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/b/ - Siberia

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Technology destroys traditions and cultures. There's no way to time travel back to the 1600s. There is never going to be a group of unplugged smartphoneless bored normies who get together and have a folk festival where you can dance


Have you tried USING technology to FIND folk dances near you?

How about you have one and invite us you fucking idiot?


>There's no way to time travel back to the 1600s.

Ted wanted to go back at least 100000 years from now. If you want to go back, the stone age is the real deal.


Technologies dont detroy traditions. Traditions change and arent always historically consistent.

Alot of what we hail as historical are found to be revisionism.


>There is never going to be a group of unplugged smartphoneless bored normies who get together and have a folk festival where you can dance
They literally exist you idiot.
It's unironically what the word 'LARP' refers to. That's what a live action roleplay is and why people find it fun and get together and do it.


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Another forbidden topic on leftyogre: Primitive-Communism.
Yes, they banned me and deleted my thread simply for pointing out, that we already had 2.5 million years of actual communism in the marxist sense. We don't know what Karl Marx would had said about the Sovjet Union or contemporary China. But we know for sure, what he thought about the stone age. This led me to the conclusion, that you can be a marxist and be an primitivist at the same time. There is no contradiction between primitivism and marxist theory. Reading the works of Ted Kaszynski from a marxist perspective makes totally sense, but only if you reject the idea of growthism.
So what would a marxist-primitivist program look like? There is only one true way: Global nuclear armageddon. Yes. This will destroy technology, knowledge and 99.9% of the world population. Push the reset button. We had 2.5 million years of actual communism. Then came technological "progress" and economic growth, which wasn't a progressive force, but actually a reactionary force, because it dismantled (Primitive-)Communism! Growthism is actually reactionary and anti-communist. Communism was betrayed 4000 years ago, when humanity left the stoneage.


Iromy is even back in pre-Internet times, people weremt really that socially exubersnt and friendly. Especially in Northwest Europe.
They mainly sat around drinking or reading periodicals.
Or they engaged in dangerous sports like night polo.


lol now post physique


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Great essay, comrade!


>AI is gonna make humans obsolete post number 1234567890

Peoole think AI is technomagic.
Whose gonna make the parts and software for them?


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>Peoole think


So you think you are a worthless NEET? Let's see what uncle Ted has to say:
>The people whose behavior is fairly well under the control of the system are those of the type that might be called “bourgeois.” But there are growing numbers of people who in one way or another are rebels against the system: welfare leeches, youth gangs, cultists, satanists, Nazis, radical environmentalists, militia-men, etc.

NEETs are rebelling against the system! We are part of the rebellion! Ted is based!!!

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