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/i/ - Invasion and Raid

We do a little trolling
Tor Only

Password (For file deletion.)

/i/ now has a matrix room! Hosted on our own server. https://talk.leftychan.net/#/room/#Leftypol:matrix.org follow this link and you can create an account and be vetted and invited.

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 No.1351[View All]

Thread dedicated to psychological operations against the leftypol.org administration.

Things to consider:
<The .org mods will read this thread, use this to your advantage
<Posting over your mobile data will arouse less suspicion than over a proxy
<Threads created over an IP with no post history are heavily scrutinized
<Post in /meta/ and try to appeal any mod action against you
<Abuse the report feature
<Use a wide variety of proxy services
<Antagonize individual moderators
<Create as many personas as possible, try to have the mods always chasing a previous persona and not your current one
<The less consistency between the ideological beliefs of your personas the better
<Be consciously aware of your writing style
<Fermenting internal conflict among the mod team is of the upmost importance
<Sow dissent among the userbase whenever possible
<Have fun :)
471 posts and 121 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Basically the .org mods were being insufferable so we kicked them all out. They kept the domain though, so we had to rebrand as leftychan.net, and they got .org back up and running within a week.

The main difference is that this place is run democratically by users vetted on matrix, and has way more chill moderation than .org. There's lots of posts from users coming here and complaining about being censored and banned on .org. It doesn't sound fun over there: >>>/b/149523 lol they also delete any mention of this site, so there's some animosity.


What would you say are the general ideological leanings of the userbase here? Is it a friendlier place to anarchists than the .org site?


There is no real ideological consensus on .net. Anarchists are welcome and free to criticise Stalin or whatever.


I'd say it's a mix of well-read people (mostly communists) that try to educate other people with propaganda brain-rot. I'd say that it's pretty low-brow and there's some inflammatory stuff sometimes but the good outweighs the bad.


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kek I'm pretty sure I broke that thread just by posting in it.


Also a lemmy user read that thread and concluded that the ogre dev is a fed:


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So when you guys initially started out and talked about wanting to be friendly with GETchan, was that a lie the whole time?


We were friendly with GETchan up until today tbh


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That's a bit hard to believe, considering this isn't the first time we've gotten spam from here.


We have never raided GETchan.

The one time it has ever been suggested on this board (here >>1411 ), the idea was immediately dismissed:
<I didn't get repeatedly banned from those places so I have no grudge against them


You're the ones that perma banned me for mentioning .net in the ogre refugee thread. It wasn't even spam! But your mods said it breaks rule 4 so apparently we're too reactionary.


Sectarian? This place is literally called invasion and raid, the leftypol psyop thread.


>apparently we're too reactionary
yes, transphobia is reactionary


I didn't say sectarian, wut?
So if you aren't cool with this site why are you accusing us of being hostile first? So you're okay with hosting .org but won't give us a mention, and we're the bad guys here. Okay.


If you're transphobic then yes, you're the bad guys.


I am not transphobic. I live in probably the most liberal city anywhere in the world. But if you thought that already, why did you ask this? >>2023


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Are you guys ready to hammer home to the leftypol userbase that the the moderators just directed their userbase to a pro-child porn imageboard? This error can never be forgotten and this mistake must be capitalized on. Website squabble aside, it is our duty as human beings to bring this crime against humanity to light. I advise you to collect screenshots of the .org twitter post which referred them to this actual den of pedophillia, and supplementary evidence from getchan


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When .org is back online, use tor node and and mobile to maximize effectiveness. We must force a response from ogre moderators, and bait .org pedophiles into self-reporting their condition


>zankarin is moffin as admitted mods on /GET/
>the "zankarin" persona kept breaking the fucking site with bad code
>the "moffin" persona kept shitting up the board with imperialist propaganda about china and russia
>the site misteriously goes down as people lose interest in the anti-campist glow thread
>the site where zankarin/moffin is the server admin gets linked as a "temporary" replacement
>the site just happens to also be a lolicon den where people get banned for saying loli is pedo shit
and this is all a coincidence, right?


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>>zankarin is moffin as admitted mods on /GET/
forgot the pic


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leftychan come get your mans


This is our chance to strike! We must advertise our site as much as possible!


all bans seem to have been undone


No fucking way. Proofs?

The .org mods must have spent hundreds of hours cataloging and systematically banning IPs. If all their work is lost that's beyond funny.


I knew here before, i will post here as the mods and the owner seem like they know their stuff


zankaria/moffin has to be one of us.


They recovered the ban logs and reinstated the bans rip


Probably the only thing they backed up correctly was their banlist.


reminder that nobody likes you, leftychan.


thanks for the salty hug, i guess


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I'm a veteran of leftypol, I have seen and confirmed it for myself that the mods are endorsing drawings of child porn and I give up on the site. They are silencing anyone who points it out or criticizes GETChan. I called for soyjak party to raid GETChan, since the mods did not want to take the responsibility to remove GETChan from allies, but I still believed that they weren't involved, I decided to remove the filth from GETChan on my own accord by texting a reactionary friend (who's rather stupid) who in turn made a thread on soyjak party. And the pedo thread on GET was taken down(for now).

As for this site, I don't fucking like your shitty user democracy. Your interface & themes suck, your logo sucks - the leftypol bunker logo is the only true logo. And 99% of the threads are filled with reactionary shit here, low-effort soyjak replies. Most of you are campists. So fuck you too. Fuck leftypol too. I recognize neither as the successor after the split.


My fame precedes me


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Another deleted reply screenshot.
Anyway, I won't fucking post on your shitty dead site either.


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>low-effort soyjak replies
<'party user complaining about low-effort soyjak replies
>decided to remove the filth from GETChan on my own accord by texting a reactionary friend
uyghur just say you called for the raid, don't pussy foot around it
go attention whore somewhere else then lmao


>party user
No, you can't read. That was a lumpen friend.
>just say you called for the raid
I did call for it, I didn't make the post, however. A reactionary friend who frequents soyjakparty made it on request.
>go attention whore somewhere else then lmao
I'm going the only authentic communist place on the internet, the r/ultraleft sub.


is this 'friend' in the thread with us right now?


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While looking at the logs feature on leftypol ogre I discovered that there is a hidden /gulag/ board, which has some questionable threads up with what appears to be CSAM spam links.
The board is visible to anyone who enters /gulag/ on the url, so it should be without a doubt that the mods intentionally have it up as a means of distributing CSAM if the links really do lead to it. Not going to check to find out if it really is CSAM.
In the sea of reactionary threads, there is also a thread on the fourth image that has been removed from its original board, which is criticizing CSAM, the thread is also filled with pedo apologists. This should be telling that the mods censor anyone critical of pedophilia and actively promote it. https://leftypol.org/gulag/res/14779.html


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Holy Marx, they move the pedo threads to the reactionary threads graveyard to camouflage and preserve them.


Bitch what the fuck.

Why do they have pedo threads logged on a hidden board?


All of you submit a report to cloudflare now, before they hide the board again.



How do we tell people about this?
That's kind of wild.


If they still haven't hidden the board, make an archive of the catalog on https://archive.ph/ and post the link here.

Then we can use the shorthand archive link as proof of their shady activity.


I'm a retard I don't know how to do any of that.


We could probably drop the screen shots off to other boards…I guess? Spread the word. I am sure encyclopedia dramatic would be interested in this right?


On https://archive.ph/ copy this link https://leftypol.org/gulag/catalog.html into the red box that says something like "my link is live and I want to save" and let the page load in the background. It usually takes about 5 minutes. Then post the url once the snapshot has been generated.

I would do it but I'm phoneposting right now and archive doesn't usually work on mobile.


What the fuck are you doing retards, those links need to be deleted from that quarantine board not archived.

Stalin have mercy.


True maybe don't archive the board then. Still report them to cloudflare though.


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This board is supposed to be so devs can use the text of these CSAM posts for auto filtering them from posting, and/or for reviewing posts that have been removed so it can be undone if needed, believe me or don't but why the fuck would we have a secret pedo board (on clearnet no less) yet all the images are deleted. You don't have to take the most malicious explanation for everything.

t. leftypol mod


That doesn't make any sense because these links change constantly. Also hilariously enough the mods are here lightening fast defending themselves. Bitch what is this shit even.


>This board is supposed to be so devs can use the text of these CSAM posts for auto filtering them
This is retarded reasoning. The CSAM spam changes in form regularly so spam posts from months or years ago wouldn't be of use when making a filter. Even with our filter we have to manually block the first post when they starting spamming a new format of ad every month or so.
>You don't have to take the most malicious explanation for everything.
The .org mod team has earned their reputation for being incredibly shady. It was only recently you admitted to using smurf accounts when moderating to undermine the accuracy of the mod logs, thus misleading your users about mod activity. There is no transparency at all.

Unique IPs: 20

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