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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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File: 1718898888075.png ( 201.21 KB , 750x1000 , 1700605303462457.png )


I WILL make the world 99.9% into german-blondes german-blue-eyed snow whites who are always 10/10 no mater the sex/gender. so much so that every blacks and browns will inevitably be assimilated. At the same time the world will be under going a communist transition. race-science and race bias in science will be eliminated. the world will be perfect.


That’s not how genetics works, retard


Oh yeah? Well guess what, that character was saved by a black haired Asian eyed Asian man. Now what, oiygha


staff should make this into banner


isnt this the 14 words but reworded?


I have a feeling that the only thing that will transition is OP


Light features are recessive you'll always have people with dark hair and eyes, white people are literally mutants.



reactionary, rectionary, reactionary, reactionary. all of you are reactionary for not wanting to produce more krauts. i will put you all whitey who disagree with the program into BBC re-education therapy until you all get mind broken.


i should write a manifesto about this tbh


File: 1718977130392.mp4 ( 220.64 KB , 640x414 , uncle-tom-gif.mp4 )

is this you


The world will be full of racially ambiguous people/mutts.




It's already happening


only way to overcome racism is designer genetic engineering or transhumanism


bourgeoise propaganda


stfu techbro


what if you do gene editing but it turns out you don't know gene editing well enough, so you damage some genes or something and now they're susceptible to diseases or something else going wrong


hence why we need to breed them NOW!!!!




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