region around Idlib, demanding an end to the strikes on the area. “It is of utmost importance for Turkey that yet another and greater instability is avoided and civilians are not harmed,” it said.

A delicate balance of power in Syria has been increasingly tested over the past year, however, amid increasing regional fallout from Israel’s battle with the Iranian proxy group Hamas in Gaza.

Israel has dramatically escalated airstrikes against Iranian forces stationed on the ground in Syria, carrying out more than 116 strikes on Syrian territory, according to the UN, and killing more than 100 people, while recent fighting in Lebanon has forced 500,000 people to flee into neighbouring Syria.

The increasing Israeli strikes have put Iranian forces in Syria on the defensive, allowing rebels to exploit a moment where various proxy forces backing Assad are more engaged elsewhere.

Khalifa said Moscow remained focused primarily on the fighting in Ukraine. “The Russians are distracted in Ukraine. They are less invested politically if not military in Syria,” she said. “It’s difficult to tell what the result of this offensive is going to be. The rebels think the other side is vulnerable, and they have leverage.”

The Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, said on Friday that Moscow regarded the rebel attack as a violation of Syria’s sovereignty and wanted the authorities to act fast to regain control.

Turkey, which backs rebel groups along Syria’s northern border but has sought recently to normalise relations with Assad, is yet to publicly intervene in the latest round of fighting.

HTS said it would target Iranian forces fighting alongside Syrian government troops as part of the latest offensive. Iran’s Tasnim news agency said a commander from the Revolutionary Guards was killed in western Aleppo late this week.

The fighting and airstrikes appeared to paralyse much of the fragile network of services across rebel-held territory in Idlib, forcing the closure of health services and other infrastructure that sustain millions seeking shelter there.

R: 14 / I: 0

Upbeat Heavy Metal

Thread for upbeat & anthemic metal for lifting, cardio, etc.
R: 12 / I: 0

dance music thread
R: 1 / I: 0

politically incorrect but reasonable literatures

Thread about planning, programs, laws, and practice (by the state or others) that have the characteristics of being politically incorrect and or morally questionable, but reasonable and or executable.

My specific request, give me literature about sterilization (forced or not) of people of color, breeding programs, family planning, and eugenics. Not talking about one of those "nAZi BreeDIng ProgRAm DoeSN't WOrK!!! *insert soy" type of books and documents. I am talking about literatures that actually tells me how it is done and doesn't just smear dung all over it.

>inb4 just go at library and gov websites bro

<I have specific sub mental disability of ADHD that doesn't allow me to do things that even a autist could.
R: 0 / I: 0

The Beauty of Marxism-Leninism

What I love about Marxism is it's need to do something. Corruption exists in many world nations. The corruption of Capitalism too is arguably bad too in certain countries.

What I love about Marxism is its empowerment that only the people can make change.

What I also love about it too is that it gives those unemployed people a chance to use their skills to contribute to society.

I hope someone agrees to these points, and replies.

R: 1 / I: 0

Communism and Christ-Consciousness

In esoteric Christianity, there is a concept that the second coming of Christ will be in an etheric form rather than in the form of an individual man, that Christ will return as an awakening force rising in humanity as a whole. There is an emphasis which can be made on the concept of Christ as something transcendent, and this is present even in more ordinary strains of Christianity even if it is often obscured by sectarian pissing; by the doctrine of the universal church, the love of God touches everything, and the power of this is such to transcend all race, sex, and belief to move all towards a shared divine ideal which is personified in Christianity by Christ, but which is true in its meaning regardless of what name is attached to it. In essence, from this perspective, the truth of the universal church, in its message of peace, justice, and good will, and of good deeds and works overcoming death as man's only gateway to eternal peace, is so all-encompassing that it offers collective salvation to all in accordance with the actions they take even if they nominally differ in religious belief. It is thus like the northern star, a fixed light to which all people have turned for guidance, though they called it by many names.

You may be asking me, now, "ok, anon, what does all this religious wank have to do with communism?"
I'm glad you asked!

The philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth was built upon a mixture of pre-Talmudic Judaism and Hellenic eschatology, and it was defined, in large part, around a sense of imminent demise. It rejected usury, rejected the commodification of religion, rejected the deification of commerce & wealth & greed, and embraced communal living and universal collective good will, all inspired in large part by understandings attained through deep contemplation of death by those who believed doom was near. Jesus himself, by focusing on good deeds, becomes a symbol of how mankind can surpass death, a carpenter born in severe poverty who, without ever becoming rich, set a course for the enrichment of humankind by example. The collective realization of Christ-Consciousness could be argued to be a moral & spiritual mirror to the realization of class consciousness, as it essentially necessitates a spiritual rejection of capitalism in favor of collective wellbeing, a rejection of the transient values of capitalist materialism in favor of the immortal values of socialist materialism, an embrace of the eternal truth that life has no end at the death of the self and what succeeds individual mortality can be heaven or hell.

When faced with the understanding of their own mortality, the rich hoard, struggling in vain to replenish their youth & extend their lives with blood transfusions, arranging for all their prized spoils to be passed on to immediate family, doing the best they can to live in denial of the conditions they will leave behind when they turn to dust and return, eventually, to the cycle. For those whose greatest legacy is self-enrichment at the expense of others, death is, at best, a permanent end. At worst, death is an assurance for them that they will, when their matter is recycled, feel the penalties of the pain they have inflicted on the world in their greed, callousness, and malice.
For the Christ-Conscious worker, however, death is an inevitable bridge which can be crossed through collective work into a better world to come, a bridge all humanity is entitled to. This is an understanding that the path to liberation lies not in one man, and certainly not in the personal accumulation of wealth, but in a collective realization of divine potential. This realization offers a power which the rich cannot access, because while a rich man can pass on his personal fortune and write his name all over his mansion, he can never leave behind a world he hasn't damaged by his vanity, he can never leave behind a world to which he would want to return as anyone else. The best he can hope to do is lose everything he has valued and pass on his disease like a particularly passionate bug-chaser afflicted with full-blown AIDs. Only the united power of the workers can reach humanity's divine potential, and so it is the workers who can access true immortality, and whose deeds can attain for all the true kingdom of Heaven.

By this consideration, Communism and Christ-Consciousness are interlinked, twin concepts which may aid in eachothers' realization rather than hinder one another out of perceived dissonance.
R: 4 / I: 0

>match with a guy on tinder
>start talking about the financial crash of '08
>he blocks me
why are men like this smh
R: 12 / I: 0

sex is procreation, not degeneracy or sodomy. The concept of "born this way" at least in its modern form was always more of a identity politics stance than anything else. Many of the people pushing it didn’t actually beleive it themselfs, but it was beleived that by presenting degenerate, lumpen behaviour as an inherent characteristic, rather than as a freely made choice, people would be more likely to soften up towards it.
A reflection of this is sometimes seen today with the category of "BDSM" or "queer" in which sexual fluidity (the idea that sexuality isn’t set in stone) is taken for granted most of the time, and its only when people criticise the parts of this ideology that haven’t been fully normalised yet that they retreat to "born this way" as a safer position which it is harder to attack.
BDSM and other forms of degeneracy in relationships aren’t reproductive and aren’t typically accepted by the masses due to this reason, outside of the parasitic west
R: 361 / I: 79

Feels Thread

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
R: 36 / I: 7

Bannana Republic of Korea ?

Yoon Suk Yeol (emphasis on the suck) has declared martial law, out of the blue. Probably because he's loosing power, his approval rating tanked, there's scandals surrounding his wife and the opposition is blocking his political programs.

The pretext he gave for the martial law was "eradicating the pro north Korean communist forces"
If only there were communist forces about to topple the wannabe dictator of BRoK
R: 123 / I: 64


Seeing how there’s multiple /co/ related threads on the board. I think we should just put all of them into one general just for clarity’s sake.

Discuss anything related to comics and animations from comic recs, leftist animations to comic writers’ attempts to larp as leftists.

Seriously is there a worse anarchist in the UK than Alan Moore?
R: 1 / I: 1

>TFW even the captchas are gangstalking you
R: 25 / I: 5

What's the best way to make sure I get into the ruling class post-Revolution?

We need Communism, but fuck being outside the ruling class in a Communist society.
R: 79 / I: 9

What should the age of consent be?

In most countries it's 16 which I think is good. I'd say there needs to be some "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions added. No reason to have a 17 year old go to jail for dating a 15 year old.
15 is a just a little too young for the age of consent. What is hilarious is that burgers think just big age gaps are pedophilia while the average roastie in America becomes sexually active at 13, and often even younger.
R: 4 / I: 0

Greatest band interviews

Post 'em.

Picrel, an '80s zine interviewing the members of Venom in 1984.
R: 8 / I: 0

Dream Pop

Dream Pop, jangles, etc.
R: 312 / I: 47

US elections

Who are you voting for, anon?

So far, the top candidates are:
Jill Stein (Green)
Cornel West (Independent)
Claudia De la Cruz (Party for Socialism and Liberation)
Joseph Kishore (Socialist Equality Party)
and now "Based Chase" Oliver (Libertarian)

and then there are some unserious candidates nobody likes.
R: 223 / I: 37

Nuclear War

The nuclear threat is back. But we don't see any nuclear panic like in the 1980s. Why is that? Why does nobody care?

I am not some prepper retard but even I am getting nervous.

Just look at this shit
A time of unprecedented danger: It is 90 seconds to midnight
>This year, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward, largely (though not exclusively) because of the mounting dangers of the war in Ukraine. The Clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight—the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been.
>As UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned in August, the world has entered “a time of nuclear danger not seen since the height of the Cold War.”

and also this
US Nuclear Test Raises Concerns of New Arms Race With Russia


>The US conducted a high-explosive experiment at a nuclear test site in Nevada just hours after Russia revoked a ban on atomic-weapons testing, prompting concerns of a new arms race between the world’s top nuclear powers.

So, are you going to PROTECT AND SURVIVE, anon? Or are you just going to give up everything and die?
R: 5 / I: 1

Cuba thread

Thread for news, books, info, etc. about Cuba.
R: 13 / I: 2

Los Angeles is ON FIRE!!!

"''A massive and fast-moving wildfire in California has burnt more than one thousand hectares so far and is now threatening thousands of homes in an upscale neighbourhood of Los Angeles.
Officials have ordered evacuations as they warn the winds could pick up."''
R: 4 / I: 0

anglos are shitty people with medieval mind set
R: 19 / I: 5

>he who does not work shall not eat
R: 86 / I: 36

What made millions of people go and decide to masturbate to these mentally unwell and emotionally abusive (whether they know it or not) women?
R: 24 / I: 2

Marxist Planning of Eugenics

<In a letter to the editor of Scotland's Sunday Herald, Dawkins argues that the time has come to lay this spectre to rest. Dawkins writes that though no one
wants to be seen to be in agreement with Hitler on any particular, "if you can breed cattle for milk yield, horses for running speed, and dogs for herding skill,
why on Earth should it be impossible to breed humans for mathematical, musical or athletic ability?"
<"I wonder whether, some 60 years after Hitler's death, we might at least venture to ask what the moral difference is between breeding for musical ability and
forcing a child to take music lessons. Or why it is acceptable to train fast runners and high jumpers but not to breed them," Dawkins wrote Sunday.
Breeding humans for PEAK PERFORMANCE would be a good thing imo. Too bad it'll happen only in a technologically advanced communal society with
polyamorous kinship, which could materialize in the near future.

I don't know what's the issue, just don't let literal retards or people with disabilities
that can be passed down to have kids

literally who cares? there's no real argument against eugenics, not even moral arguments work that well, it's a win win situation

it would interfere with the bodily autonomy of the parent/s what do we do?
R: 39 / I: 9

I want Liz Trueanon to shrink my penis 😳
I want her to say "BUH BYE" as it turns into a little dicklet 😳
R: 11 / I: 2

Kpop general

Post and discuss Korean pop (both sides)

inb4: "kpop is reactionary!"

Chollima On The Wing - DPRK Music Video

Furthermore, there is a blockchain themed Kpop group active right now named tripleS (that lets fans vote using NFTs), and the DPRK has been dabbling in cryptocurrency, so there you go..
R: 5 / I: 2

Should I start a carnivore/raw primal/high cholesterol ,high-fat diet?
I know how terribly unhealthy this all sounds but it also sounds hyper-masculine and caveman. I know some bodybuilders have 40 eggs a day and theyre fine(inb4 Gaston)
a Builder of Communism must be strong and manly!
R: 6 / I: 1

Why are 95% of women ugly without makeup?

When I was young I liked natural women then growing up I realized it's actually natural made-up looking women that I like. Women who didn't put too much makeup. My question is, why are most women ugly without makeup.
R: 21 / I: 1

dprk general

discuss best korea
slava comrade kim jong un
hope he nukes ROK– the peninsula of plastic surgery, violent incels, toilet cameras, and soulless pop music

>North Korea confirmed Thursday that its recently revised constitution defines South Korea as “a hostile state” for the first time, two days after it blew up front-line road and rail links that once connected the country with the South

R: 11 / I: 8

Friendly Reminder: Hagmaxxing is A Psy OP

>You are walking on a breaking bridge
>You are stepping into a pothole
>You are buying a rental
>You are drinking expired milk
>You are stepping on a rusty nail
>You are eating melted ice cream
>You are reusing an old tampon

For much of human history and in many cultures, the institution of marriage was a transfer of a man's daughter to his age-peer in exchange for a dowry. The daughter was treated as little better than livestock. She was expected to bear children for a man her father's age. A young man did not have sex with a woman his age unless she was a prostitute. He instead worked at agriculture, artisanship, or war until he was middle aged and owned his own homestead, at which point he would pay a dowry to his age peer in exchange for his daughter, to bed, and produce children.

Since this kind of age gap between men and women was normalized until industrial times, it is not uncommon for young men to lust after young women, but to find that the young woman is already with an older man, who has money. "hggmaxxing" is the late capitalist inversion of this. Women have been politically free under liberal capitalism for the first time in history. Not truly free from class society and exploitation, but free to become exploiters and members of the ruling class, and to accumulate property in their own names. Men have been downwardly mobile, have lost their monopolies on warfare, on education, on politics, and are now, for the first time, seeking older women with property for stability. To become an objectified himbo boy toy for some old "hag" is the inversion of the way women were treated for most of history.

Those ITT who object on the grounds that it is a "psy op" are missing that it is a natural byproduct of class society at this stage of development.

Those ITT who object on the grounds that older women are "disgusting used goods" etc. etc. are going to feel rather frustrated when they find this rhetoric turned against old men as well eventually. Promiscuous men will no longer be regarded "players" sticking their "key" in as many "locks" as possible, but as serial sexual harassers, and lecherous old syphilitic creeps.

I've been dating over the last 18 to 24 months. I've dated as young as 19-24. As old as my age. And what never ceases to amaze me is how demanding women my age are. It's absolutely fucking insane how entitled and deluded they are. It is literally easier to date women who are my basically the same age as my kids than it is to date women who are my age. Young women are just down to have a good time, go places, do things. Women within 10 years of my age start every interaction with a list of do's, don'ts, and expectations. At first I thought I just got a bad one or two. But, nope. They're all pretty much like this. No, ma'am. You're severely post wall, usually deep in debt, and tired all of the time. You don't then also get to inform me of what you expect out of me in any interaction we have. A 20 year old will just say, "I can't wait to suck your dick after dinner!"

It's exactly the opposite of what I expected it to be like.

thats been my experiences with the 40 crowd compared to the 20 crowd. the 40 crowd has a list of expectations you have to meet for her and the 20 year old is content with some weed and a large pizza and drinks and a shitty horror movie. I dont date often as im fairly bitter and jaded in my 40yrs but yeah my experiences with older females have been far more demanding of me than a 22yr old looking to get high and watch a cheesey 80s horror movie in her underwear

<Zoomer gjrls are way better then younger generation chicks. Much more fun and they don’t think anime is weird and will actually watch it with you.

<millenial women are more likely to be Twitter feminists.

the average hag is used, reactionary, overweight, likely diabetic jaded and poor asf. have at it.
good luck

never fall for a meme
R: 16 / I: 1

Hey, what's with all these US Army guys doing domestic terror attacks?

It's coming out that Matthew Livelsberger, the guy who exploded a Tesla in Las Vegas, was a special forces operations director & intelligence manager. Shamsud Din Jabbar did a car attack on the same day, but in New Orleans, which killed 16 people and injured 35, allegedly in connection with ISIS, and according to The Independent, he was allegedly stationed at the same base as Matthew Livelsberger:


What are your thoughts, /leftypol/?
R: 125 / I: 53

FIRE General Thread

Let's get a general thread about FIRE (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate). Include topics about crypto as well.
R: 19 / I: 2

Chemical inferno in Georgia

A biolab exploded in Conyers, Georgia the other day. According to Jordan Chariton, it's now leaving 90,000 Georgia residents sheltering in place. Chlorine gas going into the air, 32 miles from Atlanta. This is after hurricane Helene just came just came through, and damage and flooding from Helene is still terrible in the southeastern states of Tennessee and North Carolina.

Earlier this year, Atlanta's neglected water infrastructure broke, leaving a huge part of the city without water for days. A lot of commentators are contrasting the dangerous deregulation of industry and middling response to Helene with the eagerness of the Biden admin to send billions to support the genocide in Palestine and brutal war in Ukraine.
R: 7 / I: 0

Postal 4

Knew that my criticisms wouldn't be taken seriously on /v/, so I came here.

What had made the initial POSTAL 2 have integrity was how it laughed in the face of moral panic—whether on the conservative side against video games or book-banning, and later on the acts of organizations such as PETA.

The modern day's conservative moral panic is mainly focused toward the LGBTQ+ and immigrants. POSTAL 4 had an amazing opportunity to comment on these things(we already had an entire group dedicated to getting rid of books in the last game), they side with the moral panic narrative by only telling a story about the rabid SJWs.

The terrorists in POSTAL 2 were also done quite well; they could be found everywhere on the map(the grocery store, the mall, behind RWS) to show how ridiculous the narrative of "terrorists could be anywhere" that justified the Patriot Act was. They could have played it this way, too. They could have had random trans people hiding among the populace looking to cut your dick off. They could have had a mad university professor trying to hypnotize a local college campus into having gay sex. They could have had the book burners show up mid-way through that, but then target Postal Dude midway through because "Hey, look at those buttons on his clothes! Those are a secret symbol of the queer agenda! I saw it online!" and then have them target him as well.

Instead, POSTAL 4 just uses the cheap conservative joke that its ancestor would have tore to shreds and loses its shine because of it. It feels like if a modern sitcom writer tried to make a POSTAL game without understanding any of the bite that made those games special. I'm not going to pretend that they were fine art or anything like that, but it was a special component.
R: 4 / I: 0

Newly released bodycam footage shows New York correctional officers beating handcuffed man to death

Per CNN:
Body-worn camera footage released Friday shows correctional officers at the Marcy Correctional Facility in upstate New York punching and kicking a handcuffed inmate in a fatal beating that is now under investigation by the New York attorney general.

Robert Brooks was pronounced dead on December 10 at Wynn Hospital in Utica, according to Attorney General Letitia James. Brooks, 43, had been serving a 12-year prison sentence since 2017 for first-degree assault, prison documents show.

CNN has reviewed the footage, parts of which show surrounding officers kicking and punching Brooks, who has his hands handcuffed behind his back in a medical examination room. Brooks’ face appears bloody in some of the footage.

At one point, an officer appears to shove something in Brooks’ mouth before repeatedly hitting him in the face. Another officer then punches Brooks in the groin before using a shoe to strike him.

The New York Attorney General’s Office of Special Investigations previously announced it had opened an investigation into Brooks’ death.

R: 2 / I: 5

Left Trad Socially Conservative thread
R: 11 / I: 1


Left Falun Gong Thread

Discuss Leftwing Falun Gongism

- earth got destroyed 81 times with science & technology starting anew each time
- modern science & technology come from aliens
- aliens are already impersonating humans on earth
- aliens abduct & experiment humans bc "humans have a perfect body"
- aliens' ultimate goal is to control & replace humans
- aliens made a 2 billion year old nuclear reactor in Africa
- evolution is a lie & atheists go to hell
- mixed children are "spawn of Dharma-ending period" and go to hell - "Spain was the vanguard for mixing the human races"

Some links:
Shen Yun Performing Arts | Behind the Recent Media Misrepresentations of Shen Yun
Shen Yun Performing Arts
10 Things to Know About The NY Times’ “Investigation” of Shen Yun, Falun Gong

Video links:
Shen Yun Performing Arts Intro
Shen Yun is More Beautiful Than You Think
R: 1 / I: 0

Everyone. i'm gonna go poop
R: 71 / I: 6

R: 9 / I: 0

Looking back at 2024

Thread mostly for disasters, but also some good things. What happened this year?
I can think of a few things:
Genocide and regional war in the middle east
Fall of Damascus
War in Ukraine continues to escalate (and US starts arming Azov again)
BioLab explodes in Georgia (AGAIN)
Coup attempt in South Korea
Arrest warrants for Israeli leaders (and US president sued for complicity!)
That CEO got shot
Police states in western "democracies" brutally crack down on anti-genocide protests
Leftist coalition wins in France, Macron refuses to acknowledge it (and some shit happens in Germany, too)
Telegram guy arrested by France
Julian Assange let off (on the condition that he plead guilty to journalism)
TikTok ban
Evo Morales was almost assassinated (and some sort of coup attempt or false flag also happened with the current president?)
Biden extended FISA (https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/04/22/wyrz-a22.html)
A bunch of countries joined BRICS I think?
DNC finally admits Biden is senile after a disastrous debate
Two Trump assassination attempts and at least one false flag entrapment operation
President of Iran (probably) assassinated
Boeing whistleblower assassinations
US abducts Haiti's president
ISIS attacks: Iran, Moscow, Oman, Syria
Longshoremen strike

What am I missing?
R: 11 / I: 1 (sticky)


Hello, faggots, thanks to our unwavering dedication to the community I am proud to announce we are rolling out our own, official, leftychan.net i2p address.
You can locate the eepsite @ http://leftychmxz3wczbd4add4atspbqevzrtwf2sjobm3waqosy2dbua.b32.i2p, or, http://leftychan.i2p/.
If you have any trouble, as stated on the news announcement, try manually adding the address and domain to your address book.

-Yours Truly.
R: 10 / I: 27

Perving at girls in skimpy clothing is one of my favorite pastimes in this hellish life.

FUCK JOE BIDEN for taking this away from me.
R: 38 / I: 4

Work day general 2.0

Welcome to the work day general.

Tell us about your day anon. Did you have a good day at work? Its OK we know work is horrible.

I work graves at a factory. If you have it shitty at work I can relate.

Tell us about your day under the crushing weight of the profit motive.
R: 5 / I: 4

New Year, New Me

Anybody else excited for the New Year so you can be a New You?

Discuss, for example, resolutions, etc.
R: 381 / I: 114 (sticky)

Reading General

Hello /leftypol/, we noticed an under-appreciation for the theory that upholds our political ideologies: As such, we have decided to revive the reading sticky! This thread will be dedicated to the sharing, discussing, and general banter about various leftist thinkers, theories, and political outlooks.

But, other than that, we believe there are other important reads that must be addressed, especially, for beginners and those just now getting into leftism.

Don't forget to check out >>>/edu/ for more reading and discussion!

Common Right Wing Talking Points Debunks

Check out the /edu/ thread at

Also see the relevant leftybooru tag
Add topics into the tag list to further narrow down your search!

Introduction to Marxism Reading List - Thanks to the /read/ matrix room (https://app.element.io/#/group/+leftyread:matrix.org)

Absolute Beginners Tier:

'Principles of Communism' by Friedrich Engels

'Three Source and Theree Component Parts of Marxism' by V.I. Lenin

Not a book but Halim Alrah's youtube channel is good for the absolutely basics of Marxism but obviously not a replacement for reading

Marx and Engles Reading List

Tier 1:

'Manifesto of the Communist Party'

'Critique of the Gotha Programme'

'Socialism: Utopian and Scientific'

Tier 2:

'Wage Labour and Capital'

'Value, Price and Profit'

'Theses on Feuerback'

By this point you should have a good understanding of the basics of Marxism and are ready to branch out to other theorists and also read Capital.

Tier 3:

'Capital vol.1'

Lenin Reading List - By Moo (aka Zizekposter)

Lenin Essentials:

'State and Revolution'

'“Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder'

'Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism'

Petit Bourgeois Philistine Tier:

'What is to be done'

'The Proletarian Revolution and Renegade Kautsky'

'Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution'

ADHD Tier:

'Socialism and Religion'

'Zizek's Introduction to Revolution at the Gates'

'Revolutionary Adventurism'

MLM Reading List


Why MLM?

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Basic Course

'Continuity and Rupture: Philosophy in the Maoist Terrain'


'On Practice & Contradiction'

'On Guerrilla Warfare'

'On Protracted War'


'Fanshen: A Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village'

'Red Star Over China' - Edgar Snow

'The Unknown Cultural Revolution' - Dongpin Han


Interview With Chairman Gonzalo

General line of the PCP

'Shining Path: Terror and Revolution in Peru' - Simon Strong


Operation “Green Hunt” in India

Eight Historic Documents (AZAD)

'Urban Perspective'


Araling Aktibista - Activist Study ARAK

'Stand for Socialism Against Modern Revisionism'

'Philippine Society and Revolution'
https://bannedthought.net/Philippines/CPP/1970s PhilippineSocietyAndRevolution-4ed.pdf

Political Economy:

'Rethinking Socialism' – Deng-yuan Hsu & Pao-yu Ching

'China: A Modern Social-Imperialist Power' - CPI(Maoist)

'Maoist Economics & the Revolutionary Road to Communism' - The Shanghai Textbook

Leftcom Reading Lists

r/marxism101's reading list:

r/bruhinternational's reading list:


'The Democratic Principle'

'Proletarian Dictatorship and Class Party'

'The Spirit of Horsepower'

'Report on Fascism'


'The Lyons Theses'

'Theory and Action in Marxist Doctrine'

'Dialogue with Stalin'


'World Revolution and Communist Tactics'

'Party and Class'

Herman Gorter:

'Open Letter to Comrade Lenin'

'The World Revolution'

Bookchin Reading Lists - based off of posts by Gorm1918 (pbuh)

'The Next Revolution'

'Urbanization Without Cities'

'The 3rd Revolution'

'The Ecology of Freedom'

Links to Resources and Libraries:

More Marx and Engels:


Other Selected Marxists:

Classical Works Recommended To High-Ranking Cadres:

Many important books can be found on libgen:

Libcom has some good books/documents:

Other links:

Various assortment of historical and biographical works:

The Leftist Bookshelf (4.16 GB, 600+ files)
This was originally a torrent but I can't find the link anymore. Its description was: "640 eBooks, mostly in PDF format (a bunch are CHM, DJVU or ePUB), from a revolutionary Leftist viewpoint. The main subjects are politics and philosophy, history, economics, and much much more."

Political Theory (MLM) (2.64 GB, 550+ files)
I found this on reddit years ago (circa 2016) Don't really remember who made it or where it came from, but this is a reading course (politics, philosophy, economics, etc) focused on Maoism. Has many books and articles on the USSR, PRC, Stalin, Mao, etc.

The Anarchist Library (669 MB, 4000+ files)
This is a complete mirror of the anarchist library with pdfs and epubs

Little Bunker of Marxism-Leninism (680 MB, 100+ files)
Unfinished project focused on M-L with more than 100 books on several topics like history, economics, politics, etc. Lots of stuff on the USSR.

Historical Materialism series (330 MB, 100+ files)
A pdf archive of over 100 books from the Historical Materialism book series. I got this from thecharnelhouse.org years ago and the website had released many marxist books from other publishers but unfortunately it's been taken down.

/leftypol/ with a slash of liberty (239 MB, 100+ files)
I didn't make this, just reuploading it. This is a classic /leftypol/ link, marxist stuff mixed with anarchism.

Marx & Engels Collected Works (900+ MB, 50 files)
The official, complete works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels organized in 50 volumes and 3 categories.
R: 2 / I: 1

You get the girl below

>The woman, the weapon of the world.
>Just as the female ant after coition loses her wings, which then become superfluous, nay, dangerous for breeding purposes, so for the most part does a woman lose her beauty after giving birth to one or two children; and probably for the same reasons
<Arthur Schopenhauer
>A woman is a curse, but her charms are stronger than a curse
R: 8 / I: 0

Folk music

Anyone fond of it?
R: 2 / I: 0

''(114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life." Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."

The Gospel of Thomas
R: 5 / I: 0

Dark Classical

Can be dark, ominous, mournful, apocalyptic… modern, romantic, whatever.

Opening with one of the greatest, Scriabin's incomplete Mysterium. The writing of this one started in 1903, and Scriabin died before it could be completed, with it later being pieced together by Alexander Nemtin over the course of 28 years. This was only intended to be the first part in a much longer piece which would last a week and be followed by armageddon.
R: 2 / I: 0

Thoughts on Indigenous people joining the US army?
R: 4 / I: 0

Semen retention magick. Is it real?
R: 1 / I: 0

I hate people like this. Why can't they stay loyal?

>join the army to get girls they said …
>join the army to support your family they said…
>Got cucked by US Military
>Got cucked by family
>Got cucked out of his compensation money being forced to give it to his whore wife
R: 6 / I: 0

yeah, he was based

>woman becomes hysterical
>slaps the shit out of her
>a woman's talking
>shuts her down
Absolutely fucking based.
R: 5 / I: 0

The Ghost Wars on Female Race has Finally Erupted

Men have declared spiritual jihad on women and it shows as they slowly begin to lose it. The real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.

Don't talk to women, don't help them, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them. If a woman approaches you be nice and respectful but do not flirt or overtly joke, treat them as an equal man and then leave after the reason for the conversation is over. If a girl comes up to you and flirts kindly turn her down, if she asks you out suddenly say no thank you, don't make up a reason she only has agency because of some external reason not because she likes you. Be vague when talking about your life or weekend plans, anything you do or do with them like hooking up will be picked apart and analyzed by her and her online friends.

If men can't display a modicum of power over society, this world and women, then I guess they don't hold much power at all.

You are a traitor and not helping anyone if you fall for their tricks.
R: 19 / I: 29

wtf bros, is this real?
R: 1 / I: 0

Simple request for Posadas gang

Does anyone have a higher quality version of the Fifth International Posadist video attached? I may be wrong, but I think YouTube totally mangled it in the past 8 years since it was uploaded.
R: 368 / I: 329

/webm/ thread

This thread is for posting any form of /lefty/ videos files ranging from .webm or .mp4, or other
The last thread hit the bump limit, so post new or old videos here.
Link to the last thread here: >>201250
R: 21 / I: 7

Foss AI

Recently there has been a lot of commotion around large language model text based AI.
They are able to do impressive stuff, they give useful answers, and even can write somewhat usable programming sample code.

The most famous one currently is chatgpt, but all of those AIs are basically black boxes, that probably have some malicious features under the hood.

While there are Open-Source Implementations of ChatGPT style Training Algorithms
Those kinda require that you have a sizeable gpu cluster like 500 $1k cards that are specialized kit, not your standard gaming stuff. To chew through large language-models with 100 billion to 500 billion parameters.

The biggest computational effort is the initial training run, that chews through a huge training data-set. After that is done, just running the thing to respond to your queries is easier.

So whats the path to a foss philosophy ethical AI ?
Should people do something like peer to peer network where they connect computers together to distribute the computational effort to many people ?

Or should people go for reducing the functionality until it can run on a normal computer ?
I guess the most useful feature is the computer-code generator, because you might be able to use that to make better Foss Ai software in the future, and help you with creating libre open source programs.

Is there another avenue for a Foss AI ?
R: 6 / I: 0

This past year's "beef" between Kendrick Lamar and Drake was nothing more than a contrived plot in order to distract the masses from the genocide in Gaza. Both rappers are signed to labels which are under the umbrella of UMG which is owned by ultra-Zionist Lucian Grainge. Every stream from Kendrick's music is being used to fund Zionist genocide of Palestinians. But this goes far deeper and I'm entirely convinced Kendrick Lamar is being covertly funded and propped up by the CIA.
R: 2 / I: 0

Pakistan air strikes in Afghanistan spark Taliban warning of retaliation

From AJ yesterday:
The first cross-border strike inside Afghanistan since March came after a spate of attacks by the Pakistan Taliban.
Islamabad, Pakistan – The Pakistani military conducted air raids in neighbouring Afghanistan late on Tuesday night, targeting hideouts of the Pakistan Taliban, known by the acronym TTP, armed group in Paktika province, according to security officials.

While no official statement was issued by Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs or military media wing, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), sources confirmed to Al Jazeera that the attacks took place in the Barmal district of Afghanistan, near Pakistan’s South Waziristan tribal district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

The interim Afghan government, ruled by the Taliban, also confirmed the attacks but insisted that civilians had been targeted. The Taliban spokesperson’s office told Al Jazeera that at least 46 people, including women and children, were among those killed in air raids.

“The Pakistani side should understand that such arbitrary measures are not a solution to any problem,” Enayatullah Khowarazami, spokesperson for Afghanistan’s Defence Ministry, wrote on social media platform X. “The Islamic Emirate will not leave this cowardly act unanswered and considers the defense of its territory an inalienable right,” he added, referring to Afghanistan by the name given by the Taliban government.

The air raids, which were conducted for the second time this year, came just hours after Pakistan’s special representative for Afghanistan, Mohammad Sadi, met interim Afghan Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi in Kabul.

“Met Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi today. Held wide-ranging discussions. Agreed to work together to further strengthen bilateral cooperation and promote peace and progress in the region,” Sadiq posted on X.

Read more:

What's gonna happen, guys?
R: 9 / I: 7


Merry Christmas to all retards on leftychan. net and Merry Chistmas to every retard on this planet
R: 30 / I: 4

Speed Metal Hell

R: 1 / I: 0

How likely is it that a trans person in the US will need to flee the country soon? Any advice about how to prepare?
R: 304 / I: 81


How do you dress? What are you wearing today? How should you dress, as a Marxist? Which trends are proletarian and which are bourgeois?
R: 20 / I: 6


So I've been seeing alot of news head-lines talking about aliens. Like there is a sustained hype about it. People are putting "evidence" and "revelations" into head-lines. I haven't really engaged with it, because unless there's a alien specimen or some piece of unexplainable technology from a space-probe/vessel, it's not aliens.

Did anybody click the alien-news, is there anything with substance ? or is this just distraction with alien characteristics ?
R: 0 / I: 0

radiological bombs?

Cobalt-60 could be made by irradiating a regular cobalt with an alpha neutron source, possibly?
R: 10 / I: 6

Christmas thread

R: 62 / I: 4

How redpilled are the rich?

Do they go

>I have to carefully construct what say to get the proles to do what I want and tolerate what I am doing

Or do they go

>I am so fucking god-like, I will use ruling-class language with my people and they will do my bidding.

Basically what I'm asking is do they have ideology of their own that they are unconsciously committed to, or are they blatantly just lying when they talk about things like creating jobs?
R: 34 / I: 8

What's the point of this site? Why don't you post on leftypol.org which is the real leftypol?
R: 5 / I: 0

The Real Culprits of Life Inaffordability: Doctors, Landowners, Banks, & rest of Price Setter Class

The US federal government and health insurers aren't the main ones charging most citizens extortionate prices for basic life necessities, including healthcare and housing.

Those charging such are simply… those who charge such: specifically banks, pharma companies, average land/homeowners, doctors etc

When you get a bill for a $400 doctor visit where no tests or equipment was used, that's not insurance's fault, that's the doctors fault for charging you $400 for 15 minutes.

That's a near universal practice, and every point of sale actor tries to point the finger at another as the source of extortionate prices. But no one is forcing them to buy expensive malpractice insurance, lavish offices, inflated tech service contracts, unnecessary equipment purchase, and their own lavish lifestyles.

The issue is, any of them could simply… not charge extortionate prices.

Private health insurance is a joke, but they aren't the root issue. The root issue are the doctors, landowners, homeowners, pharmaceutical companies, and other point of sale groups and individuals charging extortionate prices.

I'm not saying this to point to individuals as the issue, but rather the class those who provide or own expensive life necessities. There's a reason early unions mostly disallowed doctors from joining.

Also, on a tangent, most pushing for "universal health insurance" aren't really pushing for insurance, but a free, or near free private health care, paid by the government. Private insurance usually means you pay out the ass in the case of an unlikely event, it's was never meant to be a safety net for routine care.
R: 137 / I: 17

UnitedHealthcare CEO neutralized in New York

Police search for gunman after Brian Thompson, 50, killed in Manhattan in ‘brazen targeted attack’

R: 32 / I: 1

The USSR supported Nazis

>One of the most significant pieces of evidence is the testimony of Otto Ernst Remer. In a 1997 interview, Remer admitted that he had received Soviet backing during his time in the party. Remer stated that he had met with KGB officials in East Berlin and had received financial and logistical support from the Soviet Union.[13] In addition to Remer's testimony, there are other sources of evidence that support the claim that the Soviet Union supported the SRP. For example, a 1953 KGB memo outlines the agency's efforts to cultivate and support right-wing extremist groups in Germany, including the SRP.

What the hell guys, I thought the USSR was heckin anti-fascist???? What gives???
R: 0 / I: 0


Mark Fisher
Adolf Hitler
R: 17 / I: 13

"I Took A Fan On a Date"

Jesus fuck. This is painful to watch. How can someone be this pathetic I'm astonished

If he was my son i'd kill him and then commit sui what a disgrace
R: 2 / I: 2


R: 0 / I: 0

Dhar Mann Studios

Thoughts on Dhar Mann Studios, who are known for their clickbait-titled videos with specific scenarios and inspirational/moral lessons?
R: 8 / I: 0

Unit Promotion

Whether real-time or turn-based, probably somewhere around half the games in the strategy genre implement unit promotion in some form or another. But is it even good game design?

In the best-case scenario it gets implemented in a way that doesn't cause snowballing (Pikmin, which doesn't feature 2P versus play anyway). However, in pretty much all instances it has the effect of discouraging sacrificial play as a tactic, in effect reducing the overall depth of a given game. I'm starting to think this may have been the genre's Original Sin. What do you think anon?
R: 134 / I: 11

I have been banned from leftypol.org for saying, that you can be a leftist and also oppose trans-ideology. This is not a fringe position, since Sahra Wagenknecht openly voiced her opposition against trans-ideology in the german parliament live on TV. And yes, she calls it that way.
I'm interested, how this site here will react to left-conservative opinions.
R: 5 / I: 0

These mother fuckers want to fuck children so bad.



If it is possible to get a stream of the trial that would be tight. I know his first court date is set for march 21st 2025
R: 2 / I: 1

Real life powers

>Chi Kung Master Burns Paper With His Hand - John Chang
R: 11 / I: 7

Animation/Modeling thread

Any of you like modeling in blender?
I'm really amateurish at it but I recently made these two and felt like sharing them somewhere. and what better place to share than on lefty pol.
R: 0 / I: 0

Tim's Vermeer

Excellent documentary on how one man recreated a Vermeer painting. A medieval artist renowned for creating paintings that appear to be taken by a photograph.
We built what he believes is an optical machine using only technology of the time, that allowed Vermeer to create his seemingly inhuman masterpieces.
What do you anons think?
R: 6 / I: 0

Iranian UFOs false flag

This is the stupidest fucking shit I've ever heard.
R: 45 / I: 9

Old BO general

I'm the old BO from original /leftypol/.

My contributions:
>I was right
>Banned thousands of Roj*va anarkiddies (CIA assets)
>Promoted tankyism to the internet for years
>Made a shitload of the OC lefty memes that are still reposted by anons to this day (made the original Porky png, among other things)
>Quit when I realized it (class consciousness on anonymous imageboards) was hopeless

I am still a Stalinist/Maoist Marxist communist. I hate Ogre and what it's become. I am not trans and do not support trans ideology nor feminism. I'm an antivaxist. I support Assad, Hamas, PFLP, Donbas, Cockshottism… I'm sadly not part of any organization or party because there is no legitimate party where I live. I carry out lone wolf guerilla actions in a limited capacity.

R: 229 / I: 54

/edu/ checkpoint

Hello comrades. I propose a general thread in an attempt to get the /edu/ ball rolling again. Everytime you visit /edu/, post in this thread. Tell us about what you're thinking about, what you're reading, an interesting thing you have learned today, anything! Just be sure to pop in and say hi.
R: 25 / I: 6

Circumcision is a Fraud is Hosting a Web Page with FOIA Documents on Circumcision
Also, circumcision general thread. I think it's male genital mutilation.
R: 11 / I: 3

Leftypol Serenades

Post your songs.
R: 4 / I: 1



R: 2 / I: 3

FuckedByLeftists porn caption thread

Libs, radlibs, fascists, etc. getting FUCKED by STRONG LEFTISTS.

Image content description: solo bald female masturbating, fishnet stockings
R: 43 / I: 9

pedo infiltration ?

So the EU is apparently pondering to make a mandatory pedo scanner for software.

Many people have pointed out that this is just a pretext to attack:
IT security
and maybe even free open source software.

Many people think it's surveillance organizations them selves that are uploading the CSAM on purpose to push for laws that expand their legal permissions.

And all of the above is undoubtedly true.
Consider that if you invert the assumption of innocence and declare that wanting privacy makes you into a pedo-suspect that means that secret organizations have to be considered pedo-guilty by default, because they can't prove their innocence while keeping their secrets either.

If you argue that effective encryption that can't be broken which is absolutely necessary for the very concept of privacy, has to be undermined for the pedo-scanner. Then that same argument has to be made for proprietary software. Many pieces of proprietary software are in the range of tens or hundreds of gigabytes, and without publicly available source-code it's possible to hide a huge assortment of pedo-content in there. By contrast it's not possible to hide pedo-stuff in open source software.

Effective unbreakable encryption is not only necessary for privacy but also essential for IT security because without cryptographic signatures it's impossible to verify whether or not software hasn't been compromised.

But one glaringly obvious thing that is overlooked in this debate, is how a CSAM scanner works.
Every possible method of scanning for CSAM requires building a giant database filled with pedo-content.
There are relatively simple methods that use the pedo-data-base to create pedo-signatures of files, and there are more sophisticated methods, like using it to train machine learning algorithms to detect the pedo-patterns.

I can't help but think that a bunch of pedophiles got together and said
<"how can we create a pedo-pornhub without the rest of society trying to burn us at the stake for eating their children"
<"how do we get new pedo-content for the pedo-pornhub"

Because what they are doing is violating privacy and compromising the IT Security of computers used by children and scan it for potential "content" that has pedo-characteristics, that can than be uploaded to their pedo-data-base.

Basically the pedo-mafia has made an alliance with the surveillance-mafia.
But this isn't just about them creating a pedo-pornhub, they will indubitably find actual pedophiles with this, and then will be able to blackmail them to either go to prison or join the pedo-surveilance mafia. So it's also a recruitment tool for their crime-organization.

The Apple corporation which was the first that has implement the pedo-scanner-collection-tools and pedo-data-base might be the epi-center of this massive pedo-spiracy.

Before you dismiss this as schizo-ramblings, consider the following:
Since the assumption of innocence is being inverted, we have to consider that those people who are lobbying to create a giant data-base filled with pedo-content and legalized mechanisms to basically scan and scrape every computer for new content, that this is in fact a great pedo-conspiracy until they can prove their innocence. And that everybody who doesn't agree with my accusations is a suspected pedo-co-conspirator until proven innocent.

short talking points in case a wall of text won't do:
Attempting to weaken/undermine privacy/encryption = pedo-creepers that want to spy on kids
Attempting to attack free and open source software = furthering the goal of hiding csam in proprietary-pedo-ware
Appearing to combat pedo-philes would be the best predator-disguise for a pedophile.
R: 5 / I: 0

Anti-psychiatry thread

Anti-psychiatry thread.

Down with psychiatry!
Down with psychology!
Down with therapy!
Down with forced care-authorization signed off by arrogant judges!
Down with ambulances and their steep bills!
Down with phony lawyers who are on the side of psychiatry!
Down with the pharmaceutical industry!
R: 10 / I: 3

>i mean my late boyfriend was a classical fascist.
>omg im so sorry for your loss, whatever their politics.
>thank you. i miss him.

So dear chuddies how about those state-mandated brown roasties of yours? Them still being kinda busy huh? KEK
R: 6 / I: 0


R: 4 / I: 0

complain about libs thread

>still plays Pokemon
>owns a Switch
>watches bumfuck geopolitical lib garbage videos
>has no job
>is glad Assad is gone but doesnt mention Israel when talking about how the Middle East situation
>but doesnt want a Turkish passport because he'll have to enlist in the Turkish army
>praises Finland or some other Nordic country for, in his words, 'solving homelessness'
>still mad about people not getting vaxxed
why are libs such [SLURS]?
R: 1 / I: 0

R: 30 / I: 2

dead internet theory

The internet is dying, maybe it's actually already dead. This is a general thread about the dead internet theory. Share articles, first hand proof that the internet is dead, discuss etc. There is alot going on which indicates, that the dead internet theory is becoming reality.
R: 2 / I: 0

/leftysoy/ is fucking real

We need to colonize this board now… It's fucking real

We profound philosophers will prevail
R: 2 / I: 1

Girls keep gooning in public and it's turning into a sanitation issue. Most guys don't know this but girls masturbate by moving which pushes the labia against the clit. Even in public they'll rock on the edge of a chair, sway side to side, "dance", or squeeze their thighs together. They are leaving stains on seats, along with all kinds of stds. Every chair at my university is stained. You can't sit anywhere in public because I didn't want some hags fluids soaking into your clothes. Then there's the psychological aspect, you shouldn't be first to interact with people doing this crap in public. It's disgusting at a restaurant, it causes them to underperform at work, it makes them sexually harass men in public. It simply has to end
R: 6 / I: 0


Progressives fear him, conservatives him and so… what are your thought's on him? He seems to hate the populace far left and right equally but sees the current danger from the MAGA movement. Is he just an establishment liberal shill or is he something new?
R: 37 / I: 7

Single Mothers have devastated the Proletariat

Here's the killshot, single mothers predict how bad crime is in an area NOT POVERTY!
>The proportion of single-parent households in a community predicts its rate of violent crime and burglary, but the community’s poverty level does not. Source: D.A. Smith and G.R. Jarjoura, “Social Structure and Criminal Victimization,” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 25. 1988.”
This alone should repudiate feminism in the minds of anyone, left or right. And the high single motherhood rate is the direct result of feminists' sexual revolution that encourages women to be promiscuous which inevitably leads to bastards.
Anyone that's traveled outside of the US can attest to this finding. While no poor area of a city or town is safe. They are not these Falluja style war zones that say Baltimore is.
Eliminating single mothers goes a long long way to eliminating poverty for workers. And it's in the best interest of children, which feminists and women pretend to care about.
These studies were aggregated on https://www.fixfamilycourts.com/single-mother-home-statistics. Here are a few other highlights
>“After controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.” Progressive Policy Institute, 1990, quoted by David Blankenhorn, “Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem,” New York, Harper Perennial, 1996, p.31
>Effects of Fatherlessness – Teenage Statistics
>63% of all youth suicides,
>70% of all teen pregnancies,
>71% of all adolescent chemical/substance abusers,
>80% of all prison inmates, and
>90% of all homeless and runaway children, came from single mother homes.
>Bob Ray Sanders, “Hey Y’all, Let’s Fill The Hall (Of Fame), Ft. Worth Star Telegram, Oct.28,2007
>Mona Charen, “More Good News Than Bad?”, Washington Times, Mar.16, 2001 (citing Bill Bennett, “The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American society at the end of the 20th Century., New York, Broadway Books, 1994)
How does the left, which claims to care about workers, answer for this. This complete lack of accountability for women throughout every sect of anti capitalist ideology.
Every single critic of women's sexual liberation is pilloried as a bitter loser or incel.
All while this same behavior has had a devastating effect on children and communities. Something that would have been blatantly obvious to anyone not brainwashed but none the less we've had scientific proof of for centuries. these studies go back to the 1930's
And yet in every supposed left wing circle if the idea that maybe we should pressure women not to have children out of wedlock because of the obvious downsides, you'll have leftist quote Engels and other feminist toadies on how regressive women not being able to sleep with whoever they wanted would be just like a handmaids tale. And how this is really the fault of the patriarchy somehow.
Since when in your cucked anticapitalists' did women's whoring around become more sacrosanct then children's welfare?
And before someone strawman's me as some CHUD that wants women to go back to the kitchen, I'll say that there's a dozen fucking forms of female birth control now. There's NOTHING to keep women from planning every single one of their pregnancies. Using a pill does not require you to give up your career.
If the left wants any sort of legitimacy they'd openly admonish women that willingly become single mothers. It is not some terrible circumstance that befalls them, it's something completely in their control.
And before someone brings up the recent abortion bans, abortion in the country is no where near abolished, you can still get one and the left should be all in on facilitating it.
The problem is there's not even social pressure to stop these tragic outcomes.
The left needs to answer to this now.
R: 5 / I: 1


Filter Breadtube to Fedtube and Vaush to Agent Kochinski again
R: 15 / I: 0

GA freakcore sound

This stuff has been going crazy lately. What do you think of it?
R: 6 / I: 0


Why is no one talking about HR.4359? The "Crucial communism teaching act" Which is basically a bill that is being pushed to force anti communist teachings in public schools? This is such a disgusting fucking joke. Are we are to witness another red scare in this country?
R: 1 / I: 0


no comment
R: 21 / I: 2

Brazilian Politics

Remember when people thought this guy was some kind of lefty?
R: 16 / I: 9

Kendrick Lamar vs Drake

Who won?
Is Kendrick our guy?
What are the implications of the cultural impact rooted in Black American art?
R: 0 / I: 0

Optimism is stupid

Hello everyone. I'd like to inform you that optimism is dumb. Like, really dumb.
Optimism is essentially a yielding to the most basic temptation - to want things to be better than they are because of attachment, and to then adjust your worldview, to the exclusion of contradictory facts, in order to accommodate this viewpoint. Among those in the trenches this tendency could be forgiven; among westerners, not actively engaged in combat, merely offering analysis, this tendency is unreasonably stupid. It's not wrong for those at a distance to be attached to the fates of others; this is correct. However, it is wrong for those who are at a distance to align their projections with those who are experiencing war up close when those at a distance have an opportunity to detach their analysis from emotion and be more objective.

In essence, if your family and friends aren't being killed around you right this very minute, you don't have to make your projections based on a faith that justice will come. In fact, if you are in the west, it's imperative that you don't make your projections based on a faith that some other will overcome the destructive power of US empire. You don't have to be totally stoic, but your analysis should strive to be stoic rather than being shaped by your emotional attachment to a certain cause. Again, the sin here is not the acceptance that some outcomes are better than others, the sin is not to be attached to the creation of better outcomes, the sin is to allow that attachment to create in you a delusion that the best outcomes are the most likely ones. To combat this sin, it is best to be pessimistic, to presume that the worst outcomes are the most likely ones, to acknowledge that bad things are happening constantly and that this is the reality on which you must shape your worldview.

Pessimism should not be confused with defeatism; this conflation is, frankly, also very stupid. Pessimism is a recognition of reality, a baseline perspective from which being wrong can only be good, and this viewpoint prepares the individual to go up against the worst of odds, understanding without fear that by not doing so failure & death would be the only certain outcomes. By accepting how bad it really is, by accepting that failure is the most likely outcome of anything and death is the only certain outcome, a rational person cannot justify anything except the strongest action in opposition; failure is always likely, but only absolutely certain if you refuse to work towards a good outcome. Death is always certain, and a life spent subjugated without resistance will not be spared from this fate. Defeatism, therefore, is the refuge of imbeciles; there is no mercy to be found for those accepting defeat, it will never save them, and, if anything, only worsens their likely fate. It is true that the revolutionary is a doomed man, but not all who are doomed have accepted their own revolutionary potential; in fact, most doomed men today are not revolutionary at all. Most men, today, are doomed, and they have no idea how lucky they are to be doomed. By shedding delusional optimism and truly accepting how bad it is, a man becomes extremely powerful immediately; if even half the doomed men of today admitted the level of their degradation and sought to take the actions necessitated by this understanding, it would be completely impossible to stop them.

The power of men is not just in sheer brute force, nor even really in capital alone, but in the ability to perceive time and to plan and learn and work collectively. By refusing to plan for the worst in favor of naive, faithful optimism in some other you have no direct connection to, you are ceding what little power you have left as an individual in the west. All the while, what do the capitalists do? Why, they pass laws to suppress you, to spy on you, to strip you of your rights to speak and resist even in this historical period of relative peace. They build cop cities and militarize the police because they understand that things are going to get worse, economically, and they know exactly what they want to do when it reaches that point. It will reach that point soon, within the next six months, and I will be prepared for war as best as I can against the genuinely evil people who run the USA. I know what's coming, and so, knowing this, I implore you to admit how bad it is, how it is getting worse, and how inaction and complacency will not save you. You and I are damned no matter what we do, but it is not necessary that this damnation be eternal; our penance for the sins of ages has unfolded in front of us for our entire lives, the only existing chance, however slim, that our fates, and those of future people, will change is dependent on what actions we take to change things directly. We, the doomed, have no rational excuse nor incentive to do anything else.
R: 5 / I: 4

Therapist =

A lot of therapists are unbearable interpersonally. They learn how to manipulate people by choosing their words carefully when they're in school and completely lose the ability to communicate genuinely with other people.

For most people this isn't a problem, but as someone who knows a lot of therapists, it makes it harder to make friends with them. Out of roughly 20 therapists I regularly communicate with, only 2-3 are capable of communicating without using therapeutic techniques. If I say "I'm going on a date and I'm worried it'll go well and I'll have to make lifestyle changes" these people say "sounds like you're worried about what comes next". No fucking shit, dude. You're supposed to laugh with me about it and say "it'll probably be fine" or something

Most therapists are awful at their job. In this training I was in yesterday, the trainer told the group that asking questions in therapy *does not help the client*. You're just supposed to manipulate, sorry, motivate them into completing their goals by reflecting stuff they say back to them (but only the stuff you like). Mental health trainings are so funny. Everyone just talks about the most effective ways to manipulate people but if you use the word manipulation everyone will scold you.

Most therapists come from wealthy backgrounds, don't have addiction or trauma experiences, and had the resources growing up to learn coping mechanisms to help them live with their extreme neuroticism. I worked with a lady once, we were doing adolescent substance abuse group treatment, and she would get mad and basically ground the clients for misbehaving. Like she was their mother. She believed her role was to "get them in line". She was afraid of drugs after doing pot once.

Another dude i worked with told me this client was "externalizing" and upset because of his divorce. But the client was actually schizophrenic and actively psychotic, but the clinician believed he was "faking" his delusions "to mess with" him. One clinician stopped seeing a client because the client didn't bathe, even though the client was seeing them for depression for which one of the symptoms was not being able to take care of themselves.

Therapists are deeply self righteous individuals and most of them are crap. People usually see 3-4 therapists before they find one they connect with well and feel cared for by. Therapy can be very helpful to you if you are lucky or if you have the time to shop around for a good one, or if you can get a referral from someone you trust. But there are a lot of absolute shitters out there. It's a minefield.
R: 4 / I: 0

anarkkkiddies, how do you respond??
R: 0 / I: 0

Aardman - Bablyon [1986]

no comment
R: 2 / I: 0

Squirrel Girl fuckin sucks

saw movie didnt like it
R: 6 / I: 2

Venezuela building up troops on Guyana border, satellite images show

Aerial evidence follows months of President Nicolás Maduro ramping up claim to Essequibo region

Venezuela is expanding military bases near its border with Guyana and deploying forces to the jungle frontier as President Nicolás Maduro ramps up his threats to annex the country’s oil-rich neighbour, satellite images have revealed.

Maduro pledged at mediation talks in December not to take military action against his neighbour but images shared by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington today suggest a buildup of forces.

Christopher Hernandez-Roy, deputy director of CSIS’s Americas programme, said: “The same day that the Venezuelan foreign minister is meeting with Guyanese diplomats, the Venezuelan military is conducting tank drills just a stone’s throw from Guyana. All of this tells us Maduro is pursuing a duplicitous policy.”

Venezuela has long laid claim to the resource-rich Essequibo region, which makes up two-thirds of Guyana, but Maduro has ramped up the country’s claim to the disputed territory in recent months.

After months of campaigning, the country held a vote in December in which Maduro said the Venezuelan people backed the country to take the vast swathe of jungle by force.

The aerial shots show that while Venezuelan diplomats subsequently met their Guyanese counterparts to calm simmering regional tensions, the Venezuelan military sent tanks and missile-equipped patrol boats to the border.

“This escalatory behavior on the part of Venezuela creates opportunities for miscalculation and loss of control over events on the ground,” CSIS warns in its report on the escalating dispute.

The dispute is being arbitrated in the international court of justice in The Hague but Maduro wants to disregard the UN court and negotiate directly with Guyana.

Analysts had seen Maduro’s sabre-rattling as a means to build support ahead of elections expected this year but have suggested it could also be an attempt to pressure Guayana into sharing revenue from recent oil discoveries.

Venezuela’s economy has collapsed in the last decade despite having some of the largest deposits in the world.

“All of this suggests that Maduro may have originally had domestic reasons for what he is doing, but now the strategy is to compel the Guyanese into some sort of concessions,” Hernandez-Roy said.

Brazil deployed more troops to its border with Guyana and Venezuela this week amid the growing regional tensions and the US agreed to bolster Guyana’s defence with new aircraft, helicopters, military drones and radar technology.

Guyanese officials are to meet with heads of the Caricom political union to discuss their response with their Caribbean allies.

R: 4 / I: 0

Elvis's ghost

Elvis is like the Stalin of rock, everybody wants to be him.

Post your favourite Elvis inspired sets or songs.
R: 9 / I: 0

What the fuck is going on in France?

Seriously wtf
Is Macron dictator for life now? What's happening? What's going on?
R: 0 / I: 0

TV On the Radio Tiny Desk Concert

Dave Sitek has finally managed to disappear after 2 decades of trying.
R: 137 / I: 43

I think we need some female tripfags to orbit

4chan /r9k/ is full of them, why don't we have any?
R: 47 / I: 5

Big wins for Wagenknecht's party

In only six months, Sahra Wagenknecht's new party has BTFO'd the remnants of Die Linke and is already the 3rd most popular party in recent German state elections in Thuringia and Saxony. Is she gonna do it, anons? Can Germany be saved after all?
R: 22 / I: 1

Silver bullet ?

So the Russians are the first ones to demonstrate, what appears to be a purely or mostly kinetic impact weapon that is rocket-propelled. This thing competes with low yield so called "tactical nukes". Without any of the downsides like radioactive contamination and massive shock-waves.

They destroyed a weapons factory complex and aside from an estimated 100 people that were inside, nobody else died, the surrounding buildings weren't damaged. The decades old promise of doing "surgical strikes" at scale and parity without "collateral damage" seems to have finally been realized.

Given how much more focused the delivery of destructive energy from those impactors are, it's likely more effective at destroying hardened military targets than most nukes. Nukes technically are plasma weapons. And for this new weapon the line between kinetic and energy weapons is beginning to blur a little as well because of the extreme physical conditions during impact.

I would consider this as a strategic deterrent, because it likely can destroy icbm missile silos, air-fields, naval ports/battle-groups and command and controle bunkers. Part of the deterrence effect might also be that the political cost of actually using one is much lower than with nukes.

I also think that they will tag on other functionality, like replacing the 36 impactors that slam into the ground, with an air-to-air variation making hole squadrons of fighters or drones go poof.

There also is the arms-race aspect, i wonder how that will play out.

It might change the political game too. At present the neocons antagonize Russians in order to create a threatening enemy in order to get funding for their schemes. But since this new weapon doesn't really threaten anything that touches the majority of the population, the political effect of the "Russian boogieman" might just fade away. Companies like Black Rock have been lobbying for the Ukraine war, I've been wondering for a long time whether these war-lobbies would get targeted like military eventually, it wasn't really possible, until now.

If WW3 was fought with this type of missile not many people would die, probably less than in many of the currently active wars. People could opt out of WW3, just by avoiding the places that would be strategical targets. So that's why i think it might be a silver bullet.
R: 1 / I: 0

Progressive Electronic

Progressive Electronic, Berlin School, etc.
Inspired to make this thread by video related from 1977.
R: 6 / I: 0

>Russian forces in a buggy run over a sapper trying to warn them about mines on the road. Moments later, they hit the mines themselves

Is this the most Russian thing ever?

R: 7 / I: 0

Looking for COMMUNIST music

Is there any good communists making also good music?? I would like to know thank you
R: 3 / I: 0

Stevie Wonder

This might be a short thread, I don't care.
This is a bop.
R: 35 / I: 29

Imagination posts

Post and discuss using your imagination/delusion/fantasy.
R: 3 / I: 1

When do we start hunting down and executing liberals?
R: 73 / I: 40 (sticky)

Leftist Argument copypasta general /LACG/

Post Copy pastas, videos and books which debunk common Fascist, Liberal talking points which are repeated often.
R: 2 / I: 0

Fan theory: is Alex Nichols a fed?

1. CIA hits Matt Christman with an autofellatio gun, leaving him permanently crippled
2. Their 'guy' Alex steps in to take his place. Smooth talking sarcastic Bill Murray type (fed).
3. """Alex""" keeps tabs on the Chapos & their audience, examining & subtly modifying the material, always ready to sneak in coded messages to CIA sleeper agents.

Doesn't it seem odd to you?
I noticed that even when his jokes are funny, the other Chapos laugh kind of nervously. His delivery is almost too good, like he was tailor made to be appealing, unlike Matt, who was very smart, but sounded like a big fat dorky homo. What do you guys think?
R: 4 / I: 0

Was Saddam Hussein a socialist?

Was Saddam Hussein a socialist? If he is a socialist, what is the evidence/proof of this?
R: 10 / I: 0

I live in Israel, ask me anything

Yep, I live in that chaotic land

I'm not ncessarily a zionist, I'm questioning a lot of stuff about the conflict myself because I was brainwashed since age 0, but I can't be open about it for obvious reasos.
R: 3 / I: 0

midlife crisis thread

Discuss midlife crisis:
What Is a Midlife Crisis?
Signs of a Midlife Crisis
Common Triggers for Midlife Crises
Coping Strategies and Support Systems

What a Midlife Crisis Is and How to Get Through | FHE Health
Millennials Midlife Crisis Statistics - Survey Data

What is it like to experience a mid-life crisis?
What is a mid-life crisis? What are your thoughts on this?
Does almost everyone suffer some form of "mid-life crisis"?
What is the earliest age to have a "mid-life" crisis?
What does “mid life crisis” mean/look like to YOU?
How do you cope with a mid-life crisis - the feeling that you have not lived your life well?
What exactly is a midlife crisis? And how common are they?
What screams “I’m having a midlife crisis”?
What is a midlife crisis and why does it happen when it does?
What do you do about a mid-life crisis?
R: 16 / I: 3


is his life over?
R: 313 / I: 40

Martial arts thread

Comrades let's have a thread for martial arts, combat sports and self defense. Striking, grappling, all styles welcome (except fake ass shit). Let's talk about training, techniques, fights, fighters, etc. Here's a fun fact: One of the many achievements of the soviets was founding their own combat system, sambo, which proved to be extremely effective and is still widely practiced today. Also, Judo orange belt here (AMA if you want)
R: 204 / I: 58 (sticky)

/ttg/ - Tech Team General

This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues(bug reports, suggestions). Otherwise use
Public Repo: https://github.com/towards-a-new-leftypol/leftypol_lainchan
If you have any grievances you can make a PR.

Mobile Support: https://github.com/PietroCarrara/Clover/releases/latest
Thread For Mobile Feedback: >>>/tech/6316

Onion Link: http://wz6bnwwtwckltvkvji6vvgmjrfspr3lstz66rusvtczhsgvwdcixgbyd.onion
Cytube: https://tv.leftychan.net
Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#Leftypol:matrix.org
Once you enter, consider joining the lefty technology room.

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible

Archived thread:
R: 1 / I: 0

>Popular thyroid medication levothyroxine linked to bone loss
<Second-most commonly prescribed drug for older adults is linked to bone loss
What does this mean?
R: 1 / I: 0

777 - Roulette board

Are we done with guns? What should the next board topic be?
R: 12 / I: 5

CROWN CULL porn thread

crown culling
kingdom kill off
tsar snuffing
tsar slaying
monarch massacre
regal redrum
R: 14 / I: 0

Wokescold separation thread

ITT: we say some slurs in order to separate ourselves from the wokescolds

R: 8 / I: 0

The New Yorker Publishes 2005 Haditha, Iraq Massacre Photos

From Democracy Now!:
After nearly two decades of obstruction by the U.S. military, The New Yorker has obtained and published 10 photos of the aftermath of the 2005 Haditha massacre, when U.S. marines killed 24 Iraqi civilians in revenge for an IED bombing that killed a service member. The graphic images show dead Iraqi men, women and children, many of them shot in the head at close range. The victims ranged in age from 3 to 76. Release of the photos came only after producers of the investigative podcast In the Dark sued the Navy, the Marine Corps and U.S. Central Command to force them to turn over the photos and other records. "What the photos clearly show is that these were innocent people who do not appear to be doing anything threatening at the time of their deaths," says Madeleine Baran, host and lead reporter of the podcast. Four marines were charged for the killings, but the charges were dismissed in three cases, and the last ended with a plea deal that did not result in a single day in prison. Baran says the survivors of the massacre, who cooperated with producers to get the photos released, are still waiting for justice. "What they want is the world to know what happened to their family, to know that their family were good people, not insurgents, and they want justice," she says.
R: 15 / I: 3

Atomic Heart

You know I'm surprised that there hasn't been a thread for this upcoming game yet, but the latest gameplay trailer has came out and good fucking god, it looks fun as fuck

R: 8 / I: 1

Blinken’s Manila visit triggers protest against US presence in Philippines

Manila: Protesters rallied against American presence in the Philippines on Tuesday as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Manila to reinforce support against Chinese influence in the region.

The Philippines is Washington’s key security partner in Asia under a decades-long alliance, which allows the US to rotate troops into the Philippines for extended stays and build and operate facilities on Philippine military bases.

In the past two years, the partnership has expanded under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who in February last year permitted American troops to increase their footprint in the country.

China claims the disputed area almost in entirety and its military activity in the territory has been increasing, regularly encroaching on the Philippine part of the waters, the West Philippine Sea.

“These waterways are critical to the Philippines, to its security, to its economy, but they’re also critical to the interests of the region, the United States and the world,” Blinken said at a joint press conference with his Philippine counterpart Enrique Manalo.

“That’s why we stand with the Philippines and stand by our ironclad defense commitments, including under the mutual defense treaty.”

The 1951 agreement obliges the US to defend its ally in the case of external attack.

Philippine vessels have been regularly attacked by Chinese ships in the parts of the South China Sea that are internationally recognized as belonging to the Philippines.

American troops have been patrolling the maritime area with Philippine forces since November, despite protests from Beijing, which says the US is not a party to the maritime dispute.

“Article 4 of that treaty extends to any armed attacks on Filipino armed forces, on public vessels, on aircraft, and that would include its coast guard and that would also be anywhere in the South China Sea,” Blinken said.

As he told reporters that the two countries have seen an “extraordinary expansion” in their partnership, protesters in Manila carried banners reading: “US troops out of the Philippines,” “Blinken war criminal, not welcome,” “No to US intervention in PH and Asia.”

The demonstration was organized by civil society, including BAYAN — the Philippines’ largest alliance of grassroots groups — near the Presidential Palace, ahead of Blinken’s meeting with Marcos.

BAYAN said in a statement that Marcos was “advancing the geopolitical interest of the US in the region” and “offering the Philippines as an extension” of the US military network.

“The country’s assertion of sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea against China’s aggression should not involve the opportunistic meddling of a former colonizer whose real motive is to preserve and expand its imperialist hegemony in the Asia-Pacific,” the group said.

It also drew attention to Gaza, where Washington’s other key ally, Israel, has killed over 30,000 Palestinians in daily airstrikes and land assaults since October.

BAYAN said the US was “the main supporter and enabler of the ongoing genocide in Palestine” and was “actively fanning proxy wars and conflicts in various parts of the world.”

R: 52 / I: 9

RFK Jr. nominated director of health and human services!

If Trump keeps making good decisions like these, I don't give a fuck who calls themself right or left.

RFK Jr. actually cares about making America healthy, which is it it's #1 or #2 issue overall. Nice fucking decision. Made me happy.
R: 3 / I: 0

Why Is Most Language Read From Left To Right?
Writing Direction Affects How People Map Space Onto Time - PMC

What are the implications of this? Will stuffism attempt to leverage this?
R: 12 / I: 0

on gender

How did genderism and transgenders become associated with and straight up completely dominate the left? They're regressive ideals. When I was growing up, I was advocating that people should be free to express themselves no matter their sex. I thought it was the progressive consensus at the time. Now they push for identitarianism and I myself frequently suffered abuse at their hands as an androgynous intersex gay man being strongly pushed not only to identify as a woman (because men are le bad(? - I think anyway)) but also pressured to claim to be attracted to female sex characteristics if the owners didn't claim to identify as women, which would be quickly called homophobic and therefore a bigotry in the past but now is being pushed and homosexuals are called bigots for being homosexual.

The 'leftist' politicians no longer even seem to do anything but peddle the culture war focused on gender, especially transgenderism. The liberals don't even seem to believe in it, they just peddle it, with the new man vs woman divide being mostly men vs non-men but when it comes down to it they divide it as 'amab' vs 'afab'.

There are many issues disproportionely affecting men, but no one speaks about it on the left anyway, no one acknowledges many female privileges which become extremely prelavent when the society is struggling: they don't give a fuck about the huge amount of homeless men, how women avoid sentences and get far less harsh sentences (I work in a prison and everyone here speaks of it and it is materially very blatant), how women's wellbeing both physical and mental are prioritised while men's frequently targetted with the aim of making them worse; how in spite of all the alleged progress men are still fully expected to provide and suck all up; the unnamed androcides which are falsely called 'wars' and so much more.

This isn't to even mention how worldwide collectively male genital mutilation is widely encouraged, misnamed to a 'circumcision', but also including nearly all intersex people who will be operated on to make their genitals appear female, no matter the price (health, chronic pain and so much more) - I myself fell a victim a few months ago when a surgeon during a surgery on my urethra decided to perform a partial vaginoplasty without my consent and hide behind my intersex disease claiming it was needed even though I didn't have a vagina and I cannot even fathom how one could rule making one could ever be medically necessary, yet the hospital complaints board is dismissing me, as are solicitors, because it is fine to mutilate males - I can guarantee if anything like this in reverse was done to a female it would cause a huge backlash.

How did this happen? Why do you get silenced when you try to speak of it in leftist spaces even though it is a culturally regressive movement (genderism), sexist and homophobic?
R: 24 / I: 2

Since most anons here seem clueless about what masculinity actually is, and only seem comfortable posturing about what it isn't, I thought I'd help you.

>The Way of Men

>By Jack Donovan

Read this and maybe (no promises) it will help exorcise the faggy zeitgeist from your skinnyfat body.

While most of you probably won't be able to handle this book (due to deeply engrain ego attachment to muhleftism), a small percentage might. This is for that latter minority.
R: 12 / I: 2

whine thread

A thread for all of your politically incorrect whining and complaining that wouldn't be allowed in leftypol-ORG or left-wing/progressive organizations irl.
R: 17 / I: 2

Madam President

She fucking won. She will be the first female president whether you commies like it or not!
R: 53 / I: 11

Ummmm… based
R: 7 / I: 1

Why is this site so transphobic?

R: 4 / I: 0

Do you think lib women will really do anything?

While Trump promised he would veto a federal abortion ban liberal women are already assuming he'll renege.
With Nick Fuentes' "Your body my choice" taunt going vital I'm seeing way more violent radical rhetoric from lib women then ever before.
But will they really go to the mat for this. Especially considering how many birth control options there are? I don't.
R: 10 / I: 3






R: 4 / I: 0

free tech support for those in need.

In light of the rapidly changing political landscape globally, I’ve decided to dedicate some of my time to assisting activists in securing their digital safety. While there’s plenty of free advice available online, I’ll be offering personalized guidance through email. (Please exercise caution regarding where and how you seek such advice.)
To receive the free advice, it’s crucial that you send your email from a privacy-focused provider. I recommend creating an account with one of the following services if you don’t already have one:
• ProtonMail (mail.proton.me): During sign-up, you will need to provide a current email. Use an address you fully control—not a work email—and ideally, one that’s not associated with any other accounts. This is also preferred to contact me as its more secure in this case.
• Tutanota (mail.tutanota.com): Offers an easy signup process with no need for a phone number or additional email.
For emails that are not private, I can only provide basic assistance in setting up a more secure email address. This is crucial for both your safety and mine.
Please note that any advice I share is for educational purposes only. I am not a lawyer, and I will not assist in any illegal activities. However, I am willing to support individuals seeking medical treatment (e.g., ab0rt1ons, tr@nsgender care), legal protesters, whistleblowers, and social activists.
I will also be checking in on this thread often.
It is worth noting however since this is as anonymous posting site please use caution in taking advice. As you have no way of knowing its me or some one else.
at proton(dot)me

"Catch a man a fish, and you can sell it to him. Teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity." ~ Karl Marx
R: 7 / I: 1


Industrial music thread
R: 103 / I: 27

It's Friday Night Boyos.

Whatcha' eatin'
Whatcha' watchin'
Whatcha' playin'
R: 13 / I: 2

Hey Leftychads
Whatcha readin?
Pic related is the import shipment I just received. Probably going to read the Greene book first since I'm in a springtime lull before I start summer projects. What about u.
R: 15 / I: 2

What actually is "Fascism" these days?
Leftists these days will seemingly call, quite literally anything, that isn't the most ultra-liberal, "progressive" position of the day "Fascism", that adhering to social beliefs that were literally the mainstream even among most leftists a decade ago, is "Fascism", that mild center-right neoliberalism is "Fascism", that the policies of the CPC or CPSU are "Fascism", that positions even Marx would hold are "Fascism", hell, even .org is now claiming Cockshott is a fascist.
This is slightly bizarre to me, because I was under the impression that Fascism was a very specific ideology born out of Italian Futurism, Nietzschean master/slave morality, adaption of tradition to a new modernist futurist framework and a concept of social/state organism (all elements of society are an living organism, the family unit being cells etc, capitalism the brain, the state the body etc If any element is sick, like families are all unhealthy fatties, then it harms the wider "body") and suddenly I'm learning that literally everyone who isn't a radical shitlib suddenly adheres to this ideology.
I didn't realise I was so blind for so long. Can I read about Trump's statements on the application social-state organism? I didn't know that Cockshott believes Christianity as a slave morality should be abandoned and the return of heroic folk paganism should be returned, what work did he mention that? What? Norm Finklestein questioned the current zeigeist of gender and race politics so is "Red-Brown" now? Does that mean he considers Pasta as a food that caused lassitude and should be replaced by brown rice which promotes virility? (yes, this was a core belief of Fascist movements)
Oh wait, none of this is true because the idea that Fascism exists anymore, or that completely mainstream miquetoast opinions that weren't even controversial among Leftists before Tumblr brain is completely and totally fucking retarded.
The only lasting legacy of Fascism, is the fucking loser scions of Eastern European Nazi collaboraters who try to sully the memory of the Soviet Union in WW2 by whitewashing their nazi collaborater grandparents as "Anti-Bolshevik, anti-totalitarian heroes" and this is generally all now purely done because they seethe at Russia for winning and their grandparents being fucking loser traitors, not because they actually adhere to Fascist beliefs.
Fascism literally doesn't exist anymore. It's the Dubstep of ideologies. Yes, it haunts our memories, but it's gone.
R: 12 / I: 1

Reddit is showing their true colors.
Theyre going full attack on Gen Z males just becase a prominent minority of them voted for Trump.

Both sides beat up the youth for anything and everything.

And the sad part is, this time, the people doing it are Millennials, the ones who influenced ther liberal policies onto Gen Z.

For thr past eight years, Millennials accused Fen Z of being SJWs.
Now they do a 180 amd say tgat they were reactionaries?

And all the things millennials accuse Gen Z being?
Millennials were accused of the same fifteen years ago.
R: 6 / I: 0


What does it say?
Anyone else?
More words
Anyone want a clue?

R: 60 / I: 4

Steinmentum 2024

Can't stop the Stein

We're gonna get 0.5% baby

fuck neoliberal shills
R: 7 / I: 1

Discuss the Manga Dub genre as seen on Youtube
R: 2 / I: 0

Deadbeat parent general

Discuss how to be a deadbeat parent and get away with it, how to cope/rationalize/justify it, etc. Discuss your take on this lifestyle.
R: 4 / I: 1



Ho-ree phuc.

Female use of sex toys (overcoming the natural limitations of one's quality of life by bettering the means of orgasm-induction)
Sex positions besides missionary (revolutionary rejection of religious dogmas on social relations)
Petplay (reproducing the inter-class social relations of class society)
Males dominating/females submitting (taking into account the actual material conditions of one's historical physiological existence & coming to terms with them)
Piercing/cutting (reproducing existential torture of the meaninglessness of life in class society)
Sadism (upholding revolutionary discipline) (the preference for it is practically unisex common commun W keep @ it)
Latex (upholding og revolutionary aesthetics) (only fems prefer it, fsr)
Asphyxiation/choking (reproducing the totality of hollowness of culture in class society)
Vore (socialism = no food (actually reproducing the class society power dynamics in alienation of power of an individual & the want to exchange one's ego to gain it back))
Lactation (planned economy poomps the productive forces so hard you gotta get creative with putting the surplus product to good use)
Sounding (getting ready for mandatory checkups under public healthcare, building the social responsibility one body part @ a time)

Group sex (radical return to traditional human nature) (males go really hard for it)
Females dominating, petting, futa (smashing the class-based society's most profitable gender relations by deliberately reversing them, one thrust @ a time) (females go really hard for it)
Monsters/aliens (building international & interspecies' solidarity, fully automated gay uyghur luxury outer space communism-style, Posadas would be proud)
Male use of sex toys, males submitting (denying the repressive behavioral cultural boundaries imposed on males by the unmarxist economist elites) (unsurprisingly (for anarcs), males support this more)
Heavy/light bondage (reproducing the restraints on life's activity by the inherent nature of the society of spectacle) (males prefer the harsher type)
Masochism (reproducing the general repression of an individual's active life expression by all kinds of interpersonal systems)
Humiliation (reproducing the repressing behavior of the societal system)
Spanking (reproducing the inherent repression of the family unit made up & culturally reinforced by the class society's nature)

Faggots (as in old evropean english):
Race play
Voyeurism, exhibitionism (I guess rightoids chose this cuz of it being fetishized public sex?)
Age play
24/7 power dynamics
Rape play
Creepy crawlies (tf?)
Anal sex
(I leave all that shit for you to define lmaokek)
(btw femlolberts (= troons) kinda enjoy a rapey submissive taking of it into the anal arsehole shitter butt, scribbling a note as a reminder rn)

personal notes:
our bitches are fucking insane we gotta employ them to people's c&b torture facilities pretty soon so get ready 2 pull their moral shells

So how sex-reactionary are you anon? Are you revolutionary enough? You are not a regressive individualistic petite bourgeois virgin, right?
R: 87 / I: 23


So apparently lesbians got demoted to "non-men" in the rad-woke caste hierarchy. Lesbians always were on the lowest rung, but it seems they are now getting the boot.

I wonder what's going on here ?
Are they just erasing Lesbians or are they erasing women altogether ?
What is the material basis for this ?
R: 16 / I: 1

Long-distance Relationships

Do they ever work out or do they always devolve into cuckolding?

Post your experiences.
R: 2 / I: 0

December 20th 2025

Call to all BurgerReich citizens!
Be there or be square nerds
R: 10 / I: 5

Donald Trump is going to be america's Juan Perón

The similarities:
>Both anti-establishment strongman figures supported by the working classes
>Both created vague nationalist ideologies named after themselves which nobody can understand
>Both survived multiple assassination attempts
>Both slandered by the media
>Both accused of being pedos with little evidence
>Both served two non-consecutive terms as president
>Both opposed by a coalition of socialists, liberals, conservatives and militarists
>Both had links to neo-nazi groups but still maintained good relations with the jews
>Both oversaw a period of relative economic prosperity in their first term
>Both had several hot wives and many affairs
>Both persecuted by their nation's federal government
>Both had retarded supporters who failed at insurrection attempts

The Argument

I predict that Trump's political legacy will dominate American politics for the next 50 years. The vague and syncretic ideology that is 'Trumpism' will be the driving force of the American political arena for much of our lifetimes, similar to how in Argentina all other politics are in reaction to Peronism. Juan Perón, despite being in exile or dead, has been the main character of Argentine politics since WWII. The same will happen for Trump, who will probably die in the next 10 years, but whose name will become more associated with a political current than the man himself.

It is important to note that the Republican Party has just won the popular vote for the first time in 20 years, and for only the their third time since Reagan. Trumpism has proved itself among American conservatives and this era of politics (2015-2029) will be foundational for the next generation of Republicans and Democrats, influencing them significantly. This was true for Perón, whose first stint as president was marked by an economic boom and internal conflict that mobilised the working classes and created an image of Perón as their saviour. Perón had an aura of invincibility when he was alive, no different to Trump, that will endure in the mind's of his supporters for decades.

This election has shown that Trump, like Perón, was not just a blip which can be swept under the rug by the establishment, but a highly-resilient political movement which cannot be defeated through conventional means. Trumpism is here to stay for the foreseeable future.
R: 1 / I: 0


tyler the creator just dropped this album CHROMAKOPIA and to be honest seeing him grow up so much as an artist is crazy yall should check it out
R: 10 / I: 10




R: 9 / I: 2

New bop just dropped
R: 11 / I: 1

Liz Cheney

What do you think of her recent endorsement of Kamala Harris? Will it be a game changer?
R: 2 / I: 1

u lost
R: 1 / I: 0

This is a rough analysis of leftypol from a political perspective. Not a lot of time was spent on thinking out the details of this analysis, so it lacks any proposed solutions. It needs critical feedback in order to be fleshed out properly.

The assumption being made here is that leftypol ought to be a discursive platform in support of a left-wing political movement. From this perspective, there are two main issues with leftypol:
- threads tend to surround disconnected topics and events, involving discussions that are low-effort and bereft of value
- leadership drives poor quality discussion by creating irrelevant boards and wantonly censoring posters by highly subjective standards
From this perspective, leftypol ought to have the following characteristics:
- threads should focus more on analysis and critique; organization and practical activities; and reporting of politically relevant events
- posts should be serious and thoughtful, made by users with a sincere desire to pursue the goals of the movement
- leadership should encourage discussion directly connected to the movement, where each board exists to categorize threads by a purpose
- moderation must strictly follow a set of clearly-defined standards which follow from the principles of the movement

Leftypol lacks these qualities because it is not in support of a movement with a political programme in any meaningful sense, and because of the nature of imageboards as a discursive platform. The absence of a programme results in a lack of purpose that engenders reactive rather than proactive engagement, which tends to be driven by superficial posts crafted to generate strong reactions, posted quickly to be nearer the top of the thread and thus among the first to be read. In turn, threads tend to receive more engagement by staying near the top of the catalog by being bumped, creating a feedback loop where impulsivity is rewarded, favoring quantity over quality. While high-quality posts and threads do exist, they tend to be rare and are often tainted by the degenerated culture of the platform. Apart from the imageboard as a technology, the history of imageboard culture arguably plays an equal part in how the platform as a whole is structured.
R: 3 / I: 0

I don't know and don't care if Kraftwerk are comrades. But they helped me a lot to become a ML.
R: 197 / I: 129

NEETS thread

im a comfy NEET, do you like to be A neet anon?
R: 5 / I: 0

What to do about Republicans?

I know we all like to dunk on Democrats for being hypocrites, dishonest, and poorphobic.

But what to do about Republicans? They are even more poorphobic and just as hypocritical if not more so. Whether they win national elections in the US or not, there has to be a solution to destroying that party or any splinters.
R: 5 / I: 1

idk if this is the right board but

how do i overcome laziness / procrastination? please

relating to things such as assignments
R: 13 / I: 17

Hidden Agenda: A Post-Revolutionary Game

Share you best outcome from playing the game!

This was my best so far. My strategy was to first get the military under control, then do land reform and set up the economy, hold an election with as much legitimacy as possible, and finally to build up stuff like medicine, education, and infrastructure. It went alright for the most part, but the IMF is going to kill the country later, much like what happened in Yugoslavia.

So what did you do? What worked for you?
R: 220 / I: 36



You will never have your ethnostate
You will never have that race war
You will never have a tradwife gf
You will never lose your virginity
You will never have a chin
You will never bed a woman
You will never be a man
R: 250 / I: 36

This Thread Has Been Re-appropriated for leftychan.net Usage.

General thread meant for the discussion of the mobile app for browsing leftypol.org, known as clover.

Releases can be found here:
R: 4 / I: 1

I understand that in a competitve game losses are inevitable. I know that. Losing is always a possibility in a game.

but jesus fucking christ, when the losses start mounting. Self-loathing doesn't even begin to describe it. Losses are guaranteed but victories never are despite how hard it feels like I'm trying and all I want is a sign I'm progressing and doing better.
R: 39 / I: 6

America has zero, I repeat, ZERO revolutionary potential.
R: 6 / I: 1

Stein is the pied piper of misfits

"I endorse for president of the United States Green Party candidate, Dr. Jill Stein," former KKK leader Duke said on his radio show on Monday. "Although Dr. Stein and I obviously have our differences on important issues, she's the only candidate who speaks clearly against the war in the Middle East."

R: 3 / I: 0

female prison guard filmed fucking an inmate in UK

She's married and has a kid mind you.

It's so over

R: 5 / I: 0

foreign powers

I dont know why guys get mad at foreign powers interfering in marxists states when it is a stated goal of marxism to bring about a world revolution. They are just acting in their own interest.
R: 5 / I: 1

If you could have three of any super powers, what would you have?
R: 2 / I: 0


We're all familiar with the ironic shitposts, but for once I'd like to actually understand Cambodian history, particularly the events that transpired in the '60s and '70s. Assuming the mass killings weren't grossly inflated, how did it all lead to this? I feel like there's probably a lot of typical anti-communist propaganda surrounding this and I don't know how to learn more.
R: 2 / I: 0

Ken Thompson Hack

Here is a thought experiment about a hard problem in auditing computer security

if you didn't watch it here's the tldr:
In principle it's possible to compromise enough of the existing software and hardware stack so that a intelligent enough malicious security flaw could hide it self from you no matter how hardcore you go with your security audit. The conclusion being drawn is that the only solution to making sure you have a clean system, is to start from scratch with basic logic circuitry and then slowly build up a trusted software and hardware stack.

It's a clever argument, but there is a much easier way to get around all of this.

You can get to a trusted stack simply by scrambling the logic of a cpu. The only one that will be able to run logic operations on that cpu will be the person that can use the de-scrambler-key on the logic instructions given to that cpu. Malicious inserts into the hardware will return gibberish if they try to listen, and make the cpu produce logic errors if they try to inject code. It doesn't need to be a performant cpu either, something equivalent to 1985 era processors is good enough, as it's only necessary to bootstrap a trusted environment. A moderately sized organization can probably muster the necessary funds and technical sophistication to get a small batch of scrambled cpus produced.
R: 21 / I: 0


R: 18 / I: 2

the holodohoax did not happen. it's a complete lie. it have vague description and changes description every time.

give me things that help me get the message to people that it have vague description and that it changes description every time. post copypasta, papers, books, your own writings, websites, videos, debunks, and etc.
R: 28 / I: 2


Only post bops.
R: 12 / I: 4

Would you guys rather have a harem of men/mtfs who look exactly like women except on the genitals part or a harem of AFABs who look and sound like Hulk Hogan but with killer pussies
R: 24 / I: 26

why is Chadpreet so much more buff and manly than me?
R: 17 / I: 0

Elon Musk's incorporates "United States of America Inc." and "America PAC"

Interesting new article from DropSite. Here are some selected sections:

Yarvin and Land’s New Right ideas have taken a central place among Trump’s intellectual support structure. Within a month of Trump’s 2017 inauguration, Politico reported that Yarvin “had opened up a line to the Trump White House, communicating with [Trump advisor] Steve Bannon and his aides through an intermediary.” (Yarvin denied reports of speaking with Steve Bannon.) Peter Thiel—described as a friend of Yarvin, who invested in Yarvin’s startup in 2013 and hosted Yarvin at an election night party in 2016—reportedly became disillusioned with the Trump White House for not taking Yarvin-like ideas far enough. “Thiel fantasized that Trump’s election would somehow force a national reckoning,” according to Barton Gellman, who published a wide-ranging interview with Thiel in 2023. “He believed somebody needed to tear things down—slash regulations, crush the administrative state—before the country could rebuild.”

VP nominee J.D. Vance, a former employee in one of Thiel’s firms, has discussed similar ideas, citing Yarvin. In a 2021 podcast appearance, Vance was prompted to give his advice for Trump in a possible second administration. Name-dropping Yarvin, Vance advised: “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, and replace them with our people.” As Gaby Del Valle at The Verge pointed out, the advice Vance offered is Yarvin’s proposal “Retire All Government Employees” (RAGE)—intended to “‘reboot’ the government under an all-powerful executive.”

We can see the osmosis of these ideas into mainstream Republican politics with “Schedule F”: an executive order that would eliminate employment protections for federal workers, and allow the Trump administration to retire all government employees and crush the administrative state. Trump signed this executive order in 2020 — and had Biden not been elected that year, it would have gone into effect.

Vance finished his statements by adding: “We are in a late republican period. If we’re going to push back against it, we’re going to have to get pretty wild, and pretty far out there, and go in directions that a lot of conservatives right now are uncomfortable with.” James Pogue at Vanity Fair notes this language also comes from Yarvin’s New Right ideology: evoking America as Rome in its “late republican period,” waiting for its Caesar to come and take power.

And within days of Trump choosing Vance for the VP candidate, Elon Musk publicly pledged to give $45 million dollars per month to Trump’s campaign.

Since Vance’s VP selection, Musk has become a key figure in Trump’s re-election bid. In August, Trump floated the idea of making Musk a cabinet member. One month later, Trump heeded Musk’s suggestion and pledged to create a “Department of Government Efficiency” (DOGE), which would be headed by Musk himself. Its function would be to conduct “a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms”—such as replacing all government employees.

In The Dark Enlightenment, Land undertakes his own thought experiment of how to transform the government into a corporation owned by shareholders. The first step to do that, he writes, requires:

that the entire social landscape of political bribery (‘lobbying’) is exactly mapped, and the administrative, legislative, judicial, media, and academic privileges accessed by such bribes are converted into fungible shares.

At that point, the people who hold true political power can be identified.

Insofar as voters are worth bribing, there is no need to entirely exclude them from this calculation, although their portion of sovereignty will be estimated with appropriate derision. The conclusion of this exercise is the mapping of a ruling entity that is the truly dominant instance of the democratic polity.

If anyone were in position to see that “the entire social landscape of political [lobbying] is exactly mapped, and the administrative, legislative, judicial, media, and academic privileges accessed by such bribes are converted into fungible shares,” it would be person in charge of “a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government.”

Perhaps the shares would be in “United States of America Inc.”


pic unrelated
R: 2 / I: 6


R: 4 / I: 0

Can a Muslim be a Jucheist?
R: 5 / I: 0

Whenever I play PUBG Mobile I feel the revolutionary spirit of the proletariat to overthrow the capitalist or colonialist pigs and establish a Marxist society
R: 1 / I: 0

>people with high levels of cynical distrust were three times more likely to develop dementia than people with low levels of cynicism
its over
R: 7 / I: 3

Sinister communist thread
R: 13 / I: 1

Telegram will now provide some user data to authorities

After Pavel Durov's arrest, he's now agreeing to surrender private user data.


pic unrel
R: 8 / I: 4

Nostalgia Check

Have you managed to free yourself of your nostalgia biases? Let's perform a test. Think of some games in series or franchises that you you experienced first as a kid before trying out earlier entries. Are you capable of recognizing any of the earlier entries as superior games?

My first console was an SNES and I had to think a bit on this one. From my perspective it seemed like games were on a general improvement trend with technology in the early '90s. It's hard for me to think of SNES games that weren't better than their counterparts in previous generations. But I will freely admit that Super C and Gradius II are much superior games to Contra III and Gradius III.
R: 5 / I: 2

Scientist Proposes AI-Powered Mind Control to Rehabilitate Criminals

The video description states:

Introducing Cognify, the prison of the future. This facility is designed to treat criminals like patients. Instead of spending years in an actual prison cell, prisoners could finish their sentence here in just a few minutes. Cognify could someday create and implant artificial memories directly into the prisoner’s brain. It could offer a new approach to criminal rehabilitation, transforming how society deals with offenders by focusing on rehabilitation rather than punishment.

The Prison of the Future - Cognify
R: 16 / I: 6

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (TSCC or TTSCC)

Whoever has been posting about this show, thanks but also fuck you. Why'd they have to cancel this show? It was fun and thrilling and sometimes surprisingly deep and charming/endearing. Summer Glau's character is one of the most fascinating and perfect fictional characters I've ever known. Sometimes I wish Terminator was real because of her even though it might mean the end of humanity.. *laments*
R: 227 / I: 52

anons... i made a girl friend

its the fist time ive made a friend who's a girl (female) in my 19 years of age, turns out it wasnt that hard. Im still afraid of women though

am i winning?
R: 16 / I: 4

Would you make a good parent?
R: 0 / I: 0

My Borindigga just got yonger, the apocalypse ist near…
R: 1 / I: 0


R: 3 / I: 0

Evo Morales assassination attempt

Somebody just fired on Evo's car.
BREAKING: Former Bolivian President Evo Morales says his vehicle was shot at amid escalating tensions with President Luis Arce’s government. Morales posted a video on Facebook showing two bullet holes in the windshield and an injured driver. While the video’s authenticity hasn’t yet been independently verified, tensions between the factions of the two former allies have been high. An economic crisis has intensified the situation, with Morales’s supporters blocking highways in central Bolivia and the government attempting to clear them. The incident has heightened fears of further unrest
R: 21 / I: 7

Linux/foss apreciantion thread

Because freedom matters.

If your computer still is running a proprietary prison.
And every time it fails you, your frustration grows.
When the system's not free, you will always be hosed.
Put a GNU system on and reboot it
Put it in your horn and toot it!
R: 2 / I: 0

Radlibs are trying to cancel FSF and Stallman

I know I am a little bit late to the party with this but some "anonymous" group tried to cancel rms and the FSF as well: archive.md/Pt37W (stallman-report.org). It's the usual shit: whining about Stallman's comments on Epstein, supposed "sexual harassment" etc. Basically, the author calls for Stallman to step down from the FSF and/or for FSF members to take him down.

It is already known who wrote this "report": Drew DeVault, a developer who worked (or still works?) on Wayland. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41859793
R: 28 / I: 7

How does this make you feel?

Knowing that women will subjugate themselves to men they deem worthy, happily raisimg his children and bragging about it. Meanwhile, other guys why loudly profess their support for feminism are left with dusty dicks and crusty tissues sitting next to their laptops.

Personally, I love to see it.
R: 38 / I: 4


>No animal crossing thread for 10 pages
Absolutely disgusting you uncultured plebs.
Post friend codes and Island codes, or just screenshots in general.
R: 6 / I: 1

Redditors gave Jill Stein's Reddit account -5,000 site points in a single day


Reddit stops counting the total after -100

The only comment they upvoted was one that was critical of Trump.

Affordable housing, universal health care? nope, -5000 karma
R: 19 / I: 3

copycartel strikes again

So apparently big publishers want to kill the internet archive again.

They accuse I.A. of having done a copywrong by lending out books. I won't bore you with the legal technicalities because i think it's just a pretext for publishers trying to kill a library because it's a cartel that wants a monopoly.

I think the lessons here are if you pay these people money, they're going to use it to attack nice things like the Internet Archive, and "copy-right" is nothing but a heinous weapon.

People who build archives to preserve the memory of the past are like really rare flowers, it's an incomprehensible act of barbarism to try to burn down their archives.

R: 4 / I: 0

i can't do it anymore.

I never liked waging but I did wage for a good 4 years of my life and invested in crypto. which went relatively well. although i should have been a multimillionaire already. I fucked up many trades. But I'm still relatively well off and have 5 bitcoins and another 1 bitcoins in shitcoin. i also sold off a bitcoin between 60/70k. I have not really worked a job the past years and idk what the fuck is going on but I'm just not motivated anymore. for anything. especially not a job. I actually have a super wagie wojack factory job interview today but I think I am not going to go. the NPC interview is going to go full retard. Any job really. the entire B.S Human resources… the… slavery. the people talking to you like you are some retard ( I have a degree but do do low jobs now cause i gave up my IT carreer many years ago when my folio was big). I'm stuck bro's. my CV/RESUME is completely fucked with a 3 year gap and a 1 year gap. I could explain the one year gap saying I'm traevlling … but now i also have a 3 year gap (I was just enjoying my life and travelling). so when the HR Roasters see that they probably never want to hire me cause I am not a good wage slaves.

I also lived outside of the country for more than a year with my new foreign gf. but even that doesn't really scratch my itch right now. it feels over. is it normal that it feels over at 33?
R: 30 / I: 0

Anyone here whom is in the minority that prefers work over school?
Work may suck but at least you dont have to deal with bullies and being broke or absurd rules from teachers.
R: 45 / I: 2

Left-wing candidates are extremely disliked this year

Just 9-10 years ago Reddit was campaign central for Bernie Sanders. Now if you advocate for a left-wing presidential candidate they'll downvote you so much that Reddit's algorithm bans you from the platform.

And not just Reddit, Jill Stein and Cornel West have *terrible* net favorability polling (-16), in every single net favorability poll. The only candidate who ever had worse net favorability was Trump after J6.

I don't really buy the spoiler argument either, the left-wing candidates positions are very far from Harris. Sometimes Democrats will claim they are the last defenders of the American welfare state, but I can't see any of it left, public housing is only open in my area 2 hours per decade.
R: 9 / I: 0

pro-NEETing and anti-work memes. Infographics are also welcome.
R: 9 / I: 1

Colleges are only debt traps

petite-bourgeois who must pay their way in thanks to public debt at the proletariat's expense. Proletarians, who have high autism score, get in for mostly for free in America. College is the only hope, otherwise the proletarian must work and die at backbreaking and subsistence wage construction, Mcdonald, or walmart.

The problem is all of these petite-bourgeois failsons speculate both in regards to their ability and the value of the degree, not that it is hard to access. These failures cannot get scholarships. Even under socialism, the petite-bourgeois will be price gouged by state monopoly to make way for the proletariat.
R: 11 / I: 0

Why are millennials and especially zoomers so obsessed with gender?
R: 8 / I: 0

leftypol.org moderation

Just got a week long ban for posting something a janny didn't like. They said it was for "idpol," but it was in response to an idpol thread that they left up and is still up as of me posting this, albeit in an autosage. Couldn't be more flagrant.
R: 53 / I: 17

noticable posters

Did anyone ever notice any posters?

One of the posters I noticed is an Eastern European person who posts things from Russian imageboards and vk.com, he posts things like egirls and pretty female celebrities. His posts also lament his loneliness and he seems to imply he lives in the middle of nowhere instead of the big city. He frequently posts in the Sex & Relationship thread over at Org.

I suspect he is also salty and a self-hating Slav because some North American (?) egirl (that learned Russian because her favorite author Dostoevsky and gained a Russian following) got scared away by degenerate trolls (possibly Russian) because she had BLM in her bio. Plus the Soviet Union dissolved and now Eastern Europe is in many places a degraded place. Very sad case.
R: 14 / I: 9


/Fully Automated Luxury No Faggots Space Communism/

Idpol faggots get the wall

From the term fully automated luxury communism which suggests that automation will make work and scarcity obsolete.

Under communism the potential for space exploration would be so much greater because it wouldn’t be the privatization we are seeing now and with subsidies for higher education we would be able to have way more people smart enough to plan new space travel. Materials will be more acsessible and a focus can be put torwards science and collective gain instead of the current private companies that want to destroy not only our planet but the solar system if they could in order to make more profit.

Post your theories,larp, and anything related, comrades
R: 15 / I: 8

if you live in the imperial core

the best thing you can do is join a clandestine vanguard organization where you can sabotage imperialism from within and serve as useful collaborators for liberating forces when the time comes. “Communist” parties in America are either completely irrelevant cults focused on idpol, federal honeypots that collaborate with the Dems, or in the case of CPUSA both, and they will receive the least amount of leniemcy up there with politicians and financial bourgeoisie
R: 25 / I: 1

nofap vs noporn

nofap is controlled opposition. it conflates fapping with porn consumption, thus making it harder for horny men to quit porn.

if you're a horny man, there is nothing wrong with having a fap. it's harmless and even may have some health benefits as long as you don't do it too much. if you fap without porn it will exercise your imagination and cause you to think more about your sexual goals in life (hot women you've met).

porn is sick, brainrotting, exploitive trash that causes mental illness. it causes you to be compromised and sell your soul to porky. that includes hentai. literary porn might be OK in moderation.

noporn is the way.
R: 1 / I: 0

Left-wingism is neutral or repulsive to American women (ie vaginocapitalists)

Because they are vaginocapitalists. They use their vagina to extract resources from men. Leftism is antithetical to this. The only reason women join leftist politics are if they are true tomboy leftists or are just riding some trend just to depart at their usual station later on.

Right-wingism is also repulsive to many women but some women *do* find it sexually appealing, at least in my experience.
R: 108 / I: 124

Post Hentai/Dojins

I see no hentai thread
R: 4 / I: 0


Fuck imageboards. I want text. And if you do too, then hoo boy do I have the thread for you!
This thread is for sharing textboard links. Hard mode - No Clearnet.

(Yes, I'm begging. But come on, my mouth is open and the spoon is right there…)
R: 35 / I: 4

>stephen hawking is on the epstein list
R: 4 / I: 0

Gaddafi - Green Book and Mao - Red book (Turkish edition)
R: 4 / I: 1

Post lyrics you like or find memorable or funny.
R: 166 / I: 45

What are the political implications of the world's first presidential mugshot? What will happen if he's convicted?
R: 1 / I: 0

Siberians MUST RHYME

It can be an observation, it can be a punchline /
But the rule of this thread is: You MUST RHYME!