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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.485822[Watch Thread]>>485824>>485827>>485905

this fuckin piece of shit this no good fuckin walking genocidal goiter with hair & teeth
if this piece of shit showed up in my neighborhood I'd shove him in a garbage pail and throw it off the nearest cliff
I'm embarrassed to have even saved his pic for this thread I'm gonna immediately delete it after I post this

What do you think of him, /leftypol/?


>>485822 (OP)
mogs me.




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>>485822 (OP)
Probably the worst regime-leader the UK had in a long while.
During his reign, thugs are being let loos on journalists to punish them for demonstrating moral decency regarding the genocide in Palestine.
When asked whether playing missile-roulette with the Russians could endanger the UK, he looked puzzled as if he had trouble grasping the concept, like he was thinking danger ? i have access to a bunker, i'm safe . Definitely part of the WW3 lobby.
He has this uncanny valley animatronic puppet vibe, like a spy that's a little shit at faking a persona.
He's very anti-democratic, in internal party-politics as well as civil liberties.
He's extremely antisemitic for implying that the crimes Israel and the Zionists are committing are done in the name of Jews.
He's the number one reason why people all over the world are now questioning the wisdom of letting the UK have nukes.
He could be considered a demonstration piece that highlights the dangers of ruling under Zionist influence.

Your sentiment of explaining your misgivings about his policy and leadership decisions with your hands probably are somewhat common. So maybe you get to live that conversation vicariously. People used to participate in the democratic process with pies, eggs and tomatoes in an expression of culinary criticism, I sometimes wonder why that tradition faded away.


Dude is a Spycop glowie, the left should have realised that for a long time due to his background. Oliver Eagleton's journalism is very interesting to see how much Starmer glows, and it continues the typical UK left since the 1970s trend of being tricked by MI5 undercovers to do it's bidding.
I just find it sad that nobody really continued on the Corbyn project, and instead, the UK left just descended back into extremist gender Idpol, Israel/Palestine, sucking off Muslims, cringe levels of cultural and national self-hatred and open borders.
It was very funny watching Corbyn and the left, championing 40,000 new police and a tough on crime line, to literally BLM, "ACAB" and rioting, based on events in the US, none of which make any sense in the UK because UK police are near non-existent (unless you make a no no post online) and are massive fucking pussies who i've seen literally get bullied and run away from teenagers shouting mean words at them.
Watching the entire British left shoot itself in the foot with the Chris Kaba dindunuttin stuff (dude was a gangland hitman) and with further "Duur mass migration is actually good for wages" shit has been satisfying I'm not going to lie. Even Shitlib Youtubers now have to straight up admit, hmm maybe having wages stick around 10 quid an hour for literal decades, while importing millions to form violent, crime riddle ethnic enclaves, that have now raped an esitmated million women, might have been a bad idea.
UK desperately needs it's ACP/Sahra Wagenknecht party, and not one attached specifically to sucking the dick of Muslims (who will stab the left in the back the moment they get into any position to push their rightoid ethnic agenda like they did to Respect) like the Workers Party is.


M8 Starmer has literally been sending the cops to break into the homes of anyone who questions Zionism. Corbyn said that he was more-or-less asked to pledge loyalty to the Zionist project when he was close to being PM. It's not "sucking Muslim dick" to oppose it, and something Galloway understands, which is very obvious, is that creating mass migration through endless middle east war and support for Israel is a huge part of the migration problem. The civil war in Syria is a US-Israeli project. Actively causing mass migration, and then scapegoating the migrants themselves (while the capitalists exploit the surplus labor) without addressing the root cause and the material incentive of capitalists to keep causing & benefitting from it is never going to solve the problem. Being against stupid foreign wars of profit has also been a socialist cause forever; the workers are repulsed by UK support for genocide, to appeal to them is not "sucking Muslim dick," but to ignore them would be to suck necon dick & also cede popular peaceful nationalist rallying cries to the far right. Do you want George Galloway to campaign more like Kamala Harris, and get outflanked on peace by libdems? Get real.




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I am personally fine with the left being actively anti-Zionism, hell I've spent literally countless hours reading Zionist texts and shitting on Zionist relentlessly, the issue with "sucking Muslim dick" acutually has nothing to do with Israel, and more to do with the constant cover up and whitewashing of the terrible behavior and attitudes found in the Muslim community, that the left always ends up holding Muslims balls for them, then as soon as Muslims gain power in an area, they start basically instituting enforced cultural norms like harassing women not modetly dressed, relying on internal community justice and instituions rather than going though normal channels, this means, if you are a Muslim woman and you get raped, oh well, following Islamic law, you need 4 witnesses fuck you. They start harassing public schools to push religion and anti-womens rights and LGB attitudes etc, while antagonising non-Muslim locals by treating them like trash and as targets for crime.
Meanwhile the left sits around with it's dick in it's hand "Duuur We love our Immigrants, oppose open borders and you are a fascist duuuur, actually womens rights are reactionary duuur"
Also note, I actually do not single out the Muslim community here, this is an issue in so many ethnic enclaves. Even the rich Jewish community has issues like this, they treat non-Jewish locals like utter fucking TRASH and are extremely rude to a shocking level, they spout insane genocidal shit that would get you a full Daily Mail frontpage if it came from any other minority demographic, they act in pathologically bad faith ways then attack anyone who calls them out for bad behaviour as an antisemite, they have their own bullshit institutions that police themselves, with crimes like rampant child abuse and rape being covered up by Shomrim and the abusers often just given a free plane ticket to Israel.
Name a major ethnic enclave minority in the UK, and you can find pretty similar attitudes and problems in them all.
The issue I have with the British left is that they close their ears and go "lalalalalala shitlib open borders buzzword, you're a bigot lalalala" while anyone who actually lives around said communities knows what a clusterfuck these ethnic enclaves have become. When I lived up North, even the Wokie "Actually I'm a Non-Binary Space gender" Tumblrites would instantly start to spit venom like Tommy Robinson tier if you mentioned the local Pakistani community and for good reason, everyone knew of the local grooming gangs, the rapes etc the Pakistani's ran.
Again the left "lalalalala diversity is strength lalalalala"
Again, just look at the recent Chris Kaba shit, literally Gangland hitman who was murdering people "dindunuttin, he was just a black man who liked architecture" and the left continued this bullshit line for years despite being a psychopathic murdering criminal being well known.
The fact is the British left are far more interesting in sucking the dick of Lumpenproles, Self-hatred of British people and copying every single shitlib trend from America, than actually pushing Leftist policy. I've long advocated certain actual left wing structual policies here and they've always fallen on death ears among the left who would rather seethe about transhumanists or people opposing open borders or whatever.
>M8 Starmer has literally been sending the cops to break into the homes of anyone who questions Zionism
Yes, this was going to always be obvious, the dude is a literal MI5 glowie working hand in hand with the CIA and was involved in Spycops coverup. His CIA cocksucking was so extreme even Teresa May had to step in against him putting US interests over British when he was head of CPS.


Britain is uniquely bad with the Muslim community because it chooses to import terrorists to use against sovereign Arab countries like Syria. There is a reason they call it “Londonistan”. Most Muslim communities are normal. In the US we have a lot of Muslims in Michigan and they act like normal people.

Judging Muslims based on the British Muslim community is like judging Ukrainians based on the fascist Ukrainians in Canada.


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>>485822 (OP)
>this fuckin piece of shit this no good fuckin walking genocidal goiter with hair & teeth
He's jewish so if you don't like him you're an antisemite.

>Britain is uniquely bad with the Muslim community because it chooses to import terrorists to use against sovereign Arab countries like Syria.
Most british muslims are pakistani, they get priority visas because what is now pakistan used to be a colony of the british empire.

>as soon as Muslims gain power in an area, they start basically instituting enforced cultural norms
Leftists don't want to hear this but you have to look at the state of the country these people come because that's where their culture will lead you. You import people who have zero respect for women's right, lgbt rights, rule of law, freedom of religion etc. and then are shocked pikachu face when they run around like brown skinned fascists. The hilarious thing is all this panic about the rise of "right wing" ideology in europe is literally just all the muslims you let in being muslims.


>He's jewish so if you don't like him you're an antisemite.
Palestinians are ethnic semites too you know, that makes every Zionist antisemitic. Including him. Maybe he ought not count as Jewish anymore.

>Leftists don't want to hear this but you have to look at the state of the country these people come because that's where their culture will lead you. You import people

Ok the left as in socialists didn't import any people, the capitalists imported them for labor.
And the cultural aspect raises another question why didn't they abandon theirs in-favor for the western one ? Cultural assimilation is not uncommon in history.


>the capitalists imported them for labor
I don't see them working.


The reality is there was some truth in Great Replacement mythos and Starmer straight up admitted that in his immigration state address yesterday.
My theory has long been that shitlib leftists and Neolibs, have extreme outgroup bias, this means the average liberal and leftist, literally hates white people.
You see that so much with attitudes from shitlibs when talking about white people/native UK/European cultures and you think they are being dumb and histeronic, but what if that actually was forced through as a policy agenda, and that is literally how I think the left came to support open borders, which is generally a very right wing idea, pushed by big corpos and Libertarians and massively opposed historically by Leftists and organised labour. Just seeing the state of the UK, how much of a disaster current immigration policies are and how the left is still so blinkered about Immigration and still talk down on white Britons like they are absolute fucking shit, not to mention the clear attempt to rewrite British history as "black history" and how they basically dont even have white people in commercials anymore or as leads on British dramas. It's hard to come to any other conclusion. For capitalists tho, mass migration is clearly done for various reasons
>Propping up housing Ponzi scheme through artificially increasing GDP through immigration, thus keeping rates artificially low.
>High immigration/diversity = low trust, and low trust societies are less likely to organise and make demands. Ethnic tensions can also be used to tear apart coalitions like we saw the Jewish community use Idpol and Labours Muslim support to kill the Labour left.
>High immigration = more pressure on wages through competition creating deflation. This is why unions call immigrant labour "scab labour".
One of the most bizarre aspects of UK immigration. Why is it near impossible to immigrate from Canada, Australia etc oh have 30k in savings, oh pay 10k for the NHS, oh pay 10k in fees, rejected no refunds fuck you. Where if you immigrate from the Carribbean or Pakistan or India, you are basically railroaded right in, put in a council flat and put on 20k of bennies a year? Wtf?
The system is truly broken and two tier policing is clearly a thing. So what the fuck happened.


>shitlib leftists and Neolibs, have extreme outgroup bias
They are just ultra-conformists with no moral principles. They want to be "good" people and the media tells them that "good" people support reckless immigration and the ukraine war and vaccines and masks and lockdowns and "trans rights" and BLM and all the other current thing.

>Propping up housing Ponzi scheme through artificially increasing GDP through immigration, thus keeping rates artificially low.

Immigration adds artificial demand on housing, especially when the government is using taxes stolen from workers to pay for the immigrant housing. They don't need an excuse to keep interest rates low and nobody cares about madeup government numbers like GDP and CPI.

>High immigration/diversity = low trust

You can't have economic growth when people are too busy worrying about getting raped and murdered by 3rd world savages they don't have time to work and consume. Not to mention what's the point of working hard to buy nice things when a uyghur is just going to steal it from you and the police does nothing because they don't want to be called racist. If anything this is an argument for why the goal of mass immigration is to destroy capitalism.

>High immigration = more pressure on wages through competition creating deflation

These immigrants are not working though. We don't have sweatshops or coalmines to cram them into and extract value from them. What the fuck do you think a gang of 70lq somalis who don't speak english are going to do in an advanced western economy? The only reason they are here is because the government is giving them free food and housing. There is no capitalist justification for this. Capitalism would throw them their bodies into a furnace for fuel.


>shitlib leftists and Neolibs, have extreme outgroup bias
<They are just ultra-conformists with no moral principles.
They are the exact same people who would have extreme ingroup bias if they lived in 1930s Germany.


>I don't see them working.
Are you really this stupid?

The idea that immigrants don't work is one of the weirdest lies people keep repeating until folks believe it. What, do you follow every one of these people around? It's so bizarre. It's like you think they order these fucking people off Amazon and they were all made in a factory and they're all exactly the same.

Most immigrants do work, and the cheap labor is the single biggest large-scale problem.

>Where if you immigrate from the Carribbean or Pakistan or India, you are basically railroaded right in, put in a council flat and put on 20k of bennies a year? Wtf?
Maybe you're confused because the thing you're assuming is happening in this paragraph is not actually what is happening.

>My theory has long been that shitlib leftists and Neolibs, have extreme outgroup bias, this means the average liberal and leftist, literally hates white people.

Or maybe it's Santa Claus & his team of Christmas Gremlins doing it to piss you off personally. Did you ever think of that?

Maybe you have to come up with fan-theories based on spooky idpol because your desire to blame leftists and workers you don't like instead of capital is being given priority over truth, and the narrative you're getting off of social media isn't actually giving you an accurate representation of all that's going on. This is outrage porn brain.

>The system is truly broken and two tier policing is clearly a thing. So what the fuck happened.

Didn't the cops take like a whole day to intervene when Mossad agent Tommy Robinson sic'd his followers on a bunch of mosques and hotels with immigrants in them, though?
Like, maybe there's two-tier policing, but it seems like which tier gets priority varies from day to day depending on how the cops feel.


>They are just ultra-conformists with no moral principles. They want to be "good" people and the media tells them that "good" people support reckless immigration
>source: a strawman the media gave me

>Immigration adds artificial demand on housing,

So do landlords buying up & holding land & buildings lol. You don't actually need an extra supply of people to increase housing demand or reduce supply. The necessity of immigrants to land speculation schemes is pretty questionable, you're both putting forth explanations which don't hold up particularly well, immigrants are not necessary to inflate land prices.

>If anything this is an argument for why the goal of mass immigration is to destroy capitalism.

… with influxes of cheap labor and an inundation of the public with divisive idpol narratives which frame neoliberal foreign policy & economic policy as a culture clash between races rather than as the will of the rich being imposed upon everyone else?
This is an old, old playbook.

>These immigrants are not working though.

>source: I made it up


Has there ever been a more pathetic dictator than Starmer and his huge authoritarian crackdown on opposition to genocide?


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its literally written on soviet flag that "all countries should become ~commies (or proletarian)"


actually its more about ppl than countries (but you cant say that, since it mention countries too…)


*you can

>not a flood *though*



Looks like Starmer might get backstabbed by the Labour Right according to Owen Jones and the Times. Starmer also apparently hates the job as well.
Could be PM Streeting or Reeves soon. The PM revolving door continues.


Still not sure why the Brits don't just throw these guys into a bog or something and be done with it


>Still not sure why the Brits don't just throw these guys into a bog
I don't know what to think about Starmer. Alexander Mercouris, a political commentator that lives in London, said he thinks Starmer is a true believer that genuinely believes all these insane things he says.

I always pegged Starmer for a plant by the "deep-state spy blob" or what ever you want to call it. As such i imagined him to be in power because of blackmail and bribes. It certainly can't be his charm or charisma, because good grief that guy is creepy. Every time I see/hear him talk i expect Will Smith to pop out and splatter him with an anti-alien ray-gun, and then we all learn MIB was a documentary film.

The ruling class in the UK is still in the mindset of "temporarily embarrassed imperial overlord" looking for a scheme to restore the British empire. As a result they try (and mostly succeed) in purging every decent politician that wants to divert resources to restore the UK economy. In their minds the purpose of the UK is managing a global empire, producing stuff that's something that gets off-shored to the colonies. So repairing the UKs industrial system, would mean giving up on imperial ambitions.


fuckin piece of shite


that guy just keeps stepping in it




Yeah that seemed like a bad joke, pledging 100 years regime support a few weeks before the US pulls the plug on it. But they might have a ulterior motive for this, they might want to set up a Ukrainian exile government that claims to be the real government of Ukraine in order contest what ever post-war government Ukraine does. They might pull stunts like disrupting the UN general assembly and other typical neocon wrecker antics.


Now Starmer is saying that Ukraine will definitely totally be in NATO some time in the future. The absolute desperation of the British ruling class. When is the Zelensky curse gonna strike this guy down?


>Now Starmer is saying that Ukraine will definitely totally be in NATO some time in the future.
the zionist and neocon backed starmer regime is turning Nato into a monkey-house, maybe the future of Nato is having Rump-Ukraine as its only member.

>The absolute desperation of the British ruling class.

I haven't checked, but i get the impression that they bet too much on project Ukraine, the level of hysteria can't all be explained away by racist hatred of Russians.

> When is the Zelensky curse gonna strike this guy down?

There has been a shift in domestic political pandering, maybe that is a indication the starmer is loosing his political base, and he's on the way out.


So in UKstan they trying to have for profit suicide.

They're calling it "Assisted Dying Bill". So the killing is going to be farmed out to private companies, who will make money for killing people. This means Capitalist profit maximization applied to psychological torture to drive people to off them selves. Mass-murder, in plain language.

The political marketing for this heinous inhumanity, is that it would reduce the drain on society.
With ruling classes being the biggest drain on society, that certainly is a bold choice of words.


Total psychological warfare on the Haute Bourgeois there if this goes ahead.

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