Do remember about the fact that reactionary kikery was always prevailing above the general jewish nation. When bols sparked their october rebellion only
ONE (1) xplicitly jewish party supported their cause, while "oppressed" jewish bourgs were fully financing pogromian cossack regiments to preserve their wealth! & don't forget that lemmin kicked bundoid "left zionist" whores (who became founders of iϟϟreel) out of his party for their fascistic sectarian degeneracy all the way back in 1903. It's like there was already a reason to do that!
Oh, & the term "kike" was made up by the u.s. jews in their disdain towards "their" brothers & sisters who escaped the r*ϟϟian empire.
Despite this peculiar historical fact, you should
not be doing what
>>154292 is proposing:
>it's OK to use racial slurs against oppressorsNo fag, by participating in identarism (
in this case "racism") you only divert the public attention from actual class analysis by playing by bourgoid rules in their own game of preserving the status quo by any divisive means necessary.
That's not how struggle works, in struggle it is
you who should impose
your own fight conditions on your enemy, not the other way around by trying to win in their playground of retardation.