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 No.154243[View All]

>IOF soldiers when they see a Hamas tunnel rigged with explosives
94 posts and 77 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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All Zionists have (aside from stolen land) is being racist and psychotic. How dare you try to take that from them!


But when I say kikes like you like to drink palestinian baby blood for moloch this cuck site bans me


>beak nosed inbred turko-slavic larping invader rat
>calling an authoctonous people of mena a settler

Your "people" deserves to be skinned alive and be eaten by bugfly maggots


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You're implying """israel""" is a country instead of a criminal outpost for larping pedos, baby killers and deranged settler colonizers, JIDF

A bullet to the head and being turned into biomass is what zionists deserve, you all can have your deranged ethnostate six feet under


Akshually many Israelis and Palestinians speak English. Israeli colonizers are so racist they refuse to learn Arabic, so English often becomes the lingua franca for communication between the two.


Cope, Israel will continue to win and Arab colonizers will die.


Moshe, the only thing you're winning is the absolute hatred and disgust of the globe, the only thing keeping your vile baby killing ethnocolony in life support are deranged evangelical boomers from America and Europe, once these kick the bucket so will your pedo/baby killer neocrusader state in the levant


It's also, notably, a non-point even without that. The Zionist project was explicitly colonial at its start, and continues to be so.

“We have forgotten that we have not come to an empty land to inherit it, but we have come to conquer a country from a people inhabiting it, that governs it by virtue of its language and savage culture…If we seek to look upon our land, the Land of Israel, as ours alone and we allow a partner into our estate—all context and meaning will be lost to our enterprise.”

- Moshe Sharett, 1914

They could speak fucking Klingon and it wouldn't matter when they are, and continue to be, an explicitly a colonial project. It's just icing on the proverbial shitcake that most of them actually do speak English or other European languages anyway, and they're propped up and armed largely by countries which also primarily speak English & other European languages.


Even if the Israelis are right, I am against them.


"Hello fellow anti-Zionists"


They are right and doing the world a favor by killing subhuman Arabs.


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Whatshisname is like the schizo Uncle Tom version of Miko Peled. The things Peled says are actually grounded in reality, but Zionists would rather listen to the fantasies of a brain-damaged comprador as long as said comprador says racist shit.


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Iran is finished when Trump gets elected. 🥳🎉


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>get merc'd by own army


As long as those subhuman Palestinians and Iranians are wiped out. 🥳🎉


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>and a state denial
Even they literally admitted it 3 years before the state comptroller denied it to try to save face.


I already read it months ago when I was researching this, you're the one who didn't read the admission posted here: >>155748

The comptroller later, after the fact, saying "we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing" after multiple women had come forward and after officials had already admitted to doing it three years earlier is not the ebic deboonking you want to believe it is.



>"primarily to Ethiopian women because they forget, they don’t understand, and it’s hard to explain to them, so it’s best that they receive a shot once every three months… basically they don’t understand anything.”

Is it their fault if Ethiopians are clueless?


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Are you like trying to push some kind of narrative that Palestinians are racist? Even if they called some people mean names, don't you think that genociding a whole population is a bit more racist than that?


Forced sterilization is also more racist than namecalling. Hasbarist psychos will get called out on this and then be like "but Palestinians were rude once >=[!!!"



>narrative that Palestinians are racist
They are and it's more than "mean names"
>don't you think that genociding a whole population is a bit more racist than that
Again no evidence of genocide, they are losing a war not being genocided.


They weren't "fooled" there was a miscommunication and lack of understanding on the Ethiopians part. Their population in Israeli also rose btw.


the german holocaust against jews was an inter-imperialist conflict. not my problem. jews are nazis.


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western eceleb is a smug liberal??


>inferior culture
Christopher Colombus ass uygha


Wrong again, retard.
>while the women were still in transit camps in Ethiopia they were sometimes intimidated or threatened into taking the injection.
>The women’s testimony could help explain the almost 50-percent decline over the past 10 years in the birth rate of Israel’s Ethiopian community.


>mean names
They literally had them as slaves until the Jews intervened. Both are racist, but are Arabs are worse no question.


He's right though


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Arab subhumans are cursed losers


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Zews blowing up a Muslim bank for offering interest-free loans




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book written by the most based man in this century


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more sinwar clips




damn was he actually based?


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