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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
Tor Only

Password (For file deletion.)

/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.

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 No.1351[Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to psychological operations against the leftypol.org administration.

Things to consider:
<The .org mods will read this thread, use this to your advantage
<Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
<Threads created over an IP with no post history are heavily scrutinized
<Post in /meta/ and try to appeal any mod action against you
<Abuse the report feature
<Use a wide variety of proxy services
<Antagonize individual moderators
<Create as many personas as possible, try to have the mods always chasing a previous persona and not your current one
<The less consistency between the ideological beliefs of your personas the better
<Be consciously aware of your writing style
<Fermenting internal conflict among the mod team is of the upmost importance
<Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
<Have fun :)


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They are currently preparing to recruit a new wave of moderators.
All that is usually required is an IP with a clean post history going back a few months and an interview.


>Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
Make sure to have wifi off and toggle airplane mode on and off when banned, and if you have Telegram, check your location with the wifi off to make sure it isn’t where you live. I still opt for VPNs when I can though, there’s endless options and many can be recycled because those VPNs are dynamic and change nodes pretty often.
>Abuse the report feature
Underrated. Always report dissent in the /ukraine/ thread and report most other comments as “spam” or “off topic”. I have had good success with this and multiple anons in /meta/ complain about being banned for spam.
>Antagonize individual moderators
Especially m00dy and caballo.
>Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
I did this with the Romanov topic and now Leninhat looks worse than he did before. The beauty of this is that they’ll never actually know if there were multiple Leninhats or if it was one person, or if Leninhat himself is actually the same person pretending to be offshoots of him.


I have a dedicated IP that I kept clean exactly for this reason lol.


>and an interview.
what would they even ask in an interview?



It will likely be regarding your personal history with the site and political positions. We know for a fact they use the interview to actively try and weed out any leftychan infiltrators (although to my knowledge nobody from here has applied yet).


>It will likely be regarding your personal history with the site and political positions.
Any red flags I shouldn't say? I'm from the early 8chan days so I know my history better than any jannoid. I also know marxist theory better than any jannoid.


>Any red flags I shouldn't say?
Be as oblivious as possible to site drama and the identities of the jannies.
>I'm from the early 8chan days so I know my history better than any jannoid. I also know marxist theory better than any jannoid.
That's good, you'll be fine then. Just be smart and use common sense. Don't give them too much personal information and what you do give them try to make sure are believable lies.
Although now they will be extra cautious of well-read people saying they're from the early days of 8chan. They are reading this thread. So maybe pretend to be a newfag demsoc who has only read the manifesto instead.


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Let’s check in on ogre’s siberia.


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>tfw when I see an emo post on org and I don't know whether it's serious or part of leftychan's /i/ trolling


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oi u lot, bloody lickspittle.


I have a clean history and even a couple popular threads on the catalog. I'll apply, wish me luck comrades!


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They made their own fork of the Tinyboard software to better spy on users. They're incompetent so they had to have created a bunch of vulnerabilities in their code. It would probably be trivial to hack their server and find their real identities and post them online for someone that knew what they were doing.


What is the link to the fork?> Isn't it on gitea or some shit right?


Be a real shame if that happened…




I don't think it's published publically. The fact that they programmed spyware into the board software is a secret.


what kind of spyware? any chan admin already could log all of the IPs

does it do some fingerprinting or something?


NTA but I highly doubt it. If anything, they log IPs onto a system and flag them as good/bad/spam/someone who hates m00dy for being a nikker/etc., and try to find out where anons live. It’s going to be hard to do that when they all use VPNs which are shared by multiple people though…but if these retards found a way to dox “bad” anons, it would spell their end very very soon.


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Yeah, fingerprinting, logs, continuous monitoring (keeping track of you as you go from one board to the next), tracking cookies (which are probably in violation of the GDPR, I don't think they use this on everyone so ib4 someone reads their own cookie says they're not)
They've already been caught building dossiers on people, but an even more robust dossier system then even the one that was leaked.


>keeping track of you as you go from one board to the next
They’ve done a poor job with me if that’s the case.


Not me, I've defo been harassed by some ass chapped jannie. One fingerprint they use is of you double space after periods. Couldn't believe they were looking for details in posts that minute.


Well regardless they forked the software for some reason. I remember the devs and what every dumbass jannies wanted these features fighting about it. The lead dev said it was a stupid idea would make the code unstable. They shouted him down and called him a wrecker per usual.


Dossiers? Wait what? Do you me the leak that happened in the split and there was another. Need more proofs tho cause I want to see it for myself


I know they tried to add accounts to tor users which was called majorly retarded by several other staff members.


It was after the split. Yeah, there was a bunch of notes on IPs that showed they weren't just tracking trolls in threads but building profiles over long periods of time. They were pretty damning and filled with obvious butt hurt and hotpocketing. I have the caps somewhere, hopefully another anon can help me out.


That’s why you gotta change how you type, what words you use, how to spell and maybe even do a broken English or post in threads that aren’t monitored or pruned often. These people cannot and will never delete everything I do, even if they’re reading this.


Are there screencaps


Yes, this is the one the admin who left leaked. I don't know about any new ones though this one is from the split.


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Whoops forgot to attach, lol


My Leninhat LARP has reached an impasse since one of the mods I honestly don’t know which one because I can’t find ban logs on ogre has flagged me for ban evasion. I’ve reached the peak of impersonating that Angloid anyway, not to mention that quite a few others will continue impersonating him thanks to my antics. His reputation has been sullied.

What’s next?

We’ll find out.


Pretend to be ginjeet next, lol


Leave Ginjeet alone, he was a real uygha.

RIP Ginjeet.


I have no lore on him and wouldn’t know how to proceed. The angloid was easy to do because it’s bloody ridiculous how the lot of ogre are fascist lickspittles that don’t constantly whinge about the Romanovs innit


ITT: Ginjeet


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Even the anons in siberia have to constantly IP hop and will call out mods for being fags. They’ll probably get banned again, but it is interesting how mods are inactive during certain times of day.

Using GMT+1 (Anglo time zone), mods aren’t active after the evenings or during the early mornings. Apply this to whatever time zones you lot live in and act accordingly.



what was ginjeets posting style? perhaps i will recall.


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Oh it's not actually a big deal anon if you can't or don't want to. I was just throwing around ideas but Ginjeet was uniquely skitzophrenic.


nah i was interested in ginjeet personality


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Lmao, we have ogre tourists lurking. Hey there faggots.


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It's probably just the jennies there manipulating their own user base.


We have to launch a full scale raid on them soon.


I think a full-scale mobilization isn't going to really be possible currently but I think death by mosquito bites is a reasonable approach


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It can be possible if conducted in the late evenings and early morning hours (GMT+1 time zone), but I fuck with a deliberate approach


So I used to toggle airplane mode on and off and evade bans, but I reached some limit in terms of changing IPs unless I reset my phone completely. Is there a workaround without resetting?


Is it the same ban message and ban length for all of your bans?
If so it's probably a range ban.
This is difficult to work around but also good because it stops a bunch of normal users from posting on the site and makes the mods look like schizos. I'm actually pretty sure they banned all mobile internet services in my country for a while lol.

At this point you can start using obscure VPN services to post or tor. It's not much more effort than resetting airplane mode tbh.


I use various VPN services so it’s not a problem. I get the same ban message when toggling airplane mode so it’s definitely a range ban. I don’t know what I did wrong other than spamming threads dozens of times over the course of 8 hours.
Honestly, we drive so much attention on that platform that they refuse to name us even though people know about leftychad. Every potentially divisive or dissenting opinion could either be us or some bored troll looking to stir the pot. I especially love reporting innocent posts and getting them taken down, then seeing those anons whine in /meta/ where no mod answers them because they’re too busy fapping to furry porn in their Matrix chats. Absolute state of these filthy cunts.


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Is there any reason why they issue randomly numbered week bans (4, 22, 52)? Is it some kind of inside joke where the jannies talk amongst themselves and see which (x) amount of week ban would be le ebin maymay?


It's whatever the demons in their head tell them


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>never respond
or just outright delete any disputes lmao


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>brigadiering /leftypol/
Y'all need to think bigger
https://getchan.net/GET/catalog.html is right there, and so is /ussr/ on 2ch


I didn't get repeatedly banned from those places so I have no grudge against them


>I have, over the same exact shit as leftypol, but even stupider and more hypocritical when I was engaging in genuine discussion. Also, equal opportunity trolling dude.


Fugg, didn't mean to greentext


Honestly I’m kinda new to this. I know ogre and net in terms of basic history and some of the namefags but what is getchan’s background and is it more/less active than ogre and net?


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GETchan was a numbers site that was leftist. Like literally getting a post with like three 4s in a row was a GET which people would Check. And this became the theme name for the board. It was just a small space to post in with a leftist leaning. This became more emphasized with the advent of bunkerchan and 8ch leftypol. But when bunkerchan became leftypol, GET removed their link to leftypol and basically denounced it as "not my comrades" because leftypol wasn't banning people for saying pedoshit was bad. (GET has some pedo mods and the moderators don't tolerate any criticism of idpol movements such as trans activism, even when many liberal trans rights activists have essentially advocated for child grooming and claimed that you don't need to be dysphoric to be transgender… when dysphoria is the key diagnosis to BEING trans.


If a janny can identify as a girl, who's to say they can't identify as a 9 year old?


>If a janny can identify as a girl, who's to say they can't identify as a 9 year old?


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I saw the mods deleted the Hitler spam, TBH I thought it was pretty funny, it felt like an oldschool pre-2016 /pol/ raid.


Yeah that OP was cringe as fuck.
Chally 2 getting wrecked is kino tho


I wonder who did that


>a “communist” board full of pedo weebs
I won’t even pretend to be shocked.


Funny thing is, it wasn't always like that. It used to just be a fun slow corner of the internet older than 8ch and that had a lot of funposting. Then the next generation of mods came in and loliweeb posters went unopposed and it spiralled from there. /leftypol/ still maintains a good anti-pedo position at least, loliposting got BTFO so hard by users in arguements. Most of them went to GET after that.


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I wonder if you making an interracial thread would rattle their cage.


I wonder if multiple people making interracial threads on GET would rattle their cage…


I'll give it a shot soon then


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LOL, I'm going to guess either M00dy, or Wvobbly did that.

Also leftypol posts about "muh trans genocide" is starting again. Fucking radlibs and their bullshit.


U scared whiteboi?


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Crazy that some bloke seems intent on doing a swastika spam in ogre’s /ukraine/ and it took jannies over an hour to stop it.


Leftypol today

>stop eating meat because of muh animal cruelty

>bothsidesing the Ukraine conflict
>Nazi and porn spam
>mods AWOL

Just a typical day then, just missing Shay’s suburb autism


It's funny to watch them destroy themselves.


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Ey, leave Shay alone, he's a based schizo gooner.

But yeah this is the reason I stay off the main /leftypol/ board. It's not worth the cringe of all the shit takes.


he would be more based if he started posting here


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>mfw they think everyone raiding/shitposting/schizoposting/derailing is from net


But everyone who comes to .net started out as a .org poster

So really, anyone who is shit posting from here first came from .net


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The multipolarity thread is thrilling to observe and perhaps exploit or not exploit and watch these idiots fight


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Isn’t it strange how nonce sense is always posted in siberia and only in siberia, and isn’t it also strange how it usually takes the mods several hours to remove it? You would think what appears to be a constant issue would’ve been nipped in the bud early on with preventive measures (more mods to cover all time zones, captchas, complex word filters like they have for the n word, etc), but none of that has happened.

How can we be sure it isn’t one of the mods doing this, especially since they clearly hate siberia (in particular the relationship general) and want to fuck with the anons who use it.


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<Jesus said: "No comes to the Farther except through me."
So Jesus was a bouncer ?


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Is the anfem flag guy one of you? because if so, s tier trolling hats off to ya and all that jazz


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they’re addressing the wrong leninhat btw


We’re going to raid leftypol all day Tuesday


No I've been infiltrating the ogre trans jans for months now just now becoming more active in moderating. Soon


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>when they can’t handle a few low tier Nazi OC spam posts me just copying and pasting content from telegram so they make it impossible for their userbase to make threads

I guess this means I can’t get the sharty to raid them again, but on the bright side, their anons are going to be livid when they see the “your post looks automated, discarded” text pop up.


>50 unique IPs ITT
>about half of those are mine
As I’ve said before ogre tr00ns good luck stopping me lol






I don't like this site much better than the org but dropping in on the /isg/ thread makes me genuinely nauseous with how much radlib idpol is in it.


Be glad it isn’t like 8chan /cow/ I used to notoriously spam on there and doxed a white nationalist or two


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Let’s check in on leftyp—


>Matt Mongolia
might be a cool name


Lefty reich


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Crazy how one of my posts in their /ukraine/ autism general and my Wikipedia trolling of Gunther Fehlinger’s article are present in the new /ukraine/ thread. I thought the mods said “fuck off dotnet” and ended us for good? They can’t even make new threads for their pet topic without incorporating my content lmao


whats wrong with pedoness?


Go back to your mod chat m00dy.




Couldn't have said it better myself, lol.


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Just so the ogre mods know, I am, in fact, ThingNoticer. I’ll be back with Jimmy Neutron posts at another time via Tor when they least expect it.


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Let’s check in on this later…


is this a regular number?


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Considering there’s been an extra 193 IPs over the past 6 hours, no. And considering basically all of those IPs are mine, definitely not. I hope they have fun cleaning that up if they even bother to.




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God I love it when they eat each other alive


What I’ve noticed: nobody can post using an Estonian VPN anymore. I’m not even sure native Estonian IPs work anymore. I have effectively gotten a whole country permabanned with minimal effort, gonna see if I can get more banned.


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Imagine being this much of a faggot.




There was another country or two that had the same problem but I didn’t keep track while multitasking. It’s just funny that I have at least one confirmed country permanently banned from posting on leftypol because of the range ban feature these retards love to abuse (which as a result of my tactical schizophrenia gets innocent anons caught up lol)


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This is actually true btw. I don’t know if we’ll have any leftypol anons look at this thread anytime soon I do know their mods frequent tho but you can’t trust your mod team, and you also can’t trust your own users. If you want trust and good conversations without getting banned by coaltroon skinnyfat mods, migrate here.


They're cucks.


>or you have someone with actual mental problems on the team.
Oh the ironing.


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It makes it worse when you realise this was written by a 300lb man with a cross-dressing fetish who hasn't showered in a month.


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>236 IPs in the last week
One year ago we were at 100 IPs/week, so leftychan's activity has roughly doubled.

Meanwhile .org has lost about a third of their users during the same period. You peaked at 2000 unique IPs and now you're at 1200-1400 (not including psyop chad). Cope and seethe.


Let’s be real here, maybe half of the IPs on here and a third of the IPs on org belong to me, with another third of the IPs on org belonging to thingnoticer and the handful of ban evaders from siberia.


Crazy how the jannies quickly remove any post made with the Lenin cap symbol within 10 seconds, but it takes hours for them to delete illegal content or obvious derailments and spam, although “spam” is just a catch-all for “I hate your opinion so you’re banned for 4 days/4 weeks for spam”. An IB dying off so quickly that they’re allowing a thread which shits on it just for there to be some activity.


They're pathetic. They can't stop what's coming…


It’s the case with how any echo chamber is formed. There’s a niche (like how 8chan leftypol was), it splits up into 100 pieces and the worst iteration has mods that ban “queerphobia” and “transphobia”. Image boards have no appeal if you word filter everything into liberal newspeak. That’s why 4chan remains popular despite how cancerous it is. Running an IB with the same method as though it’s a subreddit will always have diminishing returns.


>pony porn in /ukraine/
Most normal leftypol anons.


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>implying you didn't post this bait


I did actually, they won’t ban me tho lol


Foolish jannies… I haven't even used 100% of my power.


I love how the posters here have generated a sixth sense for sniffing out jannies.


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Oh yeah, FYI: Incase anyone here didn't know. If you post over the tor node you kill two birds with one stone; three even.

Not only can they not ban you but you also do not give the PPH and you also simultaneously generate propoganda on top of that. Literally 3 in 1!


>Not only can they not ban you
Well, they do, and im not giving them or cloudcuck my IP address so congrats, you blocked me.


>JimmyNeutronposter and scat/gore poster spamming at the same time


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How can one man me have so much power?


Lmao I think you're getting close to breaking them


He mad.


Literally seething lmao
The whole post doesn't have a single period in.


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absolute kek. I didn't even notice that.


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Incredibly hilarious of wobbly to insinuate that there are reactionaries on here when they have /isg/, /ukraine/ ziggers and the multi polar bear threads full of them. Also hilarious to insinuate that anyone here is actually messing with them and that it isn’t simply the work of one man with many IPs and a penchant for riling up their user base and getting them caught up in IP range “spam” bans too. Net might be dead but that doesn’t mean I can’t lead a one-man army to make sure ogre is depleted as well.


Me and the Jimmy Neutron guy have gotten multiple anons to get banned, complain in meta and get ignored, but somehow “they” are winning. Is it winning when you have to lock your pet /ukraine/ thread for an hour while having your native anon base wonder why you’re stepping on their toes?


if i was an ogre jannie i would quit


>We plan to break what fundementally makes tor good by giving everyone locally adressed IP's.

Tor users will not stand for this. I don't see why they think that they will not just alienate their tor user base doing this. Either way, win for us.

To autistic to quit. They have no lives and spend all their time indoors.


I’m not even sure they have many tor users to begin with. I’ve seen people who phonepost judging from their screenshots and a lot of their userbase are newfags to online anonymity culture in general, so you know they’re phoneposting.

There’s also another indicator that they phonepost if you look at file names on pictures. If you see something like “IMG_6969.jpeg”, it means that the picture they posted is the 6969th all-time image or video, deleted or not deleted, from their devices. So if I got a burner iPhone (since this isn’t the case with Android devices) and I uploaded my very first picture or video to ogre, it would show “IMG_0001.jpeg” unless I scrub that using a third party service.


Likewise, if using my burner phone, I first decide to save a picture 100 times, delete it and then save it again just to post it to ogre, it would show “IMG_0101.jpeg”. Basic phone file info from Apple devices, really. Third party apps scrub that detail and just show a sequence of numbers and letters, similarly to how Twitter scrubs basic EXIF data so content can’t be backtraced but that doesn’t happen with IBs. This is basic knowledge though and afaik doesn’t put anyone at risk, but it’s a little quirk I was able to notice right away.


>”we’re gonna control the Tor node so people can’t abuse it”
>the guy they say is abusing the node is, well, abusing it right now and posting scat in /ukraine/

Wonderfully done ogre jannies you guys are surely keeping your site clean.


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>more-or-less the same moderation structure
Are they fucking stupid? Does their "mod structure" really let users decide what to do, is it really all that democratic?

They PANICKED when it was brought up that we should open up the site to be democratically run during the split.


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They panic and piss and shit and fart their pants anytime this happens. They seemingly respect people who browbeat them, but laugh off their user base knowing they won’t simply migrate here because anons are creatures of habit and have been brainwashed into thinking “we” are bad.


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>laugh off their user base knowing they won’t simply migrate here because anons are creatures of habit and have been brainwashed into thinking “we” are bad.
As a guy that has no such "brand-loyalty" given that I post on any chan/imageboard/basket-weaving forum I feel like, I have to say this is incorrect. I personally loathe the moderation on leftypol.org in regards to /leftypol/ but at least I can post there and get a reply in a few minutes instead of days later like here, or get spammed with uyghur like in /pol/. And a majority of leftypol anons never cared about this split drama, and still don't.

leftychan is a fucking mess desu, if leftypol has an excess of moderation, leftychan has a complete lack of it and quality control. The only reason nobody spams this place with gore and shit is because
A) It's autistic as fuck
B) Most of leftypol doesn't even remember you guys exist (hell until you started spamming your cheap leninhat schizoshit I forgot this place) and 4chan definitely doesn't know about you.

I think it's fine that you guys want no moderation and have your own site. I found the Lenin-hat shit hilarious, but this recent shit is just tiresome /pol/-tier laziness. Seriously, step back a moment and think about this; you are presumably a full grown dude, wasting hours of time and possibly money (for VPNs) spamming gore, retarded hot-takes, etc. on some obscure korean missile testing forum, while circlejerking on an even more obscure somali piracy board. And you sit back and gloat over this accomplishment which amounts to being the equivalent of a high-school anarchist LARPer shitting all over the floor of a school they used to go to, all because school kicked them out. Is this really what you want to do in life? Be a chaotic, retarded menace that people think is funny but later just wish they'd go away?

>Inb4 me

I work for a living, I post online for maybe 1-2 hours, talk about movies, or books or military stuff in a niche part of the internet, then spend my time with something else, this is not a major part of my life as a whole. As to leftism, I've been active in unions and workers rights.

TL;DR: You've had your fun and it was funny at first, but at some point you need to stop, otherwise you're just as much of a cocksucking faggot as the mods of ogre. Do yourself a favor and do something actually worthwhile now.

Signing off
- Your Friendly Neighborhood Internet Surfer.


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wvobbly had to spend considerable time deleting my ten thousand shits


>hell until you started spamming your cheap leninhat schizoshit I forgot this place
No idea what you mean. Leninhat has always been like that.


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>laugh off their user base knowing they won’t simply migrate here because anons are creatures of habit and have been brainwashed into thinking “we” are bad.
As a guy that has no such "brand-loyalty" given that I post on any chan/imageboard/basket-weaving forum I feel like, I have to say this is incorrect. I personally loathe the moderation on leftypol.org in regards to /leftypol/ but at least I can post there and get a reply in a few minutes instead of days later like here, or get spammed with uyghur like in /pol/. And a majority of leftypol anons never cared about this split drama, and still don't.

leftychan is a fucking mess desu, if leftypol has an excess of moderation, leftychan has a complete lack of it and quality control. The only reason nobody spams this place with gore and shit is because
A) It's autistic as fuck
B) Most of leftypol doesn't even remember you guys exist (hell until you started spamming your cheap leninhat schizoshit I forgot this place) and 4chan definitely doesn't know about you.

I think it's fine that you guys want no moderation and have your own site. I found the Lenin-hat shit hilarious, but this recent shit is just tiresome /pol/-tier laziness. Seriously, step back a moment and think about this; you are presumably a full grown dude, wasting hours of time and possibly money (for VPNs) spamming gore, retarded hot-takes, etc. on some obscure korean missile testing forum, while circlejerking on an even more obscure somali piracy board. And you sit back and gloat over this accomplishment which amounts to being the equivalent of a high-school anarchist LARPer shitting all over the floor of a school they used to go to, all because school kicked them out. Is this really what you want to do in life? Be a chaotic, retarded menace that people think is funny but later just wish they'd go away?

>Inb4 me

I work for a living, I post online for maybe 1-2 hours, talk about movies, or books or military stuff in a niche part of the internet, then spend my time with something else, this is not a major part of my life as a whole. As to leftism, I've been active in unions and workers rights.

TL;DR: You've had your fun and it was funny at first, but at some point you need to stop, otherwise you're just as much of a cocksucking faggot as the mods of ogre. Do yourself a favor and do something actually worthwhile now.

Signing off
- Your Friendly Neighborhood Internet Surfer.


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Of course, good old Rule 12 and Rule 22, where would this board be without it?



I thought the point was to not be noticeable.


The point of the thread was to psyop the board not just spamming them with low-autism score shit that will give them more justification for the retardation.


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the CIA transhumanist faggot mods are nearing capitulation.


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>everyone is a my .ogre mod boogieman
<How could other leftychan users POSSIBLY do anything but circlejerk my vendetta!? They MUST be mods.
You're sounding more and more like the schizo mods every day anon… slay the dragon and become them I suppose.


t. ogre mod


Have you tried using AI to spam contextual bait automatically?


Anon all I am saying is that you would do better to do something other than spam gore because back in the day we did this and it didn't convince people of our position, so. But, do as you wish I can't control you.


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occasionally, but posting scat/gore spam causes more immediate psychological damage to the moderators' psyche. When i force them to ban image posting on the tor node carefully modeled AI posting will be the meta.


I'm not trying to convince anyone of shit. I just want to 100 percent wreck shit


pls stop raiding us ;_; i need to sleep…


keep raiding them, lol


Too lazy to reply to the specific anons probably just the same guy but the only reason why this thread even exists is because I got bored and decided I want to wreck leftypol. The OP wasn’t even made by me and prior to me, nobody had even bothered with ogre publicly for months. The fact that ogre jannies are now starting to lock their favorite threads and will move towards disabling images for Tor users is proof that I’ve been successful. The gore/scat poster is not me, but the occasionally low-tier Hitler poster is me and it works just the same as my other content. Plenty of their anons have gotten caught up in “spam” IP range bans as a result of one guy. My goal is to cause irreparable damage to the blind trust that their anons have for their jannies and so far I’d say I’m doing well.


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I personally like to spread misinformation, really fun. Do whatever works though.


>I personally like to be a glowies-useful idiot
The C.I.A. would like to thank you for your service, please come to Langley headquarters to accept your reward.


Nah, cope more.


Personally, I’m kinda retarded and intentionally go all over the place on purpose to keep their guards up so the less intentional bait and false flag posts go unnoticed.


haha, yeah, says the retards who have literally done everything to kill the board in the last 3 years. Forced a split and moderates leftypol like a cringe bunch of ultra larpers.


The worst part about the Rojava debate is that we literally have old /leftypol/ vids that got deleted that pointed out how Kurds named restaurants in honour of Donald Trump and the old BO banned all rojava supporters once it became clear they were collaborating with imperialists. Furthermore PissPIG who was the OG rojava supporter or whoever the fuck his name was got caught as an actual glowie who adopted a new identity and then went to go fight in Ukraine for zelensky so we have actual proof it was all an op but no one bothered to save anything and the current /leftypol/ community is ultra retarded so we are stuck rehashing settled debates for the enjoyment of the chat GPT spammers


Take your meds schizo.


This basically admits it.


The fuck does old 8ch BO have to do with current leftypol? Literally none of the current moderators here or on .ogre are from the original moderation team or even old leftypol/leftpol. Maybe Comet, Melon and M00dy, and they're faggots.

You're talking about the leftpol split right? because that's a whole different jar of pigs feet.


it’s copypasta prime bait that I tactically deploy on ogre don’t take it to heart




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>old BO banned all rojava supporters once it became clear they were collaborating with imperialists
they were collaborating with imperialists against other imperialists to survive zygoid

you can cry all you want zigger, but Kurdistan deserved self-determination from such reactionary shitholes as Baathist Syria that killed communists, Baathist Iraq that killed communists, and fucking Turkey that killed communists.

You can cry all you want nazoid

>and then went to go fight in Ukraine for zelensky

and plenty of tankoids went to fight for Nazoid Puppet Republics and Pooting

your point?


you're the prime example why there should be NO reconciliation between our camps

you should be shot like a dog


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>All this seethe and false narrative
<Noooo muh Rojava is totally not just another glowie project!
LMAO cope


you're the prime example why there should be NO reconciliation between our camps

you should be shot like a dog


It's not through


I love that they have to watch over their backs for us anyway some of the anons ITT are retards arguing about irrelevant kurds and low tier hitler spam bait, but I’m taking a short break nonetheless


Shut up faggot you’re not leaving


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You're doing a good job. The jannies are terminally incompetent and operation entirely on emotions elicited by their fragile egos getting bruised.
I wish this was hyperbole but unfortunately it is not. You'd think even after being fully aware of /i/ it give them pause and they'd reflect on how their vindictive banning might be hurting THEM.
But no, they are the main character. They're mini Lenins fighting against a sea of booj. All their actions are justified because it will eventually somehow accumulate into their leadership ushering in a new revolution. All because they defended an obscure Mongolian Throat Singing Forum.


I can't believe how easy it is to trick them.


Watching .ogre mods crack up is so fun to watch.
>Deploy countermeasures
Lol, their fork of the software with their paranoid surveillance features is already buggy. If these incompetents add anymore of their spaghetti code to it it's going to collapse under it's own weight lol


Did they deploy their tor middle man?


what if /leftypol/ collapses?
wouldn't we lose a bunch of leftists using lefty imageboards in the process? I think we should unite all leftist imageboards into one union like a USSR of imageboards(but not collapse in the process) so we can get more influence/power and compete against 4chan and eventually have more people than 4chan.


There's a name for that


fuck off ogr

no concessions to the enemy! A federation requires a federal government. Fuck that!

Collaborationists get the bullet!


but like what if we make a front end that you can interact with and connects all of the boards of all other socialist chans into one site(the union), get it?
the imageboards will still maintain their sovereignty of their respective boards since the union is just a front-end that you can reply/make posts to, but everything will look like it's one chan, but with several /b/'s and a fuckton of boards and a bigger unified /overboard/ and etc. get it?
the mods of each "SSR" can have the power to remove a user/posts only from their own "SSR" if needed.
if we want to have more power/userbase than 4chan then this is needed.
>There's a name for that
bruh that's literally bolshevism
>no concessions to the enemy! A federation requires a federal government. Fuck that!
make it 100% decentralized, it's possible to have a union without centralization of power.

and… why do you hate leftypol? I don't get? something happened?


>>1580 (me)
forgot to mention that the imageboards will still exist(still have their own websites like nothing happened) and the union is just a front-end that connects to these imageboards for data and etc to show.

and… I'm just being pragmatic about bringing up union if we want to defeat nazis(4chan, etc)


>the imageboards will still maintain their sovereignty of their respective boards since the union is just a front-end that you can reply/make posts to, but everything will look like it's one chan, but with several /b/'s and a fuckton of boards and a bigger unified /overboard/ and etc. get it?
you're not fooling anyone, ogr

who would control the domain of this union site? we've been through this already bitch

>make it 100% decentralized, it's possible to have a union without centralization of power.

No, it's not, if decentralization is not baked in into the protocol itself.

>and… why do you hate leftypol? I don't get? something happened?

Fascism with multipolar characteristics happened, Second international happened, dumbfuck.

Piss off.


>the union is just a front-end that connects to these imageboards for data and etc to show.
so you want to create a central point of access that can be controlled trans-jans

kill yourself


Exactly: This has always been the central point of contingency between the two boards is centralization vs decentralization. Decentralization works as long as it has the correct bumpers and measures implemented to make sure that out right majority dominantion isn't the type of law, but, org fags want to be the next Lenin/Stalin/etc etc so they keep trying to slight of hand some watered down bullshit into the conversation because if they were really held accountable for their actions then they would be ousted and they know it.


jeez, those out of nowhere insults were uncalled for, thanks for ruining my day, you're a horrible and bitter person.


>tfw authoritarianism sucks when you won't be the one in charge.


they all think they'll be the guy with the gun


You're talking about something like a Webring which .ogre would never agree to since they wouldn't control it.
This site should however join the tvch.moe webring. They're the old 8chan /tv/ channel btw.


It must be hard to be an Ogre jannie. I feel bad for them. I would definitely understand if they had to take a break.


>be me
>make bait thread
>multiple anons in the replies get banned thanks to me reporting them
Yup, it’s demon time.


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>Retards has


>Why do they care about getting stabbed in the back. That was like such a long time ago and like not that many people were even there!

What a bunch of spinless useless reddit fags. They deserve everything they have coming to them.


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*ahem* we’ve implemented an anti-spam policy, surely nothing can ha—-ACK!


How the fuck did org get targeted by sharty? Kek


sharty has been harassing leftypol since the bunkerchan days


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Posted /siberia/res/423381.html#455307
Just to continue their circle-jerk. These LGBT back-patting communities are literally the dumbest, saddest sacks of shit and it's hilarious to see them bitching and moaning. Of course it's also proof of how easy it is for groomers to convince people alienated by capitalism to be hedonistic bohemians. The majority of them that aren't rich-fag lumpens, end up as either homeless drug addicts, suicide victims or are just absorbed into the system; not living, just surviving, comforted by the liberal platitude of "Be Gay, Do Crime".

This was just a social experiment of sorts, I've periodically just turned on a VPN, posted some "encouraging" idpol shite and people lap it all up. I'm not gay or trans, but you can literally just program a GPT bot to trawl social media accounts of such people and assemble vague bot-generated rhetoric that reflects their general ideas. A bit of editing to fit the context of the post being replied to and bingo, you've got the fake identity that ANONYMOUS was meant to prevent.

This shit is a harmful, self-perpetuating echo-chamber and its existence is one of the biggest disappointments of .org


They target everyone lmao
>This shit is a harmful, self-perpetuating echo-chamber and its existence is one of the biggest disappointments of .org
Completely disagree. I want more transformers and other deviants to use ogre and become prevalent enough to chase off everyone else like these sorts of “people” always do in every community they join.


post in the alien thread, we're gonna make Alex Jones look like a normal bloke compared to ogre




There's trolling and then there's being a toxic retard, you're the latter. Go back.


What if Ogre decides to raid back?


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based! build communist anti-troon thought
>There's trolling and then the-ACK


We'd smell them from a mile away


They're too cucked. Inciting raids is a bannable offence that the mods take very seriously.


They're shooting themselves in the foot. One more point for Leftychan yet again.


They are pussies in a metaphorical sense, but will never have one in a literal sense


Learn to read uyghur




You’re right actually, I am a toxic retard.

Anyway I take my leave now. It was fun messing with ogre constantly but I have bigger fish to fry.


They'd just give us more users.


They're too terrified that people will realize we're the better site to do that.


>exposing the psyop to users
Anta Baka?

>I have bigger fish to fry.
I remember this, you're the retard that claimed to be from KiwiFarms aren't you?


Raid the E-Celeb thread


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I’m the guy who used to have a strong association with Ethan Ralph and Andy Warski up until they had their Miami trip fiasco.

anyway I’ve exposed porn brained and transphobic anons this way. all of the transphobes have gotten banned and thus have been irritated at the jannies:)


no clue what this is about, but it gave me an idea, can we invent the concept of "phobe-phobic" to turn the neo-liberal identitarian rhetorical exclusion bludgeon back onto it self ?


>This uygha is fucking over people on his own side to "own the mods"
Next you'll say that people ought to shoot their comrades to promote the revolution

Seriously, stop being this much of a faggot you're just making it obvious



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Nah that keffals thread was a good one.
And making it obvious what we're doing is the whole point of this thread too, it makes the mods paranoid as fuck. Never forget how we drove m00dy into a paranoid delusional spiral this way.


>Next you'll say that people ought to shoot their comrades to promote the revolution

If I could false-flag a revolution into being I would. I would probably hate myself but as a communist I have to remember that I actually want to win by any means necessary.


Is that why you're posting Settler's tier screeds?


>To falseflag a revolution into being
<Lets do what the glowies do
You realize the reason I chose the example of a revolution is because you cannot falseflag a genuine revolution into being, you can acknowledge through material analysis that a person being killed by police at a protest would spark revolt, but to openly seek this out would undermine the entire point.


Why don’t you shut the fuck up and nut up instead of criticizing what based and gempilled anons are doing? Like for example why don’t you do what a friend of mine does and post under the YPG flag shilling for the Kurdish cause knowing that was how the board split in the first place? It keeps the mods honest and paranoid.


You have friends?


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Nah lol. Mods think they can stop me, not knowing I post under different flags and different IPs not used for my ops.


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>shilling for the kurds
>even to own the mods
Quit being such a faggot

Ironically your YPG flag posts are mostly normal. when's that gonna change?


<unironically sparking discussion about something interesting for once on /leftypol/ to 'own' it.
Lmao. absolute fucking looser.
Thanks thought i guess.


you have no thoughts anarkiddy chapo faggot


of course this looser is an ITG faggot. lmao.
You will never have any real political praxis passt listening to your faggot podcasts and spamming image boards.
cope and seef more.


Hi, this is me (as well as like 67 of the unique IPs in here). I’m done trolling ogre full time and will only do it in spurts while having normal conversations over there knowing I’ll get a response within the hour and not within the month.


.net has been low energy lately
Orgfags have that manic troon energy


The thing is I’m not even a communist, I just want org destroyed and this place is too dead to bother with. And GET is in a similar boat.


yes I'm in all your threads uyghur and I hate troons! go ahead and ban me ogre unless you think it might not be me? Then don't ban an innocent!


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so lame, can't even make funny slurs

at least call us .neets or something

tronns can't into humor


>be me
>become leninhat
>go unhinged
>also be me
>accuse others of being leninhat just so they have to talk about OG leninhat

We call this “manufacturing consent”.


The ogre mods are so stupid. They cannot see that their treading upon common posters and throwing them in the digital abyss will only lure storms of discontent that will unleash a tempest of chaos upon their virtual realm.


I hope mods don’t realize that every Gonzalo thread on ogre is mine…


We're all lenin hat
We are legion


>when you point out that the raping of Israeli women is bad because rape in general is bad but ogre mods ban you for 5 weeks (the new 4 week ban) and say you’re Mossad even though Mossad doesn’t even know about leftypol


What? No, mossad posts on leftypol every single day, of course.


Mossad is definitely spending resources to look at leftypol and calling out rapists, because we all know that’s what they do.


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Satan you literally posted some literal radlib idpol about "all muh male rapists bwaaaah". I hate ogre mods, but you're just here to feel validated.


Israels internet shills are called IDF i think. The Mossad is more about traditional spies stuff, like espionage, sabotage and assassinations.


Also pedophiles and entrapment.


I know. I want to give those idiots the impression that Mossad cares enough to fuck their shit up, thus increasing their neuroticism and paranoia. Of course, they can look at this comment and think it’s just one person doing something, or they’ll continue to think Mossad hires agents to sow division amongst their ranks. Win win strategy anyway.
You expect them to know the difference between Mossad and the Israeli Defense Force? lmao


>raping an Israeli is bad
It's okay though if they were settlers participating in the brutal occupation of Palestine. Settlers, including roasties need to stop pretending like they don't know where their land is coming from. More settlers that believed in the infallible military might of the Western state are in for such a fate and 100℅ deserve it.


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Quite a few innocent anons have gotten banned because of replying to “bait posts” on the official Israel Palestine thread, now what constitutes a bait post? Whatever the mods think is bait, similar to how “spam” just means “I hate this opinion, you’re banned for 5 weeks”.


>.net is mad about the Hamas offensive.
These raging narcissists just made up shit whole cloth now. It's like watching a toddler throw a tantrum.
Other than the lurking /pol/ups here .net stands with Palestine




What does 'standing with Palestine' even mean besides having a vapid and inconsequential opinion? Might as well send thoughts and prayers while you're at it.


>Auto update to include ban messages

Orgfag transhumanists working on the important things


Also pretty ironic that the average orgfag troon would be murdered on the streets of Gaza for their deviant lifestyle/personality disorder.
<I too stand with Gaza


>Other than the lurking /pol/ups here .net stands with Palestine
<everyone who doesn't agree with me is a polack
you're no better than ogres

I stand with nobody.


>I want to give those idiots the impression that Mossad cares enough to fuck their shit up
LMAO even ogre mods ain't that stupid, they literally read these threads, you self-reporting idiot.


>Israels internet shills are called IDF
>Mossad is more about traditional spies stuff
Anon you sound like a literal child, how old are you? Mossad is the Israeli equivalent to alphabet soup agencies like the CIA, MI6, NSA or FBI. IDF is literally their name for the military, and only covers public propaganda, not this.

The main branch of Mossad with militant activities would be Nativ.


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You are correct
IDF was a typo
There is (or was ?) and organization called JDIF, those were actually shills posting propaganda on social media. They called them selves Jewish Internet Defense Force. Some sources say that they no longer operate tho.


Suck my dick faggot


U mad lol




everyone reading this should raid the Israel/Palestine general on ogre and pose as bothsideism nuanced posters or openly pro-IDF anons




the ogre .onion will be down for a while


Any reason?


Allah wills it so


I am telling you people to stop your gayops. you don't want to test me

final warning.




Look at all the mod ballwashing these faggots are doing https://leftypol.org/siberia/res/460872.html


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Totally resl


Our demands haven't changed since day one you know:
User democracy to hold mods accountable for their shit behavior.


the only ones with shit behavior are you actually. stop spewing actual far-right shit and calling it "muh based psyop" on leftypol.
>user democracy
>harrasing a community = democracy
great keep it up, I'm… sooo proud of you


<What's that smell?


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The leftychan protracted people's war will not cease until you are either destroyed or submit to us. You can try and fight back but it will only make things worse for you.

>you don't want to test me. final warning.

For this comment alone I am going to make a .org raid thread on the sharty tonight. Have fun cleaning that up.


can you at least make leftist psyops instead of fascist far-right psyops, please? thank you.


Org retards would call anything right of Karl Marx Fascist.
You dumb fucks have zero understanding of anything let alone theory.


you're spooked in the head


I have a question for the lurking orgfags

When you have sex with your girlfriends, do you let them cum inside of you?


massive cope energy coming from you, you fascist "psyop" propagandist.
how about you get a job you unemployed fascist leech




get a job


Not everyone is in burger time zones, you retarded faggot

>Get a job

It's not even a good insult because it's so far off the mark. And it sounds like you're still at the resentful at your parents/family stage too.


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Well, son, sorry to say but you aren't going to usher in global communism jerking off on reddit 2 all day.


alright keep doing your far-right psyops, you fascist scums and shit losers who couldn't pull off a coup successfully and are still seething for years over this. fucking losers.


Does your food service shift not start until evening?


Isn’t it funny how when ogre tries to raid us, it’s just incessant whinging about how we’re evil fascist Nazis

Yet when we or sharty raid them, they piss and shit and fart and vomit and cum in their pants and remove the tor node while not attending to the actual antisemitism that takes place in their Israel Palestine thread?

They continue to cry about us on ogre because we hate troons

Do idpol
And can’t grasp


But no seriously the anti trans stuff really sets them off ,,,,, not just the users but also jannies

Saying Jewish nigger means nothing
Shilling IDF is only bringing in short term seething that they’ll passively ban once this new conflict
Is ended

With some iron dome from Shay

But consistently ,, they’ve hated trans being hated by normal people because nobody wants girldick . Or maybe it goes beyond that, are mods transformers?


>Or maybe it goes beyond that, are mods transformers?
The .org mods are beautiful transwomen and you WILL respect them.


.org mods are valid and deserve human rights too. Don't forget that


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Here’s your (you).


<coping this fucking hard

.org is, was, and will always be on the wrong side of history.
Go fuck off back to reddit now fag.


Early on when leftypol discovered Haz, the mods made an un-popular decision to ban him and his content outright.

Why do you think they did this? I mean there's no way he's a /pol/ tier right winger, why the fuck would an imageboard called leftychan have a problem with discussing this streamer? I really think his energy was deemed too dangerous. Maybe he became cringe in the end so it doesn't matter but early on he had real lennin energy.


High T feels threatening to orgfag jannies




shut the fuck up david, anti-zionism is not anti-semitism


Haz is too dangerous for contemporary American communists because he’s an ethnic who’s willing to ally with people that can be amenable.


Maybe we can Ally with haz. Convince him the board is not leftypol faggotry


>bring up troons unprompted
<can't stop talking about troons
<literal multiple threads here
>uh-uh-uh it's them who are OBSESSED!!
lol. lmao. rofl.
if you want to fuck a man just fuck a man anons, this is cringe.


They only do this to fuck with you. Their opinions are not genuine.
you'll have to pay him first


>you have an entire thread dedicated to raiding leftypol.org
what exactly are you going to accomplish besides mildly annoying the jannies?


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Na anon bthey do this because they are sexually frustrated males who feel deep resentment at feeling sexual attraction to trans-women/men and in typical male fashion lash out at everyone else around them in an effort to sublimate the self-loathing and disgust they feel over their homosexual desire for someone with a dick into performative trans-hate.
It's a tale as old as time.




>what exactly are you going to accomplish besides mildly annoying the jannies?
It's about having F-U-N and making friends along the way.


File: 1697935512387.mp4 ( 11.63 MB , 854x480 , TikTok Tranny Movie Traile….mp4 )

what are you talking about? we love transhumanists here


I'm just having a little fun poking the mentally ill and sexually insecure, anon. :)


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Sorry xister, my imouto made me straight again. I'm not allowed to be gay anymore.


Can the mods post the IPs of the dumbass ogres posting gay content ITT so I can do my thing


I like how ogres dont understand that unlike us raiding them, them raiding us only stimulates board games activity. arguing with ukrops is boring and I'm sure they feel the same about us sex having gigachad tuvans who are paid by the hour to shill here.


>who are paid by the hour to shill here.
zigger admits to being a paid russkie shill on a hourly paycheck?

That's an open secret lol!


just imagine being a paid shill lol

is there a more pathetic occupation in the world?


mods are tired and spooked. they wrongly banned someone for no reason thinking it was me. im wearing down their psyches for you, netfriends.


Hell yeah you Jewish nigger cheers from the UK (I’m leninhat fuck the Romanovs)


lol didn't he off himself after Haz abandoned him?


>the actual antisemitism that takes place in their Israel Palestine thread?


999,000,000,000,000 ZIONIST SETTLERS MUST DIE


>while not attending to the actual antisemitism that takes place in their Israel Palestine thread?
Lets be clear about the definitions here Zionism = antisemitism. Palestinians are Semites too, hence the Zionist mass-murder and population displacement campaigns are antisemitic hate-crimes. Banning protest for the rights of Palestinians is antisemitic political repression and so on. Equating criticism of Israel with antisemitism, has to be considered antisemitic as well because the majority of the Jews live in the Diaspora and they heavily criticize Israel.


>Hating Israel is anti Semitic
You have to go back.


Anti-semitic is if you hate Semites, like for example Jews or Palestinians.

As long as Israel doesn't repudiate Zionism, and grant Palestinians a dignified existence, there can be no moral grounds for making accusations. They turned Gaza into a quasi concentration camp. That's not something that can be excused. While posts like >>1765 are cringe, they are an understandable reaction to the inhumane horror.


>moral nonsense.
stfu retard


>Morals are le bad.
t. reactionary


Recently a proposal to mend the split came onto the floor, so, I would like to do a little survey, let's say; Our demands: User democracy no modarchy
All boards here will be merged into org
All staff with be merged into org



Fuck no


Is comatoast still active? He must remain an integral part of the janny team


Yeah he's active, he said he's gonna be more busy with work but hopefully he'll have time for us still.

Some asshole came in and just said "hey let's merge with orges i don't get why you guys exist" - but why do orges have a problem with our continued existance?

They don't want user democracy, and personally I I never want to talk to them again, as far as I can see they're liberals, and within their moderation team there is a dominant group of them that makes sure nothing at all gets done. Why would I come back to that? Plus like… if you want org just go to org. Jeesus


Also see this thread, it's relevant: >>>/meta/10706


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its fucking crazy how leftypol website is still dogshit even after this CONSTANT moderation. The mods should just give up because their overmoderation only fuels the fire.


>be me
>check leftypol
>another thread about Indians
>I ask why they’re obsessed
>24 hour ban for “blatant idpol”
That’s certainly a new reason instead of just writing “spam”.


Goreanon, if I may:

-Use more pictures than the ones you have, in particular pictures of ukrops and Russians for maximum chaos.
-If it’s possible, anytime a general thread is full and a new one is to be made, make a new one and spam gore. I was posting porn in the Israel-Palestine thread and did this twice.
-When not spamming gore, reply to a few random anons and say “this is the same guy” and mention how Türkiye is socialist. The former always gets an anon or two to waste time screenshotting to prove you wrong, the latter always makes them revert to the 8chan days and start calling you a shitskin and roach. Full seethe.




This is good, but i suggest adding in a *shocking* visual element as well after the first frame because most people have sound muted or at 1 in the settings


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Did ogres really?


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been at this for 5 months and have produced good results… leftypol is dead in the water…




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Wow today has been a bad day on leftypol. I've not posted any shitposts on the site in over a month and the mods are full retard… Misato, the only half-way decent mod is in the wind. and the worst 2, wvobbly and Comet are circlejerking and huffing each others farts.

It's genuinely sad that this shit has gotten so fucked, like wow, the mods are barely hiding their liberalism, denying support of idpol, yet trying to parallel opposition to it as "nonsense" despite Marx, Lenin, Kollontai, etc. opposed what they called bourg feminism, and rejected national, racial or ethnic divisions as being inherently bourg, so idpol is inherently anti-leftist, which means that to NOT oppose it is to essentially declare oneself no longer leftist.

TL;DR: LEFTYpol has officially become non-leftist.

Pic rel: An anon's banned post that accidentally caused the mods to unintentionally show their true colors openly.


Identity politics is a brain-hack, in programming analogy it's creating a memory-overflow via self-reference, exploiting the Gödel incompleteness theorem. The overflow enables a hack to access other parts of the memory.

What this does to people is change their perception, remap their interpretation to something else.

Your counter is heuristic detection, that is a effective counter measure, but it's too complicated for mass politics. We need something simpler.


>We need something simpler
A hard sell. Also, an anon got banned for posting a poem in a poem thread LMAO. I read the poem too and it was literally just a lament about how the USSR should never have been so nice with Europe after WW2, to which some liberal Russian began seething.
Dude got a ban for a week apparently, while literal nazi spam gets a 1 hour ban… leftypol really has become r/socialism.


<We need something simpler
>A hard sell.
So what do you suggest ?
I get the impression that over a sufficiently long enough time, all identity politics will probably degenerate into a political force that seeks to exterminate it's "identity-nemesis". So we need a fix for that.

>leftypol org really has become r/socialism.

Maybe the identitarians thrive on censorship, they seem to be less prevalent in places that don't have that.


Alright which one of you retards is playing that Markus Wolf character?


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>Markus Wolf
Here's what the Brave Search Summarizer says about him
<Markus Wolf was a German spy born in 1923. He was the chief foreign intelligence officer of Communist East Germany and the foremost spymaster of the Eastern Bloc. Wolf acknowledged the moral ambiguity of his role. His espionage network stretched to the highest levels of NATO and the West German government. Wolf outfoxed Western agents for three decades as East Germany's master of a network of 4,000 spies who infiltrated NATO headquarters.
Seems to have been a based soviet spy master.

>Alright which one of you

If only we knew how to organize a big spy network powerful enough to hollow out something like Nato


>with protracted war
more like with protracted defeat


So, which one of you schizos was using a script to repost blacked anime edits onto leftypol?


Take your medication moody.


Why did the ogre mod team become such a circlejerk with their own protégés and privileged posters? Like Shay, literally a /pol/ fag who does nothing but post porn and garbage constantly and always gets a free pass, you can't even criticize him without a mod deleting your posts or banning you. Or that autist Grace who is a literal monarchist whom the mods encouraged and gave him his own general. I really can't stand such kind of blatant favoritism.


Because they are reddit fags.
The grace thing was funny for a while, but, when the powers that be start giving out hand jobs in return it just kind of kills the whole joke. It's been running for years at this point too. It's just cringe behavior. What makes the grace poster funny is the unironic monarchist ideology juxtaposed with a bunch of communists in one community homogeneously growing out from that.


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I posted half-jokingly two days ago that the West must be destroyed for the human race to survive and my post was deleted. Then I made the post again yesterday and it was deleted immediately. I then said the variation on nuke the west in the Ukraine and posadist thread, and Pasquale removed it within seconds. He thinks me making a random post about nukes is a personal attack on him. It's fucking bizarre and schizo.

Try it yourself. Write that you want Russia to nuke Europe from tor and your post will be deleted in seconds by Pasquale. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.


We need to write up a list of all the things that make us better than org and post it on org so we can get some users from org.


No pasquale, m00dy, wvobbly, caballo or misato.


Kek. No insane gang stalking mods.
We just got an eepsite so that's and ass, right?


Are you guys responsible for the incest posts?




I've seen those popping up on other places as well, around the same time they appeared here. Could have been wild coincidence. Maybe it wasn't, but in that case: why dafuq they do that?


Yeah it's kinda strange. I wonder if it's one or more persons.


It's just bots. The internet is dead at this point.


Who is pedo baiting under the guise of being ruthlessly critical of age of consent laws?


leftypol is full of pedos who get off on loli and other anime pictures of children.


thats everywhere. also shota and loli arent pedophilic wuthin themselves.

Thats like saying liking guro means youre a bloodthirsty brute.


>muh teens sre ruining my favorite chatspace

Imageboard users are the biggest moral projectionists.


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uygha don't you start


>reddit spacing
>N-no don't attack muh teens!


>lolis are equivalent to cp

ok then maybe people whom enjoy shooter video games are the same as mass shooters.
>this comes from the same people whom get mad if you criticise millennials


People who are up in arms over "sav the children", bullshit arenjusy projecting their own desire to abuse kids onto everyone else. They are over compensating. You will never get them to be honest because of this they are !pre concerned with moral signaling to their peers than actually doing things to help children who are abused.


Iromy is, most policies concerning children are reactive not proactive. The vulnerability of youth is due to Puritan propaganda rather than actual worldly dangers.

In fact, studies habe shown that sheltering kids from worldly affairs makes them susceptible to abuse and vices.

We see this with gifted kids.
Ghey can solve fancy math equations without batying an eye but they cannot boil an egg or talk to the opposite sex. They end up being victims of odd crimes.


lolis are mildly disturbing, but it's drawn images, so as long as it's easy to avoid it, it's fine.

shooter games don't teach people anything about fighting with firearms, the military found that gamers had higher finger-dexterity and familiarity with video-game controllers led to some weapons system getting a console controller interface.

People can distinguish reality from video-games, where clicking buttons changes pixels on the screen. The human instinct that stops many people from killing is not eroded by games, to the great dismay of many military psychologists.

>muh generations

sigh of exasperation


If lolis are mildly disturbing to you but you find hyperrealistic shooter games not distirbing in the slightest, you habe your priorities messed up.

Like you said, if cognitive/moral compass is unaffected by video games, which is true, then lolis, whoch are purely cartoonish in style of drawing, have even less likelihood of eroding moral-cognitive compass.


>hyperrealistic shooter games
They're not realistic at all except for the visuals.
You manipulate computer input peripherals while sitting. Which is the opposite of running around while holding a weapon.


I would shoot a gun in real life. A hyperrealistic shooter simulates war and if I was in a war situation I'd shoot people. That means you'd fuck a "loli" in real life if there were no laws/repercussions against it. You fucking pedo.


Can some one help me piece together this retards logic here.

You realize people can like lolicon, but, also not like fucking children right?


what do you like about lolicon?


pedo derail probably from getchan. we must expand our campaign


Theres shooter games where you can also shoot civilians for fun. Like GTA V or Saints Row III and IV.

And people do that in video games. If there were no laws imagainst that in real life, theyd be psychopaths, rite?

So playing violent vieo games is psychopathic by your logic.



>>1863 just doesnt like loli which is fine but dont bring your moral strawmen in as a selfish imoosition for "things I dont like".


>If there were no laws imagainst that in real life, theyd be psychopaths, rite?
depends on the "civilians". I'd have no problem shooting Americans, or Anglos, or Germans. Shoot up a mall full of Americans without repercussions? Sounds fun.


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Resist the bait.
Resist the derail.
Focus on the prize!


how is it bait? shooting civilians is better than fucking children, objectively. Even though I won't actually kill civilians, I've fantasized about it, most people have. I have never fantasized about fucking children, most people haven't.


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YES. Now is an excellent time to increase our efforts.

The .org mod team has never been as weak as they are currently. They are demoralized, fighting amongst eachother and seemingly uninterested in running the site. Their meetings have stopped, only a handful of them bother to log on and they're down a regular dev.



yea youre a run of the mill edgelord.

>yea lol killing (insert demographic here) is bases man!


Posting that into the PSYOP threat, lol


>still hasn't said what he likes about lolicon
You're avoiding the question. I wonder why. what is appealing about lolicon? what do you like about it?


Wait is all of this true?
Based??? The only issue is we need a way tomstrikemthensite for a final death blow.


It's all true.


>lolis are equivalent to cp
Nice strawman, faggot, too bad that's not what the post says, go back to GET you filthy closeted fucks.


>this comes from the same people whom get mad if you criticise millennials
LOL victim complex much? I don't care for millennials either, moron.


>You hate pedos? Must be a pedo
>You hate murder? Must wanna murder
>You hate nazis? You must be a nazi


The pedo shit is interfering with my psyops. please


>make a few posts calling pasq a pedo
>tor node is shut down
it's much more fun keeping tor down for them. many users use tor exclusively, eventually those users will stop visiting.


continue on then


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pasquale convinced himself he's a badass because he spends every waking hour on leftypol. when he is accused of spamming F5 he laughs at it, because apparently they devised a system that allows them to monitor every post without manually refreshing. wow. it's like a cuck bragging that he automated the process of finding bulls for his wife.

this is the most fun I've had using leftypol. I go about my day, see friends, go out, protests, political meetings, read books, work, live my life. when I have a few minutes free I make a few posts about pasquale and he's there, deletes the posts within 10s of them being posted. it's both empowering and validating, he's my little plaything.


Make sure they know we aren't faggots over here.


You can no longer post with the name pasquale or pasq, it shows up as anonymous. He also disabled ban appeals from TOR. TOR is down most of the time, too. I'm gonna break him. it's clear as day that behind that facade of his is a weak-willed, mean-spirited bitch of a """""man""""". last night he banned TOR for three hours, I guess he wanted to get some sleep in. the dude is on watch 21 hours a day hahahaha


you can help in breaking him. whenever tor posting is allowed call pasquale a pedo, in any thread on any board. he deletes it within 30s. after a few posts he bans TOR. with minimal effort we can shut down their TOR permanently. I can even talk about it openly cause his ego is so fragile and he's so thin-skinned that he has to act on it. he literally can't help himself.


the goal is for pasquale to step down as mod of /leftypol/. he'll probably delete their whole db and nuke the site when he does.


>the goal is for pasquale to step down as mod of /leftypol/
the other mods hate him lol. they would probably thank us if we got him to step down. the goal is to make him act increasingly erratic until something gives.


Can we just drive the jannies clinically insane one after the other?


Well that has already happened with one, and I'm not talking about pasquale.


yeah was it m00dy? haven't seen him in the logs unless he changed names


>was it m00dy?


Does anyone know how wvobbly ended up on the ogre mod team and why he's still on it year after year? He's probably the most incompetent and arbitrary piece of shit janny I've ever seen on a leftist imageboard.


what happened to him? what set him off


My fav ogre mod is the one who allowed/approved of the Dasha thread


>what set him off
drugs mainly


Nah wvobbly isn't the worst of the mods - he's a liberal and a trans, so idpol topics criticizing LGBT immediately garner deletion and massive bans, but outside of that he doesn't really disturb the peace. Pasq and Comet are far more cancerous faggots that go out of their way to shit in the water and abuse their mod powers when losing an argument (while posting anonymously), as they usually do. At least wvobbly is relatively consistent, they're just schizophrenic.

Example of Comet's retardation: https://leftypol.org/meta/res/26954.html#29608


the identitarians are not harmless, their identity matrix requires everybody to take a identity position relative to their own, they will ruthlessly repress anybody who tries to opt out. If identities were military ranks, it would be like a society where you can't be a civilian.


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pasquale hates it when you point out he's a loser who spends all his time in front of a computer, watching anime. it really hurts him.

he deletes the comment then writes some stupid reply.


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he's seething hahahah


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proofs wanted.
my experience is that most are ignorant (don't even use /meta/ or their congress room) or naively believe that the complaints are all a few leftychan users. then there's wobbly who openly enjoys userbase drama, and a couple of enablers who just think pasq's psychosis is entertaining and don't realize that it's affecting random users.


I'm raiding ogre right now! Somehow they cant ban me on the other boards! only on the leftypol board! check it out now!


Why are you retards spamming on sharty too?


Why should i use leftychan insteand of Leftypol
Someone started spaming "go to leftychan" in there, what can i do in here


like five people post here it's probably .org troons doing it




Post proofs fag


I saw it, he posted a thread that said
a bunch of times and it got removed in less than an hour


I also saw it he beheaded the jannies and fucked their wife as well.
Truly a legend.


Did she cum?


You can post a picture, and text.


what is the tl;dr of why this site dislikes .org

i dislike .org but only because their staff is moronic and terrible

but I don't know what the original reason for the split is


Extremely (at this point cartoonishly) corrupt moderation and censorship. This site exists because the jannies on the other one resisted an attempt to hold them accountable or transparent. Things only got worse from there.


You can join the matrix and hear the spheel straight from the horses mouth, or, there's also some wikis that have it archived. The jannies from organic are constantly monitoring them though to make sure any objective observations of the event are skewed in their favor, however,


>Spam ukie thread with bait about NAFO and pedos
>mods ban the wrong uygha deleting their posts
Fucking lol



What specifically did they corrupt and why and how


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NTA but most of the current mods are extremely partisan and petty, openly banning from trumped up reasons and when challenged on it, either ignore the users or make condescending posts mocking them. Misato is still okay, they actually listen to feedback and aren't trigger-happy, but that's an outlier of the general behavior Wvobbly will disappear to the ass-end of nowhere for weeks, letting Cheese Pizza and other shit accumulate and leave it up for hours, then come back out of the blue (usually in the late spring-early fall) and start mass-deleting and banning people for week-long periods or more over bullshit reasons or outright because they're illiterate.

I did >>1956 and the funny part is that I wasn't even intending on getting someone else banned, Wvobbly literally couldn't read properly and banned the person calling out my bait.


>NTA but most of the current mods are extremely partisan and petty
Use names. Most of the mods barely do anything which is literally the appropriate behavior for their role, some are just still there after losing interest but many others simply don't think there's much that needs to be done.
As far as actual deletions and bans go, it's overwhelmingly just wvobbly, caballo and misato trying to curate the place, with some other brash ones like comet every so often.


>Use Names
I did mention, I don't want to bother listing each and every one of them.
>Most of the mods barely do anything
They do, just sporadically. Periods of utterly laxity even in the face of illegal content, and then sudden hard action. Zankaria mostly stays away from the moderator side of it, which is appropriate for a Dev.
>As far as actual deletions and bans go, it's overwhelmingly just wvobbly, caballo and misato trying to curate the place, with some other brash ones like comet every so often.
Caballo isn't as active as they used to be and isn't as ban-happy as before. Misato, like I said, is pretty good at moderating correctly, stepping in where necessary and mostly responding to reports. Wvobbly however is like a loose cannon. Sure, they might actually swat bad faith actors, but usually they'll smash the hammer down onto others, such as the example given. It's funny as fuck, because more than 1 thread has been made complaining about them and Pasq who are the worst offenders. Subject can be a petty twit too, but has mostly stopped being an idiot and actually moderates properly nowdays and has even argued with bad faith liberals trying to concern troll about how "the ogre members all hates minorities" and proceeded to call subject a transphobe or someshit like that.


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>don't visit leftypol for months
>check /meta/
>pasquale talking to himself again
At this point I just visit the site to remind myself that no matter how bad things get, I'm never gonna be such a loser to spend my life on some irrelevant shithole of a website. Like, imagine your whole personality being "leftypol mod". It was sad for a while, but now it's funny again.


Are you guys responsible for the asshole thread?


The left's passion for sodomy and the anus long predates leftychan.


>there's one fag here who spends hours a week making dozens of copypaste flood posts
>any of the mods click one button and delete them
>any users who see the flood posts learn its from this site and dont come here
i dont get it :/


Shut the fuck up you Ogre cuck


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We got spammed by those posts too once (it's a script that gets used against many imageboards) but within a few hours we added the tor captcha and haven't had the problem since. Don't blame your dev team's inability to implement basic features on us. Picrel.


lol man


It's definitely not a bot. It makes obvious manual typo errors and sometimes even gets mad and cries in the feedback thread.

I can't help but find it funnier that some sad sap is wasting their life manually copypasting posts for hours a day and a janny just clicks one button each time. And probably getting off on deleting them.


>I can't help but find it funnier that some sad sap is wasting their life manually copypasting posts for hours a day and a janny just clicks one button each time. And probably getting off on deleting them.
>It's definitely not a bot. It makes obvious manual typo errors and sometimes even gets mad and cries in the feedback thread.


you guys are faggots for the Big Cock Kino thread


>try to use VPN that i PAID for
>multiple IPs are banned FOREVER on org
thanks u guys


if ogre mods broke stuff why aren't you yelling at them to fix it.

You could just post here, that seems to work fine.


GUYS. I took down leftypol


lolol how?


seems to still be up but what happened?


>trolls getting vpn ips banned is 'mods breaking stuff'
uygha wtf


The site went down for a while on its own


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Which one of you did this lel


Roll up your sleeves boyos and start shilling:



What's the difference between leftychan and leftypol? Y'all clearly split off of leftypol at some point.


Basically the .org mods were being insufferable so we kicked them all out. They kept the domain though, so we had to rebrand as leftychan.net, and they got .org back up and running within a week.

The main difference is that this place is run democratically by users vetted on matrix, and has way more chill moderation than .org. There's lots of posts from users coming here and complaining about being censored and banned on .org. It doesn't sound fun over there: >>>/b/149523 lol they also delete any mention of this site, so there's some animosity.


What would you say are the general ideological leanings of the userbase here? Is it a friendlier place to anarchists than the .org site?


There is no real ideological consensus on .net. Anarchists are welcome and free to criticise Stalin or whatever.


I'd say it's a mix of well-read people (mostly communists) that try to educate other people with propaganda brain-rot. I'd say that it's pretty low-brow and there's some inflammatory stuff sometimes but the good outweighs the bad.


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kek I'm pretty sure I broke that thread just by posting in it.


Also a lemmy user read that thread and concluded that the ogre dev is a fed:


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So when you guys initially started out and talked about wanting to be friendly with GETchan, was that a lie the whole time?


We were friendly with GETchan up until today tbh


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That's a bit hard to believe, considering this isn't the first time we've gotten spam from here.


We have never raided GETchan.

The one time it has ever been suggested on this board (here >>1411 ), the idea was immediately dismissed:
<I didn't get repeatedly banned from those places so I have no grudge against them


You're the ones that perma banned me for mentioning .net in the ogre refugee thread. It wasn't even spam! But your mods said it breaks rule 4 so apparently we're too reactionary.


Sectarian? This place is literally called invasion and raid, the leftypol psyop thread.


>apparently we're too reactionary
yes, transphobia is reactionary


I didn't say sectarian, wut?
So if you aren't cool with this site why are you accusing us of being hostile first? So you're okay with hosting .org but won't give us a mention, and we're the bad guys here. Okay.


If you're transphobic then yes, you're the bad guys.


I am not transphobic. I live in probably the most liberal city anywhere in the world. But if you thought that already, why did you ask this? >>2023


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Are you guys ready to hammer home to the leftypol userbase that the the moderators just directed their userbase to a pro-child porn imageboard? This error can never be forgotten and this mistake must be capitalized on. Website squabble aside, it is our duty as human beings to bring this crime against humanity to light. I advise you to collect screenshots of the .org twitter post which referred them to this actual den of pedophillia, and supplementary evidence from getchan


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When .org is back online, use tor node and and mobile to maximize effectiveness. We must force a response from ogre moderators, and bait .org pedophiles into self-reporting their condition


>zankarin is moffin as admitted mods on /GET/
>the "zankarin" persona kept breaking the fucking site with bad code
>the "moffin" persona kept shitting up the board with imperialist propaganda about china and russia
>the site misteriously goes down as people lose interest in the anti-campist glow thread
>the site where zankarin/moffin is the server admin gets linked as a "temporary" replacement
>the site just happens to also be a lolicon den where people get banned for saying loli is pedo shit
and this is all a coincidence, right?


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>>zankarin is moffin as admitted mods on /GET/
forgot the pic


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leftychan come get your mans


This is our chance to strike! We must advertise our site as much as possible!


all bans seem to have been undone


No fucking way. Proofs?

The .org mods must have spent hundreds of hours cataloging and systematically banning IPs. If all their work is lost that's beyond funny.


I knew here before, i will post here as the mods and the owner seem like they know their stuff


zankaria/moffin has to be one of us.


They recovered the ban logs and reinstated the bans rip


Probably the only thing they backed up correctly was their banlist.


reminder that nobody likes you, leftychan.


thanks for the salty hug, i guess


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I'm a veteran of leftypol, I have seen and confirmed it for myself that the mods are endorsing drawings of child porn and I give up on the site. They are silencing anyone who points it out or criticizes GETChan. I called for soyjak party to raid GETChan, since the mods did not want to take the responsibility to remove GETChan from allies, but I still believed that they weren't involved, I decided to remove the filth from GETChan on my own accord by texting a reactionary friend (who's rather stupid) who in turn made a thread on soyjak party. And the pedo thread on GET was taken down(for now).

As for this site, I don't fucking like your shitty user democracy. Your interface & themes suck, your logo sucks - the leftypol bunker logo is the only true logo. And 99% of the threads are filled with reactionary shit here, low-effort soyjak replies. Most of you are campists. So fuck you too. Fuck leftypol too. I recognize neither as the successor after the split.


My fame precedes me


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Another deleted reply screenshot.
Anyway, I won't fucking post on your shitty dead site either.


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>low-effort soyjak replies
<'party user complaining about low-effort soyjak replies
>decided to remove the filth from GETChan on my own accord by texting a reactionary friend
uyghur just say you called for the raid, don't pussy foot around it
go attention whore somewhere else then lmao


>party user
No, you can't read. That was a lumpen friend.
>just say you called for the raid
I did call for it, I didn't make the post, however. A reactionary friend who frequents soyjakparty made it on request.
>go attention whore somewhere else then lmao
I'm going the only authentic communist place on the internet, the r/ultraleft sub.


is this 'friend' in the thread with us right now?


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While looking at the logs feature on leftypol ogre I discovered that there is a hidden /gulag/ board, which has some questionable threads up with what appears to be CSAM spam links.
The board is visible to anyone who enters /gulag/ on the url, so it should be without a doubt that the mods intentionally have it up as a means of distributing CSAM if the links really do lead to it. Not going to check to find out if it really is CSAM.
In the sea of reactionary threads, there is also a thread on the fourth image that has been removed from its original board, which is criticizing CSAM, the thread is also filled with pedo apologists. This should be telling that the mods censor anyone critical of pedophilia and actively promote it. https://leftypol.org/gulag/res/14779.html


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Holy Marx, they move the pedo threads to the reactionary threads graveyard to camouflage and preserve them.


Bitch what the fuck.

Why do they have pedo threads logged on a hidden board?


All of you submit a report to cloudflare now, before they hide the board again.



How do we tell people about this?
That's kind of wild.


If they still haven't hidden the board, make an archive of the catalog on https://archive.ph/ and post the link here.

Then we can use the shorthand archive link as proof of their shady activity.


I'm a retard I don't know how to do any of that.


We could probably drop the screen shots off to other boards…I guess? Spread the word. I am sure encyclopedia dramatic would be interested in this right?


On https://archive.ph/ copy this link https://leftypol.org/gulag/catalog.html into the red box that says something like "my link is live and I want to save" and let the page load in the background. It usually takes about 5 minutes. Then post the url once the snapshot has been generated.

I would do it but I'm phoneposting right now and archive doesn't usually work on mobile.


What the fuck are you doing retards, those links need to be deleted from that quarantine board not archived.

Stalin have mercy.


True maybe don't archive the board then. Still report them to cloudflare though.


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This board is supposed to be so devs can use the text of these CSAM posts for auto filtering them from posting, and/or for reviewing posts that have been removed so it can be undone if needed, believe me or don't but why the fuck would we have a secret pedo board (on clearnet no less) yet all the images are deleted. You don't have to take the most malicious explanation for everything.

t. leftypol mod


That doesn't make any sense because these links change constantly. Also hilariously enough the mods are here lightening fast defending themselves. Bitch what is this shit even.


>This board is supposed to be so devs can use the text of these CSAM posts for auto filtering them
This is retarded reasoning. The CSAM spam changes in form regularly so spam posts from months or years ago wouldn't be of use when making a filter. Even with our filter we have to manually block the first post when they starting spamming a new format of ad every month or so.
>You don't have to take the most malicious explanation for everything.
The .org mod team has earned their reputation for being incredibly shady. It was only recently you admitted to using smurf accounts when moderating to undermine the accuracy of the mod logs, thus misleading your users about mod activity. There is no transparency at all.


kek imagine selling your faggot prolapsed arsehole to multiimperialist nutsoy feds just 2 see them making their own propaganda project. Being an ogroid never felt so cheap ig.

Who the fuck is troonphobic here you fucking faggot uyghur? Instead of looking 4 troonphobes better watch out how your fucktarded identity in being xploited by the bourg ordnung you fucking cuck.

<<other half of the thread

50cents trying 2 start board infighting by claiming bullshit.

The only question ist: why the fuck is this board even here?


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>I discovered that there is a hidden /gulag/ board
LOL, newfag. /gulag/ has been around since the 8ch exodus and even before. There's even a hidden /dead/ board for doomers and shit.

But yeah, I'm grossed out by the fact that they did this to the lolishit threads instead of deleting them like they're supposed to. I was curious why the ban/deletion logs and number of threads disappearing weren't congruent before I left the site.

I've been around for a while (though I haven't posted here in months) and I don't understand why it took so long to kick GETchan out of leftypol circles, at least here if not .ogre
I pointed out many times in years prior about the pedoshit they had, including actual pizza and lolicon fantasies and roleplay they had, as well as an underage userbase of abusive, literal faggot mods. Seriously there's a pdf somewhere listing all the pedos and their conversations on GET.


Ogre is so fucking retarded they ban people for posting wojaks now


the troon pedophile moderators banned me forever because I said I would report the website to the FBI if I saw child porn on it again.

They said I should be beheaded in red user has been banned text for reporting child porn to the FBI.

post about investigating the child porn problem and you will be banned faster than if you said teachers produce no value


also, point out the pedophile getchan connection to leftypol…. see how fast they ban you lol


reporting child porn to the fbi makes you a bootlicker and a fed, to quote the leftypol usa thread. lots of pedophile ideology in that thread


Reporting child porn to the fbi is basically a citizens duty.

Yes but no…are you one of those people who equate lolicon and real CP?

Unique IPs: 248

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