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 No.3975[Watch Thread]>>3995

Leftcels BTFO


Actively trying to get laid with attractive women (and through that learning the truth about human nature and relationships in order to become effective at doing so) is the quickest way of ridding yourself of leftist delusions.

Some guys will get lucky and stumble into a relationship and be satisfied. Other will never learn and be stuck for years chasing sex crumbs from 2s. For the rest of us, the path forward is letting go of the baggage of woke, progressive politics.

When I first read stuff like Chateau Heartiste, I was shocked. 'No thanks,' I thought. 'Ill try to get laid without the 'misogyny.'' Only through experience did I realize that basically everything he said worked in real life.


I've yet to meet a leftist with decent game or a sex life that I envied.


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>anal sex
Disgusting. That's the pooper.
No, just no. I don't want anybody's teeth anywhere near my dick. I don't trust anybody like that.


>Material grievances I don't want to hear are idpol
Based Liberal


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>tldr: I'm not liek you inkwells! I have muh game! I hold frame and take showers every day! I finally landed an expired Becky with a body count in the thousands! I finally have my starfish sex on fridays! God, it's SO GOOD to be a normoid!
yeah, sure buddy, lol


Seethe harder faggot


>>3975 (OP)
What an absolute anal shithole.

Kill jannoids. Behead jannoids. Run over jannoids with a train.

QWERTY shit is not idpol, but Blackpill is idpol apparently..
Leftoids with their doublespeak again lol. Retarded faggots. Somebody should take a time machine, go back to the 18th century, and strangle Hegel in his sleep.


the only one seething here is you lol


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Apparently idpol is when you point out that sexual preferences are objectively determined lol. Even fucking Venus De Milo uses the 45:55 ratio.

>n-no! It's because of capitalist ideology that nobody likes landwhales!

sure thing, sister, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder kek


>'im not seething, you're seething'
>Proceeds to samefag and write the same thing in a half dozen threads

We get it. You can't breed. Go back to your videogames now. You can be a winner in elder scrolls and won't be victimized by… [checks notes]…women


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>Proceeds to samefag and write the same thing in a half dozen threads
funny hearing this from a samefag who post the same redpilloid bullshit in a half dozen threads

>Go back to your videogames now.

I'd say videogames are much more productive than simp-chasing some hoe lol

>You can be a winner in elder scrolls and won't be victimized by… [checks notes]…women

nah, I prefer to be a good-for-nothing protag in my jap dating sims and VNs

I want to be loved unconditionally or not loved at all.


>n-no! It's because of capitalist ideology that nobody likes landwhales!
Leftist men want girls to be attracted to broke men who make no effort to earn money.
Leftist women want men to be attracted to fat women who make no effort to stay fit.
A greed for the unearned is the foundation of leftist thought in general.


>Leftist men want girls to be attracted to broke men who make no effort to earn money.
>Poor people are poor because they're lazy.
Top tier liberalism comrade.


>Fat people are fat because they're lazy
Top tier fascism comrade.


>Fat people are the same as Poor people.
Top tier false equivalence comrade.


>men's problems are real, women's problems are invalid
Top tier inceldom comrade.


>men's problems are real, w*men's problems are invalid
Yes? lol

name me one "w*men's problem" that is exclusive to w*men


>Addressing men's and women's problems is a zero sum game.
Nice false scarcity lib


A lack of suitable men who have their lives together and know how to fuck


>A lack of suitable men who have their lives together and know how to fuck
There are plenty they are just not leftist cucks.


>Women are rejecting men because of their character and not LMS (Looks Money Status)
Top kek


>Women are rejecting men because of their character and not LMS (Looks Money Status)
"Character" is just a heuristic for how successful a man could be in the future.


This is code for "makes more money than me".




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Leftcels BTFO again


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shit analogy (pun intended)

imagine feeling superior about smearing shit all over your ass with a piece of paper lol

while bluepilled cucks wipe their asses like our baboon ancestors, incelchads use the newest technology called "bidet"


lol fakepoo

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