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 No.5577[Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:




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indeed nothing new here


nah, bluepilled cuck, I'm never the problem, and I will keep complaining until I get my fucking AI girlfriend, you got that?

go be a father figure grifter to someone else fuckface


Actually it's been said she dated a fellow German Jew collaborator snitch


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House bill criminalizing common STIs, could turn thousands of Oklahomans into felons


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On the one hand: lmao @ sex havers
On the other hand: Bourgeois state oppressing the common man


>On the one hand: lmao @ sex havers
You can get a lot of these STIs without having sex. Kissing and surgery or even simple dental work are examples.


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That's fucking retarded.

Now people will be afraid to seek qualified medical help, and will try to self-medicate instead.

This is another attempt to establish open feminoid dictatorship: banning prostitution is not enough, now they are banning STIs.

The feminoid state is telling sub8 men that they can't get their basic needs met except to betabux for some single mom straight off the cock carousel.



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More young people choosing permanent sterilization after abortion restrictions
>Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, there's been an ongoing increase in adults ages 18 to 30 who undergo tubal ligation or vasectomy, new research shows.


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South Korean government offers almost $100K per baby to combat “national extinction”


Worst Korea is an incredible story. They did everything the feminists told them to do and are now facing extinction. Feminism is an actual death cult ideology.


>be worst korea
>have highest age of consent in the world
>millions of relationships that might otherwise result in reproduction are outlawed
>also have openly misandrist women who have no problem with only men being compelled to serve in the military
>roasties are so horrid men will literally skip out of $100k to avoid them


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Archie has some cute red hair


South Korea is feminist?
Also any form of politixs is death cult ideology.


Based Dems tell it how it is


>Feminism is an actual death cult ideology.
Just like any other identity-cringe ideology. Why the fuck did you even have to point this out, are you fucking retarded?
>They did everything the feminists told them to
<he really thinks that some screeching whores decide anything instead of deliberately diverting public attention to themselves


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Compulsory military service for women announced…in Denmark.


This is a positive development, I am glad for Danish women, this is a victory for women and feminism world wide. Israel and Ukraine next.


I'd fuck the shit out of a female Danish soldier, she'd be speaking in tongues. Even the Mossad that worked with Epstein would be shocked at the depravities of the ways I'd claim her.


Fucking Danish female soldier with her fucking Nordic model, how about you model on my dick you bitch fuckkk

Fucking Danish models thirst trapping on Tiktok and Instagram, got my fucking dick all hard, fucking freaky sluts just teasing their goods all around the place


I can't stop thinking about Danish women. I wrote this poem:
Fucking a bitch that's Danish / Fucking that bitch in the anus


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Okay? Maybe it's because of all the queerphobia in the world, stressing them out? And lack of of workplace opportunities for women, thus leading them to not afford the right healthcare? Women’s health research is not as advanced because of patriarchal capitalism and male doctors.

Women’s Health Research: Understanding the Roles of Sex and Gender

The Economic Benefits of Investing in Women's Health Research | RAND

Women's healthcare is a joke


>They beat each other because of homophobia.
This line of reasoning always makes me laugh.
For starters lesbians are no where near the most oppressed minority and yet they still have the worst domestic violence.
You can prove this by looking at male homosexual couple having the LOWEST rates of DV.
Secondly we don't give these excuses to other minorities, it's only LGBTQ people. Women are less afraid of CIS men than bears for all the violence they supposedly collectively perpetrate but lesbians are somehow given a pass.
Thridly you do realize that the victims of lesbian DV are lesbians too.
The fact of the matter is is that in western society violent women are above criticism. People either don't believe it, or think a man is actually behind it. So when males are completely removed from the equation and there's no way to deflect blame normies are gobsmacked


>pussy-gays have the worst domestic violence
>dick-lesbians have the LOWEST rates of DV
Always has been.

Basically it's like that fag Ulrichs have put it: "a woman's soul in a man's body" & "a man's soul in a woman's body".
Just replace "soul" with "brain/mind" & you get the actual thing: that a lesbo is just a[n unhinged] dude who got a human female biovessel @ birth, & a gayfaggie is[, consequently,] a[n unhinged] gal who's got a human male meatsack. It even finds its expression in homogays sniffing up on dudes' sweat & vice versa for homolesbos, & as we know it, smell is the 2nd most important factor in deciding over your affection towards a potential partner after visual appearance.

>Gay men report, on average, slightly longer and thicker penises than non-gay men.[132]

>because of patriarchal capitalism and male doctors
Ain't there more of you hole-fags in the education now than ever? Where is all of your shitty race superiority equality after all these years, huh?
Fuck outta here, bitch. Go choke on a fascist dick like yo funni sissies do it everywhere all the time you fucking biological class traitor cunt. None of you have ever had any problem with them as everyone can see.

>privilege-deranged cunts claim ownership even over this despite the fact that you can have a mmmmmmAaAaAyUuUl body while still having an XX pair & be treated as a disgusting eternal rapist dick-swaya (but only cuz u aint chad kek).


>Lesbians smack their partners the most because they have male brains! Nothing is ever women's fault!
To paraphrase a great philosopher: "Simpin' ain't easy".


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Next they should abolish compulsory military service for men.






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Korea sees more deaths than births for 52nd consecutive month in February



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Why so many Korean women barren


>retard missed the [being unhinged] part
Faggotoid, it only proves the fact that if a cuntbrain is put into a human male body &, as a consequence, from that point is treated like a man (= you gotta be responsible & accountable for your behavior & actions) then you get a normal, sociable person who does not see others as nuisance except when it really is so.
& on the contrary ‒ if a dickbrain is put into a human female body &, as a consequence, is being treated like a shitty, ∞-ly privileged princess their whole life, then you get the most violent & antisocial degenerate humanity can ever conceive, hence the absolute delusionality in their behavior.
Hence, cunts have NO excuse for being fucking cunts toward other ppl. Cease stuffing your head so deep into your ass you retard.


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No, seriously
Why so many Korean women barren


>masculimity crisis being defined by lack of social posturing.


They're not having children because they're too poor to afford them. Infertility is a factor but not the main one


At least theure smart.
Too many people think children as essential toys one must have.


most MtF transhumanists aremt treated with respect. Theyre see as freaks


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Trump Aide Promises Ban on Pornography in 2nd Trump Term



she looks like my 7 yo cousin (male)


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Korean culture is the same as Japan's except lot of people are into "materialism", "status", "lookism" and stepping on someone else to get ahead, lot of backstabbing, scheming, aggressive, and repressive culture. Shit, no wonder the Korean birthrate is the lowest in the entire world. Who the F*ck wants to have children in that sh*thole.

The irony is that only clueless white people like David Carradine and others are into "Eastern Spirituality" ,but the Asians themselves doesn't give a f*ck about "Eastern Spirituality" at all and embrace "Western degeneracy". Think about it. If Asians have embraced "Eastern Spirituality" , their countries wouldn't turn into a repressive hypercompetitive, shiny, plastic sh*thole as it is today. There would be more Asians like Winston coming out and being successful and Taiwan and Japan wouldn't be a cold and anti social place.

All that talk about Bushido, Confucianism, harmonious relationship and others are just load of crap and lip-service that other Asians say to just to feel "good" about themselves. None of them actually practice what they preach.


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>All that talk about Bushido, Confucianism, harmonious relationship and other
That's just a westoid race-fetishistic cope with their lyfe bruh. Some of them really think you can escape capitalism by going to some barbarian isolated traditional country which culture just doesn't bend to the outside economic pressures, somehow. Really makes me think about the recent storm of nostalgia towards USSR or other shit from fags who don't know anything about its actual history. Kinda like promised land 2.0.
I mean, just take a look @ the shit asians produce in fiction where any kind of another middle ages EVROPE is involved. All the same unbelievably idealised load of crap except it's not usually implied that any of this is, or was somehow real.

I wonder what will be invented by africans when it would be their turn to become the next industrial center of the world.


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Bumble Rolls Out New Brand Identity – ‘We’ve changed so you don’t have to’
The booj are starting to recognize the romance shortage in the US.


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Germany may introduce conscription for all 18-year-olds
>Both men and women could be called up to boost numbers in the armed forces



The return of the volkssturm


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i'll make some babies if give me state-assigned gf, how about that


>imagine being so pathetic as to need state intervention to get a relationship
social state plan


Tbh why do people only care about kids as popukational ballast?

Most adults are empathetically deficient towards them.


Just released documentary of Dutch woman attempting to convert neo Nazis by fugging them XDDDD


i heard he couldn't get it up or something


I want to watch this. Have you got a link to the uncensored version? I couldn't find it on vk.






Are the people in this real or are they actors and art students?


It's supposedly real


Have you watched it? I had to turn it off because it was so graphic. She meets this roadworker who votes for the far-right party and within 5 minutes she is sucking him off in her kitchen. Then she just lets him fuck her on the table like it's nothing. Are normies really that casual about sex?


It's in the Netherlands so yeah.


Why are people like that in the Netherlands? Is it a good thing? Are there still incels?


The Netherlands has an extremely strong welfare state so people are really chillax there.
It's basically communism even though the CCP shills here won't admit it. No the workers don't own the MoP but they don't in China either yet somehow since there's portraits of Marx in the Parliament China is communist even though it has horrendous working conditions and environmental problems.
The Netherlands is a peek at what it looks like when the government actually finishes building up productive forces using capitalism and actually starts using the production capability to support it's people.


I'm sorry I don't understand how that relates to incels.


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Trump on Restricting Access to Contraception: ‘We’re Looking at That’


Being ugly is a literal crime, JFL.


kek @ th@ snout


>Feminist claims black people were happy under slavery.


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Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while


A lot of women about to be denied Chad's baby.


And women wonder why men are turning to sex dolls


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Texas GOP Wish List Includes Death Penalty for Abortion Patients
Are we seeing the end of the sexual revolution?


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Men and other mammals live longer if they are castrated, says researcher
>Cat Bohannon tells Hay festival audience it is not known why men go through life ‘smuggling two little death nuggets’

First they came for my foreskin. Now they want my balls.


Doesnt the same apply for hyseterectomy?


Sex rates are gonna drop even more.

Soon we will need sex dolls.


No, that's medically necessary and the drop in QoL is recognized and clearly communicated to the patient


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I just got this ad on my browser from the Atlantic. The day of reckoning is here. Soon no normy asswiping trash will be able to ignore the brown pill. Death to all those who know how to wipe.


The fact you're reading the Atlantic is by far the most concerning part of your post.


Male birth control gel is safe and effective, new trial findings show


>After decades of attempts to develop new birth control medications for men, scientists are more hopeful than ever. With new abortion restrictions, demand is growing, experts say.


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Adults and teens turn to 'dumbphones' to cut screen time



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Braindead paper assed NPCs would rather kill each other then take the brown pill. Asswipers must all be killed. Stupid paperslaves are subhuman and they'll call you a freak or 'unclean' for being natural and not knowing how to wipe your own ass.


Imagine having this little self control
just don't install apps.


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The Christian right is coming for divorce next
>Some conservatives want to make it a lot harder to dissolve a marriage.



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She's probably enjoying all the Chad examples being posted and talking to the fakecels and general schadenfraude (as typical of roasties)


not news but

>Michelle Carter Released From Prison After Texting-Suicide Case Conviction

It seems telling people to kill themselves is against the law. I wonder if it's also punishable when someone posts *** fuel.



An uncensored version is on the Dutch television's site.




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Woman admits to lying about attack in parking lot; innocent man freed from jail: DA
>All charges have been dropped against Daniel Pierson, who was originally arrested in the case. He spent a month behind bars before his release on Friday.



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New York’s Fat Beach Day gives plus-size people a space to be themselves


You just know it all toasties.


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Appeals court finds 'Obamacare' pillar unconstitutional in suit over HIV-prevention drug



‘Too many old people’: A rural Pa. town reckons with population loss



The fertility crisis is here and it will permanently alter the economy



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Rate of Young Women Getting Sterilized Doubled After ‘Roe’ Was Overturned



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With this in mind, respectfully, can I get GF if I move to Russia?


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South Korea is running out of children – and this country could be next



South Korea is running out of children – and Britain could be next

Every spring, when warm rays of sunshine herald the start of South Korea’s baking summer, fountains across Seoul’s central Gwanghwamun plaza suddenly burst into life, sending cooling jets of water into the air.

In any other city in the world, such an inviting sight would tempt young children to charge through the spray. But in the heart of the Korean capital, shouts of childlike delight are rare.

For a first-time visitor to Korea, there is a gnawing feeling that something is missing. Then it finally dawns – the children.

South Korea has the lowest birth rate in the world, and it continues to plummet, reaching new record-breaking troughs every year.

The latest figures show it fell by another 8 per cent in 2023 to 0.72, which is the number of children a woman is expected to have in her lifetime.

For South Korea’s kindergarten teachers, the national dearth of children is already painfully evident and impacting their career prospects.

The country’s record-low birth rates are projected to cause the closure of roughly one-third of daycare centres and kindergartens by 2028, a report by the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education warned in January.

This would mean the number of these institutions slipping from 39,053 in 2022 to just 26,637 in 2028, with 12,416 at risk of shutting down.

It’s a situation that London could soon find itself in. In Britain, nurseries are already closing due to government underfunding; babies are also quickly becoming a “luxury item”, says Joeli Brearley, the chief executive and founder of mothers charity Pregnant Then Screwed. “We’re running out of them. It is no surprise to us that fertility rates have hit the floor. We have one of the most expensive childcare sectors in the world, so much so that for three quarters of mothers, it no longer makes financial sense to work. With childcare fees outstripping the cost of housing for more than two thirds of families, almost half of families are borrowing money to pay their childcare bills.”

In England and Wales, the average birth rate declined to 1.49 children per woman in 2022, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics. With its birth rate of just 0.72 children per woman, South Korea’s fertility rate is so critically low that experts predict the population will have halved by the year 2100.


It's impossible to sustain a family on the average wage and modern women are retarded. There are the problems and until the government fix them the decline shall continue.


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Chinese workers in Israel sign no-sex contract


Maybe stop the cutthroat level of academia in Southeast Asia.

Youre torturing young people with bans for free time and dating amd afterschool jobs.


>The fact of the matter is is that in western society violent women are above criticism. People either don't believe it, or think a man is actually behind it. So when males are completely removed from the equation and there's no way to deflect blame normies are gobsmacked

Actually ypure kinda wromg.

YOUNG NUBILE WOMEN are excused, not violent women.


Any place that obsesses over borthrates is the least concerned abouth the individual welfare of lonely adult males.
It only shows that they see young men as convenient seed banks to make more babies to fuel the war machine.


It's statistically proven that women get much lighter sentences for the same crimes. And the media doesn't even report on female child predators regardless of looks.


Again,the peferential treatment is based on her youth, physique, and skin tone.


A lot of old hags get thrown in jail though.


thats what i was saying in the first place.
Chivalry doesnt equalise all women.
Only the young, lightskinned, curvy ones.


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They're trying to pin this on incels now.


He was considered "ugly" and was neurodivegrent so they were going to naturally blame inceldom.


I heard he was an undocumented Cuban Chechen immigrant from Russia


lol with a face like that, the burden of proof is on you to prove he wasn't


>Misty Stone “All Male Porn stars are gay” + Sword fighting in my mouth, Part 6
Thoughts? I think I can cope well knowing I did not do sword fight even if it was in a woman's mouth. I realize now that's homophobic but yeah..


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If you think about it, being a male pornstar is kinda gay. You're on camera to fulfill the sexual fantasies of other men(majority of porn consumers are men). Also being directed and produced by other men. Add in "gayforpay" and the "heteroflexible" acts, it's pretty gay.


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Start building up that spank bank.


The only way this will work is if they implement a state-assigned romantic companion program. Which they're too scared to do. What a bunch of dickheads


Who is willing to beat that this JD Vance guy is a closet degenerate?

Anyone who obsesses over porn or sex, especially youth sexuality, is often a miserable incel or a practicing sexual predator or something.


He's a republican with an ethnic wife, I would be surprised if he wasn't. Porn is obviously terrible for people and society but banning it isn't the solution.


Didn't you get the memo? Orc & hohol feminazis are bitter enemies 2day cuz hohols now like troons & faggots like the trve tundra uyghur honorary europeans unlike their eastern relatives who hold them responsible 4 oppressing the sacred cunthood simply by xisting or some other stuff like th@.

You don't understand, faggot. Only the aristocracy gets 2 fuck & reproduce, not the cattle th@ should work smarter & harder 4 their owners' lifestyle.

>majority 65% of porn consumers are men


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>sex haver
look at him and tell me he gets laid with a straight face


he had a sense of humor




what internet search history of men doesnt have porn?
Even guys whom get pussy watch porn.


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think this guy is a sex haver or not?


are normies copying our culture?


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Not necessarily a bad idea but it should only apply to women, otherwise it would just turn into an incel tax.


>bachelors are worthless for not fertilising their cumshots.

Of course once again, breederism wins again with advancing potential family dysfunction.


Nah. Bachelor tax should be abolished.
Its selfish.
Family planning is one o the few things people willfully choose and yet they get all the free sympathy for their own dysfunction


this is y i dont support the 1 party system


Birthrates in the U.S. reach historic low

"The U.S. birthrate has generally fallen below replacement level — the fertility level needed for one generation to replace itself — since 1971.

According to the CDC, just under 3.6 million babies were born in 2023, compared with almost 3.7 million in 2022.

The report also highlighted a continuing decrease in teen birthrates, and it noted a marginal uptick in caesarean deliveries. The birthrate for those ages 15 to 19 reached record lows in 2023, according to the provisional data, but that represents only a 3 percent decrease from 2022.

A sustained decrease in birthrates can have far-reaching effects on various aspects of society, including the economy, health-care systems and family structures.

Julia Strasser, director of the Jacobs Institute of Women’s Health and an assistant research professor of health policy and management at George Washington University, said that although experts have not pinpointed a single cause for this decline, factors such as student loan debt, high housing costs and economic uncertainty are thought to influence younger generations’ decisions to delay or forgo having children.

Strasser added that recent court rulings on birth control, fertility treatments and women’s reproductive health also could have an effect on birthrates.

"States with abortion bans already have some of the worst maternal health outcomes and poverty rates in the U.S., both of which are key factors in determining the birthrate,” she said. “If there is an increase in births in these states but a decrease in births in states that protect abortion, what we’re seeing is likely to reflect growing disparities in terms of maternal health and social safety net.”



I am glad less chikdre are being bon especially in Yankeeland.

Who the hell wats to put up with obnoxious nanny state laws?
Not being allowed to walk anywhere by yourself as a kid?
You cannot have a part time job to buy your luxury items?
Sexuality is stigmatised?
Vocational classes are non existent?


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Time to visit Russia


Russian women would eat a western incel alive. It would be like putting a chihuahua in the wolf enclosure.


>t. bitter roastie
If you date some gold digging Muscovite sure, but there are plenty of country and poor Russian women that at humble and almost anything is better than dating a Russian man.


This isn't the 19th century, Russian peasant women have access to social media and the internet. They are vapid and materialistic too, the majority aren't even religious anymore.


You're too idealist. All the propaganda in the world can't change your material conditions.
Plenty of Russian women especially outside of cities are very eligible and are starved for male affection. Which is why you'll regularly see once drug addict dating several beautiful women.


I think the idealist here is you


>They are vapid and materialistic too, the majority aren't even religious anymore.
Latin America Is the world's most vapid and materialistic region


If what you are saying were true no Russian man would ever get married because they're all dirt poor. And yet they never struggle to get wives.


>Evidence That Our Names Physically Change Our Faces Over Time
wtf, is this real?


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its over


Thoughts on videos like this?


going on a date Saturday wish me luck fags


I honestly hate them and never bother watching. Maybe I'm not normie enough.




>India JFL


Would a women-led government do eugenics?


We already have a women-led government and they are currently doing eugenics.


>they are currently doing eugenics.
Funny you say this, disabled foids probably reproduce more than most normie men.


Thoughts on sexual mutual aid?


Thats because those diabled femoids were probably young, high-functioning, and pretty enough to be considered worthy.


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just lost my virginity to an Asian chick from my uni. AMA


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Thoughts on decommodified prostitution?


Leftoid retard babble


Prostitutes will just choose to only provide their "divine" sex services to Chad, because what incentive will there be to provide it for Incels? None. Being nice isn't enough, because they can just say that you're creepy or have a bad aura or whatever. The fact is that you can only get sex as an Incel in a capitalist society, because at least there is a financial incentive at that point for women to have sex with sub 5s who they hate.

I'd go as far as to say that the status quo before the sexual revolution was the best for Incels. Women might have not all been virgins before marriage at that time, but at least you could delude yourself into thinking it was fine because it was sanctioned by God and that your wife had repented for her sins. You could betabuxx in peace.


These moms’ sperm donor sued them to get parental rights. They just won a court victory.


tiktok about bodycounts:
>man: something about morality and pureness
<woman: what's a good bodycount?
>man: one
<woman: what's your bodycount?
>man: 86
(something something bodycount of sex havers, something something comparing average people to the richest people on the planet, something something untouchable caste celibate men)


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Acrually, the status quo before the sexual revolution was worse for incels.

Back in the old days, of arranged marriages, men were selected for their looks and parentage.


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Wow, actual self-awareness

>I feel so bad for him, she straight up denied him & their relationship at first


that passerby giving a salutation in the background is cute


He's balding, it's over for truckerhatcels


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>men my age that try to approach me
>and i have to actively withhold the urge to spit on them
is this what awaits us?


>Shiny round foreheads

God I wanna cum on those things so bad


Why is it that anything has male bodies being involved is always considered gay?

Porn has to involve both male and female.
If you think male porn stars are gay just because men are the consumers then youre ignorant.


>its another "male workers in glam industries are gay" accusation


t.undercover homo


Just admit you're gay Anon, it's <current year> no one will judge you.


case in point


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he's so based lol


>In 2017, Houellebecq explained that he "doesn't believe in an ideological vote, but a vote based on class"
Is he our guy???


He's one of the original leftcels.
Extension du domaine de la lutte basically predicted that capitalism + sexual liberalism was going to be a disastrous combination for men.


Shame about his views on Islam and such..


True, it is a shame. I think that just comes with his generation's style of French nationalism though.


What do you think would happen to him if the French had a revolution?


It would depend on the nature of the revolution.
If it was orchestrated by leftoids and immigrants he would probably be shot or exiled. However if it was more syncretic or nationalist in nature he would likely be celebrated.




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So according to your link, womens-brain-structure-resembles-that-of-pathological-liars sourced from 3-studies-neuroscience. So it must mean women are like pathological liars and thus the offender.

But what if the opposite is true? What if they are actually the victim of the patriarchy and like Stockholme Syndrome they are convinced to think that it's okay? There's different ways to lie.


Define patriarchy


You haven't demonstrated how patriarchy doesn't affect women


Fascism is a system that is ultra right-wing, ultra-nationalistic, which involves a highly centralized economy, a highly centralized government, a strong combination of military and secret police rolled into control of the government that seeks to create and maintain and protect hierarchies in the country. So those hierarchies can be based on gender, race, political affiliation, whatever. Hierarchy is what's important in fascism is that hierarchies exist and those are protected. This is where the patriarchy comes in. Patriarchy is hierarchical.

By this definition Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy, China and Soviet Union/Russia would be considered fascist. Patriarchy is well and alive in these former and current countries.

The only spectrum that exists in politics that matters is on one end anarchy and libertarianism, where you seek to abolish the existence of unjust hierarchy and all the others.


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Some more examples:


How can I demonstrate anything without you defining it first?


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>And that is presently the primary goal and motivation of the left in the west today




31 Missouri Judges recuse themselves from lawsuit alleging family court guardians and psychologists orchestrated money making scheme that dragged out court cases to drain litigants of cash.






I hate these click-bait articles, where the fuck is the actual study?


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Return of the tradwife?


It's more likely to be the return of multi-generational homes. Most can't afford to support a housewife and kids on one income.


Boomers and Gen Xers are already proving they're unwilling to babysit




Léa Seydoux Says Acting in Europe Is “Easier” Because Hollywood Is “Harsh on Women”

The 'Dune: Part Two' actress said of working as an actress in America, "It’s hard for women to age. I don’t want to be afraid not to be desirable or to lose my contract."



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Bill Belichick, 72, and Girlfriend Jordon Hudson, 24, Are All Smiles in Photos From Summer Getaway


Bruh there's plenty of older actresses established in Hollywood


Again, childrearing is a free will act many adults participate in but few are able to upkeep.


Hacked ‘AI Girlfriend’ Data Shows Prompts Describing Child Sexual Abuse


Feminist manhaters conflating AI girlfriends with Pedophilia now


The Covid Pandemic Left an Extra 13 Million Americans Single



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Australia's birth rate hits rock bottom with severe consequences for economic future



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