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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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the world works on looks. looks are important. we human will always fully think and associate people with lighter skin color as looking better, better to look at, and is more beautiful/pretty/handsome.
we all also associate lighter skin color with being more feminine for women consider feminine. we can never change this. not a single thing anyone do and say will ever change this. you can never change how people think like this. man or women everybody think like this.

now then have and obvious answer. for the sake of use call it the “Blond Path". we need to produce white people with blue eyes and green eyes and blond hair and ginger hair. the quota would be 10 times the world population including the world population of whites with natural color hair and eyes. To do this we ignore or erase things that are a hindrance such as marriage, monogamy, family unit, relationship, and romance. Production does not stop there, we also need to group ethnic whites together with the same ethnic whites (Ex: Scotts with Scotts, serbs with serbs, and etc). Although this one is of a different program. This program also require us to get rid of the same hindrance the former program have. Both program do not see heigh, body or looks. As long as your face are not horrendous you are good, so even if your not handsome and beautiful you will still be in the program.

As part of the Blond path and to prevent dehumanization and other such unwanted idea,we will educate people. Specifically we will tell them about that one zoning infrastructure real-estate thing (I forgot the name of it) that put black and brown people in place were the chemicals,paint ,water ,walls and environment in general are doing things to their head (mind and brain) and body. In general everybody need to be educated about racist laws and myth and other such things. Other then that we need to eliminate race science and race bias in science.

In short. The world need to have industry level production of ethnic whites and more importantly whites with blue eyes, green eyes, blond hair and red hair because the world work on looks. But we also educate people so they don’t believe in race science and race biased science.

we must advertise this to every rightoid, boomers, and whites.

I am speaking as a brown.


Is this some kind of running joke I've never heard of?


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me am black man from sub sahara ooga booga
me agree world need breed more blond ook ook
only way can overcome look prejudiss iz by breed more of blond
only this way can we equalize the banana for the tally man

just in case anyone wonder how, I try this plan once in my village it worked perfect everybody very happy


go back to Mexico


What you write doesn't make much sense to me, but i can glean that you want to assert controle over reproduction. (Imposing on people with whom they can fuck). It'll never work, it failed as many times as it's been tried.


>What you write doesn't make much sense to me

I'm ESL and I'm literally special need, so you all need to try to understand what i write.

>but i can glean that you want to assert controle over reproduction. (Imposing on people with whom they can fuck). It'll never work, it failed as many times as it's been tried.

the men and woman can have sex and date and marry anybody as long as it did not disturb production of blonds/ginger. just keep taking the sperm donor/ sex by assign person.


also if a black/brown/color person have even just a little splash of blonde/ginger/blue eyes/ green eyes then they are going straight to the breeding program


also, ORG ban me for posting this thread for entire month. I should have clarified that we must use modern scientific method instead of color gradation logic.


>you all need to try to understand what i write.
We're not going to, you have to say shit that makes sense.
>the men and woman can have sex and date and marry anybody
Great, lets leave it at that.
>as long as it did not disturb production of
You can't have controle over reproduction, you can't tell people who to fuck, it's a waste of time.
Just use hydrogen-peroxide and hair-die ffs.


are u one of those people who make porn captions?


if im the president im going to clone slavs so they can rape you faggots in your death bed


If your political program is limiting partner-choice and clones that commit elderly abuse, you'll never be present of anything.

We don't really care what people look like, we want everybody to have a nice life. That also means that if you find a way to alter the genetic makeup of people to the effect of letting them choose their hair/eye-color, we won't get in your way, because, well we don't really care what people look like.

If this bugs you so much, go study biology and genetics, don't bother with breeding programs, people don't go for that, but they might go for minor genetic modifications.


I think oart of the problem with lookism is that people dont choose their looks. They have to pay money for cosmetic substabces to make them look good.
Cosmetic substances that dont change the physiological.

Gene therapy would change them directly.


Whenever rightards once again screech about wye xtinction/genocide, I always have 2 make only 1 bitchsmack on them by 1 simple fact: IF all the nonwhites in the world will gain all the political power there is 2 get, one of the 1st, if not the 1st of them would be about enforced cattle-style breeding of whites so that there would be enough of them 4 the whole world 2 bleach themselves with. Whiteness is too precious 2 get rid of, wye slaves were always much more xpensive 2 buy than slaves of different skin colors, even if the wyes had a hideous appearance besides th@ (remember sjws trying to blame this phenomena on wyes themselves?).

>To do this we ignore or erase things that are a hindrance such as marriage, monogamy, family unit, relationship, and romance.
>Both program do not see heigh, body or looks. As long as your face are not horrendous you are good, so even if your not handsome and beautiful you will still be in the program.
>In short. The world need to have industry level production of ethnic whites
>I am speaking as a brown.
Nice, I haven't even read your post yet ffs.

Slaws are honorary negroes of e*rope themselves, didn't you get the memo?


OP here. i would do sacrifice if it mean i can become slavGODS in my next life. don't you blackbrownuyghurfaggot EVER insult slavs. they are litterally the whitest, most beautiful, most communist, most ARYAN!! group of people on earth.


btw I haven't had time today or any actual focus to answer and post any actual answer or discussion or rebuttal. so I also haven't got time to post this stuff on other Chans.


also, every brown and black hated being brown and black. me included. i hate being brown you all just don't know.


>As long as your face are not horrendous you are good.

i take my words back. this i should not write. because if you are white you will never be ugly. the phrase "there is no white incel" is literally true. if you are white you are always handsome/beautiful.


it's just that beauty standard are set to borderline eugenic standard in the west that whites start to become shy.


i believe if dating shows, any shows about dating and being a hot women, and dating apps weren't a thing, politics and internet subcultures that are political would be radically different then they are now.




This sounds like copium.

White skin is beautiful but extremely fragile.
Also, your failing to account for small quare heads, thin lips, hooknoses, all of which are common in whites


>You can't have controle over reproduction, you can't tell people who to fuck, it's a waste of time.

yes we can.

>Just use hydrogen-peroxide and hair-die ffs.



>If your political program is limiting partner-choice

you can have a black and white couple as long as you keep production of whites up and do not disturb it, which mean as long as the womb always carrying assign-whites you are find. which is easier nowadays because most people in white countries will just have sex with any number of people every day without worry or guild as long as they are taken care off.

>We don't really care what people look like, we want everybody to have a nice life.

don't fucking lie. everybody do care.

>That also means that if you find a way to alter the genetic makeup of people to the effect of letting them choose their hair/eye-color, we won't get in your way, because, well we don't really care what people look like.

you are a techbro. shut up.

>If this bugs you so much, go study biology and genetics, don't bother with breeding programs, people don't go for that, but they might go for minor genetic modifications.

again, you are a techbro. shut up with this nonsense.


>Gene therapy would change them directly.

we still don't know alot of things about gene therapy and epigenetics. so the only option is to just do breeding program. we're not forcing marriage or relationship anyway. and whites doesn't care who they have sex with and how many times.


>yes we can.
No. Very aggressive attempts were made to control reproduction in the past, and population genome distribution analysis shows that it never worked. Horizontal gene-flow is stable over human history. You'll achieve nothing, except to piss off a lot of people.


Can you be more specific about your rejection of using cosmetics to change the appearance of people. It's all very surface stuff anyway. Even the genetic differences that produce differences in appearance are almost all biologically inconsequential, so you might as well just use bleach and paint. Only the follicle of hair is alive, the hair-strand is basically just a variation of dead skin cells.


>No. Very aggressive attempts were made to control reproduction in the past

example ?

>and population genome distribution analysis shows that it never worked

what "population genome distribution analysis" are you talking about ?. explain why "it never worked" ?.

>Horizontal gene-flow is stable over human history.

what makes you think we can't have that while keeping people as 10/10 white blondes?

>Can you be more specific about your rejection of using cosmetics to change the appearance of people

it's different and you know it. stop lying.

>Even the genetic differences that produce differences in appearance are almost all biologically inconsequential.

anon, you can clap cheeks of any female no matter the appearance, and it will produce healthy babies. but that is not what we're talking about.


>you can have a black and white couple as long as you keep production of whites up and do not disturb it, which mean as long as the womb always carrying assign-whites you are find. which is easier nowadays because most people in white countries will just have sex with any number of people every day without worry or guild as long as they are taken care off.
I'm sorry i'm having trouble figuring out what you want with this.

Consider my point of view, what you consider as "races" is in my mind only a label for groups that forms something like a cast system. The human species does not have actual subspecies anymore, aeons ago in our deep evolutionary past there were human subspecies, but those all went away for unknown causes. From my point of view you just picked arbitrary features to divide people into groups. You might as well group people by another arbitrary feature like height and say that "Tall-ians" and "Short-ians" are different "races"

The most generous interpretation of what you said, is that you want to have a voluntary breeding cult, that has as a membership requirement that people must look similar to each other. As long as you are not trying to impose on people that is fine.

>don't fucking lie. everybody do care.

Individual people have bias, sure. However it's possible to make "the system" unbiased. There are proven statistical methods to beat the bias out of it. Communists definitely are mechanically minded enough to ruthlessly follow through on this.

>you are a techbro

What is your objection to changing genes to make aesthetic changes to appearance ? You seem to put extraordinary importance on appearance, why object to fiddling with genes ? It would be order of magnitudes more convenient for people than anything you have proposed.


to make it simple for you:
>philipino woman like Korean males.
>we print out korean males to satisfy everyone.


>example ?
All the blood-lines bullshit.

>explain why "it never worked" ?

we don't have detailed enough records of the past to know, all we can do is statistical analysis of genetics. If past societies had been capable to controle reproduction you'd see it as reduction in horizontal gene flow, like with pets and farm animals.

>what makes you think we can't have that while keeping people as 10/10 white blondes?

Selective breeding reduces horizontal exchange of genes. Also selective breeding only works on some species. They specifically need to have a genetic mutation that causes them to copy paste genetic sequences through out their genome. Dogs have that, that's why it's easy to breed dogs. Most species do not have that, humans included.

>it's different and you know it. stop lying.

So it's a matter of fidelity. We could perhaps improve upon hair products and make designer microbes with specific optical properties that colonize hair strands. The microbes would cover new hair growth and there would be no longer a visible difference.


>What is your objection to changing genes to make aesthetic changes to appearance ? You seem to put extraordinary importance on appearance, why object to fiddling with genes ? It would be order of magnitudes more convenient for people than anything you have proposed.

WHAT… tech… anon… ? show me a technology along with method that can be used RIGHT NOW!, IN THIS TIME!, that are guaranteed to work, guaranteed to 1:1 match a blond-Stacie's appearance, guaranteed to have offspring that does not have said appearance wears off to it's former host appearance. if example you modify a pajeet to become a ginger. said modified pajeet ginger have a child with a arab. how would a technology that are available now be able to ensure that the child would be what a non mod ginger plus non mod arab be?


>to make it simple for you
sorry but you just confused me even more.


fuck you, i know your just messing with me


>show me a technology along with method that can be used RIGHT NOW!, IN THIS TIME!
Limited genetic modding will be possible in this century.
What you are proposing is selective breeding, and even in species that can be selectively bred it takes thousands of years to produce significant differences. Like roughly 30k years to get from wolves to dogs. I think that it will not work on humans at all.
Genetic modification is the closest you get to NOW!

>guaranteed to 1:1 match a blond-Stacie's appearance

A Stacie ? Lol what ?

>guaranteed to have offspring that does not have said appearance wears off

WTF ? why would it "wear off". I can't fathom what this means

> if example you modify a pajeet to become a ginger. said modified pajeet ginger have a child with a arab. how would a technology that are available now be able to ensure that the child would be what a non mod ginger plus non mod arab be?

What the… Good grief. Are you asking about heritability ?

You can make genetic changes on people that are heritable, or non-heritable. You can more or less choose whether the genetic changes are passed on, or just affect the one organism you are modifying. You could think about it like this: there are multiple repositories for genes, some of these only affect the current body, while others will pass on the genetic changes to offspring. And you can pick which one to modify.


I'm trying to be polite, when i say i find this confusing.
<printing people
is harebrained nonsense


f u im not dum. i know ur messing w me


i want 80 billion white-blondes with perfect blue eyes. i want another 80 billion white-blondes with perfect green eyes. i want 8 billion white-ginger with blue eyes. i want 8 billion white-ginger with green eyes. and i want breeding program for ethic whites and eliminate or minimize black hair and black eye (or whatever the generic color for eye that are not blue or green) in all ethnic whites.

why do you guys think it's not possible?


>Limited genetic modding will be possible in this century

>You can make genetic changes on people that are heritable, or non-heritable. You can more or less choose whether the genetic changes are passed on, or just affect the one organism you are modifying. You could think about it like this: there are multiple repositories for genes, some of these only affect the current body, while others will pass on the genetic changes to offspring. And you can pick which one to modify.

okey, so what you are saying if the world governments actually go through with my plan. the technology for gene mod would be available before i turned all the white into Habsburgs. right ?


>why do you guys think it's not possible?
'cuz you can't even get laid once let alone a billion times you dolt.


>why do you guys think it's not possible?
Selective breeding does not allow you to pick specific traits. And the billions of people you are trying to prevent form having children will not comply with your demands. And you can't force them.


>okey, so what you are saying if the world governments actually go through with my plan. the technology for gene mod would be available before i turned all the white into Habsburgs. right ?
Yes, pretty much. The chances of your breeding scheme working is slim to none, but even if it did, genetic modification would come online thousands of years before you can hope to see any results from your scheme.


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>the world run on looks. everybody listen to me, i swear it's important


not of what yall are saying even made sense. ofcourse we can cattle breed white-blondes. German blonds all have the same very specific variant of blonds while being millions (before getting killed by war), and no body had ever seen a single one being deformed


yes i can


>wahhhhh. i don't want blondes to be the dominant group because im a mutt wahhhhhh.

you are a techbro


if China comes out and overs Ukraine and Russia a breeding program plan supported directly by them then i just want to say to all of you all that i hope all of the browns and blacks you guys loved so much get sterilized


Hair-color won't make you part of "the dominant group".


yap more bitch, none of you guys who are against my idea have ever post any actual rebuttal.


also ORG unbanned me


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>yap more

How about this, somebody invents a nanite-coating for hair that can do glowing RGB-hair. Maybe that stuff can also generate localized electrostatic charges that pushes the hair into a desired shape, or even do preprogrammed motions.

All the women that care about messing with their hair, what do you think they'll go for ?
Instant result cyber-hair-goop
some thousand year breeding-program


your troon tech fantasy will never happend and if it does happend it will never be the same as my breeding program


>muh trans
says the oigha with a white ethno-nationalist breeding program proposal


you troons and troon-ish people will shit on my program but the second you """girls""" see a blond guy you are immediately spreading your ass open.


Nope that's not what motivates me. If it were up to me the only interference into biology would be for health improvements.

I realize i will not convince you that chasing after aesthetics is frivolous, so i try to nudge you towards paths that are at least scientifically plausible. I think that what ever means are invented for "enhancing biological looks" may prove useful for applications for health benefits as well.

But mainly i'm trying to get you to ditch eugenics pseudo science from the 19th and 20th century. That shit was demonstrably retarded even before genetic sequencing blew it away.


no that's not true, i masturbate to white girls with brown guys


you're wrong read about the heck cow Nazi project. Good summary in "To clone a mammoth" book I read in HS


define eugenic faggot


>As long as your face are not horrendous you are good

OP here, I take back what this part says. every whites should be in the program.


The eugenics movements in the 19th and 20th century began with promises of making "better humans" through selective breeding. The reality however was that they were a bunch of quacks who just sterilized and murdered people in the millions. It also served as cover for political violence. Many of the eugenics proponents ended up getting hunted down without mercy after ww2.

Eugenics is mostly dead ideologically. However the cabal that tries to manufacture consent for schemes that get lots of people killed, that's still there.


i do not promise "better human" faggot. i promised to overwhelmingly produce blonde whites so much so that they would not be cased after and eyed which causes terrible ripple effect.

>The reality however was that they were a bunch of quacks who just sterilized and murdered people in the millions. It also served as cover for political violence

i never say killing anyone


im convinced people here are picrel.


Take your meds.


>i do not promise "better human"
>i promised to overwhelmingly produce
It doesn't matter what you promise, what matters is that you want to do the same thing: mess with human reproduction via selective breeding.
>i never say killing anyone
i know, but if your project ever got political traction, others would hijack it and use it as an excuse for killing.

Avoid the selective breeding angle, scientifically there are no reasons to think this can work, and the politics of asserting control over reproduction are dead.
If you care so much about people having blond hair, try making genetic treatments or better cosmetics, you know something you can offer to people as a choice.


you don't give any actual answer. all you ever say was "omg this will revive le heckin ebil thirdrikorinos" and "ern only worked on papper but fail on practice like gommunism". ignoring the fact that there are woman who work as essentially birthing factory in places like SEA. might as well portray you as a soyjak if i stillhave my folder.


>It doesn't matter what you promise, what matters is that you want to do the same thing: mess with human reproduction via selective breeding.

it works. anymore "ern it never work" are just you being the same as liberals. which you might be anyway


>i know, but if your project ever got political traction, others would hijack it and use it as an excuse for killing.

only happen because people like you will portray my program as a excuse for killing. Or people like you provoke others.


You are making the assumption that every organism can be changed by selective breeding. That is obviously wrong we only managed to domesticate a handful of animals that way. Like oxen, dogs, cows, horses, pigs and chickens. It doesn't work with the majority of animals. People tried to breed Zebras, because stripy horsies, but alas they failed.

And we know why that is. The animals you can breed have a special cell mechanism that copy-pastes genetic-sequences throughout the genome, and it does that a lot. This enables a unusual type of genetic mutation. That's the thing that allows for some species to be bread. Humans don't have it, hence why you can't breed humans. Attempts to breed obedient human slaves have conclusively failed for millennia. Throughout history slaves kept on rebelling. So it's not like nobody tried, the experiment has been done, over and over, and it doesn't work.

What i'm saying is that using selective breeding on humans doesn't even work on paper.

>there are woman who work as essentially birthing factory in places like SEA.

That's horrible, enslaving people like this has a tendency to find violent ends, this will eventually seize, and it most likely will be, because who ever does this gets killed.

You have to understand the evolutionary picture, interfering with reproduction of people creates a powerful evolutionary pressure to destroy the source of interference. You can't remove your self from the equation, if you do some breeding program and tell some people that they aren't allowed to have kids. They will see you as an evolutionary enemy. That's the logic that will prevail, whatever you think your breeding program is doing, will not matter. You can't win against the biological imperative of life.

If you go down this road it will be a violent one, and you won't find success.
I appeal to you, seek out non-coercive means. Offer people a genetic-hair-color-change, something they can choose. This will be mildly controversial, and you can expect moderate political resistance, but on balance you'll find success as long as what you are doing is medically save.


>The animals you can breed have a special cell mechanism that copy-pastes genetic-sequences throughout the genome, and it does that a lot. This enables a unusual type of genetic mutation. That's the thing that allows for some species to be bread.
What in the world is this psychobabble? Take a genetics class please.


The world will be ran by working class "mutts"


tfw no working class "mutt" gf


then you unerstand that criminalising yputh sexuality is just like forcing eugenics.

The criminalisation of young adult sexuality is what makes angst and other at risk behaviors in youth.


it's literally just pregnancy. were not forcing women to marry or be shackled. the women will be taken care off. outside that the woman is free to do whatever she want.
>boohoo job
>boohoo bills
>boohoo stress of everyday lives
all will be taken care of ffs. as long as your pregnant with the desired child then you can go clubbing or go swimming or do whatever you want. yes, we will take care of the job and money problem for you.
>but I don't want to
we will make you want it. if not then we will make you do it. or else…….


>That's horrible, enslaving people like this has a tendency to find violent ends, this will eventually seize, and it most likely will be, because who ever does this gets killed.

those women do it voluntarily. but that doesn't matter if I impose my will onto the whole world


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not politically viable


Maybe you should make power fantasy video games in the style of Populous or Black&white.


I am here to prevent things such these from happening. I am the one who will dissolve human flesh leaving only those who deserve eternal life . I know you Yaaquub the great scientist the mad who started this graftation and cloning project. I am yellowish brown I value Plasma over Melanin so either I will devour every one or I'll spare . The futur is near to reveal the truth . No black no white no brown no melaninite no pale are of value to me . I choose only those who have the eye to hear and the ear to discern .


I am here to prevent things such these from happening. I am the one who will dissolve human flesh leaving only those who deserve eternal life . I know you Yaaquub the great scientist the mad who started this graftation and cloning project. I am yellowish brown I value Plasma over Melanin so either I will devour every one or I'll spare . The futur is near to reveal the truth . No black no white no brown no melaninite no pale are of value to me . I choose only those who have the eye to hear and the ear to discern .


>I choose only those who have the eye to hear
hearing with your eyes might be a problem


It's a metaphor . I'm so fascinated by your works . I'm a fan 😎


You genetic fucker I need you by my side so I can complete my great work . Don't have keep silent . Respond . I want you on my team .


>It's a metaphor
what for ?
>my great work
what's that ?


Do you know what the word " Invigorator " stands for ? I'm trying to decide . Either to wipe out humans by the program that discharge their sexual energies . Or by me devouring their mental capacities. Or to sacrifices myself for a better future . I don't care about this selective breeding shit it only serves the old scheme. The new scheme is replacement and replenwshig . Further details I'll provide . Let's talk on Fluffychat app or on Telegram .


My mortal body needs rest it's past midnight. See you later great scientist you're highly valuable and I appreciate you showed up here . Let's continue on Telegram . Do not be afraid of me I do not bite .
Here is my telegram :
Hey, I'm using Telegram to chat. Join me! Download it here: https://telegram.org/dl

Copy past the link and send me a message I'll reply when I'm available. For further information about my grand scheme and project meet me there . And don't expect people to understand what you write most of them are only weakend mind and shallow hosts they only serve as a platform .


@Invigorator7 is my telegram


Wtf who're you xir this is something straight out of baby factory or what


ah yes, my fellow based and redpilled schizophrenic(s).


I assure you I suffer no mental , nor psychological disorders . But you on the other hand might be . Hating your own skin , your own kind , your own tribe just because they made fun of your head containing 2 brains mass . Such a pity . I'm at least non less , in constant becoming into what the cosmos will be . While no futur for you or the likes of you have anything to partake in . I was actually looking for a clue about this and I found it . So humble yourself and come close or whatever dude . This comment is for the writer of that first text. Not for any newbies here .


I don't mean offense 😅 anyway . I'm your fan your work throughout the history is fascinating. If anything is happening in reality it always has it's causal reasons so anyway life is life and it is what it is . Please do accept my friendship invitation on telegram . Xoxo . If I'm redpilled schizophrenic it'd be fun talking to me 😉


Another day another conspiracy theorist gone completely mad . How the fuck you can control 8 billions of breeding people like how do you control each individual's choices and thoughts


silence those people who keep speaking about "diversity is beautiful", "inner beauty!", and "non-whites are beautiful too!". we will do the breeding program after a red victory, then we can do the program without much of a hurdle. because in truth, actual victory is achieved when we can steamroll those delusional "diversity"-people.


You need a cute brown girl (or boy idc) to blow your pent-up load into. Doctor's orders to cure your eugenicist brain-rot.

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