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 No.161[Last 50 Posts]

Incel News Thread


>Detective Inspector Sarah White, who leads British Transport Police's sexual offences team, said her officers are receiving daily reports of people committing sexual offences including staring. Last month Transport for London launched a new campaign, amid at tackling sexual harassment of women and girls which included upskirting, cat calling and staring. Posters have now been place in tube stations across the capital stating: "Intrusive staring of a sexual nature is sexual harassment and is not tolerated."

>On Sunday Detective Superintendent Sarah White, a senior British Transport Police (BTP) officer told The Telegraph: "It's human nature to stare at things. However, it's very different when someone is staring, leering, or there’s a sexual motivation. "We want to know about that staring because that is the behaviour that suggests to me that someone is thinking about a sexual behaviour that supports that staring. "We will record them as crimes and we will investigate them - and we have had successful prosecutions in that field."

>Just last month a man was sentenced to 22 weeks in prison after a woman reported him for "continuously staring" at her on a train in Berkshire. Dominik Bullock, 26, of Spurcroft road, Thatcham, was found guilty of causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress after he sat next to the victim on the train and began staring at her "very intently". The victim asked Bullock to stop staring several times as it was making her feel uncomfortable, but he refused. BTP Sergeant Charlotte Collins said at the time of his sentencing, that it was "clear from Bullock’s persistent and distressing actions that he is a danger to women and girls".


Staring is rape inkwell


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>The Texas school shooter was a sex haver.
When will the sex haver menace finally be addressed?


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A Pew Research Center study shows that A MAJORITY of single women in America are not on the dating market. They're not looking for marriage, they're not looking for a committed relationship, they're not looking for casual sex, they're just not interested==
Western women aren't interested in dating and now science proves it. The only way to find a wife now is to go overseas. Don't feel bad, it's what roasties want.


Maybe there is something wrong with the environment. Some Zoo animals don't reproduce in captivity. Maybe capitalism has a similar effect on people. We should switch to socialism to see if that makes it better, you know for science.


>innocent children


lmao this got swept under the rug.


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Roasties BTFO'd


It's funny because she tried so hard to appeal to foids with the "evil men and muh domestic abuse" feminist BS. But then she utterly failed because most foids saw straight through her crap, often even better than men, and stanned the shit out of Johnny lmao.


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Man born without a jaw finds love after lifetime of pain: ‘I deserved more’

Anon what's your excuse?


>You can't generalize the material conditions of billions of men if I can find one exception.
Lib detected. Next you're going to say no one should be poor because of that one time a poor person became rich.


she did nothing wrong


how do they kiss though


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nose boops




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Japan's government releases study indicating roughly 40% of single Japanese men in their 20s have never been on a date, a contributing factor to the country's low birth rates


We will be seeing numbers like that in the West soon enough.


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If you are a low tier male wagie in the US (most guys) you are feeling the brunt of inflation so this is not surprising.


World Cup: Qatar will enforce sex ban for unmarried couples. 7 years in jail if caught.
Based incelification by Qatarians.


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Another FtM transhumanist that got force fed the blackpill.


Being male is incredibly lonely. I've literally spent the last 3 months totally alone.


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Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, ending the federal right to abortion
Roasties utterly and ethernally BTFO'd. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some travel maxxxing in red states to do.


See rosties get owned is bitter sweet for me here. I like seeing them get owned but also this is over all fucked up.


I'm actually pro-choice but I support this decision because if women are going to support the state forcing men into becoming fathers. Then I'm going to support the state forcing women into becoming mothers.


>The state forcing men into becoming fathers

What are you talking about?


I'm talking about child support. When a woman gets pregnant it's completely up to her if the man becomes a father or not.


That's actually kind of a fair point and I agree rosties can get fucked for doing shit like that but I don't find that contempt helpful


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Redditors trying to gin up a general strike this Monday. You think they'll actually follow through on it? I don't.


Lol I'm watching woke.net and tonight's protests are already petering out.


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>Roasties utterly and ethernally BTFO'd. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some travel maxxxing in red states to do.
Ngl even though I'm pro-abortion seeing the roastie seethe on the news has been beautiful. They're literally sobbing and think the world is over because they can't get creampied by chad anymore lmfao


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Roasties absolutely losing their minds lol. This sex strike will last all of 5 minutes once it's revealed that women are actually much bigger hoes than men.


Now the entire left will be incels.


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They aren't protesting


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The virtue signaling is getting out of hand.


How could anyone possibly not be a doomer after reading this?


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Pretty good breakdown of how abortion is practiced. Looks like libs are shifting to a strategy of debate and abandoning cancel culture after the public gave no fucks when abortion rights were removed.



I think a ton of people gave a shit just not everyone put in their pussy hats and started marching in the streets on CNC. A lot of people at my job were talking about it myself included.


>A lot of people at my job were talking about it myself included.
Talk is cheap, if they're not willing to hit the streets than they're just virtue signaling.


Hitting the streets is virtue signaling




Prove me wrong.


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Open a history book.


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*(unless they're chad)


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Le civil rights changed the world guys

>Still live in a capitalist dystopia.

mfw. You actually just proved my point. I agree that marginal changes are better than non, but, ultimately, nothing really changed all that much. Liberals want more inclusion into the system of capital and see that as freedom. Communists want total freedom for all away from the systems of capital that influence our lives.


>T-t-the Civil Rights Movement didn't change anything. My smug self satisfaction is a far more powerful political force.
Go back to .orge FAGGOT.


>Liberals want more inclusion into the system of capital and see that as freedom.
Black people were already included into system of capital, what they wanted was an end to American apartide. You're just mad because you're are yet another chinlet spooked by white settler spooks.
>Communists want total freedom for all away from the systems of capital that influence our lives.
Lol blacks are a prole underclass, you probably think Union organizing is liberal too since it doesn't end capitalism either. Liberating blacks was a huge win for workers and was widely supported by socialists at the time.


>Communists want total freedom for all away from the systems of capital that influence our lives.
Not true, Communists are simply state capitalists.


There's been a sex strike against a fair amount of men for decades already


Why is ©HUD word filtered? Damn that's thin skinned fr fr.


It was done over a year ago when libs were still using it unironically. I have just asked one of the mods if we can undo it, I've been meaning to ask about it for a while tbh.

In the meantime, just use C H U D



>fr fr

Zoomer fag detected


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Pope Francis tells mums to stop ironing son's shirts and urge them to get married
Lol, is he still under the impression that western women still dote on their children this much? My mom didn't even want to feed me once I started High School.


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Men should pay child support.
It's when women force them into exploitative situations that it's fucked up.


>Men should pay child support.
Why? Men should get equal custody and pay when they have the kiddo.
>It's when women force them into exploitative situations that it's fucked up.
Women force them BECAUSE OF CHILD SUPPORT. It gives women their own personal debt serf.


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Oh NOW women care about felon voting rights. Didn't give a fuck when it was just male ex cons getting disenfranchised.


Me and my mom lived on section 8 for 15 years of m life and I never met my father once nore did her pay a single dime in child support. If you have kids and you don't plan on so much as speaking to them, fuck you, you should pay child support.

Retards like you have me convinced it's about justice and equality with you so much as it is just about being a vindictive faggot.


Fuck your fake ass sob story. The vast majority of father's want to be in their children's lives and are willing to support their children when they have custody.
Child support is just hoe support for the woman because the majority of the money goes to supporting her.


I didn't say father's shouldn't support their kids. I said they shouldn't have to pay child support.
Making the person with custody pay is fair and best for the child. Why should the man pay for the privilege of his ex to raise his child? If she can't afford to pay for her own kid it should go to the father that can.


Your simp ass ever think that maybe the reason your father wasn't in your life was because he'd be thrown in debtors prison over the child support he owed?


No. my father wasn't in my life because he is a massive piece of shit you retarded faggot. If you abandon your children you should pay child support period and if you don't you are a massive pos. The faggot father is not the victim here. I am.


Your bullshit experience is not representative of men. And men and women abandon their children at the same rate.
You're a stooge of liberal feminism. You think your shitty experience gives you moral authority over others. The number one reason for abandoning children is always money. Eliminate that and you keep fathers in the lives of millions of children.


>muh moral failings
Right, prison just has nothing to do with it. He was just a big ole asshole.


You faggots just hate women you don't want justice or fairness you just want women to suffer, kek. Take your meds you delusional midwit.
You don't remotely know anything bout my life, my mom or my dad. My mom never once pushed for child support on him her entire life. Take your meds.

Same fag


Imagine wanting to allow father to abandon their children. This society has fallen so far, lol.


Hitting the streets is cheap, if they're not willing to do a dance on tiktok they're just virtue signaling.


Imagine thinking that debtor's prison isn't the reason men abandon children.
And you hate men AND children. And bitch I don't need to know your story which you capping anyway. Society is shaped by the state. It's a childish capitalist myth that people are bad just for the hell of it. While those people exisit they are the exception and not the rule.
You ain't special, if you really were abandoned almost with certainty it wasn't because your dad was inaitely bad, It was because of money.
And even if your bullshit story were true I'd still tell you to take your boomer spooks and shove them up your ass because making children suffer because your childhood was shit is just the epitome of selfishness.


>Same fag
This is just admiting I'm right. Debtor's prison keeps families apart.


Proving you're samefagging, kek.

Shut up fag. You are dumb your ideas are backwards and you obviously never grew up with out a father figure considering how spoiled and retarded you are. If I met my dad today I would fuck him up, but, the pos is probably dead. You're just a bitter women hating virgin who probably has been cucked for the last 20 years. My dad isn't bad for the hell of it my dad is bad because he abandoned his son.

It's obvious you have some weird pathology.


>Proving you're samefagging.
No prove me wrong broke dick simp.
>It's obvious you have some weird pathology.
Why? Because I want to end vindicitve policies that keep fathers from their children which are based on the "Protocols of Zion" tier patriarchy theory?
Projection, thy name is (you).


*Now prove me wrong broke dick simp.


>you obviously never grew up with out a father figure
Hohohoho, more projection.


Are you retarded? I grew up with out a father. Do you know what words mean? kek. joke.


>Broke dick simp
I guarantee I have had more sex than you ever will.

>Why? Because I want to end vindictive policies

Because you want to excuse shitty behavior from men to spite women. It's pretty obvious. I don't even think that all child support claims are legitimate but you are just a retard who wants to allow men to get away with whatever they want. I bet you would vote to legalize rape if given the choice, kek.


>I guarantee I have had more sex than you ever will.
Doesn't make you any less of a liberal feminist lackey. And fucking blown out western women isn't anything to brag about.
>Because you want to excuse shitty behavior from men to spite women.
No, it's just recognizing the material conditions that drive behavior. Instead of being spooked by feminist that hate you for your sex.
>I don't even think that all child support claims are legitimate but you are just a retard who wants to allow men to get away with whatever they want.
Nah, you just assume men are all heartless rape wolves that would rape and pillage the countrysidea if daddy goverment weren't there to check them. Most men want to raise their kids. You're just a porky bootlicker defending porky's debtor's prisons.
>I bet you would vote to legalize rape if given the choice,
You defend child abuse right now since women beat and kill their children more than men yet you still want policies that favor women keeping custody.


Yes you did, this is why you project this and bootlick man hating feminists.


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>I'm a "liberal feminist lacky guy because I think fathers who abandon their children should face consequences, kek.

>I assume all men are "heartless rape wolves" because I think people who abandon their children should face consequences

>I think men should face consequences for abandoning their children so now I think women who beat their children to death are sinless angles


Take your meds


Is this the same guy who had the idea to write a law allowing incels to go on a pilgrimage every year to have have sex with stereotypically submissive Asian women? Kek.


Yeah, pretty sure its's the same guy. His writing style is undeniable.


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You all shook because you know it would work.


None of your ideas are close to reality.


>I love porky and support his control over how people travel.




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What isn't an argument about pointing out how fucking retarded you sound trying to frame me as this man hating simp and how it doesn't make anysense to just allow men to have no consequences for their actions?

Do you think men should be held accountable for anything?


Why not legalize prostitution instead? Your idea is to have incels be subsidized by society to be able to travel for a few weeks and try and have sex with random Asian women, if this did happen they'll probably just end up in some form of brothel.


Child support and custody is different in every state, there is no universal body governing over it.


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No nimrod, you have to actually explain why it's wrong.
I'm not necessarily against legal prostitution, but it's not a replacement for a relationship. And I never said society should subsidize incel travel. I said they should get several weeks of vacation, pretty much what the rest of the western world gets already, so that they could have the opportunity to travel.
>if this did happen they'll probably just end up in some form of brothel.
Even military personnel wind up getting married when they go overseas so no, this is just a misandrist stereotype.
It nonetheless overwhelming favors women over men.


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It's a moral disposition retard. There is no objective right or wrong. that isn't how it works.

I can however point out the absurdity of your claims. You're a slimy little faggot, but, I think I've pinned you down pretty well.

So, anyways, should men be held accountable for anything?


>Do you think men should be held accountable for anything?
Do you think debtor's prisons are okay if they only jail men?


>It's a moral disposition retard. There is no objective right or wrong. that isn't how it works.
I never said it was. But it's objectively true that having the father in a child's life is better for the kid.
Child support is a debtor's prison that keeps men from their chlidren.
.I can however point out the absurdity of your claims. You're a slimy little faggot, blah blah blah..
You moo on like a cow.
>So, anyways, should men be held accountable for anything?
Why do you love porky debtor's prisons so much?


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>So, anyways, should men be held accountable for anything?
Should women?


*misformatted post
>I can however point out the absurdity of your claims. You're a slimy little faggot, blah blah blah..
You moo on like a cow.


Your wife's boyfriend took them.


Just wait until your Asian gf becomes westernized kek.


Still be world's better than a Western Woman who's entire family is feminist.


It could work out if you decided to not have kids, any kids you raise here will be absorbed by retarded zoomer "culture".


It's possible if you are in a strong enough community. The booj do it all the time.
There's this infamous video of one of the facebook founders telling an audience that he doesn't let his own kids on facebook. That's just one small example.


True if I did have a kid no way would I ever give them a smart phone.


>It gives women their own personal debt serf
That's already what men have always been kek.


Jail is a perfectly suitable punishment for crimes that some one has committed if they refuse to support the child they brought into the world, kek. Why wouldn't it be? Are you some type of anarchist?


Obviously the answer to this is yes.


Prove me wrong


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>Jail is a perfectly suitable punishment for crimes that some one has committed if they refuse to support the child they brought into the world, kek. Why wouldn't it be? Are you some type of anarchist?


There's nothing to disprove, it's just you smugly declaring you're right.


Jails exist in communism you retard
Murder and other crimes exist with or with out communism and we need jails to deter that crime you idealist.

Because I am. If I am wrong explain why i am wrong rather than projecting your insecurities on me like a faggot.


>Owing money is the same as murdering someone.


>Because I am. If I am wrong explain why i am wrong
I already have, and your retort was nuh-uh… There's nothing to counter


No you haven't at this point you are just pitching a fit because "I think men should be able to abandon their children is totally ok" and it isn't. Retard.

No but if you are going to be dumb enough and careless enough to have children in spite of not wanting them then you should pay a cost for that.
At least in the confines of a capitalist society because obviously things would be different in our perfect communist utopia. You are a petulant child


>No but if you are going to be dumb enough and careless enough to have children in spite of not wanting them then you should pay a cost for that.
Not having a father hurts children. Those children don't belong to you or the state. And most fathers' are more than capable of paying for their kids if they live with them. What they can't afford is paying two seperate households, themselves and their baby mama's. If women want to see their kids they should have to pay their children's expenses just like you demand men do.


>Jails exist in communism
But debtors' prisons do not.


Nobody here has kids.


I do


I do not believe that.


If they didn't want to take care of a kid they shouldn't have fucking hard one retard.


They're not your kids, and not having a father makes a bad situation worse. You woulldn't know that because you did have a dad.


>It's okay for the government to kidnap your children if you owe them money.
And why does the father have to support his ex too when supporting his children?


>If they didn't want to take care of a kid they shouldn't have fucking hard one retard.
Agreed, when the father had custody he should pay for all the expenses of his kid. When the mom has custody she should.
Anything else is just turning child support into adult support.


*You woulldn't know that because you didn't have a dad.


Why should only the person who has custody of the child take care of it when both parents are responsible for not only its birth but its development? What do you think that children just stop developing when they come out of the womb? Children need both of their parents for biological and evolutionary reasons among social reasons. Not having a father figure at all, let alone your actual father, in your life can effect you developmentally for the rest of your life.

Again this is about the child you psychopath not the fucking father. You are trying to take the onus away from the biological father for being a shit parent and fucking his kids lifes up.

This is a nonsequitr I don't believe this and I believe that child support payments should go on a foodstamp esk card that cna only purchase certain commodities.

Eat shit faggot. You don't know anything or what it is like to grow up with out a father. Pathetic selfish people like you deserve to have your face caved in in the street and strung up for the crows to feast on.

It's about the child not the father


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>Why should only the person who has custody of the child take care of it when both parents are responsible for not only its birth but its development? What do you think that children just stop developing when they come out of the womb? Children need both of their parents for biological and evolutionary reasons among social reasons. Not having a father figure at all, let alone your actual father, in your life can effect you developmentally for the rest of your life.
Having only the person with custody pay for the child makes sure that each parent is allowed to support the child as they see if while letting their adult ex completely support themselves. It discourages custody fights since custody is a financial liability and forces the parents to cooperate more, which is best for the child.
>Not having a father figure at all, let alone your actual father, in your life can effect you developmentally for the rest of your life.
100% agree, which is why the current child support system should be abolished because it demonstrably keeps fathers out of the lives of their children.
>Again this is about the child you psychopath not the fucking father. You are trying to take the onus away from the biological father for being a shit parent and fucking his kids lifes up.
No I'm not, it's men that pay the majority of child support. If they only had to pay when they had custody a great number of them would be able to support their children. And not being able to support an adult woman in a separate household does not make you a shit father.
>This is a nonsequitr I don't believe this and I believe that child support payments should go on a foodstamp esk card that cna only purchase certain commodities.
It's not, you literally have the state away a child from a father because he can't pay a woman fealty.
>Eat shit faggot. You don't know anything or what it is like to grow up with out a father.
You're right, this is why I'm more objective about this than you. Like many people from broken homes, your mother raised you to be a simp to deflect criticism of her culpability for the bad situation she put her children in.
>Pathetic selfish people like you deserve to have your face caved in in the street and strung up for the crows to feast on.
Come at me bro.
>It's about the child not the father
Child support is paid by the father, so in this case it's not about children, it's about the father.


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>Having only the person with custody pay for the child makes sure that each parent is allowed to support the child as they see if while letting their adult ex completely support themselves. It discourages custody fights since custody is a financial liability and forces the parents to cooperate more, which is best for the child.

Unless you believe in the myth of the welfare queen then you are ignoring the fact that raising a child to maturing costs millions of dollars over the course of a 18 - 20 year life span. It's insane to expect only one person to support a child that was mutually created by two people in order to raise it to maturity. Nonsense.

>100% agree, which is why the current child support system should be abolished because it demonstrably keeps fathers out of the lives of their childre

What alternative do you propose?

>No I'm not, it's men that pay the majority of child support. If they only had to pay when they had custody a great number of them would be able to support their children. And not being able to support an adult woman in a separate household does not make you a shit father.

Because men fucking leave their children in drives in this fucking society lmao. This is insane lmao. It's like saying "oh black people are 36% of the population but commit 78% of the crime." You're ignoring the fact that black people are fucking poor lmao.

Men are leaving their children. That doesn't mean that mean should be given free reign to abandon their children.

Men who refuse to support their children should be put in jail. Support your child and take responsibility for your actions.


You are absolutely retared.


wow what an awesome retort good job 100% skill fam no cap


Your post is a clusterfuck of shit I never said with shit that doesn't even follow.


>Men are leaving their children.
Proofs? Like any at all?


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Aren't divorce rates up isn't the number of fatherless children up I thought this was common knowledge? It's literally 1 in 4 https://www.fatherhood.org/father-absence-statistic

No you are just to dumb and ideological to actually break it down eat shit retard.


>Aren't divorce rates up isn't the number of fatherless children up I thought this was common knowledge? It's literally 1 in 4
What's divorce got to do with child abandonment? And it's so high BECAUSE of child support.
>No you are just to dumb and ideological to actually break it down eat shit retard
Is it much cheaper to support a child if they live with you?
Yes or No?
Does it take a third to half a person's income to support a child?
Yes or No?
Is a woman completely unaccountable as to how she spends her child support?
Yes or No?


You can smug post all you want, doesn't make your arguments any less incoherent.
You go from claiming raising a single child cost millions to equating divorce with child abandonment. Seek help.


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1 in 4 children live without fathers because women seek sole custody so they can collect that delicious child support.
Feminists like you put men in an impossible situation. You make men pay half or more of their take home pay in child support regardless of the child's actual needs. Give sole custody to the mother so the father has to travel anytime he wants to spend with their kid and navigate an emotional mind field of both a vindictive ex and estranged child. Then when they are crushed by these demands you declare that they've abandoned their children.
You're simply a porky stooge creating a factory line of alienated adults that are more vulnerable to capitalist exploitation.


How do debtors' prisons and state kidnapping of children help keep fathers in the lives of their children?


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>What does diviorce have to do with child abandonment

I can't even

>Is it much cheaper to support a child if they live with you?

Shit it's cheaper to support it from child support lmao. You don't have to buy toys, diapers, birthday parties, nothing. you just gotta mail a check. How hard is that?

If they are so bad then explain it or shut up you retard.

No 1 in 4 children grow up with out fathers because capitalism is fucking alienating. This is some anti-materialist ideological bullshit.

>Reee you're a feminist cause you disagree with one on this one point


I didn't say that child support was perfect what I did say is that men should pay SOMETHING. You people are deranged.


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>I can't even
It's the state and baby mama's that keep men from children.
>Shit it's cheaper to support it from child support lmao.
It's not though, since the child support is based on your pay, and how the money is spent is completely unaccounted for.
>If they are so bad then explain it or shut up you retard.
I just called you out for saying it cost millions to raise one child. I know you're just trolling, but I can't resist your delicious bait.
>No 1 in 4 children grow up with out fathers because capitalism is fucking alienating.
No dipshit, this is just a deflection to avoid talking about the laws that let women use men as debt serfs. This has nothing to do with alienation.
>>Reee you're a feminist cause you disagree with one on this one point
>I didn't say that child support was perfect what I did say is that men should pay SOMETHING. You people are deranged.
Wanting to maintain the debtors' prison system that is child support is a core tenant of feminism, therefore you are a feminist.
I never said men shouldn't pay for their kids, I said they should only pay when they have custody. You keep ignoring that because you know it's fair but you want to continue to keep the system of male exploitation going because you have been bred to see men as heartless monsters by your narc feminist mother.


>I can't even
Divorce has nothing to do with father's not being in their children's lives. Fathers' would see their children if they could. And women initiate the majority of the divorces regardless.


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>Shit it's cheaper to support it from child support lmao.
Today I will remind them.


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>It's the state and baby mama's that keep men from children.


>It's not though, since the child support is based on your pay, and how the money is spent is completely unaccounted for.

See and I was talking to my friends at work about this shit; I think yeah that the way the money is un accounted for is fucked and many women mismanage the money. I think that the money should be deposited to an ETB like card that can only be spent on certain items that are for the child.

>No dipshit, this is just a deflection to avoid talking about the laws that let women use men as debt serfs. This has nothing to do with alienation.

We're talking about it right now are you stupid?

>Wanting to maintain the debtors' prison system that is child support is a core tenant of feminism, therefore you are a feminist.

I never said men shouldn't pay for their kids, I said they should only pay when they have custody. You keep ignoring that because you know it's fair but you want to continue to keep the system of male exploitation going because you have been bred to see men as heartless monsters by your narc feminist mother.

I have asked you several times what the alternative that you have in mind is and you keep ignoring me and just calling me names, lmfao. What is the alternative to throwing lazy fathers in jail?

Unlike you my political opinions are extremely nuanced and not really subject to a lot of bias. thanks for the cool pics though.


Yeah I didn't say it was perfect or right and that it doesn't need fixing but it's the only way to really deal with the issue.
My friend has to pay child support and he's with the actual baby momma currently and she wont life the payments. If you have a kid though you should be forced to support them on a fundamental level.


Prison is not idealist.


>Unlike you my political opinions are extremely nuanced and not really subject to a lot of bias. thanks for the cool pics though.
<I don't have an argument
Glad to see we're finally getting somewhere.


It literally is. you opinion is based on ideals not material reality. that's idelism, kek.


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Did you miss the wall of text that preceeded that or are you actually the one with out an argument?


I didn't miss anything homie.


The state will really throw you in prison if you violate custody orders or don't pay child support, how is that idealist?


Except my whole arugment that proceeded that. You're hopeless I am out of here. You're just being stubborn now.

Because basing your ideology on "It's actually womens fault men are leaving their children!" Is retarded and idealistic and not based on any objective material analysis like capitalism being alienating and making people, including men, hate their lives among making them stupid ignorant retards.


Women have the ability to throw men into debtors' prison and are incentived to do so by child support and welfare.
You're the idealist with bigoted claims that men are doing it because they're irresponsible.
Look we're just going to have to agree to disagree. You're a lib that loves debtors' prison and has fash tier theories abou men having crime bones, While I believe state violence and economics shape society and peoplR's behavior.


See you keep using all this loaded lanugage like reactionaries do when they talk about gay issues, kek. You arn't even listening you're just jerking yourself off.

I'm out.

> While I believe state violence and economics shape society and peoplR's behavior.

You believe that people have genetic predispositions about greed and finance based on their sex and you are caling me a fascist? This is pure cope.

Marx wasn't against jails retard. What do you think should replace the current system? You can't answer me cause you have no idea. You are just rambling and you have never once actually thought about this.

As I stated it should be heavily reformed but it's the only way to make shitty fathers support their children. Cope seethe and dial8


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It is now possible to become Chad.


What happens if he bangs a chick would that stuff just fall off?


Did you see how sticky it was? She's going to have to grab a handful of it before that shit comes off.


True. That makeup is killer for quick dating app sex I would guess.


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Can't tell if this is beta soy or sigma chad


>Can't tell if this is beta soy or sigma chad
It's just people doing something that they can sell as a story to the attention economy


Postmortem Sperm Retrieval Is Turning Dead Men Into Fathers


>Feminist vlogger advocates for the genocide of men.


One in five adults don’t want children — and they’re deciding early in life


>Wants to kill all men
>To stupid to realize that that will also kill all women.


Republican Wants To BAN Child Support To Stop Abortions
This commentator is making fun of this Republican for having a non-nonsensical point but I think it's still politically interesting that the idea of ending child support is making it's first appearance in the US Congress.
This might be a harbinger of more anti-feminist legislation.


Looks more like capitalists trying to roll back more social services, under a pretext.


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Law school censors its own article on Johnny Depp legal defense, apologizes for “triggering” readers




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Chads are starting to settle down and leaving millennial roasties holding the bag.


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Lol. Lmao, even.


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Sad statistic but I thought we were already there tbh.


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Malthuschads we keep winning


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UNSOCIAL DISTANCING Nightclub bans STARING without getting ‘verbal consent’ – and hires ‘safety officers’ in pink vests to police revellers


Zizek was right about tolerance.


RIP to a real one


No he wasn't, this is basically a "No Ugly Men Allowed" rule.


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Female Colorado social worker is accused of making sexual advances toward at least FORTY moms - then 'baselessly' removing their children from their care when they rejected her


I feel like these are some AI generated articles or something


Nah, the lawsuit is real.


I didn't say it was real per se


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Libre software waifus now!


What has science done?!


this is the saddest news article itt
I hope they were happy while it lasted
fuck this gay earth


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I predict a sharp decline in the amount of men declaring they're trans once they realize that society never accepted them as women and that all the support was just empty virtue signalling.


United Nations Discovers Most Human Traffic Perpetrators are Women


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The Great People Shortage is coming — and it's going to cause global economic chaos | Researchers predict that the world's population will decline in the next 40 years due to declining birth rates — and it will cause a massive shortage of workers.
Kek, state mandated girlfriends coming soon, but it won't be incels making it happen, it'll be porky.


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Democrat lawmakers call on YouTube to censor “incel” content


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>For non-quantitative courses, attractive female students saw a decline in their grades with remote instruction, while attractive male students continued to enjoy a beauty advantage.
>these findings suggest that discrimination most likely explains the beauty premium for female students, who no longer had higher grades when classes turned remote. But for male students, who continued to see higher grades with attractiveness even when student-teacher interaction was low, beauty seems to be a productivity-enhancing attribute


Attractive guys are blessed with a wider range of genetic/personality assets. Attractive women solely rely on looks. Seems legit tbh




People are more patient and helpful with pretty girls.


Academics are usually sexually repressed simps who get off on being around pretty young women. Mao was right to make them do hard labour in the countryside.


water is wet..
look at this research that proves it!


Yeah I'm sure that will definitely stop the rising rates of sexless young men. It's the pajeet sigma grindset channels with 800 subscribers that are fuelling poor relations between the sexes.


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reminder that blackpill jesus had a more marxist take on the russian-ukraine war than most of the self-proclaimed """marxists""" lmao


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The world was better when men didn't let women vote


The world is better during times the proletariat is organized and has power. When the proletariat is disorganized and week, those are the bad times.

Don't you go blaming it on something else.


Did she text you back?


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I swear The Economist is on a mission to get me to move to China. They make it sound almost utopian in their reportings.




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>who run this mother
>who run this mother
>Whu ohhh uh ohh ohh oh oh


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is it time yet?


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>When even chad gets cucked.


“Incels” are not particularly right-wing or white, but they are extremely depressed, anxious, and lonely, according to new research


Bit by bit, studies like this make me think that we might one day drift into the direction of acknowledging that incel has always been a sexist slur that was designed to do two things:

Silence any criticism of extremist beliefs like feminism and expression of concern that it does far more damage to social fabric.

Suppress those who are being left behind as a result of feminism being rooted in supremacy. This includes people of color that feminists pretend to care about.


>Bugman tried to tame a giga Stacey.
He brought this ruin upon himself.


>rice marries a white Stacey
it was over before it even begun


>Not only can a woman face no accountability for murdering her own 3 year old daughter in cold blood, she will also get paid and be given a platform to lie about it even more.
Life on easy mode.


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Man, I feel like a woman.


>No he wasn't
Do you even know what he said about it




Study reveals that males' experiences with stranger harassment perpetrated by females are "relatively common, begin at an early age, and have serious consequences for victims"




The ride never ends


History repeats itself, over a century later and they have learned nothing.



i hope so death to simps


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>Sex is concentrated within a small, yet sexually active, group of people.




Ya, but what about [inserted dated liberal trope]


this song goes very hard
love from kazakhstan


Arkansas Proposes Requiring ID to Watch Porn Online | After a similar bill became law in Louisiana last month, seven more states have introduced copycat legislation that force users to show identification.
You will beg for sex, and you will like it.


no ID for my chinese cartoons
2D wins again


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Women will observe how women degrade themselves like this and somehow find a way to claim that it's empowering


Oh, damn, that is old school lulz. Post video.


Lel, how would those idiots expect to enforce such a law? On the positive side, getting rid of all the basic bitches on the internet who can't into VPNs might be the first significant resistence to the Endless Summer that we have seen in decades.


It's pretty easy to monitor a person's internet traffic. Korea already passed a law requiring websites to track and identify its users.


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Based Nintendo?


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I know this thread for bitching about culture war, but wow this pure click-bait


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>Literally has hordes of simps paying her to give them a parasocial relationship.
>Can't find a man
What she can't find is a Chad. And she never will whether she's still doing OF or not.


Lusting for sexual acquierement of another human being's body is not love you stewpeed. Oh wait, you haven't even experienced something that resembles love, what is to be expected then.


Kiss yourself, faggot


>She's too good for her simps.
Women are learning the hard way that Chad never intended to wife them.


I love when obese ugly people with gender identity disorders and permacucked numales offer relationship advice


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White women lack all sense of accountability and self responsibility.


nah, this is actually good
the more doctors who peddle trans shit get hit with lawsuits, the more careful they would be in peddling it

good precedent is important here


tho private medical health industry will fight tooth and nail for the trans shit - the more "sick" people the better for profit margins


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more like r/orbiter, r/betabux, r/sucker


It's starting to dawn on liberals that millions of young men won't work because they can't get pussy. It's still incels' fault though kek.



>biological men, or people with penises



People of Penis - POPs
People of Uterus - POUs


>"A vasectomy is so much easier and safer than female sterilization," she said.
>Medicaid will pay for vasectomies, and private insurance typically will as well.
I just love modern western society. Unironically.


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>Young men “are watching a lot of social media, they’re watching a lot of porn, and I think they’re getting a lot of their needs met without having to go out. And I think that’s starting to be a habit.”
Bingo. God bless pornography in all its forms and God bless internet for giving us an easy access to it. Men were never this sexually liberated in all of human history.

>Even seasoned researchers struggle to fully account for the relationship gap between young women and men: If single young men outnumber single young women nearly two to one, then who are all the young women dating?

Yes, I wonder.. damn, can't think of anything, must be a mystery..


I'm actually starting to think, unironically, that porn is actually really bad for you.


then don't watch it. Problem solved.
It's not like I'm here to try and convince you. Go betabux for some woman, maybe your starfish sex once a month will be more liberating kek.


Based. Also kek at the implication of porn and sex being mutually exclusive. As if chads who fuck hot girls aren't also watching porn to get off whenever they have a 1 day long dry spell or just whenever their gf/fuck buddy is away at work/school and they need to get off a quick coom.


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>AI Lenin redpills incels
This prompt is legit interesting btw


To be honest it just sounds like generic self-help stuff.
Lenin would definitely reply that it was necessary to overthrow capitalist class society and build a socialist society as a necessity for individuals to self-realize, instead of "just go career grinding and focus more on personal goals."
Lenin was also into weight-lifting, so he might give some gym-bro tips too.

Sorry but to me this indicates that chat-gpt has been ideologically configured to replicate ruling ideology even when it's tasked to emulate people that absolutely would be opposed to that ideology.


Shots fired!


>AI Lenin redpills incels
>It's all just muh bootstraps liberal platitudes.
Stalin confirmed blue pilled cuck.




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>Write a greentext about being a Chad anticapitalist
>I'm sorry, but I cannot
you heard it commies
the God has spoken


Well of course, you're a lib that believes in moralist "devil bottle" theories regarding addiction.


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Hold your horses, the AI thinks it was asked to mimic the political position of people from the country that is named Chad.

They clearly blocked that feature, maybe they thought it wasn't a good idea to piss off, well, basically everybody.


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Trending on twitter right now #ParentalAlientation


Gender dysphoria in young people is rising—and so is professional disagreement
>More children and adolescents are identifying as transgender and are being offered medical treatment, especially in the US—but some providers and European authorities are urging caution because of a lack of strong evidence. Jennifer Block reports
Psychologists are starting to realize the obvious. That social media glommed onto a real disorder (gender dysphoria) and made it into a trendy identity that is harming millions.


This is happening with all kinds of disorders now, especially the "fun" disorders like DID/multiple personality disorder. Talk to anyone who actually has DID and they describe it as a nightmare, meanwhile a whole generation of people are growing up convinced that DID is when you spontaneously LARP as your top 10 favorite minecraft youtubers.
The result is trans people who actually experience dysphoria and need treatment face discrimination meanwhile some faggot crossdresser with xe/xir pronouns gets 10 million robux and a verified Twitter. And of course neither the left nor the right gives a fuck because the industry and amount of moral authority they can farm from it is huge.


Dafaq is DID?


>And of course neither the left nor the right gives a fuck
remind why should we?


Dissociative Identity Disorder or what used to be Multiple Personality Disorder
Sorry I worded that wrong. The Left™ and the right do give a fuck but they give a fuck in the worst way possible. I'm not saying we should care since it's definitely a low priority issue, only that if you do care at least give a fuck in the right way is all I'm saying


Women’s rights have gone ‘too far’, say majority of Gen Z and millennials, study shows


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State-sponsored matchmaking app launched in China
>Service in Jiangxi uses data on single residents to build platform amid drive to boost marriage rate
How will the West close the counter incel gap?


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It's because liberals have bigger brains than conservacucks and thus understand the nihilistic nature of the universe.


is this chart supposed to be over time?
why is it going up for both liberals and conservatives?



>Why is it going up for both liberals and conservatives?

“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?”==

― Friedrich Nietzsche


God has been dead for a while now. this /pol/-tier unsourced chart prolly doesn't go back that far
so what caused the recent spike


>Liberals understand the nihilistic nature of the universal
>Also endlessly moralize about the way things ought to be
Galaxy brained


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tldr? my time is worth more than yours


For being such a hyper intellectual, I'd think that reading 500 words or so would be an easy task


And lol niqqa. If your time was super valuable, you wouldn't be here rn


damn, an entire article to say this? how is this even related to incels?


You know how reply tags work on image boards, right?


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>“In preparation for a super-aged society, it is necessary to actively respond to lonely deaths,” said South Korea’s legislative research body
God, we're so fucked.

I do not envy the Young who are bound to live in this "super-aged soyciety"

Just fucking kill all old people.
Eskimos had the right idea - just put them on ice floes to die when they reach certain age.


thanks anon, but I wanted to know why the chart went up for both liberals and conservatives, not just libs


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According the the pic related, it was a combination of increased social media usage and a lack of independent play as children, leading to a set of safety oriented mentalities that make people depressed. Could be wrong, I didn't read the article that closely, but here it is:


As a representative of people of dick & ballz (PoD&B) & as someone who knows other people's stories I've never understood this retarded sentiment about age difference between two intimally engaged persons, especially considering how at 13 yo I liked not only girls of my age but also girls who were in their 40's or even 50's (& I still do them).

But now it's clear as day that this is a yet another neofascistic ('neoconservative'/"'neoliberal'") ploy to diverge the economic issue of the class society into the age issue, which could be safely framed into an idpol issue. Witches have to be found everywhere to mantain a vertical's order through the horizontal's disorder. Fucking Rome man…


While you may not be wrong to point out media usage and certain mentalities, as proximate factors. I think the route-cause for the rise in depression is simply the by product of living in a economically highly unequal class society.

A society that's economically more equal and not based in class divisions, would produce media that is not depressing, and safety mentalities would be directed into more productive directions. Consider that the impulse to improve safety doesn't have to be expressed as a restraint of individual expression. You can improve safety in 2 ways: Lots of commandments about "what thou shalt not do", or improving the environment to have more buffer-space where "unsafely-ness" can be harmlessly discharged into.


>A society that's economically more equal and not based in class divisions, would produce media that is not depressing, and safety mentalities would be directed into more productive directions.
How's an "economically more equal soyciety" would make women more sexually attractive to incels, leftoid?


>every antagonism ever between individuals and groups of people is due to class antagonisms
the retarded mind of an utopoid leftoid


Except for the fact that societies (even socialist ones) have never been equal.

As the article points out, the world doesn't necessarily make people depressed. Rather, depressed people see the world in a negative light.

This was covered in the linked article. You should try reading it before leaning into the self assured ignorance.


*make women more sexually attracted to incels


please point out leftoids how w*men would not still date up in socialism

intelligentsia in the USSR was literally intermarrying withing their own in-group

so much for utopoid wet dreams


>How's an "economically more equal soyciety"
Is it not obvious ?
When the billionaire super rich buy them self's a harem, the other side of that coin is a "shortage of women"

If you change the economic system to produce a more economically equal outcome, then there's not going to be anybody able to buy a large harem and hence the "women shortage" goes away.

Look for example at Jeff Bezos, he's not attractive, since his wife clearly left him for a "attractive hunk", but with all his bazillions, he still monopolizes vast numbers of women. Maybe not via a classic harem like in antiquity. But as secretaries, maid-servants, masseuses, therapists and prostitutes that call them selves "escorts".

Obviously not only the top billionaires do this, but also the lesser ranks of super-wealth do that as well.

About attraction, class societies produce a social environment that generate extreme levels of interpersonal hostilities, because the ruling class tend to rule by divide and conquer. If evolutionary psychology is correct then women should have evolved to adapt their preference in response to the social environment, that means more pronounced masculine traits, that suggest a better chance at thriving in a combative society. Consider that evolution takes place over an extremely long time, so when those evolutionary adaptations happened we probably still were some kind of ancestor-ape, and a combative social environment selected for large males that could fight well. It doesn't matter that current society rarely resolves interpersonal hostilities through hand to hand combat, because from an evolutionary perspective current society hasn't existed for long enough to warrant an adaptation.

Obviously it's not as simple as this, if you create a socialist society without a ruling class that creates a combative social environment through divide and conquer class rule, women will still be attracted to masculine hunks, but they probably won't outright reject other men anymore.


>If you change the economic system to produce a more economically equal outcome, then there's not going to be anybody able to buy a large harem and hence the "women shortage" goes away.
Ok, assuming in your "equally wealthy" soyciety there wouldn't be other inequalities such as inequalities of status or inequalities in the division of labor..

What would make women not seek Chads that they are naturally sexually attracted to? Chads already don't need to be rich to hoard women.

Contrary to your utopoid retarded copes, if you take away any economic externalities logically it follow that women would have nothing holding them back from only pursuing Chads that they are naturally attracted to
and even now nothing is holding them back from riding the cock carousel

only thing that would be different in socialism with socialized childcare is that women would not even use contraception with Chads anymore due to all the costs being covered by society lol


>Except for the fact that societies (even socialist ones) have never been equal.
That's technically true, but wealth inequality in historic socialist society were extremely low.
In the Soviet Union fore example the income inequality ratio never went about 10:1 and went down as low as 3:1.
Compare that to today's capitalist societies were it's usually over 300:1

I'm not interested in what essentially is victim-blaming-ideology. It's useless to blame the depressed for their depression, because you can't really change people. The utility this has is to function as some kind of ideological cover for the suffering that the ruling class is inflicting on people.

I'm guessing that in some kind of advanced future people will able to use medical means to reliably change their mental states. But that is not now, the existing pharmacological means are inadequate, they just bathe the entire brain in psycho-active-chemicals, that might fix one thing but simultaneously screw up 10 other things. This needs laser-focus targeting and that is beyond current technology, the only effective means we have now is changing the environment.

And lets be clear people are depressed because the ruling classes steal the surplus that people produce. So people experience spending a great personal effort for no personal reward, and that leads to depression as a self-preservation mechanism. Consider that this probably evolved millions of years ago as a way to prevent animals from expending too much resources on futile activities.

You also have to understand that ruling classes tend to be mental predators that create depressing environments as means to subdue populations. It's extremely reactionary to obfuscate this, you become an enabler for mental-predators.

It's unlikely that class societies would persist in super advanced societies, because weaponized hyper-technology would make the rivalry for ruling class positions so deadly that societies couldn't stabilize long enough to maintain the technological base. But if they did anyway, you can bet your ass that those same mental predators would use effective-mood altering technology to basically make everybody depressed just so they can subdue people better. And that means they would also be able to victimize you.

So if you want to get to a point where you can point the finger at depressed people and tell them it's their own fault that they don't use the mood-enhancer, without being a full of shit ruling class boot-licker. That's only going to happen in some variant of socialism with scifi brain technology.


>Contrary to your utopoid retarded copes, if you take away any economic externalities logically it follow that women would have nothing holding them back from only pursuing Chads that they are naturally attracted to and even now nothing is holding them back from riding the cock carousel
The school cafeteria serves pizza, pasta salad and sandwiches to students.
25% order sandwiches, 5% order pasta salad, and 70% order pizza.
Suppose that sandwiches are taken off the menu.
What you're saying is that 95% of students will now order pizza.
How does that make any sense.


>How does that make any sense.
it makes sense because students are naturally attracted to pizza. They order sandwiches because today they get paid to eat sandwiches, but if they stop being paid - they would order pizza too.


You are wrong about the nature of attraction. You are treating the "CHAD-shape" as a fixed platonic ideal. As if it was a cosmological constant like the speed of light. But the reality is that sexual selection also affects attraction. So consider that attraction is like a pattern detection algorithm, that helps finding good quality mates. And there is also a competition to have a better pattern detection algorithm. That means there isn't just a competition to look good, their also is a competition to find good quality mates attractive. You are ignoring that half of the equation.

Your prediction is probably wrong, i doubt that socialist societies would create a culture that promoted the "cock carousel". You certainly haven't provided any good reasons for that. Lets not forget that this "carousel-culture" has emerged in capitalist class society, and it has sharply increased with a rising level of economic inequality. So it's more plausible that lowering economic inequality also lowers the "carousel-effect".

Socialized child-rearing in socialism doesn't mean that sex-pests get a free pass. All the means that exist at present to hold these people responsible for their offspring today will still exist under socialism. The only thing that will change is socialist child rearing is probably going to be a little better at protecting children from dysfunctional parents. What will stop however under socialism is super-rich sex-pests exploiting workers, stealing their-surplus, to pay for their offspring. You are ignoring that capitalists are cuck-sploiting the workers.


What if some of them just don't like pizza.


"what if" doesn't cut when we have overwhelming empirical evidence that they do


The evidence shows that some people value getting paid more than they value eating pizza.


>You are wrong about the nature of attraction.
then present your evidence that goes contrary to the empirical data we have about women sexual preferences

you "opinion" doesn't cut it, leftoid


>Your prediction is probably wrong, i doubt that socialist societies would create a culture that promoted the "cock carousel". You certainly haven't provided any good reasons for that.
We have ACTUAL data about sexual preferences of women



no, the data shows that women find only 10% of men sexually attractive

also take note, that it is not "opinions" in some lab questionnaire, but ACTUAL data about ACTUAL preferences that is reproduced independently on multiple platforms


>Socialized child-rearing in socialism doesn't mean that sex-pests get a free pass. All the means that exist at present to hold these people responsible for their offspring today will still exist under socialism.
How are you gonna keep Chads "responsible" lol? In East Germany socialized childcare resulted in more children being born out of wedlock. Who do you think was fathering all the children lol, with that statistic about more woman orgasms in East Germany? add 2 + 2 together brainlet lol


Just to confirm, you're saying that few to no women value having a relationship with a wealthy person more than they value having a relationship with an attractive person?


no, I'm saying that given all things being equal women value having a relationship with sexually attractive person more (duh)

and that beauty is not "in the eye of the beholder" when it comes to sexual attractiveness


So then you agree that, under certain circumstances, some women value wealth/stability more than beauty in their partners?


>We have ACTUAL data about sexual preferences of women
But only from within a capitalist environment.
It's likely going to be different for different environments.


didn't read the thread, huh?

from >>2080
<About attraction, class societies produce a social environment that generate extreme levels of interpersonal hostilities, because the ruling class tend to rule by divide and conquer. If evolutionary psychology is correct then women should have evolved to adapt their preference in response to the social environment, that means more pronounced masculine traits, that suggest a better chance at thriving in a combative society. Consider that evolution takes place over an extremely long time, so when those evolutionary adaptations happened we probably still were some kind of ancestor-ape, and a combative social environment selected for large males that could fight well. It doesn't matter that current society rarely resolves interpersonal hostilities through hand to hand combat, because from an evolutionary perspective current society hasn't existed for long enough to warrant an adaptation.

<Obviously it's not as simple as this, if you create a socialist society without a ruling class that creates a combative social environment through divide and conquer class rule, women will still be attracted to masculine hunks, but they probably won't outright reject other men anymore, because they also appear as viable mates when interpersonal hostilities are low enough.

Your problem is that you think biology is super rigid.


>We don't have data on my hypothetical classless society which never exists in the real world
Embarrassingly dumb


>It's likely going to be different for different environments.
Okay leftoid

We have an environment of a dating app where men and women seek potential mates and in the process they express their preferences that we can analyze

How is this environment would be different in your utopoid soycialism?


>So then you agree that, under certain circumstances, some women value wealth/stability more than beauty in their partners?

how is this relevant to my point that all things being equal women would act according to their sexual preferences?


Then you must agree that its possible for different circumstances to cause women to value some things more than attractiveness, yes?


>How are you gonna plan to keep Chads "responsible"
You can analyze this as a statistical phenomenon, and target policies accordingly, but if all else fails, you can do paternity tests.

>In East Germany socialized childcare resulted in more children being born out of wedlock.

That doesn't prove that fathers weren't helping with child rearing.

>with that statistic about more woman orgasms in East Germany?

No that statistic just means that less exploited people have better sex, because they aren't too tired from wage-cucking for porky to enjoy it.


and what would be those "circumstances" in a society with wealth equality?

what can possibly cause women not to act according to their sexual preferences lol?


>No that statistic just means that less exploited people have better sex, because they aren't too tired from wage-cucking for porky to enjoy it.
you pulled that out of your ass

women experience orgasms with males that they find sexually attractive
there is plenty of research on this


I didn't say anything about wealth equality.
>what can possibly cause women not to act according to their sexual preferences lol?
I don't know, but clearly something can, since we both agree that certain circumstances cause some women to value wealth and status more than physical beauty.
So, do you agree or not?


>So, do you agree or not?
yes, I agree that some repressive "circumstances" that limit women's freedom in selecting mates can cause women to not act according to their sexual preferences lol


Could you imagine an ideal set of circumstances in which women might value personality more than physical attractiveness?


>Could you imagine an ideal set of circumstances
In aggregate?

only if humans go beyond sexual reproduction altogether

sexual attraction is tied to the lower cognitive functions of the brain for "personality" to make any difference


For a moment, lets ignore in aggregate. Let's just examine an edge case.
Would you believe me if I told you that I know someone who is low status, not wealthy and unattractive (he's morbidly obese lol) yet over many years has had numerous attractive and mentally well partners that I've personally known? I'm almost certain it's his because of his personality, but I don't know why so many women value it more than everything else. Do you have any ideas?


>Would you believe
your friend is still a statistical outlier tho

I agree there can be some relatively small number of women who can have different sexual preferences from the average

But it is fooling to make some generalizations based on those statistical outliers


>We have an environment of a dating app
>How is this environment would be different in your utopoid soycialism?
>they express their preferences that we can analyze
First, all that data is only applicable to the dating-app environment in a capitalist society, it's not applicable to other environments.

A socialist society is not going to commercialize dating, that would be retarded. Socialism is opposed to turning social relations into commodities, especially interpersonal relations.

Also dating apps can't transmit smell. Potential mates that have an immune-system that is complementary to your own, those will smell good to you, while others whose immune system doesn't complement yours don't smell good to you. That means capitalist dating-apps might cause immune-system degeneration in the population.

It might be that socialism doesn't have dating apps at all or that, you'll have to send some kind of sweat-sample to participate. Assuming that it's possible to:
1 Figure out how your nose sniffs out a compatible immune system.
2 That it can be systematized at a performance level that is better than human noses, to justify the cost of creating an artificial nose that sniffs sweat-samples at an industrial scale.

So a potential socialist dating-app would work on different principles and likely would suggest different pair-ups.


I understand. I'm just wondering if you can come up with an explanation for these outliers.



*it's foolish to take those outliers into account when making generalizations based on statistical data


>I'm just wondering if you can come up with an explanation for these outliers.
explanations is the probability theory

there are always outliers in stochastic processes


I'm not the seething incel, but I can guarantee he won't believe it. He'll probably say something about betabux.

Girls just wanna have fun. Not that hard to understand — unless you're ultra dour yourself.


I agree, but that still doesn't explain what actually causes these outliers to exist. What set of circumstances were responsible?


Will you quick using the term 'socialism' when it's abundantly clear that you're a poorly travelled burger.

Use this term instead
>The perfect society which only exists in imagination


You are either being willfully ignorant, or you drank the ruling ideology coolaid.

It's obvious that being exhausted from wage-cucking for porky, makes people too tired to have good sex. Actually existing socialist societies of the 20th century removed at least some of that drain, and that's why people had better sex.


>Everyone who doesn't think like me is brainwashed


>First, all that data is only applicable to the dating-app environment in a capitalist society, it's not applicable to other environments.
the only difference is that in capitalism you can pay the platform to show your profile more frequently to women
That's all.

Nobody forces women to pick someone, they are free to do it according to their preferences in mates.
And even with all the betabuxes paying to increase their visibility STILL women largely flock to the few Chads who don't pay for shit lol

How are circumstances on a dating platform gonna be different in your ideal soycialism, minus paying for more visibility (that doesn't make a difference anyway)?

There still will be women and men? yes
They still would seeking potential mates? yes
Platform still would match men and women that find each other attractive? yes

There you have it lol
the same shit


I know that dating apps are big in China.
I also consider China to be a genuine project for building socialism.

While i have a huge respect for achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics, i still think they're wrong to ignore the immunological deficiency of dating apps.


okay leftoid

now square your interpretation with multiple studies that show that women have more orgasms the more attractive they find their sexual partner


>I agree
>but that still doesn't explain what actually causes these outliers to exist
are u retarded?

randomness causes those outliers to exist
you DNA is largely a product of randomness


Well of course capitalism tries to "brain-wash" people into thinking that exploitation of workers isn't detrimental to people. Even-though it's really obvious that it is really bad for people, because the damage is so massive.


>the only difference is that in capitalism you can pay the platform to show your profile more frequently to women
So you didn't read the previous post that layed out how socialists build substantially different systems.

You are also trying to make living under capitalism as a default state of nature.
All the social studies that have been done under capitalism can't be automatically considered to still be valid under a different system.

People change their behavior according to different environments.

I repeat my self:
<You are also trying to make living under capitalism as a default state of nature.
All the social studies that have been done under capitalism can't be automatically considered to still be valid under a different system.

<People change their behavior according to different environments.


Awww, yes. 1000s of years of class division because [checks notes] it's bad for people
And you wonder why the left is a nonstarter.

Seriously, uyghur, create your utopia anarchist society already. Literally no one is stopping you (except your own incompetence and inclinations spawned from basic human nature) from buying up some land and living like a hunter gatherer.. or gay space communism.. or whatever


Yes, we need empirical data from your imaginary ideal society which doesn't exist before we can say anything definitive.
Lola comrade Dunning Kruger. Is that you?


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>While i have a huge respect for achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics
You iceuyghhers are living in a fantasy world.


>in my ideal soycialism women would act differently because.. just because.. just because they would, okay!
yea, sure buddy


Before, you were willing to accept that some circumstances cause different preferences. But now that we're talking about personality, you're dismissing it entirely by claiming it's just genetic randomness.
I am willing to accept that there is a set of circumstances that cause women to value personality more than attractiveness, however incredibly rare or complex such circumstances might be. Why aren't you?


dude, learn about probability distribution and quit wasting my time


Probability distribution is not relevant to my question. You can't just dismiss it as randomness just because you are unable to explain why it happens. So either admit that you don't understand what causes it, or come up with a decent explaination.


>You can't just dismiss it as randomness
>just because you are unable to explain why it happens
what can't I explain retard? why randomness happens?


I can understand the mechanism behind certain kinds of randomness, like with random number generators. But all that randomness means here is that the set of circumstances involved in this case are complex and unusual. I am asking what those complex and unusual circumstances might be, but you can't move past that.
It's pretty clear to me that, rare as it may be, an environment can exist that encourages women to favor personality over looks. Your unwillingness to explore this further tells me that you don't want to believe it. I wonder why.


3 children, 3 adults killed in shooting at Tennessee elementary school SHOOTER CONFIRMED TO BE A WOMAN
Before today feminists loved to talk about mass shootings being caused by toxic masculinity. Before today a schooling like this by a woman was unthinkable. But young women are starting to feel the alienation of romance under neoliberalism that men have always endured.
You first started seeing these kind of female jihads in places like the "Female Dating Strategy" subreddit. And it just kept getting more extereme until we have the IRL violence of today.
Screencap this, this female school shooting is part of a trend of radicalized single childless women.


more like "pumped and dumped by Chad" uprising

>But young women are starting to feel the alienation of romance under neoliberalism that men have always endured.

What fucking bullshit.
You shooting an elementary school because Chad dumped you is not equivalent to incels struggling with absolutely no intimacy, you retarded hoe.

>like the "Female Dating Strategy" subreddit

more like "Chad only Dating Strategy" subreddit


>You shooting an elementary school because Chad dumped you is not equivalent to incels struggling with absolutely no intimacy, you retarded hoe.
It is because it's they're not getting the one thing they actually want. Commit from Chad, aka someone who can lift their socioeconomic status if he wifes them.


>It is because it's they're not getting the one thing they actually want.
No, it isn't, because they actually get intimacy from Chad when he pumps them and until he dumps them.

Incels don't get ANY intimacy. Not from Stacies, not from Beccys. They don't even get the chance to be dumped.


Female extremism will have to be monitored and fought in the same way the ANTIFA fights the far-right.
It will be left up to leftcels to do this because the regular left is far too infected by liberal feminism to even entertain the idea.


why should leftcels care? It's not like we have our own children to fear about

let the Chad deal with femoid uprising


Because showing the extremist violence feminism is producing delegitimizes it. Plus if they get away with killing kids getting the public to accept incel pogroms will be a cake walk.


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Allegedly a photo of today's school shooter.


>Because showing the extremist violence feminism is producing delegitimizes it.
I don't see how some Chad-starved Beccy going mental on some kids is going to delegitimize anything.
Max they would blame the Chad for dumping her.

>getting the public to accept incel pogroms

incel pogroms won't get me a girlfriend

this problem needs not limpdick pogroms, but systemic solution with state brainwashing women to date incels


can't tell if transmaxxing or just a bad fashion sense


She was a Tr00n


if that person actually has a vagina I would fuck her brains out any day every day and lick all her holes and then some

too bad I'm not a Chad and she's Chadsexual


what does that even mean lol

just tell me what is that persons biological sex?


She was a woman that identified as a male.


>She was a woman
so she's a woman that tried transmaxx and then got dumped by her girlfriend for some Chad

lesbianpill is brootal


Only men are strong enough to survive the blackpill.


FtM troons get a sudden massive shock after transition
they all have this delusion that being a man means being a Chad lol

welcome to our world, "brother", here have some rope, you will need it


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Footage of the shooting


Please stay the fuck outta my country. Or at least have the competence to get a passport and save some money before you come over.

In all honesty though, the high smv white guys get in Asia is a thing of the past. Girls don't care about Hollywood movies anymore and your image has been ruined by a few too many Russian begpackers.
So you missed the boat(maybe next time try to hold onto your empire instead of going the faggy self destructive sjw route). Guess you're stuck with overweight betattooed white girlbosses.


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>ANTIFA fights the far-right.

Lol, seriously


I-i-it doesn't work anymore, east Asian women don't have white fever.


There's always Africa and Latin America.


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Stay there


But I want pussy.


Asian women don't want losers. You missed the boat. Like I said, the west shouldn't have degraded themselves with their faggy sjw nonsense. Now you actually need to have high personal smv here too.
It's not impossible though:
>Be fit
>Make money
>Be fun
>Know how to lead
The only difference in Asia is that 70% of women aren't fat. Give it 15 years though and that will likely be the same too.


>Asian women don't want losers. You missed the boat.
I'm not a loser though. Yes the laws of gravity aren't suspended in Asia but you can still get a woman that's 3 points higher on the SMV scales than what you could get in the West where no one but Chad can get anything above a complete dumpster fire of a woman.


Probably true. It's just a culture and math issue though. Most women in the west are raised under an ideology that says fat is beautiful and being a feminine woman is bad. It's the opposite in Asia. Hence, 70% of women in the west are fat, whereas only 30% in Asia are.

That said, it's kinda an unspoken truth in Asia that western guys act like women.

Basically, the west is in a pozzed death spiral. Sexual dynamics are just one indicator.


Fuck I can't stop laughing


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>it's actually called dong


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>When rice tries to act all tough n shit
oh how cute


Also if you're actually from Vietnam then maybe we should report you to the vanguard to get you reeducated


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if real judge is pretty much just going a round about way to meet prison quotas


Chinese colleges are giving students a week off to 'fall in love' as the country struggles to keep its birth rate up


not sure if fake/propaganda or if it is truly is dengist autism on full display. did hear there is a large homosexual underground scene there


They should just distribute a few visas to the incels of leftychan r9k, the birthrate problem would be solved in a month.


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they would be confused for women it wouldnt work




>They should just distribute a few visas to the incels of leftychan r9k, the birthrate problem would be solved in a month.
Implying chinese girls & bueraucrats want to have an offspring of ugly whiny no-seggz-havvy mayo ass degenerate fuck-ups @ life lmao


enjoy your rapidly aging soyciety then dengoid


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cope and seethe. virile leftycel manlets are the only cure for China's declining birthrate.


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You can never escape the blackpill.


NGL his ffs actually looks really good.


How do 4chins still find their way here


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Absolutely Delusional


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When men are given independence and power, they build up families and communities. When women are given independence and power, they destroy families and communities. Ancient Greeks understood


Even if you believe this, how are you gonna enforce a law or policy against this without looking patriarchal and regressive?


Hard men bring good times


Hard me bring me hard on.


I had a hard on this morning.


Good sign. wgmi


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Shoot your shot, guys
>36 years old
>bi poly, but not into 'identity labels'
>dozens of frozen eggs
>mile long section describing herself


Go back


Anyone who uses fucking Google docs as a dating app is getting a pass from me.


>You don't know what you're missing


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>Go back


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St. Elliot, may you date blond Stacies in that other, better world.


An excellent article from The Spectator on the growing anti-male sentiment within British institutions.

>The polling company YouGov found that just 8 per cent of people have positive views of white men in their twenties, by far the lowest of any ethnicity or age group. Males are routinely presented as inherently dangerous, aggressive and animalistic, incapable of controlling their own instincts. You can see it on public transport, where government adverts announce that staring is sexual harassment. Us blokes can’t even be trusted to use our eyes properly.

>Teenage boys are routinely disciplined by their schools for even the most minor infractions of an insurgent sexual politics. A friend’s son at a smart English day school was recently hauled up for the crime of unprompted communication with a girl. The boy had sent a message introducing himself to a student from another school. There was, according to the friend, no sexual element to the message. It was a simple greeting. No matter. That kind of behaviour is unacceptable.


>The child psychologist Julie Lynn Evans supported the Everyone’s Invited movement, seeing it as a necessary response to decades of dodgy male behaviour. But now she worries the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction. ‘The boys came out of lockdown into this slightly hysterical atmosphere of “Don’t touch, that’s inappropriate, that’s assault.” They are being treated as guilty until proven innocent. They can hardly move for fear of doing something wrong.’

>I worry that boys are so browbeaten by activist adults that they are turning into purposeless young men. In the US, the proportion of males under 30 who haven’t had sex in the past year has tripled since 2008, now at a third. While data is still being collected, reports suggest the same trend is occurring in Britain. We have seen plenty of hand-wringing about ‘incels’ (‘involuntary celibates’), the uber-misogynists who rage against women. But I suspect that the same politics which frets about ‘toxic masculinity’ in part gives rise to the most toxic form of manhood. Tell someone enough that you dislike their character and they’ll naturally object. Resentment becomes mutual.



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she did a public duty and prevented the rise of yet another incel.


If she were a man she'd be in jail.


she's not a man, dumbfuck

she's a female, and they have a different reproductive behavior patterns than men - they are choosers, not beggars

for a w*man to give her p*ssy to beggars is truly remarkable - almost heroic, I would say

it's like that saint that in times of plague goes into poor districts to console the ill

soyciety should encourage such behavior


Boys, Feminism, and Empathy
>Both critics and defenders of masculinity miss the mark
<TL;DR studies show boys and girls are about as empathetic to the opposite sex and feel the same pressure to hide their emotions. There's no patriarchal societal pressure that makes males suppress their emotions more, or makes females more empathetic.




It's funny how normies will all come together to celebrate an incels' failure but they'll give shoulder shrugs when the see Nazis in the street or if you tell them all their clothes is sewn together by children.


you are a moralizing faggot


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first, I don't know about any "incel community" on twatter
and especially I don't know about any "leaders"

second, looks more like some larping normoid fakecels attention whoring, bcs apparently it is now hip to be an incel or something


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I hate fakecels so fucking much.

chadlite BPD spergs that treat inceldom just like another subculture

"the friends and connections" my ass
can't wait for incel conventions where we would "hang out" and "make frens" just like normoids

I would stick my pen into your fucking eye socket! HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING FRIENDS NOW NORMOID BITCH?!


hahahahahahaha incels are hilarious


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Our Father hamudi, who art in germany,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on germany as it is in heaven and earth.

Give us this day our daily blackpill.
And forgive us for arguing with normies,
as we forgive normies who slanders us.

And lead us not into bluepill;
but deliver us from the sigma, redpill, and grifters.
For thine is the kingdom,
The blackpill reigns supreme,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.


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>Seethe about none of the hysterical claims you made happening in countries with legal prostitution.
>Make a long post crying about it.
Looks like I touched a nerve.


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<what THE FUCK is their problem


I'm not sure about who unwomen are but this sounds like the types that are complaining that there aren't enough she-billionaires.

If you want to shut them up just suggest to raise the wages of proletarian women until they match that of proletarian men. The kryptonite of reactionaries is always something that benefits the material interests of workers.


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>The starpill
>Just win bro
Every time Trump starts to get old, he says something like this and I'm back to supporting him


One of the funniest men on the planet hands down. And he isn't even trying.


both the males and females who abandon/beat their children are sinless angles, take the anglepill anon


amen brother


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so is america endededed? or will the the mex just on in?


Who knew that porks will be much more successful @ destroying the family unit compared to the so-called national-socialists?


>life is far too short to live such a mediocre existence
my thoughts exactly
time spent on grooming yourself for sexual selection circus - time wasted


Actor Al Pacino expecting fourth child, aged 83

What do we think boys? I'm gonna say based, solely because roasties are seething about it on twitter.


>I'm gonna say based, solely because roasties are seething about it on twitter.
kek. link or screencap?


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From simp to soldier: How the military is using E-Girls to recruit Gen Z into service

kek this can't be real


>kek this can't be real
This is real, and it probably isn't clever.

If the "simp-soldier" can be set in motion by a prostitute, he probably can also be stopped by a prostitute. This is probably why the military in the past avoided this.


Society controls men by restricting their access to sex. It's one of the great unspoken truisms that even the left won't touch.


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So whats the solution for that?
Open source hump-bots ?

Will that really do more good than harm ?
Will that be liberating or will it cause bot-addiction ?


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Who the fuck actually buys this crap.
And how could you drop this kind of money without becoming blackpilled, knowing that women get infinity matches for free?


>that one time a poor person became rich.
>Jeff Bezos


>daily reports of people committing sexual offences including staring

>Detective Superintendent Sarah White, a senior British Transport Police

british ppl, why are you guys like this ?


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Feminism is probably one of the strongest political currents here, and it has been for well over a century now. British feminists don't hide the fact they want men to live under a 1984-style state apparatus and they have the political capital to slowly implement this. Women also have the most to lose under the current system in Britain, receiving preferential status in every aspect of society all the way from school admissions to being shortlisted as MPs.

One of the most 'radical' policies of Starmer's Labour party is that once in power they will focus on the 'safety' of women. Setting up dedicated courts for rape trials and making misogyny (aka. all criticisms of women) a hate crime.

Ernest Belfort Bax predicted this perfectly over 100 years ago and was mocked by other socialists at the time. It has turned out that he was right about everything…
>Certain Socialist writers are fond of describing the Social-Democratic State of the future as implying the "emancipation of the proletarian and the woman." As regards the latter point, however, if emancipation is taken to include domination, we have not to wait so long. The highest development of modern capitalism, as exemplified in the English-speaking countries, has placed man to all intents and purposes, legally under the heel of woman. So far as the relations of the sexes are concerned, it would be the task of Socialism to emancipate man from this position, if sex-equality be the goal aimed at. The first step on the road towards such equality would necessarily consist in the abolition of modern female privilege.
<The Legal Subjection of Men (1908)


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based moto


Niqqa modern day feminism is just neoliberalism for white women.


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Race tax is not real they said..

short glassescel AND a curry? never began

<but inkwell, don't u know that w*men can't be racist!


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>wite wildebeast
>goes to shitty cuntry concert for cows to moo 2
>is wearing hoodie to likely cover her fat rolls
>girls nearby who likely are her friends are also chubbsters supporting previous point
>demeanor are beyond all reproach
>screechy high pitch voice which mentally elicits immediate violence

is there any anthro science to study this degeneration?


The 40-year-old American millennial breaks a new record—a quarter of them have never married, signifying a shifting norm



Nazi planned "rapekreig" in Red states with restrictive abortion access to increase the white population


It's funny how feminists will still talk about Elliot nearly a decade on but they are silent on this Nazi.


challenge accepted


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>Gunman shot a man in front of his fiancée and then killed himself in Poznań, Poland on Sunday

Does this have an incel feel to anyone else? Graphic video btw.


Actually it turns out the shooter is was one of her exes. So not an incel.


>one of her exes
>sex-havers not going on a shooting spree challenge (Impossible)
but it is inkwells who should be monitored..


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>he didn't even kill the hoe
you had one job


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those dance moves……lmao


Poles are why socialism failed


He traumatized her for life and probably made her feel guilty for the death of two men, that's a bigger scar


>He traumatized her for life
nah, she will be hopping on a dick the next morning

that's how w*men operate - their "shock" doesn't last long

just contrast this impotent outburst with the story where an ex threw sulfuric acid at the fiancee's face - now THAT is what I call traumatic for a w*man lol


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>nah, she will be hopping on a dick the next morning
this and the attention she'll get. her ego will be trippin for decades having had 2 kills in her name
>just contrast this impotent outburst with the story where an ex threw sulfuric acid at the fiancee's face - now THAT is what I call traumatic for a w*man lol
this is pretty much the only real reliable way to damage a women,usually a male will pick up the tab on everything else


>He traumatized her
Nah bruh, t'was just another entertainment for her. Their whole lives consist of such little surprises, she'll just move on for another this same day.
Also, lmaoing at that 0% reaction to his failed flip. Bro didn't even understand there was no point in showing off.


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odd/funny details noticed
>both simps were fatties
>car rubbernecks then gtfo, not even speeding off
>bish is fixing her hair every other moment
>shooter dies landing in fetal position
>small group is just watching on not even running, just watching for the lols
>simp shooter dies wearing manpurse


>simp shooter dies wearing manpurse
I think they're trendy now, at least in Europe. Gangbangers started wearing them to keep their drugs in and normies picked up on it.


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lmao gymcel

one hoe less


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Uganda paternity testing causes huge controversy
>With reports of a sharp increase in the number of men in Uganda seeking paternity tests, fears are growing it could break up families and leave children psychologically scarred.
They're about to ban paternity testing because world governments know roasties are cucking men by the millions


they are afraid

afraid of truth

afraid that the betabux cattle would wake up


Tennessee House Bill 2689 has been signed into law. Requires mandatory paternity testing before birth certificate is signed, makes maternity fraud a crime
Is this the end of the Roastie Cuckold Crime wave?


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Based Tennessee.
This is good for the kids too, there will be less cases like picrel. The only people who stand to lose from mandatory paternity testing are roasties.


Holy Based burgers.

Roasties on suicide watch.


>eating disorder
is this a codeword for being fat?


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>20 per cent of men will learn they are not the father of the child they are testing


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>somebody's got to feed him and it will be you
Holy kek

they don't even try to hide the slavery anymore


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The bill also requires the father to have significantly been in the woman's life or she can't seek child support.
This is to stop women from getting child support from one night stands, but it also acts like a soft form of financial abortion MRAs have been asking for.
This could really spread around the country. I also predict Tennessee will become an sort of bride tourism hotspot since women there will be stripped of their enslaving power and will be far more amicable to relationships to their looks matches.


>I am not concerned to defend the provocative and even bitter manner in which my old friend Belfort Bax has arrayed his arguments against the equality of women; but the amusing part of the matter is that it is not so much the style of his writing as the truth of some of his statements in regard to their sex which has made the women suffragists so furiously angry. They do not discuss or refute, they vilify.
100 years, three generations of feminists, and nothing has changed.


How do you honestly expect to give rights to a group of people which consistent lies and fails to take accountability for anything without it going wrong?




One of the most decadent societies on the planet, death by failure to reproduce is a fitting ending for them.


The demographic collapse is caused by high inequality and high exploitation rates. It seems the next wave of socialist countries only needs to make sure to keep their population stable and wait for the capitalist countries to wither away in a demographic collapse ? Because ROK is pretty much where all the advanced capitalist countries are headed in terms of population.


Nerdy fucking neet.

At what point in human history during the last few thousand years wasn't there poverty and inequality


Sure but we're definitely seeing a decline in the quality of life since the post WWII boom. Especially since the 1970's neoliberal capital strike.
Workers' power had absolutely collapsed since the 1970's. Some argue that this is simply a return to how capitalism actually is and that the post WWII middle class was an aberration.
That's probably true but I think it's disingenuous to say the current decline of the working class had always existed existed. At least in the last 80 years that isn't really true.


There's also been a decline in the quality of people
And capitalism isn't even a good description of modern political economy. Lenin recognized this. But today, we get mouth breathing leftists who at best parrot him.


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>At what point in human history during the last few thousand years wasn't there poverty and inequality
Wealth inequality varies greatly during history. Last century during the period of social democracy it was relatively low. During the Soviet Union it was lower still.

Low wealth inequality correlates with
- strong economic performance
- fast technological progress
- improving human health and rising life expectancy
- increasing personal freedom
- lower levels of political and cultural repression
- less war
- more scientific advancement
- rising sophistication and originality in cultural production.

High wealth inequality correlates with
- stagnating or declining economic performance
- sluggish technological progress
- decreasing human health and declining life expectancy
- decreasing personal freedom
- rising levels of political and cultural repression
- more war
- blocking of scientific advancement
- cultural production becoming repetitive.

During periods of High wealth inequality, there always are reactionary voices that attempt to normalize this travesty of civilizational decline.

The fact remains low wealth inequality is species being for humans. High wealth inequality is something that ruling classes artificially impose by wasting enormous resources on repression and means of control, which diverts away resources from vital functions that are required for human civilization to thrive. Basically high wealth inequality is for civilization like driving a car in first gear with the hand-break engaged. There is no justification to impose something as retarded and inefficient as high wealth inequality on society just because there is historic precedent. People in the past tried all sorts of idiotic nonsense, there is no reason or justification to repeat the mistakes of the past.


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Call me a cuck but I'd let her do it and use the life insurance money to travelmaxxxx


>I'd let her do it and use the life insurance money to travelmaxxxx
This is exactly the kind of thing a w*man would do kek


>Human rights activist Lindsey Kukunda said the fact that wives sometimes secretly have a relationship with another man, to give her husband a child, "is not new".
This is human rights activism
>"Our ancestors did it, our grandparents did it, our mothers did it," she said.
muh appeal to tradition

>And, some would argue, testing is better than relying on age-old cultural practices - like smearing cow fat on the umbilical cord, and putting it in a woven basket filled with water.

>If it then floats - a cultural researcher pointed out to Uganda's Monitor newspaper - it means the child belonged to the family.
I forgot it's the third world


>like smearing cow fat on the umbilical cord, and putting it in a woven basket filled with water. If it then floats - a cultural researcher pointed out to Uganda's Monitor newspaper - it means the child belonged to the family.
Ah, so these are the great BIPOC medical methods we keep getting told to pay attention to…


The source of the story is Reddit so I'd take it with a grain of salt


I need to share this somewhere and this is the only place I can think appropriate.



You just know!


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Danny Masterson sentenced to 30 years to life for rape convictions
What chilling effect will this have on dating? Will sub 8/10 men finally learn their place and never bother women again?


You are looking at this from a particular point of view.

However you also have to look at the underlying trend, this is about making all human relations into contracts. The means to achieve this goal is by making non-contractually regulated human-relations legally precarious. The liberals have wanted to contractualize every part of social life since the 1800s, so this is by no means new. During feudal times social life was extremely regulated. This might be kind of a reflex to bring back complex feudal social relations in a legalistic mantel.

I wouldn't worry too much about dating turning into chilling contractual negotiations tho, because there is a simple anti-dote against social-formalism. People will gravitate towards mildly illegal dating activities to create an incentive to keep it informal.


US mimics Japan’s fertility crisis — and you can blame virginal men


>The liberals have wanted to contractualize every part of social life since the 1800s,
What makes you say that.
>People will gravitate towards mildly illegal dating activities to create an incentive to keep it informal.
This is a cope.


>What makes you say that.
Because this is a recurring theme, with capitalism people became liberal bourgeois legal subjects. And what tends to happen is that people end up having to sign lots of contracts that also regulate social life in various ways.

>This is a cope.

No it isn't, when you make too many rules people begin eroding the rules via transgression. I don't really know how that works, maybe there is a maximum number of rules human brains can keep track off, and if you go over that limit it stimulates transgression-behavior as a corrective mechanism to keep the rule-count within brain-specs.


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>they want a family but not a chinese husband
Passport bros this your opportunity!


The Dating Pool Dropouts
>Young men today feel they must be six feet tall, make six figures, and have six inches downstairs to get a girlfriend—so many have given up trying.



The amount of seething from roasties over this very moderately incel sympathizing article is incredible


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Is this how the beta uprising starts?


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>Some commentators have suggested that one reason why incels fail in the dating world is because they judge women too highly, and are unrealistic about the caliber of potential partner they will attract.
>However, the first official study into incel mating psychology has suggested this is not the case.
>Researchers at the University of Texas found that self-confessed incels actually make fewer demands of potential female suitors than men who are not in the group.
>Another interesting finding was that incels were more likely to be of shorter height. Studies show that women are more likely to be attracted to taller-than-average men, which could contribute to the feeling of rejection that incels are known to harbor.


>Women die with family
She must have never worked in a hospice.


Nooooo! Surely this couldn't mean that it's an incels material conditions which makes them an incel and not just the mindset™?


>incel ideology
normoids are retards, more at eleven


how many w*men live in a hospice, betabux?


blackpill materialism wins against red-bluepill idealism AGAIN


>Studies show that women are more likely to be attracted to taller-than-average men, which could contribute to the feeling of rejection that incels are known to harbor.
what kinda retarded phrasing is that lol? incels don't """harbor""" feeling of rejection. They ARE getting rejected.

also, maybe another time they should control for other dymorphic traits like forward facial growth or something


A lot, do you not know what hospice is?


A shit ton of women live in elder care and hospice homes all alone. Just talk to a few care takers if you don't believe me. That Tik Toker is just spewing femcel FDS horsecrap.


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Add night clubs to the list of anarchisms social media has created.


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>California’s law that criminalizes loitering with intent to commit prostitution gives law enforcement a tool to harass and discriminate against Black and trans communities, particularly women of color. The Safer Streets for All Act will take away this outdated and subjective Penal Code section 653.22 which has for too long allowed law enforcement to criminalize and harass someone based on the color of their skin, their gender, or how they choose to make a living.


While I agree with the rational, this law will make prostitution de facto legal in Cali.

A whole lot of roasties are about to lose their betas. This law was also in response to the passport bros movement as well I believe. They want the money to stay here, they don't care that it's being spent on sex overseas. I wonder of this really will curb sex and dating tourism. Unfortunately I think it will.


Law goes into effect Jan 1, 2024


California is a good example of the unintended consequences of good yet misguided intentions


stranger danger and rape cukture ruined it.

Social media is just the coincidental alternative.


Johnny Depp is a hottie and celebrity thats why femoids saw through Mrs. Heard.

Hes an outlier. Most disabled men are automatic losers in the romance lottery.

Its only if theyre rich and handsome and have trade skills they will score.


North Korea’s Kim Jong Un calls for action on falling birth rates


Tankies = incels confirmed?


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Uh oh


The one thing both Koreas can agree on: sex is cringe


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Destiny's open marriage failed. Wife gets a green card and half his money.


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Absolutely NOBODY have seen this coming. Everybody could see that he was TOTALLY in control in their relationshit, and not coping HARD.

Betabuxers will never learn.




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That insufferable militant betacuck deserved it.

Where is your status and money now, pathetic bitch? You better get that fucking wallet ready for another mail order bride, cuz there is no way in hell your midget ass is getting something in the US lol.


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Still blows my mind that Richard Wolff lowered himself to debating this retard.


Holy fuck I'd kill em both.


Well said youtube man in the video. A relationship based on such temporary things, and not building useful things long term, is a house built on sand.
If no money/honor were to be involved, you'd be a fool to do so. Better for one's enemies to separate without doing any damage, or dragging things out.


US millennial women are now more likely to die in their late 20s and early 30s than any generation since the World War II era: report
Western women would rather die than sleep with you inkwell.


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Academia is rotten to the core.


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A new global gender divide is emerging
>In the US, Gallup data shows that after decades where the sexes were each spread roughly equally across liberal and conservative world views, women aged 18 to 30 are now 30 percentage points more liberal than their male contemporaries. That gap took just six years to open up.

>Germany also now shows a 30-point gap between increasingly conservative young men and progressive female contemporaries, and in the UK the gap is 25 points. In Poland last year, almost half of men aged 18-21 backed the hard-right Confederation party, compared to justa sixth of young women of the same age.

>Outside the west, there are even more stark divisions. In South Korea there is now a yawning chasm between young men and women, and it's a similar situation in China. In Africa, Tunisia shows the same pattern. Notably, in every country this dramatic split is either exclusive to the younger generation or far more pronounced there than among men and women in their thirties and upwards.

>Seven years on from the initial #MeToo explosion, the gender divergence in attitudes has become selfsustaining. Survey data show that in many countries the ideological differences now extend beyond this issue. The clear progressive-vs-conservative divide on sexual harassment appears to have caused or at least is part of- a broader realignment of young men and women into conservative and liberal camps respectively on other issues.

>In the US, UK and Germany, young women now take far more liberal positions o immigration and racial justice than young men, while older age groups remain evenly matched. The trend in most countries has been one of women shifting left while men stand still, but there are signs that young men are actively moving to the right in Germany, where today's under-30s are more opposed to immigration than their elders, and have shifted towards the far-right AfD in recent years.

>It would be easy to say this is all a phase that will pass, but the ideology gaps are only growing, and data shows that people's formative political experiences are hard to shake off. All of this is exacerbated by the fact that the proliferation of smartphones and social media mean that young men and women now increasingly inhabit separate spaces and experience separate cultures.


I think this is primarily the result of feminism which is a female supremacist movement.


Most likely. Men aren't going to vote for political parties that consistently act against their interests.


I call bullshit on this


*spits out coffe*



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"Femcels" are the feminine version of incels, minus the violence. They are the extreme face of a growing celibacy movement gripped by Gen-Z


The booj won't let a femcel movement last too long. They need these picky roasties to have kids and start incentivizing them. Wouldn't be surprised if they legalized polygamy.


>minus the violence

Incel violence isnt even that prominent.
Most incels are just bitter shut-ins.

>Gen Z

This started with Gen Y tbh.


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This shit Glows brighter than a thousand suns.

Corporate fucks like the soulless automatons they are know only one thing - trying to coopt everything they don't understand.

Too bad for them, we, incels, are a different BREED from the previous normoid soyboys they are accustomed to dealing with. We are the NEXT STEP in evolution.

Incel movement IS. HERE. TO. STAY.

You better GET YO ASS READY you fucking BITCH.


Its the worst for male youths.

Parents and teachers tak about boys in a comical patronizing manner that they never do for girls.

Boys are treated as comical relief.

Boys wishing to be serious or looked at in a profound way is seen as "homosexual."


>boys recieving any parental affection is ruining them

How many times have we heard this?

Yet, nobody questions the doting girls get.


Stupid fucking normoid pavlov dogs..


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Are Men Who Pay For Sex More Sexist?

>A common refrain in many anti-prostitution arguments is that sex work is inherently exploitative and that it perpetuates gender inequality. Built into these arguments is an assumption that men who buy sex from women are more sexist to begin with and/or that participating in sex markets increases sexist beliefs.

>But is there any truth to this idea? Are men who buy sex necessarily more sexist?

>A new study published in the journal Men and Masculinities challenges this assumption. In this study, 519 men were surveyed online. On average, participants were 48 years old, most were White, and a majority were unmarried. All men had paid for sex before either online or in person.



Isn't it illegal to be a John? How'd they do a survey and do it well?


They probably half-assed the study. Or they got token males to "buddy up" with other guys and talk about sex.

Older men treat everything like a pissing contest.


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They probably kept the names of the participants anonymous. And prostitution is only a misdemeanor. The police would need more than a survey to prove you broke the law. Cops are only going to arrest Johns if they catch them in the act either during a sting or raid.


Birthrates, which have been falling for decades, declined even more during the Covid pandemic. And they have continued to fall since



Tfw no gf cause she wasn't born


birth rates arent falling fast enough


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The Equal Rights Issue Facing Straight Couples (in Bed)
>Research shows the orgasm gap is real, and is largely unique to heterosexual, cisgender relationships.


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its a spook


tbh I dont blame them

I wish there was the male counterpart exoerience.

Why waste your sexual energy on meatspace entities


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Friendly reminder that even a used up roastie would rather blow their brains out than touch one you.


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The 'orgasm gap' (the finding that heterosexual men orgasm more often than women) is persistent across racial groups, but is largest among White and Asian adults and smallest among Hispanic and Black adults.
Whitey BTFO'd


Wow they usually kill themselves with drug overdose


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New study shows incels are left wing


We need to shill this board more.


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Holy shit jennifer lawrence hit the wall


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>jpeg'ing text
kys faggot

>"the government is almost always wasteful and inefficient"

>right-wing take
Horseshit theory chads stay winnin still i see

>[they are] feeling that "Ethnic minorities who can't get ahead in this country are mostly responsible for their own condition"

Why are you genhobos so self-hating on this matter? Never understood this cuck racist shit (im wyte)

That take about government-issued nationalized pouwsie was a joke btw but go on i guess

They made Femmest Gump the real thing


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holy shit all this says is that incels like troons nothing new. If that's what you mean by "left wing" maybe you should keep considering suicide


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Decent Men Should Care About the Republican War on Women


>Men of faith, morality, and conscience should be among the fierce flood of opposition to the twisted theology that declares embryos to be full human beings meriting a voice—but women not to be.

Excuse me ugly men that I openly despise and would never sleep with. Jesus says you have to rescue me from Republicans that millions of women voted for. uwu


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HR 4678 Goes into effect today
This law ends administrative fees on child support which could be as much as 25 to 30%. This will lower child support payments for fathers and make courts award custody to more fathers and order child support from more mothers instead of from the person that makes the most money which is usually the father.
In predict you will see a huge wave of mothers abandon their children as they not only lose child support but are order to start paying it to men.


*I predict you will see a huge wave of mothers abandon their children as they not only lose child support but are ordered to start paying it to men.


Almost correct.
Youre forgetting the condition that the women in question are young and light skinned and slender and docile.

Also, some of the attributes are redundant:
>Only Fans

>Full custody

>child support
<Favorable court rulings

>Womens shelters

>No draft
<Full community support


She has a nice forehead

This is the fault of chivalry.
Men keep assigning childrearing on women.
Also, men feel entitled to wives and offspring as vanity projects.


She has a nice forehead


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Hello based department?!


What if you want to divorce because it's not your kid?


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not news but


This is why marriage and parenthood should be licensed.


Semi-related but I watched the movie "The Zone of Interest" today and that reminds me of something I noticed.

The film (accurately) portrays Rudolf Hoess's wife as being a psycho fanatical bitch, who shows no sympathy towards to the inmates of Auschwitz at any point. This surprised me because usually in this type of movie, the wife/female family members are portrayed as feeling some level of remorse and regret about what is going on. Writers always do this thing too where they try to depict the woman as being just another "victim" of their patriarchal, monstrous husbands. But no, she's portrayed as being equally as unhinged as her husband and knowing full well what's happening in the camp, even boasting about it at certain points. It was a very well-made movie overall.




Man sues 50 women over posts made about him on “Are We Dating The Same Guy?” Facebook groups

>Several women, including Olivia Berger and Vanessa Valdez, are being sued by Stuart Lucas Murray for defamation, libel, sex-based discrimination, and other allegations, arising from their posts in the Facebook group "Are We Dating The Same Guy?"





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Sex havers btfo


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>muh saint cunt-carriers (with any semblance of power & entitlement characteristics)
Bullshit gender-ideological propaganda trope made up by jvro-athlantic anti-fascists of the future. Anyone with any kind of interest in history & power dynamics knows how fucking unhingedly violent cuntborn degenerates become whenever they are given protection from their actions. Priveleged cunts were always the backbone of fascist atrocities & fascists always listened to their (economic) race sissies' opinion on different matters.
Look how empowered kweens cucked nutsoys & mistah goybells himself when they tried to purge the last civilian jews from the Germany @ the Rosenstrasse protests. Faggots instantly backed off when their sisters voiced their "umm no sweetie" to this operation. So fucking much for le blood purity until der aryan maiden gets a taste for the dirty disgusting degenerate unrelenting corrupting kike cock.
Look what they did @ pogroms in Romania, look how they instantly collaborated with the nazis in the occupied territories of USSR (sometimes not even waiting for the troops to retreat! with understandable consequences of course), look @ that empowered✨ literal slay kween 👄💅✨ nada luburic proudly fighting 👑💪 the srbian patriarchy 🇧🇦🇧🇬🇲🇪🇷🇸🇸🇮🇷🇴🇲🇰🇦🇱👎 one 🔪🧔 dirty 🔪👶 commie 🔪👩 @ a time 📈✨, marvelously✨ showing her fascinating✨ girl power💫 to her pathetic cide-mayul colleagues in building the free & democratic Croatia.
& notice how every single fascist inhuman degenerate managed & still manages to spawn a ton of offspring of his with multiple inherently unaccountable whores.

Of course feminazis, being the preciest tool of the wall street rule, will NEVER EVER touch upon these blasphemous subjects which portray priveleged wyteboo middle class cuntoids as an inalienable part of the ruling system since sufrawhores of WSPU who gained their priveleges by ardently serving the cause of prolonging the 1st cringe meatgrinder (aka "The Great War").
>The party proclaimed the need for more stringent measures in support of Britain in World War I. Indeed, it gave out white feathers to all conscientious objectors. It changed the name of its paper from The Suffragette to Britannia.
>The Party campaigned for Naturalisation Laws to be changed to prevent Germans and their allies gaining British nationality and exploiting it after the war.
>The Party was firmly Unionist and supported strengthening the British Empire by bringing its natural resources and transport systems under British control.
>The Women's Party was launched at a time of growing domestic support for the Labour Party and the international rise of Bolshevism in Russia. With this in mind, its anti-Bolshevik stance attracted the approval of the British Government along with industrialists, such as Lord Leverhulme.
>In contrast to Sylvia Pankhurst, sister of Christabel and Emmeline, the Women's Party was anti-communist and supported reforms to further the cause of feminism.
<quicksauce: wikishittia

What feminazis would do though is to claim that marxists who happened to be women & seen the discrimination of people based on this racist shit that is called "gender", are ackshually feminazis themselves also, despite the fact that all these "marxist feminists" always bashed these cunt-supremacists as another kind of racist movement that divides any opposition to the rule of the elites.
& it doesn't help @ all that the vast majority of leftards with pussy characteristics completely buy into this shit, trembling with nazoid exaltation simply by thinking about their precious, aryan &, of course, constantly oppressed reproductive race which, just like any shitty race or nation or another kind of identity, doesn't know the class division in itself.
even the fact that "marxist feminism" sounds as deranged as "marxist nationalism (= building capitalist society)" doesn't trigger any retard-bells in the heads of faggots soaking wet with identity ideology of their inherent specialness. bourgs have completely wiped the floor with leftards in this one


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Arizona Supreme Court Ruling Leads to Abortion Ban Throughout the state

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