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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.456057[Last 50 Posts]

Let's get a general thread about FIRE (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate). Include topics about crypto as well.


Crypto crash fucked my shit up. Jk I mean my crypto hodl got tanked but I didn't invest that much into it in the first place thankfully.

For me, it's real estate from now on. Real estate always goes up. Crypto never again unless some industry insider gifts me a free state-of-the-art automated crypto trading bot that makes insane profits on 24/7 sideways swing trades in my sleep or something.


I literally got in at the bottom but because I. A poor fag I kept having to dig into my savings. Now line going back up.


Landlords backing off big rent hikes
>Through the winter and spring, rent hikes on Covid-era lease renewals soared as high as 50 percent as New York landlords cashed in on strong demand and low availability.

>Those price bumps — largely a recovery from early-pandemic discounts — drove Manhattan’s average rent above $5,000, a near 30 percent jump in a year.

>But new data show that landlords’ unprecedented repricing power has likely run its course.



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Well if sex work is real work….


>Owns a gun

What is he afraid


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If sex work is 'real work,' then women shouldn't be allowed to collect unemployment if the refuse to turn tricks. Simple as


least reactionary leftychanner


Flag usage is a crime against nature


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Credit Suisse looking like it might default. This might be it lads, the beginning of a Great Depression.


Are Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank on the Brink of Collapse? And What Does It Mean for Crypto?


Bros…this looks like it might be twice as bad as 2008. I'm scared…Hold me…


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>hiking interest rates going into a depression
I can't see how that could possibly go wrong.


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Is there a lower form of life on Earth than the landlord?




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First of all, FIRE stands for financial independence, retire early.

Secondly, try making money instead of being a fag who cries about people making money. Simply put, the people making money don't care about you. They don't care if you hate them, because you still pay them and aren't competition. You've taken yourself out of the competition because you'd rather spend your time doing drugs, playing video games, and whining. They're probably happy you're a seething faggot, since your seething doesn't do anything to harm their financial interests.


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if you could sell useless gibberish, you'd be a millionaire


Lel, "/pol/ese" is becoming its own dialect. Its native speakers had hardly understand English anymore.


can ==> had
I need sleep.




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Men can sex work, don't be a misandrist.


>First of all, FIRE stands for financial independence, retire early.
>Secondly, try making money instead of being a fag who cries about people making money.
go back


Muh plebianpedia


do i really need to cite a scientific paper to show that a fucking word exists


My fren, it was a joke.


sorry, I got the 'tism


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Did they really need to throw vegans under the buss like that


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This is the nature of capitalism. Who cares if 1/3rd of the population looses their job. As long as enough people keep their job not to over turn the system. Better them than us.




>capitalism is about stealing the surplus value of workers
>capitalism doesn't care if people stop working


This is one of the many fundamental and central contradictions found with in the system of capitalism. Congratulations you win the prize!


>my theory is incompatible with reality
>it must be reality that is wrong
This is why I visit you guys <3


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uygha, this means capitalism is incompatible with reality, kek.
Right wingers are so fucking brain dead, kek. These are models crafted around the system of capitalism not communism. It's capitalism that is incompatible with reality because what these contradictions mean is that eventually capitalism will create an underclass so impoverished that they will either have to revolt or live as essential slaves and be genocided out, or, whatever else could possibly happen. But if capitalism needs jobs and is simultaneously shrinking the job market through technology then it seems so obvious, but, ofc, rightards can't comprehend this shit. It really is amazing how right wing brains function. They believe what they are told to believe unquestioningly.


It really is like listening to your spunky 9 year old cousin tell you about how life works


Do you often get intellectually dunked on by nine-year olds?


>Dunning kruger


>It's capitalism that is incompatible with reality because what these contradictions mean is that eventually capitalism will create an underclass so impoverished that they will either have to revolt or live as essential slaves and be genocided out, or, whatever else could possibly happen.
And where is this underclass today? The poorest workers of a capitalist society can buy 1000s of calories with an hour's wages, have little supercomputers in their pockets and zoom around in metal boxes powered by dinosaur juice. So clearly this prediction is wrong.

>if capitalism needs jobs and is simultaneously shrinking the job market through technology then it seems so obvious

If capitalists can still profit without workers then clearly value doesn't come from labor and it's actually your whole surplus value theory that is wrong.

>rightards rightards rightards

For all you know I'm someone who's actually read Marx and modern post-Marx thinkers and just testing your knowledge. You're fucking failing by the way.


>And where is this underclass today? The poorest workers of a capitalist society can buy 1000s of calories with an hour's wages, have little supercomputers in their pockets and zoom around in metal boxes powered by dinosaur juice. So clearly this prediction is wrong.
Ah, the old "class is an income bracket" trope that liberals love so much! The value of wages must be sufficient to match that of the sum of those commodities that are necessary to ensure that the necessary labor will be replicated. Things like cars and gasoline are necessary and will remain so unless capitalist production falls back into the company town system where everyone who works for a company lives on company land within walking distance to their place of employment. Also, LOL"supercomputers." Smart phones are nothing more than miniturized turn-of-the-century computers with GPS trackers.
>If capitalists can still profit without workers then clearly value doesn't come from labor and it's actually your whole surplus value theory that is wrong.
That would indeed do so! But they can't. The more that they mechanize, the more the rate of profit shrinks. And yet they must mechanize, because if they don't thir competitors will do it first and reap the short-term rewards of a being able to produce their commodities for much less than the value that they realize in return for them.
>For all you know I'm someone who's actually read Marx and modern post-Marx thinkers and just testing your knowledge.
Not Capital, clearly. What did you read? The 18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon? The Communist Manifesto? The German Ideology? Also, lol "post-marx."


Lel, you have no idea how ironic it is to cite Dunning-Kruger in that context, do you?


>Ah, the old "class is an income bracket" trope that liberals love so much!
You said
>an underclass so impoverished…
Where is this impoverished underclass? It doesn't exist. Myth busted.

>That would indeed do so! But they can't.

So if I can show you an industry that profits without workers then you admit that Marx was wrong about LTV and surplus value? Hang on I'll get my camera ready


>Where is this impoverished underclass? It doesn't exist.
You think that the lumpen-proletariat doesn't exist? God, the police wouldn't have much to do if that were true.
>So if I can show you an industry that profits without workers then you admit that Marx was wrong about LTV and surplus value? Hang on I'll get my camera ready
Oh yes, let's play. inb4 speculators


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I always did love this slight of hand bullshit about callories from reactionaries because it totally ignores the fact that 56% of the job market is basically walmart employees and 90% of every generation who isn't a boomer is basically locked out of the housing market. But yeah, they can buy a cheese burger at McDonalds for 2 bucks. Go off king.

>If capitalists can still profit without workers then clearly value doesn't come from labor and it's actually your whole surplus value theory that is wrong.

Retard, in what way did this conclude that capitalists can survive with out labor? The falling rate of profit is honing in on labor efficency. It's so obvious you have never actually read Karl Marx because Marx specifically talks about two ways that the Capitalist can increase labor efficency. 1 way is basically the whip and the pin to force the worker to work HARDER or he can go to technological advancement. That doesn't mean that some how the capitalist doesn't live off labor. He does. With out it, him doing no useful work of his own, cannot live. That is the point.

It's very obvious you haven't read any marx at all. No one who has read and digested marx would make these dumb right wing talking points.


Oh, and just so that nobody says that I set you up for cheap gotchas, what do you consider an "industry" to be? I would say that it includes all productive forces that enter into the production of a specific commodity.


>You think that the lumpen-proletariat doesn't exist?
Whatever you want to call them. If they exist then tell me who they are. You've stalled for 3 posts now.

>Oh yes, let's play. inb4 speculators

Automotive factories are full automated.

>every generation who isn't a boomer is basically locked out of the housing market. But yeah, they can buy a cheese burger at McDonalds for 2 bucks
How do you explain the forever bubble of housing in your worldview? It can't just be "muh capitalism" because as you yourself say, food is cheaper and more abundant than ever. There is clearly a force acting on housing but not food.

>Retard, in what way did this conclude that capitalists can survive with out labor?

I didn't say they can or can't. I said if they can then that would prove that LTV is nonsense. As a rational, objective person you would be forced to update your ideology in light of this new evidence.


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I never said food is cheaper and more abundant. You are a uyghur and you are putting words in my mouth to defend your retarded posttions like a dumb uyghur.


Anyways, why can't it be capitalism? You flippant wag your fat little fingers at the notion that capitalism is the driving force behind current human history and relations though it is true. The housing market has become monopolized it doesn't take a fucking genius to figure it out.\ and realtors are making more money off hoarding and speculating than actually selling. It's just capitalism god you are such a dishonest faggot.

>prove the LTV is nonsense. No it doesn't you retard because all the LTV points out is that everything of utility comes from labor. Value = utility. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Just piss off jesus christ you are like an annoying child who thinks they know everything but really to the adults you just sound like a retard.


>Whatever you want to call them. If they exist then tell me who they are. You've stalled for 3 posts now.
I would have thought that nobody would demand proof of the existence of the homeless, the unemployed, the poverty-stricken gangsters who make their livings by criminal means, the chronically underemployed who have their incomes supplemented by government programs. They are pretty fucking difficult to miss.
>Automotive factories are full automated.
The automotive industry! Holy fucking kek, of all the things to pick, you pick the most shining and pristine example of the effect of automation on an industry's rate of profit. Honestly, I would have expected you to go for something off the wall like crypto mining or those brothels in the Netherlands that are "staffed" by sex dolls. But no, you pick the automotive industry, the industry that every marxist loves to point at and say, "See? This is exactly what we're talking about!"
>I said if they can then that would prove that LTV is nonsense.
Hey, thanks for proving that Marxist theory is falsifiable! Suck it, Popper.


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Redditor can't withdraw from Binance.


I don't know what Binance is. Is it a bank that holds crypto? Is there a bank run on?


It's another crypto pyramid scheme that is going to collapse in the next few months.


It's an exchange, like a stock market. People by and more importantly, sell crypto for cash.


What's the deal with Binance US buying voyager assets? where did it get 1 billion to buy it?

>Binance.US is a separate legal entity with a licensing agreement from Binance.com, not a subsidiary of Binance. Binance.US is majority owned by Binance's CEO Changpeng Zhao.


also, I would like to know are we talking 1 billion of hard cash, or "1 billion" of shitcoins?


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sorry anon i'm a midwit, what does this mean


Means people who trade stocks will have to put down more of their own cash.


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California DMV puts car titles on Tezos blockchain, consumer applications on the way


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Goldman-Sacks is driving up copper prices.

As a result Chinese technology gadget manufacturing is now using copper-clad aluminum cables which uses only 1/10th of the copper. Copper cladding is an old technology that dates back to the 19 century, when it was invented to make cheaper telegraph wires. The 10x reduction has for now negated the middle-man price-gouging strategy, but it's not certain that it will solve it permanently.

However there are 2 new technologies.

The first one allows copper-plating polymers. It's possible to electro-plate something similar to nylon-wire with an 1 atom-thick copper layer. It is robust enough that you won't accidentally scrape it off while handling it with standard tools unlike copper-clade aluminum and steel, which is a little less robust than normal copper wires.

The second technology is adding nano scale carbon structures to the copper to increase it's conductivity by about 4 orders of magnitude. It is very energy intensive to make these carbon structures because it happens at several thousand degrees Kelvin. And it extracts carbon from the air because other sources for carbon like graphite aren't pure enough, and that adds more energy costs. Up until now there wasn't much incentive to do mass production, because it was only used when extremely light weight electrical conductors made financial sense in weight constrained applications like satellites, or ultra high power density applications like electric airplanes.

But the wallstreet bros are likely going to push copper prices to the point where it makes sense to build mass-manufacturing for these technologies, and then the copper demand from the tech manufacturing sector will fall off the cliff because it will probably cut it's copper consumption by a factor of up to 10'000.

So my finance advice is, electricity metal speculation is probably going to be over in the not too distant future.


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NO! It's the gubbermint and its taxes and regulations that's killing small business, not landlords driving up the equilibrium value of the means of subsistence and thus making low-paying jobs unsustainable! Equilibrium prices are just a commie fantasy!


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holy based


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>decrease rent
>never done before
holy shit America is literal hell, thank god I don't live there.


RIP Silicon Valley Bank: Shut Down by California Regulator, Taken Over by FDIC, Shareholders Bailed In, Insured Depositors to Get their Cash by Monday


Is this an "another-one bites the dust" type situation or is it indicative of something more profound ?


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That's the question isn't it. All we know for sure is that it is the second largest bankruptcy in history.
My gut feeling is that the FDIC will successfully contain it, the mainstream media doesn't seem too worried and I know they lie all the time but I just pick up this vibe that their being legit this time.
But if there's another bank run…


They're calling it a mass extinction event for Silicon Valley startups. SV startup culture was always kind of a grift so it will be interesting to se e how this bankruptcy effects tech.
They closed the bank in the middle of the day instead of waiting until this evening so this thing is moving fast!


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I think it could really effect the Californian Real Estate market. SV Bank were giving really exotic mortgages to techbros like allowing collateral in the form of stock options. I can't imagine a normie bank wanting to buy debt like that so these guys might have their loans yeeted and be forced to sell.


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Wells Fargo says 'technical issue' causing customers to report missing deposits
bank run on Wells Fargo




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what's the point of economics anymore when at the faintest fart in the markets all central bankers immediately go "BRRRRRRR"


Gotta keep the slaves chasing after fake money.


Wolff posted a video about the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse



So confusing to me why Wolff sometimes posts analyses on his personal channel and other times on the D@W channel.


Michael Hudson's take on the bank collapse



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Credit Suisse bank might get nationalized

<Swiss authorities are evaluating a full or partial nationalization of Credit Suisse Group (NYSE:CS) as the only other option for the bank outside of sale to UBS AG (NYSE:UBS).


I wonder if this is related to Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank going down.


>I wonder if this is related to Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank going down.
It is more related to the interest rate.

I don't think Credit Suisse had any direct connections the the squeezed US banks or their depositors.


credit suisse has been in a bad state for a long time now
fears surrounding bank runs definitely made their situation less acceptable


Credit Suisse bank has just been bought by UBS bank.

Not sure what that means tho. It's so tiresome to decrypt the machinations of fictional capital.


Crisis delayed



<“Project Sandman” describes a 100+ nation agreement that, when triggered, will see those nations simultaneously dump the dollar and abandon the “petrodollar” status that has allowed the USA to enjoy 50 years of fiat currency counterfeiting and material abundance at the expense of everyone else. When this decision is triggered, the dollar and all dollar-denominated assets will plunge to near-ZERO literally overnight.

This isn't real, it's a form of entertainment website for collapse-porn. Their disclaimer says:
<Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not.

But this is still a fun thought experiment.
Would such a 100 country conspiracy to collapse the dollar actually work ?


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Usually these sites are put out as a wink to give away parts of what is planned, with the expectation that you figured out that humans lie about everything. The space aliens trope is older than you think. It came out in a big way to announce the birth of the national security state, and there are references to this in the occult milieu of the prior 50 years.

To answer the question - that is what they want to do, but there are too many interests who have no reason to run around like headless chickens. Currency schemes have collapsed before, and out of necessity vendors work out ad hoc solutions. The will of a few manipulators to create panic only works for so long. It scatters the easily defeated and those who imbibe too much ideology, but those with too much to lose work out countermeasures against these incursions. Ultimately it would rely on many millions becoming repo men and carrying out the grisly work, and that's why neoliberal managerial culture was created - to turn the whole country into the lowest forms of Einsatzgruppen they could. The result has been a steady escalation of faggotry and all the depravity inherent to the Right as a political formation, and the stripping away of anything else, leaving behind nothing but trained animals who think of nothing and have no real thoughts. Even with the vast effort spent to create these people, there are only so many reliable Einsatzgruppen, and those who are smart enough to be effective have incentives to work against the final end of this directive. It's why they want to build all these killbots and mystify tech, and why the current op is to tell us GPT-4 is Skynet. It's retarded.

Tanking the dollar, though, is shit easy, and there are interested parties that want it. The rich and their managerial lackies are already thinking of how to convert their money tokens into units of pure slavery and torture. That's the way we set for ourselves, and it has become life's prime want. Neoliberal society does not produce a single thing more than it has to in order to keep people from revolting, and they have steadily played a game of lowering standards and destroying all decencies and all expectations.


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Perhaps if y'all stopped advocating for a system that collapsed on itself in the previous century after leaving >100 million to starve to death, then you would see the world more clearly.


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lol gave me a chuckle

While Capitalism did indeed collapse in to fascism last century, it killed way more than a 100 million.


>retarded Aristotelian who fought against every inch of progress revealed by the Renaissance.jpeg


The audacity to post this with such a high lack of self awareness is peak capitalist ideology.


>implying all the questions have been answered


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A trick you can use to screw over your landlord as you're about to leave is to call code enforcement on anything that looks like it's not up to code. It can be anything from a leaky toilet, to pests to a sagging roof. They might get their occupancy certificate pulled. Code enforcement can be very particular so it really doesn't take much. Use discretion, if your unit is brand new you probably don't have anything substantial to report but most people live in rentals that are a least a little rundown.
Don't do this unless you have a new place lined up. If they do lose their certificate of occupancy and you'll get evicted in 30 days.


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Missouri jury finds NAR, brokerages guilty of conspiring to inflate commissions
>A Kansas City jury has found the National Association of Realtors, HomeServices of America and Keller Williams guilty of colluding to inflate or maintain high commission rates through NAR’s Clear Cooperation Rule, in the Sitzer/Burnett buyer broker commission lawsuit.

>The defendants have been ordered to pay damages of $1.78 billion. The jury reached its verdict after a little over two weeks of testimony from the plaintiffs and defendants. During their testimony, the home seller plaintiffs and their lead attorney Michael Ketchmark argued that despite the defendants having antitrust rules and regulations in place, the trade group and corporate brokerages knowingly violated their own rules in order to maintain high commission rates. Judge Stephen Bough, who is overseeing the suit, still needs to issue his final judgement on the case, before the verdict is final.

>The class action antitrust lawsuit, which was originally filed in 2019, also included RE/MAX and Anywhere as defendants, however the two reached settlements in this suit as well as the two other commission lawsuits, Moehrl and Nosalek, in September.


Basically the end of 6% commissions on Real Estate transactions in burger land, the end of NAR, and the careers of half of all real estate agents as the ruling will probably stop the practice of buyers agents.


Execs at Yield star, software makers that allegedly fixed rent prices in Phoenix metro, had leaked correspondence showing them laughing about the rents they were able to help landlords fox.


*landlords fix


What is "the halvening" and why should I care about it?




Purplepingers an Australian man, releases a list of vacant homes and encourages squatters to occupy them.


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If you have a mortgage, you do NOT own a home!


This is a video from a 'YT influnsor' that is trying to get people to buy stonks from some random company. But before he's trying to rope you into buying fictional capital. He's bringing up a theory on reading tea-leaves i mean the 'stripper index'.
<If the strippers gets less income line will go down.
He basically ends his economic theorizing on god the market is mysterious and nobody can know his divine intentions predict anything.

Why are these people so obtuse, the capitalist crisis cycle is not hard to understand.
<If capital invests there's going to a boom.
<If capital does a investment strike there's going to be a bust.

More nuance exists of course, it also depends on what they are investing into. Investment into the productive economy and labor productivity improving machines, nets a better economic performance than say spending on imperial conquest that doesn't pan out. The exploitation rate also matters if that's too high and the population experiences demographic decline that also dampens economic performance. That said the 2 previously mentioned simple rules are good enough to get some idea.




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it is happening again


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GameStop trading at $71 a share. Up from $10 two weeks ago.


What do you reckon this is ?
Speculators playing around ?

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