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 No.7919[Watch Thread]>>7922

>Degrees are fucking worthless—limp dick energy.
>Jobs that needed high school now want degrees because employers are lazy fucks.
>Student debt piles up like a cum rag, and you’re stuck paying for useless paper.
>Graduates flip burgers with philosophy degrees because nobody gives a shit.
>Employers don’t care about skills—just flash your overpriced diploma like a stripper’s ass.
>Colleges are diploma mills, churning out degrees like a cheap whore.
>Poor kids get fucked—can’t afford the golden ticket to a “real job.”
>Degrees mean nothing when every idiot has one.
>Innovation dies because everyone’s chasing credentials instead of doing cool shit.
>Job market’s a circus—need a master’s to answer phones like a trained monkey.
>Trades get ignored because society thinks you’re a loser without a degree.
>People waste years in college to check a box for some corporate dickhead.
>Employers want PhDs for jobs that pay less than a stripper’s tip jar.
>System’s a pyramid scheme—colleges win, you get fucked.
Society says you’re worthless without a degree, even if you’re talented as fuck.


wtf this isn't a book


>wtf this isn't a book
Oh, fuck off, you illiterate clown. If you want a fucking book, go to a library instead of bitching on an imageboard. We’re here for shitposts, not your dumbass novel requests. Go touch grass, you whiny fuck.


>>7919 (OP)
There's fixes for some of your complaints

By inverting the direction of the money flow, as in paying students a wage to complete an education. That'll end the "pay to win" scam and it should recenter on skills and talents.

About the credientialism problem, that's inherent to any formal education. That probably can't be fixed. You can however ad an informal education system in parallel that is based on a mentor and apprentice dynamic, that way there would at least be an alternative path.


Sir, this is the edu board. The shitpost board is /b/.


is anything that OP said actually true?

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