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/music/ - Music

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File: 1728189473640.mp4 ( 21.61 MB , 1280x720 , 244 terminal road.mp4 )


Post your songs.




Nice. You still do stuff?


Also another I did just recently.


Maybe in a few years


This is a thread for originals anon…
unless… are you in Rammstein? =O


I'm DJing for free.
Maybe back in 2-3 years.

Set continues


You gotta make another thread for that


New song about The Claims Adjuster. Written before yesterday, but I'm sticking with the lyrics. Might re-record it though. What do you think, /music/?


I'd say it's not bad, although the guitar is drowning out the singer in the latter half. Fiddle with audio levels or something.


Alright. Gonna re-record the guitar altogether at some point, but been busy.


File: 1734541268560.mp3 ( 6.16 MB , Martial Law.mp3 )

Skipped ahead and recorded a tribute to Yoon Suk Yeol & the South Korean Martial Law shit.

Unique IPs: 9

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