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 No.484602[Watch Thread]

A biolab exploded in Conyers, Georgia the other day. According to Jordan Chariton, it's now leaving 90,000 Georgia residents sheltering in place. Chlorine gas going into the air, 32 miles from Atlanta. This is after hurricane Helene just came just came through, and damage and flooding from Helene is still terrible in the southeastern states of Tennessee and North Carolina.

Earlier this year, Atlanta's neglected water infrastructure broke, leaving a huge part of the city without water for days. A lot of commentators are contrasting the dangerous deregulation of industry and middling response to Helene with the eagerness of the Biden admin to send billions to support the genocide in Palestine and brutal war in Ukraine.


Literal chemical warfare on the proletariat. They are fucking GASSING proles to death with CHLORINE GAS RIGHT NOW.


Updates from Status Coup today.


Update: Rockdale County soil and water supervisor collapses around Capitol after speaking about BioLab chemical plume, dies shortly after: Officials

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation has agreed to accept the case and will be conducting an autopsy into Kenny Johnson's death

ATLANTA — The Rockdale County soil and water supervisor died on Tuesday after collapsing while around the Georgia State Capitol for a public meeting about the BioLab chemical plume.

Earlier in the day, Kenny Johnson, 62, spoke during the meeting at Coverdell Legislative Office Building, across from the Georgia Capitol. He later collapsed and was sent to the hospital.

According to the Fulton County Medical Examiner's Office, Johnson died at Grady Memorial Hospital. The ME said that due to the circumstances of the incident, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation has agreed to accept the case.

A cause of death is still pending, as an autopsy needs to be completed.



I have completed the first preliminary, initial round of sampling for soil, water, air conditioning intake surfaces, windshields, indoor surfaces, building surfaces, and vehicle surfaces along with soot and ash for the #biolab fire in #conyers GA.

After being on the ground for 3 days sampling over 15 sites, the impact of the toxic plume is far more extensive and widespread than I initially thought. All samples are now at the lab and I hope to have testing results within 4 weeks. I have a conference call with my science team this morning with the lab as the mixtures of chemicals including but not limited to the products of incomplete combustion (e.g. dioxins and PAH's) are extensive and appear to be greater than what I experienced in sampling and testing of #eastpalestine Ohio.

I am doing my best to ramp up and return. Much appreciation for @MichelleLe13989 (Michelle Lester) for helping me organize all this sampling and putting herself at risk on the ground with me. Also, much appreciation for Madelyne Reece for organizing the Stand Against BioLab In Rockdale County, Ga Facebook page.

I will be working with Michelle and Madelyne to set up a public zoom call within the next 3-5 days to give the community an update and discuss next steps for another round of testing. I am doing my best to get back to everyone reaching out. #biolabfire

- Scott C. Smith


More from Scott C. Smith:
Given that 2 million pounds of chlorine compounds burned in #eastpalestine OH from the train derailment, it now appears that at least 12 million pounds of chlorine compounds have burned in the #biolab #Biolabfire in #conyers GA which would make the Biolab incident 6X that of East Palestine when it comes to products of incomplete combustion such as dioxins and other chemicals.


Apparently Kenny Johnson was pushing for a federal investigation into BioLab when he died. He's seen in his last speaking clip here, right before he died, having breathing issues as he says it. One of the commentators says there were people trying to stop him prior to all of this.


Wtf is going on in America? I can only conclude that much of their state apparatus has ceased to function normally and is completely hollowed out, and all that's left is the propaganda and military arms.


That does look extremely suspicious indeed.

A functioning state can investigate what happened after the fact, and to some extend safety regulations can be preventative.

But the only thing that really works is to make sure that heavy industry is run by people who understand what the machinery does. Either long time manual workers who gained direct experience operating all the different tasks of the entire process. Or somebody who studied engineering and scored high on statistical mechanics. People without experience or deep technical knowledge will try to economize away error-margins and redundancies that are not optional.


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The body of a Rockdale County soil and water supervisor who collapsed and died shortly after speaking at a public meeting is being returned to his family Tuesday after the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) announced it would not be conducting an autopsy.

Kenny Johnson, 62, passed away on October 8 after testifying at a meeting concerning the chemical plume caused by the BioLab fire in Rockdale County. He was transported to Grady Memorial Hospital, where he later was pronounced dead. Given the circumstances, the Fulton County Medical Examiner’s Office said the GBI would handle the case.

Although earlier reports suggested an autopsy would be conducted, the GBI determined it was unnecessary.

"After discussions with the family, a GBI medical examiner conducted a case consultation and it was determined that the GBI did not need to perform an autopsy," the GBI said in part.



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This is fucking crazy


You have to conclude that this is a cover-up for a murder, because otherwise it causes a loop-hole for murder, based on not investigating suspicious deaths.


Based on that + >>485061, it's totally possible that the guy just straight up dropped dead from exposure to the fumes, which would also be something they'd want to cover up.


>it's totally possible that the guy just straight up dropped dead from exposure to the fumes
And an autopsy performed by somebody without links to that town or that chemical company could have answered those questions, since that hasn't happened, it's reasonable to assume the worst. If politicians in opposition to powerful interests drop dead, that is very suspicious, and it requires investigation.

>which would also be something they'd want to cover up.

Yeah but the death-fumes probably un-alived several people and lots more animals, so a cover-up seems unlikely. Also the massive billowing smoke plumes were on the news everywhere. I don't see how they sweep that under the rug.


>Yeah but the death-fumes probably un-alived several people and lots more animals, so a cover-up seems unlikely.
I mean, that's totally contradictory to what they're saying publicly, so why would it seem unlikely that they'd cover it up? They've absolutely been downplaying it at the EPA and in the media.
Like, the incident in >>485061 hasn't been mentioned at all afaik.


I haven't watched developments closely since the last post ITT, but apparently the local PSL is getting involved:
On Tuesday, Rockdale county commissioners’ outrageous plan to silence and prevent community members and activists from speaking on the #BioLab chemical explosion during public comment at the Board of Commissioners meeting failed.

In the end, following disruptions of the Board’s Chairman by PSL organizers who demanded that there will be no business as usual and that residents be allowed to speak, the commissioners were forced to hear public comments on BioLab.

These politicians who are in the pockets of corporations like BioLab are protecting the criminal executives who put profits over people’s health and lives. But working class people across are getting organized to fight back.

We are demanding that BioLab be held accountable for its crime of poisoning tens of thousands of people at a minimum. The demand is simple: SHUT DOWN BIOLAB! Join us at the next community rally this Saturday, Dec 14, 3PM in Conyers: 901 N Main St NW.


>We are demanding that BioLab be held accountable for its crime of poisoning tens of thousands of people at a minimum.
Basic demand but correct.
>The demand is simple: SHUT DOWN BIOLAB!
IMHO this is a bad play, the better play likely is demanding that the thing be converted into a worker cooperative.

The thing likely spewed toxic shit because it was mismanaged, not because it's a fundamentally bad design on a technical level.

The capitalist who owns this likely can't pay for all the damages, so converting it into a cooperative could be part of a deal for dropping some of the damage claims. The workers do not have an incentive to mismanage the plant because they live in the area that would get contaminated, and therefor it'll run smoothly.


A Status Coup video with recent developments, clips from a hearing where East Palestine residents also spoke. Scott Smith says the results of his chemical testing showed the "highest level of dioxins that he has seen."

IMO setting goals high is the best approach… although when you consider that "shut down BioLab" is essentially a euphemism for "revoke BioLab's business license," it sounds like a pretty modest proposal. I kind of wonder how easy it will be to even clean the plant up at this point, too, with this many instances. Working with chlorine isn't very safe in general, is it easy to clean a contaminated plant enough to maintain even a baseline level of safety after repeated fires? Idk.


>I kind of wonder how easy it will be to even clean the plant up at this point, too, with this many instances. Working with chlorine isn't very safe in general, is it easy to clean a contaminated plant enough to maintain even a baseline level of safety after repeated fires? Idk.
If the hole thing is a write-off, why are they pushing back against political pressure ?


Not directly related, but there was another explosion at a totally different plant in Camilla, Georgia on December 27th.

An explosion at a Tyson Foods poultry plant occurred in the early hours of December 27, sending shockwaves throughout the plant and affecting workers and their families. A scene of chaos followed the explosion as workers scrambled to find safety. About 1,600 people work in the plant.

Initial investigations suggest that the blast originated in a boiler room, although the exact cause is still under investigation by local authorities and occupational safety officials.

One person was killed, a 61-year-old woman whom the Miller County coroner’s office identified as Bajarma Batozhapov. The Las Vegas woman was sleeping in a truck when the explosion occurred, having traveled to the Camilla plant in search of work. Her husband, a truck driver, was not hurt.

Several other workers sustained injuries; some were treated on-site, while others required hospitalization. The Tyson Foods plant dominates the town’s economy, which has a population of only 5,000 people.

Katoria Peterson and her grandfather, Larry Thompson, live across from the plant, told WTXL they’d never seen anything like this before.

Peterson told the station, “It was a loud boom, and then you see the flames. It was about five to ten minutes of burning. And then the ambulance and everybody left, but it burned for a few minutes.


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