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File: 1629044840359.png ( 715.51 KB , 454x1199 , janny.png )

 No.10032[View All]

Site-Wide Feedback Thread
Complain about bans and other meta related things

Board Logs
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109 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


There's a list of boards hard-coded to be excluded from the overboard in the this file here:

It's threads from all the boards except for 'assembly', 'assembly_archive', 'gulag', 'b', 'R9K'


It's not that simple of a change to the board software unfortunately. lainchan is sorta geared towards youtube specifically and it would be a small project to get peertube to work. If any anon is capable or motivated enough to help with this please do!


Ban the AI-generated spam


Please do this


Why was I getting a "Board Locked" error earlier today?


File: 1698908005446.jpg ( 96.92 KB , 425x282 , ragefist.jpg )

What do you do once you've triggered the anti-spam filter's feelings? I try to alter my image and text in increments and it just catches everything and nothing works.


The the mods provide an occasional report on the stats for this site.

Specifically, how has traffic grown or shrunk compared to this time last year?


I have manually removed your post from the filter, so you should be able to make it now.

I will ask if we keep this data. But from my own recollection, since the site was created:
0-12 months: <100 weekly IPs
12-24 months: 100-200 weekly IPs
24 months onwards: 200-300 weekly IPs

Numbers are going up, just not very quickly. We have not been advertising the site though, meaning all of this growth is organic.


Cuz I locked them all by accident.

I dont think anyone was saving actual stats sorry. It's been slowly growing, but obviously there's room for improvement in that regard.


Did you get any errors while posting? Or why do you think it caught your image in the first place?


Here's an example of another user who doesn't like webp, just posting this here:


File: 1702587397914.png ( 174.15 KB , 350x262 , rage against the machine.png )

Whelp, caught in the fucking filter again. I try to post a simple thread OP, the site doesn't like my image for some reason, and now it thinks every slightly adjusted reattempt to post the thread is spamming.



Oh and I figured out why it didn't like the image. Some motherfucker misnamed a WEBP and tricked me into downloading it as a JPEG again, which I subsequently tried to post as a thread OP. Gettin real fuckin sick of this shit. Maybe I should disable my browser's ability to read WebP again, so I can tell which parts of the web are complete cancer again.

So convert them to a non-cancer format before reposting. That is, if you can tell what they are because some motherfucker hasn't misnamed their file format.


You should be able to post your thread now and I will speak to the dev about your issue.


Would a transhumanist hate thread be against the rules on .net?
I want to make a transhumanist hate thread in which we mock and hate on troons, post troon death statistics, bullying clips, class reductionism, etc. But first I want to check if it's okay. Overall just post about how much we absolutely hate disgusting bourgeois hobbies like transgenderism and similar mental illnesses.




This issue has now been fixed. Thanks for reporting it to us.


Has it really, though? I just got caught in it again now.


This time it happened after I ran into a database error while trying to post. Tried to post again and now it thinks it's spam.


Hey Anon, I was able to post your content without triggering any database errors, but I did notice that mysql was shitting itself. I ran mysql_upgrade and it seems to have stopped shitting itself, and hopefully you can post hassle free now.

If you get any more errors, can you please verbatim post the message here? Thanks man.


File: 1706360734650.jpg ( 26.92 KB , 800x450 , Sacredtexts.jpg )

Mods stop the spammer!!


I think a spammer is raiding the /hobby/ board


File: 1706435571888.jpg ( 60.66 KB , 1200x675 , He_Can't_Keep_Getting_Away….jpg )

The fucking spammer is back


File: 1706438752314.png ( 29.53 KB , 694x175 , 000.png )

wut happened mods?????


dealing with faggot spammer. Sometimes people get caught by mistake, sorry.


File: 1706441769486.jpg ( 130.27 KB , 596x723 , 1698685190779596 169429336….jpg )

no no it was me i did it
whats with the homophobia?
also thanks for letting me rape this site again
tops LELs
Thanks jannys


File: 1706452251740.jpg ( 7.36 KB , 200x200 , cover7.jpg )

>Thanks jannys


why are you faggots deleted my "content creators" thread?

triggered much?


Speaking of content creators, can I Dasha-post here?


Suggestion: Search function for posts within boards' threads


I'm not sure what thread you're talking about but if you made it over tor there's a big chance it was cleaned up along with the recent wave of AI generated spam. Feel free to re-create the thread. If you have trouble making it, post ITT.




Based, thanks!



jewish nigger


Why was I banned and spam filtered for discussing NeuraLink and the film eXistenZ??


Open proxies may be banned without warning to deal with spam. Ban lifted for now


I tried to make a new thread

my post contained 2 URLs at the beginning/top of the message and a bunch of text i typed below it. When I tried to post it, i got an error message that said my post would only contain an URL.

I thought that it might work if i copy pasted the URLs into the middle of the post so that the first line was text i typed. Then I got an error message that said my file was send too fast.


My bad Anon, your message was rejected because I had some over-zealous rules about urls set.

It should work now if you want to try posting your thread again.

Please let me know ITT if you can't.


seems to work now, thanks


tried to make a new thread and i get an error
threads are being created too quickly


Anon did you try waiting a few minutes and posting again? The board allows a thread to be created every two minutes, and every 10 minutes if you're posting over Tor. If you think that's not the case let us know.


thanks for explaining the thing with the timer.
I got spooked and didn't want to risk upsetting a spam filter by trying to post the same thing again. I may still have the text i wrote, if i find it i'll try making the thread again.


Suggestion: Archive the 'Israel 'at war' as Hamas gunmen launch surprise attack from Gaza' threads


File: 1712611167790.jpg ( 2.46 KB , 96x96 , marxism-blackpillism.jpg )

hey, can we have a marxist-blackpillist flag?


Sure, why not. The max height for a flag is 16 pixels, if you shrink your image, make sure it looks OK at that size (might require tweaking) and post it here I'll add it.


File: 1712614662729.jpg ( 1.15 KB , 19x16 , marxism-blackpilism-16px.jpg )

how about this?






hey comatoast, why the fuck are your jannoid bitches deleting non-spam posts on fucking b? what kinda fucking triggered orgoids have you accepted into your mod team?


In the thread:
there is a strange post with the number 480817

It got text snippets from random other comments, and it references a IP adresse.

This seems very suspicious.

Unique IPs: 23

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