>>10645This is pure idealism. It has been proven time and time again
approximately four times in leftypol timeline that there is no such thing as 'the left' and online 'lefts' lack any revolutionary potential. If you somehow manage to seize the internet culture today, ruling class can just pull the plug or censor everything and barbarism will continue like before. With one decade or shitposting and supposed theorycrafting only thing you managed to pull off is normalizing homosexuality and transsexualism among
internet revisionist MLs. You don't engage with pols, you don't educate centriste with superior theory and you don't even mock organize.
A fucking zizek subreddit has more of a substance to offer at this point in time.
If you cant handle half dozen zoomers posting gores and few robots and schizoids derailing thread, how do you plan to handle well funded spooks who will be paid to wreck you ?